Exeter Advocate, 1903-4-2, Page 3fa 0 Every house needs a New Century Washer. It is the best, you cannot afford to de- prive your wife arse val- uable an aid.. 1 It has ball bearings and strong spiral springs— thoro uglily cleanses a tub -full of clothes in five minutes. Nave your dealer show it to you or write us for booklet. THE DOW'SWELt MF0. CO., LTD., HAMILTON, ONT. LAT YEAR'S HARVEST.. A review of the climate and agrie culture of last year, which ranks as one of great agricultural produce, reveals some curious facts. Canada reaped the greatest wheat crop ever own in the Dominion, Austra- lia, on the other hand, had to en- dure ndure the worst of all the disastrous droughts it has known, and the grain harvest was nearly ruined, and many millions of sheep, with thou.- sands hou.- sands of cattle, perished. CANADA'S aatJ LEANING g* BESDENTIAL 6 LLWYWSJJY NEW einEMCflR NOW READY For Calendar and all Information, address, E". Tniw1TYy, TOM:111) OR t Kl> I, Ute —Ta'r ; :110 ELECTRIC DENTISTRY. It is proposed to use currents of electricity in Ocoee of anaesthetics for operations on the teeth. One pole is connected to an electrodnran pole is connected with an- electrode moulded to lit the tootle, and lined with wet asbestos to counteract any beating effect on the tooth itself. Five minutes sedfiees to render foe sensible a tooth with a single rang,'. Molar teeth anal those with several fangs require longer, SIGNS OF SPRING.. t Is a Season When 3ltost zoop'ie Foal Nieezaaiile, Ilaslipr Tire ed and Fagged Out. The spring Fee -sett affects the 'health of almost everyone =-.,. of course In diilbrent ways. With some it is a feeling of weariness after •ella;ht exertion; ethers aro afflicted with pimples road skin eruptions. Fica,ile appetite, sallow ebeeks and lash!. -lustre eyes :Bre other signs that the blood is clogged with im- purities and must have assietancee to regaainits health -giving pra,ierties, This is the eau above tall others When et' t" 'ti's ^- w e . a young and old y Q S !. heed al, tante to brace them alp, antt the best: tonic rn'' anti lfa"r c ac. a c ccs has dise'overed is Dr, Williams' Finn Pills. These pills tone the nerves end AU the veins with new. pure, Kell. red blood. That's why they give you a healthy appetite and cure tt11 blood and nerve diseal„"es —anae- mia, fn;sin dewse, erysipelas, rlacn- matisnt, neuralgia, palpitation of the heart anti a score of other troubles caused by bad blood and had blood alone. 1)r. Williams' Pink Tills will -give you new blood, new lite, new energy --- you cannot do better than start taking: them to -day. Mr. Jos. raider, ltr.p,p,, Grand Anse.. N. B., says: "Both nay wife and daughter have been greatly ben - edited by Dr. Williams` ,fink fills. Iffy slaughter Was in very poor health; pale, thin and apparently Moonless. but through the use of 'rho ptils ehe has regained her health and is again able to enjoy life. 1 'think Dr. "Williams' Pink Pills is the best medicine when the blood is poor." Substitutes are sometimes offered, but they rover cure. If you. can't get the ;gema'ne pills from your icalor rend dire,.t to the Dr. Wil - Mews' Merliel•,c Co., Brockville, Ont., and thee will be mailed at 50 cents a boar or six boxes for $2.50. uxroly .rr•,o-� the reputation yougettap of being so muoli lichee; than you are?„ asked the intimate friend. "Very easily. I wear tiny old clothes as long as possible, and never admit that I have any money that I could load.," T�— CROSS BABIES. Some babies appear always ugly 'tempered. It can't be- all original sin either, not in your baby any- way. Your baby is nota n. cross baby for nothing. IIe is cross be- cause ho is uncomfortable. A differ- ence like magic is effected by Ba- iby's Own Tablets. They do imme- diate and permanent goad; they can- not possibly do any harm. No trouble; no spilling; no difficulty getting them into baby's xnouth; for very young infants they can be cxurnbled to a powder or giv- en in -water. They are sweet T and children like them. No mother has ever used Baby's Own Tablets without finding that they do good for children of all ages. Mrs. M. Watters, Sheenboro, Rue., says: "I have used many medicines for little ones but have never found anything to equal Baby's Own Tablets, I sine - ply would not be without them in the house, and I strongly recom- In utthcn to all other mothers." Baby's Owii Tablets cure all the minor ailments of little e ones, and you have a positive guarantee that they contain no opiate or harmful pdxlug. Sold by all druggists or mailed post paid at 25 cents, a box by writing direct to the Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Papa—"You saw that big boy whipping the little one and you 'didn't interfere. Suppose you had been that little boy?" Bobbie did think of that an' was going to part 'em, but then I happened .:to think, s'pose I was the big boy? So [C let 'em alone." SOMETHING NEW. Probably the best invention in the agricuitueal: implement world for 1903 is the new oiling device on the Massey -Harris Mower Pitman, A roomy oil chamber is placed in. each end of the pitman, and the na ,ta'ural action of the pitman throws the oil up through tho oil hole and gives thorough and constant lubri- eation wxthailfy,waste.. The bast feature of the device is that the oil dliambers are roomy and one filling wf11 last :fr many hours of cutting. We understand Massey-Ilarris Com - pees ees' are mnadcing a great hit with this nee. feature, and that it'is l l- .1 Meg ux.long-felt.;wrant. Ceylon Tea is the finest. Tea the world produces, and is sold: only in lead packets. Black, Mixed and Tarsen. pa to tet &latltsta try' 4 Setaria" Green atl!t. t -f RING, EnwAnn'S artrAL. Not Only of Ruler, but Doctor and School taster. Another sovereign besides Icing • Edward rules within the British Isles His kingdom is I3ardsey Is- land, situated three miles south ex the Carnarvonshire peninsula in Wales, where he rules with auto-, erotic sw ey. The inhabitants num- ber seventy-seven, including the . king and queen, the former being; the direct descendant - of a long . line of monarchs who have reigned in the island Loin time immemorial - The language, spakea is an archaic form, of Welsh. and is totally mina telligible to people on the mainland. stays to London paper, The ping, Kat the intervals between regal duties, tarts as doctor, schoolmaster and registrar of births,. marriages and deaths, and does not consider him- self too important to dig potatoes and gather crabs when oceesion re- quires. Ile. owes net. allegiance to England, and consequently pays no taxes. The people live on home- grown bailey* bread, butter and milk, finita the rocks afford an in- eaalt:austible supply of crabs and lobsters, which they are glad to tail tri the wandering stranger for the small sum of one penny each. They know nothing of the outside world. ua newspapers never pence trate to their isolated kingdom, The area of the Maud is about 370 acres and on tho southeast side there is small harbor whichwill ill adanit ves- sela of about forty-five 'tons. 7n the quaint cottages many exquisite ex- amples of old Welsh carving are to be found, and the beautiful ruins of the .Alrhey of St. Mary are of par- ticular interest to the antiquarian. A FREE TRANSLATION. A traveler in Tasmania canto aeross an old eettler sitting in front of bis cabin, over tho door of which was legibly painted, "Tei on pearl© Francais." A tattered, dejeeted- looking Prenclarnan came up the toad, paused in front of the hut, read, the inscription, rushed up to the Australian, anti entluisiastically kieced hint on the cheek, "'Ere, wbat'r you tip to?" said the tomer, gruffly. "Don't you leo that again.'" ""But you vas a countryman of mine," explained the Frenchman, with a smile of pleasure on his fare. "Certainly not," retorted the Australian. "But you put 'Id on reale Fran- cais' over ze door," said the French- man, pointing to tbo inscription. "Well, what does it mean?" asked the old settler. "Means?" cried the Frenchman, "It means. 'French is spoken Lore.' ., "Well, I'm fooled," said the man. "it painter chap carte along here the other day and put that up for mo. He said it was Latin for 'Hea- ven bless my happy ]tome.' " 7[II R PHOTOGRAPH. "Would you be kind enough to re- turn my photograph?" she wrote. "I gave it to you in a moment of girlish folly, and I have since had occasion to regret that i was so thoughtless in such matters.'" Of course, she pictured that pho- tograph framed and hung up in his room, and was inclined to think that he would part from it with steep regret. Just why she wanted it , returned is immaterial. Of course, he had offended her in some way, and she wished to test his love, but it is unnecessary to in- quire how. The answer to her note came the following day. "I regret," it read, "that I am tunable at this late day to pick. out your photograph. However, I send you my entire collection, numbering a little over 500, and would request that you return all except your own by passenger train at my expense." To Those of Sedentary Occupation. — Men who follow sedentary't 1occupations, ltfon. p• s, which deprive them of fresh air and exer- cise, are more prone to disorders of the liver and kidneys than those who lead active, outdoor lives. The former will find in Parmelee's Vegetable 'll Pxsare- storative without question the effi- cacious on the. market. They are easily procurable, easily taken. act expeditions ly, and they, are surprisingly cheap con si tering thea excellence, form, one at a time, sand sold them to the highest bidder. It gives me a queer feeling, I assure you, to be auctioned off like a piece of house- hold furniture, you know, Miss de 1Vluir - "Yes; I know, how you Must have felt. I' was told you brought thirty cents" - little Sunlight Soap will clean cut glass and other articles until they shine and sparkle, Sunlight Soap will. wash other things than clothes. tet Little Clarence (a youthful Solo- iron) ---"Papa, nobody can ever tell Whet a woman will de next. csln they?" Father — "No, my son; and if you could tell it would not be advisable for you to do so, for 11 you did she would be -su.e to do something else," Doctor -- "Why, how is this, my dear sir? You sent me as note stat- ing you had been attacT:eJ with uwr.ips, and I find you suffering from rheumatism.'" i aatient -.- "T.bat's all right, doctor. There r wasn't a soul in the ltouse who knew how to spell rbe utnatisiu," Ortri It r:a«ie ra drffe'aa:a'3 whether it to c:'rg:.- out; rr feee eeos a! ItheuntatisM Ctrl:?Pa;;5C a C ; :S rr ,. Jacb I"� o O./ d s;a:.rdorc;rr ap iy. tc:.* PA0."ri ii OW* , "How do you tell the ago of a, u orse, I wonder?" "Oh, adz the eWei', and ntuitiply by three:" wirE11I: LMIOIi WAS SWEET. Not 'ninny- young hunter in Canada can boast of having cut the entire crop on their fa'tlt.er's farms The two young daughters of George Welts can do so, however, Air. Wells' farm is situated one mile south of Wellwood Station: 6n the famous Carberry Plains. He cul. tivates 320 acres, Owing to scarcity or help, Miss Rclio and Miss Emma Wells volun- teered to drive their rather's Mas. e - H'arris binders trough the harvest. :1q a result of their efforts, Mr, Wells was the .first fawner on the Plains to finish cutting. IHew nmeh of the spirit of Can- ada. and Canadians there is in this!' This is the spirit which is steadily bringing out' fair nation to the fore. One of ?lir. Wells' Masccy-1Patrrel binders is six and the other four years old, and Air. Wells asserts only seventy-five cents' worth of re- pairs have been pout on them up to date, and that the binder: first bought is good for five years yet. to say nothing of the younger one. Architects estimate the weight of a crowd on a. floor at 80 lbs. to 100' lbs. to the square foot. I Carred a. Home of the mange with AIINARD'S LINIMENT. CIIfSISTOP.HL:R SAUND RS Dalhousie. I Cured a Horse badly torn by a pitch fork, with IIINARD'S LINI- MENT. T. EDWARD LLNLII'F. St. Peters, C. B. I Cured a liorso of a bad swelling with 1V'i,INARD' S LINIMENT. THOS, W. PAYNE. Bathurst, N. B. 8--59 The human jaw has only eight nyuscies, Jut these exercise a force of nearly e t a quarter rter of a ton. 1 A Life Saved.—Mr. James Brysou Cameron states: ""I was confined to my bed with Inflammation of the lungs, and was given up by the physicians. A, neigh- bor advised ane to try Dr. Thomas' Eclec- trio Oil, stating that his wife had used it for a throat trouble with the best results. Acting on his advice, I procured the medi- cine, and less than a half bottle cured me; I certainly believe it saved my life. It was with reluctance that I consented to a trial, as 1 nuns reduced to such a state that I doubted the power of any remedy to do me any good." Germany's revenue deficit for 1908 is $37,500,000,, which' is 2•a times more than in 1902. nneene ea,„ • Why do we wranear Ryubbers anti Overshoes Dealers all over Dominion say they give better satis- faction than any others. The people say they fit better, look better, wear better.—Because they are honestly made out of pure, new rubber. "Granby Rubbers wear like iron," .. nee et • tea „e„ ere "Yes, I consider my life a failure." "Ola, Henry, how sad! V31y should you say that?" "I spend all my time leaking money enough to buy food and clothes; but the food dis- agrees with ate, and. my clothes don't fit." Deafness Cannot Re Cured by meati Applications as they cannot , xa c•t The d. ea,_ed pertton of ten ear, - 'i'3 r• is only One way to cure tteefneee,. And that 1..$ by constitutioael remedies, T:eea:e i,. cavieed by an ileal ;naeq core= dltie i of the raucous naive of the Hes- taeliese Tube. alien this tube is inflame f Q ret have e•raanrablgag sound or inti,. r.;cars--a t<eariug, nn'l arae? xt is entl a yr Cin i Ei. II7,1O s is the r 4n it. nod a5111- lces tea ie llaein.e.tiona can be to%ea Out , tan •al re a> lure restored to its normal. con, Nes.ritraff m iPi pe destroyed :ore erer erre cases Dent or tea are rade:M [ ^st;ar><ia, which is nothing routman fait'.n.:tt condition of the emcees sexs. see v viii give One Jiwidred Dollars* ars' for •n ages 01 Iteaai'hess Beauseed by catarrh) t:a o framer be cured by ltaQl'~a Covert Bus'. semi foe cheaters, fee. 1'..f t°Ila til,'i t ti., Toledo. v. �•+�:�� by liruggists, 11 aI1".= I'aaiu;ly Title are the hest. Petrer. — "Why do you have Iran bars in front of your .kitchen win- dows and doors?" Shetnster-,-"To prevent the escape of the cool:. t•t woman in your our of ease, Uncertain, coy end bard to please." There is one than; that will certainly please you if you get itR ond pmt fat INVEN'TION'. We haevo reeeived from Messrs. 3.Ttle t"fan & Marion. Patent Attorneys. of Montreal, an admirable cotgaj:eadlaane of condensed information on tire subleat of Patents and everyday sta- tistical data. This little book, en- tieed "INVENTION," is jest the. proper size for the vest pocket, 2 . x laches, is bound in handsome' ee'llultiiti covers, and contains not ' cants* quadrille -ruled blank pages for eMoraudra, but also 28 f^attelae a t s:a pages s cleating printed matter including rrprising amount of novele t ueeful information oot hereto r. leabiisi;ed. Among the Item* of `40 mrilhaz vontalued in this com- e t little volanne are graphically :Meet tables ehowing the the . r �. of roiled i cel S # ter to and Patent (Mese, reoesa laleal , •Tli <tril,ution of 'United States and Canadian Patentees, Distribution .of #'. nansiian Pa`„tenteee among the dif- ferent countries, the Inventiveness of C"anuilian Provinces, the CQsnpara-'. leiventiveness of the United States and Canada, the World's Ctreateet Inventors, and legal, mark. isles for patented tu-ticles, in addi- tie,n to the very fall and 'useful des- cription e -.eription of the mode of patent and trade mark procedure and the ex - teenier, equipment of Messrs. Marion Gc Marion for their wort.. A full nohedule of costs is also given. and a highly interesting list of sonno of 'the fields of invention in which they have obtained patents. The book is prepared especially for the use of the technical and indus- trial clients of Me .—rs, Marion in Marion, and does this enterprising ilnu muck credit. It can be had fziout them by the renders of this pa - peer on request, for 10 cents. (stamps or silver"), It takes 3,600,000 grains of oats to sow an acre; 2,800,000 of bar- ley. Worms deem?ethe whole system Mother lg4'orm T:xtermitnator de- ranges worm's, mei gives rest to the suffer ere It only costs 23 cents to try it and be convinced. In London there. are 700 fire- ailarni call points. They vary from 200 yards to 400 yards apart. Ask for Mnar's and take no other, 40 per cent. of foreigners in Lon- don live in Stepaney. They are a Powerful Nervine.—Dyspep sin causes derancement of the nervous system, and nervous debility once. engen- dered is difficult to deal with. There are many testhnouinle as to the efficacy, of 1'armelee's Vegetable Pills in treating this disorder, showing Oat they never fail to proaluce goad results. By giving proper tone to the digestive organs, tbey restore equilibrium to the nerve centres. BAKER SCORED. Baker was well aware that his wife a was in the habit of rifling his �Iaz !pockets t when he was asleep, but p, ,. like a wise roan, he kept silent on the subject. One night, howeverhe awoke and caught her in the act. "Ha!" he exclaimed, "what are you doing, my dear?" The lady started. her cbeeks flu sh ed the pantaloons ,dropped from her grasp, and she was about to make a fall confession when a bright idea eneterecl her head. Recovering her composure, she said, "I was looking to see whether your clothes needed buttons." "They do, they do, my dear," he exclaimed, springing from bed; "needed 'em for weeks, months, and 1 wondered why you didn't sew 'em on, but I waited, for I was sure you would get to it some time. And. how kini'cl of you to get out of bed at this time of night to attend to 'ern! Say: what you will, there's nothing in the world like a good wife. Let me turn up the gas a lit- tle, so you'll have all the light you want in sewing 'em -on, Got your needle and thread and; the buttons? No?. Well, tell ine where they are and 1 [1get 'em for you," Mrs,`- Baker proceeded to sew on the buttons while her husband sat on the side of the bed and encour- aged her with ,Words of. praise , for her wifely care and thought for his comfort, occasionally remarking that go where he would' he would al- ways say that there was -nothing in the world like a good 'wife. +YLO ' TEA. Lead Puri ets. tali; Grecere. A % in Is He t- ouger than its Weakest Link and a Wire Vence is no trangerthan it$ Uprights. NO en.; shel]td ex^'.'ct a tr tease to hold lea 9af itself- s-.. �_�.c... .ne..r..K. . . "• _ <. r2! rt otvaa pests. The Finest weight wires ere rem° and sheave. "rhe est ' he ds thf 10 pi ce aI11 1 excfasti,� ,er t owa sh+of gee Weight. Light tie v s ;nee et, ide^�i to ti M a .e tE veli scud th ytap aft tQ lark asleta tlnca t t'aln: IIsr vcas°. groat t"tae t ae t 3:t:s, moites for Catore.;,a:e. D, Mane, Oat, tie'ifuaape ,lits t - ,.e,... otv The Fro Y�~A, i { WIRE. ma IN Fresh. .F.rozen a in catskeeleboat G,Io Herrings; $c•fs n r toe by the .°;tsh., or $1..eo pea iotr in smaller spa antics. LL:tw'irador aiie,riny^s in half barrels, l,00 TOE RAWSO . Ci to .riiAQ10 Q . LU IT TORONTO. Ars con, or water argcaa, iaavented by C'tesibitas, the Greek. obeest 140. It watt Witt at, Adexaeaklri3. Dr. Aaignst I eealg's l matztra Drops have i eeeme aaa indi'peutablo' Lifelan i v S ander-,eln iefeetntat haeme frlmsl for saif/ercug wremea. ett'caiaola' uir a aeaaea ruled 1,' tam taiF'42- ecsl para fr 05 tl. 0 nab e',.aaa1,I c14,14111S5t ink t re a dist a,'s:S. Icilt9a •� "Ma. raft el, shat Assail 3 1. do? ,D cwa'E; fo 3 6• rlapap'a,arp 3 t4 "R 011 vi er l,elssceie a,s. and 11101 toll 'teed ata r..-ente l'ae.. 1°:ff.•.. t . N g p a i1 les aaa 1Fwr O.at MAO UM* „net -vele oe • melt poem to king tla' nt." Asa Wass '1Ga a l:ra] r —:tom axtaa:c#Sgrrrlsu 5'c.auct ]fee ewer Uri 1 ,., IiaiaaaN G Alit a4 da S lia'lr Ctal ,cl A 'ewe a ( ,1(a r e n e sites were.. seezeia 1C aescattea, ere ctt33"..°ff. •u,� tether/Fa y LlY�U1441 •i' fie 1, aatf Ggc;is,.11wys 5.,1155: