HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-3-26, Page 4Stanley ftibbert 1 mr. Arthur Elliott has hooght the': Ilarbern who Ims been on an ex- S I PRIIG TIREDNESS term on the Sauble Lune known OS the , tended visie to ferends here. len Ina Cutle farm at a very rerisonable ligas week for his home in the West,--Mes, tire. Ala Alf. Seotehmere has aleol, W. Vipond, is we are eorry to learn, purchased the farce on the Bronson !gradeally growing weaker, and her re- line, OWIlea i. mr. Thos. Stephensou. i eovery es. kinexpeeted,—Me„ wee, me_ —Mr. Bolen Penh:: le, of the Bronson Laren disposed of A mare end two gela, I line. has purchased tbe fine Clydesdale ing s to Mr, D. Donovan stallion, Crossfield (No. WM) three pimsE:,s,7,4,TfON„—.A. few evenings ago Years old, front Douglas st Son, of she yeah and beeskey „„a eeeedieee, Strathroy. We wish RAI every etre- alone- with eheie einem wended, their cess in his undertaking.—Mr. GeorKe i way to the spacions reeidenee of Mr. Betes has disposed of his farm to hie . 4L0. bit they were net with brother, Mathew, for the stun of $ ielOO, la hearty welcome. The It pant of :my. Andrew Keanno.Sthelah-Y19111-4111.e. the evening svae pleesantly spent in wbe ens laser spenumg tee Wlilter sn eoeial conewreation. flaIlleSx at'. At Owego ;inn khneale has retie nee the mind hour for luncheon to lasserr-ipair,scelC ery o RN hinneagein.—Little Lola. &tighter of ea ene goeeite weron seted in the le e 1140 Mr. and Mee. Tnee. D iweem, Of the e a , r - g • ) , 14 4 • ' 1 * ph 1 i•P 3,114:114111 dine Wi2,0 nes been very ill, is i ed wean wee eneeen emu its biding reeeveriag. —*Tire LI' Gcoro.is friends of 1,1iiee and preseneed to nle. and WS. Nourishes the Life Stream and Me. Inner I:nee:Tore es-lio has been et) i yoking, aeeemipanieal by a nieelyIN'Ord, seriouely ill with beert trouble. will bet edaddee.se, Tae presentatiou WitS made Strengthens Every Organ pleased to dearer that lie is now very ' by the Miss Fanny Pinder awl Mag- gie McLean, while the ialdress was ot the Body. read by M. A. Williams. They are about leaving our midat nod tire friends took this opportunity of showing the high esteem in which they are held by aut. ede, and Mrs, yomig were somes what $airpriSed 4104 were not prepeerel Joint tin Troyee Iris kinepesed of his 1 to make any lengthy eeplies, although Tana diveng to Jeeeph Illialson, who) both wese eble to express a few words re eeniely tresved to '44' vtaLage AVM f, of thatike. Tenuch saes then eerved 'vane L;:sa,-te„ 7,iTi netennee :nee- I ere/ a, few moot. aurasements over nee in a If es ileys an ,r.' VVVIFs Latta if When an ,V394:'d La !ringinr: Ania Lang .13-Gapedt OnhealMfAction () Htlit .Livey and Kidneys Assist- ed. Strvet'BIOat.and. a • PoorCiroldiol, consideaddy unproved4 arid it is hoped with the flue Weztther he evill soon re- cover his wonted health and thet we. will eoen eee him ;await agein. The great virtnes of Pane's Celery Compound aro abundantly manifested in the spring. It is a medieine coin - pule d specially to brace the nerves' to sustain heart action, to eleense the blood and keep the stomach, liver and kidneys in vigorous health. In the sPringtime the effects of the 1,,11 E teseeseeeen peeped s ekyne end then returned to their re- 11,!;;Itel*,‘„,‘"°11.1;* the w°111es of hosmes% TI4t. ge initieens nreetting there. Mr. 1 speetive homes. wishing Air, and Mrs. ' naluseo°114 mtesi, nod the severe Tv„yea pl.wfr.013 oti4en yonna even,. hvve.,41,se,ziel pt.rity ew114;TgenSell;,,Itielyttailtittlaueila11ondee to neey Feen- ,aWdzi W;11 0.."AV es insoi- nnt owl; W -se' LIZ',4,0 k°:ZAt` k^V P-11"znO AW.A.Y.--1( IS one ir tinful leen Foveae' of the Wood, s1erange4 friends mei 1.4atieeek1 1k1 hy alt.Idiaty LI& weoli to 4.414rOlditlk'fl5 &Zak tagP44)", HA." 4/14 140 eiva,4,1Evi eieneen.e.e edeen sure of tire oldeeet residents of this clIt'diti"; In Cliatil'%""d$ tC gns" 3 , eeee,e ie The of 51 eemee 114141$10 MA neuralgia coma -melee a feet he ,11 old• 1.,e, -h. • neerese seeesee.,e; bed Lemiti teeing their horrible tortues, Ilaine's Celery .11 Compound used three or four times 44i.otly fi o ^34 h itor s,i1110' FAVVioni to ifo..r11 1" pro inve a. --Mr. T. It airee estb, wineh seta oecirrred on en.iy nor the next four week% will sfur. nish the proper ond need elements of fetene thieween nes tire . eet ieet. Alter long ainal levieg rate Theee ke„ ee, eke. eee, te ie 14141 ::2,1 4,,,d,48:424 b,v, lite for the growth and repair of the ere eses ess- h one a ne n, sree te,t. Fr,nite whole body. it AVM quiekly nuske new *e. , 8 lt oa manes- eire took a hem- 1-1(4y lUn'e. 11°1 1411°, will be' n1104,1,0 Melo:lee:end neeeed away t " een1 eeeline18 1tew litenatent:& 41L1- , 7a. - leer death wae ik little sudden. 91 • Wo;04 "/s1 Pit i:i!!10,,o' P•4t, la:1111 'keen prepa1,m 114 reeele. - 84-- liedni 7 Milltef7t, ate test enerainent if the church a -hit 1 time tweeze. and wzie rattly reeign. • Mentalet. luateVer WaiN the will of God. e %COS tleragnal Wift't 14111141 ,L4147.O orif.g 14403 Ion. find %Vie teloved lky all nd "all lk %V* I k351,1 '4 44 4:14 witto IOOPW 1V1'. Her aleath hes left in tong voral in Mr. o! 11443"v1 j4" r ' 14'" 4" • * 9,5'41 hand to effete, She W4Nti Via $94 *AW(11143 4130114Is 13."1" ""31 ASV 4'"%*161.' Ther Wicr 3." I "'Lt Ver.Ol'S 44,441, WaS litOltoritkil in SWAIN •niT eviler e tee, Flees vs'eeee lei. rieres ag„o, ond yeatts later week eak t Us, dien, et; 091 1110 11,1,4111toalibt a lL.w, Aut nd 14.1., ey of the 1:1...anstreeleeete ;he nen 111 881 -trtaeal on their faeur 00 the , 1 en n Inn porn:ate-4m% %theta. they' hare lived deroger tine oane finnan% dal led la 0 ,47 yval si She loave$ 4414r4Lf.T4 4iireell in Mr. hider•ha14 tellierel 81:4 a fetidly of the daughteys ordlop t„, jit -44 ,4 MA tar.trae14 11144 three 1'4110of ielan111 teal& 81 14314`111"1 "it' Iker* ca' Enteka. the others teeing settled near W fences nukes e 8I041 in 444:it kora h,,,,n" The emeeee prek pewee on Tues. /"I"''' 11'4""a "It '41'-'`e 14'' the anklday front liter 1140 eeiderive to St. Ce i tween the e end knee: • 4114,4140 118 11,44ned liniti 4 e 140441444, IVOPIV L 13141P41441 bik ItlaSS WAS Sling. It was attended by huge tne ratio, eefferer doing well . number who '410Ce to pay their last re- rea eonkl I* a epeettelMr. Elder feel,: t ha/skied that the cieeident wee net to t 11° tkkvilsea' TI*11""yeal es hew the sympathy a the entire 0.1.0 mere eel lime as it. eel o jay' WON A (lost* e4111 to 1 Edon Watch for one next deb kte. The eiheeet will Ike "Reeolved that n ("lane t 'tan Seivitt•O troVIter tivilltnali.IP:o14 SnI141 4" tit'llOul more than teacher who dancee. All even/ to think. the All i&iV .ide the better, so us soon ue Wt. 41:1 f.fet l. eonple to take n('gative Ade, although contrary to their con- epienee, the debete will ISOM). Lon:gut. to( Ile wae eiken last Thursday night. hy Rev. Hutton and all present weep pleased with the practical and humorous wey he handled the topic.-. Onv new S. S. library arrived very satisfacnny.—Mr. end Mrs. Gibson visited Mr. and Thee, .T. Essery Sunday Feller Boreurn—The farm, known last.—eliss Cora Kerslake visited the as the Tasker place, situated on Con. Misees Lineton on Stmday.—Misses 13, and comprising lot 3 and part 4, :Minnie and and „Teesie Luxton visited near liarlock, has gone back to its friends at Cromarty last week.—Mr. original owner, ethe Ie L. Tasker, Sr., Plum Dickens and Miss E. Smith paid sold it to his son of the same name Jr. and Mrs. F. Coates a visit last some years ago, aud moved to Harper- Sundey.— Mr. Wm. Cave had a saw- hey, where he has lived retired. Since ing bee last week. At night he gd.ye the death of his son, however, the the young folks a very enjoyable place was offered for sale and was pur- party.—Resignations aPP the order of chased by Mr. Tasker, Sr., at a good the dav. Should the many resign for gine. Mrs. Westeott and Miss intend to return home on Friday after a very pleasant stay of three inonths. ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION.—On Friday night was the scene of a very happy yet sad meeting ut Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Coates. A surprise party was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cave prior to their departure to Manitoba. A goodly number from Eden, Centra- lia, and Biddulph gathered and en- joyed themeelves with games of all kinds till Midnight. After refresh- ments, order WAS celled and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cave were asked to e,omis forwerd. Mr. Frank Coates than read the following address in a very pleas- ing manner. iluliel t Mr. &beer Dexter has pnrebesed the 111Maeste fel in of 31r. F. D. Stalker, be- ing lot 42,, eon. 4, East Wawanosh. The prime p was SMIad.-31e. Linke Rem who levently sold his farm has moved his family Blyt h. where they Iva' make their future home. NVe are eorry to lose each good neighbors but wish them every happinese in their new homee-31r. Brno, who has been con- ducting the giltiell'S Hotel at Belgrave for some time, intends giving up in a few days and coming back to his ferns in this toweship.-31.r. E. Butt has reed of his prize team to Mr. D. Don - the one ("no—nothing of the Oull")— BEREAVED.—The home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Harrison has been darkened the past week through death having entered their home and took away their infant daughter, Fanny Beatrice aged five months. Ablietion has been heavy on the parents for their three children have ell been down sick to. gether the past week with colds and pneurnonia, which was the cause of the little one's death. A. little boy, three years old also lies at death's door and their eldest child, only five, though able to be on her feet, bas a bad cold. The sympathy of the community goes mitt() Mr. and Mrs. Harrison, while the hand of affliction is slowly trying their faith in an all wise Providence, who sees all things for the best. DEAILMR, -IND MRS, CAVE. We have assetnbied to -night, the eve of your de. parture to the Praire land, to spend, probably, the hot of the many pleasant evenings in your company and to bid you farewell for the present, iting ample opportunities of judging and realizing our past generosity and kindness -we must say you are held very highly in our estimation. Tour manifesta- tions and efforts to ermdicate and abate all law things and to propagate that kind, generous af,4 sympathetic spirit could not fail to win theperpetual friendship and confidence that your numerous friends T1OVF possess. Your willinpess to give assistance which was always forthconung, your honesty in dealing with all men, your urbanity of manner and jovial disposition will be greatly missed by your friends and associates. Bub while we lose your in- tegrity we feel assured that it will brighten your future environments. Then before you depart we sincerely be that you, Mrs. Cave, will accept this rocking chair, and you, Mr. Cave, this gentleman's chair, not for its own intrinsic value, hut as a token and reminiscence of the esteem and respeot in which you are both held in our midst. We all un- animously ijoin in vdshing you God speed in. a safe journey and the Most happy, prosperous and successful career in your future home." Signed on behalf of associates and friends. Mn. AND Mos. 11COATES. Although taken wholly by so rprise Mr. Cave made a very suitable and and well worded reply. He thanked his friends on behalf of Mrs. Cave and himself for their extreme . kindness. Ee spoke in very flattering terms of he Eden people and assured them that while he was moving away from them, yet, lee would not forget theie kindness and he felt proud to say be was still under the same old neg. The presentation was very ably done by Mrs. P. Coates and Mr. R. Coates re- spectively. The light fantastic was tipped till the wee small 'hours, then after extending their good wishes and farewell to Ma. and Mrs. Cave and tbeir thanks to the host and hostess, they rat -ailed to their respective homes. Mr. and Mrs. Cave left on the evening train Monday. 1Varmanas—Wednesday the home of Mr. Walter Ounningharne was the scene of enotber of those happy events which mark a change in the liyes of two young people, for better or for worse. It WaS the niarrhtge of his daughter, Isabelle, to Joseph Rands, a prosperous young fanner of this town- ship. The ceremony was performed by .Rev. J. A. Hamilton, in the pres- ence of the immediate relatives of the parties interested. James H. Pipe dis- charged the duties of groomsman, and Miss Mary Rands, those of bridesmaid. The newly wedded pair expect to make their home at or near Constance. They have the best wishes of their many friends as they set out on the journey of life together.—A !Diet but pretty wedding was solemnized by Rev. O. R. GtInne at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Herman, on Wednesday noon, when their daughter, Miss Lilian Edith, be- came the life partner of Mr. Henry Bateman, of Brussels. A number of relatives of the contracting parties were present, and the bride received many useful and beautiful gifts. If the old adage be trite "happy the bride the sun shines an" she should never be fm - happy, as old Sol beamed in all his glory on the beautiful beide, who was arrayed in a be witching gown of white. Congratulations and ceremony over all sat down to a dainty and sumptu- ous repast, after which the happy cou- ple were driven to the station where they took the train east. The young people are very popular and the best ishes of a host of friends are extend- ed to them and may the sea of inetri mody ever flow peacefully on. Mr. ,oed Mrs. Bateman will reside in Brus- sels, tekke stoma health and long years 0 life, Mrs. S. Sheilriek, Magog, Que. gratefully writes 11 follows - /erne ei time I skittered severely from nervonsness and 'readier feeling.; of fhlritnese: I felt all used up and soy appetite WAS very poor. After ming Peones Celery Compound for a tinse. all feeling of netvousuess vvere emu- pletely benished, I am renewed in strength and general vigor. 1 eat and 414ep avoid soul ant perfeetly restored to und health." FIRED ON THE MOB. M...RIGITS RIOTING AT PORT OF SPAIN, TRINIDAD, Utempte Meat to Burn the Goveree. mesa Bitildinge Binejacitets.„ Landed to Aid Police. Kingstown, St Vincent, March 2.4,— A serieus riot Was in progress at 2-3Q. 'lock yesterday afternoon in Port oi pain, Trinidad, according to patch ipat received from that city. A snob attempted to burn the Govern - net bisildings there, and. the poliee heel to Are on the rioters, killing or wounding several among them The Britie% cruiser Pallas, at the time the despetelt was sent, was landing blue iaekets. The rioting was due to the refusal en the part of the Government to eithdrawan ordieance concerning the nesv waterworks. A demonetratien was ekede during the meeting of the Executive Council, and finally the mob stoued the Government building- and ret fire to it The riot act Was read end the police fired an die mob. The eity ie in a state of great excitement. • TRAINING THE MILITIA, rd Dnntionald's Views on Work at Croups. awe, ;NiQrell 24,—The annual r t of the 111ilitia Department which been iseued contains what Lord donald styles "a tiarrative of connected. with the Canadian /or the year ending Decesnber .• woe." 'Veld) this report the (ien- MI SAYS I have the honor aleu to " award Another special report to whin') , I have given a great deal of thought I broed the improvement of the militia. If proposals vonteined in it are c;11, - "el out they will, irt Oon, cone •/glee to the greater efficiency of the "I have proposed that in future the regimental establishmente of the active suatia shall he ut war etrength, each nuit containing in addition within it- , *eh the germ ke a mem, These pro. I posals have met Nvith your WM Minis. . Wel general apprerke,I. und I now drawing up dm establishments which * when complete I wilt submit to evil." The General offers some comments upon the campe of instruction which were lied last year at Sussex, N.B., Three Rieeers and Niagara -on -the - Lake for the officers and n, n -commis. sioned officers of the rural usilitia in battalions. He says ;—"Observation at these camps has shown me that the Canadian soldier take; thegr.eatest interest in anything which his nuelli- gence proves to him is of real prac- tical benefit. Therefore, I propose in future to leave ont marches past and ceremonial movements. and instead to convert the camps practically into schools of instruction for fitting the. .soldier to take the field, with not one item in the programme that does not make for fighting efficiency. "Though the rural militia contains a large proportion of earnest, self-sacrie ficing officers and men, it does not satisfy the requirements of a national defence force. Nominally it is a body of men eviler engage to serve for period of three years. As a matter of fact, it eonsists and always has con- sisted of a number of regiments which are almost recruited afresh every time they are called out for training. Large numbers of entirely raw men enlist before the particular training, and are perhaps never teen afterwards, no real effort being made to compel them to fulfil their , en- gagements, owing to powers of com- pulsion being quite inadequate for the purpose. Consequently it is impos- sible to carry instruction beyond the most elementary stages. Such a sys- tem is unduly expensive and ineffect- ive from a military point of view. So small is the rate of pay, and so un- satisfactory have been the conditions of training, that the best men do not enter the militia as they might. From this it follows that the non-commis- sioned officers also are to a large ex- tent insufficiently qualified for their pOstS, nor can they command ready obedience from the soldier, when, as in many cases, they are quite ignor- ant of the very rudiments of their duties. Numbers of men go out to tamp as non-commissioned officers without any previous training what- ever, and the proportion of these men who are new to the rank on such oc- casions shows clearly that there is a want of continuity in the personnel of the units. ror example, at Niagara -on - the -Lake this year, out of 1,054 non. - commissioned officers, there were no less than aso who put on the stripes for the first time. Iowan 3Ues M. Ward is visiting friends in St. Marys. --Mt'. Harry Weston. of Simeoe, was in town Wedneeday look ing over, the walks. —Miss Emma Far rel is visiting friends in Barrie. --The Reve 3. A. Ayearet, B.A., preaeln Mieeionary sermons at Crediton on Sunday, both morning Mal evQnlLig.- 3.e. Taylor has moved into mit of Mr. R. J. MeNamee's shop.—Mies Ida Mara, of Amherstbarg has fully recovered from her seige sieknees and resumed her 4uties,--3he William Rent has disposed of his farm to Mr. Wm. Elliott for a snug stum—iThe Art. Ramsao, who for some months pest has been with Die Tennant. V.$., hoe gone to stain, wherehe open an ofilee.—Mr. Chas. Isaac moved with Ins family here from Exeter on Tues. day. We welcome Mr. and Aire. Isaac to our midst and With them much hap- piness and prosperity.—The Rev, It W. Knowlee, of Crediton, one of the eleverest of the young preachers of the Methodist church, conducted ser- vices bere on $unday evening last in the absence of the pastor, Rev. J, A. Ayearst, ilis sermons were verv in. teresting and instructive they being in behalf of the Educational Society. IN'Atmeten.--Anothee interesting and pleasant event in which a flutter of excitement is always caused, oceurred at the Methodist parsonage, here, on Wednesday, March 1Sth, when Mr. Frauk Stnnlake, of Stephen, took for better or for worse Miss Ethel M. Sut- ton, of AlcGillivray. The Rev. J. A. Ayearst, spoke the words that made them man and wife. The cos- tume worn by the bride was it beauti- ful travelling suit and she presented it striking appearance. As the young couple are very popular and well- known, we are only voicing the senti- ments of their many friends when we say we wish them bon voyage over the matrimonial sea. RING F011 BA C131 STRUM TO Via ses e 21A5tVintifalf00- ota^' Fu'rUnTiON7114011V., 7eoltizewpagro4- -coNstirtmo4 pise-qp,4 nraeultie..003,24. -neRe ITAIN4feton* "aaraglq7 aert Wee eent eke, Ilea; ee !reit' sa.co Y. When a baby is coming the ex. pectaut mother needs to take special care of herself, for upou her health depends to A great extent the health of the unborn babe, If diet, etc., etc., etc., is uot watched, the Start ii life of the future offspring will not be a satisfactory one. It is a mistake to take liquid, medicines at this time, for they all contain, alcohol. Their steady use has the eat= effeet as habitual liquor taking, consuming the vitality and hardening the tissues. If you are weak You need a touie, 11Qt a stimulant. Don't take =dim. ted wine or alcoholic medicines; but take ST. IAMFeS WAFRRS, they are a tissue builder and a reconstructive. ST, Pee= 1,174nns help stomach, digest food and K11.1 the ellstriMent te htliornQetisgt4watyllteo Itc't7L.10:4k: utdilsIstreins the hind that lasts, develops and breeds the energy 'which accern. plishes much. have toa.vil, en jetties Wafer3 eoryeete. Nene bettewt De, ,T, 3ragm93, xoadmit Avg. ..57.1.1rsea IL'afera ara vet a sem reweitto: hti)e nr.Atcry14.4: 4;4041 comrveadin,c, them ta their pailogs ;remiIIvse.'a ep, re,;,rrest. WIMAV dealer-toren:7.i eeni re t Wpirotfi. -t:ICY are Islaqc4 rVout ree cell): of erive at the Canedies ralr:11: St, Imes V/afele 09.,17g8 . , Ccoarcel, en. Four Montreal boys were drowned while tobogganing on the Lachine Ca- nal, Wednesday. Does it not seem more effective to breathe in a remedy, to cure disease of the breathing organs, than to take the remedy into the stomach? Established .t6'79. Cures While You Sleep It cures because the air rendered strongly antiseptic is carried over the diseased sur- face with every breath, givingprolonged ' and constant treatment. It is invedu- able to mothers with small" childien. t Is a boon to asthmatics. Whooping Cough Bronchitis —FOR -- Croup Coughs Ce.tarrli, Colds Grippe and Eay I'ever The VaPori2cr and Lamp, which shouli in a lifetime, together with a bottk of Cresolerre, f„ $r.5o, Extra supplies of Cresolene 25 cents and r 50 cents. Write for descriptive booklet contain. ing highest testimony as to its value. VAPO•CRESOLENE LS SOLD ny :DRUGGISTS cvravwnEsn. Vapo•Cresolene Co. is° Fulton Street 365x Notre Dame Stt et New York Montreal DARKNESS AND TERROR. Soufriere's Activity Causes Wide- spread Alarm. Kingstown, Island of St. Vincent, March, 24. — The eruption of the Seufriere continues. The volcano has beeit cannonading all day, and the quantity of ejecta is apparently great- er than at the time of either of the previous eruptions, but stormy winds are driving the clouds northward. There has been a heavy fall of stones and black sand in the northern dis- tricts, which caused a few casualties. To -night the inhabitants are moving patithwards in great excitement. Bar- bados reports that darkness spread over that island at xi o'clock in the giorning. The obscurity was accom- panied by a fall of red deist. Roseau, Island of Dominica, Marell se. — Frequent, muffled detonations were heard during the afternoon of Saturday and Sunday morning from the southeast, and the clouds travel- ling westward were laden with dust. Bridgetown, Island of Barbados, March 24. ---Sudden darkness spread ever this island yesterday from g to re re a.m. Dust fell, and the nimps eere lighted in the churches andother FOR PURE MANITOBA ROtOE FAIRLY FL U kstao BEST PASTRY kyouwil WHEATLET (Brealtfast Foodk A good supply of Millfeed d Chop always on hand. Give our Flour and Pod trial and be convinced that t is nn right. Roller and Plate grinders in use to suit customers. Harvey Bros. Successots to J. See GOING OUT OF SHOE BUSINESS...—z,- liming decided to give up ti me Bueineesund pot all my time at mess. I will sell all iny souk of BOOTS AND SHOES AT COST Now is your time to secure Bargains. Reduced To $1.75. Men's Felt Boots. regular 52.25 for $1.75. Other goods in proportion. fi. SWEET, ETER. The wall of a mill at Elora, owned by the Fergnson estate, and operated by Mr. T. A. Sloan, collapsed and fell inns the rieer. The identity of the young WC/EMU drowned at Warren, .Pa., has heen dis- cleSed by Miss- Maggie Garbet of Beamsville. We have Jost received 8 new St4V,k of PIANOS and ORGANS,....000. of tbe beet oranee aril will sell ism at privee aud tee me that will enable anyone to place 10 their house one ef thoee Ileantiful eniente. In Sewing 3Inelsaut e eve eat ry SIOVIt t the beet makeeekt priees that will eurpriee you. aleo, letesine eedies and oil for all makes of ma- chines. • Sheet and ZIA Mush*. Ilynin Books, Biblee, Kee, 111WilyS in stock. We will be pleaeed to show you OUT goods. PLEASE CALL, S. MATUM 000111104.11130.1.1.4,10.4M44,0(.141,~M7u4.11%14.1•0.4,44104 EXETER I FOtlfilY. JAS. & Co 31ANUFACTie1tERS OF SILO RINGS AND CEMENT MIXERS We have for sale 1 Boiler 30 h. p. 1 Boiler 40 h. p. 1 Boiler and Engine 30h. p. 1 Boiler and Engine 16 h. p. Castings of every Description in Brass and Iron to order. Pipe and Fittings of all sizes kept constantly in stock. JAS. MURRAY & CO. Mrs. Agnes McClernent bus jtist died at Kingston at the age of 100 years. For over thirty years WO have' treated and cured all forms of Blood diseases, both hereditary and acquired. -Our New Method Treatment is original with ourselves, and never fails to eradicate the poison frorn the system: Beware or' mercury and other mineral poisons, which so many doctors prescribe for this terrible disease, as they will ruin the system. Other treatments drive the poison into the system, vabereas our treat- ment destroys the virus or poison in the blood and removes'it from the system entirely; so the symptoms can -never return. If you lia.vo any of the following symptoms consult us before it is too late: Blotches, eruptions or pimples; falling out of tho hair, itchiness of the skin, stiffness or pains in the Joints, soreness in the muscles, sore throat, ulcers or bad taste in the mouth, sore tongue, sonrness of the stomach, enlarged glands, running sores, etm Our New 1VIethed Treatment will purify the blood, heal up the sores, rernove all pains; the hair will grow in again, all organs will be restored to their normal condition. and the patient prepared to renew the duties and pleasures of life. We guarantee marriage possible with absolute safety. CURES CUARARITEED OR no PAY We trt it and cure Varicocele, Nervous Debility, Stricture, Gleet, Mood. Poison, Urinary Drains and Losses, liridney and Bladder Diseasee. READER 1. ieToyavict m you loat Has your brbf Have you any weakness? Our New Method Treatment will cure you. Consultation rree. No matter whe has treated you, write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. Charges reasonable, Books Vree.—"The Golden Monitor" (illustrated) on Diseases of men. "Diseases of Women," "Varicocele, Stricture and Gleet." .411 sent l'12.DM sealed. 140 MEDICINE SENT C. 0. D. 00 NAMES ON BOXES OR ENVELOPES. EVERYTHING COEFIDENTIAL. QUESTION LIST AND COSI OF TREATMENT, FREE, FOR HOME CUBE