HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-3-26, Page 1SIXTEENTH YEAR.
ntent-sr-lt-se-nr-ess--*-13---*--*e• Steer.
H .13 1r
)n Abs. and Mrs. Wilson are nicely set -
.;e NE W FIR M.
idledm tbeir pew home We extend
coneratulationa-Mr. Chas. Curtz is
* iflo la grippe. -lar. Stanley Wallace
left Tuesday for Gratiton were he has
work for the moonier with Mr. R. Hod-
gins. -Little Miss Helen Pickering pre-
sented a bouquet ot wild flowere to our
store keeper last week. -Several from
* Having purchased the *
i business imd good will of
Mr. A. Cottle we beg to
assure all who have falia
tared ourpredecessortvith
(Ipatron age.
thew custom and tbe peas, this neighborhood atteneen the wed -
lie generally that then' * ding of Mr. David W. Wilson to Miss
wilt be Able to precureall Illanniett OulL44.QratA 11-nn414 lanL
as Oates mentafactured by *Ildesdays
the old proprietor at our *
establietiment. We will
guarantee all our work
and we are golog to se/t
iricderate pres.
licit call
- T
The undereigued will have a
eatioad of Canada Carriage
t semolina.' s Beggies arrive
April 1s It,yital =anis a that-
eLla5 barrel- itt the Met*
141444i4: 44011 1414110 yittat,
Tite‘re ate ital it'•Ntra .1,,rireale
Itaggiiie and will halal ite.Farted
(Aare. Pan% forgi.1 the, stann.
fl4 o-lor M.YA,Mr441441444,1144.1,4F4OWN.A4.P.W.
1,14Q,N,EY 7;4 LOAN.
Slit2 have millieltai 'Private Lando for le.
reeteent tiptoe aerie or village if reolcrty.
lowt,t5t zatti7 of in ttrot.
Pterinti 5: Cantata
liarriptertacte?. Exeter.
M 'MY 11-4 LOA'S.
lbave %lame amount of private (undo tO
:Oari te.rm and villago prelvrttel at letv
rates ot Interest.
Bardoter. Mato Street Exeter
Etat Dttaterittirar At
F.Irooturs1 vz1:1,7e prResttitl Irm4lat c
rewintok Ruiz% ,...Ni.%(riailacIlinglituivit-irolli
In all p.iti*. et Manitslawal the NesIb4t
tar e.
ll`SH AND Tuner,: tones F1 1r
to tutiltrnett to ofTfcrin4 fa sale that +killable
‘1111.A, property on vomit of railing owl Nasal].
sirn Biattr. IAtito._41,4St4uid be to
on prusitro o good twilit berm rentsluing nine
rsvao,; %table (the loworbult lolith lira hew
owl Viz plmilfty 1st teem hard raid Nett woe
Mal r Cameo. Will he Si41i1 risarsinable.
eeley to
Ouse. Eseter.
BES1-1114% lionn Pon SALE.
Hein- eampostil of North half of the north half of
Lot 1. hi the 1. covirmiimi el Stephen. Situated
thrie oitarters of a mile A,nith of E..\ehr. containing'
Iriarresof choice land, riidWet; house. hard ;Ind
s..ft "hater in house. az4 too trells in fields also one
in &he BAIL*, bank harm hers cued pig houses, Ond
tithe large oriliani; -containing antics. Peara.
racplwries, stratsberrim etZ., ete. Tetvas easy. For
partioularsanply to Mrs, eons Faeter.P.O..
tir to Tim t_lanffiron, Familia=
Sate Register.
MIMI; MARCII 27. ---Farm Stock, Implements,
etc.. the property of S. It. Sanders, Lot 22, Con.
Stephen. Sale at 1 o'clock sharp. IL Brown, auet,
SATI-RDAY, MACH M -Household effects.
Puummating ontlit, wagons, to., the property te
Thos. Dearing, South of James street church, Exe-
ter. Sale at one o'clock. IL Brown, Amt.
FATDAY, APRIL 3. -Farm stock and implemente,
the Uroperty of Samuel Rowe, Lot 13. Con. 3, Us -
borne. Sale at 1 o'clock sharp. 12. Brown, and -
Public noticeis hereby given that application will
' be made to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario at
the neat session thereof for an Act to incorporate
The London, Parkhill and Grand Bend Electric Rail-
way Company, subjeat to the consent of the munici-
nalffies affected and subject to all other rights, to
elfiRmet and operate a system of surface railways,
operated by electric or some power other than steam
beginning at a point on South shore of Lake Huron
between the Counties of Huron and Lambton, thence
through the Township of Stephen in the County of
Huron, thence through the Townships of McGillivray
and West Williams, the Town of Parkhill and the
Townships �f East Williams, Lobo and London to
the City of London, in the County of Middlesex and
for ell other powers necessary for the purpose. .
A. A. Meonvisg,
Solicitor for the applicants.
Parkhill, Ont.
Dated at Parkhill, Feb. 18, 1003.
55 Horses and Cattle
Mr. As. Stanley has received instructions to sell by,
public auction, at Noffatt's Hotel, Centialia; on
at One O'clock Sharp, he fondwirig
1 brown mare 6 years old:1 roadster mare, black, 8
years old; 1 bay -gelding, 4 years old; 1 bay gelding 3
years old; 15 cows with calf at side; 10 cows springing
to calf; 4 steers, 8 years old; 2 heifers, 3 years old; 6
heifers, 2 years old; 2 young farrow cows; 0 steers, 2
years old; 10 steers 1 year old; Thoroughbred bull, 1
year old.
Jas. Stanley, a. Hunter, W. llodgins,
Allot. Proprietors.
piCool* Cotton itoot compouna
Is successfully used monthly by over
0000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask
your druggist for Copies Cotton Root Com-
post. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and
imiZttions are dangerous. Prioe, No. 1, Si per
B3 per box. N
box; No. 2,10 degrees stronger,o.
1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 3 -cent
stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont.
0-NoS. 1 and 2 sold and recommended by all.
respondble Druggists in Canada.
No. 1 iind N0,2 are sold in Exeter by.
C. Lutz and J. W. Browning, Drug.
St. Jose)*
Mr. JOttIft jambe had the aaisfeetune
a lase a veluable emote thenaugh
eaniation, tee.ently. He has since
pareleaseel weather from 3.1e. Wen, Fee,
Za11-iti1,--W'r nualerstand tlant wutlt
is In te testInIqd rat the dards here ,atoit
ne the Vet.. neatio 4'40 gone nroin
the lithe and tlie goveneinient has ranee
airether grant, two Very es-emit/al
rage for the future ptoniess ef the
eltnenet -Whet ualgio in even a
v serious sieeident haPPened
BOitOOt Of 4:104etiCh4011 Tlittteday last,
While turning tile tram airotind 4 Mr.
111-rz-enbetry% hotel the horses toot
fright oral cramped the wrirson
short, when it wan turnell diverai. "Or.
Buxton was caught in nit a a meatier
Met it tV41S impassible for bun to get
met sand only for the presence or noiod
;arid nigleanesa of 31r. A. 11,:netilivirt'
an ette,ting the teeta Mc. Inetteine lafe
walla! have been in gte0.4 tt410;1011,
IN814 he eerajp?a with '4 rev on ser k
erg nap ma sat eat/ smatelea. ITO Wa.,
EU 21W Ve 40 Q4d Zurich.
atitere lso sterelvell atteielleitee
:net retina to his home. the teen step
milss Birdie Monaton basbeeti very ill
with inflammation. For, c tierte team
were enterteined that she tuigbt not
recover, bile under the skilful treat,
went of Dr. Satton, she is now 1111. -
proving and her friends hope soon to
see ber around again. -Me, Frank Ryan
bas sola his farm to Mr. J. Patterson
for a sung SUM. Mr, Ryan intends go,
ing to Bay City, Miele, to reside.
Mr. Wm Stunt/dice is ill at pre -
bait we hope he will soon be rest
he geed health. -Me. John Gilbert'
tialey boy has limit an ettack or croup,
I blot is on the isiend.-Mr. George littr”
'Minn men wife Wive eaten op their
,ialtiele on the nal eanees31-pa33 of Me.
iGliAllivray, We wish them ell the hate
i pinese diet this 'anal stifords.-Mr,
joho a illmort seta it fine spais othorses.
!lately to Mr, A. Wateait for a gond
priee--Mr. Thoutesen, Sehuel Inspee-
tor, visited sehod, No. 0, McGillivtay,
on Friday and found thescholars mak-
ing very good proggese.-Mr. .101333;Corbett,' of Cortiettviiie, is visiting
f ti is vesinitv tie looks hale
, and bearty fora
Rye=Mr!lett% of North Daeota, has been vis -
thing h /1119 vielnity. - -We are pleased
to :en 51re,V,Shaotoklire able to lte
at annul agiarm. :after her eevean
S. Knott wive a very interestirlg
sermon &inlayin31erias 1iII einweb,
sub-ect lieiaa§.1*, the Modern lainee."
se the thinee igOlei
al (I0 U' 33S11-
thi ween.- Miss Lily Gilbert tele re -
4 angel home:in-On. sifter erending a
few weeke In Parkin% tbegoest of her
Al4a. tive, li.eree tiougA
froga non /Owes hew tee% I:tangent
to einem-se twie or the severe vied. --
t The tem:nos ecu'20 Jo !cite Mire Waletell
r wine turinaglat .ira' rau..,1145Z7 tram ..140ell.
Zarieb to the a 40::4"4. of 31e. Wi911131114
Mt'. J.,. IL Itenatie Fad at C
mater, -Du 1444, Won aaa
vaargioge4 La if. Heildlei-eles e 4W 31101)
4411,1 310Mit Va1.---313'. Wan. Jelinetee
ersiet 'hoe aft CM&
Mr. Mieten, 04' 2biaWno4. hae
ra o 43o11 232 0311.444thwith C. ilea-
leille-Mr. J. A. Williams woe in To
s matt Wee% wt. 23 tIleieZtte tfte
C.W. 4aomaial ineeting.--31re. P. Ilea
vela, of the tam., vieiting het
ilieughter Berlin. -Mr. Orville Ebnes
lane, Plattaied feann t zip to Palmate
Milo, atoll other pliteea-The following
taft Icht wok Die the Weet. Beek.
" Tr Win. Nieholson and Rennie
Arnat, ttong. - J ohn Merita who was%I-Mktg in Moinveal, bas returned U31110101hr, ill Cavalier. N.A. = Mr. Philip
Heitman recently disposen of a team
two•yeerold colts to Mr. David
Snell. for tbe snug sum a WA -Miss
inefelo who has been visiting Misr, 3141-
vitae Xi:adder, has returned to her boom
in Siingville.-Mia, J. H. Roeding
and two den liters, after a pleaearit
vied lune wit 1 friends, hare returned
to their hme oin Tilsonbur
D. :Verner, is, We are pleass to learn.
tneoverhiss from his recent illneee.
Merge*, 'Tit- hiseeel nook elle" nes'
▪ teira:oy Wertineq1110; )4. lilltiotttr. at CCM*
:NW, 22 212. 1:V741,11,114 ic
• thVi ilt6Ctlo
ors e t tat aiia1 1%taf5
::.T *1 ,;4 114:14 4:,,Z144 tot LIMO
•Mr. '.Via. IL Coatee was a &legate
to the Con:vent ion of Chosint Friend%
. whieh waa held Lotabon Monday.
-31m. le Cann anti Atter. Mirs Rube-
n/awn, after a pleanint visit with rela-
tives and friends here, have returned
their bonnet in lenulon.-RPV. Da
Harmon, of James street (+swell, Exce
ter, preached a missionary eermon in
the Oletionlist ehureh here on Sunday
The Rev. gentleman is a very ald
speaker and being well acquainted with
missionary WOO:. gave a very intereets
ing aiSeenren Rev. Hutton took hie
Islam at Heater, and will also occupy
the pulpit there on Sunday morning
unt.-rht, sale of Mr. R. Elston, ere
yesterday (Wed.) was well attended
and gooil pelves were realized. Mr.
Elston Mends leaving shortly for Ex-
eter, wbere he intends residing. 1,Ve
nre soiree to lose such good neighbors,
but we wish them many yeate of hap-
piness in their new bonte.--Mr. Wilbur
ane has gone to the Northwest. We
fish him every success. -The Epworth
League A univerrary will be held D.V.
on. April 5th and Otto Rev. In E. Mel-
lott, B.A., of Hettsell, will preach at
10.30 ann. and 7 p.m. On Monday a,
sterling, first class tea will be served
in the S.S. room followed by speeches,
recitations, music, etc. Nothing will
be left undone to make this tea worthy
of public patronage. -The poles for the
new telephone line, between Centralia
and Mt. Carniel, have been placed in
the ground. The wiring and other
necessaries to complete the line will
be Brushed this week, and the "Hello,"
expression will soon be brought into
prominence in this section. -The re-
mains of the late James Rogers, of To-
ronto Junction, formerly a resident
of this Place,. were brought here for
burial by train last evening (Wednes-
day.) The deceased was 77 years and
9 months old and leaves a family of
several sons and two daughters.
Alf. lIentlrleh. lute returned to his
home in Berlin. -Mr. Slack lute mired
here from St. nrarys. -Mr. Win. Wick-
ert, of Toronto, visited his fatally here
last week. Htt intends removing them
to Toronto some -Miss Larkins, who
bas been in Walkerton for the past
few months, has returned to town and
is now learning the millinery business.
Mr. B. F. -Vanalstme, his daughter,
Venalstine geld hie irr tral-daugh-
, „, 4
tern the atieses SVanhain, have ve-
il:loved to Sarnia. Their friends here
were many and tbey all regret theb
departure very much, Mr. VanalStine
waS an old vesident of this town, and
for many years filled offices of public
trust, performing his duties faithfully
and conscientiously. He has reached
the good old age of 88 years and we
hope that in his uew home he may
spend the rensainder of his life in com-
fort and happiness. -Miss Bella Came-
ron, of Detroit, is visiting her mother
herte-nohn Leonard, accompanied by
bis sister, Eleanor, left a few days ago
for Mobile, Ala. -Miss Mae Manes has
gone to Midland, Where she has seam-
ed a situation as millinernneliss Kate
Leonard has gone on a visit of several
months' duration to Salt Lake City,
Utah, and California. --Miss Mitchell,
of Strathroy, and Mrs. B. Mitchell, of
Victoria, B.C., are visiting friends in
town. -Mr. j. F. Roberts was ie. Toron-
to last week, as delegate to the A.O.U.
W. ---Mr. Murdoch McLeod, who for-
merly resided here, died on the 14th
inst. at his home in Detroit. The fun-
eral was held on Monday from the R.
C. church, Parkhill, and the remains
were interred in Sb. Columbia ceme-
tery. • There sons and five daughters
NOPTIALS.-The residence of Mr. and
Mrs. George Mureh was the scene of a
very pretty wedding on Wednesday,
March 18, when their datigb ter, Miss
Sae E., became the happy bride of
Mr. Feed Eichenberger, . a prosperous
and well-known young farmer of Dele-
ware tp.., ..The -interesting ceremony
took place at high noon, old Sol shed.
ding his shining rays over the happy
couple, bespeak ing' for the bride _much
happiness. The tying of the knot,
was performed by the Rev. Mr. Holmes,
of Granton, assisted by the Rev. Mr.
McGregor. Miss Frankie Murch was
maid of honor and was very prettily
attired. The bride was attired in a.
very handsome costume and made a
pretty bride. The wedding march was
played by Miss McGregor, of this place.
Guests were present from London, St
Thomas, Detroit, Bothwell and Park-
hill. The bride is a very popular and
estimable young lady, and bas a host
of friends, not only in Parkhill but
elsewhere, as was evinced by tbe mag-
nificent gifts which she received. Con-
gratulations and ceremon3r:over all sat
down to a sumptuous and well provid-
ed repast, after which a very pleasant
thne was spent by all present. Mr.
and Mrs. Eikenberger have the best
wishes of their naany friends for their
future happiness and prosperity.
Ailsa Craig
Mrs. N. Stewart is recovering from
her long severe illness, intieb to the
joy of her friends. -Bevis Hilton has
gone to Lobo, where he will remain
for the summer, -Mr. nos. Rosser was
a representative of Ailsa Craig lodge,
A.O.U.Via, to the Gra.ud Lodge which
was in session at Toronto last week. -
Messrs. David Walters, of East Wil-
liams, and Donald Galbraith, of West
Williams, are among the commission-
ers appointed to represent the Presby-
tery at the next meeting of the Gener-
al Assembly in Vancouver next June.
-Mrs. Deihl, Miss °arming, Mrs. Ken-
nedy, Miss Anderson, Miss Walker
and Miss Chapman are in Louden ehis
week attending the sixteenth annual
meeting of W..A.M.A. of the Diocese
of Huron.
DIED IN Lonnown-Nervs was receiv-
ed here on Thursday, March 19th, Of
the death of Mr. jesse •Butler. Deceas-
ed had been suffering from a complica-
tion of "diseases .and it was thought
advisable that be should go to the Vic-
toria Hospital, London, and undergo,
treatuient He lead only been there a
few days when death came and reliev-
ed him of his* sufferinge ou Thursday,
at the age of 66 years. Mr. Butler has
been e familiar figure on our streets
and he will be sadly missed not only by
his immediate family but also by a
large circle of friends, who will learn
with regret of his death. He was a
man of sterile).- 'integrity aed WAS ft
kind neighbor and a true symyathetie
frieud. He leaves to mourn his demise
a wife and family, who have the sym-
pathy of the community in the loss
they have sustained in the death of a
loving husband and kind father. The
remains were brought here and the
funeral took ylace from his late resi-
dence on Saturday and was, followed
to their last resting place by a large
concourse of sorrowing relatives and
friends, who feel that a good friend
has been removed from their midst,
BiAldnlph I Stephen
OEITCAAT.-The grim reaper death Fred J. &Indere, teacher in S.S. No. Several of the farmers around bere
elms again carried ettety the wife of one i 3, is eor,i1Bed to hie bed tlitough illueas have ,counnenced plowing. -41r. W. Et
of the ohlest pioneers of London town- i and a conselmence the eehool has been Keys' little bay is recovering from his
ship, in tbe person of 31r.,Jolui Titoism -'5. enesed. We hope he will soon recover. recent severe illness. -The other even -
sett. She was born in this township -jr. Wes Dearing,a after pleasant ing Mr. L. Beatty had the misfortune
years ago, where ehe lived until et^ visit with friends to Marlette. Mich-, to lose his dilviug horse. He wee cher,
marriage to Mr. Thompson, wbennvith teturned borne last week. -Mrs. John int; home and when within a mile from
her husband, she moved to London Cookson is recovering from her recent home the horse dropped dead.-- Ms -
township, where she bas since resided. 1 illness. -Wood bees are tbe order of se. jun and Joe ware have, none to
Although she has not been enjoying' the day.-Iliss :NOM SAMOUTS enter- f,`i'orth Dakote.-We are pleased to see
'eccid health for many years she hove Oiliest a naludier of yoning friends to aMi....-5, Marrtha KiTs n,,„0 ag"in
er sofferinga with Christian fortitinie. li birthtlay party nu TaIeSally evening. her recent illness.
_Her demise, utivh was unlooked for. z Deming ana games were aanktigesti in ee pH) IN CLINT° ^ - r. Themes
mined n;friiiiitr morning. frown an at. until tine woe two! holm, wile44 4411 (lb' II. Mils 'and Mee stlitire ketietvait.e,
tack of pneumonia. Mre. Tboremson persed, washing her m ,
ane !sappy re. f tele Innen. in,tnnk themenlves to
was well and I; ertmklitly 11. 103' in this turns of the illey.---The Providenee Or- ceiuton oe, a yore intees.stine mission
ttliewh"),t1t 1,:;;;(1,- i;.'llrelr114elle‘olfithfrillevAtillilli stlalaviiif Eget...! gate4t1LicTINcitItteli4h4veYtijei)es13):eerLsinfigd=e;Ei'a, .11": an"lanNatn:114.447ilt3:Flife's11.1'„?iWnfaiLlgealaatri
giedotanees. The ft 11113' taint piece , ltertieiPaffel in on on^iten onlinennt Mr- them Hutu and wife. The 31 FI
front her We, resialence. lot 211 emcee.. triolin Stainisne's on Mondan eveiniong• event teona, plibee at the Ontiatie weer
sion W. to Trieity etaareb e•i'IlletrIT. 1
wale on Soudan Despite the bad eon- a 1 p:it sewage end 11124'1,4.11 wow 3V245 WT.
Crediton ii formed by the Rev. Dr. (Mord. Tile
dition of the rentiS the funeral WAS 1
SEr-i or, 'ac 5' brUi. 54u AtirkiirthmtfVana
itilit itialtravel.oneoftheislaintheinneetuoe
It F
.,i (., Z•w ::, • tit r..'.,. r,' I. i1l1'ir4I:eiS
l!li.itI4tta"e41V1,3:ia:for 54)333*' PThe familheye ineieoseoakAa riatlw ttyThenintravtingP:rtes:othe sempathy n ib 11'3t33' entoet in Iner415anIT44:ISpeD„SYg:ge0„p1, : „this their Sai boor Of bereeverent, f,149-ett?4544=s v.J. 11 V'(1 tOPfor may years, htt intend ee,iT.ednun lntvehoie0-torlA14:41414441EgIi41M4- 44pg 04011fMreahowIpl Eeeenndawliteisand tele SMSsirinriaco)W4 wiii Own* ll
the 13io-.141
-s- a 1
• Tueliersinit h. -400,.--;,,z a',.'Liw•4 Altrai '•-•7:',‘ .4 '''-i• :='' ProSperity that thia itS
world , 1 d
ocesseile are teen eltNingi al 4.; i.IdAii, jo.ni,6,
Leilel oir4ee*SrLee.1d1inat e!e:;m:nienun7eelnaienn nw,hee1;3a:„tll3e'si.ie:lii,,1nI'lzrl1:'l21is‘sr vi':C3.1%ro2:(ii'rfthf11i:1.liltf'4':ni1‘iFN:V.,.I.I Tre. :1r)a'slivrooedepree$1"11IL8etnd:r:Fl47:(l1iif7iitiEteiLOt:-I!0I0t3 nieLy 3'h 1i.n4rt0l' i i"F‘llit:ilroge;t:lLir,mIf1 i:tliAte.P3:gii11:‘43l:P:r11;Fii.lltft41itIc villg.:1;lrfit4,R210ias1,,3:,0:4olt,furiclty)nchtitt11tt:1.ezr41!ezifaittt1:it!:.ioi1::lgilst7I41eive:1.!3i41:0;f;a11mnfsittili5i:;,"44i,tli,, :iiitlit,i3tiit,iriit_r4.i.rfr1:.t11ehis1itieiiti:Iec4"etiu11114 wy 115'f iillP"i 411igt )"ohAn 13l i 1331 14 Oil thr i1,D 211, renown as the 11141P'111lI"1*:3kor HgAie4 iatiriowa114 tlii31Teenerfame_sevenerbee nrm sep,ta. avate„-
In a f.Alv w,, ;,11.4.--.111,f„ t.C.itiiii iittanamli to t,i0ci-Jr) 1 bo zarajr a
kateiF nernilivoll fay Mr. Rogerson.
Nisi Ka -4e NoZ.% ,int. Mau iliri 14-1411 ti
*ting her entee. Mrs. ift It CANA). 2411
Woenittoen. in.i. Wearied ho333e.-313'f
O'Neil left tret
amt4olens4 ween ohetre4iiie lit
. -4heee
tea 44011e in ,odn, -toeeiaoaityT
ti'.s,eN,=rs2al.ly tenSeneforF ptiit-AitrvUeUseati, hoginninn•n ev.lioniiitthelenge; ",eIAL, g„ .324 f . i 14461ii440/-/ lly1,11401444al i,I„lat14tmlal,,,*]*'•reng4eefr !r :-114:IiAl ,aiej4123ma.tinnantinii7flans
3/te4nio1/n418, p:!e;n rip,,T1,,ii,,1w4,,,o,re 3: 1.. u. I,n. W i 1 -14f - r;114•
.l. 13 4rc:cp:gu' a ,, e.41 l
l41441u14.1L'V:1.t.. 5;evo•4i wore 11.u' i4'UiO' 3 n”, .`t.w"n , ,1 ktigPOS11. ti alsa12v11=.;4ai..ii 11,Ae417 44 -,vi 24:a,lebegvi.v3%,ciarnt:,4841in.Mt tegerni (eana13, ltf 13 LI • Q41,n,n. p,Ivt.vi„gting 1315
('1 eneeenereeewhen 1!r414tVllt:ri'1:t'l."l472'1^".Tii:.Mid1":234)234)31111iulor taw y4.napieinte jritie:fheart1,133..iu;.-%'.l:73-r P%'.fA1c41POi.4ng311t"the
nd laudselifeptner•
W'l'**' con- coiii.el44;e-rf 11".;' t4'WW1"NI 4 7423114 11 *2101 3140 VA alielte31 eilrektiglit ..
e'tSotrin. g1%.;,e'teivc
I331'313 '321 , ;-1n34, lilt42:1):47:il:3ft5lisee,itia enallaw. The lae.ellnni41104h:4eli:Z!11;:1i;;i:1::;nntht4;a131,;:4Jl7,4%1 t:ilISIIIInllell:
V0044MYVMSpTrformedbyfhNAMtrooitle nFik10412.111 foM.3132' n51 thee„aeEzra.wB.A.hebride%va;
741,11171;". 1;311It1 IA'41;*4.:'::1j41:4A11e.'it'V11‘4rt110fhandsomelyttorea In a ii..iiitifall 1r2s41111rea,„17a4tss::tIt11:1,s12.t4iitlay ,;,a11e,
veiling gown. Tie. Fount; nenisle aye for% ie.lrea ,ss
veepopihie r.,neine* _n
elettneitAIsigannierne The1e„atietiditlilleit givnreandhghly eteenord 7.ei'k'1,e,...1sup111"vintintasuwith411by gbpJ1,ior,1..p.A.onsnininvthe r isitinv riendshere, who aets.Theileol salne lois betel eels wen tendert d and IntuianInn-
to them the lent wishes for their fu-
ture luippin.oe anti prosperity. on our roads the past week mid hae ,! (404,A -owe ?HMO WO eve reminded
none emed. work. -Mr. 111, es. Either lute `. that ementee is not yet. here. -Lit er-
been gippa13t44 village ennt,table. Ile ary anti bushwee meeting or the Y.P.A.
lilippen the right twin and we trust these me wedeln (Thinealay).-- On Wednesday
Mrs. Thoes. Young, Sr., aecompnined , 3'%113 1105"3 who have 83:3(110 the nights Mr
1 - eittnP and M
Miss aR
t'Y ader were
ha bee aitaglitenin-law. Mrs. Thomas very imeoinfairtithte by their constnet wiliest iii 31144 botids of wedlock, the
Young, Jr., left on Tuesday for their will take it warning and behave them- ' Pe:oniony hiking plitee in the Luther -
respective homes in Daraphin. Man., 1 sett-ea-5/re. Itegerie sif Miehistan, fa . ian ' Int elt here. Rev. Wert offiefat-
after an extended visit with friends in visiting her Fulltrif, air. soul airs. To.„I ing. They n ill reside on the old
Klippen ftud vicinity. -Me. stud Mrs, , bias Feltner, Jr. --Rev...T. A. Selunitt, home' lead One aed a quartar miles
R. II. Taylor aud daughter, tireta, ' wife and tem returneil tst tiwir home in ' Wi.'-t. 4.i. Zarieh. May their lives he
called on friends here this week on 1 St. Jaeolie on Thursday, ate', viaiting , li rag tied prosperous.
their wey to Seaforth.- =The funeral relatives ht'*t, tint pitIsItiet11,-(seleizkli,let;ntlttis.i,i1.41%. i,,
processirm of Mr. James Kyle passed Eng) ind, the genie Meets S!.'1111-4-i'l.;11.1.4311Sli"PE8iltt`r1114;114.'d to Dr.
through Monday ott its Way tO Alia- itOtt Eng, is balling an addition to T. P. Minetugbliii in the bereavement
laud cemetery. Mr. ICyle was a gentle his dwellintra-Miss Tillie Whitton Mel he ir now had east ()vov him in the
al favorite her and his many friends troit, is visiting her pareuts, air. :11W:death of his mother, 'Mrs. Jobn Mc-
Ie23318et1 with, the deepest sorrow of his Mrs. Tohn Winiteenlit Chas. Zwiek('e lerughlin, which sad event oceurred at
eatey though unexpected demise, The made it large shipment of 5114211 to To. So elates on ;Monday, March 10, at
bore:tved family hive the sympathy of sonic) last week.. -Mrs. Wyatt visited the age of' 77 t earn„ The funeral took
tbe entire community in their deep her daughter in St. Thomas last week, place estean,,Seanssee De. being in ate
sorrowots 11 13* only it few montliselnee where she is attending Alum College, e danenentlr. Ed. :dotter, who bas
:mother, son, William, was laid to rest. Mr. John Hoffman, of Dashwood, been in the employ of Mr. E. P. Paulin,
-Mr. James Morrow, of Leriviere, was in the village Saturday on busi- hardware merchant, for some time,
Man., leaves this week for his borne. ess. -Our painter, Mr. A. J. Hill, is has accepted a position with Mr. O.
ater spending a couple of weeks here. kept busy. Our citizens have started Hartleile 'We are sorry to lose Erwin
reuewing acquaintances. Ilis many their spring house cleaning anti are as he is a rightniolly good fellow and
friends here are always glad to receive thereby giving considerable work to will be much missed bere. 31r. Hart -
visit from him. he, in company the painters :laid paper bangers. -Dr. 131113 will find him a steady and trust -
with 3Irs. 'Young, sr., and Miss Jessie Heist attended the operation of Miss worthy yonng man. -We are exper-
McGregor, spent Saturday in Exeter. Emma Brown, of this village, whicli imicing another cold snap and mother
-The plows 'have already started in was performed at the Victoria lIospin earth is annin mantled in the "beauti-
ful."-Mr,e,nohn Hall was in Zurich last
641i„ :05244...44 drafft, 14 left lot Not 1114- lita‘uhadttl S.,:"'etn4T 10 hp Attliole411 BOt
wen et neiny. sere. A,. he Ica, ei,e- :.11e. Mel lertna 1'33212113/mowing
- :14-41 W. SiZaleOme =: fi34514t;‘,4.7.3 ton the p ta t ett
011 Stagoi3F wai
3-/-h;a, Y4.,S3gpit 435 a Th..y spent very
11213 toad iee,„ -,t^.,ea.44..tetee 0,);ipk, 2o,211 :4 54363441314.
this vicinity, which is one of the surest al. London, on Monday. The opera -
indications of s Ivison is tion was successful and we all hope
having Ins dwelling house, which was Miss Brown will regain her former
recently destroyed by fire, repaired. health in the near fidurn-elaster Da -
Mr. Coulter, of Henson, is doing the yid Wein is learning the harness mak-
work.-Mrs.james Snaffle and brother, ing at Mr. James Clark's. -11.1r. Robert
Mr. Thos. Sturgeon, who heve been Wray left for Tilbury last week, where
visiting friends in Lampton for the be has accepted a situatiou as black -
past threernonths, have returned home smith. His wife and family will follow
again. Mrs. Smilie also visited friends hini in afew weeks. -Mr. Mathew Fink -
in Cleveland, Ohio, and Ann Harbor, beiner has purchased 50 acres of laud
Mich. -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Foster and from Mr. Jos. Heist for $2500. Mr.
family, who came from Michigan some Vinkbeiner now owns 200 acres of the
months ago, and who have been the best land in this townthip.-Mr. H. F.
guests of Mrs. Foster's mother, return- Either purchased a team of ponies at
ed. to their home in Michigan last week, Mr. Cottle's sale in Exeter last week.
where Mr. Foster has purchased a 160- Harry takes great pride in them. -Mr.
acre terra. During their stay here Bert Clark has secured an agency for
they made -many warm friends, all of selling wall paper and picture mould -
whom will always be pleased to hear ing for this district. Bert makes
of their welldoing.-The many friends good agent Give bins :* trial. -Mr.
of Miss Clara Anderson are glad to see Alfred Glanville, of the 4th con., held
that she has returned from Clinton, an auctiou sale. „of his live stock and
where she was receiving treatment for implements, on Tuesday. Although
her eyes, in Dr. Gunn's hospital, and the weather was disagreeable, a. large
hope soon to bear ofher recovery, number were present and the chattels
Mrs. A. Monteith, who has been very sold for a good figure. Mr. Glanville
ill for some weeks, is, we are pleased intends moving to the Northwest in a
to state, recovering. ' few weeks.
Fnese Ponciernsno.-John Moffat, OOLDEN WEDDING. -Monday the
grain dealer, of this village, has pur- home of Mr. and Mrs. Hoffman, of
chased the farm of Mr. Elam Beta on Orediton East, was the scene of a edeas -
the Loudon Road, north of this village, ant gathering of children and friends
paying for it the sum of $6,100, This for 00 purpose: of celebrating the fin
will give Me. Moffett ,a farm of 150 tieth anniversary of their wedding. A
acres. We do not know what Mi. .prograni was opened by a few brief re -
Butt intends toalo, but the people of marks, after which Mr: Wm. Hoffman
Ibis vicinity will be Sorry if era and read an address, then Meesre. Charles
Mrs. Butt shonldremove from here as and Christian lioffrnan presented them
a result of the eale' of their farm, as with easy chairs. After tea tv,as served
they are both highly 'respected and the evening .was pleasantly. spent in
popular with all. ' vocal and instrumental music. Among
AFTERNOON. -On Friday af.. those present from a distance were,
ternoon last number of the older res-
Mrs: R. Stanley and Miss Mae Stanley,
idents of the plaee, asSembled by invi- of Listowel, Mrs. J. A. IVIcgenzie and
tation at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. A. little daughter, of Kincardinei 31r.
and Mrs. Wm. Hoffman and fartuly, of
McGregor to spend a few social hours
with their aged friend, Mrs.. Thomas Zurich; Mrs. EVari8 and family and
Young, Sr., of Rossburre, Man., prior Miss Verna Quanen of Anise Craig -
to her departure for her western home. Following is the address: '
After a pleasant afternoon- spent in DEAR FATualt AND 'MonitUt.-We, your children,
conversing.over olden times and listen- have come together to -day in our old homo to cele -
bribe with you the fiftieth anniversary of ;your wed-
ing to music rendered by Miss EV815/11 ding day. We are sineerelk grateful that through an
Hotton, of Ohiselh urst, all repaired to all -wise re:vise-Ise you nave been Spared so that we
the dining room where the tables fair- have the privilege of offering you our hearty congrat-
y groaned under the weight of the de- ulations and best wishes, and of sharing with you the
joyous festivities of this anniversary occasion. We
Retorts and sumptubus repast, Prepared realize to -day, more than ever before, thab you haVe
licen good and kind to -us, and that you are Still
by tbe the hostess, and to which all did
ly interested in our welfare. DorinL, the fifty years
ample justice. At a seasonable hour of your wedded life youoir, Cols and Toys must have
the guests took their leave, 'atter wish- been many. We are deHrous to -day to tuld 30 the
declining years, by asking
ing Mrs. YOKIng It safe • and , preasan t
trey home, and also thanking Mr, and. joy and happiness of your
you to accept these gifts, as a smell token of our love
and respect for you, wishing you God's hiesSing and
Mrs, mceeregor for their kind hospital- many more years of happy wedded life in thedear old
ty. home. Signed on behalf of the children,
Sohn D.Situve, of St. Thomas, a Wa-
bash breakman, jumped from a train
and fell 45 feet into a ravine. He was
badly hurt,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Robinson
were committed for trial at Hamilton
for passing Mexican money with in-
tent to defraud.
troughs, colds, hoarseness, and other throat
ailments are quickly relieved by Vaeo-Create
Lein tablets. ten centslser box. All druggist's.
tnitemeten-At the Sante• e Line, Hay,.
on March 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Hendrick, a son.
LAPORTE-At the Sauble Line, Hay,
on Meech 14, to Mr. and Mrs. John
Laporte, a daughter.
Somme -In Zurich, on March 17, to
Mr. and Wm. Schenk, a son.
EtOGGRTEL -In Stephen, con. 2, on
- March 12113, to 51r. and Mrs. Fred.
Hoggarth, a daughter.
March 18, by.Rev. Dr. Gi ord, Mr.
Thos. H. Johns, ,to Mrs AnniePos-
tlewaite, both of Varna.
STANLA.RE-tScaTox--At th.e Methodist
parsonage, Liman, on March 18, by -
Rev. J. A. Ayearst, Mr. Fritek Stan -
lake, of Stephen, to Miss Ethel M..
Sutton, of.McGillivray.
EiciEEENBEIRGER--MuucH-At, the resi-
dence of the bride's parents, Park, -
hill, on March 18, by the. Rev. Me.
Hebnes, of Granton, assisted by the
Rev. Mr. McGregor; of Parlihill.'Mr.
Flan. Eichenberger, of Deleware,to
Miss Sadie E. March. •
MeINToSare-In Exeter, on March 22,
Marearet Scott, relict of the late J.
C. McIntosh • aged 83 years 17 days
Besreati.--On March 19, at Victoria
Hospital, London, Jesse Hamilton
Butler of Ansa Cr'aig aged:60 years,
, c .
ri3OGERS.- At. Toronto Juction, on
Meech 22nd, James Rogers, former-
ly .of Centralia,. aged 77es years, 9 ,e
CoOPtn. -In Biddulph, on. March 25th
Robert Cooper, aged 58 years.