HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-3-19, Page 8GRACE eereweePeareesesseese COMFORT What more does 4 man want for comfort elegant use,, then a Basely tailored gacineimt, whiele combines grace, style with e„se. A man wearing such g„aar• inents reuet be sat home in an society and on any oc- casion. Oar .new in ateriaalS and sal - ways competent wor kmaan- strip enable us to Meer you least seek sr evice. W. W. T A M A N. merulsaant, taail. s 1111111111111111111M1111111111101M1111 SOVeleigil ii0111 Peal np Capital. . Stapler's- ...... o 1i8tM il>~elr ti , t'Pfc,,, IramruR17o. ;>`EC "Ttt'n Oki tr'iA', Mer\ 'du1,1, Pk•+eSlid,'rxt,. Ii,. S. Halt, Esii. Genera! 1a loger,1), M. Stewart, Es Savings Bank Department. t'a 77r4 R:17,111:3 F ..te.a417,3 EXETER, CREDITO,N & e, w. (,1101lepi,''Il, lace Sit AlpMAN: 4 3TASAL7 Y. 1?E iia¢ 'ro Good clear print wall papers, Se. the yard, border to match 3c, they yard. Solid gold decorated wall pa- pers, 10 to 20c. the roll, borders to welch 5c. they'+aa ,art's, id' At Ste For lame back and derangement of the kidneys, use Dix Kidney Pills, For sale by C. Lutz, As good as any, yea the best, White and Golden Wyandotte Poultry, Eggs is for $1,00. J. SE-NIo . Mr. Robert Skinner, liveryman, of Iugersoll, last week purchased Mr. R. N. Rowers flue blaek hearse team, for which he paid the sung of 3275, For seratehes and itching of the legs bores try Doms' blood. purifier and, lotion. Sold by 0, Lutz:, Eggs for hatching from pure bred chicken. White and Golden Wyan- dottes eggs, 15 for $1,00, J. SE NOR. M. E. V. Donnelly, of Wyor#aing egotiating for the esteblieinent a weekly paper at Parkhill to known as the "Parlthiit Post" For comfort, style and qual- ity buy Quee.i. quality shoes of he at Snell & Rowe S. )Ir. and Mrs. Smith, who have oc- cupied Mrs. Crocker's house for some, arose, have moved to Andrew street and have taken up their abode in Mrs. James Miller's cottage Turkish Scalp Feed is the test dress ng and restorer of grey hair be the arl;ret, Sold by C.'Lutz, Exeter. 40 rats ca bottle. Messrs, Iiandf, r+d & Elliott shipped another eaarleaai of holes to'Winni- p leg T';osaley. It wes probably the lineet irtsneh coria horses that have left this station for a long time. Me. R. R. Rogers baying leased the eOUth half of are old Piel:ard ghost;, southofMessrc,fiaasvkins . Son's hard- ware store, will open up a general pro, duce business on the 1st of Aleph. If yen want a suit now is your time. All men and boys' wits going ,at cost, at Snail & NV S. It was reported hast week that Mr. lI ... Retro had disposed Qf his funds tan lm,asoaaess to his lircmtkrer; Mr. SaneRcawe, of ehtu' ae, tint at the time of going to press the deal bus not been lend hart is likely trio shortly, Ladies' Black hose, one and one rib. Extra quality. 2 pair fir e,, at Snell & Bowe's, egular meeting of the Wonun'a ;tote a t rat+ v.tll 1 e held in the Reeding a of the politic Library, on Friday, eta 20th, at 3 p.m. All the mem. re requested to attend and any ladies wlw are interested. r. Ovens, of London. surgeon, ocu- list and specialist, diseases eye, ear, nose and tbro.at, will be at the Corn. erciaal Hotel, Exeter, Wed. April let; Vette May 6th; Wed, dune 3rd, 1003. °lesserproperly fitted. Next visit will be Weil.. Aprd 1st, Mr. S. M. Sanders, of the 2nd eon- sion of Stephen, bus rented his idied acre farm to Mr. Thos. Shap. , of the adjoining farm. We uu deretand Mr. ganders intends retiring frtan farm life but what be intends 'Wowing he has not yet decided. As will be seen by a notice in an. othcr'colunrn, Mrs. John McMahon, n highly respected resident of the 3rd concession of Hay, died at the resi- dence of be son, Mr. John McMahon, yesterday (Wednesday) in the 7:ith year of ber age. The funeral will take place tomorrow (Friday) to the Exeter cemetery, Further particulars will be given next week. Highest price for trade, low- est price for goods. Remem- ber the store the R. Pickard store, now Snell & Rowe. SCIENTIFIC EYE SPECIAL T. P. SMITU •.., WILL IlJJ OOMMEROlAL HOUSE, EXETER Twcs days FRID(1'tliiid SATURDAY, MARCH Nth, 28th Call early and avail ,yourself of his valuable service, as this is a rare op. porttrnity to have your eyes properly tested free of ehuge. No guess work, but a scientific :certainty. Difficult eases accurately fitted. Ave WORK Ot7ARANT.En1). A lull litre of Artificial Eyes added to ogr stock. LOCAL DOINGS.l5c. the yard for all shades new tafetta neck ribbon; 00c. the pair for ladies' white chamoise kid gloves. enema. the yardStewart's. for lovely new cushion cor Two or three girls wanted as ap- prentices to learn , millinery at E. J. Spackman. Tuesday was St. Patrick's day as was evidenced by the buttonhole display of Shamrock. Mr. A. Cottle disposed of his stock and implements Wednesday, realizing fair prices. Chas. Lindenfield, of Dashwood, has accepted a position as clerk with Mr. J. A. Stewart. Only a few Men's rain proof coats left to go at $2.25. Snell & Rowe. Rev. Hutton, of Centralia, will oc- cupy the pulpit in the James street church on Sunday morning next. Mr. W. Chowan and daughter. for- merly of Anderson, has rnoved into the house recently vacated by Mrs. dorlock. Mr. Wm. Kuntz recently purchased the dwelling he has been residing in for some time from_ Miss Harrison. The price paid was.$900. Word bas been received by Mrs. Geo, Knox, that her father, Mr. Robt. Cooper, of Biddu}ph, is dangerously ill with no hopes of recovery. Ladies! you can buy a rain proof coat for $4.50 at Snell & Rowe's. Feed English'Stock Food to young' pigs and calyes and see how they will thrive, It is the best and cheapest stock food in the market. Sold by C. Lutz; Exeter.'• Perhaps the choicest lot of wais siik&ever shown in >Exeter are a Stewart's. Lovely, pure Jai) silk, 25c. the yard. Beautiful fancy stripe Jap waist, silk, 4.0c. the yard. ' Ste wart's. The London Daily Free Press says: -- Mr. Lorne Cann, of the Aberdeen hoc- key team, who was married a short time ago, was presented with an ad- dress and a handsome couch by the members of the club at their rooms a few days ago. The popular hockey player made a neat reply. Mr. Cann came to this city from Exeter last fall, and has made many warm. friends, as is evinced by the above. A young man residing not many miles distant from Exeter, who we will inital as J. H., the other night bad the tension of a revengful grudge very much mitigated. He bad been jilted by a young girl. He sent ger an invi- tation to go driving,and when she had joyfully accepted and rigged herself out in her best he cruelly sent her a hammer and a pound of ten penny - nails, with the information that she could now drive as much as she pleased. 5 only, Black silk waists tucked front and back;` fancy cuff and collar, in sizes 32, 34, 36 and 38, for $3.25 at Snell & Rowe's. Clinton New Era: — About six months ago the Broadfoot & Box fur- niture store was taken over by Messrs. Rowe, of Exeter, and Holloway, of town. Owing, however, to Mr Rowe's desire to go out of the furniture bus- iness, not only here but in Exeter, in order that he may turn his mind in another direction, the stores have been open for the reception of a bid- der. ,On Wednesday evening Messrs. 3. B. Ioover and Dr. Ball entered in- to partnership, Mr. Ball taking half interest in the marble business. This firm then turns around and buys the store and .stock in trade of Messrs. Rowe & Holloway, who .relinquish their interests Saturday night. The new firm takes possession on Monday next. It is not known yet whether Mr. Atkinson will remain as manager of the store or not, but in ail probabil- ity will for some time. With this change will also bring about another. in a short time, that of the practice of Dr. Ball, who is looking for a pur- chaser. Here is a good opening for a vet. and the Dr. should find no diffi- culty in disposing of it. We wish the new firm every success. 3Ibs. Card- board box best cream soda biscuits for 21c; 3 ib. tin box best cream sodas for 25c.; 7 bars white castile soapfor 25e; Stewart's. r Stew art sells cheap all the: time, Mrs \Vzu. 'Martin disposed of her house and preiuises at Devon on Tue day last to Mr, Isaac Hill, of the sa place. The price paid was 5,,0, Hill will move into the house shoe Rev, Henry Softly, of Toronto, cupied the pulpit of the Trevitt Me nutria church, both morning and, ening on Sunday Inst, preaching tyv very able and appreciative dtseonrs Mr. Martiu Salter has purchased t residence of the late Mrs. Spicer, uated on the London Road, a, lit south of town, for which he paid t sung of $025. He will trove into t dwelling shortly. Roy wanted. A good boy wanted to learn prin here Apply at this office, Waisted. Two or three girls as appronttces learn millinery. E. J. Spa..ekma Btac1 Barley for ,Seed, For good clean black seed barley a ply to the undersigned, Lot `h3, Con. Stephen, "' W. D. SeeeeMEs, Exeter, P Q P. Smith Coning. If you have defective eyesight don't fail to consult with T. P. Smith, the ,a_ Noted Eye Specialist, of Elora, who: we will be at the Commercial House, A'lr. Exeter, on March With, and 28th,; See thy. ""ad" in another column. oe:- AaU lin Trouizle. The London Free Press of Thursday ev. Dayis,, an Eter man, o who occasionally comes toralae city es, with aload.of meat Inc thelocal butch- ers, has to poor opinion of the city roads, s tu, Especially in his oniluns directed to tie that portion of Ricbrnond street north he that is situated between lluron and Re - he gent streets, just where tliestreetrail, way turns off from Regent Street, Ne Davis was coining along there with a double team, and a. load of some six- t- teen ki,xndred pounds of meat lasteven- ing, when the whole mutat got stuck in the mud which forms the principal to characteristic of the thoroughfare at n, that point. The mud had been getting deeper and deeper the nearer- he eaane to the city, and by the time he got to the place where the story commences the wagon had sunk right up to the wasted, Two or threo girls as apprentices to learn millinery. E. J. Spackman. We have on hand a large range of cotton dress goods, in inen, Shambrays and zephyrs, in plain and fancy stripe,love- 1.: tor waists y Qr dresses. C .y i.2ae. Snell c Rowe, Mittinery Seems., Don't forget to attend the Millinery Opening et MissMorlock's next Thu. day evening the 20th and following Miss llorne's old stand. Everyboi. welcome. Clever and Tiusottay. FOr u wanting eood elven Clave Laud Timothy seed will do well to call, on W. H. l evett before purchasing. Price ;and quality guaranteed. W. H. LRVE'rr, Se:meltable Styles is Millinery. etltbough the turban was worn dur. ing the winter, it has corny forth in straws sand in all of the dainty mater•. heloazging to Spring and Sommer. vial to the turban is the sailor bat. wer toques were never 50 a at- ,anal nothing swear a appropriate asI p lees chosen for present wear, Burnt Tuscan and black is a favorite combin- ation for the hat that is intended. for aactuul service, and black -end -white hats ate always In good style. Th the ettowus of hats will rernain lo and flatis:a ssnrcd, arid the 5quare,bGpx crown characterizes many of the shapes in straw, both email and large. Soft. highly finished satin ribbons are a feature of many of the new hate, though in less exaggerated effects thanwere cte u sed in the past flowers are also convictions season; tl e latest models, and the sweeping ostrich phone bus not yet lost favor, The aigrette is as very fashionable orna- ment. In adjusting it on the hat, it is important that it slant over the top of the hat from the back to the front. Thera are all sorts of arrangeinents for securing it. one of the most unique and pleasing of which is the jet arrow- head.—Froin The Delineator for April. Cemetery Meeting. A meeting of a number of the busi- ness men of town washeld in the Town Hall, on Friday night last to discuss ways and means for the fame welfare of the cemetery. Reeve Curling being present took the chair and called for a free and open discussion of the mat- ter, Messrs. Dickson, Gladman and others ver yy- lucidly ventilated their views on, time subject, after which a committee, composed of a number of those present, was appointed to gather a detailed statement of matters per.' taining to the cemetery and subse- quently to have same laid before the Couneil Board for their consideration. The trustees in charge of the cemetery for the past few years have made a commendable and decided improve- ment in the grounds and otheravise and to allow the splendid work already accomplished by them to lapse into its previous unseemly and unkempt con- dition would be a lasting disgrace to the town and surroundiug communi- ty. There is an equal responsibility in the proper care of om' burial grounds as is attached to our school and other public institutions, consequently the Council Board will only be doing their duty in taking the matter over. 2 only, pale blue taffeta silk waists, trimmed with tucks and fancy stitching, fancy cuff and collar, in sizes 32 and 34. axles. The good horses did the best " they could, but the wagon was fust, and it looked as though the outfit was to remain there all night, in the strug- gle to get ant the whifd,etrees were broken. Finally resource was had to as logging chain, which was fastened about the wagon, and another team was sent. for. Rot in the nick of time a street car happened along and took a pull at the chain, with the result that he wagon was finally extricated from. the sea of mud, Mr. Davis says he will ask the eltY to pay teethe broken whir- fletree and other damsga__ that wee done by his experience. He thinks it is high time for the city to put the rannd" Thor into some kind of shape so that the , people can come into the city at this time of the year without running the risk of being marooned eat near the northerly limits. r, W. T. C. k ?utas. The action of the powers that be concerning the petition to abolish the cigarette evil in Canada will be weteliedwith interest, during theal. coming :session. The petition was. signed by sixteen tbousendindividiaals.' sand ,19f a12.2Ua sserciaatiou signatcrre$. A large delegation of ladies presented the petition,vonsp .caaous akrnen►g whom ere Mrs, Rutherford, Mrs. Geggie,' .1Irs, Waters. Mrs. Mefl.ee, Mrs, Ate - Liddell, Mrs. Thornley. The latter lady in speaking gave finance to show that the stile of cigarettes in Canada is immensely on the increase. Last year there were I31,0U0,004 rn;anafaae- taared in the Dominion, besides the tinny millions imported, Attempts. at s ap'icale" c r'c' a l isl dcy o rr had failed the United States. ailed in The eigarette must he banished en. lively to stop its MN Mee. Thornley- gave statements of school teacher's and others to show the prevalence of the evil among our Canadian youth, ;and also to prove its disastrous re. sults. She asked for a law that would make it easy for boys to do right and eseape wrong.There Was only one argument against the petition, the loss to those engaged at present in cigarette manufacture. Haat what was that loss against the great loss that the habit caused to the business world. Large employers of labor In the United States to -day would not engage men or boys wbo used cigar- ettes. Children of six or eight were using cigarettes to -day in the villages of this province. Were we to follow in the wake of Spain, which owed its decline, in a large measure, to the prevelnnce of cigarette smoking. Sir ,Vilfried Laurier in reply said the facts were now for the lira time laid before him. for not being n smoker himself, and having no child- ren, his attention bad not been before attracted to it. All reforms cameslow- ly, he said, and he boped his fair peti- tioners did not expect immediate leg- islation. The government would take the matter into its serious eonsidera- tion. The premier reminded his .hear- ers that legislative power was vested in parliament and that most of the 213 members who composed the house of commons were smokers, but prob- ably if the line were drawn at cigar- ettes, and these gentlemen were left to .unmolested engagement of their pipe and cigar they would not be found intractable. In future the W.C.T.17.meetings will be held on the first and third Wednes- day of each month in the reading room of the library, commencing at half past three o'clock. The next reg- ular meeting on April 1st. A meeting of considerable interest was held on Tuesday 27th. Fourteen members present. E. ELuorr. PERSONAL. ismaimsammaismemaimaimmenramsms If ,you require 1 A P SAP PA SSAP pAuis.• T HA INK INS r KETTLESsPuivs & sox iCif TO 41- NicirrN111-1iF1109c7WW7arN.ilt Oil Cake, Linseed Meal, No,1 Timothy Seed Bed an .i _e Clover deed Blue Cfraes Seed. We have received a large stook o Barb, Spring, Coif, No. 9 and No 12 and la weaving. FULL STOOK OF QARD N SED , T. HAWKINS 4t SON Was $4.25, now $3.50. Snell & Rowe. The spring Show. At ameeting of the directors of the South Huron Agricultural Society, held at Hensall, on Tuesday week, it was decided to hold the annual spring show for the exhibition of entire stock at Bracefieid, on Friday, A pril 24th. This is a week later than usual, but as the entire horses do not start on their rounds until the first of May, it was thought this date will suit horse owners better than the earlier date, and it will also be more convenient for farmers, as, under ordinary circum- stances, seeding will be over about that time, and farmers will have more time to attend and see the stock ex hibited. The society have also de cided to follow the same course re specting the showing of horses as they did last year. There will be no judg ing of the horses by the society, the horses entered will simply be on ex. hibition and no prizes will be compet ed for, but the society will pay $3 for each horse entered for show, to aid the owners in paying hotel and other expenses. This will afford an excel lent opportunity to horse owners to let the public see and judge of the merits of the animals they have for service. The prizes will be continued for bulls and they will be judgedand given prizes as formerly. The society also accepted the offer of the Tucker- smith Branch Agricultural Society to amalgamate with themfor the ;pur- pose of holding a union fall show at Seaforth. 25 lbs. `ktedpath's granniatedg sugar for $1; 9 lbs. good cookie figs for 25c.; bestwater white coal oil 20c.; 3 lb, bar N.P. soap 12c. at Stewart's.. Liassawasaaaseekaeassoaassi Mrs. F. J. Knight spent Wednesday in London. Mrs. A. J. Clark is visiting friends in Mitchell. Mr. Albert, Hooper, of Clinton, was in town Tuesday. , Mr. J. W. Broderick, of London spent Saturday in town. Mr. L.;McCord, of Ilderton, visite friends in town this week. Dr. Silk, of London, spent Sunda here the guest of Miss Hicks. Mr Frank Snell, who has been in St Marys, has returned to town again. Mrs. O'Neil, of Lucan, is the gues of her son, B. S. O'Neil, James street d y • t Mrs. Crockette, of Dorchester, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. L. Tal bot. Miss B. Robinson left Friday for Blyth, to resume her duties as milli- ner. Mr. Levett, of Parkhill, sppent Mone day here with lits son, Mr. W.::H. Lo vett. Mrs. Muir and Mrs. Shannon, of Brantford, are the guests of Mrs. B. S. O'Neil, Mrs. J V. Crocker returned from her visit to friends in Holmesville last week, Mrs. (Rev.) Holmes, of Blyth, is) again the`gitest of her sister, Mrs, (Dr. Rollins. Mr. Josh Heywood is iu, Goderich thiseekon w the jury at the high court of justice. After afew days', visit at• his old home here, Henry Piper returned Tues- day to Seaforth. Mrs: Lorne Cann, of 'London, ,was in town Tuesday' and i8° now 'visiting. friends,in Centralia. , So SPA bgents for Priestley's Dress RI They arra The Best. tr The Latest Creation in DRESS GOODS Prkstl ey's Voile The richness of quality of'this Produ is unexcelled—It will ,snake Vest evenlog or afternoon costume, ov silk Ifeiag,?t l ,! , .?t . Jt 04 04 A large range of Wool Mignonette, Moraines, Gran- adines, Crape De Cheney Cheviottes, Satin Cloths, Voiles, Ete. E. J. SPACKMAN. Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sandford Ready Made Clothing. eneetteefteeneetkeseeseetteneeseefieseireek/aleanre ,ri"P9. "ft AC URNITUBEM AND IUNDERTAKING. springs oom Setcompletema.ttress an 14.60 d Sideboards from....... , ,10,00 up Couches from 0.00 up 21.00 Rockers from..... , . , , . , 75c. up 41 Anything and everything found in a first-class furniture store can be had. 4 Repairing of all kinds attended to. it W. C. HUSTON 111 Beautiful Parlor Suite Gidley's Block. Practical Embalmer. Mr. R. Gould returned home Mon- I day, after spending a week with his son, John, in London. Mrs. Wm. Davis, who bas enjoyed a pleasant visit at her borne here, re- turned to Hamilton Saturday. Mrs. A. E. Evans has been ' cenflnpd to her home during file past week with a severe attack of la grippe. Miss Effie Powell, of Wroxeter, is visiting bei brother, Ed, Powell, who is lying seriously Mat Eiinrville. Miss L. Hardy retained Saturday evening from Toronto, where she has been attending the Conservatory of Music. Mrs. Reg, Elliott, of Norwich, is visiting her mother, Mia. Isaac . Car- ling, who is very 111 at her borne, 'Enron st. Mr, R. E. Pickard accompanied by Mrs. Pickard, left Monday for Toronto to buy goods for his Dashwood and Hensa&stores. Miss Mabel Kirkby, of $t. Marys, was the guest of Miss Mabel 'F'ollick over Sunday, both returning to St. Marys on Tuesday. Mrs, M. Brooks left Tuesday, even- ing to join her son, William, in Crystal City, Man. , The best wishes of all .fol- low her to her new home. Mrs. Isaac Carling, who has been in failing' health for some months, .con- tinues very low, and being advanced in years her recovery is very., doubtful. • Glencoe Transcript: --Miss E' d thBeers, of London,sag a very beautifel solo, "Abide With Me, .., in the 1ing, fish, church Sunday evening, which was max'ch enjoyed by the eongregee .{011' Was He Dressed ? You hear this asked of some persons every day, and the answers depend on the kind of clothes they wear. How are YouDressed Y When you want to be well dressed come and have a suit made to order. All new goods consisting of Suitimgs Pantie gs Overcoatimgs, Etc.' W. JOHNS T TAILOR Poetsittthe Exeter g@l`iar Mrs: Rodger Crocker, who bas been spending the past two months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tit. Treble, re-• turned to her home in Toronto Satur day.' There is not mnucli gratitude in n the heart t that,fails to count up' past zner- Cies. What people despise most in others is what they usually bare the most of thyitaselres.•