HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-3-19, Page 6E4,g,gcgE4,4‹. A Tate U H&1L alla of the Black Arro Rang '41 AN ave '44's'D•Wit,4,D•)•P•n•aeWinte>,n'tlisatni.0)•DtWaoitlion>"WPBO*ItonT I Seek ot English, but tats gesture self, Captain Vorrester. You have with wbich I aeemnpanied the com- exceeded your instruetioes to deter =and made it sufficiently dear, and to me in -matters of this kind. It 1 he evidently understood. Yet there is you who will sutler. was a certain hesitatiee in his man- "Go to your cabal, sir, AO In- ner et obeying. Ile went slowly to haxe yourself, or I will land you at the ship's Aide, casting .furtive Genoa," I said sternly, "You seem ances eloug tile deck.. -and once to forget tbat 1 commend this halt tueniug as it to al:postulate or ship," XUSe. lieWeVer, I kept close behind Ile slunk away, scowling end I Ji, lettino him lee that he bed got went to my duty feeling tbet. I bad to go, ater he went, rollowing bite rather swell than otherwise by down the ladder. I took the tiller, provhhina this exhibition a temper tend the boat Was soon speeding oe toe part. Tie intense irritatiou across the smooth water of the hare info wilich not refusal Imd betrayed bor. I had prepared ell envelope him suggested that there was some strouger motive for ids wisbing to go ashore than the replenishment of eis medicine -chest, and if the wee a secret motive I was glad to 'lave thwartesi bine. At the seem time a feeling of Uneasiness, that there was SOWde MYStet7 144 the ShiP With Which I cose14 not cope because I containinga blank sheet of paper, coop -rem IL -cont. forders I might give lam , without and as soon as we reached the lance- tree:Wing himself ottout reasons., leg steps I gave it and an English 'Mere was a nice productions or a , was as I expected. After a sovereign to Enrique; who had tired ehithaehtela to reeetTe at the -Itluurn, or two on the bridge, I ealfl sat silently scowilog in tile bous. clese of a.rather worrhieg dae7 1 It ,:quite uietly, and with tIne Air of My iden. was that it I was doing the req c icd abreette. witeout eignature of hating torgothth hohthhhhe4. thatiutar, an. iniustiee the inowy weT414 any eindthe use& vulgar notes de .didn,t lanai oaatter,_ 'bo ateeful in taking him to his own gee of anonymous letterewriterss ,, , 'Dv the way, alr. McIntyre. keep place. while in the meauwhtie It was ignorant of ets rseture, grew eecit sae "A Friend" or "A, Wetle ,eer oet a point or two nor -west. would help to sustain tbe fiction I nPon me, and 1 ionge4 fOr My Ian, wieter." being eespised1,12e my ,..corm ototet and bear op tor Bercelona meant to employ, known correspondent to peva& hira- Thai-modem- "rids fact, tn curelunce I harbor, I want to send a boat Uo telegraph &Bee. Seed quiche self. The indicatiens that bis tien with the earnest tone a the,' ,,. ashore with a telegram.° ly. Then Come back here," I said, vice bad not been &togeteer'mly. ea tangeage„ which wee at teoet tee', , ease.. ave, sir," was the uncone choosing words that would be most edefor imelanted in Ine a reliance in • readily fattelligible to a foreigner. Ida judgment, an e should bane ite,., If be bed suspicions on the ship 1 ed to bale farther STOW myeelf p think my manner meet have allayed of it. (To 13e contbuo.) thse enow, for he put out hie hand' for tbe envelope and the sovereign. _______________ anti went ne tbe steps on to the BESIEGED BY SNA1145, teleuaary. ed. 7.14geaeln° -e4143ehtenit wordheltomr4ow(Pits:rli st dealer ill gcumn mann in Parts late en elle tolientete, tneht. Sa I de- i 'wage eteauter appaeseching a cvoweed tc• the eteareers , ighty 1 . , nii.41 reeeieed a, coneignment 0 -twenty. catett to sleep on: tee matter testers?, poee eeing tweet -eerily tilted etoie. the "It's oil t, mlads,' filv largo hums trom on hinnyno, tvie-,z;eg to el comet:silo:4 how to act, topic. tasted us tin the eitiP WO'S in in auswev to gie lumiest "114" "- distriets. Before retiring to bed bet t)er tethhea width la ofeh ewelee' the toy teed within bait a railerot p-ess4 on the feces of tho loco n's. opened. eagle berrel to melte ewe that eteete to tee oortheren SpaniSlY Port* the tOWa. they bent their bails to the Oerso the snails wero alive awl fresh. In- haleld ton have to he altered till the Not, wieltiog to disturb the iassU ThO stowaway is golug to ga left. stead of fastening toe oareeja down lest reorettot in the tweet of myger tont wo,ste lame by dropping that'a all. We don't want that kW ngoin, to merely spread tarpaulin wieeieg to roe in, and there would,htecleor. I gave orders to ley to and of cattle OP the ehip." covers over them. the reeult beieg theleeire te no need for any one to onave a boat manned. ilitilnating that "Ms don't take hindly to it, Cap- teet le tee night tho audi4 e6c4ved, TinoW that we were going to totteto e wooM go in ter myself., Not tau tains" reldied Oria a the Men* + The Man, WhO Slept in a little room ef a esesson a edecateon, weeghe with me in Itis favor. al made Inen cerwd reP/'Y' "4 be g4" disaosea nrad„ eth 1.7t,„er nab ::tetaa.eite order to the man at the ;.oth,e's.""7 con:meet. To keep teeter did Fga i„eete his trine from &venter; too male not eetatiate f4 -.: on the sedelen order,. I broached the ous or quarrelsome fellow-servont 9f tEce mats attaened. „ , subject a so= painting that had Are done before reeehiug Genoa, Vie ationlel Toot lee off 4'2""' "" aPel convereatioa on' the bridge of a 121".7`' till „oft", eh -'y 442e b;it• ;lie she was reported reedy did 1 deo, i wetelt on vete P -a% retsree IP rest, coed teoea the eetego, ono it IYM I vhoot !so dark by (teem Of the :moils crawling AS to its?, ietter itself, I rezognizeti,nuay et the last peeleent, as I reaeh-lt 'Wo were half a, dozen boats' over his face. rer the moment ho tri'M thi.' ilv5It that it. 'would) .1.'0ItSecei,ed the head of the ladder. that Ie lengtiee from the quay. and. glance was too terrified t� MOW, Then. he leo', to imale ow is aari r3g" ee I} pattetes". QS though; etruelt with ,ail, big baelr.. 1 saw the dark form of spraug from bed in ecarch of a vete toe careesity disetoised to adfalit afaer-taottgld, ane told the =an wno . Enrkeree outlined at tho toll ot the light, but he trod on „Segue of the .g tkr,. 1,--4-moic7ritiog Leirog traced. a:4 `.., was teiadieg Ow side to go or01,1ar4inpr,-step. There Was a fliehering enalls. which were all over the it n;ne not ii4nle- 'emir tile l'er'("7-' 'torn out Eerionsez, the stowaste,Y, t gas -lamp behind him which. elsowee piece. and felt heavily to tine greund, ahe i leclel it Pa AAF taWe wok,: -I'll take bile seloege-as an niter -I' up the glint of a pistol that he 11(1(1 inflicting a serjous womul on les I eee, ieeteeeti ely moot while ore" ce"et preter," 1 eaill. ,',1(loelled at the boat, EViela as WO "semi, Screaming out that he Was 411 I3/414 !°,414h, stir !, Wollieg at the lathlertheall. I wc49 1"(4Wd. OVV17 eecond eaPeeting the being murdered1 be tied into the tet tateet weethee Oit no to 44:4 1'4h1;ch plat to tea *hot the eloexpectell 'eeeee ot a wallet 3a our midst, be street, where a policenlan Sabse- . viev,:n. .e, .tetennane of the engleee had eatlehalthoelst ubetter of it and lowered the iquently found hint faintiog from lose - 11 e * no t"- • oa soneee 09 402411 baTil•m zp el:trate The ehip tholes etene toweapon. to httrl after me instead a of blood. Through the open door , re et; 4'71"' `•*-5. ttr, t'i•iii %ink some . sleet; wee' weappee in the atilluesee a ,;eny a ont....xF eteentete was moving an innumerable prows - in 41044. 1w4.74,47.;1',.45c!i4t„ and eneept for a PACV enureeate "Neat -time Po rest e' -net time.** elm of snails. The shop and bed - 'Whew. look out 1 lileu going to oft his fihop was awakened in the ' %Wild edoe,t elf tee wateltooliraiy F;'6.111 is07- zi.boaltvd. its the evoret room Were fatind to he covered with weetteee eategteteee, 'eotsel• the Zoog' eaPeoes; of degli was nmoni- wort; z..ron ever dui tor pour,. aenl. and hours Were ocettpled le re- 1.,70! if',047v4-tr•in 474'i'rrtted, In ley own room the latina ',,eteene 'J tlee oeho 012,a! the oteer (iceletlioneet; dark. weeeee rano ream acmes 'to turtling teem to their barrels. -, thila petatehei wee lefratipet, it the wintlowe a An 4, Ail arotand was calm and *Oita ond ,-•11 _ e _ CORNERED. te 0 :leo it there tote roe- atletlitog Chet ett Zavertal„ Vale reate water. Tisey were epoten in excel,. 13',',i ''!7 tr , ale eta - 104",. C4W4n. he :, oree a ante «1 late eittnn, kat English. and In a voice 1 •could Jentins has left college, where he neetei Ito tee teet ee, eteeoleee, Asiette i-, In le ee than -two uqinr4Va I17271i Lave sworn 1 had heard before- had lived rather fastbut new medi- 2e, tte et, weeee a", vette, Veen etseteett meta -neer retnesting lOne. "-ineihere„ I meted ray brains all the toted matrimony and cettling down. rate teete., we' es • we weee wee na..3anniand in net in his blank. :air, or iway. hath to the stehhhee .to herheme rAs on old neat Innt died and. Init. n tig;':, alo iklaiF ii:•,,i atl anenaterit Ols0 in the eteward's quar-;, pea tea:" 0.7.:, weetti 'teem no ergo i! tate" be Fatal. 1' 4 ho others anow • .11'41 . tin?. day' we enoered . north- atantieg of iiim. !eneept that he Varna, tato-re:tale meter Me (vote of Spaiee I .ett in at the. 1157,1a1 time and ought: OrIAVTRIt X. natural than that he ebouhl redeem lloirci a little money, what was more 1 6Orae of bis many articles of cloth- ing whiell he bad depo.eited with his tteeetee in etas' (lessee; tts eteo tee; to he in led, "uncle" in tho days of rseeeesity? Vs' '.;43K -Li a vi,w oe .c;64 raiitoil rill? tit, cirenmetances tithe waro IThen the boat reaellen the SWIM.. ily sad mishap, bowever, that ob- e'lteei It ecere:see era eeetnre e lilt net Only ntattlinf°, bet embarra-helaft, el''s tide day was brealang. and 1 ,teethe reletive forgot to remove the ; oere taaeee tee eiefeteed ;levee, :Ifor I had run Mto llareelona for no !leas not rorry to see Zavertal lean-!tieketsa and thisled to an embarras- Pieo vicothee it peeeeiled, and ,, otter reatan than to put tine etow-q,lute over the rail watching our up- !Bing contretempts on les return Aalle.e wad her eeltatV4lion eareereedaway whore, ate" there was the oatetOproach. 1 bad raised the point at ihome. ttem late'r brief rettr,.•tnerit. Zllres , MO strel waiting below. In addl.- the thae, but it, bad since struck mei Is'ull of kindness and pride for ber Ittinaweeth lotine evidefole erotefot leen, the tellowai alSente frOM lain; us curious that there &meld have' dear boy, his mother, on his return to f,, -,r tcL,, tmafF"..! Liloin,,-,i ow iga,nea an the middle of the uight Effra.• been no light in the doetoes rabbi the parental borne, insisted on un - z -4 R4,,y, emeetereen woo. tirheetri ! eil to lefal color to the 'teem ice- if the stowaway's nary of having 'Packing his boxes. In doing so she o7kiin3 inn's' Eon Fatale ne eoneon I end Cast toes oeme To rows to ota thee D. 2 ea il). !at 10 ti- fatiMY in -4." eistertal ',1 , 1 Clesses titintmcattsacortatit tesa r that tine's; dote, tieefeh at tee tr ,„„, ana eteolati cure for eacb nial every form of itchina 1 ane the,' te ,, eee/ of eluell inielat inn ; bleetiteannerrorreatneelles, 3 ottotne thot it ie 014 by ellence 'Ols tnertacinrertiteveguarepert. :teeter. Vett 1 rote:tad them. One wee that 1 h'7.,,,Iggee‘ttattly'ettl1sreTliett."13s4%eanIVIIVaRnlei 4:orXrai Wethlo was conlined to bis- ec teem- :hotter base: tf not curse, Rea bor. et Taal teeteea vote an at t adz et petit 1 eteetaas er Einuncefelleaairte Coo.,o, ;inn atead Sea no OW Ir4st Iliq lad- 7t, E,,,,,, chasfft, Neeetentklielt relsonettewardarot even the doctor, lain of cumin, origami Ida ierviens. "imitation that be Was up to no good Tee oflar Ytera wae that the young !on board. I was rapidly debating rail of Darrasanore, while see/aria ,1 what was best to be done, when my ing as tissue on deck aloe break- ,I nateenger exclaimed, - tart. had another fainting -et earer I "Beg pardon, sir, but there is the ll'o, the beet, encept that at lasted man, else eoraing out of the sure , deck lie advanced to meet me with a naeyr, and lift him swab, more ' ger.' 'look of 'undisguised inquiry, and I arestrate. Zavertal was most asei-1 It was true enaugb. Enriquez was snoticed that in the grey dawnlight eeto a in me ottentioes to the lad, 2 leaeing Zavertal's cabin. On seeing Ibis eetee looked singularly puckered earl bresegiot hint round in -time to us be anade a motion as though to and otd. taee his piece at the dimer table. ,,, slink back again, but, changing lhis "There is nothinwrong, sir, I At eleven o'citten. that night, when mind, he tame boldly along the eg hope -to eause this deviation from gone there for medical relief were first discovered an overcoat with an true. The needled remedies could ominouteloolting label Upon it, hardly have been found and dis- "What a nuisance -1' said Jenkins, poised in the dark. and I had be- In answer to her expression of sur - gun to fear that the man's "smoke prim "They must bave 'forgotten neve was only an eNeasn coveting to take on the ticket at the ball at some sinister design of whielt per- Smith's when. I left my overcoat la Imps Zavertal himself Was the ^vie- the ante -room." Manama was satisfied; but when, tina. "athile striving in vain to recall whei 1 had previously heard tile shortly afterwards, she found a pair stowaways familiar voiceI bad . of trousers bearing a similar label, , re reached iuyseU for not ascertaining imagine the puzzled =prise with whether tbe doctor was all right be- which she exclaimed: fore I left the slfip, and the sight & "But surely, any (lading, you bine there, peering down t didn't leave these in the ante -room, tius through the gloom, was a relief. too?" As soon as I had mounted to the e the lotto's had all gone to their o deen, I suppose on his way back to mains, and only a few men lingered , his busk., in the smoning-roan, "li t. I ealculated t ! you there. What are you that we were about twenty miles doing on deck at this time of tenth of BarCelOna, steering so eel night ?" I asked. to pass that port at a distance of Ile stooped with a cringing bow, three miles. In order to run for the 4 and began to rub his stomach. harbor, the course would have to be 'Seecle-me very seeck, Senor Cap - altered in half an hour, and I went itan. Co doctor," he whined. up o1n to the bridge to be ready for • "Very well," I said, "we'll see the emergency. It was Mr. Win- whether your native air won't cure tyre, the chief oillcer's watch, and I you. Get down into that boat. I felt pretty sure that that impertur- want an interpreter." able Scotchman would execute any I forgot for the moment bis limited sot. A Tryhig Ti m On ee le re Ail Who Are in Low Vitality Have Reason to Dread the Corning Weeks -Fortify Your System by Using DI OASES NERVE FOOD. cswarrsecimmar=cr. If you watch the newspapers for the next few Weeks you will B.nd that the death record is a large one, and made tip largely of per- sons in advanced years and of weak constitutions. Vitality seems to be lat low ebb at this time of year, and, the sudden changes of temperature and humid atinosphere are more than a weak- ened system. can Withstand. A lit- tle overexertion, a little unusual exposure, a little neglect of the body, and health is undermiried, p113,c,ica1 break -down ine 7i table. If you could but realize the re- constructi and upbuilding in- fluence of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, it Would be easy to convince you of the wisdom of using this pre- paration at this season of the year. Vi'lien the blood is thin, weak and our programme ?" be said, rather stiffly for birn. "Oh, dear no," I replied ; "I merely ran into itarcelona to send a private telegram. I thought it a good eopportunity, too, to get rid of the stowaway." Naving found Za- vertal safe and sound, the thought flashed across nie tbat as be was not a. victim of Enriquez he might be a partner with him in something underhand, and that in any case it would be more discreet to say no- thing for the present of having seen the man leave the surgery, or of his sudden proficiency in English. watched the doctor narrowly for any sign of satisfaction or the re- verne at the mews, but he yielded none -did not even evince any -in- terest. "That was just as we'll, I dare say," was bis careless reply, and then he went on to say, - "I am. rather glad you have touched here, for it will give me an opportunity of procuring some drugs of which I have run short. I sup- pose you have no objection to my taking a boat aud going ashore for an hour. I will not keep you longer." Heaven knows I am not over sharp, but I was sharp enough to watery, Dr. Chase's Nerve Food en- see that if there was anything in riches it by increasing the number nay' theory that there might be of red corpuscles. When the nerves some mysterious bond of union be - are exhausted, energy gone and tween Zavertal and the stowaway, strength declining, this great food this might only be a try -on to effect cure builds up the system, restores a naeeting, and I promptly refused and revitalizes the wasted nerve the request. , t cells and rekindles the spark of life. "It is quite out of the question," No physician can give you a bet- I said ; '!.we sail at once," and to ter restorative than Dr. Chase's prevent further argument I sang out Nerve Food, for it is prepared in to the °Meer on the bridge to get aceordance with the most modern under Weigh. ' The engine -room ben and most scientific .principles, and rang in response to his signal, and contains in condensed form the most 1 had already begun to mount the potent restoratives known to naedi- bridge -ladder to personally con the cal science. By noting the increase ship out of the harbor before Za- of weight while using tr. Chase's verbal grasped that there was no Nerve Food you can prove for a car- appeal front my decision. Then he tainty that new, firm flesh and tis- sprang forward and took steps up sue is being added to the body. the ladder' after me, his face quiver - Fifty cents.a box, six boxes for, ing he hissed in atone L had $2.5Q, at all dealers, or ElKinalarison, never heard him rise before, - Dates & Co., Toronto, 'Yu are not doing well by 'your- , GRAINS or GOLD. Good order is the foundation of all good things. -Burke. After crosses and losses men grow bumbler and wiser. -Franklin. Be wbo has health has hope; and be who has hope bas everything. - Plato. Manner is one of the greatest en- gines of influence ever given to man. --Feltham. Lying is a most disgraceipl vice; it first despises God, and then fears men. -Plutarch. Malice and hatred are very fret- ting, and make our own minds sore and uneasy. -Tillotson. Our first impulses are good, gen- erous, heroic, reflection weakens and kills there. -L.' A. Martin. From tbe body of one guilty deed a thousand ghostly fears and haunt- ing thoughts proceed. -Wordsworth. Jt, GENTLE LADIES BIRCH -RD. FOR FARMERS seasonable and Profitable 0 V Mete for the Busy Tillery. he tof the Soil, isiirte****iiehatitoiteteiteteehtefo*ttti VAN -DBE AS A OtElelerf.TZER. The improvea growth ef plants through the use el manure is due to the preeeoce la the manure of three sebetanees-nitrogen, potash aad phosphoric acid. The plants take op these Plant feral ealistanees, and to verious ways utilize, them es .t.o.recsetei latlid up their. ogee - Ohio matter, Compered with rhe total weight of plant Materiel, the actual plant food contained in crops is very small, but this entail spiantity is nevertheless aneelately essential, for Without them, not a particle ef growth could be made. From this, We perCeilre that tbe smell quentitiee ot nitrogen, oottoslo and nhospheric acid in maitares is a very important Matter to agricul- ture. The prQfi*ahen4? f terming is meesured by the crops or products soft" oft the farina It does not met - ter in what totem these peke are made, every one of them removes meore or less plant teed from the arm, and title must be repined goner or later, or profitable crops cannot be grown. It is evident thet the ROUGITARE OF TIM FARM, that fe, the uneelable portions Qt crops, mutest make good thee() lone; for ouch portions of the pro- duce et the land are only about one - butte& tbe total crop yields. 01 emerge on stock fame where large quandtiete et stoelt feeds are putt - chased, theee conditions do not ap- ply, as Mere plant row is bouglit Mad brought to the sail in the form of manure, then Is sold off in products. Ao a matter elf fact, it is vow ereneonly recognized that the farm- yard manure realized on the average farm is Insufficient to maintain tite average fertility of the soil. As it woe lalown before this point be- came of CaMMOn hnowledge, that the valuable substances In manures were pmcticelly coffered to ultrogee potash and pbesesitorie acid, eaten! gent farmers Legan early to investa gate all forms of cheap materials which contained ono or Mere of these subetaucee. It was found tbut almost all forms of nitrogen, potash and phosphoric acid In crude ma- terials was as available as plant food as farm yard unwire, and in many instances more readily con- trolled in its deeds. This led gra- dually to the establishment of great fertilizer manufacturing industries. So extencive has this indestry be- come that wo aro now taleing ot manure o.s a fertilizer rather than of FERTILIZER AS A MANLIRil This grew out of the need et a, cor- rect balance for particular crops, of the three elements of plant food. At the same time, the plant food composition of manures must always hold high rank, being practically a natural manure, and being ;nude up of the very, materials it is desired to grow. Stated in fertilizer lan- guage, and' supposing 10 tons of farm yard manure are concentrated to a weight of one ton, for fer- tilizers are practically concentrated manures, the analysis of this man- ure fertilizer would be as follows Nitrogen, 5 per cent; phosphoric acid, 3 per cent, and potash, 6 per cent. Practically, where clovers aro grown in rotation, the nitrogen may be reduced to 2 per cent., and as tho pbosphoric acid becomes /avail- able very slowly it should be in- creased to 5 per cent. With this we have an ideal formula, based manure as a fertilizers -a base ma3r all hang to with safety. Rheumatism Cured. Mrs. Moffat WW1 to Take Hyper, dermio faieotiona to Relieve Nor Palo* PERMANENTLY .0RO BY • •!WYNN'S RHEUMATISM CM! oThere AR punishment toe severe for those who deceive the - elek."-4 AMMON. el "mold home treelle of rheematiaree't OA at timeseit would give me great diet trees in my beck Awl Aide. hIany One I lave bad to telce. AA injection tot relieve the pet% I 'obtained, 1104 44. &Ileum?* Itheuroatient Care at the brel distribution, end 1 AM now feeling quit# arab .1 home had AP pine since, and cal, =OTC argued freely and zeturally. am venteglatl *a give nzy exporieeee, fret *he :beuegit ef anyone who may be oldie .zing in A eindlar raserter."-airaglieV OA 128 Mutual street, !reroute. estteNTOWS REMEDIES. atunemes Vile Ointment entree plies.. price 2$C. Munson's( Evo Caw, curve weals eyes* price ale. Tatinyert's Vitalizer reaterea teat newer te weak, meat. PM* et. RIME =WOOL ADVICE., Ilereeeal letters addreesed Prat Mat nee, ll44h4l, t? Soto, eta -Raider de* Ws et Adanexs, wIll be enewerea prompt* ar mad stem ao:cet ik3 to trea.tmeat will If elven. According to Truth, a curious method or dealing summarily with female kleptomaniacs if gentle birth prevails in certain London West - end shops. Every lady detected in the act is given the option of being prosecuted in a court of law or birehed by the managress, a person specially selected for her biceps. The birch is a formidable one. In one shop alone, it is said, twenty ladies have accepted the ordeal of the birch, in ,addition to two young girls of foreign nationality, who, in consideration of their tender years, were treated to a milder form of chastisement, CITRIUS OALCULATIOnn ' At a meeting of the Incorporated Phonographic Society of England, the other day, it was stated that to write stenographically at the rate of 150 words a minute inetolves hearing on an average 750 distinct sounds -consonants and vowels—in the Course of every minute, and Managing to reprobent or indicate 12e of them every second. Writing at 200 words per minute means hearing about 1,000 sounds .in sixty seconds and representing or indicating rather more than sixteen of them in every single second. , . 63,880,000 cows are milked in Eu- rope every day in the year. on we FARM NOTES. Whenever you see a cow humped up on the north side of the cow barn, you can put it down that the winter feed in the barn will be used at a dead loss, and that additional feed will be required to take the chill out of the cow's hack, and you will never in the wide world make a profit in the milk pail. Such a condition. of affairs may be put down as a result of carelessness on the part of the farmer. a the by- gone times when such customs pre- vailed, the mortgage foreclosure was, as a rule, only a question of time. In a horse well maiked fellness of brain half way between the eyes and the setting of the ears, accom- panied with breadth and fullness immediately back of the -ears, are always connetteewith kindness of disposition and associated with ani, bition. If there is fullness in front and narrowness back of the ears there, be kindly disposition without. the 'ambition. If develop- valtr ms", e reverse of this there will be tho absence of kindly inten- tams with marhea vicious tenelete, dee. Roots are a valuable crop for tho farmer to grow, c•swelally mangels and turnips. Eight pounds of roots are equal to one pound of grain, and four pounds of grain, properla fed, will give one pound gain iii live weight in hop. Figuring on this basis, an acre of roots, Ing 800 husbele, will give 1,500 pounds of live weight. An acre of barley yielding de Umbels, will give 001 pounds of hiro weight. The Nellie Of the barley straw should, I ewever, be considered. At an Oltio fo.roaerte inStitUte last week the idea was advanced that farmers shoula aboundon, their or-- eharda, put the lend so occupied to 'other crops and with the proceeds, buy their fruit oft there who make fruit growing a specialty. The =a- eons advanced were that the busy farmer either cannot or will not combat insect enemies and fungous, disease, and therefore has littlo. good fruit anyhow. The dairy barn should be well lighted, with windows on the south, and those windows should be kept clean. We bane seen barn windows that were not cleaned for years, and the brightest sunshine out, of doors. was a cloudy day inside. The =Lich cows need sunlight, not only for health, but to produce milk and butter fat. . The most exhaustive crops of fere tility are those grown for their seeds, . while 'the most ameliorating are those consumed in a green' state - on the farm. Of the different crops, clover draws a larger portion from the air than almost any other crop grown on the farm. BRIDGES OF 'KETTLES. Perhaps the most remarkable bridges in the world are the kettle bridges in Russia and Siberia, of which Cossack soldiers are expert builders. They are built up of the soldiers' lances and cooking kettles. Seven or eight lances are placed un- der the handles of a number of kete ties and fastened by Means of ropes to form a raft. Each of these rafts will bear the weight of half a ton. LADY SMUGGLERS. A woman inspector of the NOW York Customs noticing something strange about the fit of the Parisian gowns of two young Michigan ladies who had just arrived from Europe, insisted on a closer examination, and found the ladies were both wear- ing silver fox fur rauffs and boas as garters.'` Market Report f'Below Par,tt