HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-3-19, Page 5THE
Published, erery Thursday Morning at the offlee.
104.4aTeSTREET. EXET.4R.
One police per annum it paid in ;avarice. $140
if not so paid.
41e3sersartAuleae. T.0-toezi eeet -teeeieteene
No per dieemitinued untilell arrearaites are paid.
Adrertisieraerits without speeleeddireetione will be
published until forbid and charged Actordingly.
Liberal discount made for traciscient eerertisements
inserted for long periods. Remy description of 4013
PRINTING; tweed WA in ries fame style, and at
moderate ratee. Cbeques, money orders. Tre., for
sehrerfisine, subarriptleas, elm, to be made payable
Chas. 11. Sanders,
unrRoa AND REQ.E,
eteoreestopee cares.
SolehoeN, en. s„ e Pre A, R. N'
MAN, APS.. idozi'hr graduate gt
IMO. Termite tiehrerlste,
Teeth eetraeted sabot may peirt, or any bed effects
owe pailemee.. Meek west elde Win et met,
teener Orideete of Tomato tI;very end Rea
College ot Natal Surgearo at Oatarie. Abe P
gredeateoI Cbleeee Scheel at Prosthetic Pentiete
(with timetable mention.)
Alleminum, gold end Videenite Plette nudeiii the
neetoit mannerpoolble. A perfeetly 144rulim,gu.
saiithetie used for peinlemeekrectien of teeth.
giraeo tete door eouth of Cede/ Rroa. store, Exeter,
Aching Joirzts
In the fiegere, toes, arms, and other
parts of the body, are joints that are
inflamed and, well= by rheumatism -
that acid emeditioo of the bleod which
aflects the muscles also.
Sufferers dread to IlleYe, especially
after sitting or lying loug. atiel their
condition le conlinsenly woese el'et
. .
he &offered dreadfully from elienmetistn,
but have been corapletely cured by Hood's
sateaherilla, for which 1 am deeply grate-
tOV ¥isFAAneg$ 'SNIT; Prescott, Outs
"I had. an attack ot !began which lett tee
weak and helplees and seffering trete rhea-,
matter:a, I began, taking goiersi Sarsapa-
/lila an this medicine bee entirely cared
ze have no hesitetlea in saying it eared
tar We:* ref. J's 140Delaux, Trentea, Out.
Hood's Sar,saparilla
Removes the cause of rheumatisne-no
outward applieatiote eau. Take it.
branches taught in the .
T. le eictel:011ieN, eitningit OF Tilt
LF elleee el revalue 40 Surgeons Ontario.
replete% Serge= sett Aeceucheur. Mee, Tomah.
wood. (hie
. Tan D. Wilean, *Mee mid Resideuee.
qietens Axe.. fieedeil Onte epecial ottelit
peel tedieeasea tif Ilroweth Offiee haw, 1? -ad 0 4
• tu,
4er: tere. Notexlea, Pativeyamere, Paineuledeeerta.
Salialtara far Mob= flaate eta Metier 0 ban .at
west ratted leanest. Mere,MiImreetalexter,
T. It CAMIN1•1[2•54 to,8.ihrtEPN
'LlItED. "ELLIOT. reelateenet, Son:0T0% ETte
ee. melees te gene. erMer. fere:A.4y Fake 4
tilalmae„ Main Stmt. getter.
w..014031AN„ ,aiieeeser to Mit ee Ofail•
• reeria usreere, Whiter. Netery Pierdie Cou•
waltzer. Ete. Matee to leaned lowest rani ci
tette'. Mee. litaineltert, Exeter,
AUCt IQ Is e
Rler:OWN, Wine:am:sea. 0 Auctioneer
o for the Counties of Perth and
aisa far the township of Velearrie. Satre proniplly
attended to and tering reasonable. sale* arranged
at. Post Office, Wimbelsea.
Torts Phosploaine,
Vut Gr evt EngitsA nemnly.
SOld And recommended byre!
niggling' in Cense!". Only relts
ble medicine diseoverea. Six
gimranfeett to cure ell
tea, all effects ot abuse
o exa,erta1 Worry. Exeessere use °Mo-
pe°. Opt= or Stimulants. leaned on 'race] Pt
at price, one peokage en six, 45. One toillPrease.
sit viitetire. 'Pamphlets free to any address.
The 'Wood Conmeny, Windsors Out.
Woods Phosphodine is sold in Exeter
by J. W. Browning and C. Lutz
Luclents are not
d efOttree itt this
College it will be
We aid them, ir possilile to
obtain employment, lint we
first civil) them to mantes in
the high repotatioetLi
school hits acquired,
The Hat" should be in PoSSesS19211. Of oil/meat .1101:1 WEDNESDAY
House, a member a the Goveenetten
the original documents. The ease is
riot one which has been spoken of be
hind closed deors, but in public, an
1 the proper way to proceed, now the
eetiou is under consideration by th
, House. the proper thing that the pro
;reeding !my be conducted in a sySte
triaqe way, when an indictment ie Tad
against a Minister of the crown, Is to
Piece them in the pessession of tit
Speaker. There is a motion before tit
chair. and it is a motion of privilege
t and it is somewhat ernbarmssiog t
r reeve another resolution in the Hous
Yet 1 move that the papers be im
pounded and put in the possession o
. the Speaker of the House, in order
Wet thee' ImaY be put to any per -
pose for which they may be required,
Mr. Whitney -Do I understaod nlY
hon. friend to make such a motion ?
Mr. Ross -If Inn Imre friend objeets
I shall not press the motion It is a
proper motien to make, except that
there is a question before the chair.
i If my iblik• friend N anxious to expe-
dite the matter I think he will ecmcom
' If anxions to delay, he will refose. I
1 make seen a motion. the chew tnaet
rule it out of order,unles$ it reentveA
the tmenitnoes consent of the House
If in order. my hon. friend maY se-
cond it. Nobody knows where the
*nutmeats may he when they are want-
ed. The MCMOn is a very reaeonahle
- Wheat 00000 07 TO
d Barley. •• AP, PI•All • 3S 4.3
rietateee, per bage e,85
rITlajkl'ifelgQ44;.* oo '''''''''''''''''''' 0,5°° 28
t go.
Premier RQSS Objecte-Mr, St. John
Continues the Debate on the, Op-
position Side.
Toronto, March 57. -The Legislae
tate was again yest:rday the scene a a
number of intereeting occurrences in
:.ornaection with the Gamey eharges. TO
begin with, Mr. Whitney, respontling
aublicly to a private rem -lest, produced
Mr. Qamen's documentary etatement
enil money iii a large envelope, and
banded it to tbe member for Manitou-
lin. The latter at one, put on hie WA;
and left The chanther. Carrying the ear -
1 with him, and. nOtWitbganding 4
prompt motion by the Premier. that
law papers be impounded by the Hone*,
Mr. QuuteY. Who Mug have heard the
request, went hie way, and did not. ree
eppear during the session. The .IIKL-
lent was the subjeet oi. debate, .io
which Mr. Ross and Co!. Ciheort main,
ained the right of the Home to the
plaSSOSSient et Stlell important pupae.
alt.. Whitney, who represented hi$ elm,
rivter in the latter'e absence'. explain-
ed thet Mr. Gainey desire to at once
eonfer with liN solicitor.
N. The emend incident was when Mr.
Stratton, rising in reSp011ee be a chat',
lenge by Mr. St. johneenneunced that
he had placed his resignetion in the
hands of the Premier the day the
shaggqg 11-34 been made. Mr. Ross ex-
leined that the resignatem had nat
"ecn accepted, but was under coneidere
ton. '
Mr. St. John, who occupied the =-
ire afternoon. after Mr. Ganter$ de-
ure had dropped from notice. made
A mail girl who bee juat begun to at a le of new points. He argue:
tend rictool, recently brought home A e statote under which the pan-
pumplein-seed, and tt %I her mailer thilti eed commission will be conetituted
the teadaa saki time althengei 4140 SNA ' aiVeS 00 authority for the presentation
was white the itUnlp:ii% VQ°7•114 1141' Tt114/W• ' ef 4, Whig. nor can a witneet be cam-
oetiel vault e:111 the color of tho vizwi 1 eelited to aneWer questions which will
bet" asked Ric laieVier. The little girl , ateettetn:ete aim. kg, therefore oaid it
replied that the teaelter had not tuatIbt i ReS fieSteeteel TO wintewaelt the acentse
ber that. "But," Wel her mother, Ion a He `LI,T,“ recaliegi timt the Liberal
know, dear, for we !neve peutplehevinve ,1 eeneention et sentewe el tow hal! of.„
in our gardeu." "Of COMM I 40. bliff we • thatiteit the prinziple diet such ttivesti-
in't eepeettel to know anything until ;
- -. ;tenons elionee in eit easee he eeteeteee.
re taught." g' eel bet a committee of the House.
Tine tlfon. Doe" Brown of Motganeer hie, 'e:: -e of Kin.eston moved tite
field. Ky., Ida) repreeente Inie dietriet in , edjottenment of the debate, whieh will g
the State Legitlature, is wee of Kentue. 1 „Teettounie this afterneon and evening. r
ors unique cearatetem eta ineetrate a" It liq dcnobtfull if ft twal he concluded be.
point in a recent speech, he gave the, to1.e, we to -morrow. The *alieries were
Jawing aetount of his velure -Alp; "Takegain yesterday, es on previous days,
my advice and never gill, a Weinett any- II filled with an expectant crowd.
thing she can't eat. and never make lova 1 Before the orders of the day were
to her out of an ink battle. Why, when ,I called Mr. Whitney rose and said :
I courted my wife, 1 ewe grabbed hold ot ' "I would like to ask my hon. friend
her and sea; 'Sally, you .1m the sweet- '! if he is ready to ley upon the table
3t thing on earth, and your beauty bat,the instructions which shall befle iesueil
the ekill of man anti aunduea bellow,.to the commission. and if he win
ious nature,' and I got her." make arrangements to have copies
given to this side of the House; also
No Appeal, if my hon. friend would give us the
moues of the commission.
Mr. Rose -The instreetions to the
commission are being prepared, Theet
are not ready yet, but will be brought
down in good time.
Mr. Whitney -I have another mat-
lellireARET L. SHEPHERD DEAD, ' ter to bring to Hthe attention of the ouse. My hon
h1 . friend upon Friday
Detroit, Mareh 13. --It hits joist been ,
eiirtted that the notorious Margeret 1 :,`titrelltsettlotgladtwidoSe17211/11etinzsdaelroVoteOr
• S10.1014, alleged ex-rom and it iiti-i
eitholte leettirete died in Detroit at . authorities sited and quoted by my
Ent 'i'.- Hospital on Merril 8, aftev 1 Imn. friend from nulitouliti 113 iliS
n iiinpss of foul. wet.lcs. Tile women . statement to the House the other day.
„as suiroring r,,„,„ em000, ono toed uo My lion. friend having, by the action
IW Ininotos ofroo wooing the operatel he has taken now, declared in efreet
ig table at the Iliteyrital. She lied e0.1 that this •House should not deal with
cowl). veturnerl from Austrian% tater the question, of course the House is
linvim: spent three yenrs on the lee. leot interested in the papers. At the
t i i re platform. trine of the bribery investigation here
a number of years ago, certain mem-
bers of the House, two at any rate,
Mr. Balfour and Mr. McKim, ad-
dressed letters to the Speaker, en-
closing sums of money received for
certain purposes, as they alleged. This
matter having then been laid before ;
The walking sick, what the House, and placed within its jur- '
illUfli illILL
AA - 17
. 13:
:, liniee, per i:46.7AW -
Live bogs,. per ewt, ..... tro . a 5.14.1.
, pre..4„wd figge . ...,.. 7 70 7 75 ,
O Sheets per eeet- - . - .. • 1 00..
, Been pee ewt .... „.. -,
i Turkeee SO '
Gem... - ' „ ''' . - . .. • IP
:;1}0 gielSe't*' * : : : : : : : : :. : : : : ''
Dried Apples, . „ ' . '' 4
Meeker -My wife and always se .
oer differences by Arbitration.
Bradley -Who is the arbitrator?
"My wife, of course."
The Moisons Bank a
(Chartered by Parliament, JL) f
Lea (Mee, Montreid. it
Paid up Capital. ''' ........$2,500,040
Reserve Fund........,. ..... 2,2,10,000.
---nxirrER BRA,NCH----
(Mee hour:n-10 a.m. to 3 pan; Saturdays 10 a.m.
tO 1 pan. ..
A general bank ing business transacted
efoney advanced to good Farmers at lowest rates.
Savings Bank Deposits from SI and upwards receiv-
ed. interest allowed at highest current rates.
Dimes .e CARLING., •-• N.D. Demme,
Solicitors. e Manager.
isdiction, the House was in posses -
a crowd of theni there are:
Persons who are thin and sion of the merits of the case. Now,
I may say this, that I have no option
in this matter of the documents. They
weak but not sick enough were landed to me by my hon, friend
without my having had any intimation,
o go to bed. directly or indirectly, in any way,
"Chronic cases" that's shape or manlier, that such a
We are giving -excellent 1
satisfaction since Re-
modelling our mill.
what the doctors call them,
which in common English
means—long sickness.
To stop the continued
oss of flesh they need
Scott's Emulsion. For the
feeling of weakness they
need Scott's Emulsion.
It makes new flesh and
gives new life to the weak
Scott's Emulsion gets
thin and weak ,persons out
of the rut. It makes,new,
rich blood, strengthens the.
nerves and gives. appetite
for ordinary food.
Scott's Emulsion can be
taken as long as Sickness
lasts and do good all the
111810411ts Book ot Onatia
Capital Paid Up . 6,000,000
Rest - - 2,700,000
A general Banking business transacted.
Interest at most favorable current rates allowed on
Savings Bank accounts and Deposit Receipts.
commercial Letters of Credit issued, available in
China, Japan and other foreign co -untried.
Travelling Letttrfs of Credit issued to travellers in
all parts of the world,
muses, colds, hoarsenesreand other throat
ailments are quickly relieved by Vapo-Cresca
tete tablets,. ten cents Der box. All druggists.
There's new strength
and flesh in every 'dose.
We . will be glad
to send, you a few
doses free.
Be sure that,this picture in
the:form of a label is on the
Else,n you b3
ofevery bottle of
Toronth, Ontario.'
50c. and 'el j all druggists.
presentation was to be made to me.
Then, on leaving the chamber that
day, I took with me my friends, the
hon. niember for South Lanark (Col.
Matheson) and the hon. memben,for
Manitoulin (Mr. Gamey), and, in the
presence of those two gentlemen, put
those documents and the money in
this envelope, sealed it ,with my own
seal. in the presence of these gentle-
men: and I ask them to examine it
and see if it was not as it was
Mr. Whitney. then passed a large
envelope bearing three conspicuous
seals to Col. Matheson and Mr.Gamey,
sitting at his left, and, in reply to his
question, both assented that the en-
velope was unchengecl from their pre-
vious inspection.
Mr. Whitney continued: Mr. Speak-
er, in order that this should be done
openly, and as the presentation to me
was brought about, I say, at his re-
quest, and with my full consent, /
return these papers to the hon. meal-
ber for Manitoulin.
Mr. Whitney then hnaded the
envelope to Mr. 'Gamey, who
grasped it with outstretched hand,
and at once started to leave the
chamber by way of the lobby.
,Mr. Ross was at once on his feet,
and said : Am I to understand that
my honfriend will put thein in the
hands of the Speaker:
Mr. Gainey by this time had his
hat on and was pressing against the
crowd that had invaded the edge of
the ornibsitien members' seating
Mr. Whitney meantime replied: He
will put them in the hands of a solici-
Mr. Gainey had now got behind the
front reeks of the crowd, and, still
walking, he was no longer visible from
the floor of the Flouse.
Mr. Rose again rose, in haste,
and said: The course in 3884
was to impound the papers, I think it
would be in order that these papers
should be impolfilded, put in the custody
of the Speaker, for they contain very
grave charges against a member of tie 1
QM If my hon, friend wants to ex-
pedite tide eeamination, and facilitate
matters, he will take the course Silge
gest. There is no other authentic etatee
ment of the charges that I know of.
If my hon. friend wanted to expedite
and essist us in vindicating the honor
t this House. be would co-operate
It us in the most ample manner pine
to get on with the busints*.
Mr. Whitney -Except for one differ=
nee with my hon. friend I woukl co -
rate with bine in every possible way,
11 he will change his motion into a
solution referring the matter to a
nunittee of this House. I will do
Trything in my power to etteoperete
vith bine Now, my hon. friend sage
gest$ that tie does not know where the
papers nail be in a few days. Who
ought to be entre thankful then he?
(Laughter.) If any pereon makes a
charge Against his neighbor and runs
awey awl faile to prove it. it is all the
better e -or the accused person,.
;entr4,;‘,‘Rzyo..se-Wo de net want him to
Mr. Whitney -If there is no chars
prodined when the trilnutrill is chosen.
whet berm can come ?
Mr, Rese-Then the hon. gentleman
ie going to withdrew ?
- Mr, Whitneyee!ely lion, friend is net
venially and it does not sit well
open hint to appear so. (Laughte0
He suggested as a reason why" these
ppm; should be bawled to the Speaker
:bat nobody knew where they would be
a few days. (Hear. bear.) If they
)-appear the dentate:, win be done to
be aeon who made the charge.
Ross -Wit do not want them to
iseppear. We want them here to m-
ete. them. (Loud :Ministerial ap-
Whitneee-My hon. friend has
.estele it neceseary tor me to show on
'hatoteetion of privilege my position
en this matter. When the bribery
liargcs were made a number of_ years
igo certain members of the House
'andel to the Speaker letters contain -
Ug the motley. Ally hon. friend (Mr.
ainey) the otfier cay did not do that.
...barges were Inade i.geo by certain
eieribere of the Legislature against
.7erthin eutsiders. Ana the letters eon-
-aim% the money were handed in. The
aositton too* is that the House is
lot the proper tribunal to try this
eltarg,e. Otherwise my hon. friend from
'Manitoulin (Mr. Gamey) might choose
io hand these papers to you. Now, he
%inks it necessary or advisable that
ie should take steps to mark out his
:uture action. At his request I have
landed the papers back to him. I am
-eady to co-operate in every possible
Nay, and will ask the member for
Manitoulin to give the documents to
:he Speaker if my hon. friend will ac-
: p e ommittee on Privileges and
Elections as the tribunal, (Opposition
mplause.) No person is more anxious
:ban I am to facilitate them.
CoL Gibson -It is to be regretted
:hat the hon. gentleman could not have
seconded the motion with reference to
these papers. It is not a question of
30w the charges involved in this mat-
:er are to be tried. It is a question as
:o whether the material that was pile -
ed in the hands of the hon. gentleman
which constitute the foundation of the
:barges, the money that was produced
n substantiation of the charges, should
oe allowed to disappear, that the hon.
member should be allowed to walk out
ef this House after having ceremonial -
y, dramatically, theatrically - (hear,
3ear)-passed them to the hands of the
aon. member, evidently as a trustee
for the public, a trustee for this House,
as a trustee for the vindication of -the
3urity of the membership of this House,
so that the moment my hon. friend
the Premier asks for these papers this
material should be placed in the hands
of yourself, Mr. Speaker. He should
not hand these papers back to the
source from which they came. Now,
what is his argument ? My hon, friend's
argument is that "if you had been go-
ing to try this matter out before the
Committee of Privileges and Elections
I would never have done this."
What is the difference ? The docu-
ments are equally important. Their
gravity or the desirability of their
being kept intact until the investiga-
tion does occur, before whatever tri-
bunal it may be, is equally important
in the one case as in the other. But,
then, we are not before any tribunal
as yet, The matter is in the custody
3f this House. This House is at the
present time seized of the question.
(Cis not before the tribunal, the coin-
nissiOn of Judges. It is not before
:he Committed on Peivileges and Elec-
:ions. So that my friend, even on his
awn gtound, was not justified in allow -
ng these papers to pass out of his
eossession. But let us assume that the
nvestigation will take place before a
earranission of Judges. Surely, as I
have already said, there is equally
strong reason, equally grave reason,
why these documents should be im-
oounded and kept, as in the other case.
What are the facts in connection with
:he bribery case, the conspiracy case, to
which he has referred ? The same
zourse no doubt could have and would
have been followed out here; during the
period that this House was seized of
the question,the p • h
ments, would remain ill the bands Of
the Speaker.
• For ZS rats 1. have • never
oliaaod ttting. Area Samapartila
every sprint, It eloanaes • nty
blood, macs tee fed stsooge and
doss. me good in ore.TY
Jolatt fiOdflefte, Breetlyn,11,Y.
Pure and rie blood
conies new lire * every
part of the body You
are invigorated, refreshed.
You feel anxious to be
what Ayees Sarsaparilla
will do for you.
$1,24 *Ws,. Mildrsailea,
sa.sit Tear stetter se irs et Ayeee
Firesperate. Hao ttelsgrand
oeitaratie NedlePPAIN 144 aQg
rro hoseasoled.
A, Arart Pere Teawell.
A good supply of l‘fillfeed
and Chop aways on band.
Give our Flour and Feed
a. trial ad be convinced that
it is all right.
Roller awl Plate grinders m
se to snit customers.
Harvey Bros.
sucees$ors to 3. Coil kti k Son
'We have jitet received a, new
ode of
•hero Ittb;rresst amtnilket:En'Tsil that IIs :al
enable anyone to place in their home
e ef those Beautiful itietrannientse
• rgliens t rere killgriel rebe nne:i tvtaltirltee4
rid will stirteriee you, letreitee
tetelles ;tell od for ell netkee 111.41..
Connell "net on Mire a (*eel
of Itevfelon teteehwalm Drain" ;ie. Sheet and Houk Nineite lietent
eesement. The eseVerel appeitle Winee retake', Milo*, P1P-, Ohl:tea iipp
disinteed of QS fittlows. Peter Pt,lelmtr'4.'' slam 1;.A ;1,104.34 Ito c 2,,„41a
[appeal 410S9101.e.Seel: Jayoll Beeez,
Peter Beater. :tee -vett -AI on V. pelt (Af
E5 lot IS IV. Ite instead ef E. pet t (10i. PLEASZ
3letelinehle, useeesed fan E.
part of Wa lot ISN'. iliSteati 6,)ir W M A RTIril
pert oir E!. The Court of Revision was
on motion dosed. After the Court of
Revielon, the Council inet.ollnienoltere
I being present. A, communication front , riSUMPTION
the .)layor of Goderich, itskin,7,Connell r
minion bloverninent, to deepen Gode." 8 *
P"itimling the I Prevented and Ou"ed
rich harbor, WitS hid before the Cowie Four Iliarvetell3 free remedies for ail
ell. The request wee granted. A eireti- linflercrseerene_dingIhid, BeePeth New
Mr from the Farmers' ASSueidtiort tie CUreter ueerctelast30,,anstitapv
Ontario Wile laid before the Council ,
eo.operate in petitioning tho t)otori), tion, Weak Lungs, Caterriak
Legielatitre, to have the asseseinent 2104 II reuedowle 0ystofti,
public serene. corporations should Item FREE..
a the Province so amendea, that
the propeety of railroada and other
assessed in the same proportion of eeeloYett ennet? ,
value OS tither propeet,o of in trete, elo your lunge; pain ).41.1 ?
OWn1.41,41 nna tnNilii011 thIIS r Is Your threat sere and it'424'
on 71, just and more equal haste. t es- Dpacte3;03.u.osuirlibt e,ulp al I rhge
15 your appe the bed ?
Aro your lungs delieatc?
trier, wood for indogent $1; The Heralii, Are Y" in'ag flesh?
SDST;1.1I131'elltd7i;1:71u;:kSierIgl- e.DA,rb°33.:11u1PaeleRanlandllItini
road, 81.50; R. R. Johnston, their for 411e5.3° sYmPtalus aye Pra4-1r that you
indigent, $10; Eli Iienhofer, shovelling lave In Yt)tiv hadY the se(sdri al the mast
now, rioo commit will meet ;wain dangerous malady that hag ever devas,
fated the earth -consumption.
, on Oloudity. April 0, at 2. o'clock, when
Top are invitalae test w.hat this Glfsecau Wadi) far
palm (ogees, e te., pspro.01, a„ see,. by awing ear a
1 THE KIND OF SEEDS THAT ;lathe Peetrtee Prettetetiee5t411b01--"'n'aak.43n
'YIELDS. et once. with CO1nplote duaehoissfer tee.
The Slocum Sailieni is a ressitiva Cri•74: fer Coes:imps
As everybody knows there are good time that men Insidious silseaee. mut fee an euee
seeds and bad seeds, seeds that grow Tett-kletnete.Ditetereleree,TsI-114
and seeds that. don't grow, seeds that lima - r
yield and seeds that don't yield, and a _simple weeete., to the...el% ch=4-21
little thought given now to the setee„ eeeeene. 1.0,=.2e wee Aoronta,.
tion of the seed van need, will he rt:,:tePeTatestamierCelerePhoiter;m1tiays„t-al'%.fre*
foilnd at harvest time to have been Perseus in Canada. seeicg Slocum s free offer te
well spent if you select the world fain- tneranomitto. PabIca'ratIonwi`thal rl'easepapersenl, for setole"-es10
caution to that elfeet was passed by
the Connell. The following amount,
were ordered to be paid:-Isaite
ed Perry's Seeds -the kind that always
yields. For nearly half a century Ver.
ry's Seeds have been known and sown
wherever good crops are grown, un-
til farmer and gardener alike, have
learned to depend upon their wonder-
fully reliable growieg and yielding
qualities, year after year, to the ex-
clusion of all others.
Win. Rose was found dead in biS
home at London cm Friday.
Mr. Robert Sears was shot in his
house near Kingstou and is dead,
Mr. Michael O'Reilly, Minot OS rears
of age, dropped dead at St.Catharines.
A. Queen's Vniversity student named
tnfortunately the seed business Hutton was Arrested at teinsdown in
seems to ittford a means for many en. , the act of robbing a grave in the cem-
scrupulous people,who aim to blind the eter'er-
unwary. to totality. though littleness On Saturnay Mr. Ebenezer Nortleof
of price and boastful clanns, who in Loadon, died suddenly, end tbe shoek
was too much for Mrs. Netrth, 'who
also passed away witlinn a few bouts
of her husband.
reality have nothing to substantiate
their claims, no reputation at stake,
no past record as proof. It is better to
pay a little more for the seed and be
assured of a great deal more at the
harvest by sowing Ferry's Seeds. The
Seed Annual which is sent free, post-
paid, will be found unusually interest-
ing and instructive. Write for it to-
day. Address D.M.FeriT Co -Wind-
sor, Ont.
At Belleyille Assizes James Oliver
was sentenced to one year in the Cen-
tral Prison for shooting Bert Skelton.
At the Winnipeg Assizes the Grand
Jury returned. a true bill against John
Potvin, charged with the murder of
Capt. Prothers, formerly of Windsor.
Do You Get a Fair Start
Each Day?
A man's ability and his capacity for
work depend practically on the kind
of start he gets each day at his breakfat. In professional, office, warehonse
or factory work, breakfast with its at-
tendant satisfaction, or its discomfort,
makes the chiiracter of the day and
determines the quality of the work
accomplished. A breakfast based on
ALIN; Breakfast Food is eaten with ik
zest and relish that guarantee a store
of energ,T for the day's work.. Physi-
cians say Malt, Breakfa.st Food is the
ideal 'cereal to commence the day with.
It pleases the most critical; the flavor
is most deliciousand the food value
is extraordinary. One packag,e of
Malt Breakfast Food will tn.ake a meal
for,,twenty-ijve people, Grocers every-
Mr. William Pearce, of Hamilton..
was fatally injured, his carriage being.
struck by it street car..
Willmam Smith, aged 75, a patient in
the Home for Incurables at Portage
In Prairie. committed suicide by exit,
ting his throat with a razor.
Alex. Small. a young tinsmith, of
Windsor., attempted suicide by trying
to shoot himself. Unrequitted love
was the cause of his rash act.
John Spencer, it young lad, had his
foot caught in a culvert on the 10.0.R.
near St, Thomas, and was run over
and fatally injured.
Goderiche Ont., March 18.-A very
sad accident occurred here yesterday
afternoon. Dr. Frank Turnbull, of
Auburn, younger brother of Dr. J. L.
Turnbull, of this town, while attempt-
ing to come down the Maitland river
in a canoe from Manchester, was in
some vvay upset in the water. He
was segbted from the bank near the
Grand Trunk railway depot here, and
was taken oat about a mile lower
down the river, and although living
when reecued, succurned from ex-
haustion, after every effort was macle
to save big lite.
Coughs, colds, hoarseness, and other throat
ailni.ents are qvileltIy relieved. by Orcsolene
tablets, ten cents per box. All druggists
Children Cry for