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Exeter Advocate, 1903-3-19, Page 3
1e, TN NEM QT D l GTS ND - NEWS DY SIL ADQUT JOHN DOLL ANA MIS PEOPLE. Occurrences in, the Land That Reins Supeenee in the Com- mercial 'World, li It is rumored that barmaids int Manchester are to be eiet elled, Great Britain has 1,05.4,000do- mestic servants carping £61t 5Q0,- 400 per a illio n, It is now stated the King and Queen Will visit Edinlatirglt Shen after Vaster. .An anti -cigarette orator pxeciiots Wit the cigarette will be extinct in tear years. The, population of Britain increased. 130 per cent, in the 70 years he, tweeze 1,831 and 1901. The postal telegraph service of Great Britain and Ireland. is carried ort In 114784 mike e. A ? enumeat has been erected to LIT ,'S LITTLE =TS. Are the Onea a Canso the .Greatest Amount of Su.Naeritag. xt is every< day Ills that, distress moat .those which geiee you sudden.- iy atm P14.ke you irritable, impa tient And fo uit=firi[lieg. The. root of these treubl€s ilea in Oh Wood. mat Mehta=ea, and you gannet get hitt. of the until the blood tams been mails ricin Awl pure, find the nerve. a;trengthened end method. lir, lian s' fink Fills will do thio, and will do it more speedily and with more lasting r€shite than. any other aiaiziliein(j. 1It .proof of this urea. JamFatterson. Chilliwackt U,Ltam daughter wag is poor health, tlzad her atysteatt badly run down. She wits pale. suffered Iron severe head€ .flies, and very nernaus. We decided to .give her Dr. lxilliai tS Pink Fills. sand after us- ing six boxes, she is a stxous, 'healthy ,girl. I gladly recommend the pille in *bitter cases," T'laeFO ladle ewe all Wood and troubles,. such es anaemia. igiai, indigestion, heart trouble. enteaatisrn. St. Vitus' dance. Par- 1 biaraly^cls, kidney troubles wed wcalmetees which aflikt women,.. you get the .genuine .Cilie the tall eluate "Dr. Wibliame* E'ian&r Pills- for Pale Peeples" printed on the wrapper around the box. IQ in doubt, sed direct to the Ar. lliilliazlas' Meddle€ine Co , Llreeleville, Out., moil the p%lls will be rnnised, post Feld, a:t 50e. per box, or nix heave for >$2.6O. There are very few deans* fag operations in Which Sunlight Soap cannot be. tised t?. advent., age., it makes. the home bright and Clean. TEF CEMENT INDITSTRY, Plenty of Doom in Canada. fox More A few weeks age there appeared in these coiamns an article relating to. the Portland cement industry in Canada. That article was reprinted from the 'eterporo Examiner, rhere- in it apps a: eared sletter to the editor oil' that paper, and was not i s geed by the writer's proper name, It now transpires that there were nteny ne sheading stet<tezneats in the Article referred to as would appear Irene the following which, is clipped from the ¥euetary Times a e. "The writer evidently bad not the caerage to Piga Ids name. and ser reply eolal_dl not be prompted by bis interest in the investing pulalie, bat is Apparently interested in the cement business ; and seeks to mist ked the public by a statement cif untruths andk xztanlit;ious references tet Well knorm leucines men, who are connected with the cement industry at Durham, Cot. His data are not col'ret:t an to the prod. uetion and eoneumptioaa of cement in Can:adaa, fara tilt -niter of plants a anti their "Hie ref eco to the gentlemen of the Durham enterprise is clearly 1i= below, and insults the intelligence and honesty of business 'nen in Can- ada, who have built a splendid mod- ern cement mill, nand who lame' that it has been honestly and economical- ly built anti every dollar properly accounted for. We have good reason to Relieve that the organiration that built the mill at Durham are in ne way interested, as tbe writer of that article intimates, in promoting any other cement malls in Canada. ex- cept the m i ant and. ldul. pleats. "This article refers to the Monetary Tines' talkie or the eggnog MI),F,ert. pabiiehed in December, but pile to call attention to the snare melee ar- ticle publishe4 lay us after a tltore ough investigation, which was given to our readers in the iSFIM Of Jan- uara lath. Alpe are as anxious as anybody that unli1aely industrial projects shall be ifi collie^.•gcal. aanib "fake" ones exposed. but we laevo Bret .dart, in I"riattly elairelay+aat'd, no sg aaaluttine With writer, who in - where he was buried. dulge ban personal abuse or who make .luring the last year nearly 37, ninuutanins of untruth out of mole - 000,000 barrels of bier were pro- hills of probability in order to gain timed in (Treat Britain and Ireland. a. point, '\o €eo no a'e'on to doubt et las tetinaaatea that 1e0.000 to that the 01gauization, which her, 340.0410 tons of ilritiolt coal aro bat built alae cement mill at 'ibirham, he -- bides several other successful ones in; the United States, are entitled to the confidence of the nubile. And we Consider tbat there is room In Canada, for anal a cement mills than now exist. What is essential, how- ever, is that such mills should tae fitly placed. properly built, and eco- nomically managed," ing nhipped weedy to the United States. It in stated that in London 400 children are born every day, and 250 enter sellout for the first time every day. Britain last year imported no less than .C1,352,000 worth of musical instruments -- £750,000 worth from Germany alone. During the last year 750,000 men, MRS. BOTHA'S BABY. women and children in the United Eingdom wore American boots and Humorous Incident of the Boer shoes. Was. Miss Anna Brown, who is just en- ""Tommy* 1ltkins's" readiness in tering on leer 105th year, has lived drawing fire makes an amusing story all her We in the stone house rat in (fen. Ben Viljoen's recent volume :Market Irarborougll. "My Reminiscences of the Anglo - Lord Iveagh is the purchaser of Boer War."Lord Icensiugton's London estate, During a .Boer excusurn num. nnnn which was sold by auction the otlu-, er day for £565,000. During :a Boer excursion to the Delagoa Bay Railway the burghers Underground London contains 34, succeeded in laying<>a, mine near Hcc 300 miles of telegraph wires, 3,003 toe's Spruit Station during the miles of sewers, 4,530 miles of Wad night. They were lying in ambush mains, and 3,200 miles of. gas the next day waiting for a train to pipes. cone along, when a British Tommy An octogenarian who has died at went down the line and noticed some Stratford -on -Avon bus never slept out of the place be died in, and has never indulged in a holiday. Smallpox is increasing in some parts of England. Thera are cases at Blackburn, Clitheroc,York, Burn- ley, Sowerby Bridge, Bolton and Chesterfield. It is proposed to erect a public memorial in Bury, Lancashire, to the late John Ray, the inventor of the fly shuttle, who was a native of that town. 3 TAKE A MOTHER'S WORD. Thousands of mothers in all parts of Canada have' ' written to say that Baby's Own Tablets are the best medicine they have ever used for the cure of the little ills that afflict all children. It is impossible to pub- lish all these letters, for they would chore than fill a newspaper, but the Following extracts are a fair sample of what all mothers say about this medicine: Mrs. ins. Hopkins, " Tobermory; Ont. - "The Tablets are a blessing to both mother and child." Mrs. John Debbie, St. Andrews East, Que. - "I consider it my duty, to recommend Baby's Own Tab- lets to- all, my friends who have Children." • , Mrs. A. Burns, Minitonas, Man. - "I Have found Baby's Own Tablets So all you claim for them." Mrs: P. .r. Condo, New Brandon, N. B. - "The Tablets are just the thing for children; they make theme Well,'. cheerful and happy." Mrs. H. H. Pitts, Ashnola, B. C. - VI have found the ,Tablets a most katisfactory medicine for children. I always keep them in the house." Mrs. A. W. Higgins, North River, N. S. - "I cannot praise the Tab- lets too much. They are the best medicine for children I have ever used." You can take the words of these Mothers with every' confidence, and tori have a positive guarantee that he Tablets contain no opiate or harmful drug. No other medicine gives a similar guarantee. Sold by druggists or sent by mail at 25 cents a )OX by writing direct to the I)1•. Willi Lama" Medicine Co:., Brordc- Ville, Ont. , signs of. the ground having been dis- turbed. His suspicion was aroused. Pretty soon he saw the mine, and took the dynainite out. Two burgh- ers who were lying in the long grass shouted, "Hands up!" Tommy threw down his rifle, and with his bands in the air ran up to the burghers. "I say," he said, before they could speak or make other demonstration, "I say, did you hear the news that Mrs. Botha gave birth to a son in Europe?" The burghers could not keep from laughing. "I am not telling you a. fib," said Tommy, looking slightly injured and extremely innocent. One of the burghers said they did not doubt his word, only the • news had come so suddenly. "Well," returned Toinniy, still in- jured, "I thought yolk blokes would be interested in your boss's family. That's why I spoke so quick." "Oh, go along," laughed the burgh- ers, "and get some better . clothes than those you've got on your back. They're too torn and dirty to be worth taking, and you're worth nothing without clothes." Tommy had upset their plans, but they . were good , fellows, and his speaking "so quick" touched their sense of humor, so they laughed him out of sight. A NATURAL AMBITION. Clergyman (patronizingly) -"well, my little man, and what would you like to be when you grow up ?" Johnny -"A clergyman, sir." Clergyman -"Now, tell me why you would like to be a clergyman, my bo'y „ Johnny (unabashed)-"13ecause, sir all the ladies would make a fuss of me, and get out all the best things to eat when I came to see them." Keep Minard's Liniment in the llcse ' Parts of London's old Roman wail have been laid bare by the:, house- breakers now engaged • in the demol- ition of Christ's tfospital, Newgate street. Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the world produces, and Is sold only in lead packets. Black, Mixed and Green. Wiwi tea driakes* try Wade Cifs .... t -t The future town house of the Duke; and Duchess of Marlborough, which' is a present from, the Duchess' lath= er, Will cost, including fittings, but not furniture, 4500,00Q, • During the past year the Royal 'Romano Society investigated 050 eases of gallantry, and rewarded 787 rs0 for- Pe ns .o. sav�n708 lives, awl � ,� l es, at aft tempting to save J2 others. Pittsburg is,, the ;great coal and steel center of the Baited States. GDn one day recently 927 trains moved out, of the city on 1xe different rail - Wats. There were 40,225 trap, and their estiAnuted 'tozzp,age was le - 750,550 tette, That Faalalie shellhe. hear In mind. tont U. Thawed' l; ciectrita Oil led nothing in common with the iinpaare, ileteriereting class of eacalled medicinal oils. Ib is eminently pure guest really efficaeluus-- rt lietita , pain anti laaueaaeM% stiffliees or the taints algid muscles. aud seresor bunts besides, being an excellent specilla fol. rheumatism, coughs asirl bronehiaal cats plaints, "Sanitheru 'lever light* ono of laic cigars. Just hoops it in his mouth and chews the end. I've often won- dered why." "You wouldn't if you had ever smelted Dee of them." :For Quer Mat? VeDre, 4' Qxo AND Wets/Puce nenear, - Witalvva5 altitieSitephet awe wed fee over al s+teM,blr mt01nne cf cal,aters far dear c ::drera'awa.t teatime. ,r;th nrte teter:.it P. motet &be elta a l ante,as ate wawaiallwell rasiateg� Irani cella WA tartsDaa ''beth for,taaara2lwa .z' F'cb=aac > the tcas'm e:4411 zF drtvz,V% is exa ear, at 1J.; *MA, 2Ax A - c Q atssroe :14:: sa�.tl t '.bra eat tate tieetherrtuld, .1,0119)111.0.111 The d ret electrical 'alit ay was that at tS.enaeue, at Berlin, in 1879, Monkey Breed Soap nnai:es comic' gold, l a- s* r erwlclte lite tit. lit .,il a �, W e niaaarble. mod windows blew crystal. Straw - ''Bid ane tieing Izapp:en oldie I wee oast. Jam se" atones - sir. Igo one called to t,etileet' a hill." U22 ACRES 11°17 Il'' a1 111TCIT. Wolfo hard, Sept. 4, 1002 iltassey-llarris Co., Limited, Toronto. Gentlemen, -I purchased one of your No. 4 Binders, 7 ft. cut, frons Agent R. J. Spoor,and an well pleased with it, baying cut my crop of 33 aures without a hitch or mistake with a span of horsey of medium etre. The hinder worlaed so easy and handled the crop so per- fectly that I would. not hesitate to purchase a similar one 8 ft. cut, it such 'were built. I can recommend a lwiassey-llarris 71t, Binder to any of my neighbors. JAMES W. O'BRIEN. In the Moutothal, near Schwyn, in Switcerland, is a. cavo which was only explored a year ago. It proves to havo over 8,000 yards of galler- ies, and so is probably tl:o largest in Europe. Minard's Liniment is used by Physicians Hungary, the first country to adopt cycles for tbe postal service, has also been the first to take up motors for the same purpose. 'Where can I get some of Holloway's Corn Cure? I was entirely cured of my corns by this remedy ana I wish some more of it for my friends. So writes Mit. J. \V Bnow.r, Chicago. Mabel -"Do you think a girl should answer a man's proposal by letter?" Tom - "Not one letter, but+three." Mabel - "Three letters?" Tom -- "Certainly! Y -e -s." PRESCRPTONS UTTERLY FAIL To cure itching and dis kuring skin diseases; S3at DR. AC EW5S OINTMENT CURES co matter what other or how many other applications have failed. Madatn used it and got well, and she keeps it for her friends and her children, having learned it is a neverfail in the treatment of piles, and in tetter, salt rheum, ringworm, eczema, barber's • itch, and all skin eruptions. Price, 35c. The Sisters at St, Joseph's In- fant Home, South Troy, N.Y., state,: " Many children come to our home covered with eczema. We ivould like to buy your ointment by the pound." ®r. Agellew'a• Liver Pills are the most effective pills -while milder in action, more quickly set- ting free the digestive canal. 40 doses, 10c. f+ t-£: VMALT-Fix GIpSIES. double Romany wedding has taken place at Bolton, England, the bridegrooms being brothers. The gipsy guests came from all partsof the country,and eighty vans assem- bled on MS. open space. The brides, who had fourteenbridesmaids, were white silks and satins, and rode to church in brougltau s, with four greys, whilst the guests, in gay Ro- many attire, followed. in similar equipages. The father of the bride,- grooms presented his sons with wag- ons, horses, and stock for trading purposes, the value in each. cape Amounting to $10.000. low's This We offer One Hundred xlolfara 13exshrd for any ease oi Catarrh that c.nnQt. bg eeeee try Half's catarrh ("pre - f.. J. GHENEY 4 Co.. Toledo. Q. We. the undersigned, neve known k. J. Cheney for the last 15 years. and bbelkne hire perfectly honorable in alt ar ess tren_cactions and flanancialiy Able to carry out any obligations made by their Orin. axk:5'l' d J RUAX. Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. t P. O, W'AI,Dlflla:. JKit4trlAtd M4.ltV1N. Wholesale Druggists, >,oiede. Ila^l'e eetaarrh Curia Is 'WA% inter* riably. Acting directly upon the blood anal nztlaceaaN surfaces of the system, Testimonials lent free. L'rice 75e, per bottle. eto:d by ell ecru tsts. .1,1nRi"s Family rile are tee best. The great Japanese python which lately died at the Paris `foo fasted before its death for two years, fie•Q months, and three date. and in that time ghee reased from a. weight of 165 pounds to 60 pounds. Nothing is naive certain than tbat the blood can be purified by the use cat lir. Ettenig s Iliainiiurg Drops. They strengthen the digestive or- eaans, regulate the howelo, curs,liv€r oaf"laabtte, dyspepsia, and cone -deg - n. The iron bridge over the Severn. Fxa,glnnd, which is still standing aft - htge, was built, in 1779. and, ceoadnig; to the Act wader which it was halilt, even tbe Sovereign must pay. toil before crossing. Au End to Bilious ilan lacy.-Bilicaw- eieh3seatt-esl lay exc;t ir,e Bile in tar t' :'naaein, hags da matted eileel so* f lte+aaerve,,and+eften neani,feete itself be ire ad Meige. this is the muse diet as ;: soredeehid (tate cut have. There laeaali:teli sfreou cold. frons fuer, and ><,a:an caber eenie , het the .mess ex raae.- athoat of all iR the tilll;iaas tw ali.ae o *. Pat - rteletes Vege sable Pilie wall filrN III -were it aimed. iauniedi:atel , h trill dieeppe:ar a'. can a aae the Vide eittr ere. Anne 19 otatIdDie surer in the treettnent of bilious apt eettebe. The worjd'a German population Sit millions. Of thea America Ito V1»20,000. i 7 Sir Wm. Allan, 1'd'. 1 the new naval scheme. says it Is lite best New Year's Sift to. the Navy since tine days of Alfred the. Great:.. It is Al. bold. determined end stat e- xieanlike effort to secure ell'nciency and equality. They Are Not Violent in. ,Action.'--Sooie p€rsolis, when they wwjsh to cleanse Dile ttonnacb, resort .. a Epsom and otherpurg- etive salts. These are speedy in their ac l?riPaem ic:ee , leocs seeeseteneesiee bAny qquaa£ity et dre raiz ,40 seitalde tap ri,l,.k crams. ter early dehvfr3 *Oa cask pps tae, t',e h. your r.^ selon. .&ddrexs, ag, arlit_ remst ilRIGIC Oct. I Toronto St.. Tore ,ia. Teo- phone 4fainl,ei_ 7-19 t WAY RATES To many paints in the states of Gale ifornia. Oregon and Washington. EVERY DAY tiers but sem of RerwhotetgoQd: Their c,p111it eTh e Union ac fwall Fell lo nmepoduces mcailent aad .Colonict Tickets at tlafollowing One-way in they tbestonach,.tor dotloy ReaRPM theinletines atalemc.. rates front etarzura Raaer te:zw>r= ficial way. Paraneteeti Vegetable fins ale: answeralpa'rpeses in this res eat and2r p , .a.ttfb S,. to San � i v arae sea} Los M. tial Q nasaeeritte, {gales and many other Eaalifortiia,. points. Tieketrs on sale Feb. 15 to June 15, 1903„ • $20.00 to Ogden and Salt Lute :tdf00 .to Butte, Anacondas and lenge322.50 to Spokane anal Waiaatehee, este. Sitet.00 to Everett, Fairhaven and frees Wbaatcoiu. vita Rnntizagton and pol> an 32;:+.410e. to Portland, Tacoma and Seattle. $r2a.00 to Ashland, Roseburg. Eu.. gala, Miserly and Salem, via Vert•. land. Tickets on sale Feb. 1a to npril p 0. 1903. 'ream Chicago and. St. Louie, p,ro iportionately tor' rates are in effect shay lines conneetiug with the Union 'Pacific to all above points. the ocean livers are now; For talc ;afnrn attiou call on or ode with an ingenious machine dtten ing out largo quantities ofF.:lt. Choate, (i, 1," butter sanaatiwielnes, The 130 ilataalsv rd Avesitaa', ?tat€blue cuts and butters GO slues a Detroit. IiSatlib ate. c. rtainaata+ and with its aid S'Vail fend- ' ors A yk5d' now running l+tetweeai ;lesscW;tle oat& Caarliek is eleisa=; t enerol e:atiefa:s-; tdian. Tlae ¢alit eedhere ca,sitioaae4 'Mie cents bevel ten II DAaara'4 by light ht the mien cane aa'nnelaaaire aged resaaova.hbe clash -in flee Prince Hefuy of Prussia is said to be insured for 4 160.000 agains assassination. 11INATW$ LINIMENT I4 the O. Liniment asked for at my Blore a: the Only one wo kept for sale. All the people 7�use {it. 7+ p�'p ARLLIN 1' irox. Pieria ut. Day. G,B, ' "have teen made in thea flataaa s. fl U. R. Caster, 1'. P, ;s., 14 Jones dttnitlin, e Tw.'o retell. eeraada. sew line of railway eurf gogeir C. Smith. the pioneer in for cutlet in ; women a Post Wee Fee tugs ' bonla, and a aeeaanmodatlaag four per- lazuli, beget eith ae tilstm-w of 2'A gate, each tide, f end xiow io.as alto. A na1niltor of !Match people have r et- tln^d in South Lancashire. They aro cla �lly occupied in the cutting of tawf oda Astley Mos;. a vast tract of land nine miles wet of Manchester. Some Publicans in London aro de- clining to servo more than two drinles to one ;person at one visit; and the streets at once assume a more orderly aspect. The provis- ions of the net are very stringent. ra tl hers awl Overshoe& out 0f pure yew clabber. Can as much be said of any ogler mako? cost the maker more, but they cost the wearer less, for one pair does the work of two pairs of ordinary rubbers. "Granby Rubbers war Me iron." 'There were 7,095 street accidents ; , in London Inst year, against dent gs fan 189.x. Fresh Frozen Sea Berri Severe colds aro easily cured by the use In casks ofabout G -o Herrings; $i.(,o per toe by the cast., or SI.7o per top »I 13OI:1tle's dull -Consumptive Sirup, a in smaller quantities. Labrador Herrings in half barrels, $3.ao, medicine of extraordinary penetrating and by ra those echo have et ed Iis tRas being, THE DAWSON COMMISSION CO,, LIMITED, TORONTO. nest medicine tin a for cot, colds la - tlatunlnticn of the luu •s :an�aail aafh'ectin 1 1-45 , y of the throat and the t. Its ngreenblonos to the taste mates it a favourite with. ladies and children. Prismatic Lake, in the Yellowstone Park, is the largest body of hot wa- ter in the world. Ask for Minard's and take ne ether. Paris has 51,000 streetelamps, but only 30,000 are lighted at night. Mother Graves' Worrn Bxterminntor is pleasant to take; sure and effectual iu destroying warns. now have tried it with best results. Uranus is the only one of our sys- tem. of planets which rotates back- wards. Minard's Liniment Link rman's Friend "When that young lean comes, Bridget, show him into the parlor." "My young man or yours, mum ?" SETTLER'S LOW RATES WEST. Via. Chicago and North-Western By., every day from Peb. 15 to April 30. Colonist one-way second class tickets at extremely low rates from stations in Ontario and Que- bec to points in Colorado, Utah, Montana, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and Califorpia, also to Victoria, Vancouver, New Westmins- ter, Nelson, Rossland, etc: Full par- ticulars, rates and folders can be obtained from B. IL Bennett, Gen- eral Agent, 2 East King street, Toronto, Ont. 24 303,823 men died in Great Britain during last . year, but only '284,007, women. NO. 4 SOON CLEANED IT UP. Fordwich, Jana 5, 1903. Massey -Harris Co., Limited. Toronto. Dear Sirs, -The No, 4 Binder worked through thick and thin this last season. The grain was badly tangled and lying down, but the No. 4 soon cleaned it up. I am more than pleased with if,; as I did not expect it could do the work so clean this season the shape the grain was in, but it made no dif- ference ; the reel brought all lying stuff to the elevators. I wish you. a most prosperous New Year! WM. II 'ETTINGER, The Frost 10 Wire and 6 Stay Fence is the strongest and heaviest wire fence made -good openings for good agents ; write us at once for terms. Ask for mtalog. THE FROST WIRE FENCE . WELLAND, aim wal+ emo. ram. t -f DRESSED DOLL GIi$X.05, would youlike to have this beautiful dressed doll? If so, send us your name and address on a post Card and wo will send you one doz, large, beautifully colored packages of Sweet Pen Seeds postpaid. Sell them at 10,emDie eacediateh, relturnyy ussend 31you t.20 anined we will i�-imtost beautiful Its off. you Itav'e ever seen. Dolly is fully and fashionably dressed, includinga stylish hat, un- derwear trimmed with lace, stockings and cute little slippers ornamented with silver buckles. She has lovely golden curly hair, pearly teeth, beau- tiful eyes and jointed. body. Idea Gflioy, Now Wentmhuter. BA., said: " t re. delved your pretty -Doi/ aad am very much plcn'ied with it, Itis a per:eot beauty and far exceeded my oxpF.atationa.' Lizzie Sproute, Noeda1e, 1San., said:"Ireeetsed lov thoelDol losltard Dell thin Ihakreevit iscr ahad." lfn.i Premium. 'tit the Gertio McDonald, Bonavista Say,Newfoundland Maid! Thnnka vory mach for my bautiful Holl. I amMoro tlmayloasedwith ft.�.. - GIRLS, lust stop and thick what a truly , wonderful bargain wo are offering you. Y o as da, fret this Iovefly bib oil completely dressed for selling only ONE /DOZEN packages of Sweet Pea iii. Eac�s ackage is beau- tifulleeldy d©corathed is 12 otalors and contains 42 of the retest, prettiest and most fragrant varieties in every imaginable color. They etre wonderful set lees. /Everybody buys. Maggie Sinclair, Shelburne Ont hard ; "I selda11'the roods fa afort Walden. It la a r easure to toll them" /tory Slate' ,, 1fs?ao 1(1315. Oat.. s.dd: "I nosooner aponea my par. Cel than iI had all the aced sold. They went lice eadAre. .& 6Gc. certificate free with each package. Glaris, 'Si•sito us nand'irctafawill lea our 'cryet owonce 212 la 81.,"rtisbl tmatj. 3 Deily & sxzo -Sone Co., Dept; at`c, r: ezen.to T Pt9 6.9 41-3