HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-3-12, Page 5THE %xeter abruorate published every Thursday Morten- et the Oftlee. ,-,--ley the -7,....T. AcnfOOATg. DUSI,,Iali I t0:1 COMPANY TEANIS OP SCIISCVIPTieq- (Mopeliar per anmen if peld in advenee, $1.50 if net 4-0 pal. W.‘"t/Rgi Q3P4 40441t0,44Ce14.^ ..4-.04Viliertt:••5°47,4. g. ii4q/r4tt -,-4-4 Nei peter .eetinnel eatil all arreemeeserepeid, edvertiseveetes Vi6bOat siegelified directions nee be pubesbed ante Patel awl eberged eeeenlbelle. Liberal 4/Lstoanat Made ititr tret advertiseinente leserfed el' long petiatie Beery deseription et 41011 eDINTILNO tureed out in die finest style,. and at moderate rates.. Meanies, meney Orden', oe., for trivertielnee seleseriptioas, ete., to be utede paeeble to Obas.II, Sanders, vprrou, Alip PAIR rxefe;3010Pa1 Car4ra. I . ..„ .. . I KINSMAN, UPS.. 4-., Ale A- A. KINe'. • 4 4P'S.tm TAIXSaa ;1049r Mr -4144W e• t , e leitreristee DENT/STS. °Ieeth extreetedeeelieet Any pile, er aoy Pied. eleele Peleeke etteemei leeek, wee; -side Mein eteeet, Keeter. e. It. to, ,i3Orenei AN/Nee:NON (P.M, LPN ---Mt4TIST------.- newt Ciroltaste of %onto raliver4ty sell Dee* tegegeelPerrel &moms et °ataxia, Idso Pele Aveivete el ehecago Sehee/ et Pteelbelet hentfetery etritti teiperable utecteone . Alihteatinee, AeI4 40 rillealete Pletee made to the nratest mgrinermsprie- A perivilY harzalMi Kt. stestlatie used ter petelessextreettee et teete. Qfflee cue, deer eeelb efairliriefirol. gore, Bader, rim T. P. Nkl.M70111.1tir„ W11OF an: ileP Came of Pbyriclans and recea9 (beetle. eitysiciee, Narecee sad Aeteolcite Pe2ee4 Peelle weed, Pee- - Jeee le, Wiisee. efeeee erel he ^e, Mee 1.0:TVs Ont. Szicri etteeti,e creVls ee.,01 to deieetee ce mere. eetleo been,. tee to 4 teieliti., ' el ee40±1.liNte4 11.441111STEI ,E111,1 • , layisi. If*•=wc,fa.:,•;3virz. Coz4=-;-,izit . ,' :: roceetret.ete. Meeee o teen Fe, elinleireel, tteletee Alto eimerLifeitter. I eee, Vhee, 1. ilt. Pelees Were Eleedari, ilAIII,IlleriEle, SOLI(' illtall, IF,TP• I, &caw CQ IICtal, -Ono; f;47,4gly Gyilut & I, .sq, Nate FIttttl, Valor, W. 01.0513.1?. 0,3:0"nes's-;r V; Lams & OW. liaregkr, tiltziscr. Notary Patili'l c..... man.) /warn Mr.317.."arf ta Ion at I.7,wes; tato ef to. rot. I.IZ-.'e. Ilain area, Euler. _ t tonnes* Ufilili. Wimtrisca. laweed iktr*.4:47,ctit • Nf3rthe Camtiva of Writ; mr.31 flatinex. ka fnqiie twaeldp of iMlirttle., Sties promptif ttealut trar.1 terns rnanxi`i.:', .6.xtes arrangol i; Pot t1f0,'4 Wirrhists. 1710011k1 PbOgialkaintip ' Pe Omit Diens& Remafie Sold and, reeemmeitteed by. sat rugglita In Canada. only mil. able medicine discovema. Sty foams,' intraunktd to moo an :arms o 8np1 Weaknessall effects et eteee ;r excess, Mental Worry. Xxresilve use of To- Q.110,C04eptura er tittreutarea. Mailed en reeeipt )t priee, one pact age to mix, es, one tealp(eue, a; w0.4 cure earephiets tree to anr address. Teo Wood Company, Wuntser, Out. i Woods Ph(spliodine is eoldinExeter ty 3. W. 13rownlog and C. Lutz )ruggists. i The :Yloisons Bank: {rhartcrelhy Parileracnt,1,.:;:i ) Ilcad Ofilve,1tentrut. 1 'aid up eapita1............$2,500,11;10 teserve Fluid • ..... • • • • • • 4 • •2,250,000, t "A$. ELLIOTT, (InttsttAL, MANAGED. -EXETER BRANCII--- Am h mrs: --I 0 a.m. to 0 p.m; &Unitas 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. i, general. henking Imeiness transact -ed Mm' otereoe el gaol framers at lowest rates. I IavIngs Bank Deposits frau it mid upwards reedy - ed. interest allowed at highest currout rates. lamas &Como, N. D. Uranus, -Solicitors Manager. CREDITON ROLLER MILLS tos-ow,,,00owv..eccicogiciecior.&* We are giving excellent satisfaction since Re- modelling mu- mill. GUSTING and ClIOPPING DONE PROMPTLY. 1-1. SlAtEITZER -THE-- illeroliolits Book of GaRala EnsrfopricE; httlxvidgAT, Capital tortidUp • - • 6,000,000 - Rest 2,700,00.0 A general Banking business ttnsacted. Interest at most favorable current rates allowed on Savings Bank accounts and Deposit Receipts. Commercial Letters of Credit issued, available in China, Japan and other foreign countries. Travelling Letters of Credit issued to travellers in all parts of the world, TI108 FY811E, SINEW. MatiaesR. E.F.ITEEMEN, Sum op Eneectieser, CHIEF Iespeuree • CREDITON, ONT. w. S. OBISHOLM, • Manager. • Mrs. A. R.• Simpson, London,, Ont., was shot in the neck by a bultet tired from the vicinity ,,m,to -her • thiVrigh"i Window. - AU Stuffed Up That's. the condition of many eufierers from catarrh., especially in the morping. 1 Great difficulty is experienced in elm.. 1 ing dee heed and throat, I Nee:wonder eatarth nallSeS headache, impaire the teete, sreell and hearing, polletes the breeth, deranges the 4.tniele ach and deet the aleetetite. To QUID eAtarrh, treatment umet be cenetitutional-ealterative and tootc. ee wee in for NW MOnilts with catarrh ; in Mete:14 and threat, Bee a had ceugh awe raised blood. I had become Ms- ennengeel. When enY nnehn014 heneht a bottle I: ot eloefl's Sareaparilla and perSuatiled 11 to try it, ndelee al* tel tete it. It hae , cared and bola me up." Bills, flu011 P91.11/. WYst Liscemb.. & Ifoocl's Sarsaparilla celres eaterrh-it eeothee and etrenothe ep$ the ralleell$ membrene and buelds op the whele syetem. IALL THE USEFUL breaches taught in the BKITAL pEssrarow, I MARKET REPORTS. • Schooner. Aid Refused te Crew of a Sinking Oratte:44. LTokweeLr-atBeszittiQshuoetaattitloens1;,far. St, Johnis„ Nfa,March ie„ --The ereket M°11claY gYening, Mah g. of the Britieh schooner Algeria, who 1 'Torento Ste Tekleerence. Market. were rescued from their water-logged .1,011Sineee at st, Lawrence Aferket to. vessel in mid -pee -an February by tile g CiarT'esWgeertet;t n4Ift^ recglOts alt steamer Kreioneand end carried to , fe.s.‘r/prea,tatmTetuenteineartLve rpoouStlineutee.: SOUtellailaptcul, have returned tO tilid Ann ehleheaged. One bensired buSi4tels • on tho steauir Luanda. The tetaerf red arid white sole at 72%c per Lombardi ihd men complein that the Italiatel ix$itebarnoe4r buOnajfe-444 "bOutsattlts"nsotireanestr4;:%_Jvsc'elx;: daylight mid moderate S.R ebillarY ;ley. -melee eer rite or ISe,, 'lett after bearing, down on them, market. Quo llitionts are Iteltlytrenalt: woceeded wilhOnt giving the enden- otsfealmperoitrai.nal,eito,ove,45 1-;?redi awn any aSsistance. The captAin , or: &Le Algeria deciaree that in reply to ?fitroluveerr aistaPertea:Yritalti_pNet9r' tert eirmlYealter; neestioll ir0111 the commander of the 000ts2 were swo, Q e4e. ollt 1.5 Lombardia he said the schooner was sinking and her 'Wet& were de- Ott. 41(vei,;(4e47.111)Irr atgi ,Yet7ealyoftit IV StrOyed, and that he begged the Ita- Per 19°, lien captain to take him end his men Vieible Supply. off. The Lombardia, howeeer, Accord - hog to the captain of the Algeria. steam. meat .4.re,Y.Z4 ^ Ae.'we.00a a Ater vee 3fer ed around the schooner, which hoisted corn :oo..osee teteeeee ,Theeeose her ensign at half-mast,. end then con- , ggs t'egz *mg VieTego° domed on her way, leavong the six un- , oartei 1,1-5,00e, releseVea fortonates on the Algeria Ao their fate. Wteet. delemeieet11.0eieeree bnesbeee tbe Past 'The Kreopland rescued them the -next 42,4, A.ek4v IVr ileClre4•544 )4W3 a s te their lesse r a busbee Pres -sect Ifogs--Trade 'wee very doll toe night, ' Stu e trat. goaranteednietelphs,but (after a voterse m this College it will be .110: OUBLE.FORTIMBHOLOANTPOIR Wo aid them. if po-sildeLn obtain employment. lout we ihot vaptip them to neeinteht the high reputation this 6011001 has iteteeirea, .7. W. NV EWE= E ETTLERS ONE-WAY XCURSIONS To leaniteleatel renselan Nc4lherrt; CUT HI$ 11E41) OFF, ..ar Fatal Accident et Lachine. We Works. Brideb Cettle MeeketO, Lenden. N'arc14 9.-pboteo eenerieall 4tAt .1VeATWI. Mardi 9,-Cholco American tie. VIA; Canadians, Cid; Arootutneo. te EXETER MARKETS. 1, Wheet CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY . ExETER .1 07 70/ Barley „ ... , - - ... .. , 38 421 Oats, Potatoe$, per beg.- 25 .90 Her', pee ton.......... - 7 00 8 00 Flour, per cwt., roller1 05 2 tra 2 Dotter, . . ., , 16 17 Oh Eggs... - .........- . . .. .•16 Live hogs. per cwt.. - - 5 50 5 50 Hides, pee 100 lbs .. „ 5 95 6 001 preSSed HOge,...- .- - 7 70 7 7.) 1 COI SO Shorte per cwt.- --- Turkeys ........ . - ,.ht 1 Geese.. - ... . .. 81' Dueks........ - . - - . - Chicken. cesteete%“¢nakaa," 4 6; Dried Apples.... 4 ... . Of my daughters . 04 a errible ease of asthma.- We uied .41410St everythhot. but without re. lief. We then -tried Ay O's Chem. • Pectoral tud three and one-half bottles: Owed Iter."---Elnunt Jan.? Enteminger, La.ngeville, Q. Ayees Cho 1 Bag Buffalo Merket, Montreal, Merch /0.-Lonie Be - I work* ill the Dominion Wire r4St 1/4(141° 13 e inInor 4t1 to 44.a; boo. il ..,;.d.,l to el,o): cook. roes Andres iz)ron b. - got around his flee' chine, was killed in ne- tgPrin441; °te34Y; 411" aglt7°Raet;'44a1PlIt'. _ _44'0 eneC Manner. He • - aoo /mawasthma. into a maci .ae feeding wire to 40:Joe) to ea.1,1- eutee'S strong Prime rtainireuresmanycases IMO whet% in eon) • t '1,P; heireP n'`U 4er* 5teqr9' "15 unknown to him, 414.53; st..nters roe.; feeders. XIX h to off and it fell Oil table. tollileVt.atrtez.irt,g. Carniattnt°4-1: V Int et. coughs, night body eante to the Iloor. The man eaves a faced gra to( 9t.i5- IfeiorCriteetettititotrile,Ve figei coughs, and hard colds. Active; ple,,s rrg` Mgt:en. ottera C Itt'S oarsoness, weak lung Mei; beitere tg wiled the wire cut lue head, etronoi paed • .40 to eee-43; Cu]Wa and sprirfeei t to ctlIce. "41ii to ore to- lulu 'hooping - cough, croup AGAIIIST THE ,41:34 , U LA.11, e- Eie. , 44 4: roughs. reel to ' met ter beetweitie, eeeese. " §ereleee :keeeey„ i•eieee go tree; video, $74.); 4•444.0,44.4**4.44.0.•••••int...•••••44444•4•4m4-4..w.1 R'"'4'". lleedieee. 37-64 to , e,e; 'Yorliere. Wen tet Thee etre:et-ZIP.. erorfee, emelt eeleesiey Wiee*.e U75 to elee- Beeep end tatabe Ce.4404 Ote4; Va went ereeeveciel Zael114113% ENIetrentitell Rale "ere Ve 1400"er' western Vie leigevr• e etereeee c34,7s or I to ketn ea Ir awe .1. te ATtel tee. teoee. re:e. G TO T 11011ER Ifi FOR PURE MANITOBA GE FAIRLY FLOUR (Stale BEST .PASTRT • tPeineees) . WRE_ATLET tBrenkfaet Foed) A gO0a Stlpi.oky of Ifillfeed d cilOp alwa.y$ on haud. Give our Flour and Feed I use to suit custonters. 1 trial and be convinced that it is ail right. Roller and Plate grind Harvey Bro$. iSuccessers to J. Colirledith PIANOS and ORGANS. Lfl We boo lost reeeired 11011! Stock Of PIANOS „and ORGANS of the beet sotekee and willeU lent ae pricee anal tome (het elatOe anyone to !slue in their itulleet one cf thoee Brent/fel loots en.eote. .'0.tetvitt.g 3i:eel-ace s ere etrysy it, h top atAlii-e.• 41-'..;m 19 iireeen Pelle to Zttitrti, fte,' thfc, '41 11211AtI reipee Meek A Good Start, tot t , ea bee. e. "a.m. uthe, te,Zoi th"t '4441•,;17''' ye ee to 14 Arelsio, MeecZa We " r .02Viitt54 inneltelsea needho tail via. for ell nealo e toe - to graph raeseoge received Obble, I:143; Qui, Chicago Live Stock. Settaren Reeittre.-The &Mewing 4 ; rtit Sql=ti41414.4 East Afriva, anniennece Sheet and Ileult. Moshe, IliFfillit 11 the topert of S.S. No. 0, for the month tilQt General ltannintli ci'Ztontied Gal= / Wine:eta, l'irUTOill te----Oettle--Reeelote, A- of Feb. Names are in order of niteeit. '11301-704 Bilde9. ett'o oiwl:icti in tt.ock. Itayu VI:relle. March e. oith hie notunted p iPeltil'etrIVfgrot g", or elm v.---- may ..Toro'9, Stahel 84wYt'r Ill" Sire will he pleeeed tat eletw vou eur cesemitiee eleeee eeeneeee to ttie enemy. ,,,, Zit,;.„9,11,1_,D ta tstat;. 4,, to erleie ,,.• FIOSSie Fiat -wig.. Nelson Con.-, Willie 'I PLEASE CALL. view% awl thot lee reeeeikeeee of his sta-.-ters feceere. au to vi.75Nali 1:".1'414' 1:"Wi4r4' caarim reacted awe !lurch sa The gee, to el eveeee. lene ee eteree wee, tithel Drown. Hazel ilagitte jr. IV.: os fel ateere. V1,10 Viefti. Sr. IIL-Vietor SAW:ITT. ' 11"/-11e'l:t1r11* 1°41". aft ts4" die Johns, Stanley Coward. Jr. 111. teertenT. Veeee'et eVer. 0,0534 market FIRE AT CLINTON. einem, tie Sp ielsbee; mixed alto untehere, Nettie Cain bell, LAM Goillnolt. %era creeleterre Tiereill4V dereee elate;a ar' el .4 ;r0 0:403.:f we're :eat leeereseefeee, " r „ Sidl,d;te. e,7,17e. 49ilerit twO,14001ere Ite3Tlymeile415. toa weloVner mians• litenyultvnoo.Jde, feltdit‘eneelil.-giliallei. ,o I . • .-. 4 ' • The Cocotte Bleck Completely De. . to 17-..7; Natit or e:to,-.; slr.ttri 'i- to 't,"" 1°lieP./ Sr. 1L -Lulu thialli()It, Ulla Heywood., eto) te;tureietreoeieeteet ' ' ' . e * -4"t stroyed Last Night ---The Losses. ,, . • , . . is ar.ep an ara 3 5 ea • ..• t•-• * %I.' A 4 AO 145 pee. geed te eledve wetherfl. r4 to utz; rate an /it -443ura 11 00451•Clart'nee CrPerY Pasinwsla traram: Vire ,"/ctr.t; .301,34,1 Clinton, March. tee -What is known to choko "Aged= 1/ *�U.. Hubert Jones. Sr. Part 11.-Joltnny. ate lit: teen Tee -tato at 1,4'44 pkvra, as the Combo block was completely 1 Creery. -Sawyer, Jenme ("onon Leading Wheat Markets. bell. Jr. Poet Gaelhole Clara Volios,i4.3N3prr will beet:4AM 043714 lrere. destroyed by tire. Tile block ccon- Claviesprevlotts ClosInF toa.darr Kellett. Far VI paritmliar4 awl rain' a "s'4111en" sitedof combo% drug store. liars eithrogo 74% 715 Mlle A ay. emit, MaY. eve to ny 1,33s..4 r•03.14.43 latilnory and Cotteh's butcher shop. on- Iraq -11 7411 7,1 ere Anin5luelrlsnicialelgdottn Te3eher`i• kitde, 011mtern canwls" or k•iirilidt , ,1 New 4.4*••••• •4_ ,93 !I •• 41 adjoins Cooper's book store. Mr., Min,toiap;olls Combe was follino perseription for .11holorg Dr. Shaw, and while in the back shop 1, itM111:144:1111Q varying a bottle oT alcohol in one St. Loiti; - hand and a lamp itt the other had tite --.441:44e • 4. Wti TS Til 030,e A.P V. NOTMAiir DIED SUDDENLY. ,A,70!lont eit mai Pa,..-•rt•-,vr AgIon St. Maros. March 4.-Douglart ( Nettp• It vow St.T,,raito. ' ' , 'bunt ehied SUI; of Mr,. C. W. Cimpland eves foetid dead in hie bed on TOeselay 4 by his /ether who went to call him to Peter tit4 Ostralniel), 141rUterly Montreal, Grain, and Produce tefoortune to hill, causmg the fire. • breelifitst. Yonng Complontl etas in homas, omit o deo. laingh tots ATOntr 1 "Sterch -The nrwket for ail 1 ) It" I I h 'TM' was tile &Meet frame block in gratuu Zas 'n'teady,' and the. volume or i is 05" 1"1 1 1 1, „1% I"1,Til-• 111.. tt mtittlett"""1 8 ttutattY tlitti "tttltl. toe:;). and was standing when Clinton John Done, Grand Think eenductor trade: Ithlitt 1411a. 141$144tal li.ert liturtsel I glItt:::41t:IfftrtdeiftlitIter"iliinitt; Was known as RattenblIrY's Corner. tgefeeeeetiirtrnelrelos: Act' atheaZ 114m-; Gordon (occupied it. bed in the $eine einnisig out itif London ;net with a end- ineurance on building ..2,000. ;Ar. F- en atiti terril 10 deal It KIWI &Intl* be• nays ins, heavily. as also ur. froightw•No. 4. extra. 4,..41; ry.4.„, leiedastio "11Y 4" 1'1'4; 11°* 3 barleY" 41e Id° 1•00111, and heard his brother make no 14 I 13141141414 d".„,w," .1111: N",,tv Ymk e'N..." Coombe and Mr. Couch. but their losses on'Ir ttuott•rfunrs 4in noise whateven Tuesday morning xpreeio ene mall wag are partly covered by insurance. Manitoba, bran. In lone, 09; shOrts. in bis tvoilt, not knowing his brother 4eirtrrtVotTl'eolne tioe'cieFerei 1Gordon arose,dreeeed himself and went • calking up the mein Hoe tntek, !trete ‘viliniveg, :much /0._,Tho eeeeent bags, eel; onterlo bran. in bum els to 114' 01414 bh) t" the stAthm whe" school and public hall at St. Alphanse, t Mutt,714112Pt141%;, TgTglant was dead. When found he eves Imo on his face, life being quite extinct. ti nek down. He died ;almost iustant- ht• "I" lilting' and he Nem ...Nhinitolia were destroyed by lire. The to quelne:. Douglas bed been subject to fits; ever the beek of his head being crushed le‘r'esi! aympathy with the deellning wheat mar- vetry beavy and insurance only Flour -The flour market was Ilan In since be was 0 or 7.years of age, and it n and intet nal injuries else) being re- o'ezu° kot. Quotations la exonttost on mok is stppostd a tit sotzed him Seine tittle eived. ••••••••••11!•••••••••••••••=4144 • are, VI.,45 to #3.14 for onraloht rollers. in during the night and was uniable to . titogloszall tlioassrADFItAlittetro igio'erotiase:grel call his tissistance. lesEmperor 'William -I.., Neat Duke of ICumberland noeeet Month. Copenhagen, Mae -1). ro.-With refer oe - AITXIOTTS r.:.:tozTaxaxxxox OSS rf to, $4.1e; Manitoba. finest strong bakers', 11.10; patents. 14.40. Itolled Oats -The demand Is fair and prices range from /MO to 1,120 a barrel and $I.% to $2.05 In bags, In broken lats. ; Cheese -Old cheese Is practically done When you can't eat break. ast, take Scott's Emulsion. hen you can't eat bread and butter, take Scott's been living on a milk diet and want something a little more nourishing, take Scott's EmulsiGn. To get fat you must eat fat. Scott's Emulsion is a great fattener, a great strength giver. Those who. have lost flesh want to increase all body tissues, not only fat Scott's Emulsion increases them all, bone, flesh blood and For invalids, for con- valescents, for corisumptives, for weak children,- for•all who need flesh, Scott's Emulsion is a rich and cctrp fortable food and a natural tonic. Scott's Emulsion for bone, flesh, blood and nerve. We' will send you a free sample. , , Be sure ,that this picture in the form of a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. SCOTT <S, BOWNE, CIIEMIS'fS, " Toronto, Ontario. 50c. and $11 all oirtieghtee ellen to the probable meeting of th , German Emperor and the Duke o 11. Cumberland here ae the beginning o next month it is steted that Ernpero William will offer the Duke of Cum berland the Duchy of Brunswick -Lune burg, but will adhere to his forme demand that theDuke shall renounce hi rights to the throne of Hanover. Hith crto the Duke has refused to accep these conditions. The Emperor is re ported to be anxious for a recOnalia o here. Very little new 3.•et. Finest fall goods, 1iic to latic; fodder In country, llo to Mee. e Butter - Market unchanged. Fresh creamery, finest. 20%e to 21ec; held l! • to 19c; Western dairy rolls. 17c to /Sc. • Zggzs•-,Izialr demand at steadY Pekes. creamery' 19 , ee to ooto tine creamery, 1Sc New laid per •dOzen. 17%c to 18c; Mont - storage, 110 to llic; • rend limed, 13 •e, cold r weetern limed. 10e to 11e. s -British Markets. t1 Liverpool, March 9. -Opening -Wheat, non. Canon Hineks Resigns. epot steady; No. 1 standard Califurnia„ led; Walla. Us per eental. Gs iOd to Us 10 - Geed to s 741; No. 2 red winter, Gs ld to Gs °AA; No. Inortliern Manitoba, Gs 741 • to Gs 75d; futures steady; March nominal; May,Js 1441 value: July, Cs lid value. Corn--SpOt firm- mixed American, per cental new 4s tt(I to 4s tie'd• fut res Windsor, March 9. -Canon J. P • Hincks, for seventeen years rector of All Saints' Church in Windsor, has of- fered his resignation to the weedwardens.The matter has not yet come officially before the -vestry, as the wardens are against accepting the resignation. • TELEGRAPH BREVITIES. steady; illetrucY Illr"1"1; NIA14 496 "ta 21s 2d., i -A ntreapolis, d o- Liecierpoi?1.1, March 9 -Clos--Wheat, spot steady; Gs lo(cd itb setsaitT?' Walla, Is tktdp 20r Gs 7d; No, 2 red winter, es. 1..d to Gs Seed; No. 1 northern Manitoba, Is id to Gs 7%d; futures dull; IVIareh, 6s 3d; May, es leed value; July, Is %d nominal. Corn -Spot, firm; mixed American, per cental, 9s Gid to, 4s 6%de futures quiet; March, 4s 6efit6 value, May, 4s 3Ad value. Flour -Winne - The -legislature will be formally opened apolis, 20s lid to 215 941. this afternoon. London, March 9. -Opening -Wheat" on passage, rather easier; cargoes about No. The Ninth Ontario Pa.rlialnentary 1 California iron, passage, 31s Gd sellers; widte. arrived, 30s 3d• sellers; election takes place to -day. w.hite. January, 29s 6t1 sellers; La Pieta, Malt Breakfast Food. • Is the World's Best Cereal Food for Maintaining the Health of Those Who Are Now Well and Strong, While the most noted food expeets and medical men strongly recommend Malt Breakfast Food as the most bene- ficial article of diet for invalids and people of even k digestion, they are also agreed that it is the king of breakfast allies in tvery elements, as foods for young and old in good colds influenze catarrh,the grip and pneemonet do in the storm v month al March. The best way t hat we know of to guard against these disease:3 is to strengthen tbe system with Hood's Sarsaparilla -the greatest of all life guards. It removes the conditions in which these diseases make' their most successful attacks, gives vigor and tone to all the vital organs and fume tions, And imparts a genial warmth to the., blond. Retnember the weaker the system the greater the expOsnre to disease. Hood's Sarsapat ma makes the system Strong. s.Iiii_PARTIN Seeds • are 7 Wee by fanner *Pi g•eraraer w113 IlkeltX4esper.sr1lat,rf.tt O pay a, null, WOO Trys*4armotarcat 1rIr1r*a&rw5. Ali tikeltt Annum, welt ttrzPhaults. IERRY & CO., ndeor, Ont. Angus B. MacDonald, rineei .:rs peal% was instantly killed by a n..; tree tome Rossland, His relat Zvi.. ree.ikle at- Laneaster. HUNG IIIUSELP IN UM DARN. William earrothers, 1,Veot inineter much respeeted old Lorin esialent on con. Z1, lot 6, took lile own life on Thureatty aftermoon. Ile need a, bale ter, and the terrible (he was eamunit- ted in his own harm li* . alio every of his dead body, hauging in the hem was tin attftil Surprise to uteMiliers of his family, who never for a single mo- ment had suspected the t the old in)tu had ever contemplated snieide. Car- rothers bad been in London tont a few days before and lie appeared in his us- ual spirits. No indication was given that he would within three or four days resort to means to end his exist- ence. The only reason assigned for the net is the fact that he lied brooded a good deal over illneos th the family. lle.) as 67 years of age. LIFE GUABOS. The Life Guards are twnregiments of formiug part of the British household troops. They are geitatin $oldiers, and every loyal British heart is prouti Cf them. Noit only be King's hoosehoid, but yonrs, ours; .every- body's shoold have its life gaiords. .The need of them is e:spevially great when the greathe est foes of life, diseases health.: Atilt Breakfast Food the only cereal food that regularly fur- nishes that vitality- and energy nee. essery for the daily success of the body and brain worker. Malt Break- fast Food pleases the whole family, because i it s the only cereal food that is relished day after day. All, GroCers sell and recommend Malt Breakfast Food. Asa Lefler, a well -to -do -farmer of G'osfield Nortb, supposed to be insane. nee-. Wm. Loohead, Presbyterian, min- f.o.r.t., steam, PremPt. 27s 9d -sellers; tine, ister, died at Brantford, in his 73r41 year. passage, 29s sellerg. passa-e. hanged hina self in • Sandwich jail on R. R. Simpeon & have taken pos- can, sail grade, destination wanted, 21s (Met and sthady; eargoes mixed Ame;i- Wednesday. session of the. Hotel Royal at Hamilton. leed sellers; La Plata., yellow, rye. April and May, 20 sellere, Weather in Eng - Reports say the rebellion in Sh t nets of Saturday, quiet. Monday's Bus- Pnovinee, China is makine rapid 1 ead- an ung land, cold. • countty wheat mar- -4 I way. stialr shipments: -Wheat, 2.352,000 bushels; cern, 600,000 bushels. . The Popo will 'feeelve ', a delegation, 92 Lonclon--Closa-Numleer of cargoes :die ' rived off coast since last' report,, four ; - ' , e - Norfolk. .. ' British Cnumber of cargoes of wheat waiting at a.tholicheaded fiy the u i, 'Dke o "f , i, outportS °Eared for sale..two; wheat on paseage easier arid neglected: parcel No. A bulletin says that five men 1 hard' Manitobat first half,May, SOs paid; . id were burned to'deetthedurn • ul san ' City., . iga g fire at Daw- first. -half 141ay! 29s 10%d mid; Mae, 295. buYers apart; La Plata, rye teems; The body of Mr. John Baker of Crurelin settled. This May mean that S. P. is to go was found in a creek. He had been mits- March. April, 20s O. paid:' Mark Lane Miller Market: Wheat, eoreign quiet but ing for over a week. steady; English du/I at a decline ofe 6d. , Mr. John Wood, a young farmer, of Cern-America/1.6M' at a .decline of 641; •Danubian dull at a decline of 3d. Flour- Otonabee Township, was found dead on the road at elarrison's Corners. American steady and English quiet. Wheat - Parcel of No. 1 northern Du - Lieut. -Col. Thompson of I-Iaidimand luth, passage, 31s paid; wheat, parcel No. and Mr Philippe Deniers of St. Sohn and March and April 80s 641 paid; and - and Iborville will move and second the APHI and May, 29s 41,ed paid, and April . . address in Parliament. . and May, 29s go. paid. Corn-cargues ini.- if used as directed will check the progress ed American. sail grade, destinetion Neent- of this fatal disease and restore the afflict- , The tinder Secretary for ' Foreign A f- ed. 21s paid: cargoesOdessa, f.o.r.t., steam fairs hinted at an amicable understand- passage,, 2.!\ 1.parcel;20paid. Madeira, parcel mieed ed to perfect health, Do not go to Florida, 'Madeira, California, Mexico or the Rocky Ing between Britain and Russea on in -at- . ,Tinulit'wegi, iLree .6.--&es-Wheat, spot Mountains. Remain at home with friends tors where their Intel:cots cla.shed. I t' N 1 northern IVIanitoba, passage, 34s id paid, • EAK LUNGS Consumption. Es 4.4.* LEAD T •••••••441[4.04••M•••••••••1 THOUSANDS' or PERSONS ARE HASTENING TOWARDS THIElk GRAVES AS , A RESULT tiff THIS DREAD DISEASE every sufferer: f A cure is now within the reacho PUL -MO qu e , o. 2 -red winter ltre pfg. Corn - and home comforts around you and use Spat' Amoridan mixed, 21m. Flour -Spot A despatch from Nanles says Vesuvius ennneapelis; 25re 6 pfg, Pul-Mo, which is the achievement of the has again become aotiye. The .velca.no s PailsMarch. e. -Opening -Wheat, tone 'century, medical science. Puleno is an threwing up asarel explosive inenneeee- steady; March 2,22 3DC; May and August,a.bsolute Mire' for Consumption TbrOat 22f 95e. Flour -e one steady at 301 10c for • ',cent globes, presenting an imposing snee- Ma reh and 302 25c for May and August, and Lung Troubles Coughs Colds and all Put] -Mo stands alone -the use of any other medicine as an assistant it' not necessary. Eat good, plain,' nouriShing food, get plenty of fresh air and out -door exercise, and use 'Pul-Mo as directed, that is all -Nature will do tho rest. Pol-Mo is inexpensive, being sold by druggists at $1.ock per large bottle, or you may procure a sample bottle for 15 cents. If your druggist hag not got Pul-Mo Iti stock, a sample bottle will be delivered to any address FREE OF ALL CHARGIC - Address all letters to The Pul-Mo Co., Toronto, Ont.