HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-3-12, Page 4eetter cztbro..cate
tenhas. 11. Sauders, Editor and Prop
thRaa-One by oae our residents are
being called hence, This week we re-
d the death of another a onr
known young meniu the person of
'harles Raerett, sou a Mr. Christie
plier Eaveett, of 'Victoria, Park Ferro,
the ead event occuerlog ou Frldey, et
elle age of 38 years, The eeased had
from very infauey been en bZVnIJCII be
a vietim of spinal elieease, reenir-
Ing wore careful attention, and in eon -
too much credit eannot be giv-
en to his sister 01400 Mree lienry
Taylor, who has leemained at home and
&tieing all thoeeaR years ha1 watched
et' bee helpless brother. The funeral
-took plaee Smiday to the Exeter cern-
etery on Sunday and wos largely at,
tended. The sympathy of the eom-
munity is extended to the bereaved
01 zczEmt I1=24. -For some weeks
past the Sylvan Oil Company have
been drilling for oil on the property of
Mr. S. Atiriore. bbot six miles from
here. On Tkzesday of tut week the
well was shot. Pumping wee started
immediately. and a good flow of oil
was the result. The prospeets are the
well will be good for four or five bere
rels per deeve Dialing will be eterted
immediately on other properties in the
eteighborhoud, whieh has been leased
by the company. The proinoters are
confident of the result.
WrenteRD eee Loielenee-et quiet even
et k place at London. on Monday ere.
ming, March 2nd. when Ale. Geo. W.
Mahon, of Om place., was married to
Miss Kate Anderson, daughter of the
late Wm. Anderson, of Arm Rev.
Me, Jackson, of the Centennial Chinch
performed the ceremony, The bride
was prettily ;ranged in a talloomade
suit of brown zibeline with hat to
match. Both bride and groom were
-mere eeded. Me. and Mee. 'el thou will
reel& net Strathroy. The 'test wish*
of their twiny friende follow them
al their new ligtnite mid we prediet for
%beta a, sueeeesfed career.
Futee-The reeidenee er John Maud-
-son. of the 12th concessionwas des..
troyed bv ttre ep Thuretley night.
Some a ate contonts were destroyed.
Where was some insurance on the pro-
Wgmenoe-On Ithereh 411, there
sembled at the residence of Mr. Ezra,
A,nnisof this phenyl joyous company,
to witness the marriage of his popnlar
,danghter, Miss Fanny Le to 31e. Jos.
Fleming, of Adjala township, Stowe
Co. The interesting cereineny waS
performed by the Rev. C. W. Brown*
of MitebelL After the congratulations
heends were extended to the happy
eouple the pests repaired to the din -
Zug room, where a sumptuous repast
was partaken of and where the usual
toasts were proposed and drank. The
'are& was dressed in a handsome cos-
tume and ite bb#4 tthik h4.6* pbtee beside
the groom. no fairer bride wasever be-
held, and herhushand may feel justly
proud of the choice. A pleasant time
was speut during the evening, after
which the young couple left for their
'future home in Adjahr, township. The
bride will be greatly missed here as
she was a geueral favorite with all.
The presents received were very pretty
•and numerous. Tbe best wishes of all
follow them and predict a bright and
prosperous life.
Miss Alice Petty attended the mil -
Tillery openings at Toronto last week.
-Mr. D. Bess and wife visited the for-
mer's father in Thamesford for a few
days during the week. -Miss Ida Coul-
ter attended the millinery openings at
London last week. -Miss Sadie Caul.-
gne has returned to Toronto, after a
few days' visit here with her sister,
Mrs. Neelands.--Will Cook, of Sea -
forth, has taken a position with his
brother to learn the harness business.
-Mrs. L. Harold, has returned to her
home in Wingham, after a pleasant
'visit with her sister, Murdock. -Miss
Hemphill, who has been the guest of
her sister, Mrs. C. Cook, has returned
to her home in Wroxeter. -Miss Annie
McEwen, after attending the millinery
evenings at Toronto, left for Owen
Sound to resume her position. -Miss
Jennie Million returned to her home
near Goderich Wednesday -Mrs. Blair
is visiting friends in Kippen.-Rev.
Quance delighted the coogregatiori of
the Methodist church on Sunday even.
ing by singing a solo. -Messrs. W.
Kyle, T. Horton, G. O'Brien and Hec-
tor Reid left last week for the West. -
The Allen family leave in a few days
for Bad Axe, Mich, where they intend
.residing. This will lessen the popula-
tion by ten. -T. Ballantyne and fam-
ily leave for the West on the 28rd inst.
-Chas. Ohapniann has gone to Wier -
ton, where he has been appointed ns.
sista nt at the G.T.R. station. -Mrs. 8
• McDonnell is visiting in Detroit. -D.
:.Nichol disposed of his fine team to Jas.
.Efummeston, who is visiting here from
Manitoba, for the handsome sum of t.
$350.Mr. Ilummeston intends tait- 3
ing them out with him together with i
.enough good horses to make a carlcad.
-The South Huron Farmers' Associa-
tion will hold another meeting in Cox -
worth's hall on to -morrow (Friclaye at
130 rem., for the purpose of discussing
the iinportant issues taken up by the n
.association, Every fernier in South
Herat should be •present.-Auniver- J
sary services were held in the Metho-
dist church on Sunday last. The Rev. I-
F. E. Mellott, B.A., 13.D., conducted 1
the services, both morning and even-
ing, his discourses being full of interest 0
and very inetructive. The choir ren- d
dered some very choice music and the
services were well attended. --Quite a
number from these parts intend leas'- I
beg for the far famed West this month G
and next. -Mr. Henry Hood, who hes e
been spending the winter months with F'
his friends and relatives here, left last fl
week for hisbome in the West. -Mise 's
LeMoir has returned from Toronto, I
evbere she bee been visiting her sister, S
Mrs;.Joseph Case. -Melvin Stoneman S
eis rapidly recovering from his illness. 1(
Blackwell is also recovering from I
his illness. -Mrs. Foster, has returned 1
t o her home hi Michigan, after e N
ant visit here with friends,
Miss McNamee, of Killtuney, Mee„
is visiting friends here. -Mr. jonathau
Atkinson, who has been aerose the
ocean this winter,, has eetoreed.
FAR)/ OnANGES.-Considerablefarm
property has changed bends here dor-
Mee the peet feW weeks. Mr, Murray
miner hs sold his fine teem to Mie
(raves, Alcomtway, for a gond
price, it is considered one of the best
farms in Middlesex. Mr, /Dram Miller
also sold bisform to Mr, Wesley Me.
Geire, Mr, Miller intends moving to
Manitoba in the spring. Mr. janiee-
Doyle, 2nd concession,
has rented 'Ma'am, to Mr, Dale, Ala
Doyle wilt:leave shortly for Chicago,
where he will reside, Mr. George Lin.
tot t las Moved tONiesouatnearThorri,
dale, where he has rented a farm,
Council met Nareh ith, All preeent.
Minutes of last meeting were read and
approved. Communications from The
Farmers' A,ssociation, and the Town Or
Goderielt, were read and ordered to be
filed. Connell then resolved itself in,
to a Court for the Revision of the Ase
eessment on the Scott Dinin, There
being no Appeals, the By-letw was read
a world. tune and laid over for final
arhiption. The tender of the Mitchell
Pledge and Irou Works Co., to build
in eon, a live panel Warren Truss,
rted steel bridge with steel joists,
and expanded metal andm
ceent Con-
crete floor, for WI was excepted.
Bridge to be completed by July alt.
All work to be guaranteed. Tenders
were asked for all cement concrete and
steel bridge, with conerete abutments
on coueeastone 0 and 7, near Elitteville,
but were laid over for further could.
eration. Tenders will be veceived at
the next mth
meeting for ape e
road It -whine, applieaut furnish one
team. The delegato to the Good
Roads meeting at Clinton made there
report atal their expenees„ anumeting
to $3.75. were paid. Peterson. BUIS &
Wheliban CO.. were also paid for com-
plete bridge and abutments. Couces.
sums 0 and 7; floor and railing bridge*
Con, 4, $34.50. Connell then adjonre.
ed to meet April 4. at 1 o'clock.
F. AfORLEle Clerk,
Grand Bend
WftteOttA EXeterlin
tends organizing a Royal Tempters of
TOPIADeranee. IAdge here next week,-
Mr. E. Howarth of Exeter, spent Tues.
day bere.-Alr, Shaw, who has. been at
the Soo *ince Christmas, returned
Wednesdayt-The gravel bee on Wed.
treaty to gravel around the church
and manee, was weR attended and a
good supple of the neeeeeary was plae.
ed on the grounds. -Mr. Delbridge,of
Feborne, eras here Alonday. endeavor.
u to swum laborers for the summer.
s. DeIsel, of Sarnia. is here visite
ing tiends.-11. Doan. V.& of Zurich,
spent Monday liere.-31re. Rush le on
the siek list. Her many friends wisb
her it speedy recovery.- Mr. Luther
moved here Friday. no Mrs. Elliott's
farm -Miss Mary Ishit returned from
Selteringvitle. Sitturday.-51r. Sown!)
Gill has purchased Ale. Stephen Webb's
farin.-Mr. limnphrey Webb was
united in martiage to Miss Annie Al.
len on 'Wednesday. The ceremony
was performed hy thence, S. A. Car-
efree in the presence of only the neat,
relatives of the contriteting padres.
Mr. Wes. Dearing and sister, Rose,
f the lied Cone left Monday to visit
friends in Marlette and Silverwood,
Mich.-31ra Sohn Cookson, who has ti
been seriously ill for some me, Is, we
are please.' to state, recovering. -J. E.
Tom, P.S.L. of Goderich, visited S.S.
I: a 3, on Tay.
GOOD ExTertearsetueer.-The series
of debates given by the Providence
OratoricaeLiteraty Debating Society,
were brought to a fitting close by au
excellent entertainment on Friday
night last. The school was crowded
to the doors and all were amply repaid
for their attenditnee. The chair was
token by Mr. W. H. Dearing and a
jerogram. eonsisting of singing, read -
Inge, recitations and a dialogue, was
most admirably rendered, manifesting
the freits to be attained by those wor-
thy organizations. It is to he hoped
that the Society will be revived next
Scrum REPORTS. -The follovving are
the names of the pupils who have ob-
tained the highest marks, in S. S. No.
1, for the month of February. Names
are in order a merit ,V. -Hector
Mitchell, Warren Mitchell, Edna Me -
Naughton, Rose Wilson. Sr. IV. -Al -
lie Haggith, Laura, Sims, Alvin Baker,
Elva Windsor, Jr.IV.-Hermati Mitch-
ell, Harold Duplan, Sam McCoy, Frank
Mitchell, Sr. III. -Joe Hearnan, Joe
White, Czar Wilson, Major Ridley.
Sr. III. -W illie Sims, Murray Elliott,
Charlie Grafton,Frank Conway'. Sr.
IL -Lillian Robinson, Malvan Cafes,
N. Bissett, Norman Heathen. Jr. II.-
Archie Robinson,- Margery Hepburn,
Mervin Elston. -.Jr. 11. A.-Efazel
Hicks, Eddie' Sims, Flossie Heeman,
Elmer Wilson, Part II. --Ella Baker
Maxwell Baynhana, Ross Wallace,
Gretta Bissett. Part L -Harry Wind-
sor, 'Jno. Hogartb, Fred Fairhall, WI].
on, Colbert.
J. A. 310NA uomme
Lois M. Siran Teachers.
The following is a correct report of
he standing of the pupils of S.S. No.
, for the month of February. Names
n order of Therit:-Sr.IV.-Herbie Ford
Sadie Willis, .Hattie Willis, Willie
Teichner, Elroy Parsons, Viola Penhale
Clara Beaver. --Jr, IV. -Eddie Willis,
Lizzie Sanders, Edith Parious and Her -
'de Beaver equal; Mitchell Willis, Min -
le Sanders, Alouzo Ford: Sr. III. -
Tommy Sanders, Sam Hicks, Earl Box.
r. III. -Ralph Willis, Cecelia Ford,
Fred Beaver, Hilda Preseee tor, 'Annie
licks, Tom Penhale, Retry Triebner.
lame/ Parsons, Garnet Craig. Sr. II.
Earl Parsons, May Sanders, ,Levina
ookson. Jr. II. ---S,hernia /1 Willis, Ml-
le Trielmer, Gladys Dearing, George
Hicks, Fred Preszeator, Sam Stanlake.
Pt. II.--Prestoe Dearing, Johnnie Wil -
is, Earl Shapton, Chester Parsons,
eo. Whittaker. Part I. (B). -Ada
Villis, Gordon Sanders, Aliner Willis,
lorence Triebner. Part I. (A). -Gere
eld Stanlake, Olive Preszcator. I3est,
pellers for the month: -Sr. ,and Sr.
V. -Seddie Willis and Eddie Willis;
r. and Sr. Ford; Jr. and
r. II. -George Hicks; Part II. -Pres -
in Deering Perfect lesson race: -
I. -Geo. iiick, Gladys Dearing. Pt.
1. -Preston Dearing, Earl Slimpfon.
o. on loll 50, average attendance 30.
FRED. SANDERS., teacher.it
Wh id 1163' C Pla tS." ermam s lovvs. some improvement.
The Diamond Dye Mat and Ru
Patterns Combine Beauty
and Simplicity.
The ingreasing demand for the Dire,
mood Dye Met and Rug patterns is
the strongest indication of their popu-
larity, The feeeinatiug net of Mat
and Ueg looking is now cultivated by
women of elaesee of eeelety. The Dia,
mond Dye Mitt and Rug Patterns
combine beauty and. simplicity. After
securing, one ot the petteros. any lady f
can easily finish it mid produce ii
nable and attractive room oenainent.
The naa,nefaetaters of the eelebrateri
Diamond. Dyes will send to auy ed. I
dress by mail, free of cost, a new Dye
Dolt. samples of 45 dyed colors awl
sheets of designe for ordering Met
and Rug Fatterne. Send your post,
office addrees to The Welts at Richard -
eon Coe Limited, 200 Mountain Ste
Montreal, P.Q,
The Inty Find That Death was Dile
to Plows, but 'rimy Cannot Say
I -low They Were Administered. 1
St-ephen eennell
The Connell of tbe Township of Stolle
hen convened in the Town Hall. Credir
ton, on. Monday, March 2, All pies-
ent, Minutes of previous meeting read
and adopted, Resolved that Ma John
Wein heve the privilege of removing
timber off the 3rd side Toed on conees-
Mott 10, provided he piles the brush on
the north elate and roalree the road pas.
sible for teame, The clerk laid a COM.
nennieetion before the etiencil from
Wm, Lane, Comity Clerk, ashing that
a deputation he appointed to met, the
County Council at Clinton on the 4th
inete to diseus,e tho advisability of ee-
tablishing a system of County Roads.
Ordered to be Med. A communio.
thin from the Mayor of Goderich was
laid before the Council„ netting them to
petition the Dominion Government to
build the breakwater at Goderich. Or.
tiered to he filed. The following ate the
pathulastere appointed for the preseut
yeata-F. HK$, W. Luker, T. Oliver.
S. Davis, S. Palatine, G. Hill, B. Hieke,
N. Bilker, F. Hogarth, W. Bagehnev,
W. Peiiinele. W. Deming, 3r,, P. Time.
W. White, W. Anderson, 3. Meet, P.
Kilpatrick, C. Box, 0, Snell, II. LOU -
j. Clark, P. Shiuk. 3. Unlink.
. Carroll, (lot 3.) 3. W. Lamson, J.
Finkbeiner, W.11. Alorloek. I.Beoken.
ehire, AL Amy, E.Ilall, Deldawhinney.
G. Ma whinueee, S. Preszeator, T.Ietne,
Jr,. D. Schroeder, P. Sullivati.W.Wit.
zel, Al. Ziler, H. L, Kraft, A. McCaw.
wick. W. Baumgarten, T. Keys, F.
Prater, W. ikown 3, Ilotilithan.
Keogh, 11, MeIserte, 3. Baxter, C. Wil-
lett, Jr., R. Hodgins. I Payne, I. Bas.
tard, J. Zeller, R. Adam; J. Brown C.
Stone, T. Fonts, 0. Webb, Sr, W. Ls.
food, T. Farrell, W.Lovie, E, Gill, Jr.,
P. Baker, NV, Isaac, W. Davy, J.Weble
W. 0. Reilly, P. Glavin, J. MeNeever,
Al. O'Brien. J. McGarry, 3. Barry, It,
O'Rouke. T. Ryan. T. Whiteside, C.H.
Wilson, F. Green, S. Stanlake, Jr.. W.
Sanders, T. Atkinson, A. Birk, I. Mer-'
riott, IL Schroeder, P. Schroeder, C.
1Valper. The following were appoint.ed poundkeepers.-W. 31tiffatt, J, M.
'vnrtt, T. Sh apt on. %V. T. J. Amy.
S. Staulake,13. Ctinuingliatie C. Fitik-
beiner, S. Dleterieb, F. Prettee, O. L.
Mosser, A.:dosser, J. H iekey. O. Webb.
3. Brenner, C.1.3. Wilson. The follow-
ing are the fenceviewerst-S. Davis. Z.
Clark, R. Heist, D. 3lawhinney, P.31e-
Kenzie, G. Finkle:Wee, J. Love. Geo.
Down, A, Hayter. The following or -
were gra etted;-Alunicipal World,
subscriptions, $5; Do., marriage regis.
tear, $1.$7; Sun Insurance Co., Imre-
ance on hall, $10; II. Wing, account.
52.80; J. McKeever, tile on S.B., $1.50;
R. Glower, wood for Town Hall, $20;
Advocate Printing Co., emu n t, SSTS%
G. Mawhinney, grave), 00c.; Dickson
Carling, legal expenses, re award, $14.- ,
e2; 3. McCarty, tile on S.B., $1.60; D. ,
gravel contract S.B., $16.10: F.
mil collet*, awned re Foll is, $12. Coun-
cil adjourned to meet in Town Hall,
flrediton, on Monday, April 6, at one
o'clock- p.m. eg,
IL EMBER, Clerk.
Whigharn,Mereh to.. -The luquiry 111
to the death of Selwyn Jesse Smith,
who was found in-S=1W on the side-
walk about 7 oicleck on the evening of
February 3, end who died on the ieth,
WAS continued, before Croner Dr,
Fowler last night. Acting Crown Ate
torney Lewis of Goderich appeared for
the ceown, and subjeeted every witness
to a careful examination. Dr. J. S.
Chisholm Dr. T. chishnint, Dr. T. Ag-
new. Dr. 3. P. Iktlxune and Dr. P.
Maedonald. M.P., gave evidence tie=
*cribing the neture of the injuries,
Drs. Chisholm and Dr. Bealline
, dined to the theory that a blew bad
I; been struck by setae blunt instrument*
I, but would not saythat a fall would not
- have aused thi
e njuries. De. Agnew
was of the opinion thea fell would
; cause tbc
De Macdonald lucidly eel:gained to
if the jury how the ilknirlei might have
resulted from a fall.
Ethel Tippling. a little girl, saw a.
man following Mr. Smith on the night
of the tragedy. Several other wit-
nesses proved that on Monday, the
, night before Mr. Smith teethed the
i fatal injuries, a men was in the town
begging, This Man answers the de.
seription of one John Maxwell now in
custedy in Goderich, eharad with
wounding with intent, His MOVeilleas
have been traced and he was in Lack -
now on Monday. Felt. a. and atGoder.
„ daielaayy.oins laVebdliatneksd.aeplayoeulegl.thheutcTrolgle:8-
1 'Holmes. a juremer, swore that
, $tare begging on Tuesday, the fatal ,
believes be was not in Wirigham,
e41 Maewelrs deseeiption was at his
a man who in i0Dra0 respects answer -
John Garnos got a cheek changed
by deceased on the afternoon of Feb. 3.
after the bentt house. Smith then had
" a number of bills in his p9SSeSAFEE11.
Cheeks P. Smith, son of the times.
ed, said the !missing money. according
to the heolte, amounted to $114, Sere
" eral years ago a sum of $p or$6o had
been stolen from his father.
After one hour's deliberation, the
jury at 1.45 returned with a verdict that
deceased died front the result of blows,
but whether tlie blows were deliver-
ed by intent or not they could not say.
Acrimonious Debate in the Reichstag
{i -Kaiser's Attitude Attacked.
u Berlin, March me -Herr Babel, the "„
Socialist leader. during the debate on g
the military budget in the Reichstag
yesterday, said the higher classes of
society were in a state of permanent eee,
Do Your Kidneys Perform Their
5P3i7 Zi4
No remedy covers so large a geld
a usefulness as $T.. Imugs WAFERS,
They AM indicated whenever there
is a weak eonditiOn, as they tone
up the differeut organs and Wing
strength to the tissues.
Palpitation of the heart, poor di-
oestion gleeplessuess weak nerves
ancentia, and ehlorosis„ are quickly
relieved by at. jAMES. WAYERS ; they
also repair the waste caused by herd
work and fatigue.
S. JAZ1US WALeUltS help stomach,*
digest food And mud the nutriment
through the blood, and this is the
honest way to get health andstrength,
the kind that / dcvelops and
heeede the cut tee- wont-
pliksiws inuch.
est, eeeeeeWefette fogieleas a
*got eowerfal graftage of the
Testae' imereseed pewee ref eleate
gement by cambf-viatlaa cf,jaa-
clone phavemeeeette oreperete
ogee, e hemee ogee *beige _with
gege,eraggesewhen Peqgqtn
neeatd etre-nth, 101
Pr. Charteo
Teiverpeet, AOKI
3.4./amerI Wen are. s a writ .
remeeee ge eitetereeefeetere re -
mum eraf fee teem tteir ta tient;
• 'cwaa it thepreares pee* reiwew :
• Wheredealereaperiateciliognie
Wafers. tiwy gee peeled open re-
etiet ef _lave 4 the CaModbo •
' braneei: *1. emoatetfetere Co., 1115
. et. Cetherint51.,lieeltet).
conspiracy ugainst the law and range]
ion. so Inc as duelling was concerned.
All the military courts and the fixed
?pinion of the military class, includ-
ing his Majesty, regarded duelling as
necessary in the army, 110twithstand-
ing the Reichstag's resolution on the
subjece and the weight of public °pin-
ion, Continoing, Derr Rebel referred
in detail to the recent instances of
duelling, and complir.ined of the itivar-
e pardoning or duellists before ;
their terms of imprisonment had been ,
The Conservative member. Von Ol-
denburg, expressed his delight at the
Emperor's pardoning of Lieut Hilde-
brandt, "because drat action proved
that neither the press nor so-called
public opinion has the slightest in-
fluence on his Majesty's decision." "Re-
garding the actions of officers," con -
tinned the speaker, "it would be a most
tragic thing if the view of honor ob-
taining in the German officers' corps
were ter change, and without duelling
the esprit du corps would suffer."
The War Minister's salary was then
Paine sCelery Compound RUNAWAY tis.TO CC -PLOUGH.
is the World's Spring Remedy
for all Kidney and Blad-
der Troubles.
Unless your kidneys properly and
regularly perform their functions, the
accumulations of morbid materials in
your blood will act like a poison upon
the nervous system. Rave you head-
ache, vertigo, puffiness under the eyes
or dropsical tendencies? Have you
fever sometimes with chills, and a dry
skin? Is the urine high colored, some-
times scanty in quantity, sometimes
bloody and foul? Any of these symp-
toms are true evarnings of kidney di-
To -day, a multiude of men and wo-
men suffering from various forms of
kidney affections, enduring pains and
mind agony, are, through the use of
Paine's Celery Compound eliminating
morbid and poisonous materials from
the blood. Wise and able physicians
are prescribing Paine's Celery Com-
pound' for their patients. No other
medicine in the world is So strongly
indorsed by the best people of the
land. Mrs. E. 0. Clairmont, Vancou-
ver, B. G., writes about her 'blessed
experience with Paine's Celery Cone
pound; she says;
'For five years kidneys atal urinary
troubles made life et _misery for me.
Before coming here I was treated by
two doctors; both failed to cure we,
Several Persons in the Passenger
Coaches Injured by Collision.
Fall .River,Mass.,/slarch Io. -A snow
plough which was being transferred
from one section of the old Colony
street railway to another became un-.
manageable at the top of a steep hill
in this city yesterday and crashed into
two loaded cars on a switch below. Al-
though both the passenger coaches
were almost demolished only five per-
sons were injured severely enough to
necessitate their being taken to a hos-
pital. A dozen others were bruised
and cut by glass or splinters. The ac-
cident occurred on what is known as
the Bay street -line and was due to the
collapse of the brake -block on the snew
plow, which made the car unmanage-
Lost an Arm.
Brockville, March 9. --Frank
nineteen years of age, an ettp12yee of
the( Smart Manufacturing Compel -w.
was caught in a belt this morning alid
carried to the pulley above and hurled
around several timeswhen his fore-
arm* Milled out at the elbow socket
and he dropped to the tloor. He was
taken to the General HoSpital, where
the arm ,was amputated iust below the
shoulder joint His other injuries are
not serious, and he is doing as welF as
Could be expected.
and mv
To Replace I3urned Steame r.
sutferines increased. I was
. . ,
advised by a friend. to try Paine's Cel-
ery Compound. After use of the se-
cond bottle I e)Iperiencecl a happy
change. could see and feel that
your wonderful medicine was doing
its work well. Ater using eight bot-
tles I am free from all ,syrnptinns of
the old troubles, ancrfeel that I am 0
new person. Paint -08 Celery Compound
is truly a blessing to those efflictr 1
Montreal, March 9.-(Speoial.) -Sen-
ator Forget has announced that he Will
advise the. R. & 0. Cornpeny to build
two, new steamers on a scale equal to
that on which the Montreal was built.
No more deaths have resulted as
yet among the persons injured at the
burning of the steanier Montreal. The
condition of Emile Sauve and Leo St
. .
Stands for everything that Is Of any reel 'Wane
in a Cream Separator, for back o' the
name le an uneppronehable reputation
extending over a period of nearly a
quarter century and a guarantee that
the PC LAVAL is the BEST
in every particular, or no sale.
,For ,proot of this
write us or our agents.
77 York St, Toronto.
Cook's Cotton Boot,Comonna
18 sueerestelly used monthly ver
0,000riecUes.Setc.ellectuel.Led teak
our druggist for Cook's Colton Rost Com.
poo eke no ower, sa all Mixtures, ptlis sad
icalt.aliong soy dangerous. Price, No. $4 ppr
1 or ee pt nn woitee
ba -4 difertli"LinpiZIPTIb".
Mumps. The Cook Composay Wisnisor.Ons.
Vir14os.1and soldand recommended br
responsible Drusgists In Canada.
Nth 1 and No.2 are 5o1d 121 Exeter by
0. Lute and J. W. Drowning, Mug..
J. }Merritt, 51.P., shippt d a big load
entlle to the Old Country ou
dy.-.-GI;ulei.s Hayter has rvemered
from her lo I inek of la grippe. --Mise
!Ulna Sherritt is attending the open-
ing of pearliamentin Ottawa this week.
Airs. James More is visiting her par-
ts here. --Lit tie Robert Love is very
ill, la grinre having settled on his
hings.--We look forward to abig time
in Grate church hall on Friday night.
We undo -stand they are sparing no
time in meking`the concert a SuCcees.
Dr. Wilson will take the chair.
Does it not seem more effective to
breathe in a rernedy, to cure disease of
the breathing organs, than to take the
remedy into the stomach?
Cures While You Sleep
It cures 'because the air rendered strongly
antiseptic is carried ON cr the diseased sur-
face with every breath, givingprolonged
and constant treatment. It is invalu-
able to mothers with small children.
Is a boon to asthmatics.
Whooping Cett,t-,h Bronchitis
croup Coughs
catarrh., Cr_qds .nriDpe and reaarever
The Vapori7er and Erurip, which, should last
a lifctirn,:, together with a bo.tle or Crescleney
$1.50. Extra -supplies of f'resoleme cdras and
So cants'. Write for descrirtiVe booklet c,>utaill-
111E,, highest testimony as to its vain,.,
I.-Arn-CSVSnLENE IS sou,
DSUGGISTS 1".v.thrtilyzizs. .
'ePo-C.:resolettc Co.
iti:tein Streett , rii3r Notre. Danm. iStreei • 1s4 Yul k • rontreal
We have for sale
1 Boiler 30 h. p.
1 Boiler 40 h. p.
1 Boiler and Engine
80 h. p.
1 Boiler and Engine
16 h. p.
Castings of every Description in
Brass and Iron to order.
Pipe and Fittings of all sizes kept
constantly in stock.
AS. MURRAY & 00.
Having decided to give up the
Shoe Busines and put all my time at
Harness, I will eeleall niy,- stock of
Now is your time to secure
Reduced. To $1.75.
Men's Pelt Boots, regular- $2.25
for 31.15. Other goods in proportion.
13 0. SWEET,
William D. Burgess and Agnes Pad-
field etre in Woodstock jail charged
with bigamy. It is alleged they are -
man and wile and after separatirg
(etch inarried anew mate.
Coughs', colds, hoarseness, and other throe;
ailments aro tini6Icly relieved by Occselene
tablet's, teMceh ts per Nix. 'All druggits