Exeter Advocate, 1903-3-12, Page 1SIXTEENTT1 YEAR.
We have prepared ourselves for a, graidrpring
- trade in Lace Corteens. Screnes, Art Muslins nd. lerap-
eries, We hot Qur goods from a manufacturer's agent
thus_giving ua, big adVentage over the usnal inanuer
of busing eurtain goods, Our usaees consist of SWISS
and 7.5l'ottluithaw manufacturers and ettll be veiled on
as tieing extra good value.
Our Lace Ourtain pricee are 2,5e., Mee 50e., 70e.
Wee 21. $1,15., $1.,50, $1,75,, $2, $2.20, $2.25, $2,40, $2.50:
$3.50 it pair. These goods are 10 % to 15 a/o
less than the regular prices.
_airn's English Linoleum, 4 yar
wide, S2.50 full width.
for you at almost the cost price. A short time agowe
were enabled to buy single webs a einpets front otte
the biggest dealeis in Citnada. This advantage gives
us the privilege a poreleasing earpets at very low
prices. We give you the benefit of our purchase,
Hemp carpets worth 25e, for 20e. a yard.
Union carpets worth 45e. for .ie. a yard.
17111011 Citypets worth 50e. for 40e. a yard.
Wool =pets worth inte for fitle. a yard.
3 ply English wool carpet worth $1.24 for 05c, a yard,
Patent Tapestry worth 00e, for 75e, a yard.
Axminister carpet worth $1.23 for Wk. ;4 yard.
These are all new patterns with new shades.
Buy frone us and sore money.
Popl stone et, Cardiner.
We Imre unlimited private fonds for in.
vutrnut.npeu farm Qyfll41g ProPert!, at
lowest Xf4toki of interest.
1101 Barristera.eto.., B*eter.
Theme a large amenut of prirate foods to
loan On farm and village properties at low
rites ofinterest.
P. W. GLAIffitalli
Barrister.l.fain Street Bxeter
Ikea Estate and Insurance:Agent
Farms and village properties bought and void on,
reasonable terms. Several divallig houses for sale.
Landa in ell parts Slanitolia and the North•west
tor sste.
WO I if
licod Tinsmith, steady indoor work througlient
FaeitallYCOMNIt laurrao,
Sale Register.
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28. -Stock and Imple-
ments, et.c., the property Of Ambrose Cottle, Ann
Street, Exeter. Sale at One o'elock. fl, Dream,
80 acres unimproved, in Use township of Osprey,
ceurity of Gren.liardwood and othertinther, nulwaV
station seven miles, post office, school, a church,mile
and a half; would sell or exchange for small im-
proved property at Exeter.
It. IfsiThaND Viewer, Exeter.
The undersigned is offering for sale that desirable
rillage property On eOrner of Carling and Nelson
streets, Exeter, being Lots 81, 82 and 88. There is
on the premises a good brick house containing; nine
e good stable (e lower hid brick); hen house
and pig pen; fifty fruit trees, hard and soft water
and other conveniences. Will be sold reasonable.
Apply to .
CfrAs. ISAAC, txeter,
• .
The undersigned is offering for sale that desirable
Viotel situated at Devon, on the London Road. This
Itotel Is in good condition, and is 21, miles south of
Exeter. This react is largely travelled and for the
right man chances are good for a splendid business.
There is a good i
stable n connection M0,11 acres of
land. Possession given immediately. This property
will besold cheap. For particulars, apply to
Dicsson es Mame, Exeter, Out.
Being.composed of North half of the north half of
' Lot 17, n the 1st concession of Stephen, situated
...0 -three quarters of a mile south of Exeter, containing
,2 acres of choice land, good brick house, hard and
soft water in house, and two wells in fields also one
in drive house, bank wan, hen and pig houses, and
drive abed, large orchard; containing apples, pears,
raspberries, strawberries, eta., eta. Terms easy. For
particulars apply to Mrs. Fanny 'Wilson, Exeter,P.0„
or to Thos. Cameron, Farquhar.
Public notice is hereby given that application will
be made to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario at
the next session thereof for an Act to incorporate
The London, Parkhill and Grand Iflend„Electric Rail-
way Coinpany, subject to the consent of the munici-
palities scooted and subject to all other rights, to
construct and operate a system of surface railways,
operated by electric or some power other than steam
beginning at a point on South •shoe of Lake Miran
betWeen the UountieS of Huron and Lambton, thence
through the Township of 81ephen in the County of
Ituron, therice through the Townships of AroGiStyruy
and west Williams, the Town of Parkhill and the.
Townships of East Williams, Lobo and London to
the City of London, in the bounty of Middlesex and
for an other powers necessary for the purpose.
A. A. Msoravisn,
Solicitor for theapplieanta
Parkhill, Ont
Dated at Parkhill, Feb. 18, No&
Mr. Jos. Gleason has rented Mr. C.
Westrnan's residence and is now fur-
nishine. it. ---Mr. Wilk. Gibson has par-
chasedMr. Sam. Langford's fifty -acre
farm and will inove unto it in a few
days. -Mrs. (Rev.) Gilmore, after an
extended visit with friends in Ottawa,
4 returned home Saturday. --Mr. Wilk.
Gowen has purchased Mr. A. Lankin's
property on Queen street and intends
occupying it in a few clays. ---Dr. 'Hut-
ton has severed his connection with
Dr. Lang and left for Toronto, where
he has accepted a position as assistant
in the small -pox hospital. He will be
gi eatly inissed in Granton as be made
a large number of friends while here.
Mr. Thos. Robertson, who has been
In very poor heaith for softie week, Is
now, we are pleased to learn, some-
what improveci.-Mr. Wolter Roger-
son, has rented his farm, on the 2nd
concession. L.R.S.,to .11 r. John Pepper.
-Mr. L. Townsend and his mother
left on Wednesday for Perk Riven
Dakota, having epeut the winter here.
Messrs. Duncen and Sant Ashton have
also gone to Park River, where they
will reside in future. --Mr. V. G. Plewes
has returned to the Soo, after IL pleas-
ant visit with friends here, Fortune
seems to have sinned on hint sinceleav-
ing here a year no Miss Phoebe
Johnston, after a pleasant visit here
with friends retinmed to London Wed-
PRESENTATION. --On Wednesdayev-
ening a. muntier of friends and neigh -
hors of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rogerson
on learning that they contemplated
going west, assembled at them resi-
dence, on the 2nd con„ L.R.S., to hid
them ferewell. It was a complete sur-
prise to the worthy host mad hostess,
as they had not received an inkling of
what was about to take place until the
company. landed in on them. During
the eventng a kindly worded address
was read by Mrs. Prank Plewes. Mr.
Henry Carter thenpresented Mr. Ro-
gerson with a carving set, while Mrs.
Eppleton Elcot presented, Mrs. Roger-
son with a silver butter dish. Mrs. R.
Plewes presented Mrs. Dunlop, Mrs.
Rogerson's ruother, with a china tea
pot. After refreshments had been
served, which was provided by the
ladies, the evening was pleasantly
spent in games. The best wishes of
all follow them and we trust that the
trip will prove beneficial to Mrs. Ro-
gerson, who has not been well of late.
Exeter School Report
The following is the standing of the
pupils in the pablic school here for the
month of February: -Class B.--Win-
nifred Carling, Victoria Mines, Olin -
ton Hogarth. Class 0. -Edith Mon -
cur, Martini, Carling, Alyin Brintnell,
Edward Westcote Class D. -Hazel
Browning, Olive Elliott. No. on roll
14, average attendance 41.
- H. N. Anderson
liltss Dorrington Teachers.
Sr. IV. -Rose Cudmore, Willie Knight
Elmore Senior, Lily Acheson. Jr. IV.
Bella, Hawkins, Hugh McKay, Howard
Powell, Chesley Evans, May Hawkins.
No. on roll 52, average 47.
O. Vosper, teacher.
Sr. ITL --Ethel Vosper, Blanche
Sheere, Ila Johnston, Maude Johns.
Jr. III.-Gladis Bissett, Lois Birney.
No. on roll 30,average 29.2,
M. E. Gill, teacher.
Sr. III. -Sophia. Werry, Case How-
ard, Lillian Amos. Jr. III. -Loney
Heywood.No. on roll 39, average 33,
H. E. Walrond, teacher.
Sr. IL -A. Pickard, C. Pickard, H.
Gardiner. .jr. Btickineham.
No. on roll 45, Average 40. e
II. D. Pringle, teacher.
Jr. IL -Harry Sweet, Young Creech,
-Pearl Johns, Paul Phippen, Gordon
Taylor, Willie Snell,Eylm ore Harness.
ST'. Part II. ---Elva Ford, Harry Puke,
Stella Southcott. Mid. Part II. -Da-
vid Hall and Velma Easterbrook equal
Maurice Qua nee, Fred IVIcPherson,
110dgert• Jr. Part II. --Lily May
Frayne, Oscar Anderson, Russell Balk -
will, Leon Treble, Lola Taylor. No. on
roll 45, average 37.
F. E. Carling, teacher..
Jr. H. --Minnie Jewell, May Jewell,
Ida Welsh, Reta Latta. Sr. Part Ir. --
Luella Blasclille, Latimer Grieve, Rus-
sel Flynn, Elmo Howey. :VIM. Part
II. ---Reggie Bissett, Fred Brock, Wil-
lie Alexandra, Eddie Anderson. Jr.
Part IL -Clara Vosper, Lillian Boyle,
Edna Brock, Wilfred gtewart. No. on
ran 47, average 31.6.
ELSIE MCCAX,M731, Teacher.
Don't forget Miss Tufts' concert to
be given ton row (Friday) night iu
Grace ebtumb bll. ,A,tiMieSbYll 10 and
15 cents. A. good program is prepated.
De; Wilso'n is expected as chitirman.-
r. emes Brophy bought a One new
wagon in Perithill MondAy.
Dgkra.-ArA extreemly sad death
took place hereon Thursday lest, when
Effie Pyrn, beloved we a Me. John
Wright anewered the call of the Great
Creator. The deceased bed giVepi bleb
to a child about two weeks previous to
her death, from which she never re-
vered. the sad end coming on the
above (Intr. The deeeesedwas twent,y-
Ore years of age andebed been married,
about two years-, She was 0. daughs
ter a Mr. Wm, Pytmof Centralia and
her death will he much unearned, not
only by her sorrowing husband and
mbe, but by her many- frieuds. The
trneva took, place Saturday to the Ex-
!qr. Bert Anderson, left last week
• for the. Nortbweete-3Ir. !enact who
has engaged with Mr. George Bowden
• for tho summer has moved into the
house vacated ity Mr. .L V.SbipleY.
Mr. Wm. Snell. who hes been engag'tL
as hostler at MeLeatee hotel here for a
nuinher of yeas s, has moved from town
awl accepted a, position drawing Inn
for the creamery at, Exeter. -Ur. Ed.
Deacon has returned to hie home in
Killaratey. Percy Fox, o
Dentield. has Setntreti a situation with
Ale, B. Startley.-Mr. T. A. Webb, ba-
ker. has disposed of bis baking boa
nees to Mr. John Rollins, who takes
possession May ist.-MteJohn Bradley
hes inclosed the farm which was af-
•red for sale at the Centre' hotel, on
howetlay.-We are pleased to state
the two sons of Arr. nos, Hen-
n Henry and Wesley, who have
lws'i, dangerously W. are convalescing.
Acenentree-Mr. Donold McKinnon
had the misfortune a few days No to
slip and fall, fracturing oue of Ws legs
near the hip. Owing to his advanced
Years it will confine him to the house
for a long tinie. We howl he will re.
Ateelllivray Council
St. Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. I3lsonnette. erho have AceenF.NT. -On !dont-lay while work- '„ st..1/001„ RI2ponT„.._4he teaereem, is
heen seeithen friends fin Tofranto,,; re ing et mill, Arthur Be roost 3 th„. g9rreet repind
Duetted, who disposed of his farm and
turned home Wednesday. -Mr. unfortneretely had wee a his bands kreinii.x.a5,40e the month of
stnek, has removed to Stratford. We
%week him saccess au d pros terity in his
neer hoine.-Misses Tillie 'ratton and
Annie Desjardine. after a pleaeant vis-
it here. has retained to Grand Bend.-
AariOS Overholt. of Marton, is
eneteling few days with friends heve.
tie was promoted toren-tau ill ehe sue:,
ar beet hielde there as Stuumer,Oi
returning he will trike, SOMe Of hifi
4hilulren with him.
nete-Thursday anorehige efereh
of the °Meet end most h111,y ree
peeted reeidents of this township pesee
ed. ttl 14reilt 11170114, inthe peteon
OfWw. Moir. Up till two weehe ego
he had heeo in the hest of heelth, but
at thet time he was -taken down with
pnenruonia, which carried hini off tit
the above mentioned date. Deemeed
was born in Hawielt.Seotlatiti,S3 yeers
ago. In 1844 he W8ti med to ai'SS
JAM Knox. who accomphnied him to
Canada, in NW., settling In Brantford,
His witepredeecaeed hhia SeVeriel years.
Six eons and one daughtet blessed the
union, all of which are etill Jlying, and
who have the deepest sympathy of the
onmumity. The funeral took place
on Sitorday to the Cliattoll cemeterVe
the eix Sons hearing the remains of a
beloved father to its earthly resting
, and the Rev, Mr. Hamilton. of
esbort, contlacted the services.
Council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment in Town Hall. McGillivray, Arch.
2, Present, M. Miller, Dor-
num, A. IL Hudgins, J. McGregor and
W. Mawson, eoirocillor. Minittes of
last meeting read, improved et end
signed. tiodgins-Alawson, that By- 0
law No. I, of 100% to raise by deben. t
tore the stun of 21400 for Union School
Section, No, 18, McGillivray awl Ste-
phen, to purchase Ate and erect a
school house thereon, as read a first n
arid second time, be now read a, third
time and passed,-Oarried. Hodgins
-McGregor-that Geo. Glendeuning is
hereby appointed collector for the west
diviaion; and Wm. ilurdy for the east
division of the township, and the clerk
preperera by-law for that purpose.-
Carried, Dorman -Hodgins -that the
auditors' report as read he adopted;
and that 300 copies of same he printed.
-Carried. Dorman -McGregor -that
by-law No. of 1003, for the preven-
tion of therunising at large of all kinds
of stock on the public highwayos read
first and second time he now vend
a third time and finally passed; and
that 300 copies of same he printed.-
Carried. Hodgins-Dortnan -that ac-
counts, amounting in all to $48.40, be
passed and orders issued in payment.-
ritarried. Gravel accounts, paid D. F.
Stewart $7 50, R. Hodgins $28 80.
Mawson-Dorman-that Council ad-
journ to meet in the Town Hall, the
first Monday in April at one o'clock p.
m.--Oarried. Wx. FnesnreTp. Clerk.
ride was eurely ushered in like a
lion, -Our spring reins give us (imam
Lhe pleasent Milltinisi'lliteS of lest, hare
veet.-Our Seindev Sehooll is eseltflng.
lug its librery what OM Of IN
haring Smutty Selene% Mines jeeme
Luxton anti Blanche Roake cheeked
the Bet of Intake an Friday. -Mrs. J.
Davis visited Moe 1, Coates (11Fri-
atty.-Mrs. Coates and Miss Westeott
made a flying visit north last week.'
Mrs. Alfred Ceatese who has been sad -
tering front a severe cold, is convales-
cent again.- -The fine days fast sveek
brought the dark race again. We taw
the old *dory "Buy something's -It
would be wem
well for some to remember
that even though thds- e roaare had
you can get along, but when the fields
get mteddy you have to retern,---Ree.
Hutton, our honorable and esteemed
pastor, gave S.S. No. 4, a friendly call
Met weelo-Misses Sutton and Cave
have been around on their missionary
vorke-Mr. Stewart. the fruit agent,
t SteatbroY, Made his annual COMM
110,Ongb thia Viaillity lad %mein -tate
kon, who for some time has been it
ing the home of Mr. j. Ketchen was
the scene of a very pleasant party,
when a committee of the managers and
the elders of the Presbyterian church
met to bid a kindly farewell and show
their esteem to Mr. Hector Reid, who
has since left for Chalk Lake, Man.
During the evening, Rev. E. Sewers
read a very impressive address, show-
ing the high esteem in which Mr. Reid
was held and the regret felt by the
church in haying to part with one of
their able and willing elders. Mr. N.
Moodie presented, Mr. Reid with a
beautiful easy chair, Bible and Psalin-
ody. Mrs. D. Bell aten presented Mrs.
Reid with a pair of fur gauntlets. The
remainder of the evening was pleas-
antly spent and shortly after the re-
freshments were served all departed,
wishing Mr. and Mrs. Reid every suc
cess and happiness in their new home.
Dna.T0.---Although this sad event
was not unexpected, the announce-
ment of the death of .Mr.-Seldon Ross
caused a feeling of deepest 'sorrow.
Mr. Ross passed peacefully away at
the parental home on Friday, at the
age of 27 years. He was the fourth
S00 of Mr. Alexander Ross and was
born on the homestead farm near here.
Alter leaving home he learned the
business of carriage blacksmith and
worked at that in Seaforth and other
places for a time. A few years ago he
went -to Chicago and studied dentistry
there and was practising in that city
when the illness which resulted in his
early death overtook hini. He came
home a few weeks ago xvith the hope
that the change and rest would 'prove
beneficial, but the d;sease had become
too firmly seated to be eradicated and
he gradually grew weaker until the
end ciune. He was a most 'exemplary
young man, who was liked and re-
spected by all who enjoyed his ac-
quaintance and had his life been spared
he would, undoubtedly, have come
rapidly to the front, as he was natural-
ly clever and was well skilled in 'his
profession. His death is a severe blow
to his parents and -friends, who have
the sincerest sympathy of the eetire
ember and officer in the ehitrelheonn
ntends retiring to Exeter. At a hneis
ess meeting after L.raigue on Thursday
eategitt by a eircialer sew and part of
the thumb was completely taken off ae
well as a bad. cut .being made in : the
band. The thumb afterwards bed to
1;0414 -jointed at the met.. Mr..Bice hae
!may painfnl wound besides being
• udieapped for life.
Several of our young Mr% boy
gaged tvialefaretiers in diafeeent
and are receiving good tvngeS. 3liss
Katie Geiger spent Sunday At her
tome herr.-Pleessittat parties seem to
in order now. -The line weather is
much apprecieted Ito the Matt WhO
to buy tile ;t'i't pie" the, hoick saw.
.It. daeoh Swartz,. etf the Rthylitn line.
11788iI the villitge mire, Tennis
Psveter was abbe to lie oat a /line ant
Sunday. We hope slie may cointiOne
to intense 1'. 'M1'. Ev1lil 01 1115etill
andleapravemeet sevins to he slow.--
V. --Joenphtzte Coughlin. Sr.
Rose Lightfoot, Leo Coughlin. Ede,
weed Faultier. Jr. IV. -Pearl Short,
Janet ;Slag -idle. Nellie Lewie, Erwie
Scott, 11L-A,nrialla Cougehlite, Rey,
mood Coughlin. 'Wilson, Eddie
Jonee, Adeline Holtman. Chester Mor-
ley, May Lightfoot, ttra Lewis nod
AdelineCoughliet. .11,- Violet
Street. Eliza Ile -agues, Aimee Scotts
May FauEalerFea LeerS,Ella
Maguire. Christina Hoffman.
Ste Part 11.-Pitikinieue Coughlin„Ella
friatk-on. Lorne Sloildi,w„ _mare, Light -
Oast. Jr. Pert IL -tienevivi
L -John Conghlim Alex. Hralgins,
iron Lewie. Jr. I. -Beatrice Glavin.
rtalit 35. itt-erage atteralenee
E, pitsiVONO, Teacher,
. 0. SU:Will% Ef 1=.':141.5 C"),«1".4
r% azads.zer, C'Tafffe,viinfl.r.
MISs Alinme Finkbeiner was on the ,i0' -geezer one
list, Net week, len we aro giad (lei The istl/ine itaid ennvs iNttro uiade
see her 4a.mirral a.aia as their ttppeterenve inul we think, Spring
boat the eriee oflioreee, who eays is not far distil -O. -The fre on the
1 hey at c not *nit of eight. The other oe Ilror 1W 4111 titnitlilliro it Wati a eighc
ay Miss Tobiasth
Guener eold warth smog. iet watch the Immense
16.UI1 eou ena john pieeee of ice melting 4h4WAIsteteun with
ny refused 891.1 fel' one the Fltimp the rurrent. with maga ftareae tak
age, and eel: (era wood Vimbett sold braVdit'S Ott like matchweed.--ears.
one IL Sbott tine. ago wlt teas iese 30174 KeFe Irottiriled from London.
titer: IlannthS (41-1, for Maki) he re- whel' r-l.t• has been vieltingher gh.
eeived $103. These colts 8V01 e all eired , ter, Moe 31eCtirsolek.-1ev. Mita. e
by the well knowit stile% tense. Royal Exeter. anti Rev. Knowlee exehe
Tom. who tens tilt Et eltort thee aset, ed rasleite on Sundae. Rev. Millyatet
lace, etsin, eeye ewer. pen two very vowel -fed 4444(1 1051.11KVIVe,
Ur. Oottleilt Mot lurk has imselsese
31e, IL Johneton perch:1st-el the, bum, los'itit.noetili$sumiguat.r.
"14:11Pniand will ti‘k„eilfl-e„,,s•il°1111hcall"' etteek of IllttitipS,-Mr. Feavrie Smith,
Tho tie.31 oemon. a London. emelt a few deys bete last
r Wes filltwillg 144: IU 11 4418 / week vieiting friends, 111 intende
tearn art'. Aktee°,0 tlaliPen" leasing for Tin:at-doa few tlaye.
-Mr. John Weeehrb 1„9 1.,tnlil'itog where grempla 411 bIttOzttilm an5-
l'ennersgii tite'eetter 49 INt.2 51411 11,b ah.fg.trz. Thoritee evethiek,
slt• Nol'noo, who ba4 u" sulu Mose Kestle and. Mre, John English az.c.
'fled by WiEliq ellimitar, elturaent eiteater and delivered
to aped horse. tame in t anorairtg anti evenial
ZOVICit , home tun/. lot frout Mr.J.I Holtzman.,
Mr. Morlork laterals creeting a, band-
1rn ),aninion Howe frstast 4,1. L. Steles' tnonopess has reeevetted from .,90;ere
unepsfs.oriutihsereepacistvefreettiv.liamyze.s.t1Dhreatiltngill 37/1 t3freicaroaysipev.or
Exeter, visited with Sir. anti Mre. J.te, Henna eeneeseinteen see neeetnneene.
Dennis on Wetinesdity.-51r, Calvin vesting manninerv (70.. was in dye vile
Williams. of Port Huron, it; visithig tinge Itteneay (us Imsinessee.mr. Free..
his perents. M. and fare, J. At Wit. imp etersessen. ite the guest
DiltIo9;nAlvrisjit.inEgligien°dIsjititunniii5=a148 linfo.eleisrellizienwtednit Arenegetivgetintahl3e4-hrTbaselr
the foneral or hie fatbcrin.htso. Uri :tilling for their counter last week and
Joseph Kettlte-Mre. J. 11. Roedding. now, liavo everetthing in up.tteelate
of Tilsonbiwg, is visiting her parents, et5.ele, 013.,1,00,..e. Gottfried Ots-
3te. and Mt*. M. Zeller, and other treeseer,of Detewood, tvere the geteets
frientises-Mr. John Delehert aPin of Mr. and kee. Oestreieber on Sun-
up with appendicitis and left for day. --Mr. Fred Ramsay. who has been
Clinton Weduesday witlehis physician, hoctun, at 01110111,114 ham Ave same time,
operation. His many friends hope for plate. has IHTH filled by Mr. John
his speedy retuvn to Waldo -Mr. IL 1„8 Quemie pears entivturned
eamPholl. wh000 uad"went " left far McGip
illivray Tneeday., His
Deitz, who is stri -trig with his datigit- number of her ftien s at her birthd11
los resignation WAS signed and Me. R. ter, has been set. ouely ill, but is recto: -
Coates unauhnonsly Choat'10 fill his ering.-Mr. Henry Witten,Sr. who
position. -Last Thursday evening our has been very low for the pits:lt, few
eatIlle decided to have a debate in- weeks is recovering. Mr. Witten is ill
stead of the regular topic. The sub- his Otth year and hisrecuperative pow-
jeet was "Resolved that Mart can do ers nt such tin age ere welly Wander -
woman's work better than woman can ful. That he Nvili round out the full
do man's." The Affirmative side was hundred is the wish of his many
upheld by the Misses LP. Cave and B. friends.
N. Rooke, the negative side by Messrs, Joseph Zettel, an old
IL 3. Hamilton and II. II. Buswell. resident of Hay township and for a
The judges were Mrs. Richard Coates
and Afessrs. Essery and Sweitzer.
Time not beinglimited each held the
Boor for a considerable time. The
judges deemed it wise to call ita draw.
-"Eden was once noted for its foot -ball
club but it will soon be noted for its
debating society. -Re. Mr. Cooper, of
Elimville, gave an address on Educe -
tion on Sunday last at Eden. -31r. and
Mrs. Dow, of Exeter, celled on friends
in this vicinity on Sunday.
Mr. Murray and family have gone
to Gorrie, where they intend to reside.
Mr. and Mrs, A. Forsythe are now set -
tied in their new home, which Mr.
Forsythe recently pnrchased from Mr.
Murray. -Mr. and Mrs. H. Reid and
daughter left Monday for their future
home in the West During their stay
here they made many warm friends,
.who will always be pleased to welcome
them here and to hear of their pros-
perity. -Mr. H. Hood purchased . two
very fine horses from Mr. Wes. Har-
vey, of Stanley, and also a fine team
from his brother, Joseph, which he
took out west with himalast week.
DEH. --,-The angel of death which
passes over every community not only
takes the old and middle aged, but lays
its hand on the little ones, as is verified
this week in the death of the three -
months' -old babe of Rev. and Mrs. Mc-
Lennan, which sad event occurred on
Feb. 28th, the funeral taking place on
Monday to the Rodgeryille cemetery;
The sympathy of their many friends
is extended to them.
ENTERTAINMENT. -The entertain-
rxient given in the Methodist church of
this place, on Friday night last was a
decided success. The night was beau-
tiful and the people gathered ingood-
ly nninbers to hear the program. The
chief entertainers were Prof. McKay,
of Toron to, assisted by a quartette from
Tames street church, Exeter. Prof.
Mcliay is a marked' xnan in his day,
and has few equals as an entertainer.
His Manner of attraction consisted in
short, pointed speeches and recitations
together with many illustrations of
Irish and Scotch huinor, which were
quite novel and up-to-date in their de-
sign. They were clean and free from
anything that might mar the feelings
of the most fastidious. Mr. McKay
excells in his line. At interstate the
Professor's remarks wet e i nterspersed
by selections from the Exeter quar-
tette, which consisted of solos, guar-
tetts and glees, These selections were
bright and cheery and were beautiful-
ly rendered. The singing by the quar-
tette was that of much satisfaction and
appreciation of their hearers, in evi-
deece, of which could be seen from the
continuous applause and in some in-
stances nothitig short of an enehore
would gratify the wishes of the people, u
natty last week. The little folks en -
rived themselvee very much indeed.
Little geetinie is a general favorite
with nth- Henry Either, M.P.P., left
Monday for Toronto to attend the On-
tario Lepdslature, which °petted Toes -
day. -Mr, Cress, our photographer,
left, Tuesday morning, oiler doing a
big business low the past month. His
0:111 IPI' found in almost every
short time a citizen of Zurich, ed Jacob Hoist is offering his
house, -Mr
&today evening, 1st nest., after an ex-
tended visit of some months. Mr.Zet-
tle lived for many eears at the Blind
Lune a short distance from town,
where he caviled on farming, and was
highly respectedby his neighbors. The
funeral took place on Thursday moon-
ing from his late residence to St. Boni-
face cemetery, where his remains were
interred. He leaves a Wife, four setts
and three daughters, to Monett theloss
of a loving husband and kind parent.
The sympathy of the community is ex-
tended to the bereaved family. The
funeral ceremony was conducted by
Father Pudd'homme, of St. Peter's
church, Drysdale, the resident priest,
Father Valentine, being still at Lon-
don Hospital.
tritium L. PEINE DEAD, -Word was
received here Thursday announcing
the death of Peine, a forraer res-
ident of this place. He was proprietor
of the Commercial Hotel for some
years and about four pears ago remov-
ed to London, taking charge of "The
Richmond" wbich he -managed for a
few'years. Owing to ill health be bad
to retire from active business and was
living retired at London at the time
of his death. The London Free Press
of Friday, speaks of his death thus:-
Mr. 11. L. Peine, grocer, of South Lon-
don, died yesterday. His death came
as a sad surprise to many of his friends,
who were unaware of the serious mal-
ady from which he suffered. Mr. Peine
was about only a few days ago, and
though not apparently robust, he iwas
cheerful and able to attend to business.
Bright's Disease was the fatal illness.
The late Mr. Peine was for most of his
business career a hotelkeeper. He
came here from Zurich, And for some
time conducted the Richmond House. Harry IVIangus. Jr. Part II.--Gertriide
He made of it a model hotel, for Mr. Eilber, _Clifford Hill, _Maitland Wray.
Paine was a model hOtelkeeper. It is Part IL -Ida Brown, Wellington Raue
said of him that he never allowed the Wellington Heist.
liquor license regulations to be violated Miss Rolson, Teacher,.
with in his establishment. Over a. year
ago he purchased the Triblecock groc-
ery on the Wortley road, and he was
successful. A family of two sons a,mt
two danghters, together with a sorrow-
ing widow, survive. The boys are Ed.
andAlfred, who are employed. iti down
town establishments, and the -two
daughters, Olive and Helena, at home.
Deceased was a strict Lutheran. He GLANIN.-In Stephen, s.)3,, on march
was much respected by all who knew 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Pat. Glavin, a
him here, and in Hay township he daughter.
was a general favorite. Deceased's fa-
ther and mother reside at the old home-
stead at New Hamburg. Deceased is
also survived by three brothers -L.
Peine, of New Hamburg, C. and A.
Peine, of Chicago, arid -four sisters--
Mrs. -W.:Russell, Mrs. J. Clark, Mrs, A.
13erlets of Chicago, and MrS. J. Kelly,
of Moncton, Ont. The funeral will
take place Monday morning to Grand
Trugolt station; interment at Ne
dw Ham -
1 on
house and lot for elite. Mr. Heist is
metes Lo visa the 'Vaterland this
summer and will tell his property very
reasonable. -The Assessor is again on
his rounds. Don't hide your dog! -
Colonel Colosky, of the Ilth Regiment
gave our burgh a flying visitSittinday.
-Bert 0110 k has bought a violin anil
promises to become a mesa nattsicianr
m time. Bert will make his mark irr
Lb.. world some day. -Our merchants
are receiving theit shipments of spring
goods. -Owing to the illness of Rev..
Schinitt the anniversary services in thee
Evangelical ohnrch had to be post-
poned until next Sunday. German
services will he held in the morning
and evening and will be conducted IsT
the Rev. Schmitt while Rev. Dft/13121
Will preach an English sermon ha the
afternoon at 2.80 p.m. All are invitett
to Attend.
&moor, RSPORT. --The folio wing pit-
pils obtained oox, or over in the exam-
inations held during the inonth of
February. Names in order of merit:
Division 111. -Sr. V.-Melinde Trick,
Edna Either, Weida Banes, Olivia
Holtzmann. Sr. IV.-LLouisit Fainter,
Joseph Finkbeiner. Jr. IV.-Wallie-
Hill (on) G-ertie Short, Idella Falmer,
Eraser Brown.
Division II. Sr. III. -Garnet Sweit-
zer, LauraHaist, Eddie Weiner. jr.
III. -Bertha Finkbeitra, Ida Ewald,
Alvey Holtzman. Sr. IL -Lillian Gei-
ser, Roland Either, Adeline Finkbein-
er. Intermediate IL -Edna Pack,
Pearl Gaiser,Careie'Wein, Lizzie Wolf..
KATE MoRnaer, Teacher.
Division L --Ji. II. -Elsie Geiser, Til-
lie Brown, Clarence Holtzmann, 'Her-
bert Irahner. Sr.Part II. --Pearl Treitz
MURDOCK-In Hensall, on Feb 27, to
Mr and Mrs. A. Murdock, a:daugh-
ETHERINGTON-TH Usborne, on lVfareh:
4, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Etherington,.
a son.
PEINE-In London, on Mareh 5, Henry
L. Peine, aged 46 years.
Wnnatir. -In _Whalen, on March 5th,
Effie Pym,beloved wife of Mr, John
Wright, aged 25 years.
Usberne, on Match 10ths
Janet P. Doig, relict of the late
Archibald l3ishop, aged CO years, 2
months, 20 days. Funeral tceday.