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Exeter Advocate, 1903-2-26, Page 8
th " e er prob ability will Vt. T. of T. News, mOn in Y y , p. uewilne of sattumt. undersl ix•t" Advance Council No ', ,, Royal reach its close in the midst of the just In at. Stewart's, They're swell, L Templets of Te,upernnce request all cold wave At the end of these storms. members of the order to be present at len Farmers. their next meeting, Monday evening, There will beat convention of fatrin, March 2nd, as they have some impor- ers of the South Riding of the Comity taint busbies to attend to, All the of'I uron, held in Blaekall's hhill, Hen - "Select Degree" members are especial- sal, on Saturday, Feb. 28th, at 1,30 p, ly requested to be present. "n,, sharp, for the ptirpase of organiz- Annie M Vincent, ing a Farmers' Association in the Rid. Recording Secy, ing. The objects and aims of .the As- Trivitt tahoiuortet church, sociatien will tie -fully explained at the Special services will be held daring meeting. A, good representation of the Lenten season, in the School Hall farmers from all parts of the Riding every Thursday evening,- commencing are earnestly requested. ( week. ril Procceetees. h 11 Sunday the redCt for these R services, Council met pursuant to adjourn P 13 have been e- nre._ relent at the Town Hall, 'F'ebruary 20, Perkins, M. A., will preach in the at 8 o'clock pan. All members present, morning on holy Conimaluion and in except Councillor Manning; Minutes the evening the subject, will be "Is of previous lneetingread and confirmed Life Worth event Living? Messrs. Allen and Parish, evangelists, A NOw Wen important asked permission to use theTown Hall An i p vent this week is the for holding evangelistic services a and under what terms would the Ball be placed tee their disposal, On motion of J. Cohbledick, seconded by J. Gillespie they were granted the use of Hall for two weeks, at a rental of $10 per week, the sante to be left in as clean condi- tion as it is at present. Messrs, Allen and Palish Accepted the proposal. N. D, Harlon, Esq„ Manager of the Ma- sons Bank, interviewed the council re= gaucl,ing tate aetinn of the Treasurer in removing the village frauds Erdal thstt Bank to the Sovereign Bank, It was moved by J. Cobbledick, seconded uy Thos. Hawkins that the matter be filed until further information eau be ascertained. Ifiuved in amendment by J. Gillespie that the Reeve get legal advice in the smatter, No seconder, Motion carried. How1;ins—Cc1Ubledicic that the Council of 1002 be asked to meat the council at its next meeting. Cat A. communication frons the Comity elerk,iaskiiag that aa. deputation he sent to attend as special seSSIOn of , held in C l tn- some rasa and the shock doesn't come. Lent. the Count) (a 4th, t, to he 1 The many friends here of Mrs. Fred The forty days which the Christian tan cru Iatr4 h 4th, to consider tiie ad- is,t l ) :h1r,. atncl Mrs, Geo, 11eaman pleasantly entertained a number of their friends on Friday evening last. One strtenge thing about heaven is how it can be heaven and so many different kinds of women all under Ithe same roof. 1 Feed English Stock Food to young pigs, and calves and see how they will thrive. It is the best and cheapest stock food in the market. Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter. Have you ever noticed. that a hen which has lust laid an egg, and a wo- xn:tn who leas a secret are very much alike in their inability' to refrain from tickling about it. The po rblot idea that a hotel comb is chained to the looking glass to pre- vent people from carrying it away ? purchase of the R, Pickard Co.'s gener- fallacions. It is charnel to prevent it al stock by Mr. A. E, Bennett, of Lon - from walking away. t f the „don, a formes* resident of..Exeter, and Tuesday ; cess of stock -taking is now in progress. EASE CR ACE COFc)RT ' \1 at more does a roan want for comfort, elegant use, than a finely tailored garment, whiclt coaiabines grace, stylewith ease, A. ;lila wearing such gar - ;newts trust be at house in any society and on any oc- e cion. Our new materials and. al- ways competent workman- ship enable us to offer yott just such service. W, W. TAMA'l , merchant tailor, .—_•r 6ovreiiik le CJi11a Paid up Capital... . .. , . $1,300,000.00. Surplus_. ........ ..... ...... x0,003.00 BEAh] ak //'F,,LzeCR,, TORONTO. a 1<AN ZG YiZ A1.,.`/F'AlC .,11.41NTREAd.. ' H. S. Holt ES Q. , 1' t6,°ni2'raat Matn:i:g'er. D. M. Stewart, Es Savings Bank Department, Mr. Wm. Levitt, proprietor o Mr, Richard Snell, of town. The pro - Grand Bend Park, was Tuesday of this ' week married to a lady w Granton, bat at the time of going to press we were unable to get particnlats. P ' 1 i 111 tiara, i•. rc:;, ,'1 a:.l lrghuat rata .< m C .r • " aati+ncat. la 1; .:g+t tssutl at lac" rra•:e tato. ia ars tr.oa;aa.r,ea their v. n sates 11 rea6 at sate soca A e gt•ra1 tiaa&lnm l,asincss dose. -O31:es At--- XETER, CREDITON F. B. RATIN, C W. GILSMOt'l1, Manager. Manger. fiLADM'AN• & STANBt Rti;, Solicitors., - u Infinittthn,—Teacher--" Tow,Asi?a- teal, if one eat costs me 12 rents, what will twelve eats cost tare;" Ashton— Tole don't need to htiy twelve eats, tty one and y on'll have a dozen kit - us before yeti know it. A bow-legged man was standing be - ore the stove warnnug himself. A. small boy watched hint Intently for a \vbfle, and then be broke out; ' Say, mister, you're standing too nen 'the lire, 1 guess; you re a -warping," The most trving experience in the career of a maiden who has passed the brush of romantic gielitood is when she braces herself up to meet tbe from n real. s.a of shock of a proposal 1 . The members of the new firer :are well and favorably known tlhroughout this section and the lausitaess will receive the benefit of their combined efforts to keep the establishment in the front rank. of Exeter's busier ss laattses, Digo additions will be shade to the already large etoek, making it one of the best in the West. With the sand stock selling at tbe very lowest nnteb, combined with llonortible dealing the new firm enters the business arena of Exeter with every prorspectofsecuring a most. liberal patronage from the pur- chasieg pnihlic. The AttVOC „T hopes for the •fruition of their most san- guine expectations, We have not learned what Mr, Pickard intends do- ing- but we trust he will decide to re- mainiuninto town. freffiletla chui•clt from the eaariiestdayshaavekept in c,lannlelnaraatioll of the temptation of Christ in the wiiderne,,s began (Wed- nesday,) Feb. 23th, usually called Ash Wednesday. The dove; inal symbolism is tbat of mankind in the world tem at - d by the Trinity of Evil, the world, . e the the flesh arta, the devil. I\uhe t n of the whole Christendom recognize, more or less, the forty days ott Lent. The terns "Lent" ctanli1 ' from "Lent:. was ici'.traleted to inepare air nlenaorial „ ring, it beat the s ring fast in t4 the Legislature in comeditt1' a with cotorn, spring, g p nest upon aeration of T. How - visa w - ';•a ;edit l t a q p v` hi it . of farming a Gond Ronde .11eDonell, of Hoesch, will learn with Association for the county, Hawkins Gillespie• -•that the Reeve and Coue- dillor Cnbbtediek be appointed to at- tend said meeting,—Carried, A com- nemicatton from E. N. Lewis, Esq., Mayor of (odericlh..atking the co-oper- ation of tlhct Council in paoeuring Leg- shrive aid in inpneving the harbor at. Goderieh, was: read and the clerk regret that she had the misfortune of fraetnring her wrist while skating in the rink a few days ago. It will be sone time before elle will. havo the use of the injtared licitb, for many h m t le who, at b se C ,y Mr. Ambrose years haas conducted the turnip: fee- ta,ry in ton last, week disposed of the lrnsines, and factory premises to Mes- sis. Wrtr,Kelough and sons, of Lnndcs- borouglr. The new proprietors will i,.4", Marchist. 4 E is e. ,it lr t.k E LOCAL DOINGS. aesemeateatatesseessamp Yes, you will find the awellest lot ofprints in town aatStetvart's. heretofore, We congratulate the edl- tor in his enterprise. Yesterday (Wednesday) was the first An ;accident oeeured at the Exeter day of Lent. Stave Mill on Monday which might' Good Friday falls on April lath and easily have been attended with serious Easter Sunday April 12th. results. Mr. Thos. Creech was using For lain back and derangement of the ltutting sato when a peiece of tom - her he was cutting dropped out of the kidneys, use Dix Kidney Pills. place and causing the sate to break, For sale by C. Lutz. endangering lives and otherwise doing We understand that Mr. Raba. ie. damage. A large portion of the saw Richardson, of Zurich, will move back was thrown with such force as to to town again shortly. pass clean through the side of the For scratches and itching of the legs building. Luckily .all the hands sur - an horses try Dams' blood purifier and rounding the dangerous situation • lotion. Sold by C. Lutz. escaped unhurt. The following towns in Huron contlty o regie.tc'red. as hawing the amounts i•t't opposite their names, s, t xt'lhalttltn4) from taxation; Brussel'-, 4_'•850: Blyth, atn,alunt lint slated; Exeter. 0431x; Sea - teeth' 54000; Wingham, 1a,,00i1; Gude- rich, $i•30,500. Dr. Ovens, of London, surgeon. ocu- list and specialist, diseases eye, ear, nose and throat, will be at the Com- mercial Hotel, Exeter, Wednesday, March 4th; Wednesday, April 1st; Wed., May Oth; Well. dune 3rd, 1tl(i3. (Glasses properly fitted. Next visit will he Wed., March 4th. Mr. W. E. Clothier, the genial editor of the AilsatCratig Banner, was in town Friday last and purchased the engine and bolter we have been advertising for the past few weeks. The Banner, which is a newsy, bright and well edit- ed weekly journal, will in future be run off by steam instead of by bend as This ,.ea ' i as tion to Advent, f_ sontn;•aintended n t i faits, seconded bn" J, tliiiespie. Raw. i d d t 1 t" religious devotion partly zsi s spent prepare. tin - Ciiilespi e- 14(4 Dina 4alieNo. ai Von for the great feitst of Easter and 1 li1 Y,., appointing and Yttrnisl riri'e tags 1411 prat'- ' l` ws,.' dog t,t.at zR talose es a time of training.sotor meows,. tit"S. atyiug for tame, as read aa° first tlati life sell the rest of the year. lit i' , ,* a int rightly is butter lire- time, teat;. read a r4et'41n1 and tbtr4'1 time that litep I.t „ ? sant] finally a ssethetud that the clause paired to fear God 1.1141 follow chi . } p ."' Different. branches of the Caatholic', to former by-law, regarding church have various rules for the ob-int; of dogs, be recurderh— arried. It sere lnee of this hol . season. The WKS suggested by the Reeve that I4tes- Church of England has ,•a Special aero. srs. (`nb with t• e and Hawkins ,telt in a be all uAlt- come vice appointed for the fora. tiny, or Ash mitre ati ith p a Wednesday. It is called the oommiai- tees of charity coming ttefi'sxe elle Colin- atinn service and includes the omise- col. The suggestion was unanimously rere." adopted, Hawleins—Cobblediak--that the street commissioner be instructed. ilio Plt:xattutnlos to procure 10 cords of wood from Mr. The much anticipated entertain- L. ncar,ly.-.Carried. Gillespie—Haw- men, y > t May The charity of many a person con- The South Huron Women's Institute Sists of a generous impulse to give held its regular meeting on Friday, away something they have no further Feb. 20. at 3 pan., in the Reading Room use for. of the Library. Mrs. W. G. Bissett SVhen yon are tempted to abuse de- gave a paper on the many ways of ceitfuI people remember you are one of cooking eggs and also of pickling and them yourself. Everybody else is to preserving them. Then followed a some extent. short discussion when many valuable suggestions were thrown out. Mrs. Turkish Scalp Food is the best dress- T. H. McCallum gave a demonstrate, ing and restorer of grey hair in the talk on "Muffins" and how to make :market. Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter. 550 them. A short discussion followed cents a bottle. this also. We are pleased to note the Teacher—"What are you scratching interest taken by the ladies shown by your head for?" the large attendance. 12 new niern- Scholar—" 'Cos I'm. the only one bers have been added to the list. that knows when it itches." We have received from Messrs. Mar - Miss Polly Gould sustained a severe ion & Marion, Patent. Attorneys, of .sprained ankle in a misstep last week Montreal, an admirable compendium and ars a result is now confined to her of condensed information on the sub - home on Huron street. ject of Patents, and everyday statist - Rev. Malott, of Kippen, Will preach cal data. This little book, entitled in the James street church both morn- "INVENTION," is just the proper size ing and evening on Sunday next, in ,aid of the Educational Fund. me and lutea Picl eg, s i .ins—that the following accounts be les, 1185 come it e1 gene, having air -passed a1lcl orders drawn on Treasurer geared in Gulley's Opera Home, on for same: --W, II. Lovett, coal, $13.3x; Saturday night last, being the second C Lutz, Cemetery 'Board, $200; J. IL event on the series commenced the Dennis, bell ringing to Jain. 10th, S2; early part of the season. The patron- Geo. Cndinnre, snowplowing $2.40; S. age was exceedingly large and it may Handford, do., $1; Jas. Creech, labor, be truly said that the company, irre- 50c.; Wm. Creech, do., $2.25; E. Hunt, spective of those taking part to fill a do., $2; G. I2,13assett, postage $1.—Car- vacancy owing to illness, is high-class- lied. Council adjourn to Fridiay,Marcb ed, but notwithstanding this many Oth,at 7.30 p.m.—Carried. went away disappointed. Probably it G. H. Blss rrT. Clerk; is that the people are growing more critical and fastiduoas that an enter- ta- . .--t such as was presented Star- BENDS! SEEDS!! We pay the highest mar- ket price f©r No. 1 Red Alsike and Timothy Seed; also R1 Rgariam and Millet seed. T. NS So o PERSONAL. cosy night• failed to appeal to their 11wusroa4 and humorous instincts. Pera seat Eta When you see a married man hug- ging a wooden Indian in front of a cigar store at midnight it is a sure sign of a storm before morning. The bell ringers of the Trivitt Mem- orial thumb were very pleasantly en- tertained -at Mr. Thos. Case's, London Ronal, North, on Tuesday evening last. Thereare.somewhere near 3,000 dif ferent Lineages, and still the man' Who smashes,his thumb with a ham- aner:finds theca none too many to ex :press his feelings. If you want to save money order your magazines, newspapers or other foreign periodicals at the Anvo- ac.1TE office. It will pay you. We are agents for any .cif the above pub- lished. , O e night of .ht good solid' amusement for the n people le of Exeter' • and- vicinity. ,p P. The Hawthorne Musical Club of. Bos- ton. See circulars for description of program, Tuesday, March ;3rd. Plan open at Dr; Lutz's ding store Feb. 28. Mr. Amos :Townsend, of Clinton, who has Veen 'appointed local .aigent'of this ,,district for the Deering Machine Co., hes rented"111r. John Moore's residence on Ann. street. Recommended as a worthy citizen we welcome him to our midst cls disposed Mr: Philip'Row e has of his dwelling on Andrew street to Mr. Richard Elston, of Centralia, receiving as a consideration in the neighborhood of $800. , We understand;" Mr. Row- ifssome notion of moving •Y .:has, to 4 sonally speaking we were highly de - Mr. Mark Mitchell left Tuesday to lighted with the musical pert of the visit in London. program, particularly the violin selec- tions by Miss Webb, who displayed , Miss Smith, of Mitchell, is the guest excellent taste in her selections and of Mrs. (Dr.) Anderson. good judgment of varying from the Mr. Goodison, of Sarnia, spent Sun - high -classed to tbe most simple ;firs. day with friends in towu. Her execution and technic were bril- Mr. Matheson, of St. Marys, spent tient and every piece was rendered Sundary and Monday in town. with that sympethic feeling that be - Mies Elliott, of St. Marys, is the token the true artist. Miss Beckett, guest of Miss Jean St. ?Js. aw. the lady flutist, is centainly an artist g with the flute. Her tone is beaantifitl Miss M. Runsteller,of Detroit, is the and her execution first-class and was guest of Miss Olive Westcott. listened to with a great deal of atten- Dr. and Mrs. Anderson spent Sun - tion. Some of the selections of the day with relatives in Mitchell. the little "Picks" were .good while Miss Carrie Smith, of Talhotviile, 'is others were equally stale. The Haw- the guest of Mrs. E. 3. Spackman. thorn Musical Club will be the next 1e guest Roweliffe has returned of the series for March 3rd and pro- from a visit to friends in London. miser to be first-class in every respect. Miss Elliott,of Wingham,is the guest melts' Forcasts for itiarch, of her cousin, Miss Nettie Walters. The first regular storm period for Mr. Fred Gidley,,of Detroit, is visit- FromMarch is from the 2nd to the 7th. about Tuesday the 3rd,• to Fri- ing his parents here for a few days. day the 6th, there are reasons to ex- Mrs. J. A. Stewart bas returned pect all the changes and phenomena from a visit with friends in Hensall. of a very decided storm period._ ,"'A Miss Lottie Dennis left last week to marked change to warmer and falling accept a position in Vancouver, B.C. for the vest pocket, 2ex4, inches, is barometer will lead rapidly into cloud - bound in handsome celluloid covers, 'loess, es , i hhe neral rain Rairand s i thu der er and contains not only quadrille -ruled be expected in central and northern sections, 'rut change to much colder will follow the rains, with heavy snow: squalls generally along the -northern side of the country. Sharp change it is to be had trona them by the read-' to cold will bring np the rear of these ers of this paper on request for 10 cents. 'Wanted. A man willing to work --steady em- ployment. Apply at the Exeter Tan- nery- Rouse an-neryRouse of Refuge Notes. An old and respected resident of I3ullett township was brought to the House of Refuge last week, in the per- son of Wm. Jordon. Lose Between the James street Methodist, church, Exeter, and the R. Pickard' Co.'s store, a pair of gold rimmed spec- tacles. Finder will please leave at the R. Pickard Co.'s store. Purse Lost, On Tuesday -between Dr. Browning's'. Drugstore ad Metropolitan Hotel, a P purse containing a small sum of ''mon ey. Finder will confer a favor by leaving same at this office, Coifiiug! Tuesday,March 3rd, The Hawthorne Musical Club of Boston. Don't fail to. hear this clever combination of music and comedy; without doubt the most pleasing and satisfying number of the course. Plan of hall open Saturday, Feb. 28th, at Dr. Lutz's drug store. Prices 25c., 35c, and 50c blank pages for memoranda, but also 28 pages of interesting printed matter including quite asurprisingamount of. novel and useful information not here- tofore published. We understand that Last chance, Mens and Ladies' r; coats, all at gearing prices, at e+rart'e, A lovely lot of new American and Canadianers. R, •txe values. ii `; wall papers. Stewart's. storms. The regular storm period, centering on the 16th and extending from the13th to the 2Oth, will bring a tiine of exceedingly unsettled weather, with probability, of many heavy, and some dangerous storms. The indica- tions point to two decided disturbances during this central periud in March, one at the very beginning of the 'per- iod, and the other about the 17th and 18th. The storms on and about the 18th will barely` subside before the, en- trance to reactionary storm. conditions cen- ter Lud.Thisis'r the due.Llstard .t ter of the Vernal equinox, andrnany equinoctial squalls, with much unpleas- ant weather may safety be counted on. In all central,' western and northern, sections, mingled min, snow and raw de pleting winds will render' it exceed- ingly hard and trying on unsheltered live stock. The last general stoma period in March is central on the,27tb coveringthe 25th to 30. The Moonis in, the celestial equator onthe 27th. and at its new on the 28th. "i As we approach these days it will turn phen- omenally warm for the season, the barometer will fall to low and danger ems readings, and anywhere from Fri- day the 27th to. Monday the 30th, it will he wise to keep an eye' on the gathering stolin indications. Very tv.ar•rn, humid weather, with'.greatly depressed betor,eter, will presage -vio- lence and danger, er especially in all, g outliern parts ofc,ot n- central to s t x t.n 1 „ 1 try. Late snow and sleet stories will Tarescltty next for Winnipeg, Where be most natured noi-thev,al'd, The shevi=ili remain for some time. , and gives prolniseofrecovery. Mrs. (Rev,.) Holmes, of Blyth, is the guest of her sister, Mrs, (Dr:) 'Rollihs. Miss Geddes, of Eagle River, Ont., is visiting her sister, Mrs. B. S. O'Neil. Inspector Tom, of Goder°icli, spent Tnesday`nigbt with:his parents here. Mr. Nelson Sheere, of St. Thomas, is spending a few days at his home here. 'Mr. P. B. Dignan, of London, spent a few -days in town the latter part of the week. Mr. Brown, of London, spent Sun- day in town, the guest of Mr. T. H. Mc0aallirm. - ill of Dorches ter sent Sun- Dr. .. G , ,est of Mr. and Mrs.• day in town the g, z • A. E. Evans. Mrs. Geo. Bissett and son, Barry, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. 3. Milson, Whalen. Mr. P. B. Dignan, traveller, spent a few days the latter part of last week at his home here. Miss Mable Follick, of St. Marys, is spending a few days with her parents and other friends here. Mr. and Ars. W. H. Parsons, of_Ed s'DI E, .. Boo.— PRING EW ,.' a e 6➢tS t tlhier vi, tt b v tine oh owing rfG ar4fls, g laatye we shown f,nrdli to variety and what is more, the finalities and values are better. ress goods Colored press goods press .S'ilks Blouse .Silks Wool Pelaines New Prints Ilk ppliques ,, ells Aadies' Fancy Collars Neck Ribbons gloves Jtwiss Zmbroideries, The Lest English Prints in Light and Dark colors. Over five hundred patterns to select from. An elegant variety. E. J. SPACKMAN. Headquarters for the Celebrated. W. E. Sandford Ready Made Clothing. Amemi'ilfr= ..0a..,A. .M•.t ,d4 . -w...*--*a.,ar. ,1R,t a aisc ,-...•.,•k..e.. atm a:llc COTVMING! COMIN the a Musical usical Club of Boston. GIBLETS OPERA HOUSE' 41 1903 t 3rd,TUESDAY, MARCH DON'T,MISS IT. DON'T MISS IT, Ari e 32'a "Q" "8r'g .Czar Rollins, after spending a few days with his parents here, returned to Detroit Tueeday evening. Miss Walrond, who has been on the sick list, has again resumed her duties as teacher in the Public School. Miss Bertha Shaw, who has enjoyed a pleasant visit with Mrs. A. E.Evans, returned to Dorchester Monday. Mr. Frank Willis, of Forest, spent Monday in town with his father, Mr. Jas. Willis, who continues very ill. Capt. Thos. Robinson, of Ilderton, and Mr. Geo. Hunter, of Ridgetown, were in town Friday picking up a few horses. Mr. Warren Ross, after a pleasant nt three weeks' visit with friends in town returned to Pontiac, Mich, ' Wednes- day morning. - Mr. Wm. Cunningham left Monday for Listowell, where he has accepted a position as bar tender at the Grand Central Hotel. Miss Ethel Bissett left Saturday for ,Toronto, '.where she will attend the millinery"openings, prior to her de partnre for Wingham. Mrs. Thomas Prior, who bas spent some time time with her daughter, Cora, at Wheatley, returned Friday. She a reports: her daughter improving. Miss Edith Sanders returned Tues - da from a visit. with friends in De- troit and elsewhere. She left again Wednesday to attend the millinery openings at Toronto. . . i Mr. A. Kemp, after a pleasant visit monton,_N . T., are vrsiting. friends P own; at his home here, left last week;to Vie - and re'lBell, s in tOwenSoutld,Uefore it in Stratford and t Mrs. Bell, Who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Hugh Oke, left Friday for her home at Sarnia. Mr. •CxeosLewis, who was taken 'sud- denly ill on' Sunday morning last, is able to be .around again. Mr. Aquino, Sheere, of St. Thomas, omas, spent'a. few days here during the week returning Tuesday evening. . • Miss G Penhale, of • London, spent a few days town last week with her mother and sister." She will leave ;un leaving for Ottawa to resume his duties in the Molsons Bank. John Christie Mrs. r accompanied by her little son, who bas been . visiting her father,Mr. D. Wilcox, Huron st., for; the past three months, left 'Mon for her'home in Dakota. Mon- day,.; ', Mr, James Pickard was taken ;down suddenly ill of heart trouble on Sun- day. night last and it . was feared his case w prove rove serious, ° hut he has since taken a change for the better HO W , Was He Dressed ? You hear this asked of some persons every day, and the answers depend on the kind of clothes they wear. How are YouDressed When you want to be well dressed come and have a suit made to order. All new goods consisting of Suuith a _s Parting's, Over coatvmis, Etc. Post Jo.II 1\,S 11 TAILOR fire the Exeter Office' boughs, colds, •hoarseneee, and other throat ailments are quickly relievedby Vap'o-Crese- lene tablete, telt cents Der box. All druggists. Mr. Higgins, who bas spent. some time with tris : brother,the,late. Ben. Higgins, of Usborne, left Tuesday for his home in N. Dakota. He was ac- companied by Miss Lillie Mclnnifewhoa intends remaining for some time. Mrs. Thos. Smallacombe, accompan- ied by her daughter, Rose, after a very with relatives intown pleasant visit : theguest of her sisterk i nd vicinity, h , Mrs. Mary J.-',Ilarris, Huron street, left for her home in Crystal. City, Man., IVionda;. Y Children Cr forY STO R e ; I"1