HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-2-26, Page 6•
tinastonten nitioneeteentonenteneanneeptioni bin The oilleer had a shotgun, anal
he stood ready to enter the barn
nt he called out:
ttni There • WAS no resistance.. As the c.
The Blunted -Now, thee, you ghostsi listen tri SOENES vt!.vl FIRE AT COI,
ee„ e.e! met If you make any resistaoce, nexy 'TAT= gisernatge
blow e -our blamed heads off?"
the beidies to shells or coffins to 1 ightteeeseesithinsgen
hearses and carts or tumbrils to an - - •
impronised mortuarn ire the grcmods,
there toe Awelt the view cie the Octre A b ,i•
Ak. ()Jerk, the'
oner's jury.
And tnere Were groups a sq4kreitt-
,,eme et the inn , o a • ers at work, carreriogi front the
, 1
it. 1 se-neas it . each muck. the worse for wear and
tttittidtetiehttededithitedisnen•reend":4144h* lied away in different. directione in Accounts b -. mail of th A•e ' ' Tb° Il'atejlers' IYIWA ti -4°Y SaM 4iallY 431ICIttilitlEAT GAItili15,
w ek at the Colney Hatch As
;the darkness. Silas had Lis club - e -1 4ast the searchete bend low and rise
lie , an . Accentuete) the herror 9f again With aelllethillg on their The pnbr wan ito get good buelei 'The nervotis sereterui always calling
Ihor two or three ears there bail :ratted, and tlw officer had his gun - egnicri h
bee% tett; in Rosle-n that the Altitiow •,, leveled, but they did not shoot or hands, gaSPed rather than geld oat- wiwat. Whiell AP the drst regnisite for phospborous„ is quieted lie' a full
".11°"es littti '..titt her end'''. fer Silas istrike, Beth etood with open .tileat c,ataSetr(The' right: "'they liege foMed AnOther for Steen -class cakes, ie to ge to a nein diet, Applee relieve tbe nAt1,-
Farden, wizo wAs an old bachelor nieoutos and banging eyes fee a, mien on tile unrit hears of the Warning. one Given that this dread work reliable bone.) et. to a foremen get ,a, Sea, Of SeasialleAs. and Are 0, helP
- r-iute, and 'then Silas lowered hie club iillaetitTLitligixf:1).7.4!,,,,-ee oiczat, traym.id latlaidd to be donei it Was well clime email quarrtitY And try iti then if it to those Who are trying to breok
and wen to do, There. NVZ,1 TtO Mt
tieuter reason why be heed never ;., ant nteininen: promptlyi but with befitting le geed.. tillY a simple's, and keep it themselves 1.11f the tobacce Labit.
Married. ile lead simply been ; ..inaal. Henry, Ill be banged!" men Were burnt to death in their goverence. feelioge And care. By in a coal. dry place. Buckwbeat A good, rine, raw apple is said to
"wail:leg round," as he expressed . Ann the constable lowered his gen beds. or were suffocated before the three o'clocke or 50011 after. everY cakes may be rinite difficult to make be eompletely digested in $O mite
the tharred bones and unreeognize e ;
but :meek and granny of ti wide range if Otte ,1.S. inenertenced; but like titeei TiliS easy digestion. tee1eere
'Starnes reacbeil them. Nothing
it, read to thought it raore than . and felt of his head to se ifit was
%lee Widow donee to be ins. There . algaah silos, many other thioge, if properly' Ink,- 10133v:wit*. `I'lie
-- i on his shoulders and replied.:
Ably mutilated corpses remained. ‘1.j,),-,;n1;"11's' " leat'' t3r° Ilitindr-ed yards
plIOSP110r0US MOM:
Itilse'..F tiaat be would. some day ask
soli I!"
Some say. Viet the dead IllT in rents by one hundred yarns wislei had deretood, the task is simple; writes the nervous matter ie. brein,
ezi, reit on leis part. The evideiv; bad. ninnies: then as they engine oh to ,on their iron bedsteads. '• tale of death woes told. A watt to use Op the holt glasses
"ans "° aritat "hli °I -twit it. hewer -11 Nething more was said for Ore' been thoroughly searched; awl tbe a eorrespondent.
clear and undisiouted geld, and ail tee henee to get a drink of cider 1 Three hundred female patients reel In Many families tbeee cakes fill of jelet which eollect frooe. time to
131 aes g t Lek..
door Wen dung open two Oasts,
steppedout and quietly walk- Rea -doers,
Viende With Their
_ ou e
pb... 1. their coffiesi It was who weadel not at au apple beton
gondition more days. in the yeat
Oen any other fruit.
Apples placed ready for the child.,
ren when. theo awake in the morning,
to eat as appetite denienele, will lin
ia found tensing point where little
ones are troubled with Moon netts!
suaoleing ruins mangled bodies and 3 ailments, There are few children
an atinsonie and sole= spectacle, . bran/dant if. AlloWed the Privilege. It
• .14 a IlliSteLe o ' '
elarinit,ories of the teeeperary 'build- a place in the trinter'n food supply ii three ie to All the centers of caret
is tie lane ten widow iniention irioved ...so" wanes are cures critters.** , ekes erected seven yeare ago et the , tee„erinteteeent, siodi "some were "gon. wteu a (vial lameh ie want", oa.in the apples by tirtenef,e1ws, It
. . d 1 .2 1. .. Je„,. s word. the h.nriaredaigenient a, er.ocicuof bautttehreellwaae: 41Ignetthoevr.ier Thu: orersigialtar1; AllinzotibialondrOT:
sleety seread over the tiorizerr-that ionnh oientionei
en to a faria adjoirling beeat of etr. sane., goe e pitcher teed gbesses, !west end of tite great asylum. look» !paefeestrieeee, /tient en A COW. co ar a
h et V -- • " "'", ' 8,.
malting apple tapioca puddleg Ilk
some were excited. i - ti es .
tiod thitts Foci:teener, in hen. ene tieen. neoniog up at. the -atellen cea- .u.t.Itts„, it,t,thetapneTTr.r.tizto.n ofataibmotut orue jcaos,..te uo.Ifiatx.)eo/yosz414 tzleihot..c017.,Lh e 14 the'
Iljti gcnrine' 1°117 k411-4c1F" TheY
tad ea 4:0Z.15-44 tzlaiLS 4M fiteVVrO; irt, r,sual3ed:
liariisin. hike cense froin tie. et -est, inert the eider und pouritel it (-tits eel after. as usual, by female Attend- and ethers were quite mho. it was ei „ . 4 a e „. if. is . falai wen Le failed to add aro appro.
ravines, oral not re month nail re.nee, -genii lierry. teey bete, 'fore silit Iii.til41ett On 1Ied4tY. tu°111- On all hande testintoey re Dome !sh1:411ite4rtaitel.rtst,ociltniulanfiitilieileudicr4ejtly:x.:(tfel174:hcoktra C41174)4:Cle$7.1::: tQl:teaesr:::11/1'erhier4:::::
ed infore silent. was ton; teat the,
Wieieer &VA'S 1:113/4,2 :1 rival. Tile Lien - 4.- tin -111i itolgins 7114iie of gtheFe tent.oPorotrY !:/aat.ditedihrtegavroistintoAf !,,eltfres4ta4 htr.frwei ,nol4Tortostuvuoeholi bootwz tell us to
!ter Gt,t, 02,-;,y Learil tti. tele, but she l'-, , eit,seuxue„;.s e,,front ore end to the other. Mere. unaided quielly arid eesily Kure by pouvieg
ell'orts. and other orneero i tee griddle Intl fry buciewhenteraetiesse!bi:gilitnifertliv.4ttrettv:dr ilnlietulli; ireleitearnafsle;
eitri reed another 114, O. L'Ot-di• c.1/01,11 t ori,ot tintine has hateasseny been inensea huiroan behistin lahOring WI. their riot. Tien: rusbed into the without a genet deal of geeeen, i able when a large number are to lif
wen teethe- tv.iao o dark ciend stain benne parting tbe officer eentent- tired to bed on Monday eight irk the Wben asked. how tbe patienta tee equal to canned goods, for with i apples wtth tbe iene, an natio ti
rerogstieen the fact. sine weneenii TIlit rib - were three hundred and twenty de- whinny
falluv"Pd th(t eXaIsPla °I • brown. something' imposeible to do five ininutee. This would he niltist
fneet th:teee. and in a •ni 10%-‘;' 4if as the wor.lit's creditor. dee niany anti varied hallucinations, ,
• end blinded. by the entoke and in
• f
iien .- 5utrileltted wbich spoils the flavor of the ettkes. pered.
• • .
one wie.ow cett calculate alitoost ex- , et on tete 'aro consideration. bow- coefronttel in a moment with the Tomos even when nearly
act; WO, t f.zi-40,1;er vc4t.,taw %OA over, net ouly °tonged lomm. 1810 pronpect of 1 11111144.6111w anti aWrOI tleir couregeoes atterepte to eaVe
do. 'also investutents of capital front ee.eth. them brown eoil extremely light
ao f e d whlt leuPed death r co is -er o e n g haw
Ftw the thr° "'nth' Sila3 ars' thwlvied• We The Whole staff of the great age- titertieetvee, Not wee 1erolent did 3; know the moor ill exriaira: ni$414eiToehrfel yevaorusto icogoera efuronleectillueAeg
rane eed a pretty in thing et: newel. give a high ldoce in -eriette• seise medical and generalnumberthe pelmets put into the Perilous octet! It cannot be done," When 1t".,..tees shomag bow they econamized,
it. letrieen vi.ninee leseeei with- . intvent official IT ti'-. ShOW the't ing iot all Nome three hundred per- work.
tett le% 10 Zin'T, 53:vited veer to atelier iereeell capita) is let esol in Srt.: ROMS. themselves into the &A old Tolontoaln t411,Q0nutZ.htirigiudg04111,111051;i07 PAY. do net grease, the griddle;
v,,,e,ow or to otl,ter, and at t kettle- evert- eollettrY lla wigic of resene as far as niight I I ask you to try it, and try attain
blit' and a quotation from one is es oat=
-4to venire if sleight te. the scorching T e 1-tu better eud at toe.' noble to day as when it wee printed.
intitrinis . receival hat Ile totel amount inveeted al.road
tee -elite end otner practical is teported at nearly Seigitiogion.
•iti.i::.;r,‘,C. OS 10f. -CS:kiln .in atich Le .0-7,41. A, part oi if fs dtrotife,ss over.
enn o..• race wee rhimit en tot neaten. Oeiog imeed on the ramie
eve: . Teo two werellt were of anei not tee actioal value aY,1 se-
ee, 1-;t4f geeettladees, with ail eine' At 5.11.4 a nurse, on duty eueticed I 11•4545talIC° hAd not been 118' he in a hurry to torn: the caked' .g * •
44. out. ran forward to got a 1,614 rbalensgeprVhaelnialittilste
W7.0 writes.
unddle-lul Pt the "Experience has taught me that
with the good effect of eating ere. datintlessey teed to bring her
of the poor demeoted creatures un-'
THE FIlisT ALARM. a mutates or steams profueely t e 41 grrandated venni. is cheapest. TN
der their femme. of her. but was beaten bock by
wetiae flame eveleteres and exhauet- la too hot.so try again. Inite- ," twist ri,toleerd i:,es ,ie ta_te,sden.,tler Aspennllsgrve.,
Ir -• erei .11;4i El'en 0.0 :Aim f Freneh fere' flange ieeisiog front 04, tore room noediately at handehe must have ebould bo eootied through before:Icings made with milk are cheapeet
reee, • eeetert to te teee it ever toe veer inve,ttieerte ewe -moue, end Woe ot ewe. gave the warm. vie solit•red death for her plucky effort turulus,. and you sCaret : liatee layer cakes dripping pee
tetirele gle entet !thee tee e:et, suer vetl re reelioetti to counterted- fire or "blazer."' %vas soundedto rtneii the di'51raeted Patientficanea around ttm 041 Infore olipe,, and divide afterward. (food co:Atte:
It 2 -inn os if 2 aoulti fee a etre siege Ilea loige nationol dent nial in a few mottoente 1Vb
the 'Allele en it was fe'llati iittilessihh" to re' ,pinth
g e ladle entirely under. It ^/W11 IT'vSt" Pe0.4'S 44T0 .ttel,r7
e• -c1144441
, ro° Kr.11:,T V+1;'1,‘ 44 .4 '64V1 e" lwie of lirencie lt tetultleleuent eves netir. Tete 1;•=glin dorlaittiih" net' ietiSeitt noon be a, goad brown on the miff. P1146.113'0g9^ "ratt'" INIMA'414
Tiro doora. whit,44 oe xriwo of ittlfaenritit% tn,uotttecroltIrolle,ofottisitaliart `"ati1e Pre'j'alitAg ertIS" t41.
itedideii &roue., Wien. f;;) . net eurprieing to end Mat Praliee lire lirigaile on the prendeee„ con. the onicets ;nod mimes ran tO the
ttitinane' of ildeei went Les sent 4o: t than tilintek,i,d §,i 43 Ati sistieg ot nine men. mos promptio 'rent. lAt'SpaOraigit of corn Sitatecti eisralt
tg.o el,eleIrle eecw ere jetto lbeirea an.1 more ilean tItee'lle- attioo, bet tee email force coidd comae. wean bettered in and the yoke woll fan of 146105 tine 011e egg in putelphin pies. it.ocli
4144 440 44
sinsie wiieet fen marina, era in tre etneinetfi bite) inpairs. wiiene sties :: lone Nide effect. for es etroug wind the unhaPPY ini"ates e"ght hY horteeecontb. After toradrig. the '412*illee Oe'll ".7.° h"11454est" It -"I:"
• lieliieI of Lre tont he heeiA a voiee ' ovate Ir1111 'OWN' to four-fifths of all- woe blowittg from the southweete, strong 'arlate and curriedtweeting pale sine wig nerF hotin ne it light., more time to male) lealclielineeits
criliiine hie ereene. It was a wee railway, rteel.s. Bent. el?e, heti le- The lire Lad got hold. and in a few :..leileouelee to Places uf ealletr; 11TY a. ppetieieg brown. leraetice w•ith. ,•:. than tilbIlt.''alilttil'' •
ntintelee flattop flashed high and , Ilele a a r‘ n i In 134040 .1these tiny eaLen till eau :lad . tot. !' A pat Ifsast. IS th° eteaP5t 111"11
heleloce ent in great lurid. sliveis. ,4rert9r13. and weee terrlf.ed by the easy it is to do it, and ,heteiy g,au, 1 If coeliing while baking. 1 0041414:41
the countre 11111t41of tli" divManlefitatices wilt be delighted tget rid of the
1 LVI, I:0 Pat t'All nitro' -*het ,, I ttere ts not ore comely In Lwow miles aroteml in evety direction anti, of rereue of patients frora t'4017e Neundeeiraltle odor, en41. you ran wake, fa 1 19 ,orth Irtlallo. Cheap ((led
, eteanied Ware tan to0 moult Net;
whirl ligeted up , for , 3 • :: o
ree l'OLI'd42.t, of tIW 0,:171 land 3"i't, the i ha 1+%'•biellt lorenelt eapital is root in- lighted with Re glare the most con- ,•;jatves of: death are related* but it , is make them as large as you wish. irequIrIag lasg C°fildrag Is sc'IL '41`es1)‘
Betio ethatintere wee tittle reieted to evereeatere folioed. even Persia hate volumee •of SUledie were 'wafted to-,',
, the highest to the lowest, noted be two long griddle* t t di-
rer te large family. there ehoute lien% licaseS,
S. atm o pu nroparages and enters
worn toe 3-0"." finite:eel rivet drer, Ilis .. vested., In Asia. ale°, it. is to be tigatnis districts of London. IItoge ',entecient to say that the staff,. from
cook tender sooner when a. MU(
da. Is aeded Druggietei bi-ear•
feen'e voive, Leowiret •tieet no. more then- n1finehtf10.110.0 14*
werean 0,01114 l'' there. Veles het it Emelettol aud Slietotteiettl in thr-
down tee44geeef and gait ineiht T.tt, Atii:1117. 3:Q1' latest and dearest: fett.
horn witiowe. arid. Sirendorhe ellen ing neerly fieltifigiOn of it, It is wards the northeast over the main ,,n° - ..i• rectly over the fire mitt' it is ee.y
weele both looleel thoeebtful and ' sitsailerly spread all over Africathe buildingand carriedfar trielly Into i roraur LIKE FIENDS. hot, when it ehould be removed to - ii
bonate of soda is beet. Potatoo
ce te' hitisiettitit tittle% I4Y iln I4I'Al, British territories, not including the sey. the back wad the other one placed !keep bread moist. emenpotes earn
- ti 1
T:rn d.I: rant Inioisientli tliet :area of legyon Isaniug no less than $305,- i , 11 It WaS a terrible '41 *41 for the
i shrieks and screams were 'heard, but mewl little danger of burning. VOlors. and modest, ste-lea Mete hest
0;.• ee. en he espeeted. but rather Wined() of lt.
, tato Or three nierees tont patient _ griddles. In this way there Will be
s Rand do not need freqUent changing
heating and if used too freely In faCt. in leads dUty try tO 111444-4111,
nand carried them out bedily.
- 11 of tbe pritienta etrugeted against be- Buckwheat is Considered rather S
CitIES OP VIE VICTIMS. ninth+ bend Of nurees. They pielied on the fire. rat tile calkee at onCe
griddle and alternate the 'Meal On Carpet preleete t llat
V,vc.,..rarovi it. In feet, teeth advise. It IS said in tbe loeselitv that I'll) their patients in their aline - on the hot Sweeping'. Cood materiate, team
el Lire to %telt the barn meet even-
4tr4,1 cv4,, if 0.0 lonfet, wauftlii\1 I.OVE, MAPE GERMANY. r sueh was the force of the howling bein "IticOnOnty is a, virtueAttlft
Parsiraony le a nice."
ter into cerovereation. :metier ws- Teke pattern in your love affairs 7wilui and such the Confined and eon- ::
ing removed, and struck at their
now hretw thet the other heti been , front tile tiOlUltI German Intel:elm. ;11 -acted slew of the burning lime unpleasant elfects upon the
I:nt'"rT`43; 41t411 ,the ad,1100 ‘,C4,8 'M,,,111:t".14r,l's n 44 41411 lately returned from ,; femme,. that it ie improbable tita-%;
,,, 11;treCoAtt:11;S: Ilut the nurses battled : eausc
redness. For this
JP tu:'""! "" e°311°-"3:11'8" r**"°' : Ow, leatiterlend. IIis is the best the cries, heartrending end fearful, ledaorrr.ieditilditeolrx:tbutelliertiti' rrI:ttina6Prisluu5001negonsiderabie common
f -.l., •-.1 might le kaiee about, it and mt st along the encing /lour - certainly a third and name.
4n4 " er'''W 1.'"*Illnit* as he 0'4111Wed. 'rotanse you can follow. Mien let 'and. indeed. ghastly, as they -I-- the ground or into the main build-
btlt ie• ceet Led a curiosity 10 bearn gado himself ftaling in love with have betel. timid have been heard be- lug As the reecuers burst into the times a half. according 4 to the
41 "1 fee! '4) 16 144 ht 111'il 0 to SnY. some. girl. his mother is his con-:yond the walls of the asylum roonts in their teems the lunatica strength of the buckwheat. Corn
le .'4 4) r.'ns a pot of gold or a at... ddaut. and the, rank soon becomcs ,groungts. meal is dislined by many, and
' P 't'3 AI!, 3 1 ila his f Irm fl. beca frightened, and fought as
hoe't 0- ca - th. --- --- -"--- - a subj.•ct oe family, consultation. His I Ward X 5 anti X ile wisich were only mad persons can against, being should not be used *without prevl-
ciodel 1.erloare 1,e lhduced to flive " of Lis life. just as it is that of the* where the holocaust was
eearest the outbreak of the lire, and ren10,..0,. ono lean!" wile, was log_ ous cooking; just baking in the Oahe
„ marriage is to be the greatest event ;
greatest,whois net enough to make it digestible.
. girl Le :Harries. Nis eery first as- : were kneed. and tlie patients were was carrying ber, :so that he near -
le -es bit the sausultier of a man
neon • I 1150 a three -gallon croc , .
k rord
mix enough to half fill it, using one
At il o'clock nt nieht. armed with piratiors are to be as good a Luse Iruffocated before they could be 1 ) I lie i But he
ly droppet ter n le pa n.
n teed,. a lantern and a clear con- band and father as his own father:reached. carried tier out. dry yeast cake, or half of a cote -
,small milk boy appears to have D ! eh . 0 more pressed cake. When well risen I put
ozens o e reseuers leer
*view a Silas sauraelvd out to the : bee been, when be is 2* 44 les 4 s t
sen eIn a tta.,.• that appeared care- , wife is his constant companion whene warned tee voice, and they made or lese injured. One nurse had fl. the batter down cellar 14 a eool,
lo!:s. 4444(1, gottIng down 11n4:114!15 onli , he is not at business. touch your their way to the scene. Outsiders 'auger bitten cleeat off. Others had place, and take out mile- enough for
ears, he 1 egen work. It waeta five good tierman on
the subject of 1%"0.- i generally could not lie adman=
itted, and black eyes d brulres and etches. one meal. 11 sour add soda, but
Only to this smaller quantity, then
neentes before he lietuel WS 11a1!1(' num end you Will ilittl the highest !could obviously have been but little Their hair Wan torn. But they
if too melt has been 'used, it
e('-:114:1.('-:114:1. and his knees went weak and airl ))1t truly cidvalric regard for "Uati if they Ilad obtained ingress to fought on and carried out the luna- *will
Lis heart gave A .lulnie. lilell• as lin womarikind tl:e vi•orisl has known. the grounds. Vault they a.ver they
listerete with sea 1214) teas, tile muf-, lie is ready to protect her good i saw was that the Itonrsey Fire Br:i-
f:el iWce of a woman cot...Untied: . nalue ttlevue's with his life. He would gade was the first to arrive in aid
'Sties Pereon•, pause and think ' to more think or insulting her than of the locel force. After that en -
le -'ore it is too late:" 110 would tbink of flying. Be would eines rattled in from all the dis-
lie was pausing and thinking with , not dream of making love to her un- tricts around. and eventually from
n 04141 streak 'thing WS hat:Mimi", lees be hoped to win her rind sancta, the Metropolitan .stations, with.
eitatra a second mailed voice exclaim- 4. theiNlove With marriage. He Captain Wells in command.
ed: :shows his. regard for her always by . Within four hours the whole fire
**Yes, 'Silas Pardon, tate no -rash consulting her in matters small and •was quenehed. But it had done its
step or yon will regret it, all your great. and displays his Jove by malt-. Work of destruttionh and had reduc-
days!" ing bis wife the sharer of all his eel all. the buildings. where it had
Silas didn't Pretend to be uls on pleasures. illie family is the great raged to the veriest and .most itb-
ghostsenbut, according to all he bad1e
central fact in .German life. Aspire- joee • wreck that could hagbeen
heard, they -didn't go about i14. tion, pleasure, love, and thought all . brought about even by stress- of
pairs. Ore ghost was always eon- center there and to this more than war. Notone vestige of roof , re-
mained. The very outlines .of the
wards were gone. A ghastly array
of lines of. iron bedsteadsereniained.
sidered perfectly competent to do. anything else is the wonderful vi
the trick. Here were two voices tality of the race due.
and two ghosts, however, and he re-
alieed that he must fight for his life. "
Silas," continued the first voice.
nif you are thinking of marrying the Tifixas YOU SHOULD FORGET.
Widow Jones, beware!" 'Forgetting has its pleasures, be -
"that Beware!" bit the cowering
man like a club, and as he squeezed
back against the fanning mill the
second voice added:
"Look out for the Widow Beeman,
Silas! She is trying to snare you.
I have risen from my grave to tell
you this!"
"By thunder," said Silas to him-
self as he turned cold all over, "I'd
give a flock of sheep to be out of:
this! I'm a dead. man, thatrs what
I am!"
-rho Widow Jones loves you not.
If you marry her, you will be spirits, to eel] up before the mental
wretched to the end cif your days!" vision memories of some brighter
"Beware of snares --beware -be- hours. On the contrary, defeat is
ware! The Widow Beeman wants emphasized, and despair made per -
you for your farm alone!" .
e44441411. by the -remembrance of other
Silas raight have heard more, es defeats and past • despairing mo -
he felt belpless to move and seemed
to be under a spell, but all of a
'sudden something fell. The noise
broke his chains, and he made two
jumps and was out doors. Without
exactly knowing what he did he
turned and fastened the.door 'eften
hin3, and then set out on a run for
.the house of the toem. constable. If
there wore ghosts about it was the
business of the constable to see that
they were duly arrested and pueish-
ed according to the laws provided
foe cases of trespass. He, beet
scarcely left the, barn, when One
ghost cried out through, thedarka
"You miserable thing, yeti! But
I might have known eou'd do it?"
And of course youniad your lit-
tle plan,- sneered the other.
"Oh, I enuld scrateht year eyee
"And I'd like to pull your hair
out by the root -s'"
Then the ghosts,. began, :mining
abaut and trying the doors and call-
ing, each other names, but•they were
prieoners and cauld only weep • ' and
peo1b about it.' It was an hour be-
fore Silas neturned with the coneta-
cause it permits the closing of the
mind's eyes to harsh experiences
and depressing incidents. The
"blues," pogularly so-called, are a
connnon complaint. If women are
most affected with them, they are
more disastrous to men. They
come at different times and in differ-
ent ways to everyone. They are
the lowleinns of life - full of mites -
Ma, through which all travelers
must pass, some oftener then oth-
ers. The way to get rid of the
dumps is when one is it the lowest
rnon.ts. It •is. not a crime to fail,
but it is a crirne.ag-ainst one's , bet-
ter nature to brood upon failures.
The fellow who forgets failures may
succeed. He certainly will not if he
goes into every oleo battle cowed
and cowering at the recollection of
past defeats. No Inan 15 CVOk.'born
a pessimist. He becomes one by
forgetting the' wrong things. .s
He is an• eccentric chap, and often.
does strange things, eminently
philosophical, but queer, yOn know.
And so 14)wasthat upon becoming
engaged to be married he presented
to ehe young lady a ring, on the in-
side of which a -as engraved the
motto, :-"In time oi peace prepare
for war."
Father -"Tho . idea of marrying
that young . fellow ! He couldn't
serene enough money together to
buy a aware meal." Daug,htet--
"But , what 'clifferenCe need that
make ? We haveint either of its had
a bit 'Of annetite for months
on view, each with the iron plate .or
bed-hean, tilted over in one direc-
tion or another.
That the majority of the 'victims
Were suffocated in their beds and af-
terwards burned to cinders is ap-
parent. Eight, whose remains were
found near the southwest door, seem
to have made a hard struggle for
life. The doors, of course, were
locked, and ,when they were batter -
.ed in by tbe rescuerait was too
late, the high wind only aiding the
flames in their work of destruction.
The nurses and doctor escaped in
their sleeping attire, that being. all
that they .havo saved of theirper-
sonal belongings. The patients
Varying accounts of the rescue
from three .of the wards were all
scenes inachecl the anxious and e -x -
cited Outside crowd, bet little in the
way of .direct perSonal narrative.
Otie official declared that the terror
Of wine ,pf the patients was heart-
rending, while 'others seemed utterly
unale.eito eppreciate the gravity of
the:r peril. Many rushed aimlessly
to and fro, unconsciously hindering
the work of their would-be resouers;
others completely lost what little
self-control they ordinarily possess-
ed, and fought, he said, like fiends
witli each other, and some appar-
ently overcome by abject terror, and
yet afraid that the rescuers intend-
ed' harm to them, and deliberately
ran away from gaiety and crouched
beneath their beds . or in other
.places of imaginary shelter. , "In
fact," said this official, "had every
inmate been' perfectly sane, escape
would have been dieleult in some
cases e,nel impossible in. others, but
being *fiat they were,/the marvel is
that so 'many Were got otit alive."
Hardy firemen, inured to shocking
spectacles pf poor distorted human-
ity, were sitecened with their taele of
renweitsgenwith the ate e heiRerst
tics. Some of them they set down
not far from the blare, and there
the mad creatures sat immovable,
watching the flames with childish
eyes, laughing as they hared up, and
never attetupting to move even
when the flames threatened to burn
them where they stood or sat.
Some of the 'wretched creatures fell
down in fits - they were the epilep-
tic's. 'The worst cases of all - the
keicidal cases - were in the dormi-
tory X 5, where the majority of the
deaths occurred. They were the
most difficult of all to cajole or co-
erce, and as the fire engolfed their
room first they were tbe first to
perish. •
!'It was like it lurid picture of hell
when I got there," said a police in-
spector. "I saw 'such sights as I
shall never forget - idiot women
la,ugbing at the frames and boxing
to be pulled away from tbezone of
danger, sorne falling into fits, and
others fighting furiously.with their
"When we arrived," said a mem-
ber of the Southgate Vire Brigade,
"they had got most of the patients
away into the main building, but
some of us heard a, 'knocking at one
of the doors, and attacked it with
our axes. But we couldn't get in,
and the heat and sraoke drove us
away. I don't see how those who
la -Locked could have escaped... We
could not save the building, and the
water, pressure from the main was
so low that we had toeuse our clam
. and engine pressure. When the
buildieg collapsed and eve pulled the
red -bot corrugated iron off -there
was nothing to see but twisted iyon
bedsteads, and on them small heape
of calcined bones* cc the riatients eneo
bad died in their beds."
Some of them tore and fought
likecats," said a male attendant.
One woman was got out without a
sti te,h on her." - -
eI think they fancied we had made
the fire, and meant to throw them
into it," .said another.
shove itself in the odor, or by a yel-
low tinge, when the trial cake is
baking, and a little more batter
may be added from the reserve. I
have made calces with great satis-
faction in this) way for over 30
With all the ingenuity of man he
has failed to yet utilize nearly all
the heat there is in coal. There are
many farmers like myself in these
times of coal famine, we must rim
them as economically as possible,
writes Mr. It Holden.
The first and most essential point
is a good draft. Without that . it
will be a. hard matter to get satin;
factory results. Assuming every-
thing favorable, the rest is very
simple and easy to manage. Never
cover all the fire when putting in
fresh coal. Have your scoop nar-
row enough to pass through the
door, so as to lay the coal in, in-
stead of throwing it in. When you
throw it in, all the line dust wititintin
nit° before it strikes the fire and the
result will be -a puff of =one out of
the door. •.-If the fire is low or most
out, shake the ashes from under vary
carefully. Do not poke or break it
up, but give it a little coal, and full
draft; it will soon brighten up.
Right hein is the most essential
point. Whenever you 'gat in fresh
coal, give it all the draft you can
for a. few minutes, long enough to
burn up all the dust as soon as pos-
sible. Thea. shut the draft, and
open the check, which will 'prevent
much, of the heat from going up the
ellTiloiniterYeep thefixe over night, put
one scoop of ashes on the fire, and'
leave the checic open; it will, in this
way, keeP tent or twelve hours. Be-
fore putting in fresh coal, scrape 'the
ashes off and 'shake out. I have
used a furnace six years. • The first
year I used 11 .tons of coal. Now
sayers., tons will run us nicely. The
conditions are the same now as
nen. •I• heat one large sitting room,
dining room, kitchen, bathroom .and
parlor when necessary. The best
made furnace throws of; more or
less heat, and it is with much diffi-
culty one can keep canned fruits and
vegetables, without a separate cel-
lar. To obviate till" 111 a measure,
I have put a jacket around the hot
air pipes, leaving one inch air space.
This will, to a certain degree, stop
radiation from that FJOUrCO.
On one occasion, when a boarder
had devoured almost everything eat-
able on the table within his reae,h,
and when the landlady had• supplied
him until her strer_g,th n patience
*ere well nigh exhausted, 'she sud-
denly broke out with :
"I shall certaihly have to raise
the price of your board 1"
"Don't think of doing such a
thing," he replied, "it is nearly kill-
ing me now to eat ajl I pay for, and
should route raise my board and coin
pet me to eat more, it will be the
deco.th of me'!
The custom of Wishing a friend "a
happy foot" is to be found ln ttl:
poets, of Eurmee, and it goes tc
show how muclt superstition hz con.
netted Nettle your* footwear. 14) in to
be argeomed that the evell-fittine
boot or shoe, which enables a per•
Eon to walk in coutfort, is *titivate
cal of happiness. The accidental,
placing of the right boot on the loft
foot, or the breaking of a lace, Is e
110/1 sign from the popular point 01
view. To tie the boot of ;mother
individual Is indicative of blimilite
and lowly position. and the Chines(
worship the boot oi an upright
Judge. There is a hinions supersti-
tion in some parts of England which
advises that when Vie youngest
daughter marries before her sisters,
the latter should dance at her wed.
ding without boots in order to en-
sure itusbandh for themselves. Os
St. ValentineEve, according to e
similar custom, girls should hang
their boots outside the window 11
they wish to secure lovers. Seel(
actresses carefully preverve 4)344
boots they wore when they scored
their firgt success, and wear then
only on important occasions.
, Among all fruits,. the apple stands
first with the larger number of per-
sons, as being obtaineble in goon
What is commonly termed II
"change of air," is really a veil
complex change, of which an alters"
tion in the composition of the ab
breathed is probably the least ira•
portant item. All the senses are
interested and excited by new stimu.
tants, surrounding objects present
new aspects, new souads, and 11044
scents. A strange hand cooks the
food, and thus the sense of taste re.•
ceives fresh stimulation, the drink.
ing water is varied with advantage,
and the stomach has different work
to do. Few men carry their occupa-
tion with them, add thus there is
added a .rest from work, or a
change of occupation, whicle comes
to the same thing. The axtiouut and
kind di exercise is altered, thei
hours of sleep are not quite the
same, new acquaintances introduce
new ideas, and the brain has fresh
occupation. The results of such
complex Change cannot be explained
or 'foretold. If a man is doing bad-
ly in one place, a, chomp may do
him good, and the most skilled phy..
sicia.n can often say little more. 11
is like the old medicine with forty
ingredients, 'one of item may hit
the mark. In nine cases out of ten
such a change hag a value such as no
drugs can assure.
"It is a great shame," said Mrs
Cosmetique, the , manufacturer a
face powders and lotions, "that when
a society' woman appears at a bah
a description of her dress and th.
name of the maker are invariabl3
given. No ono ever thinks of credit
mg me with the complexions 7
11:1,:ea.ne"ining medical Proiessor-
"Now, sir, tell me how you woule
treat a case of typhoid fever." Stu,
dent --"Well, sie, I should first - I
should first -I---" E.111P. (imPa•
tiently)--"Yes, yes ; go on." Stu'
dont (Seized with a brilliant idea) -1
"I should first call you in for con
sultationni Passes with hollers.