HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-2-26, Page 4Oixacr ..tionatt,;
Mr. ,Aedeew McLellan, Sr., held ou
tenaas,11. $auders, Editor duel Prop
Till7RSDAY, FEB 2,6, UO3
The treattnexit accorded Mr. Menus.
the probi'hitionist candidate in North
York. Ontario, furnishes auother ex-
ample of the diettriteeftd wets ten-
plo,yed by Hon. G. W.Ross and his fol-
lowers in their efforts to retain power.
ge. Maims' candidature is distasteful•
to Hon. E, J. I/avis, whose eleances of
leetion were thereby tine:eked. Conse-
quently. when Mr. Mulles attempted
Li. exetelse his right of free epeech, he
was eet upon by a mob of Liberal beet-
ers, knoeked down, kickeil and :struck
by a dead skunk. The ministeriel
Un' tlif the Toronto Giolie, whose pro.
fessions indeperidenee are still fresh
itt the public goitre, puteates a coins
ealenleted to encouarge the mob in its '1
unlawfail eetion. The proceedings are
a disgrace to Bsh histitiatienes HUM
G. W. Ross, in whose heeds lies the
pewee to punish the rowdies. views
the situetion with eomplaeeneee nod
Mr. Moons hos ne redress.. Truly the
Onterio government is nteriblitee up
Ontorio" in it rentatkaible WO.Y. How
long ere the honest people of the poi-
virice gomg to submit to such out-
2,18,P.0.4 LS 4VP T .RANCE
Peohibition has reeeived nieny hard
kieke from the Liberal party, yet in
eve; y election Liberal caudidates ap.
peal for the support of the temperance
vote. And in many eases the belt is
*mellowed by the trusting prohibition.
1st. The Onterio Referendum is de.
elored with au overwbeladog
trittjaritemit the but. 41 tempeninee,
The ihmainion plebiseite was wildly
igeored, The bar ret the lionee of CORA-
1110119. whieh Sir 1,Vilfritl Lauder or -
tiered eleeed for one year, still does
Weigle:3S itt the old stand. Moreover
the impurtatiou of brandy, whiskey
gin and Winee 1145' AIWA doubled Sitlee
UK 'The following returne, taken
from the repine, ef Trade and Venn
nieree foe 1002, pages 103, 100, 200 and
201, show how great Ws ben the
growth of the liquor trade ander the
auepices of Hon, Sidney Fieherand Ids
prohibition aseueiatesee
147,0••••••••••• 8107,313
1Morie.• ir•ow• 1.407,409
1000... .... . .. 1.04391
1901- . 2301089
10f12, 2,110.270
It is not proposed to discuss the pro
and COW, of the teinperance question,
In this intiele. We simply point out
to the Tempetanee friends of the Lib-
eral government, how basely OKI' have
item liettayed by their leaders. In
telke the last year of Conservative rule
tear inipmen dons 44 epiritutins liquors
unwonted to on1y$1,107,157, Thepro-
hibitioniet nuty draw bis own condo.
shins as to how his interests are being
&guarded mider the present regime.
TANDritY. 11 A., demo& relies *
eteriliarysliarrigcr, so/letter, Notary, Ponveyeneer.
eteme 1,, teten-Ezeter Ont.
The •entertaimmmt held here under
the auspices of the English church
on Thursday and Friday last was
attended with overwhelming success.
The hell on Thursday night was en-
tirely too small to accommodate the
immense crowd, consequently a large
number could not gam admittance.
The play put on by meat talent was
well received and reflects great credit
on those taking part. It was repro-
duced on Friday night and was again
well patronized.
Gotnt's Wstetexie.-111r. and Mrs.
Timothy Toohey, Swamp Line, cele-
brated their golden wedding at their
borne on Wednesday, where they have
reeided continuously for fifty years.
ffalf a century ago they had to go to
Louden from here to get, -married.
They are the oldest married eouple in
the township at the present thne,
where both are living. Although past
the allotted span of life, they are still
baleand hearty. Their children and
grandchildren were the only guests,
and they munbered forty. Besides
those present fifteen more are residing
out of the township. The happy coup-
le were presented with an easy chair
and an address. One of the grand-
children read the address, to which
her grandfather made a suitable reply.
Miss Nicol, of the public school teach-
ing staff, bus been unable to attend to
bee duties for the past few weeks.—
Miss Jean Hamilton is home from
Woodstock.—Messrs. Amon and Titus
East, of Corbett, have left fey TOV01:1-
to, where they will visit for it short
time, prior to leaving for Australia.—
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John
Niblock, Jr., died on Wednesday.—It
is probable that Parkhill will have it
new rink next year.—M, Kennedy,
manager of the Sutherland -Innes Co.
here, has purchased 25 acres of valu-
able standing timber, situated about
five miles east of Forest, on tbe town -
line to Arkona from Thos. Dignan, of
Parkhill.—J. H. McKenna bus pur-
chased the butchering business of the
late John T. Veit Alstine.--The oil
drillers on the Atmere fartn, west of
here, have been retarded in their oper-
ation by the flow of vvater. The saine
difficulty has been experienced in the
neighborhood of Lamon after reaching
the depth of from 300 to 400 feet.
coughs, coids, hoarseness, and other throat
ailments are quickly relieved by Crooler.e
tablets, ten cents per box. All ch uggil, te
TREE rari ZtAND Buz.
auction solett few days ago, Mr. and Lord Dunravein Enemesses 'Rope o ts
Mrs. McLellen will leave the olieferne Success.
tbe scenes of their etreles and tri
gg -
motels for the last forty years, and re-
side in 4t, beautifel home 14,4 Egenond-
erne. with several acres of land attach,
ed, We aro pleased. to see such an ou-.
provement in Mrs, MeLellares 'health;
awl its the wish of the many frees
of these worthy pioueers, that they
may may loott be spired to enjoy the
eveuieg of life together la their new
home, in the entoymeut of a well-earn-
ed itelaxatisu after bearing ettecessfirlly
the heat and border' of the day,
Piin-tore Wovoixo.-4 very pretty
wedding took place et the home a
Mrs, James Belfottr, on Feb. IL when
her deughter, Sanaa Jane, Was united
in inert -rage to Wm, J. Hart, win of
Mr. John Hart, Fullerton, The knot
wits seeurelY tied by the Rev. Mr.
Cranston, Crornarty, io the presence
of about •eiglity invited guests. The
bride was daintily :Athol in a very
tty costume and indeed presentea
asing appeatance. The ceremony
eing overand congratulations extend -
o the happy couple, aJI sat down
to one tif tbe tweet wedding feaets ever
spread in this township. The presents
mceived were- both costly and
ous. testifying m elight measure to
the popularity of the young couple.
The choir presented the bride with an ;
elegant tea eerviee. After a few &ye'
visit they porpose leaving for amnion.
N.W.T., where they intend makin
their Wore home. Roth stand hig
Ln the estimation ot those who know
them, and a happy and prosperous fn.
Dire is predicted for them.
Mee. W. 3. Johnston, MUM+, Man.
Mrs. Thos. ,Iohnston, Boissevam, Matte
Mi. Eit., Reid, of Swim Mall.*
left last week for their respective
homes, after spending a couple of
months visieing gelativee and frientle
the vicinity. 'They enjoyed the teip
very much1 aleo the meeting of 014
wheal mates. neighbors and friend&
They notice a vast change in the vault.
try and hi the people in the 22 years
they Wive been in the west. —Mr. Thee,
weed, une aer pewee far WM. bee
dieposed of one 41 his farms to Mr.
Wm, Delltafiri. WS le a very desito
able fat m and will make M. Denuison
a good property, he Waving bought _ the_
one ailjing ennsumo time ago. Mr.
Ward intends awing to Eginondville
to 'wide. 11, Makine, who disposed of
his farm a ehont time ago to 3,1r. II
Rant, of the Goshen line, has bought
property in Exeter, where he N gorng.
to hoe retired. --Miss of Park'
hill, and"Miss Mand Duman, of Clin-
ton, are the guests of Miss Tillie Dun.
ctn.—Miss Mamie Foster, who has been
visiting friends here for several weeks
Is attending the millinery openings at
Toronto, prior to leaving for Vermin
Man., where AP bolds a gond position,.
—Miss Maud Robinson, the efficient
clerk ht Mr. Ilarnwell'e store, narrow.
ly escaped injut y the other dayt
engaged at some wot le she eccidentally
stepped on a trap dime which gitVe way
letting her th op to the cellor floor be -
Luckily. however, she eseaped
with a few slight bruises.—WeddIng
bells are ringing this week, Particle-
lars next week. --Mr. Wellington John-
stou attended the Orand Council o
Royal Templars held at eating laS
noel,. He was a delegate from theft
triet council of Royal Templars of Hu
Around About Us
8,,,tforth: 3fr. mr. N. Watson met
wine msomewlutt painful accident on
Saturday night, which 101 confine
him to his residence for some days
yet. As be was /caving his offiee for
his home, he necideutally tipped on
the leg of a ehair, falling heavily tin
the floor, injuring bis side. tie had
to be assisted home and on medical
aid being procured it was found that
no bones were broken.
London, Feb- 24,—The Earl of Dont
raven was interviewei regarding
the replete of the Irish Landlord
and Tenants' Conference in Dublin, of
whilt e was Chairnmaim. 1e4pnIce
noPelaue" regarding the preepeets 9f
legeslateon, which, he thought would
end the difficulties in Ireland. Lard
Duntairen said utterauces of
King Edward and of British public
men, tbe telnper of Ireland., the recep-
lion of the conferencee report by the
pubfic, and the action of the Govern-
ment since its publication are all fav-
orable indicatione pointing to the See-
ecee Of the Government's Irish land
bill, which, if it cootains a just and
generous Pifer, will sueke good the first
nnpression On Whielt ell depends. ibe
bill. if drawn on the lints of the reeort,
will insure it final settlement and re-
move the eattee of friction in Ireland,
which is meeting einfeverably tint only
bitGreat Britain but throughout the
empire and on our kindred in the Unit-
ed States."
Lord Duaraven replied to the ad-
verse criticism of me report, saying
that the confereee could not lay dowd
a specific _formula to be odopted, They
were obliged to deal with the matter
on the broadest lines, considering both
the interests of the nation and those
of individual landlord and tenatitS, He
did not think that the Gov -
rumen would be able to
it strict formula, which,
attempted, would conies() the
issue. The miller details of any plan
based on voluntarism must be left to
the purchasers and sellers. The eon-
ferenve only sought to formUlate the
conditions under 'which it would be pos.
sible to complete the transfer of the
land within a reasonable period, His
Lordship eoncluded by ming that he
did not think that the demand on the
State treasury would be disproportion-
ate to the benefits gained,
stfRezton PEEZATED.
Veneattelan Boholllott .*moat itt
an End.,
iiiguernte. Venezuela, Feb.
. Mimes, at the head of the Unv
uncut troops from Dareelotia, yes-
terday attacked at Tacarigua the rear
guard of the reeellitiOnilit force com-
manded by Gen, Caribe Vidal.
a fight lasting ten hours the febt2 force
abandoned the field, leaving it number
of wounded, gracing them Vidtd and
another rebel leader named Flores.
Gen. Olivarcis is eontiquing hi
march on Caracas, in order to take the
revolutionist army under. Gen. Ro-
lando between two tires, as the Gov.
rmitent will shortly take the offensive
a the direction of Guam a
Caracas, Venezuela, Feb. 2.4. --The
last army of the revolutionists, under
Gen. Ronaldo, recently advanced to ,
within fon; hours' march el Cereeas, '
The correspondent of the Associated
Press yesterday vbited mt edvance
f 1 guard, camped at Esperanza, twa home
t distant front Peter*, and about twenty-
- five minutes maven from tbe advance
- post of the Government forces. The
revolutionists presented it sad spectaele, being almost .neked, and prae-
tieally without provisions. Gen, Ro-
lando is still itt Guarcnas, witti about
1,200 men.
• Clinton; Miss Mary A. Taylor,
daughter of Rich. Taylor, who resides
on AlcOaughey's farm near town, on
the gravel road, died nt the home of
her sister, Airs. .B. J. Kehoe, in Buffalo
on Thursday last at the Ise of 44
years. This young lady will he well
remembered in town, she having left
here about two years ago for that
city, where she has been euployed. A
few days before her demise she was
taken suddenly • ill and left for her
sister's, where she succumbed to heart
failure a few days after.
Goderich: On Tuesday John Max-
well was eommitted by Magistrate
Beattie, of Seaforth, to the county
jail for six months as a vagrant. He
was also sent up on a charge of aggra-
vated assault on one Paul Schafer.
The offence was committed on the
evening of the 14th inst., and from the
evidence taken by the P. M. it seems
that Maxwell mistook his victim, as
he apparently intended to wound li-
cense Inspector Ballantyne. When in
court, Maxwell refused to give evi-
deuce end reserved his defence. -
Goderich: Mrs. Edward Marlton
of New 1Vestminister, B. 'C., died at
the residence of her. son-in-law, Os-
wald Carey, on Friday night. after a
short illness. The deceased lady, who
will be well remembered by those
Godermintes who lived here in the
sixties and the seventies, bad been
it resident of the Pacific province for
two decades, but some ten months
since, on her husband leaving for
Dawson City; she carie here on a
year's visit to her daughter, Mrs.
Carey, where, after two days' illness,
she passed peacefully away in the 76th
year of her age.
St. Mtiefs: Mies Louise Norris,
youngest daughter of Mr. William
Norris, died 013 Tuesday after a few
days illness. Miss Norris was taken
ill on February 7 with acute indiges-
tion and this with it complication of
heart trouble caused her death. She
was 21 years of age. Her sister, Mts.
Perdue, King street, had gone to To-
ronto to visit another sister, Mrs.
George Perdue, who was ill and Miss
Norris was keeping house for her for
a few days. %Mile there she Wee
takist) ill and eould not be remove& to
!lei father's home. Miss Norris Was
a highly esteemed young lady end heti
;loath Will make sad niany friends
She was it member of the First Pres- '
byterian choir, which organization
sent a beautiful wreath of liewe rs 10
the form of a harp.
Earty Division In the Manitoba leg-
Winnipeg; Fele e4.—On a straight
party division in the Manitoba Legis-
lature last night. Attorney -General
Campbell's resolution, calling upon the
Dominion Government to restore the
rate of interest on school lands from
S to 6 per cent., was adopted by a vote
'4 17 to 7. The Attotney-General and
Premier Roblin seized upon the oc-
casion to make a strong attack on the
Department of the Interior over al-
leged irregularities in the sales of
school lands.
Mr. T. C. Norris of Lansdowne, in
seconding an amendment to the resolu-
tion, made a vigorous fighting speech
justifying the department and its offi-
cials from the reports of the commis-
sion, and pointing out that wherever
there was any suspicion oi crooked-
ness the sales had been cancelled. Over
two-thirds of the parcels sold had been
bought by actual settlers and farmers,
and Premier Roblin was bluntly cha±g-
ed with making sweeping accusations
which were untruthful.
Fire at Gravenhurst did about 110,000
Mr. J. A. McGarry of Chathamslied sud-
denly 'while out driving.
The Ring held the first levee of the
season at Buckingham' Palace. •
The London Mutual Fire Insurance
Company will remove to Toronto.
Right Rev. 11. B. Byte. D.D., Bishop of
Exeter, has been appointedBishop of
Winchester. • •
The Sultan has agreed to adopt the
scheme of the noweiS for reforrns in
1 Macedonia.
The anniversary" of Washington's birth-
day was generally observed throughout
the United states.
'British Alaskan commissioners would not
be appointed 'until after; consultation with
the Dominion Government.
Mr. Thomas Bell, believed to be the
oldest locomotive engineer in Canada, died
ett Stratford, in his sznd year.
I At Washington the Committee- on Mer-
chant Marine and Fisheries voted not to
, report the ship subsidy bill to the House.
The Pere Marquette, which has recently
purcha,serl , the L 51 & D. R. R. will
make Sandivich the terminal point of the
Canadian division. • '
The Czar has , dismissed, four Finnish
Governors for onnesing the policy of
rtussig, . The :remaining three provinces
of Finland will in future have Russian
WidAltr:ma1s./1 V'e Not
0 Know.
Tet the ele.ys ef the Arise they of the
animal Itingdent were adenitted, two by
two. Qn, eugranee,. I Baradlee, they
sported •
at etarnelese, mythical ease,
tenreoble4 ;by Man and
les. theor-
lee. Pet the untediluvien day',
PesSed . by., The animals 'became
as man, knowing good and, evil, and .
having; intireover, ways, p their owe.
It MI • began with •elte deed,
to that time they were roughlY
classed as "eattle and everything tefter
their kied." They -were kci, 4?.e truitoo
an multiply alio; nil the eertb, and
nian WAS to rule over tbem, SO went
they Intl? the Ark two by twe; but eee
alas, came they not out. They, have
been ru .it they have, multiplied,
and Oiled tho eaTraf and to -day MM.
their master" is prostrate betore them.
He ettidiee their ways, prowileg
through underbrush, ou all NM, te
observe them sporting on their native
heath. He ggte in Ms stomach.
No peeitlen is too humble for him, tie
lode tore cramped. He is gathering
materiat for the next new miner beak
ea animas,
One Valentin :help wondering it little
w11 has come ationt, Ittinte et it
crop out in Den ON Testament—after
be deed. The aultnale are no loeger
creeping things and ,eattle after their
hind. Thee' are found tatting Oa PAMPA
it eertalit todivIdoullly. There is
the rum might by ;to herne le Wire
in piece ef Isaae on tbet alter et SAW*
flee, anti the bears tbat tat up bad lit-
tle children, and the Ass that epeaks.
and the Untie of Daniel, 4,11f1 the Whale
of Jonah, del them are hietorleal per
swine?, witb David and naul ammd
Noah—with the strOrise Williged crea-
ture ef Egettiel, and Apecaleptleel ern
elone at Wags with beetle and borne
and crowns and candieetleks and &Ar-
iel Wo_nsen. •
The biblical writera did not hesitate.
t would seem, to draw on the Annual
kbngdamn when necoesern to melte
tear the wave ot God to Mere With
tine eisregard ot gootosy and :PAL
ey drove ;home the truth. And tint
eras live even to tilts. day. Put aol-
lore has cbangen, We am askeit
to give up Jonah and the whale, as
betegit lex an credulity. We are ot-
tereci. in piece '4 11, either "Wild Alin
awls That 1 Have Esteem" or "The
Couto:gee' The helm of Elijah the
are replayed by "The Bears el
'Blue River" by the author et "Witen
Iteriebthoeil Was in Flower." ,Arel Bit -
Aso toecernee a Coyote whine
favorite menage is "Tip-kb141—Tehl"
Imagination. like derusetin, bar
axed fat and kleire.
Perhaps the Jungle Books did it,
Aesop bit too far away and too excel -
tent to be heid responsible for the
turtles let loose on us. Like the bibli-
cal animals of old, the animate of
Aesop existed for it purposereflashlighte
on the heart of man. The cunning fax
and the brave lion and -the Patent wolf
warded to point it moral and adorn a
tate. This done. they dleappeared once
more In the brushwood of fence
whence they came. The Jungle Books
too have their rnaster-wortieethe Law •
of the Jungle. It shinee througb them.
But these newer Animate—what shill;
one say of theme -ether deer and tits
caribou and the buffalo and the horee
owl the bull -terrier ana the fawn, ani]
the doe and tbe ntoose and the buck
and the spike -horn and the ton and tho
wolf -dog and the canary bird. They
bring neither the nutty kernel ot Aesop
nor the fresh, sweet smell of the jungle.
Made up in equal parts ot fact anti
training imagination, they bave no
message or beauty or of truth,
Who that hail once known him
forget Kate the wise old serpent, on
Bagbeera, leaping with light paws at
the time of the spring running. or
Melva, crossing the moonlight with
Gray Brothers at his heels and the akin
or :Share Khan poised deftly on his
swaying head 9 But who shall hope to
remember the new ones?-3ennette
Barbour Perry in "Critic."
The Sons of Poets.
The "Lancet," the well-known Eng-
lish medical weekly, has been en-
quiring. into the question of the
transnusion of genius from father to
son, and has found that the sons of
great poets are generally dull dogs. Poe -
tie fervor is evidently. it spiritual flante
°that burns itself out ut the generation'
wherein it is kindled. Indeed, it often
seems to burn out the very aptitude for
paternity; or is it that the poet is gen-
erally 'too poor to permit himself the
delight of fatherhood? However it may
be, many eminent English poets can
never be accused of having 'lull dogs"
of sons, because they never had any sons
at all. Cowley, Butler, °Wily., Prior,
Congreve, Guy, Philips, Savage, Thom -
eon, Collins, Shenstone, Akenside Gold-
smith, Grey, Johnson, and Keats till died
without leaving offspring, and Pope,
Swift, Watts, and Cowper were never
married: Dryden's, Addison's and Par -
hell's descendants i& not pass into the
second ,generation, and the descendants
of Shakespeare and Milton became ex -
tint in the second and third genera-
tions. Sir Walter Seott's baronetcy ex-
pired with his son.
The nineteen -year-old son. of '
J. Brown, of Cedardale, while viewing
the Grand Trunk wreck at Whitby
J'iniction, Thursday, had both legs cut
off by a freight train.
Al Martineau, a clerk in the Militia
Department at Ottawa. was arrested
on it charge of theft. It is said his de-
falcation amounts to $30,000.
This isnot a gentle word --but when
you think how liable you are not to
purebase,for 75c. the only remedy uni-
versally known and a remedy that' has
bed the largest sale of any medicine in
the world since 1868 for the cure and
tren 1 went of Consumption and Throat'
atid Lung troubles without losing its
great popularity all these years. you
will he thankful we called your qtten-
tion to Boscbee's German Syrup.
There are so many ordinary cough
remedies.made by drugpests and others
ehae are el:kelp and good for light colds
perhaps, but for severe Coughs, Bron-
chitis, Crenp—and esPeeially for Con-
semptieb, where there is difficult ex-
pectoi ation end cong mg deeing the
"nights and Moi nine's, there is nothing
like German Syrup. Sold by all drug-
gists in the civilized world.
Sold bv0. LUT7
WereousnesO predominates in
men, but meu are also sehieet to it.
Excess of various kinds causes it, also
intelleetual toil and anxiety -
ST. j'Aeinee WAPERe are peculiarly
indicated in any form of nervous de-
bIlitY. as they tone up the entire SYS
tem and restore the Items to their
normal condition, 'They are indica-
ted itt eN;Itaustion, mentol 'inertia and
senile weakness.
They Contain no alcohol, not being
a liquid remedy- Their effect therefore
is not that of a mere stimulant, hut
tonic and permanent.
jaelES WAVERS helpatomaelo
digest food and sclni the nutriment
throOgb the blood, vo 1 this is the
honest way toga luxdth and streught,
the kind that lasts, develops and
breeds the energy which, accomplishes
PM uurtletitatly plea:sod wttu
St' JuAteti Wafers. •Xl4ey have
tie% woeu employee tA 12411f0114
D4,J ICrese.
Ittrintegoaro, Beg,
- &Ames nroirriaro net qarra
• ream* ; tat4 rumerou 49.0giorf.
mialo4fOrgote Ogo.", 'Wier*
we: *aft MO ,forwhita PPe rtveriti
WARP. the ere welled upon re.-
th edie
a Woe Ce, 1711
tempt of
breach; ,
Aylmer, Feb. U....Arthur. the 1
year -014 son hf Me. George W. Toilet
met with an accident insteveniog tha
fortunately did not result fatally, but
which easily night have. Just at the
hock of the Town Hall here is the fire.
man's hose tower, in which there is
a stone flour. The young lad was
found unconscious on the floor VIM
cla) tide evening. He had been assist-
og at the hall prepAring for the Pau-
line Johnsen concert which is to be
held here, and wee left alone in the
hall, and was told to close the doors
when he left. it IS -not known how
he came to rall to the floor of the hose
lower, but it Is supposed he climbed
out clone of the Bre escape windows
at the back of the stage into the tower,
mid caught bold of it rope and en-
deavored to climb down, but fell.
You'll Save Money and Enjoy the
Cover Over Your Old and Faded
Dresses, Skirts, Blouses,
Jaokets,Capes, Ribbon F2
and Feathers with
One or two packages of Diamond
Dyes *nude specially for benne use will
make your old mid faded garments to
bright aud lutudsome that thee cannot
be told from new goods. Diamond
Dyes will color anythiugefrom ribbons
and feathers to the heaviest garmenite
such as dresses, jackets, shawls and
limns' clothing. The directions on
each package are so simple that even
a child Call use Diamond Dyes with
the certainty of getting as good a
color as cart be made by the profession-
al dyer.
Have you worked it Diamond Dye
Mat or *Rug Pattern? If not., send
your mime and address to The Wells
Se Richardson Co., Limited, 200 Mourn
tain Ste ,Montreal, P. Q., and you will
receive by mail the newest designs in
all sizes to select from"'
Does it not seem more efeectiee to
, breathe in a remedy, to cure disease of
the breathing organs, then to take the
remedy into the stomach?
Established r879.
Cures While You Sleep
It cures because the air rendered strongly
antiseptic is carried over the diseased stir -
'face with every'breath; giving prolonged
and constant treatment. It is invalu-
able to mothers 'with small children.
Is a boon t� asthmatics.
*Whooping Cough Bronchitis
Croup Coughs
catarrh, Colds Grippe and, Eay l'ever
The Vaporizer. and, Lamp, which should last
a lifetime, together with a bo tie of Cresolene,
,$1.5o. Extra supplies of Cresolene es cents and
so cents. Write for descriptive booklet contain.
ing highest testimony as to its value.
yapo.Cresoiene Co.
xt3o rulton Street ' x65t Notre Dame Street
New York. Montreal
We have fan. sale
1 Boiler 30 h. p.
1 Boiler 40 h. p.
1 Boiler and Engine
30 h. p.
1 Boiler and Enable
16 h.p,
..istings a every Deeeription itt
Brass and It on to order.
Pipe and Fittings of all sizes kept
constantly in stock.
SHOE BUSINESS........00.-
Havirgt decided to give up the
Shoe Busmess and put all any time at
Harness, I will sell all nay stock 44
Bow is your time to secure
Reduced To $1-75."
Men's Felt Boots, regular 8425
for $1.15. Other goods in proportion.
fi. Str.IEET
,Cornwall, Feb. 18.--Halil Perhome,
the Assyrian murderer, who is await-
ing trial here at ,the Merch assizes; is
slowing starving himself to death in
the Cornwall jail. For some time
past Penhome has, partaken of very
little prison fare, but recently. he has •
become tuoin morose and refuses to
talk to aieyone. Only oceetionally
will be partake of tbe victuals placed
before hun. He is gradually becom-
ing weaker eincl bis mental faculties
are declining,.
Beware of Imitations!
It You Make Butter For Profit
Never allow a merchant or dealer to
foist on yort sortie poor substitute
when you ask for Wells, Richardson
& Co's Improved Butter Color. When
you use Improved Butter Color your
butter. will cot -emend the, very high- ,
est market price. The governmeet
dreemeries of Canada use Wells Rich-
ardson & Co's Improved Better Color;
the prize buttermakers of Canada and
the ',Tufted States Will not allow any
other ,kind in their creameries. .No
Mudeirilinprivities in Wells, Richard-
son & Co's ImproVed Butler Color. IL
gives tbe true June tint ittall. season s