HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-2-26, Page 1• to SIXTEENTH YEAR. EXETER ONTARIO THURSDAY FEBRUAR 26, 1903. LACE, OBTAINS timmuiganimmorawwwwwwwin cl CARPETS maillEZtivaiimminme "e have prepared oat s a good .5 tering trade n Lace Cortaine, Serene rt Muslins and Prep- criee, We bot our goods from a neintifecturees agene Lima g;ving us ie bif„e advantage over the usual lie:inner of hurling eurtain goods. One makes C4)11145t Of Swiss toed Nottinghaw monufacturers 4and can he relied int tie being extra good value. thir 'ewe Curtain pricesare 2.1e.. &lee 70e.1 00e.. $1, 81.10o '1 39 81.75, 82, S'.1.20, 82,23, 82,40, 82.69, 83, $8.fid a pair. Theee goods are 10 to 15 ofo less than the regUlar pricee, volFaripaiugNice Nairn's English Lino eum 4 yards Wide $2.50 full width. TS for you at, 0111,10a. the cost price. A short time ago w4. were enabled to buy single webs of carpets front -one of the,biggeet dealets in 0011/0111, This adventage giveS att$ the privilege of • perchasing carpets at very low • prices, We give you the benefit of our purchaste Hemp cerpets. worth Zie. for Ale. a yea Union carpets worth for yavd, rnion earpets worth rke, for Ate, yard. Woe!. Varpts worth 75e. fOr Cer. a yard. 3 ply F.neglish wool elepet woreit el -25 fortrie. I'M d. Patent Tapestey woz,tb for 7.1e_ a valid. Axminister carpet worth 81.25 for Me. a yard. Theseare all new pettern* with new shades. 09 and eave numey, Pople Aria TO We MVO loolinsited private tondo for 111.• vestment Upen farce or Village prOperty, lowest rates of interest. DIERSoN& 0,411LIND Barristers. ate.* Exeter.. MONBE TOQA. T 101110 4110go auto not trivato funds to lean on Skrm utvillage parties at low rates Of Interefit, R. W. CtLanaran. Earrlater, Maio Street Borate ERNEST ELLIOTT Real EStateand Insurance Agent Farms and vUkic properties bought and said on reasonable tenns..beveral dwelling houses for sale. Lands in all parts of Manitoba mut the NOrthavest tor sale. /.1008E FO LE. The mtdersignett is offering for sale his Tram dwelling anti premises on Ann street, Exeter, helm; lot 17. The houso contains S rooms with a brick cellar underneath, There Is on the pmmises a good well of water, a pump shop, stable aud chicken house and number of eltoleo fruit trees. Will ho sold reasonable. Apply to Jens Moonu, Exeter. 1101:SE AND THREE LOTS FOR SALE. The undersigned is (Merle; for sale that desirable village property on corner of Carling and 'Schen struts, Exeter, being Lots 81. tit., and SI There is on the premises a good brick house, contaluini; nine rooms; a good stable (the lowerhalf briek); hen house and pig pen; fifty frult trees, hard and soft water and other conveniences. Will be sold reasonable. Apply to Cu. IsAAc. Exeter. gmemae• 119 ALE. rdine vg141110-5114,4l. iu late. st ;pry; ilardivsand anlIltdfnlrelionbfr. raliviaN 1) Oaks, pa% ar.ri*110.11nit0 tc4:1111 stll clidlalag0 fer MOM int. EXtIer. R. MAITLAND MINNOW. INTICT. HOTEL PROPERTY FOR SALE. The undersigned is offering' for sale that desirable hotel situated at Devon, on the London Read. This hotel is in good condition, and is 23- miles south of Exeter. This road is largely travelled and for the right man chances are good for a splendid business. There is a good stable in connection also, 11 acres of land. Possession given inunediately. This property will be sold cheap. For particulars, apply to Incases ,t CARLING, Exeter, Out - Sale Register. TIIURSI)AY, MARCH. 5. -Farm stock and Imple. 4 meets; the property of Rich. Penhale, Lot 22, Con, 9, + Stephen. Sale at one o'clock. 11. Brawn, Auc- tioneer. SATURDAY, MARGE 7.-Fiousehold Effects, Etc., the property of Mrs. James Ferguson, comer of Albert and Sirneee streets, Exeter. Sale at one &Clock. IL Brown, Auctioneer. FAILNI FOR SALE. The undersigned 13 offering for sale Lot 11., South Boundary, Blanshard, being ZS acres of choice land, well fenced and drained. There is Mt the premises two first-class bank barns, open shed, frame house --••••- *think:lc kitchen, contrung nine large rooms, cellar under both; good orchard two good wells; 4 acres bush -mixed timber -and other conveniences. Per - featly free from all noxious weeds, such as mustard and wild oats. Located within one and a half miles from St. Marys. For particulars address W. ALP= BUGG, . St. Marys. BEAUTIFUL HOME FOR SALE. 'Being composed of North half of the north half of Lot 17, in the 1st concession of Stephen, situated three quarters of a mile south of Exeter, containing 25 acres of choice land, good btick house, bard and soft water in house, and tWo wells in fields also one in drive house, bank barn, hen and pig houses, and drive shed, large orchard; containing apples, pears, raspberries, strawberries. etc., etc. Terms easy. For particulars apply to Mrs. Fanny Wilson, Exeter,P.0,, or to Thos. Cameron, Farquhar. . Special 1VIeeting. m1111 Council of the County of Ifuron will hold a speoial meeting in the Town Hall in Clinton, on March the 4th next, at 10 o'clock, a,re,, to meet reprelientative men from each municipality in the ()Minty,. and eonsider the question of a good road system in this County. Any other7.County. business may be considered at this meeting. W. LANE, ri Dated at Goderich, this 14th day of Feb., 1005. 'jerk' NCYFICE. Public notice is hereby given that applicatiop will be made to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario at the next session thereof fbr an Act to incorporate The.London, Parkhill and Grand Bend Electric Rail- way Company, subject to the consent of the munici- palities affected and subjeet to all other rights, to construct and operate a system of surface railways, 4 beginning at a point -on South shore of Lake Huron operated by electric or some power other,than steam between tbe Counties otHuron and Lambbon, thence through the Township of Stephen in the Cotinty of Huron, thence through the,ToWnships of McGillivray and West Williams, the Town. of Parkhill and the Townships of East WilliaMS, Lobo and London to the Oity.of London, ,10 the Oounty M Middlesex. and for all other powers necessary for the purpose. A. A. MACTAVISII, Solicitor for the applicants. Parkhill, Ont. Dated ab Feb. 18, 1003. lr 1 Panics on leg exegete (0 .7 W. Mann a re- quested to eine same befare ware eine 0 eh time they will hoplarcd in DM hands of a cal c rocas dtletldY Sr= new be Pahl le446110 to tho undersigned. W..1. Bil0ega, St. Joseph Dr. Ronthier has left for his home in Ottawa, where ixe will probably re- main till spring.-Alie Fred Balancer spent a, few days in Toronto during the week on husiness.-Alte Philip Du. chanty, while engaged in cutting wood for Z. Brisson, met with what might have been a serious accident, a chip flew up and stteack his oye and frac- tured it to some extent. -Miss Annie ()barrette, who has been in Beach. wood for the past four months, is now home. -Wedding bells may be heard in the near Attire. -N. X. Coutin is iirotmd to the old place again. 131ake lineatt Mr. and Mrs. a 110,110, - who baue nime.--On Wednesday ev been visiting friends lit Michigan,have ening. e 11, upwards a seVentY- returned ti, Spend a few weelis with us . fii,re of the neighbors and friends of !'Jr. before returning to their benne in the Ana Mrs. Jamee Doyle met At their West. -Mie ROLIt. N. Douglas who dis-' roulence awl had II very pleasant and Peeed of his t4lun. 1D1S DOW 1VPIRCe41 aDelaidO tune. Dining the evening them by another. -Ur. Robert Allen, Beeenfarr wive a very euitableand eeteis disposed of his driver to int. well worded address while Mr. Elate MeClineby,, receltleg a snug seMees Mutely reed tbe i&1i to Mr. and Sherritt h.iseoht her lot in out Mrs. Doyle, after welch Abel:ten. Mupp Wog° to Mr. G. S. Howard, teacher, feted the hose and hostess with tutifel presents in the form of Itifft leek' end a set of silver deities., Mies Wallace is the guest of Mie Cniver.-Mrs. Harry Templeton_ sselee C. II ANDERS, EDITOR, Stanley OreenwaT miss martha Taylor, of Pott Huron, Miss Mae Wilson left test week on eisitieg bee breirber Wneeind other an extended visit, te felende Loudoe, friends here.-.Mrs.R.,3. Reidand three Smith Falls. Greeribush, Elgin AM Ote children lefe on Wednesday for their tawa.--elie 3. Wilson spent part home in Sonris, Man.--51rs.Geo. Dliw. of litet wre.k in London. new son, of the Goshen Line, is at present spring goods.-Therniain Wiesen, eon Egntondville taking care of her of Mr. fL Le very eick with other, Mr. John McKinley, Sr.. who ilIfigARITUIAIIIIA tbe lunge --Mr., M. 391 311ss Missee Phoebe and Annie Keys„ Heston, accompinied by Miss vArd, a the atbylon Line. lezve retold -Teel a Partaitiu. vlsatted Mies Aliee teem Exeter,. where they have been on Siunday.-Mr. tleorge Bailout; has visiting frienle. hired with Mr. Writ, Morgan, near gel ieelires,-Mies Maggie nSeheee has been A FeenewEnee-A few glf1 a vie, en behalf s4 himself awe moull,.,1, 111 aeigrat,,,is anaefraeales spealdoug a few dlys wiiab her sister, 1 ilea -entente reply. After title essemeeed et the, iseene 34..tuild 140IgH•44-1*-"veriza levee tlteiwn e pe,grara was coe.efeeeed a,. wean. item. to btere a lasz tuezettioi, tie,.0 0:Finn Zhu rivez.- Zoe tho, factory ot has been on sick list,is, sve ere pleeeed 'Par 1 o C era ott to stale. eonvaleseing.-Alles Anne Attila NE3 was ,s'arved, fallcmild with the worthy host end hostesq, pri- ' Bell Sadler is epending a few slays 14 444 grtme.9" 4'70, At 811 Parts' or to the depertati efar theWest.wliere ee Lettte the most of her $1„ter. ige„„ hoary in th .4.111. one and ell lefe for Th.Reid irte pina ch -teed 1 lege ferea, Ttltk --MI'smitew Bryon, after me ibex ho tee Ceeling, well ph 11 After ao hour spent in 9" *991 Eniot Mr. Heal tended visit with friettele in Rirkten, 'the e'ce33.9 eittettts d in *730' has returned home. WEPTBD SAORT11.-A Hay edding was celebrated at the rei 13. itrg r,V,rir 1ee t ehat„ 1730' greessaseeem4tre. deuceof MileVoieroeaforth,on :ahemwlue bee Wedneseay evenin, Fete eh when hetgof MiseesMoir for thPas keSt 1i4OgilterMisMollltto MO 1e1111Me0 to her homorhowlrtepsanee Mleouni1 d9 seiele3. lwoeillen e bfxy vteing,l,eptereemis P. tomatogmrVhatiflogs'INO:11ett 757(7.9 7.1 7,,, tvpyt:11 ked thtuee"Ce-oc4po,itvtteehndii•se Het11ytripple; vgehs hs floe Wk teamdonorsfotheir Medneetin hmlf aidThwRjoiHart ess man of thisplTheevillump11"4 " 111 7/'. "t na 41AN;k 1) 414 Wla,) b was witueesid ty 91114111)41Ot,t4311. iltPUrallaSer bafrheorth yee.welhe ftieods4'. 9'. peformed bythe Rev014 A141K1IIII.17741 the Thelsthe hgand felow, ILtartanThe brie lookedveer Ow4ejtu 1"P 1"61'S wereshA Daitwooti sep etweea va7'€ 5'.Fi r10' ,. t0 if a etiek,--Rev. 'net 1041134 'getters.* an addrees was read rhov.. Sawyer of T.I.cew.tter swat a. by Mr. It avid t,4•angeton after wittela few diys here dm mg the es ?tee the lie Edward Motrieon and Miee Nate guest of his patentee- -At the. artniditreeented Me. Reid with a Hoard of 4 the Wel 311,11 (.41'03117t re t ce.nt f lock. and Mrs. Reid with a silver sag- IF 1W74 t 1V flo.veoPs were found to he pretty in 7'.45.1 45 44 44 •.4' grarale. ey the wo: himpult steation ,41Ci17aur98," Mr. Ca itArIg 412151f13l01111,F, W150 11.03.4" eireatit. 1n two veers thee- levee Telpeil s cloth trill-nov(1 will) 1.111* and lace ,ap. and were -43:4` of tlie tgest peirs of heel' ei spending the 7Y1•-E.f- en': %reef:is 1,v4114. out $14„jilth 44.^,1 oe the eheeet ewe pliiTae, and earried 44 beautiful ttommet bones in the cot:atty. ;times' rlute' herke. lofe Taierday felen 1do net owe 3573511:98 eices ef lessee. tter coegrattletions and mereneetene thw IXMrlie teetat.-r.ileityKeler teho 7173 19 dinner eerved the telliAliniflor a the yr- estteg elle,. evpv (‚.5 lib. wiyiehatway Pl"ve aft "1,1"14°411456';4'4 Xeer", C:e,141" ''''4"Jv" ' for their hoine in Alicittears Titeed.w.- 8 offic.i. eere 95*0 9341-4i ,teee fitted into. ravereed4te (if the „eel, ,e tee es.ait, 4. 0 here reeer set the Y. P.A. ineetitiet tin Thetraelr tee/ow:el win 1W, 4, geeet iturtieweineut 1°1141'1°5° 4.P,4 a,,n,il4T4t4 '2'''..".F lii. Y'gc,, Mi:''" 01541$1 1°301d`1 el"tea t41P. ,35535e.tfie*749 i tfee lie.-e411,N%-14tieurnfeMM°Ils Mi4 "t13 iiiteieletot oftheJwithNthar ee89511ma„v,„.E71 1.19,,,53130,,I1131,97.l't.4"P'I"wlellereen ne Aeeire:nitere J043),f479N97eiite31Ca4.canel%,4.44111'44* ilattIVS,orig t.,. ' 11.11,41Faulift zugua j, Veelher atteeilled nee itednag,fee.ree, eete-, 14,,t, 1 „lee 1157u0', MD^. • eteottV, '4% Ill''tc `IV'4. 11''''''4'6M1 1°11/ l*.f01114417,47 094 the Lite Mr. Zioutieettaae, et Fp, ,,4 ueroseii a 331 5353431139344 12141.111 l*Arikt 1 ., . ,. 4 1 ° ' " 6 * ' ' ° * Ta.N%-..tari"4,. 4,11 Tollu elay.-741is ttrePng, eilites was spent in a whiter eitjaiyeil 73N7 i417% VIC bz+1410. reeeleed 33177351903't hand some •a nseful preeents. :ell ow. ng the esteem in whielt eite was held. Their many friends heti. '.414* Me, end anst wee Hentley ti 717011431t,Itoppy I pensperons voyege. oVer the wear mead- etre, • Zurich Miss Emma, Calfas, of Dashwood. spent a few days here during the week. --The ice harvest is on in earnest now. Mr. Walter H. Dimon% of Berlin, was in town last week. -Mr. Samuel Bllen- biome of Michigan, is visiting fliends here. -Mrs. Zeller, who was quite Mast week, is slowly recovering. - Miss Beatrice Steinbach is attending the millinery openings at London.- Mrs. D. Steinbach has returned from Seatorth, where she has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Baldwin. -Mr. and Mrs. Justice Melick have re- turned home, after a pleasant six i weeks' visit with friends n and around Pigeon, Mich. -The quilting bee and party, held at Mr. Henry Koebler's on Thursday afternoon and evening was enjoyed by the young people of town. -The sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Schoch, of the 141h con.; in the loss of their infant child. The little one had only been ill a few days and was only a few weeks old. -Mr. Orville H. Mines left for Point Edward and. Port Huron and from there will go to, Dele- ware, Ohio, to visit his brother, Rev. M. W. Ehnes.-Mr. Renee Durand, *of the Sauble line, held an auction sale on Tuesday and will leave in a few days for Stratford, where he intends residing. , Deeierie-A correspondents has the following to say of the death of Mr. Ernest Schmidt, of Sebringyille, fath- er of Mrs. Chillies Hartleib, of this place: -Friday afternoon there passed away in Sebringville one of its oldest and most respected inhabitants, in the person of Mr. Ernest Schmidt, who• had suffered for many years from heart trouble, and who for the last three months had been seriously sick. Deceased was born in Switzerland in the year 1834. , When quiet a young man he -decided to come to Canada, both his parents having been dead for many years. On arriving in Canada, he settled at Berlin and there learned the tinemithing trade. While there he married Miss Ample Kuntz, also a native of the oia Country. Shortly after their marriage they removed to Sebringville, where they lived up to the time of his demise. In .Sebring- ville he followed the hardware trade, building up for himself a substantial connection. The union was a happy one. Eleven ont of his twelve child- ren, constituting his family, survive. For many years he was a school trus- tee here, which position he filled with diligence and zeal. Ile was a member of the Evangelical church and was a worker in all things connected with cheech work:: Mr. and Mrs. Hartleib attended the funeiral last week. Much sympathy is extended to Mrs. Hai Heal in her bereavement. Russelda Mi'.Betifoue has moved to hie few home in Kirliton. We sae Faure 1131 bee. bine 73731 wish him (NOT heppi- wee future lionee,-51r. Thomas Vinialett held a euccessful wood bee 013 Tuesday. -We ure wary to beer of thr illness of Alm A, litedgert. 715 vieltutg their inotlier end other two, s; 1 ag3,11 sister. Mre. Grill, who have ' rause Int6iv,t In a 4zotratomity too trietirtee boir,k, for the, p.e.st left 411,07, /now, 33 {44 3101-01,3y, Vre*11,. 3194 1543T441. 10' t 0341' 011 T11111":"!113ir 4.47435•' geueeneert wee ole the she; ;get Reen„ lam, at 8 4)14701 0" wit weevil by eetv 4. ,„e '" e,40„„ . Flo:nem 4 frieeile or the, ;1;1, gtrieleee.- 7.000.7 its ('*987 ‚1419 oz. en ties. Tlee bride. who:5'(031°mon arani'ia an 4,43taij. Ealnia.3 ettleed 501 99batedn'nne* t•ellee, oetneped set 77 94 ftoan le a' rimmed erteilit costume ano ('814) bitite &mete she 931 77718)h having W11414'4 44 /10WQ"4, 01a8 412S1'ot( *1 had a pleetSelet time.- Mr. John fleay. Lw Alies Blanche Morrison, of Chat- iota was au flu, 314,k list far a lett last week for the London hospitals • hittniatild 4'."1sI'sftb15n11"I1e1Y4Ittite11t where she will undeigo treatment. Her friends hope for her a speedy re- NVEDDINO.--At "Spring Creek farm, on Feb. IS, Miss Enphenthe AL youngest daughter of Ur. Robt. Clark: NVIRS united in wedlock to Ale.Alhert B. Thompsou, of Ilickeon. 'North Oxford, Ont. Rer. Ale. Ferguson,ably asaisted by the R. Mr. Cronstort, petformed the nuptial ceremony in the mateence of a. large gathering of relittives and friends of the contracting parties. .Aft. ter a bountiful and appetizing repast the company,heedless of the stornty conditions without made up their minds within the comfortableand nice. ly decorated rooms, to bave 11. really good time, and with the aid of music, games, (lancing and other aumsernents had their wishes amply gratified until au early hour in tbe morning. The newly married couple left the follow- ing day to speed their honeymoon at Detroit, previous to settling down to farm life in the above mentioned place aud county. The wedding presents were numerous, varied, choice and costly, 0.11 evidence of the high esteem entertained towards the youthful bride coupled with the donor's earnest wish that the loving pair may long eejoy to the full life s inestimable blessing, health wealth and happiness. Orturtou The many friends of Mrs. T. Foster will be pleased to learn that she is re- covering from her recent illnesss.- Mr. W. D. Stanley was in London last week auditing the township's books. - Mrs. and Mrs. P. Mowbray hise-e re- turned from Hamilton, where they have been visiting their son, Harvey, who has recently reterned from New York, where he has been undergoing treatment for the last three months. We are pleased to say he is much i im- proved n health and we hope before long to be able to welcome him back to our burg. -Mr. Oswald Webb, son ,of Mr. A. Webb, has leased the baker shop of Mrs. Evans, in Allem Craig. lie was accompardee by his sisters and father, where they will remain for a time. -John Y. Brown, of Beaverton, spent a few -days here during the week. -Miss Olive Webb,of Toronto,was the guest of her brother here last week. - Rev. Mr. George has announced his in- tention of giving up the work of the congregation here in the spring and going out to labor in the interests of the church in the Northwest. The change will probably be made in May. -The Presbyterians have decided to have their °beech opening on Sunday, March 15171. A supper and program will be given the following Monday evening. Rev. Roht. Johnson, of Lon- don is expected to, be presents -Dr. Charles Lang is expected home some tiene in April.- Canon Dann B.A., B. E., delivered his famous lecture, "Ire- land and the Irish," here, on Moeday nights His discourse WaS a treat, from every stendpoint.-Miss E. Cross has returned to her home in London, after pleastint visit here, the guest of Mrs. J. McComb. and carried a beautifol bouquet Of white EdrlEttintrk. The groom wee ably eupptwted by his cousin, Mr. 'Joseph MeGill,of Dutton. The wedding mat eh W#8 played by Mise We Moir, of Hen - ea% The ceremony over and congrat. illations extended to the happy couple the guest replied to the dining room' where a semptuous and daintily or. rimmed lure been wits served5 and to say Hat least, the tablas lately groaned with the weight or the good things placed upon them. The bride is one of our most respected young ladies and was indeed very popular and she will be much missed by. her many friends here. The groom 73 a well-to-do and prosperous fawner in the far famed %Vest. To behold the array cif 11011(1- 30111e, costly and useful presents which was received by the bride, one would come to the conclusion that she was very lunch esteemed. The ham cow ple left Saturday for Petrolea, where they will spend it few days, prior to leaving for their future 'home in Kil- larney, Man. We unite with their many here friends in wishing them long and coutinued happiness through life. Raeneeenn.--Mrs. Al!. Ironsides and four children, who were travelling in one of the Pullman cars which left the track and rolled down' the embank- ment in the G.T.R. wreck at Whitby on Thrirsea,y, have arrived safely home. Mrs. Ironsides and her children were in the car which appeared to get the worst shaking up, and which, it is said, turned over three times, and yet they escaped without injury. 1VIrs. Ironsides left here about a year ago to visit her husband, who is an extensive shipper to the Liverpool cattle markets. When the accident happened she was return- ing home, and how she and her party escaped injury IS nothing short of the mementoes. Such, however, is the case, as nothing save a few sligbt screeches reinitined'as evidence that they were in the wreck at all. tftwxv.itx.visrAvt. Heusall Miss Lanunie is spending a few days with friends near Wingliamee-Mr. R. M. Hannon was the guest (4 7175 sister, ery whieh he. purchased a few days their host of friends in wishing them Mrs. (Rev.) Malott, for ie few days dine akie, His father and two sisters will it long, bailee* and prosperous married n- also remain here for a time. -Percy lifDeemnr......The tootion wee press of lug the week, -Miss Emily Welsh, r London, is visiting at her home here. Menzie. of the Baptist College, Wood- -Mrs. Bennett and daughter, Greta, stock, is spending some time with his Wednesday records the dentheof Mrs. Gilbert, sister of Mr. Francis Adair, of London, are visiting friends here.- mother in the village. -Parker Me:Mil- ian, of Wallaceburg, has accepted a of this Plaeet-At an early hour yester- day Mrs.Georgina.Gilbert passed away J. W. Ortwein was in London last week on business. -Miss Laura Wiseman, of situation at Gillies' mills and COM. menced work Monday. -John Camel,. at the family residence, con. 4. Dela- ware township. Pneumonia was the Kirkton, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson. -Mrs. Peddler, of To on is visiting his mother and brother cause of death. Deceased had been ill rent% is the guest of her brother, Mt". in Copleston. prior to lea.ving for his home in the West. -Mrs. W. E. Cloth. but four days. The news of her de- mise has cast a gloom over the whole. G. D. Arnold, who is ill. -Miss Dul- inage, of Toronto, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Hopper. -While skatiug ier spent a few days in Listowel dur- ing the week. neigbborhood, where she was very highly esteemed. The late Mrs. GiI- on the rink a, few evenings ago Mrs. bert came to Delaware township a Fred MeDonell had the nnsfortune to DEAVIL-One by one of our citizens fall and fracture her right arm. She -are called away to pay nature's debt. ceuarter of a century age, about which will be laid up for some weeks and This week Mrs. Angus McLean being time she was married to Mr. Gilbert, much sympathy is extended to her.- one of the number, the sad event oc- who survives her. She has resided Mrs. (Dr.) Hutton has returned to her curring on Wednesday morning, at the there continuously since, retaining to home in Forest, after a. pleasant visit age of 66 years. Deceased. had been ill the last the sincere respect of all who with her daughter, Mrs. ID. McDonell. for about a year, but bore all her suf- knew her. Deceased was 60 years of -Mr. J.D. Stewart and. wife, who were ferings with great patience. The best age. Among the surviving relatives spending it few weeks here, have re- medical skill was procured and kind John Adair, of this city; Cron Adair, are four brothers and a, sister -Messrs. returned to-thnir home in lowa.-Mrs. hands hovered around her incessantly, James I3on throe, who has been visit- brit despite all her spirit, toe k its flight. St. Thomas; Jeremiah Adair, West- ing friends in Listowel for a couple of She was &kind wife, rt loving mother Mrs. McNamee, Westminster. minster, Frances Adair, Crediton; and. weeks has returned home. -Rev. Dr. and a good friend and neighbor. The John Scott, of Japan, vithe has been funeral took place to Nairn cemetery the guest of Rev. and Mrs. Malott, bas on Friday. returned to Torontil-Mr. T. J. Berry JARROTT-In H.BeingsTaulls,.on Feb. 16th, to has disposed of another of his stallions NuPTIALS.-A veeyepretty, wedding Willis and Ginter, et Dash- took place at London, on Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Robb. jarrott, a daugh- wood. He was sold. for a, good figure. niglet,Veb.11, when Mr. Harry Homes, ter. to Messrs, of this place, was united in marriage He is a Proper good draught itallion in every point and will be a credit to to Miss Polly Mchiamera, of that city. The ceremony was performed by Ven his new Proprietors. This is the sec- Archdeacon Davis, at the residence of ond stallion that these parties have the bride's sister, Mrs. Wm. Skelly, in purchased from Mie Berry within a the presence of about thirty relatives year. -Mr. Richard Speere has moved and friends. Miss Mabel Nash acted as into the new premises he has leased bridesmaid, while Mr. Wm. Stinch- from Mr. Robt. Bell. The stand is a conibe assisted ebe groom. Mr. Holmes very gooct one and the premises being is well known here having lived here large and well' finished, should answer until a couple of years ago, since which well for the purposes of a restaurant and confectionery business.- Miss Le- time he has been working at his trade CANN -DOWN. -In London, on Feb. 25, in London. vil3a Cook is visiting friends in Clin- ton. -Mr. Blackwell, who is visiting BROKE ,THenteea THE : ICE. -Bad Mee Lorne Cann, to Miss Fredrena, second daughter of Mr. Wm. Down. his son, Dr. Blackwell, of the Queen's Munro,son of Mr.and Mrs. A.M. Munro, of that city, formerly of .Birldulph. hotel, is confined to his bed through came nearly losing hisiife by drowning illness. -At the last regular meeting on Saturday. He, with a, number of Ciaisimoleer-Tiaoreesox-At St. James' of the Canadien Order of Foresters, other boys, went down to the river to Cherch, Ingersoll, on Feb. 1S, by the Messrs..Tohn G. Troyer, and JebnCoul- practice hockey. The ice wasn't very pastor, 'Rev. Jas. Thompson, assisted ter were iippointeci representatives to strong after the recent sof *1 weather by Rev. Rich. Johnston, uncle of the the Grand Lodge, which will •be held and Bedyenturieg too near the centre bride, Wennyss Sotheoland Chisholm this year in Hamilton, in the month of went through in a spot where the wa- of Creditor*, and son of the late An - June. -A conyention of farmers of the ter was about ten feet deep. ' 'Willie drew Chisholm, of London, to Mise South Riding, County of Huron, will Reid and Fred White both ran to his Frances Louise, daughter'of the late be held in Blackall's Hall, Hensel], on assistance and did all in their power to William Thompson, of Ingersoll. Saturday next, at 1.30 p.m, sheep, for et him out, but it was not until Bud DEATHS the purpose of organizing a Farmers' lad gone down a second time that they , Association in the riding. The object succeeded. He was hurried home and and aims of the Association will be put to bed, bet was about again erns_ NOnnts.-Io St. Marys, on Feb. 17th, Louse Norris, aged 24 years. fully explained- at the meeting. A. day more searedethan hurt. However, - good representation of farmers from it will, no doubt, be a lesson to him Hau,vAv.-In Ushorne, Thames Road, . all paets of the riding is earnestly re- and we hope it may prove so to othee on Feb. 25th, Richard Harvey, aged over-venturesoine youths. Se years. quested. 1,14'26•C 46,4„0,, EarAca in the 04,14*4 Mete, inerahrt here Li, neoratheowieg to beelitlx.- Mee, i ei-e'titee fa iende !Won. re, tee g1150.• tt sedneliter. Mao. Alt•Coriotiek.-Alre. Link ottend. ing the 'i31 4L,.)(.7'95' opening:4 ret London Ibis weelo-Misi Shirr, of WoinThOln. W.45 the goes% of Mr. and Alm W. A. coltith' itwg, i5 414e. VI) t"Ut., °g`lir16 $3111111110% Sonittay. -Mr. Toltau, 311'6' Tt"t;4' P4"tter e'invgunv! Pag./.1P who lers been relieving the Al 35riger 11)10P7ptipt 1511; tlaiSt 915(441,co' 501rtiblf:118, 11111311;e1,;.11:, of the Alereitantet Bank the past week, ' left for Walkerton Sat inelay,--A meet. Mrs. ittglOilalitlip Sr.. who has been ill for some time. seems to be Improving, liw"ags(lbfeltatiluvattgelltw/sn'affIntem‘alaUting; though tate is still very weak.-Farin laborers seem to be eery searee as a Sinvgentrog, Ff4iirt; treir.P111,11PaiTnettlafitrovIriangiez: g4414;13:etunoltrilYtwiralagdal“"vealti‘Y.olirine: Ilte:QpIny r. Itert7 F. Either was elected Chief'. rat importattt mattetee wet* die - good wow% Some have not Veen able u 1. It Ivos deeitied that some per - to &titre mere -Miss Linde Willert re- e,„ ppointed to look after the heat. turned Friday from visiting friends in 't". Thediard.._31mrs. willis ouiatber mg ite Fire Ilan and the care-tat:- timiiehretzellva.ntottflieHre:Ins:ilkonpaf)i4oning ceive etitlepeevagfrillt:o atnhae ThieuaWgi.A.S to re. therefore a gond This is the see_ zieNsNd'iot:reorf inasAteewI(e.;eounitLielo,.e..tiv.70sn. teict1718.- ond stallion that these parties have 110111)1 manager of the Aterehants' Benk. puvehased Amu Mr, Berry. here, betook himself to Incerscsil on a verypleasing and interestieg mission, it benne his removal from single Ides - "aim Craig dness to that, of the 'happy matried from her meess.......eitee Angus ereeeees a very pipette and, esturiable reel - Miss Dolly Overholt has recoveee Mx'. The Youlig ladY of his eboice ete, tewegue west, is vepy nr--ete, nt of Itneersnli. in the person of Miss George chapmani st. Marys, oeca. FralleCS 1.441114.1 daughter of the late pied the pulpit in Ole Methodist church Ace! n'tAml Twhaotitivmels,ro4nn.lneTdhlelyirtttheeresntiAg.. 091 Sunday evening. Ile also preachetl at West's Corners aud Mares Seines Thompson, assisted by the ROV. Pearl Hodgins has been transferred to 1%Rfire.hcabriillloolholiisitos ;ri,suooncolfe toiflethteltelnitilne: the Standard Bank at Harrison. Mr. alertly. of Chatham is Mr. Hodginst drewceihilissbh(odlirou Itonfivf-oedndhoeireo M. 4)11 TI mai insa. successor. ebange is a. promotion Mrs - for both. -Mr. Webb. of 'Norwich, has day and have settled down to the taken possession of Mrs. Evans" bak- sterner realities of life. We loin with WRIGMT. -In Whitten, on Feb. 21s1e to Mt. and Mrs. Sohn Wright, a son. - , COBELPIDICK. -In Brantford, on Feb, 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs.Nelson Cobble-, dick tt daueniter. ' Hensall, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Miners a, son, MARItIAGES: .