HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-2-19, Page 5,THR
ezeter boorate)
peldished, every Titoreday Morning at the feelee.
-BY the-
One pollee per ammo) if paid in edeanee, $1.5o
it act eo pai&
eyeeeeeecea.teeeaao, metetcso owe eie-peeletese4
No paper discontinued until all erreareges are paid,
Advertisements without specified directams will be
toiblisbedwt fL and chafe ell vow -tingly.
Liberel discount mode for trauseient advertisements
inserted for long weeds. Beery description of J011
pmeelogo turned out in the finest t!tyle, and at
moderate retes. Cheemes. money orders, Sae, for
advertieine, sebseelptioas, ate, to be umie peyaide
Chas.R. Sanders,
FrotessIonal Card$.
girgsmAx,i,.D.s.„& DU, A, INNS
MAN, L.D.S„ leleS„ /loner gradeate 0
ToroztO! lirdMIZ4tY.
Teetb ettraelei Witheet 41y pein, or any bad effeets
011ieeh Fonsoree Peace:, west., side eleie etreer,
DR. D. Avrozi ANDERSON (D,D,S. L.D.S
Donor Ormluate af Toronto lieniverety and Poyal
Deem of *Vidal eergeons e4 Ontario. Also Post
OTOUlte of Chivago Shoot of Proethetie Dentistery
(witb honorable mention.)
Alleminutie Cold and Vulcanite Plates made in th
neeteet reamer possible. A perfeetly harmless on
eesthtb used for ;I:delta:3 ext raetiou Voile
Office vP0 door eoutit 4/Carling liras. store, gneter.
DR. T. P. NeLAUGIILIN, NtL'IlliElt OF Til&
College of Pile -se -laps and Snrgeons Ontario.
Phyeleien, Surgeon and Aceowateur. Deice. Polio
weed. Org.
i'vr. Java P. WOTA, 021,e and Residenee, 29a
Jeer grieves Ave.. Loeloa Ont. Sperial attention
paid to diteatee of women. (Mee liettre, leeff9 to 4
.1, tots. No:erica Cenveyaneere. Ceentulsei
to Moleaas Drink. etc. Mom to lean a
.west ratee of intereet. 011iees, Main street. lexeter
L Caluoso, L. 11. theitso,
.F e W. OI.ADRAN, (Sareeseor to Elliott Ohd.
wee) Dniester, Soliritor. Neter, Mlle Con.
ve,yeneer. lite. Money to loerr at lowest rates of in-
Ofilee, Main street, Exeter.
tO Winehelsea. Limited Auctioneer
for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex.
fo the townihip of lesbarne. Seki promptly
Attended to end tenni reasounble. Soles arran,eal
Dot omcv, wineutisok.
TooRP5 PbooptoRine,
The Great Rngtrali Raney.
Sold owl retommended by
mutat' in Canada. Only roll,
able medicine discovered. ,Siz
package.* guaranteed to cure oil
forms o Sexual Weakness. all effects ot obuso
or excess, Mental, Worry. lexeeeetve aim ot To-
baoco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
or price, ono package SI, six, Ss. One win PUssr*
siA tell.; cure. Pamphlets free to eny address.
Tlso Wood ompany, ViDdsor, Ont.
WoodS PhoSpbodine is soldin Exeter
by J. W. Drowning and 0. Lutz
The Molsons Bank
(Chartered by Parliament, 1855)
Mead (Mee, liontrear.
Paid up Capital.. . .... -B2,500,000
Reserve Fund...............2,250,000.
sAs.'hr,uorr, Ceseinnat ALtent.GEn.
OMIT bur: -10 fun. ta 3 pare Saturdays 10 a.m.
to 1 p.m,
A. general levfleing basiness transacted
eioney advanced to good Farmers at lowest rates.
Savings Bane Deposits front ea and upwards receiv-
ed. interest allowed at Inghest current rates.
Dicesox eeCeinexo, N. D. Mimeo,
Solicitors. •Manager.
ard giving excellent
• satisfaction since Re-
modelling our mill.
Tri 1' 1 nrid8
j11Ih Bill Of 0811411
Capital le'aidll"p
Rest '
' A eeneral Banlcing fatalness transacted.
InVerest at most, favorable eurrentrates allowed on
$aviugs "Bank accounts end Depesit Receipts.
CommercialLetters of Credit issued, available in
China, Japan and other foreign coutitries.
Travelling Letters of Credit issued to travellers in
all parts of the world,
• TIloS •PYSHE, Gee/liter, MAlleeen.
.1'...neepte.5, SUFI! BniNtillES kaHlEP INSP OMR.
• '
W. S. prirsuolat,
Ira 'Wright, of Lyn,Ont, liked twen-
ty-one, was struek and instantly kil-
led by a train On tile: Roine,`'WLter-
town & Ogdensburg ' Railroad,. 'neer,
Morristown, . I.Y.
ains in the -Back
Are symptoms of t weak, tOrpld or
stagnant condition of the kidneys or
liver, and are a warning it is extremelY
hazardous to neglect, so important is
• healthy action, of the organs
They aro commonly atteoded hy loss
of energy, lack of Courage, and some-
times by gloomy fereboiling and de-
spondeney• .
4I was taken ill with kidney trouble, and
beeame so weak I could scarcely get around.
took medicine .without benefit, and fmallY
detaded to try Ifood's Sarsaparilla.. After
the first boatel telt so much better that I
continued its use, and six bottles made me
a new woman. When my little girl was a
baby, she could not keep anything on her
stomach, and Ive gave her lIood's Sarsapa-
rilla which cured her."' Mae, TnolLits 1
• Wallaceburg, Out.
llood's Sarsaparilla
Cows isidney and liver troubles, re -
fierce the back. end builds tm the
whole 'system.
branches taught in the
Our st»dents are »ot
Later a (muse in this
College it will be
am them, if poseillie to
obtain employment, but we
Rest equip them to maintain
the 'high reputation tine
eebool ints uequired.
Goderiell tp; While m'aged in
cutting wood the other day ;Me. Perey
Vole came near hieing the end of his
•little finger. lie slipped ufn log with
the axe In his band and the axe cut
dean through the bone. only a little
patticle of flest holding_ it ma It is
•feared funputation will be the result.
Ever True and Unfailing are The
Old friends who are ever ready and
able to help us in our thne a need Ara
indeed tree friends.
Diamond. Dyes aro the old home
friends Of our Canadian people, 41.11d
have proved blessings in thousands of
bottles. When the heart craved for a
new dress, skirt, Mone, jacket, opera,
shawl, fresh bright ribbons or feathers
at times when eneonomy had to be
observed, the Diamond Dyes quickly
tmutsformed old and faded garments
and materials into new ereatious, thus
saving large annum!: a money in the
home. If you would have the best
results in your dyeing work, always
use the Diamond byes.
Send youv address to The ;Wells &
Richardson Co., Limited, 200 Moon-
tain St., Montreal, P.Q., and you will
be supplied with new Dye I3ook, 45
dyed samples and artistic designs of
the Diamond Dye ielat mid Rug Pat-
Don't forget the old man
with the fish on his back.
For nearly thirty years he
has been traveling around the
world, and is still traveling,
bringing health and comfort
wherever he goes.
To the consumptive he
brings the strength and flesh
lie SO, much needs. -
To all weak and • sickly
children he -gives rich and
strengthening food.
To thin and pale persons
he gives new firm flesh and
rich red blood.
Children who first saw the
old man with the fish are now
giown up and have children
of their own.
He stands for Scott's Emul-
sion ot pure a5c1 liver, oil -a.
delightftil food and 'a natural
The Pihnson House Destroyed by
Fire-II:no at Mount Bryeges
and t.e Oecupent of the 110140.
'eke Zeal:I:detente
3Vallaceburg, Feb. ee.-The Johnson
euee, owned and ocewdied bY B.
et >.1 La an
eerie' hour yesterday. The f:re had
eetnee oo raueir lleatiwey befereo being
oveee.1 ty etre of the goeete le the,
Of: tifore wao eo ocoeleilify of eev-
eo tee It id et* eunteute. Tito Inraates.
ete eteeeze.4 eoieeie ee oceseiLle foal,
;.,:t gee yet, a nureteee leeefes neatey nil
their clothine. Lee.; on hole:leg :tee coo. -
..vete about ei,lese. • Pertly eovered la- In-
uldon. Ont. Fele 17. -The reed-
e.likre of Freak Kindred 5,n the
Adelaide roz5d at 11155unt Brydges
was burned yesterday. Mr. Kindred
1,:ept house aloae, end as nothing vote
11 oi him by the peree its coming to
who], c,iscuverA the reins ot the
Izowe, the conjeentee 114i arisen that
pe0i4ed in tile
lamilton. Feb. 17.-1ire started
et the rear parlor of Mr. W. A.
11uglas' rc,ithmze., 165 King etreet,
weei, about 0.3e 4.111. yesterdey, in a
mane e unistiowp, and damage to the
octet of neaely 8nm° was done. Con -
eider ble excitement preveiled for a
there being, several boarders in
the ouse at the time, end Mr, ateel
Mrs. 4)1ellg1as received some burns 01
tryiree to extinguish the blaze 411el save
the irnishinge. The department was
,ellee out, but the parlors were left a
wreck. istvo pianos, one of which be-
longed to Mr. Alfred Tory, were dam-
aged. Air. Douglas was attending t
furnece wheu his wife ran clown
I the Cellar and cried out that the
parker was on fire. •Mrs. Douglas was
in tee room when the fire started.
Me Treatment of Tuberculosis in
Berlin, veb.17.--Yesterday the Chan-
ellor sent to the Reichstag a memo-
andom on tuberculosis treatment,
bowing that out of 1,000 deaths in
Germany of persons between the ages
of 15 and do, 316 die from tuberculosis
alone. „The mortality of the whole
population averaged aea per 100,000
yearly. The health officer found
that consumption can best be treated
in special hospitals. The statistics of
185,6 to teot showed that on the aver-
age out ot a hundred eves treated
37.7 were dismissed as euted or im-
proved, 8.8 as no better, 34 as worse,
and that o..; died.
Banks Swindled Cut a Several Thou.
!sand Dollars.
Winnipeg, Feb, e7. -Quite a sense-
i5an has been created at Brandon by
the discovery that a number of bank-
ing institutions, notably the British
North America and the Imperial, have
been swindled to the extent of several
thousand dollars by the operationsof
a s. footle young farmer named L. S.
Paterson, It appears that young Pat-
erson some time ago discovered how
easy a matter it would be to raise
money on warehouse receipts. Blank
warehouse receipt books were .generally
left about the offices of elevators and
grain warehouses. A number of blanks
were torn out, and the names of the
warehousemen forged thereon. Then
the receipts were taken out to the bank
and large amounts of money raised on
them. In one or two cases, the name
of J. Crawford, warehouseman for Mr.
E. O'Reilly, was forged, and the money
iaised at the benks. One or two other
elevator people were victimized in the,
same way. Some time ago the same
game was successfully worked at Wa-
pella. No arrest has yet been made,
as the supposed guilty party has de-
Ma . Government :adopts Practical
Toronto, Feb. i7. -The scarcity
of farm labor in Ontario was the
subject .of a coAference Monday
between Premier Ross and a de.:
putation representing the County Councils
of York, Ontario and Simcoe Coteaties.
M. C. E. Lundy of Newmarket headed
the party, Which included Councillors
Johnston, Kirby, Pugsley, Hill and Rog-
ers, and Clerk J. A.. Ramsden from
York; Councillor Alex, Hardy from On-
tario and Warden. Froomfield and Coun-
tenors Graham! and Mowbray from , Sim-
cbe County. Mr. •Thomas ,Southeyorth,
leirector of Colo.:eta-Oen, was aim) peO-
scoot, ' .
The Councillors -asked that the Pro-
vince take some distinct' surep tolvard se-
g for old Ontario e n. n now leav-
leg England, peinting out t. et - the ten-
dency was for them to go to new On-
tario and the Northwest, where they be-
come farmers oh their own account.
Mr. Southworth tole.. of the demand for
label. through 'hie deettrtment; sad said
he, believea 10,000 men could be placed
this -year• . ' , ' -', - •
Mr, Hill, soggested, .sendingeageats to
the porte of entry, butthis was thought
to be inoefecteve, as the men were usual-
ly ticketed through to the west.
Va-B iiaz.nacavRE, pairs. •EXETER MARKETS
flritth Zive Stock Trade Firmer-.
errain, is ,Eigher.
Monday Evening, Feb. zO.
!Toronto St Lawren,ee Market.
Tee receipts of grain and other pro-
duce on the street putrleek her to -thy
Were light. The dellle.nd WAS fair and
prices were generaity steady. AS the Odi
lee snew last night and tide morning was
light In this sectioo of the country and
tee re ids are getting into a better cone
dithe the offerings toortorrow girould be
Wheat -le -rig steaey. la) bushels or
white selling at 73e ami 200 leasbeis of
goose at 6 ,e
DarleY-is coly; leasbels solel at
47c to Ike.
. et-aey, eiel bushels selling* at
3ec to 2eeeee.
Bay and Stfaw-Tho reeeipts were not
large. but eenore•.... staff:emit to meet
theOen-land: end wheel were stead.', 20
loads of hay -ening et el' ell for timo-
thy Mid $'; Z.r! fq ler , and three
lentee of Ftraw ef) to ;ea
lerceseei lieee-There were norre ()gyred.
out price.... nomeitaly um:hue:gee at
Keel to e7.75 ier ecavy aeel $7.7.5tQi8or
7".be Visible Supply.
leeeetieee. Ve15.17„Vo.
Witeee ..o': .;c 0.04690 57,12,l00
gC4,11;, 71:;f::.•?fel 1.11M
A31.3 11)'11t1:43
.„ a,,,1411 ',,!'4144.030 1,esa,em
▪ eleheat oe Fee el1,6(11 heshels the pest
eelt; it deereas4
Britiela Cattle Zturltets, I
Lealden. Nee 104.--e hole* 'Legated State
cattle, 5 04e17. 71441.
Larlenzet?!. t''!•'..). PO -Canadian Cattle*
elid; trade -canter.
Xentreal Live Ste*.
Montreal, re!), le. -There were about RI
head -et buteitere' cattle. 40 calvee and-rh
sheep and ittobs offt,red for sale at the .
go% god Abattoir to-detY. The butchere
Wore out in fail fot,e0 am; trade wasbook
With lower prices prevailing at round
than were psild 0 . lest Thursday's mar -
Velum beevea teara more puonizta
than thee* hare been since the, new year
and the)." 5,410.1 at from fie to Olie per lb;
pretty geo4 stock t.aid at from Stitt to Me
and the common stoch at from 2:4c to 3$.4o
per lb. Calves. 1;41 from $3.40 to §I3 eamt,
or from- de10 per lb. Sheep sold at
fe0111 elee ..ea'd tetras .frotei Vic. to
4e per lb. 5°,11 bogs sold at from kie tO
tee per 10, weighed off the cars.
Zest Buffalo Cattle Market.
rea,et Buffalo. Feb. P1.-Cattle-Rocelpiti.
1.050 bead; butchers" grades stendy;:others
.slow: prime 'moms.. a to $4.24: 411114P114
40. alei0 tO ;Of& butehers' do, 44 to li1,.50;
cows, .V..75to Si: heifers. nib' to $1,50;
hulls, t,t-N to $4.:0; feeders., ta,75, OP $1.401
stoelters, $3 to ..11; stock heifers, *3-.50 to
fresh cows mai springers, strong;
owl to o140.1ce. §fiEl to $%1; mediu;fl. to good;
to $43; common, *25 to M. Vealti-fle-
ceipts„ Siti bead; We higher; tops, WO to
t 0;COM01e0 geed, 55.50 te liega
!oliocelette, 13,0.10 head; active; plg, 34.0
to 3,7,e higher; others, tie to We; beavy,
WS to $712; medium,- $7,30 to, $7.36; York-
ers, $744 to .$7.;;3; pigs, $1.40 to $7.45;
remote, 44.0 to $140; MACS. $5.215 tO e$.75.
'Sheep and lambs--lteceipts. 26.100 head;
sheen meter: iambs, lee to 16e higher;
top lamb. .16',SO. to $6.90; culls to good,
to eaele yearlitues,114.26 to $3,75:. OWeep
34.50 to H0;11; sheep, top mixed, $4,16
IS; culls to good, §vt.ro 10te.65.
Chicago Zive Stock.
Chicago, loch. 10.-Cattler-Ilecelpts. M-
OW: about steady; good to prime steers,
$4,40 to 43,40: POOP to medium. $3 to 34.:6;
Stockera and feetiere, $2.3% to SLOP; cows.
41.1la to WO; heifers, aS to $4.50; tanners.
31.30 to $2.e0; hells. 12 to $4; calves, 83.23 to
ss; troxes fed steers, 44.50 to 41.25. Uotra.
Itkeeigatw!to-day, 33,000: to -morrow, 35,030;
lett over. 0,004; strong tone higher: mixed
and lonelier:4e el1.75 to $7.15; good to choice
heavy, e7.10 to $7.11; rough heavy. $0.65 to
$7.05; light, $6.45 to eatie bulk of sales.
$6.F5 to $7.10. Sheep -Receipts, 20,000
sheep and Janet's Meade* to higher; good
to choke wether, $4,75 to $5.50; fair to
choke mixed, $3.60 to $1.75; native larnbs,
44.75 to e0.75; western lambs. $1.75 to e8.e0.
Montreal Crain and Produce.
Montreal. Feb. le. -Grain -Business con-
tinuen very slow hi, PM lines, but prices
are brat °Wing to the limited supply. Wo
quote: --o. 2 white oats, 37eie to 37ereek
Stdrt', 317,40 high freights; peas. 720 hlgh
freights; buckwheat, 4Slic to 190 oast on
the G.T.R.
riour-The market Is quiet and un -
Changed. We qUote:-Cholee Manitoba
spring*, wheat patents, $4.40 to $4.60; see-
onds, $1.10 to $1.20; strong bakers'. 55.70;
winter wheat patents, $3.85 to $1,10;
straight rollers, $3.70 to $3.80; do In hags,
$1.70 to $1.75; extras, $1.60 to elefe.
Meal-Thero is a small Jobbing trade at
$3.90 to e4 per barrel and at $1.e5 per bag.
Feed -The market is fairly active at
firm prices. We quotel-Manitoba bran
firm prices; Manitoba shorts, $21 to $22:
Ontario bran in bulk. $18; shorts, $20. and
molulle to% to etee, as to quality*.
Cheese -The market is quiet and easy,
with prices nominal at 131,ec to 13%c for
Butter -The market is dull and weak.
Finest Winter made creamery is selling at
22e to 22efic, finest held creamery at 21c to
211c, fine at 20c to 201,4o and western dairy
in roils at 17efic to 18e.
Eggs -There is a fair jobbing trade at
steady poices. We quote -Montreal limed,
lle to 12c; cold storage, 10c, and western
limed 10c per dcizen.
Provisions -The market is quiet, but
prices aro steady. We quotet-Heavy Can-
adian short cut mess pork, $24; Canada
short cut* back pork, $23 to 423.50; light
Canteea. sbort clear pork, e22.50 to e23; M-
ost kettle lard, In 20 -lb palls, 12%c; extra
pure lard, in 20 -lb palls, 109c to lleice
choice refined donepound lard, Sc to 90;
Boar's Head brand, In 20,1b wood pall°,
51.95 to $2.05; Globe, $1.75 to $L85; 20 -lb tin
pails, Sic less per lb; hams 1.2eee to 14c and
bacon lee to 150 per lb.
Leading Wheat Markets..
Closing previous clay. Closing to -day.
Cash. May. Cash. May.
Chicago.. .7% .. 777
New York .. • 81.% el
Toledo' ....... 77SO% 78 80
It{inieapo11s ........76..76
Duluth, 1 hard .. 77% ee
do No. 1 nor ..,, 76% . 76%
,Milwaukee. 2 nor. 79 77% 79 777,
Detrdit; 2 red .. 791, 81% - 791,4 81%
St. Louis .. 71J 73% 721, 73%
British Markets.
Liverpool, Feb. 16. -Opening -Wheat,
-spot *Seedy; No. le standard California,
per dental, es' 117/201; Walla, 6s 80 to 6s
Seed; No. red winter, Os ld to 6s 31/2.1;
No. 1 noetheraa Manitoba, 62 730 to Gs
80; futures quiet; March, Gs 3yed value;
May, . es 20 value; Jelly, ,ge 13id value.
Corn, spot Steady; 'rnieed Ameelean, Per
cented, old, no 'stock; new, 45 65ed to 4s
70; futures quiet; March, 4s 5,ed value;
May„ 4s 3%d value. Flour, Minneapolis,
20s Gaeta 21s 90.
Liverpool -Close -Wheat, spot steady;
No. 1 standard California, per cental, Ge
111od; Walla 3d to Gs 81/40; No 2 red'
. .
winter,- Gs 10 to 6s glad; No. 1 northern
Manitoba,' 6s 77Od to Gs 8d; futures quiet;
The F'remier elepressed his hea.rty'sym- olarele, Gs -3ted vaeue; MaY, 6s 2d valuee
patiry with the airn of the. deputation, Rile', 6s leed value. Corn, spot steady;
end said that while it eves „too late to do ! mixecl -American. Per eentabold, no stock;
neuelt for this season, he would at once I new, 4s 63,d
.to 4s 7d, value; futuree quiet;
are , s Ved value. May, 42 3'/,d value,
able the Ontario Immigration Agent at ,
London, 'of the urgency of the situation.
and Mr. Flour, Minneapolis, 20s GO to 21s 9d.
PNads.s ;rale* ec. a?ciuuflotartri lila? dirsotne a. dpypi setlageettO eso2sabseoielee
Llverpo61, Mr. Thomas Byrne,
W, T. 11. Preston, Dominion Agent, at , -
London, rob. 111.-Openinge-Wheat, on
He . also fa.v '...10 1.11e commencement next
ers; Walla, , iron, white, $ eseage, 30s 60
country enetee part 02- Ontario , to secure , sellers; iron, evhite, January; "ses', sellers;
ran et e- active prOpaganda!, In the old
farm h'em. • Iron, rect. and blueeestearre, about due, lis
' 60 sellere; Iron, red and white, prompt,
- 81s sellers; LePletto, f.o.ret., steam'pas-
Goraeldis Son Appointed.:',..; • Bagel "OS '3a sellers, above average quail-
, - . ee - ty. Corn, on passage, 'firm, but not ac.
Washington, . _Feb. 16.4 -It, was ,an , tlye;,:cargoes mixed Americare, sail grade,
nounced„,,,at the white ,/../oti,se' id,.dify February, 22s seller,s; LaPlatta yelloW
-Wheat - . „ 00 07
Oats.. _ .
20 30
00 Cl).
Potatoes, per bag 85. GO
gay, per ton -.... 7 00 8 00
Flour, per cwt., roller.... 1 05 2 00
Dutter..., ....... 10 17
Eggs ...... ..... 18
Hides, pee 104 lbs 5 50 5 50
_Live hogs, per cwt..-- ri 50 5 50
Dressed Hugs 7 00 7 00
1 00
Shorts per
limn per ewt.
ieken . . .. .
Dried Apples- .....
"I bad a Very severe sietness
that took off all iny hair, 1
;lsasel a hoftle of Aye.es
Vigor and it brOtlf.tht ofl
w. D. Quinn, Mereeillee, Ill. ;
One thing is certain,-
i.yer's Hair Vigor makes
hair grow. This is
because it is a hair food,
feeds the hair and the
air grows, that's all there
to it. It stops falling
the hair, too, and al-
ways restores color to
ray hair.
st.to a IOU. Ail
dreaed*t %met eapple
• send ne dollar nal we will eXpreaa
TAA4 bottle. Ile aura and:tiro tbonate• e
et your amen exam, owe. .04.514rese,
C,.e.X= eo., Lowey, Xg.**.
• (Star)
• (Breaktm.tt:70,4)
sqpiy..:.of MiJ1fe1
011 hi11d.
our Flour 'and Feed
trial aud be eouV •ed that.
is all right.
Roller and Plate gthiiders ht
use to soit Oustomers.
Harvey Bros,.
to J. Cidtbletlitle San
Mr. Henry IuelI,seuadrepped de
Wingbam: This week it is our vet y
sad duty to chroniele (he death of
Robert, James Patttetson, lintel eon of
Mr. Pottereon aged 20 ,yeetts, i months
and 23 days. Dot., as be was better
known; was tuken ill on Saterday
evening with appendicitis. An oper-
ation was performed early Tneeday
morning and, he was thought to be do-
ing nicely, but a torn for the worse
set in and he died early Wedneeday
morning. Bt rt wit& an industrious
young man and was held in high vs -
teem by a large circle of friends,
Use Wells, Richardson &
Improved Butter Color,
Don't spoil the rich, pnre cream that
you have gathered for buttermaking
by using a common and impure butter
color when you do your churning.
Wells, Richardson & Co's Impeovea
Butter Color will give your butter
the untitled golden June tint at this
time of the year, and it never fades
from the brittoe Do not accept or
tise vile and worthless substitutes. .A.1.
4511 Ones insist upon getting the kind
that makes prize butter. Sold by all
druggists and general dealers.
We have ,inst veeeived a
stnek of
4,, 7.
of the best makes ;led will eell
thent at prices and terms that will
eneble anyone to place their borne
one t 40).5e Veatnilitd ins('
In Sewing Machines we carry e.
lenge stated.: of the best makes, at priCei
thztt will sorprise you, alece repairs,
needles and oil rot' all ttlakee Of Mlle
Sheet and Duok. Musie, Hymn
Deokee etre., always in stock,
We will be pleased to show ytm our
ok's Cotton Boot Compouna
Th successfully used monthly by over
.9001.adies.Safe,effectual.Ladlea so*
_your ((rune% for cosies Genoa Ran Cam!
mud. Tabu no otheroaa ell 241itures.Pilla an
Imitations aro dangerous. rrion„ No. 3, IL per
box: No. 2,10 degrees stronge r, $3 per box. No.
or eonatied on receipt el Prier and two a`een/
SUMPS. The Cook, Conipsoy Windsor. Oat.
orNo R. land a sold and recom mended by all
responsible Druggista In<Audi.
No, 1 toed No.2 are atila ill Exeter by
". Lutz mei J. W. Drowning, Drug.
Henry Worthen of Poslineh, was
Saturday while felling t ees.
Robert Renewed 22, of Watimavater,
Man., was crashed to death Monday
by a falling tree.
While returning from Eeeex Thurs-
day evening Rohn Kenyon. a driver
fur J. Elliott's livery, Comber, was
struck and instantly killed on the
•Aliddle Road crossing, Matta one mile
west of Rusconth, by the 'Miehigan
Central fast express, No. O. The bng-
gy was Completely donoliehed, mai
the unfortimate man was tin own
about forty feet. The horse was but -
slightly injured.
Of Motorman Walden, in the employ of
Mr. Alfred Walden; 7 Cornwall St., Toronto, who
has been in the employ of the Street Railway Com-
Pany for a number of years as motorman, fnforms us
that he had an attack of la grippe, followed by
typhoid fever, and after many weeks of stiffering it
resulted in a complication of throat and lung troubles.
During this illness he was under the care of one a
the best physicians in this city, who pronounced, it a
very serous case and advised him ts, step work,
which he was finally compelled to do. . yf`
Mr. Walden heard about the Dr. Slocum Remedies
and commenced their use and after,using theM but
for a few weeks he noticed a great improvement.
After using tins valuable treatment for some little
time, thc. cough stopped, pain in 1...ft lung ceased,
appetite improved and night sweats were checked;
and in about three months he was able to go back to
work, feelingas well as ever,
When 3nterviewed, Mr. 'Walden seemed to be in .
the best of spirits and expressed himself in the tnost
grateful terms, as he considers himself completely
cured and in the enjoyment of good health.
What the Dr. Slocum Rernedies have done for
Mn Walden has also been accomplished in thousands
of other hopeless eases, which testimonials we have
on file.
The Dr. Slocum System Preseats a Positive Cure for Humanity's Greatest Foe.
,Four Marvellous Free' RemedieS for all sufferers reading this paper. New Cur0
...nd a rundown system.
for Tuberculosis, Consurription, Weak Lungs, Catarrh -
" Do you cough? Is your appetite bad?
Do your lungs pain you? Are your lungs delicate?
Is your throat sore and inflamed? Are you losing flesh?
Do you spit up phlegm? Are you pale and thin?
Does your head ache? Do you lack stamina?
These symptoms are proof that you have in your body the seeds of the most
dangerous tnalady that has ever devastated the earth -consumption.
You are invited to test what this systern will do for you, if you are sick, by
'tdiliC for children., or old folks that the Preeident would appoint Jas. eL'eee; gekoesayal tati$ 20° 7
. the new D. ep' aril/le/et casalee'eaaae-, eneig •rnarillegte of Snea"terilidno„gylt-Slieu61111,111,eerYonw-ahaee,st anda.htheesToocuu'i'Fge‘y;sillemrep,..ar.at!dos:W1:111-3d forwarded Oriroat once, ' ;oar eeee ee, use,
orporations ,i;nctet theplia.044,s,icorneet.t. oji.. 2In4s n9a March, a 224, a sotxi sra nivp irloamt ,
all neea flesh and c
and for who , , R. Garfie,ld of Ohio Co •
c)ronto, Bow. chqmists, Garfield is a sea Of, tile late iPres:.‘relirt. sl'iPments wheat 2'63e,000 Troubles eller Disorders; 'Cgrs°1git'vet:dire for Consumption, that lawsit c''irr.6-- 7.1:CC
9ntarloo J'artles'A. Garfield,„ and is at- 'ee eh- corn 4;060 bush:, MobelaY's`DanbilPh''
, 50c. and $1 0 0.
, .
p ica by 'loss of iesh cougi;'s Catarrh,itats disease, and for all Lung
SCOTT & , .
all druggiets. inereiber ee the a '4ittnnients'' /IihelIt 32(0°0 IrCleh corn" 11 ilea° Trl'ubles'
' " Suritflfe3"Qrjea ip°retphseaTeldrAes, sS,land the free -m' edicine' (the'Slo'cun't C • Atha'a° Branahtia an
. °cum Cheratcal COmpany,,Limited, i7e King Street west, Toronto(k.Ivilite
,SerViec"Antwer, Feb.
, e promptly sent. • !
laLe.4t1Y: ; .43. 2 red Tor9tspot y.; ,ivre‘i,04,,,t;athtsie4Tel.Slocal'a 'free offer in americawpapers will please pend for samples tee ,