HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-2-19, Page 4•
Ohara IL aottQ L12d Prop
TaijRSDAY, PER 19, 1903
Bo Ai)UY8,RTTLF;--
Leading Rritiele auttioritee$ ide
oroes in their condemeatiou t e
terms of Alaska bound -ley settlement.
There is ntrer uot the eliadow oe a
doubt ii$ to the bad position. Canada
has ineM pleced in. She stAnds to ttoi
;nothing feeat. the nentneitiene tee
proeeeea eenun!eeion, to. lose a I
that elita la •Itt.: 1.1,iliC.:alkyl ;:k' .larivespes
years. The reinae.ltatle part ef the
thets elites, aisle the 4.
baandery dlepete la the :name!. iliesia-1
ea !Tee, the Beltisle eeDeinet lend the
falleet caucus-le:we al' the Censalast
geveentuent. Sir Witend Laurier,
when a metier! wag tirade in the Cow -
11144, :Foal ago fov papsee wading to
the hoassalary dispute. aultuaitted that
the Beitieh government. eller taking
over the eettleneent of the question,.
sa pt..p.,..41.:unts end teeenter
peoreeltieus perising between area
Beitent out/ the theited Stites.. to 1th
Cenadiets govermiteat for exemlna
p, Vie home g3L,Vortiatetit. jal it
went luf the eLie,e, %%Is gnitlea
Ingely ley Sir Wilfrid Lenrier 44n4 it
le to be regretted that tile nertiniatioas
have ended in an arrangement evtanh
is hailed ;ie. i telutopli by tie, united
States preen re4 Britain eeenot be
blamed for the result in this ease, of.
fining, as she dia, every opportunity
to the Domitilon Government to press
their' legitimate i.. Allay secrifirse
a Veneiliaan interests neuetbe ehatgeti
em to theitwa, not eo Weetminster.
For past six years of Lateral roll
eurpleees were cleimed he every year
•e 17 when defhit of $51(4,ilS
WWI admitted. The figures taken barn
the relate =omits of Canada •are as
1SV$ 44410.W4141.0.0 1=712
1899 +.•••onnre.• 4.837,749
1991.. • • •• • • .• . •
1003••e••••••enn 7.34398
Jharpluses claimed- $27,0akttll
The SAM statement a the country
fine s allows that, In only one year
1900, has the net debt of the •country
ben decreased. The growth of out.
National dent, during the in of Mr,
Fielding ama his surpluses, has been;
1898 2.417,802
1909 2,317,017
1000— ...... 779,039
190'2• • ,• • • • • . • • 8,319,083
Net increase in debt $13,33t,051
As shown by the accompanying
4tatement Mr. Fielding in announcing
4urp1nses of $27,031,023 for the six
years, 'cooks his accounts to the tesitent
of $10,3n0,370, Any business man -who
mistepresents his financial standing in
the hope of improving his credit opens
the prison doors for his reception. Mr.
Fielding from his lofty eminence en
distort his figures in the very same
manner as the dishouest merchant, a nd
his supporters applaud his attitude.
Instead of saving money during the
most progressive period a ourNation-
al growth, Mr. klebling has placed a
mortgage of $13,331,631 on the lands of
the manufacttwer, fernier and other
In an eastern city, according to a tel-
egraphic dispatch, thousands of horses
are being fed on molasses, in lieu of
oats, because "it is cheaper and better
than oats." Horses, it is said, do not
have time to masticate and properly di-
gest dry oats and other fodder. There-
fore inolasses is being mixed with cut
hay, bran and meal, and fed te the
horses "in a cligestable condition."
* *
You Enjoy Perfect
live Vigor?
If You You Are aDyspep ie Try
Tne aria capricious etelitaeli of
tho dyspepsia! ealls foe a form a Hour-
ielmaeut that ran reteined, quickie.
-einualated, ann. that %sal afore!
angel! to the lenly„ Malt Breakfast
nma tally meets the needs of tbe dye -
peptic by fainalening elements of mitten
thetee,ree with weak !stow:whs.
Ilada, BR eakfaet Fof,a gruel is a efresit.
ing'And delieliate disli for ell satinering
pOes. The uess a this appet islog
eneel for a feW days will tane and
eragthen the seaweed; :laud digestive
!gene, aafasr salaials the patient niay
eninetsce with the regular Melt
'elifeet Foaal pertidge, whieli will
naintaio a =tin -al and healtby
Thongends of physicians gladlY
ammetal Malt Breakfast Food.
3 M43 $.
Waikettam Ont., Feb. 12. -At the
Centre Drupe Liberal convention held
aLt “lammis. toglay, De. J.M. Stewart,
ehesley, NV4-15 �t4 s the
party eanditlate for the coming elec-
tion tbe 20th inst. He was proposed
ley J. B. ("ample.% of Pinkerton, se.
conaled by Dr. Black. a Paisley. No
others were proposed.and the 11010111a-
tIon was nettle unaulmous, De. Stew -
rt woe tlerated by 31a3or Hugh
Clark at the general election in May
by six votes.
BOW1114110Ville. Felt. 111.-A. terrible
;Addeo death occurret1 here yesterday
when Mrs, Samuel Brimacombe was
riken down a abort distance from
ve house. She had gone to see her
little granddaughter over a creek
which 111115 past their house, and the
presumption is that on her way back
Ole had follen in a Ilt. Her absence
was not noted for some hours, when a
rch by tbe neighltors NV05 made.
vased was about 76 years a age,
Ata meeting of the Thorold Board
el T..arle lost month an interesting sub-
ject, which in some measure affects
newspaper publishers, was threshed
out. The question under disenssion
was, "What cauld.be done to prevent
the merchants Of neighboring, towns
and cities from capturing the trade of
that locality?" During the course of
the debate it came to light that the
Thorold Post published 22 St. Catba-
adVertiSillentS and only 18 Thor-
old advertisements. Mr. J. H. Thomp-
son, the editor, was in some measure
placed on the defensive when he ease
to speak. He had been shown a para-
graph in Hardware !led Metal, refer-
ring to the action of the Town Connell
of Lachine inputting a tax on outside
merchants, and had been requested to
advocete a, similar step in his paper.
This, of course, ovying to the non-sup-
port of the business men of his own
town, he was unable to do. In this
answer is to be found the great argu-
ment of publishers for endeavoring to
secure foreign advertising When
and only when, all the Mei chants of a
town are united in their support of the
local press can that press be expected
to iefuse to insert outside advertise -
Belleville, Feb. 12.-A sod feta!' ty
occurred at Hartschurch, near Ma -
doe, lest night. A man named Mc-
Coy Jones was driving home with a
load of timber, when the sleigh upset,
and the unfortunate man was croehed
beneath the load and instantly killed.
He leaves a wife and fawily.,
Windsor, Feb. 13. -William Lang -
hurt, aged M. died at Hotel Dieu last
evening after an illness of' two weeks'
duretion. The deceased NintS brought
to the hospital nattering from bluod-
poisoning, (mused hy ptekiug an erup-
tion on his face with his finger Hail.
Be had beeu in the employ of A. A.
Scott, of McGregor, os bookneepee up
to the time be was taken ill, and was
Wgbly spoken of by his employer.
His mother, who resides in Toronto,
was at the bedside when death claim-
ed him, His remains will be sent to
Toronto today.
This is not a gentle word -but when
yon think how liable you are not to
purcbase for 75e. the only remedy uni-
versally known and a. remedy that has
had 'he largest sale of any medicine in
the world since 1803 for the cure and
treatment of Consumption Auld Throat
and Lung troubles without losing its
great popularity all these years, you
will be thankful we called your atten-
tion to Boschee's German Syrup.
There otre so many ordinary congh
remedies made by druggists and others
that are cheap and good for light colds
perhaps, but for severe Coughs, Bron-
chitis, Croup -and especially for Con-
sumption, where there is difficult ex-
pectoration and. coughing during the
nights and mornings, there is nothing
like German Syrup. Sold by all drug-
gists in the civilized world.
Sold by C. LUTZ.
Men and Women of All Ranks
of Society ?obit to
Paine'sCelery Compound
As Their Rescuer From Di-
• sease and Death •
The Little Comitry Paper • MURDER AT WINaliAli
A lady fi•iteid of the 41•Droe..A.Tg liv-
ing in a huge city of the West, in e-
mitting for her paper last weea inelos-
t.d the following poem;
Ws not 11 SiXteen page edition, that ex-
presses big teen's view.%
Awl it's not filled up wan pletwennor
with telegraphic news;
It isn't printen daily, with AR• "extra'.
every hour
And the editor is net braggeog or his
influene and owet .
It's a he inely iWe paper,and tbe priutr
nee net the Wet,
tt in spite of this I like it, for Ws nal
of interest:
uay have faults and errors. but ell
these I will forgive„
For it's printed in the country. twig
back where I used to live,
It is only issued weekly, and ins t:ot
13ut n-niileaittleituirrefiatiferIYleg'Iselly put the
daily by awhile,
slotne read in its pages, what thie
But I see that linaS Jiggers lirotight
some wood to town toeleyr
al that '4 0114P44104 Pork is leiter."' •
or that " Old Bill Jones is dead."
And It tells jfest what the parson in"
his Suaday eerinou said,
And 1seem to leave the city with Os
rash and Mae land strife,
And go beck fox' jteit Se41,5011 to that
gond old moony life.
I see again tbe faees of the friends I
used to know
n the dint and distant fancies a the,
happy Long Ago;
nd that little country paper &MPS tti!
bring again to me
Vieious of the Eastern liomeeteado
with things as they used to Ian
And I read tip hi one corner that Owl
fail winds bowl and blow,
And that eUncle Nathan Sillithpee
diets an early fall of 41141W.;*
Or that "our debeting elute will give a
Sociable next week.
At whieb our fellow-towomnau, Aimee
Brotherton will Speak."
T iere are never ealtoriels on the gine.,
time of the day,
Itt H. 5ay$ that"Folks are loonhig
• 1 •. 1 I • n"
in we no glaring headline$ of the
laet, election fight.
But it treys thet "Tout Shaw unirrice
Ella Edgerton toonighttu
Ana I read that "Widow Ste:ladles"!
cow littS got a bran new calf," !
And "tbe apple mop tiliSSeasol will
be hardly more than halfe 1
And roy thougnta somehow grow fond -
re when the old 'folla names I see'
Ulling that "Reverend Tompkins wasll
invited there for tea."
It may be crude and homely -that Sallie
little Country sheet, 4
nd the ntalte-up uf its pages May be",
rather obsolete:
damp when 1 imfold it, and the
print ititiOnietirsieS blurred,
Yet it's always more than welcome.
and I read Its every worth
While it has uot cable eervice, and is
short on foreign nes.
This small onee-a-week arrival, helps
to (hive uway the blues. t
And no readings to 41. OW ma» a swat=
er jog ean give,
Than the little country weeknh inLtd
"where we used to live.
Millions on this North Atnerican
continent know that Paine's Celery
Compound l'inakes sick people well."
Paine's Celery Compound is to -day
bhe popular medicine in the wealthy
aud hurnhler home g of our vast coun-
try. The pass has given this woeder-
working prescription more note,prone-
inence and praise than has even been
given to any other remedy, and phy-
sicians of all schools prescribe it daily.
Paine's Celery Compound has be.
Come popular and trusted because its
results exceed its promises. It is vie-
torions over sickness and disease. It
offers hope a cheer to those pronounc-
ed incurable by physicians; it saves
such from the grave. It is the one
medicine, itefailing and all-powerful
that promptly brings true Joy and
Oddness to hopeless victims and their
anxious relatives and friends,
It is well to remember (bat one ot
two bottles of Paine's Celery Corn,
pound will, in the majority of eases-
banieh tired feelings, wen y and cloed-
ed braiti, headache, debility, constipa-
tion, nervousness and sleeplessness,
which if allowed to run unchecked,
give rise to serious ailments and di.
eeasee. If you are rundown, over-
worked, have defective digestion and
poor circulation, You will obtain bless-
ed esults from this grand systema
building tnedicine. Each 'dose earl les
new life to all the vveak and torpid or-
gans of the body.
One day last week wbile Mr. John
Hind was engaged in unloading coal
from a sleight the team stemed
wa'd and threw him out on his head •
and shoulder with such foree as to
render him unconscious for some tline
and dislocate the shoulder.
Origin And Antiquity of Billiards.
rretninent Nerehrott Round, Xlying
Q n the Oidewallit-ri,rat Thought
to gave akall Wee -
tared. and Z•ioney Tatestog.
Wingham. Feb. 17. A prominent g
hardware merchant. resident here fox
Attires' years put, named Mr. J. Snide 1,
a member of the: firm of, Smith di•
thick, 4.Va,$ fOttnAl $011W... 0l;gbts r,..var0 lyin
on the sidewalk. =coneeious, with hiiA
'nhe origin of billiard% like the birtin
place of Homer, or tbe problem of the
Spitinx, has ever been a contested point.
Some historians suppose it to have been
imported from the Persians during the
consulship of the Roman Lucullus. Oth-
ers contend that the honor of introdtte,-
lng the game into Europe from the East
is assigned to the Emperor Caligula. The
most reliable, at least the most plausible,
account of the origin and antiquity of
the game of billiards, is taken from eer-
tain parehment manuscripts, once the
property of Sir Regineld Mortitner, 'who
was contemporary with Peter the Iler-
mit, and who figured in the eleventh een-
tury, somewhere about the year 108.1.
Sir Reginald was among the Knights
Templar who returned in safety from
the first crusade to the Holy Land, and
afterwards joined the second crusade, led
by Riebara Coeur de Lion. It is known!
that on the return of the Templar
Knights from Palestine the game, now
called billiards, was introduced by them,
and was at that time considered not only
an amusement, but a means of preserv-
ing health, and to which the Cloistered
monks of that period were permitted by
their superiors to have recourse. At this
time it Was not considered among the
carnnl ainusetne'nts by the fountain.
heads and only sources of the Christian
faith. Anterior to this, if known at all
by tbe Romans, as is generally supposed,1
it must have perished, together with
many other noble arts, on the overthrow,
of their empire. Though cradled in the
nonasteries, having been introduced into
Europe by the Knights Templar, the
ame is supposed to have shared their
ate, and died out when the order aets
overthrown by the cupidity of European
monarchs. We next hear of the game in.
the reign. of I.Jouis XI. of Preece, who -
preferred this innocent pastime to the
bloody tournaments that were then so,
popular with the court.
, It is said that the game, when intro-
duced into France, became very much
improved upon the original crude game
imported from the East, and that during
the reign of one of the Henrys an arti-
san of Paris named Henri de Vigne was
commissioned by the King to design
manufacture a billiard -table, with it bed
of stone, covered with cloth, having a
hole and hazard -pocket in the center, ins,
to which the bells were driven; this table
was to be appropriated to the -use of the
Dauphin, at that time a lunatic at the
Palace of Versailles. ,
The game' was much patronized during
the rugs! of Ilenry III., at which Hine it
received its appellation of "the noble
slcuil crushed in. It was fiest evapposeee
to be the result of a fail on the int
end snow. Ile was carried tu bi$ hamel
mearby, and Dr.. Chltitolra aud A.guee.
of IA ingbara anul GUM of Clintorl
v..ere strannoned. end did everythinen
they could for the terribly intjured
but he weer regained comp!ete cow
5eilloSSIte5S. 0114I died early on Sunda)
The rieetors. an now express die
opinion that lie eras the victivel:
a foto plan. Tbe uniorstraate reae",
had alarteni back itis Siert
11-0141 bi5 IWO% triter,: he hao
.1115 tad 4.1.4ippel',, a curious tact be;
that be had COUnted over the inonq
be bad with him at the table bere go.
ing out, amountingto $114 in hills.
which it seems he lied neglected or foe
gotten to depoeit in the bank. Vere
4110111y after he WaS f41111141 only a lea
rods from his door, lying face deem
tin the pavement, and with his soil
felt hat alit drawn OYU 145 head, and
all ins muney gone. A5 50011 as ar
operation could be attempted severe
fractures were aseievere4 extending
cross the skidt, which mut. have re -
exited from a severe blow or blows ell
zome heavy, 'Aunt weapon.
It is stated that when a large Moon
da was removed from the brain stip-
potation had occurred, and Ina as he
was trying to rally from the effects
the ehloroferne he We5 hearci to eat
eut the word murden and mutteree ,
some words in the nature of a request;
IQ 'seed for Charlie, his eon,
The tragedy, occurring at welt ae
early hour in the evening, and in ;
pep:dolts part oi the town, bas caused
great exeitement, and the eneral opine
ion uppeare to be that in the interestt
of justice a searching inveetigatior
Amid immediately be made, and suet
a destacable cnme, 11 so it proves, as
appears now to be the cases should not
go undiscovered or unpunished.
The deceased 'was a quiet. law-abid,
ing and respected resident of the town
and it would appear that robbery wax
the motive of the crime. A wife MU
ene daughter at home, and a married
' snee-e-eeen"..e.
BRIT -Mein
411Ortigqi5 3 a
Wornen and wen who suffer from
weak baek lo pain hi the lumbar
region should. take ST. Jni,ms vkr,k,
PERS. pos5ess remarkable cum -
tire influence on functional derange-
toents •of the kidneys, and exert
speeial tonic action on the whole
urinary' system.
ST. ABMs WAFERS cure bladder
troubles and pains of micturition,
helping' the flow of urine and clear-
ing it from any sediment. ST. ,T41.11ISS
WArirrat$, are also a potent sexual
ST. jAatES WAFERS help stomach,
digest f=„lorl and send the nutriment
through the blood. and this is the
honest way to get b. • • d strength,
the kiiid that lc,' - and
breeds the energy which aeeom-
plisbes muck
"Tile -value of St. Taw-esWafetS
gangot be overeettmFAteol..3'44
utast Qhstitiatell eeaveof elen eye
awl urinary twin:Iles teey bairc
reralere41r0c reautilcable sueers-
D. Charles Powell,
VttXgerabli Scotland,
$4,1ames. 'Vale's of a ;Orel
remedy: 014e:sumer del& re•
rammendizw them la lkeir !alien&
.;.-41 wall eke „Prmal.1 atom Inane.
'Where dellersaTe not sellingthe
unters. they are minted epee re -
ewe at the Canadian
branch 5t. Amer Waren I7ta
St, Cettmes St., Matted,
Rryages wag burned Monday night
Fran nired's house at Monnt
and It is feared he perished in tbe
Brussels; Thomas Fletcher, a well-
known resident tkf this place. died quite
suddenly last week, from the effects of
anaemia. He had been resideut of
the village for 26 years and was very
Goderleb: Thorsday Mae. Consig.
*ley leaS charged beture the police
magistrate witb assaulting his wife,
and the case being clearly proven be
was emit to the emits jail tor BO
days, and ordered to find eveurlties for
his fu tut e good behavior.
. Usborne
Mr. Andrew Woods concession 3, N.
tieing await) retire from fax -ming
intends bating an auction sale next
Tuesday, Mr. James Wood has tak-
en the Western fees' and legt.VPS
son, eccountant in the Bank of Hama., m March fOr the High Inver District,
ton here, survive, It is reported that 4:tolible,rht_ttts, InpicienreultelerelnriollrI:iLlzilehittreetotir
they intend to engage in the ranehlug ROOT' PULPER ONES.
bmiluess. Mr OW IS a young man
of energy and will, no doubt. succeed Gen• eral Repair and
In that great vanug morns country. 8
castinis of every descrip-
eg)0 fe t of ineh and 500 feet of
it inch pipe in stock.
an. =west has been entlered.
. S, Officiale at Caracas Inninu His tunny friends are fiorry to see him
With Caistro. • go hut wish him evert: =ems.
ILondon, Feb. 16.-A blue book 014
the Venezuelan aispute was issued last
evening. The most interesting des.
patch in the book is an official lettex 1 '
from the former British Minister al
Cameas, W. H. D. Haggard, to For 1
eign 'elinister Lansdowne, dated Trini.
dad, December 30, concerning the an I
leged illegal detention of the Britieb e,, .
Great London Daily that
schooner Harry Troop by the Vette- LI'
zuelan Government in an unhealthy
place from May to November. Igoe, Leads all Competitors.
desentery. Mr. Haggard says in this
whereby the crew were decimated by
appear that I placed too much faith WM ENTERPRISE HAS DONE
letter : "I regret to say that it woule
on the complete accuracy of the
"United States Legation, W. W. Russelie Paper in Western Ontario -Some
as to the improvement in the condi-
statements of the Secretary of the The Free PreSei is the Greatest News
tions of the Harry Troop, etc., when at Which. Its Three EX-Alp/1S, Are
Special Featstrese-The Low Price
. , .,.
he saw her. These statements may ., Sold.
probably be accounted for by the ... ,
facts, wbich appear undoubted, that' The. London Free Press Printing
Mr. Bowen was most anxious, for reas ' 00tupany, Limited, have , entered up -
sons best known to himself, to report on the new year will] fresh evideuee
the conduct of the Venezuelan authori- ' of the abundant enterprise which ha:e
ties in the most favorable light pos-1 alteitye eharacteiezed that newsleseand
sible. and that he had inspired his , most Wideawiike of the big dailies of
subordinate in the same direction. To ' the west. No expense is spared to ob-
put it briefly, Mr. Russell did not dare 1 tain the latest news.
to say a word -outside the Legation' The irninagement of this important
contrary to President Castro's mode daily have Just established a special
i corps of vigilant news gatherers in
of procedure." . .
Another noteworthy despatch is Sir, every se,ction of the western part of
Michael Herbert's report to Minister 1 the Proyince. These special correapon-
LansdOwne on his disagreement with dents have had Placed at their name -
Mr. Bowen, dated fan. 29.
diate service the telegraph wires of
the country, and Cab he relied upon
to furnish in (pick and crisp style
every happening of
The great news -collecting agencies
Trish 'Parliamentary Party Re-elect
of tbe world will' continue to snpnly
Sim. the Flees Press with complete cable
Dublin, Feb. ie. -At a meeting of ths and telegraphiegeports. ..'
retTtr toemerotlinniugeenytenItsoef the da with
Irish Parliamentary party 'yesterda)
John Redmond was re elected leader, peetive incidents in filludlepti!sutelliittieriPtrsoosi
and a resolution was passed to the 'ais Sport, will be given in camprehensive
• feet that, in view of the rumored in- manner. .
tendon of the •Government to depart, As an illustrated newspaper, the Free
in the text of the new land bill, from press leads in Canadhut journalism.
the -erms adopted by the teeent land Fortra!ts of notable people. and repro-
ponf seine, the party laces itself on &Actions of scenes of interest,. ere
-record as announcing t at these. terms regularly furnished. • '•-
are. the lowest the tenants could ace The latest an, acorns!! t 6 ina id; et. rn..
•cept. •por ts are made a . specie 11 y 1131 p Or Lit
feature, Farmers and btisiness
• MAY RUN PGB GALLAWAY. 'who have experienced the velue of
. : these reports find them indisperadde.
Charles Dettlin, Canadian Agent at The Wornen's Page is rt fiethire
-iturda 's Free Press. it contains in-
terestine news for the Women of On -
London, Feb. la -The name fel tarns
, s
Dublin, a Probeble Candidate. S,
Chas.. Devlin, the Canadian Govern- A serial story of engrossing interest
is among the numerous other depttrt-
ment agent at Dublin, is favorably
disc ,,ed as the Nationalist candidate !nen ts of this populer journal.
for t...Talway, where the seat is vacant, The Free Press is now a ten -page
riewspaper daily, with sixteen pages
LynLh owing to the imprisonment of Colonel
Ire_ on Saturelay. It is istmed in three eee
Mr. Devlin holds that
land is entitled to a modified system. tions-ttlereing, two 0'efeek nnd even-
' of Self-government based on Canadian ing. The early l'ing issue n'vers
from five to eight hours
lines. If elected he would make the tile 'west
seventh Canadian in the Imperial ahead of other enrenetitorn is eie-
Hoese. . !masted in every city, town and village
in Western Ontario. The price is ea
- • pee year, delivered at any post, office.
piaILADE.Terinee NoT ST,,,OW, two o'clock and evening editions
,.jr ;lee each 2 per annum at your post
Nan 11,Obbed of Dianionds T
Inicker-Did the burglars get awify.
with much? Bociter-A. diamond ring:
and two watches; nut they overlooked
portethoitee " 'steak in the ice -chest. --
"He seer's' Bazar."
lr office •
• -
, etes After Ilis Aneval. nzilieeietviewron:iscs,Ltlertyisinogmesirclelaiion, he:
t ' t 11 the very
Chicago' Feb,kla teFt improvect fast i unneng esse
a diamond ro e ana visitors to the city will alwaYs b
robbed of Se,000 worth of diamond's on: welcome callers'The presses can be
a street eat -ten minutes after his ar- 50(.0 in oNerat fon at the hours of 4 a.m.
tiouin ron and Brass to
tmS. TAU Plime.
WM, Ward, si,vitcbman,
Who was fatally injured in the elle 4.
at Loudon on Seturday died on Stun
Seaforth, Feb. 1.1.--A most unpro-
voked and brutal assault was 'commit-
ted upon Paul Shaver, of this town,
while on his way home alma eight
on -lock Saturday night by a young
male sepposed to be Jack Mexwell. of
Goderich. Shaver was struck by his
assailant over the eye and nose with a
piece of board, rendering him uncon-
scious. His eusse was broken and he
will lose the sight of the eye. It isbe-
liveed Maxwell mintoon Shaver for the
litense inspector or the policeman. the
latter having tirrested him here two
years ago for horse stealing. He was
arrested at the Grip House two hours
after the assault while sleeping in one
of the boarders' rooms.
• r"
Does it not seem more • effective to
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• the breathirr, organs, than to take the
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Cures While You Sleep
It cures because the aierendered strongly
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and constant treatment. It is invalu-
able to mothers with small child: en.
Is a boon to asthmatics.
Whooping Cough Brone.titis
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The Vapori%er and I, amp, Nvhich should last
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$r.„5o. .E;ctrasupp1ie5 of C:resolene 05 cents and
10 cents. Write for descriptive booklet contain
113' highest testimony as to its value. _
Vapo•Cresote tie So.,
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/SOY York Montreal '