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ong the Rags and Sins bf Poverty
There Are Classes.
1Vatered xxecersIXas to. Act et the VP,r,
peeeee,„ in tee. yeer .One
Theus.aeo nine 'etenered, eue Teree.
by rn. BiIyet 'rereeto, at he
Popertment 9X .,itgrieottige, Qatawas)
clespatele from QUicage says;
leirv. Frank De Witt Talmage preaelt-
ed from the following lest; Luke
"And he was aTiary""
Wile wes the prodigal's eider bro-
ave 2a, .
tberif "I enew who he in an-.
ewers sortie eete "I see Mot Almost
every (Joy ner life. He is the
leellest, upright son who stays ot
bOrae 4.Mtl gots no credit Mr being
ite1od he is the reepeetable plodder
Qt the family who does most, of' tete
hard werk in the OfRee, in the Store
fnuF on the form oo4 then In the
.extrenie plefieurie of who* oil tbe
youog girls run after tie dieeelute
younger brother merely becituee that
brother is driving feet horses and.
eewing his 'wild ciate," telee elder
, brother is the on who is olways
sober and yet reeeives he not eine
extra dollor from his pant e im
reward. while the dru»leen son of
fand e is vontientally receiving
extra money to get hie clothes out
of pawn, 50 that he moy have fine
other start in life. The elder is the
"good boyupon whom the mother
clepeode to help give his sisters new
eases for the winter paniee. Yet
. he never has a party given for him.
Ho never had a lotted Wf kilted
that lie might entertain his friends,
though for years he has cared for
; the cattle by cloy arid has seen that
they were properly milked at night.
lie is
;he 'good boy" who never had
a tine ring put nu his linger. The
follie laughed at Is horny angers.
which were knotted from handling
the plow and wielding the late and
the an. MN feet were never meas-
ured for dancing slippers teeamee his
samlaIN a -ere altretri Nailed, end dirt
bevelled. Ile Waa alwaos working
In Vie fields. The drunkards, the
profligates, the midnight carers.
the libertizies and the aseaelates of
kw el companions are the ones who.
When time reform, have the smiles
arati the deleting parties given to
thein, liot the elder brothers who
lin.ve never clone any wrong."
WO nrxos or FAULTS.
But neither of the brothern IS por-
trayed Qs an example Both were
bail, though in different ways. Wo
easily see the faults of the younger
brother; they were open and scdn-
dalous; but the faults of the older
brother, being decorously covered up
by dutiful conduct. are not so easily
reeogniaed. In cealmating character
Ofl Ood'i; lines we have to ask nat
only what a man has done nut what
be is. Nearness and unbrotherliness
and cruelty in the •heart delete
neinht character us indelibly as
open Iniquity. They make men. as
Christ said, ince "whited sepulchers,
which indeed appear beautiful out-
ward, hut are within full of dead
Melts bones and of all imeleauness."
Therefore 1 place iny chid emplmeis
upon the sinful life of the elder bro-
ther, to show that the so-called re-
speceable slits of self righteousness
ore of ail sibs the most to be dread-
ed and that it is -the duty of the
preacher to wern his hearers against
The elder brother is the modern
Pharisee, who thanks aod that be
; is not as other men. To eomPlaa-
, tently looks upon the drunkard and
the social outcast and the pauper
and says to his h•lends: "Just look
at me. I never. had any more ad-
vantages thou those people have
had. I was of a highstrung, 'Impe-
tuous nature, yet 1 never would let
my evil desires get the better of nse.
I have never been drunk. I have
never ran up a bin I was unable to
pay. 1 never was a frequenter of
the clubs, nor a convivial associate
of midnight carousers. Indeed, to
be frank with you, I have just about
as good opinion. of my Moral attain -
molts as Prince Bismarck had of
his skill in statesnnuiship. When
some one asked the Iron Chancellor
who he thought was the brainiest
statesman in all Europe, Bismarck
replied: 'Modesty forbids any stat-
ing who IS the brainiest, because I
then 1 might have to mention my
own name. But 1 am perfectly will-
iog to state that Denim:Len Disraeli
is without doubt the second eblest
statesman in all Europe.' Other
saints," remarks the pharisaical
elder brother, "may be my equal in
moral attainments, but I am sure
there is no superior in all the world
to any humble self."
WaS It ; the same joy whicle the
Once frantic wife experienced when
Mee recovered the lot piece of silver,
which Was part of her wedding
celerity" is the proper word, and
it is so translated in tb B V„ we
will use it through this lesson
These first three verses might be
summarized ae-Love versus preph-
eaies, tongues, knowledge, faith,
goods, etc., and the whole chapter
The elder brother's cenduct also might be called, Love coatrasted,
show e a lack of faith in his father. analyzed, defended. It in said to
Ile refuses to believe that 'hie Pia the eidy chapter ia ell pitta's epie-
vine loathers love Is poweritil else tiethat does not Mention Jesus in
ough to chaoge a sinner into a one or other ot His titles, but it is
seint. Ieedelity often ietreeches it a, portrait go svonderful that one
mid a half cup of mineed citron, -Add
tide fruit to the batter mid stir in a
quarter teaspoonful each of pows
dered, cinuanma, cloves and nutmeg.
laaNt Of all, beat in a quart of our,
uro into a large mold and steam,
or six hours, then serve,
Puffs. - Ilia; 'together three beaten
•eggs, a. quart of milk, a pinth at
444 And 4 scant quirt of floier.
(This will make thirty -Mx petia)e
Macaroni and Obit:ken Padding. Beat all together man the batter ie
Doi) half a package of marceroni free from lamps. Have the Pull Pane
pulptSome chrch. Mena.. even without the nameThe
Ira reports and a /Erairderer ot your sell in the pew and belied the caullot fell to recoginee the likeness teade34 °ail), :0111
i. u. Loid into eold weter, hissing grease while you greathm
rieeiglibor s reputatiOn. You may be culArCli. awl drain agein, Lay on a biscuit .Ifalf fill with batter, bake for about
one of those keep, cold automatons hers, and same Mintstere af the gas, Jesus combined ell in Himself, the o iiteit ioug, ruiek,eu p, pmt edam a VOW hat oven. The isen Must
board. and 04t ,into piv,e4 p.mout, half fifteen minutes, until a light brown,
vlthout °Ms f.lroP of hanzall kbadneSs Pel, are only theorizing, wieen tn Y p tura is Hi, ,Thri w,„ ,r+ Tri.„, ,,.,,‘
in your heart You may be sis weer- erefese to believe that Jesus Q 'le ' are nothing and Oen de nothing
io-et - ie ." - ---' ---"'• '"'''°"" "'"'''''"' "' Chicken stok with a tablespoonful of i be of inea. Nething elee beide eae,
. , , tin ef. , ). UP - into this a, eupful of (shopped ehieken,,. ly. They -sent swell up three times
flOOr tabbed into one of butter Stir ovall heat to raise the puffs proper-
eiless in your dealings with Mari,. au Pardon sin. Thee' Profess to be (Rom. vii IS- Joh e 5 to i . - -
we are born again and thus become meat. and too cola Ea 4e Ar 001 Lost 11 their original size.
children of God nothing (emits that of an beat in slowly n whi ped egg;
WO door "'n 111A
r f -t - "..hee th -at - are i '"'" '-- vel -O01-0 frothe are, Season 'LC` CLEANI.NG IIOITSE PLANTS.
flesh crainot plea.% Cod" MOM. viii. taste, turnfn lat.° a, greased puddiog
•S). Then after we are born again, clish, sprinkle crumbs over the tap , e Th-Aring winter 1.11°11tbs bcnis0 Plauts
only that which Goe woes Jo us and heike for telt an flour, Send:,trequently beceme unsightly and deli -
w•411 taunt. as we saw in lest week's. around grated eheese with It.
, .
.eate by the accumulate:in of duet ea
issoil. an4 „cod is Love, (I John Lemon meri0g0 vu44. sc it ..i their leaves, .1)0 not try to wesle
_ e mg. --- ca
ii 8, 16). Note the oft repeated I, two cups of milk, to which boy been the du" u4 plants as they "and ill
,1„ I of tbeee verses and contrast Gal., added 0, a ab es000nf e a
geed of jetaag teat. enprincipieie °twist who tootle in me ,,,," oNotO one of soda. Polar hot, wee.'
ul of but- tee wiadOW. but teke them to the
lot:elegem water. With the baud
pintail tht- -- •ai.t, uud., tub and give them a weekly bath hi
Woke Soto the bouse ? He is just II, but the grace of -God wbich was tar over one eUp ,armud bread 1 ovor the top of the pot. dip the
like other drunharde. Ile is Puler withgraphs. Leave until veld. Ileot to-„,".,Plaat• °P °Ind 41°W° 414 flraW sraart""
A DESPICABLE aviurr. repenting for a little while so that 4. -le. Love euffereth Wog and la gather the yolks et two eggs,. ond a "Y through. tbe water. The lorger
The elder brother was that late
raisins; re,ther"a house is Not big en,
kind theft you will riot stop for one lien) that Christ Van traneform the
moment to consider the ged causes seven cleviled Marys into the Idarye
waiell led your friends Into sin or io- who are eviiliog to sit at his feet
finaneial difficulty. And, elder and WqrShip, but these skeptical
brother, if your faults are mean- elder brothers go forth into the
ooze and avarice, though you limy great, wide, sinful world and by
hate oever violated the criminal their practical behavior scatter
code of your state,, you, are at heart their ideal spiritual theories to the
a sinful monster, fma.ncial tyrant; four wind.%
prntt are at heart ge. reercilees celeste.- When the reformed drunkard comes
water. Ood • despises your tame- home, they cry sent ; "What is the
wilted sins Just as much as be dee.
epiees the sine of the predigel in the
far country.
he may' get SOnte Money out. of U$ 1i d • / • - h I, I t quarter eon of addina ilea:. Plants mey be given a sponge bath
„i , ow emeet nee ; oeo „ sugar. ,_ _., --, .
and go forth on another spree. Drive nat. haw. ,s net pooed up, tjutli qUArter Or a grated lemon rind. Skirl 11 thw are too large fax tb° tub
ough to hold two egos._ He feels ttheon_rtetuttsat.t onc_ettrL_et titre g,..elt:‘_ttott,,h,..e.enot italaye itself unseemly. ,seetzetut Into the cooled oreao erombe and i):011.st is Positively injurious to the'
that if his brother is allowed to 147ealluesov youp74.1 wir, 1.7-17 ProveLed. thfulteili no evil, hakt'' for twql1t7 lOinOtcn. ..at tbejaants" a$ W€1.1 as WilsightlY LC) 04
coffee haelt the returning Prodigal diesolute life wields to lead a pure we here in these Nor verses. two et epoenfule of sugar. flavored with tiell
which rightfolly belolleis to him.
will crowd hint out of sOMO room life, instead . of finding the willing which we have quo
Ile says to himeelf; "There is that t b
azariS of forgiveness held out to her was rower adly seen on earth except ,eling is baked spread first a layer of ' ,o. 6 bath at night wonderful
v her elder sisters elm finde older i
° an n a 'What a perfectly beautiful section whiIee of two ages with two teblea-eTee
Christ Jesus. ted. Such love] Juke of the lemon. Whea the Foil TOILET HINTS.
drunken loafer of a boy. lie has the shut doors of a contemptuous re
- - — whites. Return to the oven a Moe
and °ley ca. WA jellY aver the top, and the 'beaten rest te and invigorates tbe whole se'lf
a -
taken his one-half of the property; o o „ le . . e• fl"ls and lives to ns Can it be re". ova and brown. Serve cold with "In.
now be is coming hack to eat up tiller sisters 40 not believe thatte e, tpwtboothrs,eadiwaT:ptaotierita.gnIenIevlaillie:114 .-reone and sugar, " Rub a silk bandkerchier gently but
pert of my half. I knew that fe- rodigal 'woman With a black poet t nem,,,,t woe, eone, ...., (Inceee steadily over the face after washios
give part or uw rightful 1,1141,44mo 1:2n ave.r., itven by .di tripe vpower,
thee 15 NO lOnd-hearted that he will be or look or act unkind, never in any oft*hthtlh'gva"attn'rph""t".""trae10rnugh'e"s: hotnic',4it,
with way jialoue or self welting. never cup of ihimlisu walnut lwrtico nel To remove dondruff, Me alcohol
to thie lazy spendthrift, this 110011 V44°Itg" 11"° a sainted 1 °UM u !ti r a
and vaetor oil, one ounee of oil to
imina as 1 f' - • '. Pr -e( bunch of celery, one head of lettuce;
eonteatifoft of diesolutte cheraetere. tees;e4 n..6 . itlirte. tia a ciret a and i, anent, never tiouemg or eaying fliatreetiolos dressing. This , salmi ,, hdif pint of alcohol. Rub in well
If he has spent his all. then let WM in , teil ialx;:e 1 or ,VY 1. , ,,,_ evil of anyone. rejoicMg only in roost oe prepared tv., the houseoeeper 0 with XX null bruth•
aserves.taVe1.1%110 bas
ju.nsot ler! Vt. lcuemnidne; "el° .1.1n. .° awn.° .ell . 4 t; -"Iv atInilaneesvertrii,iieeeepinladg.floFeeilieeevetaidtrdaltilvriaingysn that a uiraitag
great worm at large ready to _Itir." gaeelay } dIall: a. lack of seceetion of sulphur in the
In Saila', caees grey hair is due to.
, herself. AO it is cluvechel(7. dablenteep" t
beck, to be a vampire upon toy pro, give him foal receive h ea back Intl
w t-1 a , slight it and make a failure of what helu,,ued'eeelelre ethee,,e,PJeu°1 144° u'r
honorabie employment if lie repents? n
pert -y" So the selfieh elder brothers
getter lorel,v to come front earth, the most fastidious geOrMet. The leo oat steam or dry all the
errn fitith in God. It is too alto', might otherwise be o temptation to .'""-- ---' - 'P. --
to let the ua
in enemy of ouIrweladzeozbleterceabeesereeifeueege et'ildle,rnsoi0tlerls.heareehloer huriotttletle.rsagainnus
oil frOnt the lam for ell
them and will not allow than to ho the ex -convicts that many a repent.and 11 "t of earth : It IN n.'helkr only tediome port of the operation is tural
'it is a deteriPtion of 1 skineinn the gropea. Line the diell 51411 'hums twice' a'; tli"d" "4
received as equals in their Father's' ant one has nt w in came down from heaven. i with lettuce leaves; cut the celery int ;, wr.itele:rprtilielastetreealtejeadpitheLaws feet:
deliberately retorned to III l
advent of the poor and outcast ' living in Au Other way.
home, Tbey nem to think that the' ils crimes became he could men a niebo teblie be
lived on earth for to inch lerigtial and inIbt With freits' '''''-' '''--- - th- — ' - es
BMWs their owte ;social extirictien"Tpli FATHER'S VORGIVIONESs. "er thlrillo Years l'eaS at the eeme :ono nuts. aux in the otayonrietsersholeild be prevented by oailo strota.
The other day a, person aeleed Me 1
the bl heaven Malin 111. 18). of and ett in lee' notil eeet before it in iTT I" the i43149* Ql‘ v;i1"° tr? W4*1/4
and their eplritual debazement. . what 1 etimidered the west beano. t ebt s wrfuen. even. Ifo is utt iserve4.. wkeit heap in
the tettliee..,1, nei tithcepitn, the b100 in ace
NV to it
,WThiera . eau f %au tette, ahilablellhlarts; fel wine:ice in the parable, This sure wrinkle preverative.
eget er lovele"(S. of Sol. v. 16). lived guess :fishes. .c• ren o ori wider the akin is the
alma Nor 0 .....,..... .,....... answer : „It is not to bi, a, I.Ove never falleth, but whether I creamed Tomato soup, -. rut aei huunwida
and powdered borax ete
Sawed more conspicuous than in "44 .MY
there lie prophesies they ehall fail ; •cupful oe (eared) tomatoes int° wares water ahould be used free
rien4esol yo4ciirti.ttimedee;ntiftieulavtellanydtuellisol.,Ttfolu,V 1,141,0 waigetrit hartv natitiel the
the good father's dealings i 1 i
w let 4er i :ere be tongues they etiall enueepen with a mail onion temp- 4 ollentie in lemming toilet epouge. A
ma. cm" 7 whether there be knowledge feed dine and cook half an hour after 'eereeme; ebeala nerve be used unksg
Cr Aignisrloufputtbattlit room."4:31,41 airn°'ielit andto 0 aeoledher Li it,.s..intil vanish away, the boll beginsStrain and rob ,
1 ePRlg.id 1:131
.1 GUI the Lord. 1 through a, colander and return tc0 Alter
a on clean.
our clan. Why, it will ruin the; his elder hoY wu•S acting unfillallY Itie 611;4s1 et' witehing It dry In the oir
whole class! You ettn't meet the , and unbrether/Y, the father did not 'edangt, not.' Mal. hi. a). Ile who ' the fire. Season with pepper, ealt„ aud =ohne,
enelotera or millionaires to 0550d-110613 WS patience. Ho did not send „ Silos I. will never 'MVO thee NOT and a tfaSpOOnfiill of white sugar.
ate with Fowling ghee even in te sane a peremptory command to his eideeIlotaate ire*" is the only One who ;Stir in by degrees two tablespoon-'
day school." Where CAR you find te sem to come to Min at once. as he look!. "I have loved the with an ; fuls of butter, cut up and rubbed in. GnOCEAPILY OP III:1Z•1" CUTS,
everlasting love." And He is the to two tablespoonfuls of flour. liave
mere despicable, pharisaical 601.3 had a right to do, but. as a Seio i
than in the missionary life of some' vont, he left the bonquet hell. Ho 16,11141° ,yesterflay, to -day end forever I ready in another eaucepfin a pint of Information About Torras 'Used by
of our large eity churches? There are Went Out Into the daraness of tbe; Mete. hid, 5, 8: Jr. xamt, a). Thtve , boiling milk, in which has been dis-j
many leirge and wealthy cluirebes night and pieced hiOM
s gently 'Will be 110 more need of prophecy, :Solved fi. bit of soda not larger Butellers.
that are supporting missions in then about his ainfill elder sows newt, for every propheey shall have been^ a Pen. Let . the soup sinuner for, Most hotieewives do not under -
fool slums of the city, yet whose as he annwered in ft, pleading, ovum- fulfilled. There shalt be but one:three minutes after butter and flour, Stand tlx terms wed by butchers to
members would not for one instantlug voice, "Son, thou art ever with ianpnege, and oft we uow kuow by go in„ stirring wen and often; pour, deeeribe the various cuts into WhICI
allow the poor to sit in their own tee, and all that I have is thine., the word of God sliall be actually t
omy realived in the kingdom into a tureen, add the boning none , a carcass of beef is divided. There -
pews or kneel at their eommunion 'That is as much as to say ; 'mix well and send to talk'. If milk fore, they do not always I:now what
tables. And, mark you. this phar- boy. ,nay dear boy, I om not teeing! 0„ ie. For we }mow in. part and! and tomatoes are boiled together , they are buying. Here is mime in -
lenient spirit of old Is not only to do you anY Injustice. 1 shttil MA we Prophesy in pa.re, but when that i they win be likely to lone a curdled . formation on the subJect.
The whole beef is split into halves
All that 1 'lave Is yours. trliat I wiikh is in part Omit be done away. "
which is perfect is come, then that'eompound In spite of the eoda.
found anunlg the licit, but also take away_ any or your inberitauce.
among the poor. „ Scallop of Tomatoes. - proin ofC followhig the center of the backbone
TIM TWO SONS. long for is for the love and the •
purity of my childr word of Cod, and there Is to every ' (Salted and '
All that we lenow is found in the • ail the liquid that will come away,„ or vertebral eohmen, from tail to
1 neck. Each lialf contains a hind
i en' I want me' Statement d , ipeppered it can he hept 4 i. , .
The forequarter is then eut from
wo bort to lee always by my side, an ti ut t in suet breadth for a couple of days to be made into:an a "Mueller'
COIrte, my child ; come back to your and length and depth and height tomato sauce for chops, etc). Sprin- '
father's lore. Come back into the" that we shell never while here grasp „Ile the bottom at a buttered pie or the hindiplartereThese are the Pro -
old homestead which 1 have prepared si14, all that there is in one, utter-, pudding dish with dry crumbs, sone sasses of the wholesaler. Tim
tome of tbe Splint. We luny welt' ed and peppered. Cover with a lay- ..reren" and "binds*" as tinW are
The elder brother never longs to
satisfy the divine craviugs of his
father's love. I have no sympathy
with some of the excuses that are
made for that prodigal son. I have
no sympathy with 1,110S0 SOO de-
clare that young men are led astray
into the far .country of sin because
they have generous Impulses tind
abuormal affections and therefore
cannot say eo to the tempter. That
prodigal %VAS an ingrate, every way
you take him. Ile was a selfish,
conteznptible, dissolute rake. No
man is large hearted who will take a
friend to a saloon or open a bottle
of wine rat a club when in order to
do it he makes his nein thildren go
hungry and dress in rags. No gen-
erous hearted young man will go
into the far country of sin and reck-
lessly squander his mOney.,When at
the same time he knows that his old
father is weeping at home, with. his
eyes a fountain of tears ; but,
though that younger son was a set-
lish, .despicable character, the elder
was just as despicable. 'When the
elder brother beard the music which
signaled the parental joy over the
repentant prodigal's return ; when
he saw the eyes of his father glisten -
ng with love and ins cheeks flush -
ng with a holy thankfulness, .be
would have rejoiced for his father's
sake if he ha.d not 'been selfish and
Elder brothers, you have no
ground for pride if the restraint
that has kept you from prodigality
issitself a defect of character. It is
true that you have not gone off as
, a prodigal into a far country. You
have not given a midnight banquet,
and started your young friends on
the path to a drunkard's grave by
• teaching them how to bury their
lips in the red poison of the \vine
cup. You have been too stingy for
that; you may have been so mean
and stingy that that tbere is no
fear that you would drink a glass of
wine or smoke a cigar unless some
one else paid for it. It is not prin-
ciple that saves some men from ,go-
ing to destructien, by the broad
highway of dissoluteness, but pe-
nuriousness. 'They hold on to every
dollar they have. and are too stingy
to spend a cent. _ They keep their
money as long as they can and nev-
er give a cent, to 'a friend unless
they make that friend give them a
first class security and pay full in-
terest. But, my so called respecta-
ble and. upright pharisaical friend,
though you are not a prodigal, you
may be a usurer, an extortioner and
a slanderer. You may he a
roblx:r: of the poor widow's mile
and a /ontemptible tyrant in your
d e al in go with y oor deb ters and your
enithoyee. Yao. may bo o peddler of
would not have tried to, stab the
old man to the heart. Did he not
say in circa : "Yes, we shall drive
that dissolute debanchee back to his
swine trough. Then we can have
the pleasUre of seeing father again
restlessly pacing the floor through
the long, weary hours of the aight."
Did he not want to hear that dear,
old, gentle, forgiving father again
moan over his wayward boy as
David mourned' over his dead son
/1 that elder brother had been the
right kind of a son, he would have
seen. what joy' came into the father's
heart at -the return of his repentant
son. He would have immediately
said : "What difference does money
make if' I can only make father
happy ? Away with the question of
dollars and cents if my brother's re -
tuna, is only a true return." So ev-
ery Christian to -day, if he is the
right I
tind of a Christian, does not
think about a the social condition of
his repentant fellow man. He im-
mediately says, when the publican
bows at the mercy seat : "Oh, tee
look of triumphant love which is
Upon my Divine Father's face. Oh,
the celestial music which. in great
tidal , waves of sound 'is, rolling
through the golden boulevards of
the New Jerusalem. Oh, the angelic
voices in heaven which are every-
where shouting the glad tidings :
'The prodigal has returned to his
Father's house !' " There ought to
be joy on earth as well as joy in
heaven over one sinner that re-
p en tht h. Tb ?re ought to be the
same joy which the good shepherd
felt when he found his sheep that
for you.' " ali, that answer t° me rev concerning all we ha;Ve as
is beautiful 1 That answer is the oet,er at the drained tomatoes; stick coiled, are now retotr for the rat
learned. "Lo, the are but the out -71)118 of better in this and sprinkle WI"'
sreetest, gentlest, most loving and The forequarter is. cut into two
----- ' slcirts of His ways, and how mall'. lightly with eugar. Fill the dish in 1
yet most pleading rebuke ever
spoken by the lips of any of the :vamp 14, ett vh,
a whiSper do we hear of Hinz" (Job , this order. The top layer should be 1 parts -the rack, consisting of a set
of ribs, and the eliuck, or shoulder
characters of the Bible. Tbat is a "The path of the: One crumbs, seasoned and buttered.
, Just is as the shining imitt that i Cover closely and bake half an hour. Yr°11" 131) to and including the
Christ love pleading for you and
for me to come into the Fueher's mew
ehineth more nial mom unto the per- Then brown slightly upon the grat-
'i eighth rib.
The eighth rib cut shows the blade
house and nestle as a lamb In hfeet dove (
is - ' ' iv' 18)' Mg of the oven.
bosom. 11, 12, For now we see through a Baked Tomato Toast. -- Take a , gristle only on o.ne. side: Tee ninth
But, after all, the most impressive
glass darkale, but then face to Mee; pint of tomatoeie with pepper nod . rib is usually mica a clinch roaat,
e ow
now 1 know in pert, but then shall , salt, and cook gently for fifteen mina standing or rolled roasts.
The rack is cut into prime eib,
part of the elder brother's bistory kneven as also I am known.
is the abrupt Way in which the pare odes. Rub through a colander and
the c
When once e glory and anth
light of i return to the are. In Oer sauce; The chuck is a omplicated piece of
able ends. There is no doubt theh
, when cut into kitchen pieces
younger son was forgiven. No doubt : eaven ehthi
e n our souls, the thingse pan heat a cupful of mlik, with a ; meat,
which once occupied and interested i tiny bit of soda. Add two tee -
by the butcher. Its anatomy yields
the repentant prodigal was able to .: the following pieces for cooking:
enjoy the rest and the home plea_ US Scent as the toys of childhood, ; spooneas of butter, cut up in flour,
But an.d we wonder how we could ever; and stir for one minute. l'ut a tea- i Oven and Pot roasts, bonelees chuck
sures of the father's house.
how about that cynical, seit slims_ have wasted our time on them. Yet spoontul of sugar with the tomato:steaks and chuck roasts cut :free of
the, bone and metamorpbosed into top
ell our 1 nol I d ' a.,.+ .....+;..i I Take from the fire and mix with
lower Saratoga toasts. The
boiling milk. Pour at once upon 411
lower cut is the more tender. It has
slices ot crestless bread toasted'
eva...,the eye piece, which somewhat re -
and dipped into boiling salted
:sembles the eye of a porterhouse
ter, then buttered and packed into
fled and complaining elder brother? .
Did he ask forgiveness of his father? be,
doth riot yet appear what we shall
and not till Ire shall appear
Did he go into' the banquet where shall we be like Him (I John iii,
the feast was being celebrated ? I
do not know.1 eannot tell, The
parable ends with the earnest plea
of the father. We must take the rest
as we will. Personally- I have my
cloubtS about thesalvation of that.
elder brother. It is sometimes far
easier for the sinner down he the
slums to come to Christ than for
the rich son living in a juxurious
palace. A London missionary was
one night called up to go to a dying
girl. This wayward child at the
time was living in a dissolute house.
When the missionary entered the
room, he found a sinful sister hold-
ing in her arms the head of the dy-
ing g,irl, and she was saying "..Ien-
nie,it is all right. Put your love
and trust in Jesus. He died for
just such sinful girls as we are.
Jennie, put your faith in Jesus
Christ." Yes, we can all feel that
Christ died for the prodigal son,
but it is awfully hard for some of
the sinful elder brothers and sisters
to feel that it was necessary for
Jesus Christ to die for them and
their sinsMy elder brother in sin,
are you going to stay out of your
Father's house ? Are you going to
refuse to put your faith in Christ
and come into the marriage banquet
of the Lamb 7
FEE. 22.
Text of the I.es s on, I Cor.
Golden Text, 1 Cor.
xiii., 13.
1-3. Though. I , speak with the
tongues of men and of angels, and
have not love, I am become as sound-
ing brass or a tinkling cymbal.
In the next two verses he says
that no manner of testimony or ser-
vice amounts to anything apart
from love. As "love" and not
The question is often asked, Shall
we know each other in h;eaven? Is a pudding dish. Cover and bake 1 .
The Cheek yields still more cuts to
not the answer found here? We do for ten minutes. It is palatable and
the wizard of the cleaver. There are
uot know any one fully here, but, we wholesome.
e soup and stewing pieces, plate,
shall know them fully there, midi Some Things Once Cat. Do With thnavel and brisket pieces for corning,
those whom WO iellOW here we shall 'Canned TonratoeS. - Of these there oven and pot roasts, made by re -
surely know better there. It refers are brands and brands. Some tins moving the flesh from the shoulder
te people as well as to truths. As turn out a superfluity of liquid,
bones, and chuck steaks cUt from the
Peter knew Moses and Elijab with- many unripe lumps and bits of skin cross rib. Tn the above disguises
out an introduction, so I believe it mingled with the pulp. Note the
the word "elmek" loses a4„t of its
shall be.
name and address of the manufactur- aisa,
13. Aed now abideth faith: hope, er and avoid the "peak*" in the fu- v""all cha7leter"
The hindquarter is less complicat-
love, these three, but the greatest of tare. The housewife who took ad- i
ed, but its dissection s interesting
these is love: vantage of the height of the season
to the culinary- economist. This
Faith looks to the great sacrifice and put up her own tomatoes, re-
"- part of the beef carcass is out in
for pardon, love to a risen Christ jecting cores and hard pieces, and
two; the loin of the beef nad the
gives us fellowship with Him in sof- draining off half the juice, will . fare round, consisting of the leg, top and
fering and service, while hope looks best in this score, now that winter
to His coming again. In I 'Mess. i,
3, 9, 10, we see howthey turned to
God from idols, to serve the living
and true God •and to wait for His
Son from heaven, and so we read of
their Work of faith, labor of love
and patience of hope., The love of
God is the greatest thing we ever
heard of, the ,greatest thing over
seen on earth (John. iii, 16; I John,
iii, 16s Rom. v, 8), and yet of all
things the least understood or ap-
preciated. On our part the greatest
thing is fxSith, for "without faith it
is impossible to please God" (Hob.
xi, 6), but love is the foundation of
our faith, as it is written, "We have
known and believed the love which
God hath to us" •(I John iv, 16).
NO DOUBTS anou'r IT,
"How do you know it is rteuma-
tism?" asked his friend. "You
haven't seen a doctor."
"I know what it is all right," re-
plied the victim. "Rheumatism is
one of those things that doesn't
need an introduction."
First Burglar - "I'm sonar for
these folks." Second Burglar --"Oh,
I expect they can stand the dam-
age. First i Burglar - "'Taint
that. Sul. I'm sorry for people with
a cook that makes eich plum pud-
din' as this.".
drives her from fresh vegetables to
'`canned goods:"
Stewed Tomatoes. -- Mince a. quar-
ter of a small onion and put with
the tomatoes over the fire. Cook,
after, the boil is reached, fifteen min-
utes. Add then three tablespoonfuls
of dry, fine crunibs, a tablespoonful
of butter, and salt and pepper to
taste. Stew gently for five minutes
more, stir in a teaspoonful of sugar
and pour ieto a deep dish.
Sweetbread Salad. -- As soon as
the sweetbreads are brought home,
plunge theni into scalding water,
slightly salted, and allow theta to
remain there for ten minutes; then
lay in 'iced water to whiten them.
When entirely. cold cook them for
fifteen min-utes in salted boiling wa-
ter, wipe cat and lay them on the
ice until they are cold and crisp,
when they may "be cot with a sharp
knife into slices or into dice. Line
your salad bowl with lettuce leaves;
lay the sliced sweetbreads upon
them, and cover thickly with may-
onnaise dressing.
Plum Poddiug. - Rub together a
cup of sugar and a half cup of but-
ter. Stir into this a half pound of
chopped and powdered suet, then
beat infive eggs, a half pint of milk
and, a teaspo on fu I of orange ce
Dredge with. ilour a cup each of
stoned raisins and cleaned currants
bottora round, rump and thinks
Now comes a steak rolleall. The
loin' of beef is cut by the butcher in-
to sirloin steaks and roasts, short
round -bone sirloins, flat -
bone steaks, hip -ben° steaks, bone-
less sirloin steaks, porterhouse
steaks and roasts. Then there are a
la mode top round cuts, bottotn
round cuts for pot roasts and corned
beef. The rump goes into steaks and
corning pieces, flank steaks mad roil-
ed pot roasts or corning pieces.
If the housekeeper is mystified by
the shop vernacular it is because she
has not learned the "geography of
the beef cuts," as a Boston culinary
student put it, By not knowing her
alphabet the porehaser is often im-
posed upon and made to pay a high-
er pieta for an artistically arranged
piece of very cheap meat.
Ever since eleubieo fired at hen,
Xing T.eopeld has had recourse to a
grim ore( aution. There had for some
time past been in the royal coach -
houses a steel lined carriage which
could be $1-vii'Lly transformed into a
closed steol compartincnt, and this
coach js now being used whenever
Ile King drives out,. A motor -car
npoil the seine principle n3 a)so said
10 he under const '4c4,='00