HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-2-19, Page 1SIXTEENTH YEAR. 'EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY FEBRUARY 1903, C. H SANDERS, EDITOR. FU COA I Lad Coat wa 1 Lad Coat was 1 Lad Coat wa lack Astrachan Fur or $25. ok Astrachan Fu or $30. ek Astrachan Fur for $32. PLIen's Brown Dog Fur C.,, was $25 for $19. ALL BUR FURS ARE NOW vilEA A Pi D P .,411~11.01..5POKTEr. +•4++. 1,40.N&Y .E.0.1 'Si, • 4.11 We taw ea:elielie.1 le:ate teelfor wnwet411arr4pmalac, De. Air 18%1-e4 EfAttu ot tetereet. Inenfoin DAWNING t linee1t5141,4.etce, Buten -.r-. . . If ONV.Y WAN. ewe _ taw a large erne -eat ef rrivete fondle to Doan en norm And village tuner:lel at low ritteeothitteest, V. W. 011.4143:AN, Earriatct. Main Street Better _ rastsv LITIJOIT al Eftete tual dreatetee eat at Cartes= I s Mee eraernice entialet axe rat ea aceseneel CCrlat2. fit tier49.48en;e4 neat 2 ttrtlk'. Lamb In en eerie ef M.-inkgarin I tht Neah.ritV. Pr &Me. te.iirurc.s etainpravol.in the taanIfp n4 thytty. town& 4.14 Gery; hartIviMel Qui ellitr aimler, teener siallen oven tvirre(1, clam h.a nid0 83 441 . tta d Et CT %i 451*.' f&41 0114).14 pr..sclikr.sptslit44.4 Ettrler. 11. 349119,9440 Cittler. $ale Register. TIlt"R.SPAY, ;MARCH .T.',.-Fornt Awl; nail Imply. mad% tutfittay ROIL 1‘1111111!, e.2. eon. 044 24341.101h Sale at OHO Velixt, 11. Evian. Atte. aictiver. ae, 'Tartlet:. Partitatalna nerattotn to .1 W. 3Innalrig cite to. .1.,t gi riaine tom Moult laze, atter eta, it tee rely te leaved In the bawl. et a elle q -,r. A ,tittisdue the I:M.11E41i paisi01. rf..:11eire oir Pi the unituf,igatiL W. .1. Itneitnis. OUSE FOU SALM -- The undersigned is offering tar sale 1494 (mine dwellinzand prentiscrent An civet, Exeter. bring Ver. 17. The house contains 41 1453:119 aim A brie/t colEar utairrnotit. There is on the pronisrs 41 41414e1 ef c der, n MEV gasp, st.34.1.8 itatea hensr ami a number of rholce trait keel Will Ate sat musatab7e. Apply te Jams Unarm, Ozeter. /1-01'1E AND TIM= LOTS P014 SALE'. 1140 untlersignett Is altering far sale that desirable praperty on corner of Carling and Nelson streets, Exeter, being Lots 01. Sf: and S.8. There 18 on the prendsm: a good brick house containing, nine rooms; aped stable (the knver hale Welt); henhouse and pig pen;ility ?halt trees. 1111.44 41444(4 soft water and other conveniences. Will be sold reasonable -- Apply to CMS. 183.30, Exeter. Special Meeting. rilHE Council of the County of lluron will hold a .1. special meeting in the Town Ilan in Clinton, on March the 4th next, at TO o'cloelrt a.m.: to meet representative men from each mumeipahty in the County, nod conder the question of a good road system in this County. Any other County business may be considered at this meetium 1.1.NE, County °Milt. Bated atOoderich, this 144.43 day otFeb., 1003. .111...A.r iFAILIT FOR SALE. The undersigned is offering for sale Lot 11, South Boundary, Blanslutrd, being 108 acres of choice land, well fenced and drained. There is on the premises two flrst-class bank barns, open shed, frame holm with brick kitchen, codeine. num large rooms, cellar under both; good orchard twa good' wells; 4 ' acres bush -mixed thuber-and other conveniences. Per. featly free from ell noxious Weeds, such as mustard and wild oats. ,Located within one end a half miles from St. Marys. For particulars address W. &ran Brae, . St. Mares - AUCTION SALE House and Lot in the Village of Exeter. Mr. John (4111 has received instructions to sell by Public Auc- tion at the Metropolitan Rotel, Exeter, on Thursday, February 20t4), 1008, at 2 o'clock p.m. sharp, the following valuableprciperty, viz -Lot No. 48, Main street,- Exeter, contfuning one fifth of an scare af land, more or less, being the fermer residenee of Mr. Jatues Darling. The house contains 8110005 and Is conveniently situated, there is also an excellent orchard. Terms of sale: --10 o/o of parch:we price at titne of sale end the balance within 'thirty days. For further particulars apply to ` has cam, • . GEO. A. K. /Tanen. Auctioneer. NOTICE'. Public noticeis hereby given that appliCation will be made to the Legislative Asseinhiy of Ontario at the next session thereof for an Act ,to incorporate The London, Parkhill and Grand Bend Electric Rail- way Company, subject to the consent of the munici- palities affected and subject to all other rights, to construct and operate a system of surface railways, operated by electric or some power other than steam beginning at a point on South, shore of Lake Muron tween the Counties ertlfuron and Lambton, thence ;rough the Township of Stephen in the County of ron, thence through the Townships of McGillivray and West Wiliiaros, the Town of Parkhill and the Townships 04 11148(1 Milhous, Lobo and London to the City of London, in the County of Middlesex and for all other powers necessary for the purpose. A. A. 31Aoravrett, Solicitor for the applicants. Dated at Pal-101in, Feb. 18, 1903. Parkhill, On.t. Sit anIcy ' Air J4oh142 114illte'Y gat WS hlgoi linlattv , ., • , bria.tt a a, hill . vlittivg wo“ifrin Ne. V. , Wilds' Deeli 44 few deye ..ige,---elts W. ,Ite:al leas set 06t Ut 41 fawn re 41,4 42 31e. and llrfe FA Perdne of lIonon (Tr, Nriela. Ili,. al aughter.*Nliete Minnie. who ! ileemiap midi him there, interailk U. maining for a 611011 4911199•.- ittlit: MTh S441-111'94.', WIpt Irtittlititra 440141 Mt', Weet, name tune ago, luei gone 499 _Toronto. 'where he has seenteit it job inetig on 1 the O.T.R. =At the last regular meet- i1ing of the township council, Mr. John Mil was teappointel '1'reatei4'ine -We are plc.:teed to slat that Miss Martha Keys, who has been di int the past mouth, is now convalescing, es is also Mr. John Stephenson. -The infant child of Mr. james Keyes, has been 111 with bronchitis, lett is 4ecover144g.- 11,1r. .P. J. Litton, of the Imam Road, has sold his team to Mr. John BleOre- gar, and has pitrehimed a younger teatin-Little Mary, only daughter of Mr. and :Mrs. Ale. Austin, while play - on her bed, bad the roisfortnne to fall off and break her stmt. -Mo. Beat- ty„ sr., has reeovered from her reeent ilinese.-Mr. Robt. Penhale, who has been 11014/, for a few week% has retutet- ell to mt. Thinnas.-Mr. Untie Rathwell and sister, Miss Maude, who have been visiting friends in this vicinity for the pie.t few weeks.. left Satutility for their home in Ethel. -M is.tietirgiitiliore has rettuned home from Marktiale, " McGillivray Miss Annie Laughlin is recovering from the severe attack of rheumatic fever from which she has been sutler- ing.-Mr. L. Sidlivan IS siniously ill with typhoid fever. His many friends bone b,e will soon recoven-ar. Thos. Shaddock has purchased the farm of Ur. jas. Sutton on the 4441 concession of McGillivray. Mr. Sutton and fann ily intend leaving for Assinabohton or about the 1s4. of Meech. 'Weare sorry to see them leave here but wish them every success in their new home. --Mrs. J. Allison, who has been on the sick list, is convalescing. -At the annual meeting of the McGillivray Mutual Fire Insurance Co., held recently, the following were elected directors for the eurrent year: -J. D. Drummond, M. Millar and W. la Corbett. Smoot. REPORT. -The following is the correct report of S. S. No. 5, Mc- Gillivray, for the month of January: - Sr. IV. -Rose Lightfoot, Leo Coughlin Edward Faultier. Jr.IV.-Pearl Short, Erwin Scott, Nellie Lewis, Janet Ma- guire. Sr. III. -Arnold Coughlin, Alice Wilson and Raymond Coughlin equel, Adeline Coughlin, Adeline Hoffman. Jr, III. -Eddie Tones,' Chester Morley, Clara Lewis. Me -Fred Lewis, Eliza landgins, Aaron .Scott,' Violet Short, May Faultier, Ella. Tlbdgms, Chtestina Hoffman, Willie elagorre. Part II.- Pltilomene Coughlin, Lorne. Sholdice, Ella Hodgson, Alice Lightfoot. L-. John Coughlin, Alex, Hodgins, Delton Lewis. No. on volt, 33 average.atteed- ance 23. L. E. DOWNING, Teacher. ClOUNCITL.-,-COtIrlCil 'met pursuant [0 statute in TOwn Hall, McGillivray, Jan. 12, and subscribed to their qtialificatio end declaration • of office, vizi-Mar- shall •Miller, 'Reeve; Daniel- Dorman, Adam H. Hodgins, • John. McGregor and William Mawson, Councillors. Minutes of last meeting read, approv- ed of and signed. Hodgins -Dorman - that the hereinafter named Municipal offices are acknowledged and ti,ppotnt- ed to the se.veral offices for the present year,: Wm. Fraser Clerk, salary, '$120; Gilbert' Grieve, Alflef380r, $85; James 'Neil, Jr., member of. the Board of Health in room of Seines- Miller, de- ceased; John Fergason; member of the Board of Health for three years; Geo. nindrearsh and Isaac!, Laughlin, audi- tors, eateries each, $10; Geo. Saunders, j4tri16o44, salary, $15; Alex. Stnith, Treas- urer, salary $80.--Okerried. McGregor Dorman =that accounts, amounting in all to $64.30, be passed and orders is- sued in paymen t. -Carried. Mawson Ilocl gin s-th at Co u n cil adj o tie n to meet in the Town Hall, the first Monday in March at one o'clock p. tn.--Carried. Wee. FRASEN, Tp, Clerk. 1Dashwood The revival meetings, whieh have ,, been in progress in the Evangelical chnerla here for some theebare come to &10se. Mach good has been done at the meetings. -Rev. an, Knechtel. P.E., conducted the quarterly meeting be on Snturelny and Sunday, aud Is. his week visiting tlie different feud- ies soliciting aid for the intesion cause n cOnnettion with the ehnrele.-3Ere. ellerinan is in poor bealtb tbese days nd considering her odviineed age makes her recoverv dottlefith-Mies Emma Callers speitt Setnieley and Sunday with friends in Zurieb- Steneiliele OFeeet.-Destier hes %tido invaded ur midst end tahen away another of OU' residents, in the peeson of Ma Ann Cutiie. reliet of the late Attlee Miekintinies. of thfe place. Deceased lust. heen resiolleg with her dettghter. Mrs. Riehersi MeConortine. of ItlYtln She had Iseen well its meal 11140R tiat- inday morning she :tepee and dressed hereelr. but was fcialnd a few momente later by her grateldanghter. her spirit hissing t! -ea its flight. Site !tad at. tined the good ag.o of fit years ;Ind tived by those who came itt contsiet nith her gitS• her Weld. elueerful dis- pesit ion. Mid WAS A, ennsistent member of the Metiaidise elturelt for =toy years. The remains were brosight here ansl conveyed to the Stenshme cente- tees- im enstaley arid leiel !reside thOV 4,01'1104' bIllOtatail, who pIIK.V.Teased her :10 eaeare,. LUC0111 1141.4 lila Pelle ti2 gat .4 few deys 443 sndEMG antilop. t lee u.erts=lleCiratege. llib•rit Al his 1..,'1 41'4 tent 41'41'0 ilttnt.' 1.44 thaN ',49144:14VIP 494 the %ill 4r,e.-Miss .33r. 3. :433.( J Gann ,11111011. 2u, -414'al ---------- 4............- Z414"3' 4'13 feeesee Vine, e I den. curattraelota lees Ilwen ra1.1.za§11,311 4a3434.44.1 fcci, awn 4,4'4•:;11,;chi43 401 i0:?. Joanne.? for 314. Witt. Iteder. Ihddellnin Au1.'.' Stir Mr. jelon Meseta -ell, r. -- Mr. L. R. Set+. of New Raven. Cann., 1 4-10.4triTia .t fewalVtit ta.wat tend 1)I:3111.--1)o14h bus again visited our midst and renioved another of 44d. 4'l"4411'IltO 1414 the 'meson Of Mr. Georee Garbett, who tweed away ori Feb. 411*. at the advanced ags,!+ of $2 ware. Deceased had been in feeble health for,some time and his death was not unexpected. Ile was a man ofster. ling eleiracter and wasimich respected for hia good qualities :ma his death will be keenly felt here as lie WAS A 140041 IWIttlIhOr 4111,1 1415841 friend. The funeral took place frota his late resi. deuce on Monday to St. Joules* cone - ter)** .4i.eetrin4re.-Roy, son of Mr. F. 11. Neihhad the misfortune while shatiog a. few days ago to fall, limiking both bones of his left arm. Ile WAS brought fertile offire of Dr, Orme where the lanizen bones were set. This is the second time this winter that he has had this arm fractured, the last some distance below thnt of the first. At last reports he was doing nicely. =jack the two-year old son of 11'0in* ton Sadlier, bad the misfortune to get his foot severely sealded a few days ago. It appears that the child 'WAS OA a sofa and in getting (dr same put his right ('0(14. 414 a pail of boiling' water with above result. Vniler the care of Ib?. T. Orme is be improving very favorably. Crediton J. „G. STA:WM a ttenatekly Conks g z(aculVi)BOttisAt. solicitor, Xotary„ emcee -wet nem to Lean -Meter Ont. The Misses Ida and Carrie Finkbein- er left for Sebewaing, Mich.,last week, where the' have aceepted situations in Mr. J. C. Liken's store. -A number of our young people gave Mr.and Mrs, Sohn G. Wein a pleasant stirprise par- ty on Fridley evening. A very enjoy- able time was spent by all. -Mrs. Fra- ser Ginter, of St. Jahns, visited old ac. quaintances in the village the past few days:--Sattirday, lett] inst., was St.' Valentine's day. We understand that some of our citizens were unfortunate enough to be remembered. -A tele- phone line is being built from Central - ie to Mt. Carmel. Mr. John R. Essery has placed an instritment in his diven ling. -Division Court was held in the Town Hall, Wednesday. Judge Holt, of Goderich, presided at the Court. The only case was F. G. Clark vs. Jas. Flynn for one-half share in an engine. The snit was settled. by the .defendant, Flynn, paying the $25 and costs. W. MacDittrinid, of Liman, for plaintiff, L. H. Dickson, Exeter, for defendant. - Mr. Toltan, of Walkerton, is relieving Mr. W. S. Chisholm, of the Merchants Bank this week Mr. Chisholm left for Ingersoll on Monday for the. pur- poee of joining the ranks of the bene- dicts.-Mr..A. L. Bertrand is on the sick list. His many -friends: trust he will soon vecover.-Mrand lVfrs.W.A.. Sambrook and family spent Sunday in Centralia, the guests of Mr.. mid Mrs. W. H., Mills. -Messrs. George Mantle aed Henry.F.. Either were in Goderieh Tuesday' on businees,--A reiereeepta- tive of the Olt Corepany, who are oper- ating' the Oil_wells in Chatham, was in the -village last week trying -to get stook -holders in. the • Convene-. 1 Our people are rather timid and .do not care to invest retoney,unless they know, they are safe end sere of their invest- nients.--,The past few days, of cold, weather has made us realize that win- ter is still with us -The revival meet- ings, which have been held in , the Evangelical church the past - motth have come toil close. The meetings were well attended and were of great spiritual benefit to all. Rev. Detuni held & meeting last eVening end will bold anOther to -night. We trust that it Will be well attended. -Mr. John Gaiser left for New Liskeard, New On- , tario, after visiting his brothers.- and sisters here the paSt men th.e-Mr. Jos. Heist returned home Tuesday evening, after a pleasant visit witbreletives 144 Illinois and..Michigan. , • • Farquhar, tlenrY StraffOra who has been visit- ing 'bete, srk tilrfied to his laotne in Michige - -Mies Josie Westlake, who. had rather a .severe attaek et the Mumps. is better. 7e- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kay are now awning their .iittention to their young. delight -en -Ma and Mrke Bo Beavers spent Saturday with f1iend-04 D. Cottle sold a twneyeare44d gelding. sired by Orchard WiROMManit Vifeet for $175. Wbo says raisinggoed homes doesu'e pey? aandebf ye, Mr. Waite% of Exeeer. bas orrived here eutl will Ize ready for business in IA few days. ---31e, Robert fludeori is re- eovehavi gfziotrhget eerbeectsaltiritbitiesbancrechi- deuti:_ entertainment this Tlintreltry eversiog. -31r. Chariee Vatter is about to open unwart....botiv here fee the, peeneee synnteathire with' ham an hoe I kt. Mr. J. V. DM is ithie to he around. of purchaeing term prodnee. Teeewea re4VOIANST., Tbe, 14094441411S were broisgitt again after V4101.' 'sf,.ver? saheb. of fill a supteme need uf the eemoroinity. here Ata Toeeday, iieetenapalnekl L. Mr. I4ct4Ibp,4-1r. Wheeler, one black - /no farmers woo/ much rathersell! Nixon stud his free little ehildren. Thel smith, SPent SUM/3Y htSt itt Mitehell. here than tisne atheir grain, ete,, to funeral. which twit reaee NVednesdnee visiting nis former home.- Miss 3Dir- outside ilitt.104. s woe. lergely alto:Wed. The sympathy ra.Y. 4ik344(Ittle, Ig griddling a month DB4111,-Deatii has cagain bovaded of the r"anunnilY w "frtnttit'tdbetlitttlre :sewilitnteiAtn.e..3J.411447;:::‘,M__3;ie,,,10n„"N-allefk. nu our anitlit ...'1...'1carried. sinesmother * of our residents in the pereon of Mr. o':ntotrtIllisillgiirellii4i5olwr*tlitieftatsvIlitlustit moth.; quite ill with an attadt of toutoPs-- i Miss Lizzie JOhne 11"as not well enough Se' iAlleviWritillaV;;I'Lt.ci1t4117311eIvett lbs°111411"14 h3na. o fi dihIldrebettenn 4-.3 8.tn lift vi.,ition as °minuin et the etoplopl litlas311 as hernesseuake _ %! Watt tilled be 3liss Lena elieers.--Mr. 7411 VW* ebureh Senulay last. The rrieiniK7 Cr's V14,1 ,'':t'1:'.). through illues9, chos.sehrae. otysvired it Beam movan.m., purpos,„ „mug. wv.st ar>,, to govenp ^zed return to the home of 'me. aleItstarat te-ene re.- m print: . • ble mother la a e. Mealiead old was a,t ih-est-Tiel ifrtlaT, leene!:-:1.611,g7if.e-ate° Ire ut:da eth:"ietiMlitss' b4(4..;. 4.2 (.4 stienneetd end eVerlabing nesse-est 1. '1 !, 1-tenItIg4 Itt dintivs on Weilitesday of last weeks tO taegi)•bitS sufferings hut all weeleterre, is 111-14.illill4P; 44 itnv. ouin- to a eevere attack of Inultips. P1'0144 of G" -'11.1'FIFIL ria8 much s'e; here. -Mrs. j. Suaeizere z'fPlerstrig• flWe trust elle may mien ill./ On 419 itr f on'll Clef_ b 4". c444944 14.13° 14114P, zonal two tione tue• log fraenati 4 egain. 9/1 4915 zs419tanee 04114.4 eawn„-ehr. mad Mae, e, hither ereel his eon von he 'keenly felt here. Tine tea seepekte e. few fseeeete duct WIL,404,,Auxt Ifamerall eleee 43,11 Sany,19,e• to Neire evseaiteg. J, u. amt 4114., "ant eettle4G4',Wt ,4 qt4114" toe tent 4" tie 19:sytt ^1^441014 Vet e 4WD' betle it. :a'. etleitt Lentlon errtrialvt4t..i; 0,evel tile!! ism.at11. topit,o4e2a:tiotes..-131,r:k.eatoo4n7,c4itiansntreetteel ela 1,,,44;-.30g14t-iei.learet,aldstw;4.7,f, taleate • a 0 teenthy a4571r ' a, ", 2 . -; • - I. • . „,,4 ,t, -„„ - „,.- „ 4g . • C. 14414; 't.iio'44:3n1":4''.11.-4" faslyiliat'trX.V1U1411:%Taittliitii,;; 417-i ...11111:164?s,1114 anent. preigeete ewe eem 4y;,oefo„,4" %Tr y Llaff We. !ilk" It lacer ,V1 ilEir gin tir.at ‘.. W.. under.; it mei t hat . ern dy Teo every. reenway s. mak; gmali fancily %ill him na 1-44 04; vilet. It 11 Vt t , /I,. ere The titte<egeif the Fiaraueure !mei- town again. We will weleottoe t in ileet la." The, 4411 Pr, 'V': bar. :main tut.e held in Wile le% hen wag wen at- ret -Mies Annie Po lee bee :elan heels e teeth el in the dge`a ee ee„,,Ilder tended. ley Mesere. Ray- ell /Ilan Nanfia• -Me- Wm. MVP liateeespeetisl resideitt, in the pre Ot Tim and 4 1„,;„-pantile:eel Mr. 111 4'l, trti/-449'FP Wm. Trevieloiee. whe levelled and, 14erestarig.-- Mr. deo% Stinsan, of farm Mr. Bieber and foamy eon sear hi8 List on siiiiiday morning. Fob. Ft. Wiliente iweintapenied hy hie eise Move to Allehigaa hi the .51)rtni.n--T1e; about hillf iwt ten WrIeek. at, the ago tete 31ire leaVellie visited eollowing left last week tor t of V 44 41 7 mon' IN,tz days. Ile had their e991154114 Mrs. NV, J. Wilson. re- Misses Sarah and Maim` lieeuillzaiiiit four months. and grade - turning how Moudav.-The Decider and Miss Annie Oeseh. and weeeeteng, Fleets,' quietly away. IJ('' oyster eupper, held on Friday ev.. Aessrs, monno oeseb. JI.. James and He bore 1113 sirknese wath Christian ening Wile even attended. Over three Arthur Ronnie. Joseph -Sehwartzee- patience. Deeinievil was born in Eng - hundred aff.enilited in the hall to Mr. trailer, 308001 (faseho end Jos. Oen- land and came to thin multi y ;data oy the 6019'PlICS 414511 singing. 11% -Mr. man. We weal the young much 811C- years !Igo, lie has licen a resident ack Vineiett.-31r. Robert atINhins cesee-The Munson' institute Ilif!Pting oe this vicinity for the htst four years Sou Qt1t0r1 41164 the executive of the s.. v'. beld in the . Town Ho% bete nu aretwas a grad neighbor,a kind friend. Rit.stouvanulay school, at his home on 'Wednesday. Various Interesting sub. and respecied by ail who knew him. Thursday evening, All report having Sects in Pe,inteveSt tamers ,nn„ Ile leaves to mourn his loss one son, spent an enjoyable time in speeches. farmers- wives were u riscusse„ it. orje brother and a large number of sor- wanes and refreshments -Mr. and eVening meeting was enlivened by rowing niatives and friends. He was Mits. 41. 0/endenning celebrated their musie 1V;18 thoronglaY enioYQa 1)3" a member of the illettiorlist church for woodin wedding Monday eVellitig by all mesedt.-The regular meeting 44. 14144414(4' of years. We mourn our entertaining a miniberot their friends. the W.V.r.r. wits held at tile bottle (Iv loss from the church, but God (loth all Ileremer ItVErealn.--The marriage things well. His remains were laid to ceremony of Mr. A. Mollard, of Dal- rest in the Fairfield cemetery on Toes - moral. Man., to Miss Untie D. Thomp- day at two o'elork, Rer. Mr. Knowles sou, of Corbett, was performed by the conducting the Alumni services. Much Rev. A. Thiltainleate in the 31et1lo11st sympathy le extended to the bereaved church here. on Wednesday,Feb.110. ones in thie their hour of trial. The beide was gowned in white and carried 34 bouquet of white roses. She W;4'( eupported by Miss Mae Wilson, staying with his daughter. is very ill. There WftS no service in St. Andrew's also gowned in white, eareying a bon- -"41inal Mes. Moses lielger 14111re'4! vit on Suedes-, owing to the anni- qua of pink eltrnations and pink 1(t'.1.. Little Orval Thibaudeau petformeil the tuned from Alichige.n, where they eeteary sem-fees being held at theis.. duties of teige, carrying the ring in a have teen visiting friends. They weep green. -31r. James Mustard bad the basket of flowers. The groom was sup- accompanied home by Mr. John Gm- misfortune to lose a valuable horse, one ported by the bride's brother, Mr. W. ger.-elessre. J. Levagood and J. Eng- of his matched team. ;slew days ago. land halve returned to their homes in Lockjaw WAS the cause of ileath.-On Thompson, of Gut4ph. Mrs. ,Yarnes North Dakota. SAE INTELLEGENCE.-Dr• CaenPoelt special sernam to voung men, on the played the wedding march. „ Sunday Rev. Mr. Mellott preached a received the sad intelligence on Wed- subject, "An old' man's advice to a nesday of last week, announcing the death of his only brother, Sir. Dimcan J. Campbell, which occurred at Chico. - go on Tuesday night. The deceased had been ill foe some weeks and his. death WAS not altogether unexpected. His remains were brought here and e- farm, wt.11 have an auction sate of his the funeral took place from the Des effects on Thursday. Mr. Murray has residence on Friday to the Bronson purchased a home in Gorrie, where be line cemetery. The deceased was a urposes moving in a few dayee_Rm • Murdock McKenzie, who has lately re- turned from China, gave an address in St. Andrews church on Monday even- ing. His discourse was a, description of the condition of the people irk China and the great work being done there through missionary effort, 141 Christian- izing the people, Mr. McKenzie is an able and earnest speaker atid his ad- dress was indeed interesting and was listened to by a large audience. NEANLY A Finn. -Mr. Wm. Ivison's fine residence had a narrow escape from destruction a few days ago. When first noticed the fire had gained considerable hodway and it was only by the hardest kind. of work on the part of the large crowd that thet house was saved froeitotal destruction. For- tunately no wind was blowing at the time, or the Consequence might have been much more serious. There was hovvever, a good sepply of water and a large nunaber of willing workers, af- ter two hours' 'of hard work, became the masters of the devouring element, but not before considerable damage was done. Mr. and Mrs. Ivision are indeed thankful to all those svho so willingly assisted them to save their. home. , Mr. W. Clarl. bil8 gOI'M tO LOTA0.4 ERITT 1VEDDING.- The home of Granton Tiarpley wsvilhetifee!.....barehrousseee.ti-IMedr.a Jttliurnuarti,13 oli scene of a pretty and bateresting ever.t. Mr. and Mts.. Geo. Sherritt was the 1Voo4bant, occenied the Puha of the Laed one Which ulways canses a ripple. Methodist eburclt hem on SnudaY-- t or excitement among the fair ones. De. Chas, letikg, son or De. It Lang. We refer to the marriage of his eldest of ibis plave, WITOt A few montbs ago 1 daughter., Ati:89 Lottlei. to mt.., janles left to take up advanced work iti the (Mallard, of Manitoba. Tbe bride was hospitals of Great Britain and the con- , istaree ill a wry enjoy costume nnit tirami, has been sneeesbfni in Ossing preeented achitrroingappearance. She the examinetions to entitle hien to re-' svM he rinuch missed here as she was .0. •ceive the diploma of the rloYal College, general ferorite ‘vith the young people of PhYSEcEgie4;_. I4":14011. The l'aoug ' but her many friends join in wishing medico is likely to bave a successful herself and husband many :reeve of and brilliant career. happinees mad prosperity. The Pres- Dzefele-Tbe sad intclligence lees etas receieed by the bride were indeed received bere a few at 4ITS 4g0 of toe heautlful and is a ijight token of the death of Mesa John Nixon. of Hal/410- respect in 'which she is held by ber to, Mon., formerly of this place. It is . f int only about o year since Mr. Nixon end finely nerved ont West and hie many faleatde in firanton and vicinity dee 1 Winchelsca Mrs. itwer 041 Monday evening. - Mr. Samuel Holtzman left Thursday morning for Chesley.- Mr. G. Holtz - luau has disposed of one of his drivers to a Parkbill gentlemate-Mr. Samuel Mintier. of Elmira, is the guest of Air, Peter 1oeh1en-31r. Henry Wilma, win) is ninety years of age is getting quite feeble. -kr. 11. Deitz, who is ileDS1111 Mrs. Chas. Cook, of Chicago, is the guest of Mrs. IL -Coo1.--31rs. James NOtTiS, ofWinnipeg,.,Mau., is visiting relatives in this section. -David Ross has one to the Northwest. --D1 . Sen lery has returned from Toronto. --Miss Annie Beek has been home from Lon- don during tbe past few days. -Robert Bollard left on Friday for Brandon, Man., to resume work in the G.T.R. roundhouse. -Mrs. and Miss Golthrop, of St. Marys, spent a few days here during tite week, the guest of Mrs. Beek. -A social under the auspices of the Woman's Auxiliary of St. Paul's church was held at the residence of Mrs. B. Kaiser an Wednesday evening last. A. musical and literary program was rendered and those present thor- oughly enjoyed themselves. -Rev. J. Hannon, D. ,D., occupied the Metho- dist pulpit on Sunday, both morning and evening, preaching missionary sermons. -The ladies of the Midsiouary Auxiliary held their tnorithly mission- ary meeting on Wednesday at the home of Mrs.. J. N. Johnston. -Mr. Charles Beeneof Stillwater, Minnesota, pent a• few days witb friends here dur- ing the week. -Mr. and Wes. Duncan Taylor, of the township. of Hay, are spending a month at Clifton Springs, New York state, in the interest of Airs. Taylor's .health. -Mr. Hawkins and sister, who have been visiting their cousies, Mr: and Mrs, John D. Stew- art, here, have retureed to their home in Le Mars, Iowa. -Mrs. (Dr.) Hutton, of Forest, is. Visitin g her daugh tea, Mrs.. O. A. McDonald. • Wentenn.-On Wedn.osday, afternoon the home of Mr. Frank. Marshall, el this town. was, the scene of a pleasant event; when Mrs. David Clark, of this place was . united in marriage to Mr. James Taylor, of Exeter e North: The ceremony was performedby the Rev. Dr, Medd, in the presence of quite a large number of the friends and rela- tives of the contracting parties. The bride was handsomely Attired in a suit Of brown silk, trimmed 'with late and chiffon. After the marriage cere- mony, all sat dowel to a snmptuoos re- past, which,. it is needless to say was much enjoyed. The presents to the bride were n n merons and made a mag- nificent array, which go to show the esteem in ,which she was held.. The happy couple drove the same evening to their home in Exeter North, follow. eel by the good wishes of their many friends and with whom Ve unite in out. Hess,. Sr., acted as mterpreter wishing them all bappirieSe., ,for 144r. Koehler., ' young man in a wicked city." Mr. MallOtt always has something good. to say to bis people and on this occasion was of more than ordinary interest. - Mr. Robert, Murray, of Tuckerstnith, whd some months ugo disposed of bis printer by trade and was holding a luc- rative position on the "Musical Lead- er" of Chicago for several yearsprior to his illness, which culminated in his death. Mr. Campbell WaS 31 years of age, DIVISION COMM -The settlings of the Diyision Court on Monday, Feb. 9,drew a lerge crowd to the Town Hall and several interesting cases were heard and disposed of hy His Honor, Judge Holt. The first case was one en- tered by:Andrew Buchanan, of Tuck- erstnith, against George McEwen and Owen Geiger, of Ilensall. The action was for 8100 damages 'claimed by the plaintiff for alleged neglect of defend- ants to pall a 15 -acre field of flax. The defendants held that no agreement had been made to puff the flax, and that it WitS through the plaintiff's neglect that the flax was not delivered to the flax mill at Hensel]. The Judge dismissed the plaintiff's action with costs and lowed a set-off against him for $30.20 for seed and sowing the flax by defend- ants. F. W. Gladman for plaintiff, and J. G. Stanbury for defendants. The second case was an actionentered by Henry Koehler, Sr., againit his son-in- law, Jacob Brown, on an account of about $50s Brown Setup a contra ac- count against Koehler for $68. After a. very lengthy examination of the principals and a large number of wit- nesses, judgment ,was given for the plaintiff for $24 without costs and the counter claint of defendent was dis- missed without costs, The anionnt al- lowed to plaintiff was for'the price of the mower bought by defendant at plantiff's sale last fall and this was the cause of the action, as Brown had re- moved the mower from Koehler's ftirrn without, settling for it; contrary to the conditions of the sale. L. 11, Dickson for plantiff, 3. G. Stanhury for defend - aut. The sittings of the court lasted from 10.30 a.m. to 7.30 pan. with only one intermission of balf an hour for noon, being the longest held here for a long time. The interest of the audi- ence, hoWeverew as maintained through BI109111S. , DENNIS.--In Zurich, on Feb. 6, to Mr. and Mrs. 7. B. Dennis, a, son. Ks -In Farquhar, oh Feb. 12, to Mr, ; and Mrs. Wm. Kay, a daughter. MARRIAGES, --- TA.YLOIt--ULABIC Hensel', on Feb. 11th, by the Rev. Dr. Medd, Mr. Jas. " Taylor, of Exeter, to Mrs. David Clark, of Hensall. WRIGHT-Honer-At the Manse, Exe- ter, on Feb:nary 18113, by the Rev. W. M. Martin, 13. D., Mr. .Tarn es Wright, of Point Edward, to Miss Barbara Horn, of Exeter. ' Coughs, colds, hoarseness, and other throat ailments are quickly relieved by Cresolene tablets, ten cents poi' boa. All dt umsfs