HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-2-12, Page 88.61
'lois Month in
•A large assortment! to
select from..
W.. W. 1\OEAN
Merchant Tailor, Exeter,
New Law Firm.
Badly* Cut. --Ladies' Fur Caper- A partnership has been formed be-
. nae., Fences cut Almost in two, Seel avec n l:, XIP', Gladmatn and J. Q Stn-
tbexu, Stewart's.
Mass Reginald B. Samuel will be at
borne on Thursday and. Friday, Feb.
19th and 20th, at her home on Williatu.
Dr, Ovens, of London, surgeon,, Den
list :and specialist, diseases eye, ear,
nose and throat, will he at the Com-
inertial Hotel, Exeter, Wednesday,
March 4th; Wednesday, April lst;
Wed„ May 6th; Wed. June 3rd, 1903.,
Glasses properly fitted. Next visit
N will be Wed., iltaxxvh 4th,
Warren Hunter, son. of Mr. John.
iHunter, Usborne,who bas been threat-
coed With serious trouble by a dilated,
4 1 or varicose vein In one of his leg,, un-
derwent an operation on Friday last
for its removal. The operation was
successfully performed by Dr. Rollins,
and the patient is now doing nicely,
:firs, James Wilson, of the London
Road, South, has purchased Mr, Sam -
lel Madge's one.hundred acre farm in
the township of Usborne, being lot 18,
in the 6th concession. The price paid.
was $6500, This is considered one of
the best farms in the township, Mrs.
Wilson is now offering her 25 acres
south of here for sale.
NOW. Year
-i�sITH A- .......
1'r TB
bury, barristers, of this place. The
name of the new firm will be 'Vied -
roan & Stunbairy" and they will oc-
cupy the offices over O'1=eils bank ;at
present occupied by Mr, Stanbury,
Mr, Madman bas for over Rye yeaas
practiced law in Exeter. cowing here
in the fail. of 1897 as partner of the
late B, V, Elliott•, Ma Stanbitry suc-
ceeded the late R. IL Collins and dur-
ing the four years he has been here
he has succeeded an establishing a
splendid business, Both partners Are
now well known a the community
and as they are linen of integrity and
good ability the success of the new
trip is already assured.
main of Ars. Rester -Steele.
One after another our oldest resi-
dents are being called to answer the
l=ast sad summons—death, This week
we record the demise of Mary, belov-
ed wife of William E:asterbrook, who
passed to her reward on Monday Last,
at the great age of Sl year's, 3 months.
and `3 days, Mfrs, E•asterbrook h:ad
enjoyed her trioti health and faculties Mr, W,AV Tantan spent Sunday and
rap to three weeks prier to tree death, Monday at his benne its Blyth,
when she was taken mows, with ton Mrs. WVru, Bunt, of Owen Strand, is
attack of gri pe roue which, coupled visiting friends in and around town,
of ol
with the infirmities d age, her miss Bonthron, of Hensall, is the
May Parker'e . Picl aaninnaes corntita„
'health gave way andsbe gradually sank guest of her aunt, Airs. R. 13- Collins.
e'until the vital cord was swapped and Miss Verd•a Levitt left Saturday for
direct from Grand Opeas, Landon, to .tliitatst imperreptebly shep:nssedawaay I,otdon, w'here the will rttitaiu some
Exeter, only giving tlwee entertain- : The deemed wags as n ttese of Devon" tinge,
melts in Canada, one of which will be shirt, Eng„ but cisme to this coatntt y ,
given Sittnrday, Feb, '21,1!103, in Gid mime, years ago. settlingin inenoesie =!1i.'Raoul Runt spent ;a fes';* daays.
ley's Opera Home, and is said to be by: l township, where she continued to re- , with his parents in town during the
press and pnbhe one of the best conn- side up to ;thet t three ye imago when week.
patties on the road. Plan of hell open
at lir, Lutz's drag;,; store, Wednesday,
Feb. 18th, Tickets'2;ac., 35a. We.
Very Low.—A lot of stock taking,
bargains. Men's Tweed and serge;
suits, $4.25 regular value $6.50 to
$3.50. Men'stine lace and gaiter
shoes $1,25, regular valne $2.25 to
$3.00. Ladies' flue shoes, buttoned.
kind laced, small sizes, $L00, regular
valise $1,75 to $2s75, Stewart's,
Mr. Geo, Blattebford, of Beth, is vis-
iting in town,
Ma, Warren Ross left Monday to
visit friends in Clinton,
Mr: Artiner Kemp, of C ttaawaa, is vis-
iting at his home here.
Miss. Clara, Cndaatore is visiting rela-
tives and friends in Kippen,
Miss Mzuitning, of Parkhill, Is the
guest of Hiss Cora, Moaning,
Mr. D. Crittenden. of Blyth, spent
Sunday" with friends in town.
t. o a very band -
r.' • ver e g
lea ern le f
some calendar from the Citieango.S; A1-
ton Railway Co. It is in for pests or
corals on which is a calendar for tlxree.
months of the year, together with as
striking pietom of a ver,} pretty young
withsword lady in fencing , attire, s rd in
hand and a very bewitebing sande,
Copies can be load at 25 cents each
She :trod her husband removed to town Dr. Silk, of London, spent Sunday
to end their clays, Besides a hnstiand et the horde of Mar, tend Alm Robert
and one sister, (Mrs, H. Blarris) she 'liens.
leaves to nnouru her a1emise, two Ma Jeffery, of Toronto, spent a few
sons ono three daaug liters. per re. clays in town est week, she guest cif
mains were conveyed by train to But- men Jahns, t
lirgtona Tottenday nnoirn1n and weeraa Little hero, daughter o€ Mr. andAli
there interred yesterdaty (A 'ednesday,l : elm manta Street, who Inaen s bemitis d '" "
lowing" recovering,
We gay the highest mar-
e forRed
ket price o, 1
Alsike and Timothy Seed;
also ffuugalian aud 1'dillet
t HAWKINS 84 Son„
The home of Mr. and Mus Elijah Mrs- ea.. E. Bennett and daughter.
Joey, of the" 2nd con„ of Stephen, was Greta, of London, nave visiting friends
the scene of a very pretty- wedding on and relatives iu town,
bein the anti r iaare caf their dFanghter, Ma Wim, (`retc), aiftar at two tveel:s
to "s i. ', a .t
, at it tvrth l s sog. ':tra.h 1i i n Gael rt-
e it as
c'tdai.l',, to ,Tatilge;i F. Russell, a€ Exeter., ;
Write the R. Fontes Coe Limited, ' The bride entered. the parlor on the • turned donne on w aatonia i'.
Hespeler, Chat„ for p. tlesd n's of work arm of her brother, gowned in atI bean- :Air; John, T, W esteott, accom ganied
-n their louden manaafaaet u ng and tifatl b;alered skirt, fame silk waist with the genuains el his taunt, Mtn. Lerster,.
front Geo. J. Charlton, Oen, Passen- 1� ednesday of lest
wt ei., the oiccaston ,
i ger agent, Chicago, Ili.
of cana
knitting cerin. J e1hbk Arras wages white Fail: sacrad pearl trimmings. The broon, t,o Baaa•lingttgn, Tager day.
car Tp . eve week, goat p:ty* niee woad:, eera•enony tvaaaa ,. Performed say the* ' Miss Alice Petty, of Uensatll, return-
Steanly entployenent for sa mother. of bride's undo. the Rev. M r. Nestle, of eel Tuesday morangN, rafters' as feat doyen
famines at once; bays and ;Oros, four- Stanton. at 12 u'elotik noun, in the pre- pleasant visit, With Mrs. A. P. Smith.
) ';f .x DOINGS. S, 'Boar} ratites for hands de.snag board.
The ?hisses Johns and ibis' on gave
delightful siettIng party on Tuesclagy
ning, after t 'I:ieh they all partoirrk.
t dainty Inneheotn atthe borne of
the forma% William street. Amongst
those from a distance were. Miss
Champion and hiss Amy Johns, Alum
College, St. Thomas; Ike', Hutton,
Granton; Dr. Arnie, Centralia, Mr.
John Croaks, Clinton; Messrs. Lennon
and Pickru•ti. Seaman
"At the borne of the bride's brother,
Mr. P. Hamlett, this morning, .Feb. 4,
at eleven o'clock, Miss Mary, (Dolly)
only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Bowden, Exeter, was united in mar -
liege to Reginald Brasses- Samuel, of
Exeter, son of the late Rev. John Sam-
uel, iieythrop, Oxfordshire. England.
Mr. Samuel is as member of the Mot
sons Bank staff at Exeter, ,and waas at
one time attached to the Bank here.
The young couple have the best wish-
es of the many 1Yrdgetown friends for
their fame happiness.--Ridgetawn
tetra Feints and over. ;also young wo- bi nee of about to€44 invited gaaa',ste.
1 nevi nen 11"iDlasa3till c,aantiaaaaes yan4t,
lowwale` a seems better times
1! and while h r tan a tt r at
there is but slight hope of his recov,
cry-. ..
Mr. Ernest M. Hill, of Port Huron.
;Mich., is visiting" his aunt, Mrs. Brew-
er, and sister, Miss Della hall. Malley
men. (hated prilateaaca.olaaamodataonnt
Tate tintba'-, of hr.idestncaad and worms-
= were diepe•n-t d with, The c "ie-
anony* over and tinea menial coingratailat-
tions e'stended the b:appy couple call
sat down to a magnificent spread to
which :all dill arttple justice. The
bridal presents formed a very pretty
array, comprising articles of use and
vitiate. The newly anaarried_pair left1, Mrs, joint Cookson, of Stephen, haat:
by the evening trsein for Hamilton taken a turn for the worse again and
Avhwa'tr they spent their honeymoon. jl but little hope is entertained fan her
Returning home llfonciaay evening sa
reception was held at their Nair
hone on Andrew street. where a. large
number of friends bad gathered to
welcome them. Mr. and Mrs. Russell
have the well wishes of their many'
friends for their future happiness,
math ot etr, B. irrattins.
There passed i away;at the•tantily re-
sidence. on the 2nd concession of Us -
borne, on '.['htu,•sda + last, one of then
oldest residents of that township and
a former highly esteemed resident of
Exeter, in the person of Mr.. Benjamin
L Biggins, at the age of 'i2years, 4
months and 7 days. Mr. Iliggins bad
been ailing for the past nine weeks
from influenza and other complica-
tions from which he suffered consider-
ably. .At times he seemed to revive
and give promise of being restored to
health again but it was willed other-
wise and he passed away. Deceased
was born near Belfast, Ireland, and
came to this country about forty five
years ago. le was a sawyer b tri
and for many years had charge of the
sew mill owned by Mr.James Pickard,
on Huron street. After thirty-six
years residence here he purchased a
farm in Usborne where he continued
to liven to the time of his death.
He Was a man of retiring disposition,
never aspiring to public office, but was
a main noted for his strict integrity
and honesty. Both asasawyer and
farmer he had few equals, acquiring
a valuable estate by his skillAnd dint
of industry at both callings. Besides
a sorrowing wife he is survived by
four sons and one daughter, all of
whom are at home and whom have
the sympathy of a large circle of
The're NM—l'l:iiel laastre
shirt waists. Nen shaalcs,new sty
Only 250. the yard. Stewart's,
All gents are not gentlemen.
Hard wands often elute easiest.
Sgbs often overshadow many scar -
Tenth is utigbty--inconvenient in zt
horse trade.
A brilliant man does not always
shine in society.
Fool friends ruin more men than
.sworn enetuies do.
A clandestine episode is generally as
bad as it is a secret.
Common sense is not always possess-
ed by common people.
Some men who don't say much keep
tip a terrible thinking,
a burden but his sore
It is not mans co
life disposition that makes if a
Messrs. 'landlord & Elliott shipped
a 'carload time horses to Winnipeg
Some people never cast their bread
upon the waters until it becomes too
stale for use.
The women are called the weaker
sex because the men ycan humbug
them so easily.
Mr. M. Vincent will sing at an en-
tertainment at Greenway, to -morrow
( Friday) night.
If there are any fish that make good.
brain food it must be the kind that
travel in schools.
People's memory is generally very
short in regard to the favors other
people do for them.
Rev. Quanze will preach in the James
street church, both morning and even-
ing on Sunday next.
Don't fail to hearMayParker'sPick-
aninnies, Saturday, Feb. 21st, 1903, in
Gidley's Opera House, Exeter.
Mr. Hy. Gould, of town, has accept-
ed a position as carpenter with. Messrs.
Reynold & Ingram, of Hensel).
The Exeter Hockey team have ac-
cepted an invitation to play a friendly
game with the Ailsa Graig team in
that place on Friday night.
Mrs. Geo. Thomas very pleasantly
entertained a number of.young people
at her home last evening, (Wed.) in
honor of her niece, Miss Viney Pear-
son, of London, who, with her mother,
is visiting relatives and friends here.
Doti Sweet, while on professional
duty Monday last, sustained a severe
kick in the leg from a horse which he
was endeavoring to throw. The Dr.
is quite lame and can only hobble
around by the aid of a stick.
Mr. Chas. Coates, a former Exeter
young man, who has been conducting
a hardware store in Pontiac, Mich., has
disposed of his business in that place
and has decided to move West, and
follow up the same line of business.
Mr. Wm. Kerslake, Huron street,
met with a painful accident on Mon-
day last by stepping on a nail, the
sharp point of which penetrated his
foot at considerable length. Ile is
now obliged to move around by the
aid of a crutch.'
Mrs. Pratt Fisher, Huron street, un-
fortunately Y sustained a painfulul injury
on Saturday, last. She had stepped
upon it box and in some manner lost
her balance and fell to the floor. In
the fall three."of her ribs were broken
and she was 'otherwise painfully in-
meeting The tea,at the Stone
Rod on
chayrch,' ThamesRoad, , Monday
veninR- was a decided success. The
i'People` of the various'' churches here
were wellthere ,. represented, th re bein g,
some eight sleigh loads from Exeter
besides a great many cutters. All en-
joyed themselves immensely,
Mr. Gen. Easterbrook is at present
confined to his bed the resnit of au ac-
cident. About two weeks also Mr.
Easterbrook fell and injured his nose
quite severely. The injured member
was dressed and other than being pain-
ful it was thought to be doing all right.
A few days later hisnose commenced
bleeding and keeping up an incessant
flow for some time, his life was threat-
ened. A doctor was called and it was
only with great difficulty it was stop-
ped, but not until severalquarts o
blood had been sled. He has since
been in a very weak and critical condi-
tion and it is yet feared the result may
prove fatal.
'(• 12i
5b for a
n'sgood 'Austr
ian l
tanibon fir coat.The hest thing
for the ;season.:• Just about half tag
Ulna value ;Stewarts. ,
Are yon paying too much for your
groceries? Some people are. If you
want to be on the ground floor, buy
your groceries at Stewart's.
Wood Wanted.
A quantity of good, green, hard and
soft wood wanted. Apply at this of-
Mra Jas, Iiarvey-, win haus been fait]
off duty as hostler at the Mansion
1u)USe, is again at his post with re-
Mr, and Mrs.1Vea.J. Bissett and Mn
Rich.1,Velsh, of Ealimazoo, Mich., af-
ter a pleasant visit in Listowel,return-
ed hove Tuesday.
Miss Duncan shad Miss Hall, who
have been the guests of Mrs. (Dr.)
Amos, returned to their homes at
I3rantfor•idTnesslay morning.
Ma Uri Cunningham returned Sate
urday+ mornin • from a visit to his
brother iu. Chicago. He also spent
Sunday last with rt
ods in Blyth.
Fred Sitndera has resumed his duties
as teacher in S.S. No.3, Stephen, after
being confined to the house through
illness for a few days during the past
liiis.Thos. Prior received word Mon-
day of the serious illness of her Ai daugh-
ter, -ter, Goran, who is visiting in heatley,
Mrs. Prior Left on the evening train
for that place.
Mr. John Southcott, who has been
visiting here during the past week,
returned to Grand Bend. Mr. Sonth-
cott is preparing for the summer, hav-
ing during the past few months made
sixteen boats.
Mrs, E. Sanders and son, Eddie, of
Guelph, spent a few days in town dur-
ing the week, the guest of Mrs. Thos.
Snell. She leaves this morning (Thurs-
day) for London, where she will make
her future home.
Mrs. James Ching, who has been vis-
iting friends in and arannd Exeter for
friends. His remains were laid to some time, has gone on a visit to rela-
tives and friends in London and St.
Thomas, prior to returning to her
home in Morden, Man.
rest in the Exeter cemetery on Satur-
Engine and Boiler for Sale. day, the funeral being largely attend -
A. second hand, 2n horse power, en- ed.
gine and boiler; in first-class working
order. Will be sold very cheap. Ap-
ply at ADvoC..TE office.
Card of Thanks.
Mrs. B. Higgins desires to express
her thanks for the many and sincere
marks of sympathy and kindness which
have been extended during her hus-
band's recent illness and subsequent
death by the friends and neighbors.
Dog Lost
Since the beginning of January, a
white, black and tan beagle, last seen
between Sexsmith and Hensall. Any
one bringing same. to N. D. Hurdon,
the Molsons Bank, or James Beer, Ex-
eter, will receive suitable reward. No
one to harbor said dog after this no-
tice or they will be prosecuted.
Dancing Academy:
J. W. Watson is prepared to give
private dancing lessons any hour at
the Academy. Gentlemen's class,
Monday evening at 8 .o clock;. ladies'
class Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock;
children's class, Saturday afternoon a
2.30. Come and learn the :up-to-date
dances, thrre-step and Floradora..
Lecture. -
Rev. Clark, v W. J. dla k, the Eminent ` Di-
vine, of the First Presbyterian church,
London, will lecture in the Caven Pres-
byterian church on the "Essentials of
Life," Friday evening, Feb. 13th, at 8
o'clock. Mr. Clark requires no recom-
mendation to the public as he occupies
a most prominent position in the Pres-
byterian church in ';Canada, and ;will
ive the citizens of this vicinity a most
instructive, entertaining and valuable,
address.' The lecture will be given in`
the body .of the church.Admission
l0c and 15c:;;:
A Snap.—Ladies': are wool serge
dress skirts, blackor navy,lined
throughout; faced withvelvet.velvet. Reg-
e -ular value, $3 and $4, clearing at
51.50, Stewart's.
Mr. E. C.Eessel,who has had charge
of the Sutherland -Innes works here
for some years, moved pn Wednesday
with his family to St. Thomas. During
their stay in town they have mad
many warm friends who will learn
with regret of their departure.
Council; Proceedings.
Council met pursuant to adjourn-
djournment at the Town Hall, February 6th,
at 8 o'clock p.m. All present. Minutes
of previous meeting read and confirmed
Cobbledick--Ilawkins—that Councillor:
Manning and street commissioner and
Sam, Baskerville be appointed to meas J. C. Hogarth returned Saturday
are street to ascertain the quantity of from a four weeks' visit to his old hon)
stone used and report .atnext meeting in Exeter, Ont. Mr. Hogarth enjoye
of Council.—Carried. Gillespie—Man- his holidays very much. Naturally he
ning--that the Auditors'report,as pre- found many changes had taken plat
sented, be adopted and filed.—Carried. in his old home, during his absence o
Hawkins-Manning—that the Auditors nearly a quarter of a century, but h
be paid the sum of $10 each for their found many old friends to welcom
services.—Carried. Cobbledick--Gilles- him. He says some of the Exeter peo
pie—that the village Treasurer be ap- ple talk of -coming .to Manitoba."
pointed Treasurer of the Library Board Crystal City Courier.
and that he be notified accordingly.
Cobbledick—Manning—that the sum
of $200 be granted to the Cemetery'
hoard. Carried. Cobbledick--Man- IVe would like to ask through th
ning—that the following `accounts be columns of your paper, if there i
passed and orders drawn do Treasurer any person who has used Green's Aug
for same: -C. B. Snell, electric light to dist Flower for the cure of Indigestion
Feb. lst, $94.60; Exeter ADVOCATE,' Dyspepsia, and Liver troubles the,
Assessment and Collector's Rolls, $4.80; b s not been cured—we also: mea
John Herr, tile, 52.40; W. C: Huston, their results, such as sour stomache
bell rope, 31; Wm. Weekes, salary as fernsentatiou of fond, habitual costive.
auditor, $10; Chas. Snell, ,sr., do., $10; mess, nervous dyspepsia, headaches
W. J. Bissett, salary to January ;28th, despondent feeling, sleeplessness—i
G.C more snowfowl $7.68; any 'trouble connected with th
nfact n
plowing -,Y
S. Handford, do.,$8.65; Rd. Quince, stomache or liver? This medicine hat
labor, 63c.;. Thos. Welsh, do., 63c.; L. been sold for many years in all civiliz
li'ard y, ,. wood,2
$21.37. ---Carried. Gilles- `,ed countries, and we wish to corms
pie—Manning—that owing to. the';mis-, pond with yornand send yon one o
fortune of Wm. Jones, in Iosing his our books free of cost. If you neve
eyesight that his taxes,. amounaing to tried August Flower, try one bottl
$5.70, be refunded.—Carried. The clerk first. We have never known of it
having written the m>nici palities of failing.. If so, something more serion
broderieb,: Seaforth, Olinton • Sarnia, is the matterwith Yon. Ask your old
Mitchell and Rtd ,etown :akin for n est•druggist.
g ,, gagg
formation asto the
success o . car- arzz
of soid,by C. L
few bellim:tho'se places, the replies' be-
ing ver.. unsatisfactory, it moved g Y was mo d ;: , '' •
c A case of small ox has de elo ed a
by Jos. Cobbledick, seconded by;.!John P • v p •
Gillespie. that the motion passed• at a• Hespeler.
former meeting of this council be, re- The twent -two-months-old'_ clan
einded.—Carriedofand MrsHerbs
Hawkin � 1 ter Mr.Wrll am
s Gil es e , t
—that CouncladJouin to Friday,Feb. id 1 march, fell into r,
pail of f s
20th, at 7.30 p.m.—Carried, ingwater Tuesday and died ,at nigh
G. H.-BissBTT, Clerk; ' from :the, effects of the ;burns'.
OL _
Bret!: week brings etIit
tbsau wintery Care, eve staving loco
T.'tBM,lir', Fara, bra ta,a'k
I RNSN Table f.anens, Cltoatee
desagaas, t5'stri.•waaated all put ae fittest
Y9aa t tat 7,R in. Entre, value?.
TABLE Poll bleached ll pure'ti
NAPKINS, Linen Da ntrask Table
Napkins. New desiag��+"'als,T S as S toSheefirrad.
3- ',�' 1 4 in size. Always rtt stock.
FANCY Odd pieces 13aaatcv lilt' :
I.1PTENS. ens, eonsistnagaat Irish
I.tnen hemstitched and drawn, many*
aand eatingcloths. Scrarfs.ete.
TOWELS pucka banck Damask
and ereepe towels fringed ends ami
colored borders, A choice last to
ciigaose from.
TOW,* Rotller tnw441ng, Ir^San
LINOS. Scotchanatkes,fineeve?n
weave, node from purr flax, 15 to
113 in, wide, A good assortment.
R at thlit with more
ans much tnor the actual'
t:C?l i;Ns 1'IYNLo 'nn . NW
gaol vd . Of Bleaelwed costa-
M liD I lGSNlser Pillow Cotton. SOPfiat
9aaai'aha tare enoth,fa°,z�a' f'a'a`aanoressita
to 4t in, wide. Regular 11*.. t
Itz, per pd. fps* r26.N
Soft fiaairh,full bleached Oft aaltee
ii5 , widen Milt*, dextra, heavy t' til
l easel ^ds'hectiaa • wide width; un.
l rc la,
1P* a�c civil iglus shoot twill, ow.
heaavy^, wide width.
ya' HITE Elol Gant white saateo'n
SpRBAl1S, mat t Bed •Spreads,
English nutunfatctnro, assorted an'
OW designs all 114 Or frill alaubie'
iced size. Every spread guarantee(
perfects in weave and finish.
n ,
LOT I�'NEETS I..A 7111 LETTES I3f�.a"A
A AIiAlC7E OF ,,
forCelebrated .Saud ford Retails Made Clothing.
Ileatdoluaxrters the C'eR]osbrrite 1 W. B. s
Furniture of all kinds and at prices to
are'�' enough to
11 who wise enough in-
spectd .
our stock, before buying else-
where. We carry the stock and we
make the prices right.
W. 0. HUSTON,Opera Block. Practical Embalmer.
H 0 TV
Was • He Dressed ?
You hear this asked of some
persons every day, and the
answers depend on the kind
or clothes they wear.
How care You/Dressed?
r e_
- Having decided to give up the
Business and put ali my time at
Harness, I will sell all my stock of
hw is your timeto .secure
Reduced To $1.75.
Mens Felt Boots, - regular $2
.25efor- 1.75. Other goods inproportion.
S ..r E
H. � T
When you want to be well
dressed come and have a
suit made to order. All
new goods consisting of
. Suitin s Pai<2tins
OvercoatinIs, Etc
Exeter Office
e tar M. r . Ed. .Foster ,..s, u ceeded
capturing four large skunks a few
ss'aando, thEd.
hsea hsadthe alwtoerea bbi atfitleel-
they beingverystrong—more ways
than one.
1Vhighamn On Tuesday evening as
Jesse Smith a roY'nin ,nt.. hardware
merchant,of this .town" as Din .fella
home after closing his . store for the
day,: he slipped on the ice and fractur-
skull. <:
ed his sk 1 . .� .. , ::
y Mr. hr
afoxth: :On Saturday
Smith.Jr., wagon -maker, slipped or
tahtetihcee awndrifsat.l—linAR, fbreaic hutsedithliest1ra�
.J' o
youngest son of Mr. S. Hnim s, fell i
the sidewalk on Saturday evening
fracturing bis axtr.-A few days ag
a little.(laughter of Mrs, L. Woodley
i,nd fraettired het leg.—Miss Ti flit
h K
Smith while on Main -street on Satur
day;; evening, slipped and dislocates
arm at' the elbow.