HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-2-12, Page 6,
The Go d Christl n Physkian Today Om of the
Most Moored of AU Men,
0-Ittstered accordEng to Act et tee 1eer-1 Zeno molter ) w briJiant an ma-
nement of valeta:- tie the veer one nr'n • 1 d Christ-
l'iaoueauti Nine liundred anti Taree, e elector may
leY ono 13an.Y. of Woroeto. at tee !iim man or 'Wanton Cate aftord or has
4vpartinant $44 agricaiture. ottawao •,; any right to empleay him ax epanily
1.7411sysiciert. I once beerd of a ree
A despatch from Chicago saysle; formed drunkard whee Was supposed
%see. Ftenk 1.1e W;te 'rale:lege preach- to be dYing- The Ph:Fsiciala 1.1.1r
41 from the following text: cows_ bedside said, "The °elle' medicine dead. Then us your twenty home
eians iv, 14, needs... the beloved phy...":tthielt Can eltre P.V0 aleohol." there will be assembled a, tearful) destroyed by Satan, but the Spirit
ctte3art...' 4Then the wife. who sat near end , gathering. The Young men and the Saved in the day of the Lord Jews
'had lev-d tbroudie the horrors ot be-ae-oung women. there wm not 0,14.Core v, There, es etoty one
new reader to cooseerate Yourl offended, and thee whe are stroog
must bear the infirmitieS of the weak
and not please ourselyes (Rom, xv,
2).-. Che•ist died for ell, and His
redemption, le sufrieient for the whole
world, but heeorona efficient only to
those who believe or tniatly receive
Rim. If the irieonsisteneies or oa-
Ohristlikenees Of believer tOrn one
whe is somewhat interested away
fieem Christ, instead of drawing trt0re.
We to ehe Saviour aul going to
yole about a beaotiful scene
which perhaps may happen, in, your
life ana death. I hope the death
scene play' happen malty years from
new. Some day ia the dim future.
let us hope when your lifes work is
dreeviog to a eloSe, there will be
great excitemeot solae Village 0
in one of the neighborhoodS
great city, Exserywhere the word
will be whispered "Rave you heard
the newe ? If 0.-Ve yon heard the
newS ? The doctor, the good old
family doctor„ le very sick:. Then
the new will he printed iii the vile
lege or the city newspapers that the
good doctor, the faintly doctor, is
fully to Rim, that would seem to The old hoesewives end Merses
illu§trate verse 11, 13a it is wail were fully rtIVAre Of tlie reatarnable
consider also A periShing that iS edicaey of the hoe foet, bath in re-
spoiSen of in ellaPterS iii', 3.5; ix, feet Booing peen and bringing about re-
seette perishing ef one's works or Try. Tt is strange 'fleet so simple
serviee while the Verse% is Sexed thing sheidd bave beerao uniform-
eaved as by flee, Scarcely eared foespetten, writes a physician.
Pet, iv, 1.3), esceped with the skin When a person games home at night
his teeth (Job xix. 20) tile flesh With feeling of discs-4111feet all over,
heves edging. oo appetite fer supper,
and A general feeling of discomfort,
inclOding heedeche, in nine cases out
of ten there wilt be prompt relief if
supper is takeo exeept, some hot
drink,' ;lad the hot foot bath is,
' member that you 'welcomed them rownintion. 'Testis Christ, and who.,
the into the world, but also ta tell lloir
You put your gentle hand of re,
llave You eetr explored t%e eaSt • .
a d eiriliard's wife, Ounce to the
vide of New 'Voris eite- - that is,1111g ' .4: opoetold es
only medicioe winch can sate never perish (Jobn x, 729nnP3,
.• le B. ' • sThere inknniejan And sea. . bne /31
ever is truly on Viet foundation can
sprinkl$ with salt, and broil the
outer side, which will be clone ia
few minutes.
:ono!" poor live. crk:er-o the masses a iciastor, tten. / refuse to let him ,ouonstranee upon their shouldere 6)1. b.ettel.reirYb „ibteYevetri 1. abhictullldeinscreel foTrkbarlf all home before bed
tn fs the home or. latowyeds or thou_ i ow, yes, set 1.i.ine die sober rather ilivrZnstinl,Twbeelne1teghbroita:;igiolkiist atriK 4:cornd-lelgraballitoug10114nganesouwvebr all wiTtee.x. a*sehoeett asitificerai, be
be borne.iSerie i to
(Ire leidelJegl togeeleer in tenements. 1;1, ,
eands of leen geogi women who every clho'h live cl'unk• ,rtv,t_rmiptis. ten bear yea prayed awl, them alien t,ecious stones or to woo'L ay. on t whica more hot weter le ad ed a
wt. -rater Are tighting td.'e two ratne•eat, ?MEDICINE'S CHIEF eon.-- 4 iiIi ev jest their g"t babe' ittd the -, stubble, the former Wing lerlininreal regular iatervals, k.eepinee the tem-
1t.t t!illt.4e,tesrXtlitl'tg caenlidt sfacipollivtalggeTA ..114t,t, the ,p,oreogese of the medical f Ell:ill-lister lesie tetrooeen ,...tnin *prttencol by are, eennie the latter peortsthbes„. ALI _ , 1
i . / that Oiliest does in m an -sting ;Peroture eliravs at the utmost. de -
Et -,,Pr eited. in mar43,- Vlitee'R. of the Fa.- "14 " egree t . to leap 0 . P e I lose tes,Pr:te:, id,' :7). ahAatit Sht:17,11:9* i wi-ty eb eech"/ ellet4.teni et:1:n isa bweee47ble.y la nag:,
skit 1,ve.41, but gacti .1t0 17;:ler' I.:: ';e-etifo‘rcem. tett in the church. And war
the strwlge5I 'sP'flitlia us will steed. it 011 that self does little whiie A feeling Of Weil -being
" •tvssaon is not only to lat.. , . ,.e 1 nos c4wa:,,..
teen: nins fate:abed wolves.
Bat tneegts tbe est eide of New
Veen eity toe:: be the bonze Of the
won from getting eicte Me 1. Yon Paul knew that his soul could not he - lge5e5 the %tele hadY* the hitQed
h dawn tom , A
d f the Obtain bead
hat the chief duty lthet popoin roaltiliefoSrWtiull tell bow
medicines out
Pork and Pip -Pork WI par-
enips is a genuine old-fashioned dish,
one that our New England forbears
throve on, arid ogee that, properly
prepared, will be feurid acceptable at
almest any table.
Iri leaking. it take a "cotch,
kettle" or old-fashioned thiek iroa
epider and cover the betteue, with
slices of salt pork. Caf,. liate
aboUt 2 lothee 'Negro. Arreagge
layer of sliced parsnips over the
Pork and one Of sliced peteteee over
the parsnips. Pour in eneughwater
to just. coVer the contents. cove,r
closely, place on the backof the
range and let the contente stunner
alenny until the yegetablea are ten-
der, Take up the vegetables and
Place on beeted platter aro tf
there is any liquor emmining poor,
ofi a bowl until reedy kw nee.
Brown the porn lightly in the
kettle, take up and ploce tie a bor-
der About the vegetables, M4 ttre-
the fat remaining in the bottom of
the spider tAbleSpoOtaUl of 'butter
ao4 a tablespoonful of *lour mil *tie
men bubbly. Season with pepper.
our in the sleek which you hove re -
Served. and cream or milk to make
suflicient gravy. We e9O1Fed
StneOthpour over the vegetablea
enel meot eerve,
e. '5 vet in 1b ti tie re was 4341 Ike geed lielv*ver Is ea ertioute win of your hIS owo pocifet. but also _40W knew *bat his warts vaight bo nine ,The per3mtittion tarts from, the
eeefeeeten teeferal. Theft dee- 15-edd lea the doctor is to , wintaer nee411 with f101ith;iing+1,;11 3ePsiliretleiTlettioclafv°ovidr(le•ejol' iAxu,(121\11.14 110111;0ln" chand ImilergtyeeeactitrtIthe-th4;:,
' • ' clients out of count- tyou get yoer trim -ale to help.
eaten npeei tle. streets a most re- r dV to cooties% thee, tto gnOlee. vo er -
leereze Vf',21CP e • „ lee ..vviente as, oog -
etet eine' e • poesible' ek;" "11" Ivn""e ""eFe. itt, Wherefore if meat mane ine• tiont prepared for a most rpiresh..
„7,4 " „ „ alit ati, 10140 ,osp: the
' if-ao 1.1-d" behh'd -- t 't -ntl 'nen!. wn(nleg * e ' brothel' t° Affelldt,e1 14U ne geer 4-ing nightie sleep and awanes in the
t'41t enoreetie 1". uod ' ' as - ee line the WOrAtt. Stalittetlt lest
41 -WITS. evet te;e• eisf selioni to mere „, i; Old about the corpse of Doreen. 4 inane nor brother, to offend, 1111°110w; feeling liae a new perstet.
ete lee eseeeet tees indebted per - That tile ei4et trInnlirs ettfotruhedliertjthere will he heard A flutter of ain'in itenn nto, 21, It I. 4:1)3^ugs are powerlees to effect etien
'9 clod'
leeettli or liee to tee mate weateee proti,ssion 14.1 -e -e cenatbe trctert,;wiegs, Then the Sante mes.seoger notheo to eat gesb, nor to drink wine PremPt result witie314":44e"aet
l'enie' won then eleening ..:14 tin' ease fing gi-'1414.7 seeeet the:.'xvillch cotTtedlIflYOUr SOol-leUr re" oor anythieg whereby thy brother 1 efkri,ert,jett64; beta a aetetal ttspotie
-Who is this man about eei be „,tion 04 inne0e ret. title, have ; deemed soul -to ttie white throne of
in Ps%ed eri eyewitness, -a, eure tiwre via eloub stogibleth or 15 °Tem" er is mail° tion to meke fun of the herb teas of
useil to; God will mown, Ann the emu() notnale." The chief business of the 1
crater: n gesorree. a city ofilcier vdvreeP 01:'er - vurtlir
.e ee-ordq Ibr hevered ev(*v th0 ehlit4 'stA,h4141ritiking. nat. a right Motion to our aucestors, It is mudeniablee
thoroughwort tea, Jaen in colt -
that emit decoction.% us
1iing 514'Irr4er° 4 '14'esAlAn, Pn it'll° great Vagiw5 L lgillteotede By 'vOlen whigh .5POLO when the white ;Lord's redeemed is not eating andI. however.
ccas "4111° 5hrlde 1h11: rag bacterloogist-s ing the Jordan will WA- then ;Clod. our peighbors and oureeives,
f•Lfiau. wa‘i Dr. Aronson, weft - d .41,),t/etaros rem And then oil the weeping fr5codo wld righteousness, peace end joy in the Intltdceerehtlelthitirgitttm:1-4 naearif
1 eel pivot.n lOs whele bre to work nelereneone a,111
evitly of the human recall th"vitle-eemmel"Inlite"" "I ?1110.1t7 (antnt tgem" x1v* .46 in't Old Of the system, as it were.
-! 'Toe tlee Inter. lie not only eared tin . d r by year -de. and Ye visited me." Oh. Christ came to give lire. aud to gere
'47:e Isi°4 ‘1'11:k" 1351; 4(1 tee the roaee eee4e„geetenee„„reaaeFe„ete)e'etoreen ee bard" ory young friends. wM yoe not here it. mom alnintlantly. eo we must not
leo4 lni'elted s;`41.4 ? Alai and noweeonsecrate your life to tne be content with merely 'having Me
e tl -tee of tlogl will 'through His Wood. but we must be
the accumulated neenuottes which
cause trouble.
When people are ailing there
Compared to the untertnented
een tee. the partially fermenten
black tea. while quite ea aa
theine. the ChuracteriStic alkaloid
eonstituene of tbe prepared leaf. and
as eharge4 with aromotio oils. eon-
taine, as a rule, eoenewitet len tette
nin. Rut according to the experts,
the brew frOM either sort. otter
fresh boiling water has been poured
OU the leoves. should not be Allow -
ell to stand en tbe leaves more thau
two or three ntinutee. The time is
epough to extract tree the and
oils ; further eteeping simply brings
reel • trem fon.e4, we L. o t more of the objectionalele tannin.
Pse lestee lore a tittle feel there more bard w-orn and nerve enhanse '5en not be eblistjAh tAnnill"; 144-115 with Ws eliirit as a tree ifs till- souind FeuSa In tahlog Certain tonne d makes the tea bitter and AM.
dere reel tae boreses of the deatitute average man t..3-diay goes 'through - -
o netee teloteg wieee aes oree-rnstaens, Lion and excitenieet in a week than '$idoo Ile 0. good Pr. Aronsoa ,,:e4 meth an And as the body is , of iterb tea. The valid (elute aetiOn holesorne. Once made, the ine
Wenn fee nee ElY;anitY'3,1'.5 tttOli•• grZthifatilier wlgole 7.frear.:1 gAe4 1-11** Temte• inwith bleed. every part permeated. lot thoroughwort, added to the 1fuelon should he separated from the
eeetee, -teepee te heti ,The loweeeity Of et tho the letenan race isr,
eneer, 'neve' eneelt ilenefireele It inereaeireg lee -e;
nnei reeeere ni.efee tbdir telling us Low lo eat. how lo doves
;and Kee% tile. sante for others (Jolla warn:Ong and etimulating eifeet of 'leaves by pouring, into a fresh pont
Pee'ree: e';a1 coon' to inneires at bie ieeresteing ire it' vimnuous,, /pup silttatly 014,7s, 10; Eplo v, ltft I vi, 19). the hot drinte aud the increaelel lthen the etimulating. quieneninte,
tnn'n annut hie Dvon,'.4'• 11-44*,lng 'ea1gese the dector. ever leo year. ise TEC,Z f30113)41,11' ItAILWAT. coneueuption of A COlirSiderithie
Om of the vein produced by olio, uplifting effeet of the theine upon
giVen/1710. tity Of liquid, aid in elinnuation
enTenRteleitTION'AX. =SSW; om- 11 at the Greatest on Entehene
Writing in the Jatmary Century on If often bappene that a person tic
and prodaiee results that can only ne
•;e eve Oereas peeve ehouhi
VE13. 15. Anbievemerate. beneficial.
by the Nile and the Swaim% Hallway, Enron.; tea. crud eafiee wilco wilt drop
• 1 '4"'CIN., teen need. Plndt selaet bind Of linniees we;
Young teen aim- to eeter e
P1-74-rF. profeeeion, you are F)08 to
rm-ng #'1%%; teeintifel lee one td the vent hand of teeeleers
re 4' 4 1414-c4VID Ir°14Y60'; pleesieel bygiene. CZTI yeite not. be l'
fr. yi4 " 141 ric.ver ha,%e Writ' 'a leader in epleittien begione oleo le
14 r• iget Lila4 Orar"4 On. !Inoue calling 4segens for you the door
11.-nr"?' Lea n that I: ind Of a unne• of many !Wave, nt not only opens
tr"rnagnnatron 147.441 com- 'for you the front door. but also the
itee bis room at uight e;tee. ,rieeet, door. in winch hang the
e • o' to etbarium," mistimed to little driuk except
the trip plant a ro
Dr. William Gage Erviug vays Mae two beverages for ft time and
The emetruction of this railway drink thoroughwort tea at intervals
will allttWS he rannel one of the ,through the day as thirst appears
greatest of Kiteheuees achievement& (drinking Ramps even more In quart -
in the Soudan. Obliged by limited My than is Sitifigielat to satisfy the
appropriations to eonduet all his,thirst), will receive marked benefit.
operations at the east. j . 'simply' from the fact that in addi-
Text of the Leesort, I Cor. vine. ,
4-13. Golden Text, Item, 1
xiv, 19.
4-0. Thrit at to us there is be;
OW. the leather, of whom ate
thiugs, end we m aud onto
Lord Jesus Mist, by Wileala are all I
thing5 and we by Him.
- in- lion to the tonic the larger amount
I d 'I " g utarts up the eliminative organs and time and labor. Get a disherag or
Made of Wbite carpet Cbain. or t
bought a the eve cent counter of a
racket etore, Or any other store that
handles stteli Autieles. Scrape the
scraps from the plates and pile
them up uicely. Have your disn
water very hot, pour it in the dish'
pan, and pat enougb. Pearline to
mike a good suds. Use your dish -
11101) until the water cools. 'When all
the dielies are washed, put every.*
thing but tbe glassWare in the drain-
ing pan, pour clear hot water over
them, aod when tbey are cool they
will be dry and shining. Now you
can wash kettles, frying pans and
milk vessels and your work is done
much sooner than wben tbey are
Wasbed in cool water, and dried with
a towel.
E. J. ine
I f 1 3 re
it;P:1 Akore Pr. jbleaclied bellies of a fondly elieleton.il Toe noised ernien saz,s t lo reuse. be mate use u oey
71411 "int? ' Vif44141 U11 - '!i YOU are to be tite reeipient of then, first part concerning the Father, neat of the equipment of Itanail of hartrileSs liquid which is la Tia
the nervous energies and =Mel fa-
culties. the gustatory and olfactory
lajoyment of the flexor and bouquet
of a properly Mallet brew eau. be hod.
t their best.
great deal of previous time Is
neumed in washing dishes when
threc eals must be prepared every
day. and the bousewife who is on the
alert for every new idea that will
lessen her work, will do well to look
after the dish washing to see if her
methods cannot be improved. *The
I following method will save bot t
e 'un in* "4 • • PaSha'S untinis rat way. lescuin
6'44'7° '114"41' "114'n. -1414 t'At""'Ited heart's everees at: nO one elee I, tee. 4% t 1 the
1 11/4g it° thail g"*"1 "1"421`e"ee eommunitv. Vent will bare your', ,„ / and 1 enables them to throw off the great- nth it, handle They may be
11`'' 'e""Te41V Owl LAI& had eloted the '' " et le- r et le.'unt‘g'n say'', "We fer Mel." The -dismantled engines from tlitches.
'itoi""l'elt'"..ci:tra; ''".*4-414kle oftisttoiall l''11'114.7edur:w(tinn "Ithelmia"tlel'; tl''114‘4":111tvilluet'ller '11!4eZe"lonel'eTQrrnElireirith8088014-in• 11.14.14reov°4-43g1111' eetloinWteeittltne5a n,tasp-inig,eal'pasr.t6 117:itur lig' uertiPrahrtilcjaltil acluttillitella.int°ctithil thneltoriel4t11,
1 it beats eiutidiv fast or ainfully t / r u thin ,s and we . • . r . 1 1 • VIII a poisoning the eyston.
tenet ni.a Vio5 SieU and eould not get -,i . ..„,„ .. • _, __ ,„,,e, „Bee. , 'w lena a 0 a I, i, , Atinoti hi** tuns 1,4xxe 0 It. 04. g
inietecinotey taid. 'Why. I will go at !'e"--- . , , e - i, 1._ do ? - leSs01-1. •Chr*-1 an ;--self Vontrel*" sary terminus. iNlisvturyneeSirluga wneceblesit To keep table salt from :tamping
l'' ttr* eerviee TE en Pr 1 ure '' Ninw" lian 3." not '-'';y kUr "E"'" through Mtn" The tttle nt lilt') break of some
5t - - ° - •"- * ° ' • '` ' ' eaenel word to that young man wit° . • /
fi'p 1,1N61 Pf <4, her: So be took aeong ,Iis iloing went me ought not u _ t*euggioto that a Clulstian is one 1 cOuld be seared Was taken up, and mix one part of starch with 11 parts
w.rn, whom Chritit vontrols and elot self. results being insufficient. of salt. A tiny pinch of salt added
iiible in the otter." lie told toe to „ ,tha,t wire, that .1:nether: niat . in the first place, it Christian is al itteentlege of Wady Haifa was laid I to the whites of eggs when beating
inceliaine tag in one hand end i Will 'you not epee!: a warn me
t,. tell este not 10 Sit up ior him. He :e'lllit" Ivnn Ina -5'. be lite. ,111,1esine_ gluier who hoe been washed,' senetle -limier requisition. 'fere many of ;will malie them froth quieter, and
leafee- "Y4. S. 211,7 ball disap- 1,11" from you. which neonelen i they; Ito ills precious blood..., the bouses had straw roofs sepport- the froth will be atilter. In whip -
4441 net nixie: wizen lie could get '',-Then will glade', teae _Ilirnne"en- Iced and justified in the name of the
eieuteille enswees the roissionaro; would not take from tbe Spirit having convinced of sin 4 ed by rails taken from the old line. ping creams, a little s;alt helps to
'T.I • lee elle "it. minister is mov-
e nun tteit i Lord Jesus,
and revealed Christ (vi. 0-11). All! unit atter
1 These were sununexily
their removal Haifa pre -
appropriated, make it turn. Salt sprinkled in the
oven under baking tins prevents
their burning. Salt in whitewash
makes it stick ; in cold or boiled
starch it imparts a gloss. Salt
scattered on carpets when sweeping
keeps down the dust and prevents
moths, A small quantity of salt
thrown ou a coal flee when low will
revive it. Sprinkle salt on the Bre
before broiling. Dip a piece of damp
flannel in salt to clean piano keys.
knife blade% stained teacups, and
glasses spotted with bard water.
Salt put on freshly spilled ink re-
moves the spot from te carpet.
Prints soaked in salt aud water be-
fore washin; fastens tbe colors.
For nenrcilgia, take a small bag of
muslin or flannel, ell with salt, and
apply to the affected part. ninny
cases of so-ca.tled biphtheria coidd
be cured by a gargle of salt arid
water if taken at the start, gargling
every hour, or half-hour if necessary.
One teaspoon of salt in a -glass of
water is a cure in many stomach
troubles, relieving colic and indiges-
tion when taken regularly once a
day. Wash the head occasionally
with salt and water to lessen the
falling out of- the. hair. Salt dis-
solved in warm water is restful and
healing for tired and inflamed eyes.
Brine is recommended for xnad dog
bites. Wash tlfe wound well with
the mixture, then bind it with a
clean cloth covered with salt. 'One
remedy for seake bites is common.
salt mixed with the white of an egg
to the consistency of paste, then
spread on the. wound. _. e
"'that it. eitiet Pr. Lul.e. I neeer
for enneeee lee is always caning will knOW that yeU are disinteresteli •forth the --
y larts not their own, but western town after a Cyclone, 'But
'working ter his salary." but they such are to recognize that barmen watt! the spectacle of s. mus loon
seem to Ito able to bow Lim at all -in
nem setae otae that is poor and viek in eneehing the Oothe of the Lord. have hecorrag by Ins purchase tent- the WAS ompleted
endin trouble. MO, how tired he ;Jesus. In -Christ's tame will you'Pies of the Melo Most, and are The greatest obstctele was the all-
4f.i Paul Icail0 Up. lie ineliS Orer !cure sin after it bas already rot e ?
and whom we have been redeemed to moo, to izuportrent strati% of 21.10 miles from
west get!" Then SOnle morning j not try to prevent sin as well as to now to live unto IIIM Whose We are
lint thOUgh vou may declarth
e at(Acts nnt.31. d ea /t
;-e-or. v neck of the great bend of the Nile,
Abu named, across the
an unbroken expanse of barren de-
sert. The leading engineers of
rope declared it impossible to con-
struct a railway across this tra,ct,
arguing that the entire carrying
Capacity of a train would be taken
up by the water -supply necessary. for
the lotomotive. Nevertheless, as-
suming the resporsibility, the Sirdar
ordered the work. begun, relying on
the indomitable pluek and skill of
his stibordinates in charge and his
own habit of success. Near the mid-
dle of the course, at points sorae
nity miles apart, wells were sunk,
an operation ridiculed by the na-
tives, mid with true ICitchener luck
water was struck in both instatneeS,
so that the train UONV accomplishes
the distance with only two extra
‘tater tanks But all succeeding at-
texiipts to find water along the line -
end they have been many -have
proved fruitless.
It was by means of this railway
that the Soudan was conquered. By
its construction the long route of
nearly 700 miles by way of a river
for long stretches absolutely un-
navigable for ten or eleven months
in the year, and even at flood im-
practica.ble save for small whale-
boats hauled through rapids at „ en-
ormous toil and , expense, was ex-
changed for ' a short, 'direct, unob-
structed highway, its carrying ca-
pacity limited only by the short-
comings of a single pair of rails.
to the other side ot the room Whele
a Led in eel mussed up and yet with- teinee you have entered the medical iin). we hate no greater enemy,
out un met:petit. "Well," says teebool .you bave not lived a Chris- i next to the devil, than the sinful self
Paul. "I guien Luke is ofi again on ; tian life, yet there are still two or that remains in us even after we
one IA Ids calls. I do bope he will I three receive Christ, and many do not
te beck in time to take Ship for i TREMENDOUS FACTS seera to learn that He leeto delivers
from the wrath to come is able
companion of Paul running down o in you„ two or three facts by which 4 alSO to VIVO us trout our sms (I
- II believe you are going to be re -1 'Mess. I. 10 ; Matt. 1. 21).
Corinth. 'We eertalnly must sail to-
ilay.e nen in imagination e see tee that, think, may work a change
Ike wiaarf just before g
is drew:4 in. Ile has been employing , deemed for Christ and confess him
trery moment of the time to visit and live for him. as a Christian pity -
tile skit room, to give last pre- sician. In the first place, I know
eeription anal to offer a last prayer. That you came from a. Christian
and as he rushes up to the ship I ,horne. It is n wonderful truth to tell
can see scores,and scores of men and that nearly all the men NOM enter
he bas helped reach ' the medical or legal or ministerial
7 But nieut commendeth us not
to God, for neitber if we eat are we
he better, neither if we eat not are
we the worse.
The only gods whom the heathen
Itnow are sucb as must be propitiat-
ed with. gifts, and many Christians
forth their hands as they cry: 1, profession come from Christme , seem to have no better idea. of the
. .
. Goodbyl ;homes. As soon as a father and' 'Wing and true God. That we must
eG °Abe Dr Lulzei
Goodhyl May God bless and keep !nfother beccone converted their clue
and reward you for what you hovel' desire Seen% to be to .give their
dote for us! Goodbye! Goodby!" I boys a liberal education. so that
'.31en 1 tan see good. old Dr, Luke , they can nlehe the most Out of their
turn and say: "Goodby, my dear 6, lives ber Christ. Thus, young man,
Christian friendat May Christ, the i no matter where you go or What
Divine Physician, heal your diseased., you ne, you eau never get away
pbysical bodies mid your sin dieea-sed from the niaty parental prayers pleased with gifts that come from
souls! Farewell until we nseet in -which have been offered in your be- loving and. grateful hearts, but we
heaven!" „ half. 'They are always tugging and Must first see that He gives us all
PHYSICIAN'S OPPORTTINITIES. pulling you toward a better life. things freely in Christ before He
But e.s I go on showing to you They are pulling -your heartstrings expects or can accept anything from
now toward Christ. us (Rom. iii, 21; viii, 02; Eph. 1,
ln the next place, you are not a
homeopath in a spiritual senee. You
may be a disciple of Hahnemann, as
many of you arc, but in a spiritual
, sense yeti are not. In the realm of
1 the higher life you do not believe
1 aiming). similibus curantur, that
'like cures like." You. do not be-
, ,
give God something in order that
He niay do something for us or that
we must refrain from something in
order to win His favor seems to be
such a common thought, but it is so
unscriptural. It is true that God
accepts our loving service and is
you medical. students the golden
opportunities of future usefulness
whic11 the consecrated, ten talent
doctor can wield 1 must here and
now halt. I must stop long en-
ough to show yot* that great oppor-
tunities for good always imply
great opportunities for evil. Some
-two years ago I attended one of the
Rush medical classes and heard
there a farawell address given to the
graduating class by Prof. D. R.
Brower, a, dietioguished specialist on !nuke you asespotlese as the driven
nervous diseases. It was a brutally snow. So, now 1 eeel that tbe
frank and direct address in many purer and holier iife, is dawning
Ways. Its blunt statements e gai n upon you. I feel that all the good
and egain evoked derisive laughter and ihe ' true in you is.leeding You
through the raised tiers of seats fill- on to fully consecrate yourself to
ed with stedents. But as 1 woof .
Ole Master's service. ,We have often
home I said to myself: Dr. 13
"- • rcilv°1* beard how brave the surgeons§ have
is right. An honest„, skillful physi- been in battle. Preerdent Roosevelt
ciao is one of the noblest works of declared that there never was a
God, but au unprincipled physician braver set of Men than the doctors
is One of the most despicable, loath -
who belonged to the rough riders.
seine and coWardli recreants Who At San Juan hill, upon their backs,
ever breathed the breath of life.' they carried the wounded to the
When the hand beneficient in healing
rear, while the Spanish sharpshoot-
is devoted to undermining -the perity,
oi, society, it is like the Soft and ers were firing at thent from among
4,,-, the trees. That was brave. That
velvety.paw of the leopard,
which Was heroic. But to -day I want you
covers a terrible anti merciless claw.
to be just as bra,ve a.nd true. I here
Oh, young man .about to enter the
and now want you, in order to in -
noble medical profess•ion, I beg of
sure -your future Christian usefulness
you not to prOve false to your
as a family physician, to surrender
trust! 1 beg of you when you en -
your whole life to the service oE
ter the home of a man who surren-
J,..eteiusnoCth?ri§t. ',7ou will do it, will
clsaer4ttyintoo yo,,ur care the liTe and the
f bie children that you never 'S'o ru , ,
p untrue by advice or action to BE Inlet: DP- ;Mt. ri .
he trust reposed in you! And go, young physIckan, as you there ale many
, •
3). As to eating or not dating, our
Lord Himself taught that not that
which goes into the mouth, but that
which comes out of the mouth, de-
files the man (Matt. wee 17-20).
0. But take heed lest by any
means this liberty of yours become
a stumbling block to them that are
lieve that "sin cures sin." Oh, no.
You know and you feel only the
blood of Jesus, the Saviour, can
*my things that are lawful for us
may not be expedient (1 Cor. vi, 12;
x, 23), for none of us liveth to him-
self, and no me8 dieth to himself,
and NVO must ahn neither to be nor
to put a stumbling block in an-
other's way (le.ont. xiv, 7, 13). Yet
if all who refuse to coneider the wel-
fare oe others are to be classed as
children of the wicked one the num-
ber to -day is very, very large and
would include the na.mes of many of
earth's great ones, for the 'mati who
gives "the other fellow" much con-
sideration is considered rattier weak.
This is not to be wondered at
among the people who live only for
this world, hut it is mot unChrist-
like when seen in Christians who
Should ever .be found seeking the
Welfare of others rather than their
own (Phil. ii, 8, 4:).
10-12. Through thy knowledge
hall the weak brother perish, for
whom Christ died, but \vbere ye sin
so against tlIe brethren and wound
their weak con8CienCO ye sin against
There is nothing that costs
than eivility.--Cerventes.
Haughtinese lives under the same
raof with solitude. - Plato.
It is often better not to see an in-
sult than to avenge it. - Seneca.
'1.‘lendship rises .but with fortune
and sets when men go downward. -
Aaron Hill.
orr owing isz the co.n1,-,.cr and the
death 01 every man's estate. - Sir
Walter Raleigh.
It is more difficult for a mani to
behave well in prosperity than ad-
versity. - llochefourauld.
Great and good are the actions
done by really whose worth is never
known. - Hans Anderson.
We -cannot cont,rol the tongues of
others, but a good life enables u8 to
despise' calumnies. -- Cato.
There is not in nature a thing
that makes a man so deformed as
Int emper a te anger. -- Jolla I'Veh sten
tthat wre,tcheil shifts are they ob-
liged to make use of who would sup-
+te appearance of a fortune
A well-known lecturer was once in-
vited to tea, at a. certain house. Ina -
mediately on being seated at the ta.-
ble a little daughter of the house
said to tbe guest abruptly:
"Where is your wife!"
no lecturer, who had recently seta
arated from his better half, eves sur-
prised and annoyed at the question,
and stammered forth:
"I don't know."
"Don'tOknow?" repeated the thild.
"Why don't you know?"
Finding that the child persisted in
her interrogations, despite the mild
reprootof her parents, he decided to
make a clean breast of the niatter ;
and have it over at once; so he said,
with calmness:
"Well, we don't live together, We
think, as we can't agree, we'd better
He stifled a groan. as the child ,
started again and darted an exasper-
atecl look at, her parents.
But the little torment would not
be quieted until she exclaimed'
"Can't agree? Then why don't
you fight it out the same as father
and mother do?"
Inspector "What do you see
above your head when you are hi -the
open air'?" Scholar - "The sky." -a
Inspector --'And what do you see
-when the sky is covered with
clouds?'' Scholar --
"Yes, papa's been speculating ra-
ther wildly lately," said Miss Nua:
itch, "bat 1 don't care What he does
with his money. I've got resources
of my OW11, you know." "Yes?" re-
plied Mr. Wood Merrier. -'``Don't
you think, Maggie-ar, that/ is -Miss
Nuritch that you had better 'bus
band' your resources'?"
'Colonel Waxem will be banqueted
after his wedding to -night, and
to respond to the toast, 'None but
the brave deserve the fair,' Whet
shall I say?" The Major - "1 hard
ly know how to advise you. Atte),
you've seen the bride you'll have te
turn your speech'into an argunten
to prove either that Waxem isn'
brave or elSe that he isn't getting,
his deserts."
"It doesn't seem possible 4t
are married," he said, eescorgeo
dear," replied the young wife, ''heri.
Is a bill for a bonnet I bought to
weak ones .,easily
An English cook gives the follow-
ing advice about broiling ;
"It is at once the slightest and
most digeslible method of cooking
meat. Charcoal or cinders make
the best fire. Prepare the fire about
20 minutes before it is required for
the actual cooking. Place a thick
layer of cinders over a good fire and
allow them to burn clear and bright.
If there is any doubt, sprinkle a
little Salt over the coals, this will
allay all smoke and make the fire
burn satisfactorily. Turn a chop
every half minute. When cooked -a
chop of about five or six ounces will
take six minutes -sprinkle very
lighLly with salt and serve on a hot
plate. Use a pair of tongs for turn-
ing meat on -a gridiron ; if a fork
is used do not prick the meat, but
turn it by the rat part so as not to
allow the gravy to escape. AnOther
way of broiling is to brush the cut-
let with oiled butter, dip it in fine
bread crumbs, with a pinch of salt,
andthen cook. The butter takes the
place of yolk of egg in the case of
broiling. A small chicken split in
Iwo and broiled is a good dish for
an invalid, The inuer side.should be
cooked:first ; than turn the .bird,
,thyy heeve eet,-elsieedinge