HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-2-12, Page 46 tive, it wmth WS moved that clause 13 continuation classes are formed, FLOOD A CORNWALL X..110ratg, extended to read, the clerk's selary the committee stroegiv recommended shall be $.900," Movea by 31r, Loette that the Government grant be dote S uclers,Eninor and- - one hart, secooded by Mr, thiettelon. that ' blea by t be county; that the Colleg- x0-4 ATaMED Ae, Tsrle ir eeeeee 4,1 , ..enee the clerk's salary be the saine as last htte Institute grants be : Seaforth, LONVBIR "A) x` 14" '".$ 1::1:71jtj 37L'Olt, $3300. ,A vote was taken, Messts, $2151.80; Clinton, $20170; Goderich, 4333 'W11 V:).WN• Lockhart, Centelon, Connolly, Fete $1$00. gosnn, MeNaughton and Spat:Innen WITTCOUNOILI"Inn The Oilmen beanthe first sitting 'of the Jauitary seseion on Titeeday, Jan. 27th at 3 o'clock, all the members ineentt except Come. Bowman. _who was detained home by an injared toot. W. U. Kerr, a Briresele, was union- mously chosen warden, and taking the Lemont, eleteattahteen enetteeeon„.....s, S feVnITGEs voting for SSW, mid Messrs. Down% Gunn, flicks, Leaman Miller, efe„ TheHouseof R:fits t cortzititinnitotieleFlezfl, Leen, Patterson and Young for $900, , by , $25 was lost, A inotion to raise the salaries of Mr, udee„Yspf9irgtbeenPdueTiaoser snufppiniePellint‘glk. an anal MrsFrench each on. e.etnt d the Hoose, The tenders were rot newer - the followiote vete; Ver.- Gunn, Rieke, 111ler,d'ileLean, Spat:kitten, Yoteng--41; tigeinst- Centel:Om 'Con•- uolly. .Duritne. Ferguson,' .Leckhart, Oett. of ollitet before ilhs Donor Judge The Connell then adjourueti to meet Holt, he theinten the Coot:mil for the !at 19 eon. on Friday. honor done him, and epolte atsontel MRIZTH DIY- MOAT. teagth en aulttews whieh wonial re-; nuke the attention of I be %Newell. • SS's' L'ellort nr,Roati aeld BSIdge elones,'kr.• a y •ene mitten was reao •aim autipten, . Low set • na ltna were app,ontea g The teaaer ,L)f tle.x Hunter la Wee etrihetle.edetielionee eomanittees fer sentnenv was aceepted fan- the Ben- zaziller bildge, to lee built daring the yeer ana t tient elate: -'•I'ltlit'10.'"Its fee the posn of Ssie.Ang- n"oe:;ty A:either wove read, front N.by Mr. Darnin, ego -mated le Renege ft WhtAti?z,, T. 1•1 W. .32" lelekhart. thet the clerk aet Cleg t. P. W. Saott, W. le Leterenee, ,:tenelaneetleat with Jailer (rillio i alhalay. J. H. Lataaaa J. merri. inargentasing all siapplies for the jai 1). ."4,•Dtaz..r. and gt„ tee ele;g: enteide of these teteleted tor. laza i; P.:* the ;1,,,4rlai,11 e4,:zuty Moveal Mr« GUMP. svegapdedhy fRet• eteian H. W. Anaereati, J, lee 1' n. th3t, the, weeoen, knelt egent .• z. lVtioneen, J. M. Ftekl.' Meeette :int% t'inteion aled Vert The ttentteil ,ttijoartied to tueet agein udceth he etemandtt ee te atteaa to MI At 3.:Aro a.m. en We:le-elev. orteters in eenteeetioin with the good ',reeds peol. et.Carded 'Eer3"11)31.v-w"-Eisilrkv`i" The l eeM'ittee nes;:nlisisols %Argo nized 6:1::41ggg A'Aw. te!e'lltien Me. Moller ritair013714 st:ohlift3 .3 was aaAp.t.,..1 il'`4"atiti leane as seetetary, and ate reenees; levee ,envit vegt ee-et eranolle. ' Penne retie melted ine menting at Clinton in Mee Quenched he the Betileee of the t Cenedian Celored Cotton Mill and 1zogralldoYees Tfave to Meelee 7iPtetY Betrean oms, there being three for grocer one for meat ;ma two for bread, the.„groceries the teuder of 3. Irwm was accepted, for meat that A. Conde at Octs, per fore quartevo for bread. that of Mr. Dartelitf, $2,25 per hundred pounds, or 4-e. ee per 3 lb, loaf. The next teuder knead, lees that of din King, at $1. per hundred pounds. There were imeittes iu the House on Friday, Corewell, Feb, /0. -Cornwall ba s for da;C,'. the seemed thee been visited by a flood, of winch, although Pot $o serious as the find big flood of sixteeo years ago, 4tt did considerable damage, and drove ots e large number of families teem -Heir for sae, homes, which are now partly submengeit e2 Duriug last night the water started to rise, but subsided before morning. At 10 eau. yesterday it. ban ;wale risen to a pint higher than any pre - ter vious mark sine the itoon of 18s7. At leo 3 p.m, ,yesteedazy the lay ice) frem, st the vieieity of tile Lenge? neult itap.ds g!!! began to tome down the river iv. great gu force, and t e water gradually ro et to • within a, coatle of feet of overflowiur tw" the mat haak, The ice jammed at the vs,v lower end of the town, and the water RI. rose vele- replete, until it had reached th of two feet in the lieisitiug room ef the Stormont brawl) of the Callfelian a Colored Cotton Cempany's The fires itt the boiler Lou,e were pat out und the mill cdosea down. t't A few anieutee after speed had gene tt down. and before the beln in the lin. Ire: Isla/4f ramie the =Wine Atop and b enheese lied get out, the watee came in with a rush. and a eumber of the hely , were eompellid te flee without their elothing. while ether; were fcreed to nv jump out threugh the windewe of the eloth e. tem The water gcadutilly In I - tit tenet's). and von: little thineige bas ?en one to tito seeek ei yet. but ee.„ Sha+ weather li.dy (et lee break fo.ne 114 frc.; ..ive the rts"t:t would be very ser- e. • „ • . le. j „amen at the.pe.nt b4h-w l'oriaw.111, in a nine- tint et Oy- u- iue the eit:Zen$ re,:;111 concern. le A the eaetern pothole cd the town el tee ;e -telt ie fur r -e. 'the arettine t.:4,0P th? Mill is as 1.$ ah,0 the earlang, room, het uo eete jtili tionetere bee yen Intel reportel• la Lerenville, eetreine poetion et the town, e iteaen , bowies are pretty' • PaP‘:it Mia1 the weep Ines were t.f- t „L... fraea teem hennee vore in a short ti:' naftly sulneeretel. 4.1 The in, :dente of a w on yard belongrn; to it nun named SS. Laurent in that aCetton were carried down She river. His f loss will be eonehlevable. Fourteen ly gaeoline buoys, belueging to the o• - d tenment, and need : Leltee St. be:anent • and St. Louis, were carried away ,froin h lock seventeen. Niee of there circled' t- around in the eittly and were seemed. A' Five were, however, carried down the ce, river aud may be d. etroyed. They sire p eaid to bave cot Sam hundred dol - 1 /are each. n I There Was a number of vomits in the n Cornwall dry dock at lock seventeen, h 'when tte water back, d over the old lock ,s with great force and nearly all the Yes- Luoan Miss Kathleen Fox is `visiting i rather in Seem:tine-Miss Ida, Po s visiting friends in Milton, the ge o Mrs, (Rev.) Slily th.--14te, Willi; wan, who bite been dangerously for the past few days. is siowly 1 ping„--Aliss Stella Ortue. of Wet et. Hospital, London, le spending a f weeks at her home )ere., --Me. Hu P. Diamond spent a few days here h week.-Mes. otuas Orme, sr„ wbJ his been conflued to her heft with severe attack et la v,rippe„ is emeriti hee-At the recent midwinter exa Inatome of Toronto Coneervetone tlowtteato. Mitten tee; Ill'i:3011,413.11i-'kti. i qr:te ‘1,.."„D4m i: th,......1 341,5 Eultea t 1, /a - '- vG-,- At Lisle, Alm AleTtirli. haling compl V;NA'Keitl Awn, RPM-4TP rir41- -1,L'Ii:- !twa on the tirst Teeed ty in June. ea the tequired -course in I:meet:Ott 'enat, Roane MA-et:Atte). en -Leen, led naseed final eamminatirm, reeeiv unitotnys. gvadluates degree of feeeenegenteeein, intiateloei. Iennunt„ Recto exit Biome ;leo Vie POntin ' ' II/34,r°'14.„4` :IV" "",' k P"Itt. Rev. Mr, Gilmour aud Air. Beaton, &et toat he 034 alIV,,IIIST.A. i.:111114 Gran ton, were in town Wednesday i fit g .' , i .. t ..„..... 3 h;• v . Vteieg. Feeee an. • -ea tatunne ett. the ereetion of a lolistpesi fp ceppeetitrit With thr- tit br at Binoniner aud that the pleue ple.A7terhit chwroL gat anal tow ;.,;:a.A", 0a^.41:4;vi-Z,:t7.--- 41.` 1:;"‘"4,31g -eithqteatas 4avempirrinieal hava. volik.11 is 0N wet a 14.111 1 4. • • • •4--,44„ g1.4a4.03t, 34t:7-:, T.. 44 4, _ 1; 1-4.ei 4,:,,I.I,OrV ° " 4 , Hefering tO Maitland bridgo leitieeni,altant the fleet a khrel; It ; . t, . , edie110101' S'ky..4 he lied tett lead. beat) XIII ettnetuve%ind well cost alio 4. tu" ieteh nf thn alnithudiad ut the, tit:CS:he-The gam terlv C4 -f littera rale -mod a "I' , Plit-'''.' lVet:e lenlog letottno mde. the Methoillet C11121* 1* have extqi.d a, 44. 4.1' fernier 0:tt. and I:het P:' wris "I up invitittion t4t Rev. Ayears; to i 1 aa„ oneeeni that the 1, ....., e e tonli be ;de nedn t.t Wienind sear as doge nast, .. tt . . 4'a , 6.1.,,,a, ea a wail 4 1.4. •,r,47,:et"ell," 40 1...err! Tit' H4,`V• geettletirm aecepte4 tile 1 - i eremeeutel tli 4 the wenn eloonita 1 t loation sobjeet to the ;onion of tl 4. e ,n.:. , e. tize e orl Et D 8"4` in the coning eitivatier. 'etenionitag estmlnitlee of the mann .. . ti':' ' aitata .,-4 nisef.he Iris; Jost sustaineil throegh 11 . , 5i'lln:,-,1%:::::.,:•S'. 13,4,,.',16s);;Ir. g te in femme,. -Miegt sympL;ky Li e Evy,:ivintior.k,,,,. tended to Mrs. Esthen 9..rggvn ink tl da. tthof her argi leer, 3.1,1$.S. M.Thotne ___ whieh iegill eveet wen; zed at the nt. Veen ne donna, of her .,:en. Charlee II., WC .... 111MaF4 6 milid., 1.1, nneate: witb veh Ai 1 . ,, • . , . s b 1 ut the den is by no meani o • e o . nen ete zeeel „gee f,o 7..rot s. „ f"). .nroans e7-dutek g Mr. end Mrs. P. 11, Ream, of lietren e. „ Oe.; neeeetee, The Iteagieteenee repent tetr urn ate vieiting form:ass leothete 1*28 44'Me: 1,11:U.0 eh 11 we togret Ow. ole element neemente tor eannees and shelme herene-The Ftirmers' It:stint ant, Mr. 13,4e4aup, who te meson, gentrantnt, ntends oataLaa meeting wils held here on 'Mired: Oe;; en lige es enenil I;i ;none] " iht egeen St. James' Omen reeeived recent h.. eOne :red we wieahl are.,,Dalaiena th-gz Not awount reed by trees ->e; front his pariehouere two gond eine • • • +.0x hie nue be retnim al tin 1120 Fly roll en__ loads of oats AS it present, which goi ter thin eneeion. ;inn that the elm* for. Tont receipts soegteteo to prove of the high esteem in whie *.%rd n°117 of thls reselation. heCar- The Finance committee reported in he is held by theme -The COMM Mee s . tarot* Of paying 41 acconnte, and that ing of the shareholdere and 'Wilms Moved by Mr. Connolly. seeonded the water ratite for 1903 he Wel in the North Middlesex Cheese Menotti t4ty Mr. Mt:Naughton. "that the advance; that the Registrar's rePurt Wring Co„ was held in the Townshi ..°19itrity Votioril of ninon. 11001 SPFi.. be printed in the minutee, and con- hall, 011 Saturdit$'• elm. &elle to convey one most ein- chided as follows: "The statement of Dintna-Anotber of our %Yell -know :tete sympathy in yonr bereavement. the. treasurete together with his letter, and highly respected vesident bus hee Mr. Lea WI the late Crowe) Attorney. have been submitted to ns and have called hence. We refer to the dent hes Leen it familiar figeee for a tong been tneuntned. We find the same of Ales. Ann Mayo, wife of Mt. anou itild leitriugd to esteem him coned, end are vog much pleased May, late of this pleve, whielt very highly heaved, eonfinvi contilet with the very efficient manner in event occurred on Monday, Feb. 2sni With him as We have dining the tend- which the statement is prepared, it at the resideuce of her daughter, Mrs ate: sessione, and be it resolved that was full of information to eveeyone a. D. McColl, Parkhill,having ;Maine( the clerk be itislritett'd to forWard concerning. the finances of the eannty. the great ago of 78 year% Decease copy of thiseesobetion to the family." Inspector 3. E. Tom's report shows had been only a short time, but bit -eavried. the expenses connected with the been very feeble for some time. Sh On motion of Messrs. AfeLeau find schools in West Huron in 1902 to bave was a thorough Christian and los-in Miller. Hie Honor Judge Doyle was been: • wife end mother and had a host o congratulated on his promotion, and Teachers' salaries, $48021 es friends who will deeply regret to ben on Aintion of Measrs. Miller and Speck- SebooI sites and building.- 4599 34 of her death. She leaves behind a fam man Hie Home .Thilge Holt was else Maps, globes, prizes531.1 05 ily of five daughters and one son t congratulated. Fut:, impairs, et)c.. 13023 07 mourn her detnise:--Afrs. Wm. Ilen The following gentlemen were ion nrd, of this place, Mrs. Wm. Collie pointed Collegiate. Institute trustees; and Mrs. John Woolway. of London James Scott, Clinton; John Acheson, Mrs. Sheardown, Centralin, Mrs. 3. '30nerich; Janee Seott, Seitfortle McColl, ParkbilL'and William, of Inin A deputation nadtessed the Council don. The funeral took place Wednes nU the question of increasing the day to St. James cemetery. The sym grains tel Continuation classes, patIty of the community is extende Reports from County Treasurer and to the bereaved ones in the loss tbe Inspector 3. E. Tom were read and have sustained. 3ent to cotranitteeS. Mr. Leitch appeared before the Council in reference to his claim. for datnages for injuries to a horse Afr. Howson, V. S., being Os° heard in she matter. Moved by Mr. Miller seconded by Mr. Spackman, that the warden be empewered to get the advice of the county solicitor, regarcli»g the claim of St. Mary's High School for pay- ment for pupils from the County- of Huron, and also the qualifications of county auditor. Council adjourned to 10 a.m., Wed- mesday. • 4 c ccc;i1 bele. he paid tnnastaren, enn „ „ Lenge) taste -The Rev. Afetatitilin. reetor t d see). home ten in number, were soon 1, afloat and being jammed about by the , ice. The steamer Princess Louise was e sunk, but will likely not be very ser- a iously imaged. The lockmen at lock d seventeen were compelled to vacate e their homes in a hurried manner. • What prevented a serious loss of p„im- 'e perty was the fact that when the • provements to the t'ornwall Canal were .:Joeing made a few y• .vs no the banks were raised some four feet from the I▪ lene at Dickinsonn Lauding to the foot • • it Cornwall, some twelve miee in length. , Had this not been diem the bauk would IlaVe been overflown from the river, and ,e the result would have been serious. Mr. S. Greenwood, Meneeer of the cotton „! mills, stated to -nigh. -that should the. d Water not rise during the nieht the mint , will likely start to -day. The weather • now moderating, and this will lessen the danger. Tote.. ..... 301030 00 Teachers, male, 53; tontine, SD; aver- age salary, mule, 3331; female, $290 Certificates-4st class 8, 2od. 73; 8rdt 332: changes during the year, et The jailers report showed that there were 11 prisoners in jail: three charged with insanity, and eight with vagran- cy. The jailer requested the Council to exatnine the jail and adopt a better and cheaper system of heating the Special committee reported in favor of xnemorializing the Legislature to extend the term of representatives to local municipalities to 2 years; recom- mended that the clerk be authorized to sign memorial adopted by the County Council of Waterloo, ;taking for an amendment of the statutes regarding criminal justice, and regard- ing the communication of J. 0. Morri- son, of McKillop, recommended no action. Property committee reported that the jail had been examined and found in good order; that the inmates corre- sponded with jailer's report, and recommended the purchase of material for a ladder, and that the jailer's re- port be printed; that the Registry office had been examined and found in ettase.a copy of the Ontario Statutes 151.428 and a copy of the Municipal W...21 for each member. . eh Letter from the county solicitor. aellieing to auditors' qualifications, was veaeSand filed, and the Council pro- ceeded to elect auditors, D. E. Munro being chosen oa the second ballot and La.wrence on the third. .An application front Keeper French, • of the House of Refuge,for an increase on salary, and a motion of Messrs. ,Mi.:Lean. and Gittn that County Clevk Letriees. salary Vrincreased to $900, weteettoth sent to Executiye commit - A petition signed by 111 residents, asking the Colwell to grant $500 to - wends cutting down hill at Holmes - Tale bridge, was sent to .Roacl and Beidee committee. Mo. Bon appeared before the Coun- ted and compleined of certain proce- . dare in relation to union school Section F. 0. 11, Wawanosh and Hullett. The Council took no action. Moved by Mr. Lockhart, seconded by M. Young -that this Council call meetiog of representatives front the envious in Unicipalitiee, to confer with this Coancil on the advisability of par- eicipating in the grant to public high- ways." Sent to Road and Beidge com- mittee. A letter wag read from His Honor Judge Doyle acknowledging the Coun- eirs. congratulations. - The opinion of the county solicitor as to liability to St. Mary's Collegiate Institute was read and filed. Reports of Special, Finance, Educe', tion, County Property and Executive eornmittees weze read and adopted Qo reading the report of the Execut TztlIRD DIY -THURSDAY. Rettuns from the Goderich, Clinton, and Seaforth Collegiate Institutes were presented, and sent to Executive. Three tereders for printing were zead and sent to Executive committee, arel,the clerk was instructed to pur- good order; that the rooms in the Court House were woll kept and clean, and recommended the purchase of blinds for windows in upper hall, and storm windows for Judge's room back of the Court House. Education committee recommended no action in the /natter of. appointing a delegate to the Provincial Trustee's Association; that in the matter of an increase to the grant to continuation Class work in Public Schools,the claim was a worthy one and an -increase cornmenlable; that the Public Sawed Inspectors' reports be published in the minutes; that for the position of county exaMiners four applieations had been received, three of whom had the necessary" qualiflcationa, namely, Messrs. Anderson, Cameron and Field, and that Messrs. Anderson and Cam- eral) be appointed. Executive committee recommended a grant of $20 to the Children's Hospi- tal, Toronto; a grant of $10 to the Prisoners' Aid Society; $20 to each Agricultural and Horticultural Socie., ty in the county holding exhibitions during 1903; $25 to each of the Farm- ers' Institutes: 325 to each of the Teachers' Institotes in the connty; the tenni .grant of $15 to each of the 11ln:eines in the county; that $55 be paid Mr. Leitch for injury to a horse at Machester bridge; that the tender of The Star for printing be accepted, it, being the lowest. that 310 be gionted for flowers g' to be planted nronzid the Court House ; that $25 he granted to the Children's Aid 80--fietY; that with regard to the cleiritatioe on tbequestion. of in - erasing the grant to schools where Is There a Weak Spot 'That is Likely to Devolope Disease? Paine'sCeleryCompotind Quickly Reaches the Affected Parts, Fortifies them and Imparts New Life to the Blood. Are you conscious of a weak spot in connection with any of the great, or- gans of the bodyR Do your Wile s bother you? It may be that you ex- perience pain in urination, or pain .in the small of the back. You perhaps find the skin dry and harsh, the urine high colored or a deposit in if. Any of these synaptoms point . to . kidney trietible. • Is your liver doing its great work properly? If you have vomiting, nausea, furred tongue, constipation or disordered vision, there is a weak spot in the liver. This demands in- stant atteotion. . • Is the network of muscular fibres .of the stomach in a healthy condition, or ere the nerves weak, irritated or ill- flantled? Is digestion poor? Have you dyspepsia, indigestion, heartburn, waterbrash o,r flatulence? Any of these troubles are forerunners of shf- fering and ill health. Does your blood as it COUT'SeS to all parts of the body carry nourishment and life, or is it filled withimpurities and poisons? Unless you have a full and vigorous supply of pure blood your life is daily in danger. Erninent medical men and the tens of thousands made well and strong by Paine's Celine/ Compound will tell you that this marvellous medieine is your sure deliverer from all the troubles we have mentioned Paine's Celery Compound quickly and prordpte ly reaches the weak and sufferinge parts, fortifies them, gives new life to the blood, nourisbes the nerves, bg11.14,s en usele and tissue, and makes yen re- jOICO ill a, conditiou of health that will be permahent end la stiog, g ON ECURDER CHARGE. bran a.nd Woman 1nested on Enenolt Liner. New York, Feb. 10.-4111m immigration. tuthorities last night detained as pri- soners on the French Line steamer La Bretagne two second -cabin passengers, at the request of Coudert Bros., law- yers,' acting for the Freud) Minister of Foreign Affairs. They are Henry Thi- boeuf, a Frenclunan, and Marie Fietto, a rung woman who comes from Bel- gium. Their names appeared on the list of the ship as M. Mongodin and Mme. Jouanne. The man is held on suspicion. of murder and roblo...y, and the woman is charged with having been his accom- plice. , On December 1 last a middle-aged woman, living at Bois de Colorabee, near Paris, was found murdered. She was known as Madam Tasseau and was eonsidered well-to-do. According to the brief cabled report she was found in a room, in the house, stabbed to death. There was evidence of a search, but how much meney was teken is not known. The Police dlatovered that two men, both well dressed, 1 ad called the house, en pretence that they wanted to hire an apartment. One of these men 4 believed to have been Thiboettf. Thi- hoeuf, who is 23 years of eke, good -look - inn and. welldressed, took his arrest coolly, and denied all kttowledge of the crime. The woman, who is about 23 years of age and rather good looking, was equally unconcerned. Thiboeuf said that he was a deserter from the French army, and for that reason he had to eome to this country under the name of Moirdin, which, he said, was the name c• „a friend of his. BEGISTDBED BROOD ANINIA.LS. Dill to Admit Thera Duty Free Ap- proved by Committee. Washington, Feb. 10. -The House Committee on VV1zys and Means has fav- orably reported the bill providing that all registered brood annnals be admit- ted duty free, whether they are to be retained as the property of the im- porter or are brought in to be sold. Senator Harris Ills introduced a hill alinhosenng the free importation of thoioughbi'ec live stock for breeding purposes, *gene_ x elthe EIJRAL(ilA 44-rttlic "MffellliT010 tlfirtatigtiktnnielittat E4rOtaTtlatediRt ntid CONSTITUTION •d-- -jet 41fiall'444 1BerregnOpalgfase micsm Prilqw40.1 Pricoin Cana Six bottles • . -00 7 Debility of system causes neural, gia, and whatever tends to produce -enfeeblements induces it. This affec. tion is undeniably due to lack of vitality, and its very existence is evidence of deficient strength. Remedial measures should there. fore be directed to improve the who!" system, for when strength returns to the system, the neuralgic condition f the nerves will disappear. This now is supplied by ST, JAMAS WAPERS ; they seldom fail to relieve; their effect is a general building up f the system. ST. JAM,US WAYFRS help StOnlaniti digest food and f.."1. .• nutrintent through the bloo.: this is the honest way to get health and strength, the kind that htsts, develops and breeds the energy whieh anentnet plishea ninth. det..TaMeg Wafers never vertex!. Veen are a yet:Wier nwiteout a Peer, without a rival.n Xn caaeaoeueuralatistlivelaavepee, veil a Peale and true atty.,* .1)r.rettrIckiteyteo Dublin! Xreland. St.oromer If Werr ere not a secreg reNteajg: tags numerous doclar,r re. commendiv them to Mei,- taliorle we mail Me formula otaa repo:, Where dealers ore not selling tiro Y ere mailed epee re - gene of urine at the Canadian branch: et. blfella Ilisfort Ca, 1121 5*. Catharine St, Manton -1, Taitlineennettilla. Alre. N. Cadet., ef:er a pleaemt 1:4.:1- 4111S rf 1:1111:Vil tik her l,c',iv Itt v, Olieb.„31eVOIZT31131ell by h-ar erde M.-'* P. Nutt.- Mes-er. i. Aslitim an 1.. Townsend, a Delotgn nrn v•eezdass fidetelt in thie edh • Lott an E.,,1 lea t tn. els f 1.z de hint in the Nideet, efie2:1 platthe 114 vnee net with frit. e --Renee: .1 in 'we- ;et, it - on 31 Vi U from nloosenolo, W144*.., 1,140.4 feed Al I14141221':141intend leovingelotztly fee V. s„S'te Znentimel Iner dengl Xi... Tone, who hove ;I's 1,8i iavak"; v4Pg. gietemyieg the hoese re '1- nay, 121.' MCCOrIlki-1:. We wa- it teen: tient to eur 114.1.4 end wish 4' iit'Ut (-141'8,S'11:410Mthi. • "-lir. JP11/1 1Za t 4 c'bra Vt. Of t IIP Cennueretal is hetet VviAtiey. welteene Hr. Rau 14." Ma' WWII oral 1,0p 121, w:11 It' 41 141 r2t.1 tit 01 IN, (hemmer- 6'hat-ili. Leeds Pa vug,17.1,,a ba, ela al at J. Deialtm t Sanns !leek. ;math entei r :is, la ft e- het week fee lenulatti. wl.ese 1:4, IN a t r(03.11 sil nat:gril a lege a al 5 Llge 614Ork, V M 'tenth -1, a: it ferinly eie. • ileit to Mt. Car - eel She bee reot. 4 her agwening 18 town and on bee tenon will Inke up her i twin. glee on her farm, Bronson line.- Abe Remit Duraial ras dispoeed of bls farm nen v. St. che•eph, ,MR, 3084 , Bedard, -Mr. 3, C. KalbIleiselt intends j building a flue Wek dwelling here the si coming yeate-Air. S. Rennie- bits pur- 1 I chased four tote ft on) Mr. H. Lippbardt 14 ;mil will et ect two In iek houses the '1 coming smuttier, Evidently there will , ho a general boom here this year. ---Mr. - 'John Foster has moved to town from bis farm. His son, Louis, who bus been the in oprietor of the Commeroial Iwill take charge of the farm and briek- yards. Grantou Mr. \S';12. %mut. %Alio has Leen nth up ter several days with a epraince ankle, is able to move around again.- Mr. Mond Crawford, town line. Int purelmetel from Mr. Robert Lawlen one huntived neves of land skeeter.' el the south side of the town line. -Th* quarterly board of the Methodist church extended n nanienotte i ta tion to Rev. Je ne Holmes to remain for the third yetue -The litany friende of Mrs. Wm. Lawton will be pleased to learnt, that she is convalescing. -\1z. Robert Squire, Who lvis Leen visitine relatives here for Rime time, left last week for 1 oron t prior to 1 (duelling to his home in Shoal Lake, Alan. DEng Werani 0 tieh-A. pleasa at event took place at the Methodist Omuta) her e on Fridny evening Inst, when the mealtime assembled ttt celebrate the wiping off of the church debt. After the fornia 11 ty of linrniog the mortgages bad been gnne throttle!), the trustees gave an oyster suppee eounneume. ate tire event, and n large number sat dOW11 to the tables. Aftersimper Mr. Dolby, of the Bank tic Comtism gee Lai. can, omit 1 he ehair, end int reaneed a veey hiteuel ing program. The speak- ers of the evening were the Revile. Manning, ot St. Marye, and Ayearst, of Luean. The church was Imilt about, nine yenta. ;Igo, at a cost of 37,000, and the flet that it has been entirely paid off speaks well for the excellent work done nutter, its pastor, the Rev. J. EL Holmes. .Centraiia bRs. oRmE oRmE, • centrals, otnee honrs a to 10 a.m., 1 to 2 and I' tos ene. Tele:Au:me communicatiou with main office in Lunn D genie Op JOSBP1x ANDurisons- The London News of Tuesday says: -The death of Jos. Anderson, of Centralia, occurred last night at Victoria Hos- pital, from an attack of paralysis. De- ceased had only been hero three or four days when the fetal stroke came. He was in his 40th year, ;Ind has no relatives in this city. His remains were taken this afternoon from the nnd er La k n eroonis of Ferguson &Sons to the G.T.R. station for shipment to Centralia, wherathey will be interred. Smoot, REnoteT.-The following . are .the names of the pupils who have ob- tained the highest marks, io S. S. No. 1, for the month of January. Names are in ordnr of merit V. -Hector Mitehell, Warren Mitchell, Rose WtI- SOD, '.51. Clallfas Sr. IV.--Vernau Wil- son, .A.IliePaggith Laura Sims, Alvin Beker.*Ir. IV.-1Yarold Dupla n, Feank Mitchel!, Norman Woodward, Pearl Biseetts • Sr. ILL -V. Shemelown, Joe White, Joe Heaman, Czar Wilson. Jr. M. -Murray Elliott, 'Willie Sims,Char- lie Grafton, Gordon Wilsenr: Lillian Robinson, ,Malvan ;Galan's, N. Bissett, Norman Hennern. 1I. -M. Hepburn. Archie 'Robinson, Mervin Elstgin, Elvmer Wilson, Fart. IL -- Hazel Mae'', Eddie Signs, Flossie Nee-, man, Earl 0:11Ifas. Part 1.-•Iziarry Windsor, Fred Fairhall, Jig° Bogart h, E. Ca Ins. - J.A. MCNAMELTON LOIS M. SMITI1 Teachers. Zurich Miss Ida Sipple has returned feom betroit.-Miss May Stanleke, of Lis- towel, is visiting her. uncle, Mr. W. 11:Hotiman.--Mr. Josiah Martin and a son of Mr. Elias 'Wide:nal), of near Pigeon, Mich, are visiting here. ---Miss Arinie Fisher spent a few days in Hen- enll clueing the week, the,guest of her brother, John.L-The W. G. fless inine bee Co., purchased the timber on one ggf the Towunliip roads in the swamp, ncnth of Zurich road, -Divisirm (must was held on Monday lest, „7/udge Hol the newly appointed Jealge of 'Huron glotlnlY presiding. -Mr. Arthur Ovens- barrist6e " of Dulaith Minn , coll- •nt on a numher of friends here lest \vec.k. -Mv. Ch vie. Sehnte and ta'milv neve moved hero from Tevistock 104 ao an age o Malt Breakfast Food Is Solidly Filled with Nourish- ing and Life-giving Elements, One Package Makes a Dish for Twenty -Five Emple. The large majority of cereal break- ast foods furnisb only from nine to twelte ounces of food, while Malt Breakfast Food -wholly composed of concentrated nourishing elements- furnisbes a, solid and full package of twenty four ounces of a health -giving and delicious preparotion, or enough to tnake a dish for twenty-five people. The full solid package.of Malt Idreak- fast Food, makes it tbe most econom- ical cereal that families can use. Go to your Grocer, buy a package and. try it. As far as economy and delicious- ness are concerned, Malt Breakfast Food bits no`equal. ed. Does it not seem more effective to breathe in a remedy, to cure disease. of the breathing organs, than to take the i remedy into the stomach? esiel.Mee- Established AS'79. Cures While You Sleep It- cures because the air rendered strongle antiseptic is carried over the diseased sur- face with every breath, giving prolonged • and constant treatment. It is invalu- able to mothers with small children. t ' Is a boon to asthinatics. Whooping Cough Bronchitis croup conchs Catarrh, Colds Crippe antliney.Fover 'The :Vaporizer and Lamp, whitth should last a lifLtime,'together with' a bo de of Cr,olcitt, , o.tzn a supplies of Llesoleue es cent. and 7 54 cents. 15"4.r4e for clesmiptive booklet contain- ing highest testimony as to its ValDt. VAPO-CDPSDLENE IS SOLD nv I4SU4494TS LvL3241114IE411 Vapo•Cnesolene Co. ttSo :Fulton 'itrect 165r Notre name Street ' g 1444'Vorl;. Moat..eal 011.47.311113, 333 4_.k. •-