HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-2-12, Page 3A0
Goop =mop,
rs the Secret ef Health, Vigor and
ing physical symptoma of disease,
there may be ether animals in the
herd in a condition to spread the
disease. The farmer who wishea to
Happinee S. completely elimieate the if -Meese
from hie lserd must aid the Govern -
net officials with some individual
effort and saerifice. Detter veatila-
tionexercise„ sunlight, nutritious
food.; as preventive uwasuree; the
tuberculiu teet as a diageostie ag-
eat and ether intenediete slaughter
anemone,. nervousness. neuralgia, or isolatiosi of all reactiog Animals,
skin eruptions, indigeetion, rliename C1.9 a method of diePosal - all these
tism, et9e because these diseesea are agencies of whieb, euy fornaer
connot exist wIteres die blood is looay melte tese.
good. The secret et geed blood- whet is imam), as the easage or
rich, red, life-giving bload-is Dr. isolation method is econmetieel when
Williams' Pink Pills, We thea largo herd is affeete,d, or when a
mils are eeed it means We. health. enaalt berd of valuable animate is
end viger, Mr,. Robert Lee, a well dmeased. The offspring are remov-
)irl.M11 resident of New Westminster, ed When dropped, and raised on the
says ..-.-"Before I began using pasteurIzed milk. The dtsposal
Pr. WilliamsPink Pills, my blood the diseased ante -eats may thee be
was in a eerie impure conditi011, and P°stPunuki until their inelvas° $11411
es a result, itchy pimples broke out ina-ke guod thu loss 4.° ukuuters
an over my boo, my appeutp was which wouldbe occasioned by the
acme and 1 was easily urea, 1 tried final dispoeal of the diseased meut-
wreral medicines. but they did riot 1?"si
help me. Then ay wife urged pee to That Much. has been accomplished
try pr. materna, Flak plus, 1 got. wn tbe Past few years in the an -
di -tuberculosis crusade statisttert
oh4elfadaudsodzeeneebsns"er:liebgeteehttL:a ,show that human tuberculosis Is on
to -eetatee, s'ae et' w'n7g ..-syn—o"'n-ii; the decrease notwithstauding the
skiz- 'larger coesumption of both mill; and
nod etear. The pills are the best, St 55f5. often made. time
Geod blood -rich, red blood -is the
greetest enemy that disease can,
have, It stimulates every organ to
throw off any ailment that may ate
tack it. Good bled is the only
Positive cure for such complaints
medieine 1 know of for purifying the bovine taberculosis is me the in- ,
Wooed' Seld by all medicine dealers areaae. especially in dairy cattle,
or sent post paid at 50e per box or
Pin bases. for 5e-50, by writing tegAveiceell9vet lbeeetigne Polio thelrede-diseaaneee 11.1-4ocr I45 -
rect to the Dr. Williellte* Medicine eieeieueee of good ventilation. ex
Pure soap I" 'You've heard
the words. in Sunlight
S o a -.0---yo-4 have the fact.
Co.. Brockville, Ont. Po net take a ere's% sunlight. and nutritious food
eubstitute, or sometbleg said to be in fortifying km) eastern of the ee.,
** #41
good" nielicinte never cured anyoue.
just as geed- The lust „inalli Of the introduction el tuber-
Sorne ef the Nein Practical OCAL-
elUSiOn3 Which, Were
Arrived at.
A E7a-* Of vabzableerimsts
has .1e:et been completed at Storrs
Agriculture' Experimental Station.
Counecticut, with a, tuterculoue herd
of cows. The reeults of these efforts
to eradicate the dieeatei with a min -
Latina tif tinsenelei loss are of enhanee
ed itsitortance in 110W of the fact
that, while heated diecuseicas are
going on all arenaild us comet -Mug
the relgition of tuberculods to the
Public health, coutrovereielierta have
too often lost eiglit of the practical
utility of experinteate. liere. there
fore, we Lave sonsethiug tangible Up-
on Mitch to net.
In 1$06. the, Connecticut Agricul-
tural College oweed a herd of about
fifty head of cows mid young cattle.
Prior to tide date the herd consist, -
ed of grade oninues, mostly of Jer-
ray and Guernsey blood, but In tliati
year 15 registered .Tereeys. Quern-
see`e. and Aysaltires were purchased.
Since that time the nequisitione to
the herd have been from the natural
,culin as a diagnostic agent; of the
Iwo of disinfecting age/Idea and the
Method of isolatiou, should instil in
the minds Of the ownera of our berde
of cattle a greater eguildence in
their Ability to Modest the disease.
Time agenelee are witlan the reach
Dept. ol Agriculture, Ottawa.
"I am sure if baby could onlY
talk," says Afro, B. Gaffney, Leftnia-
ble. Ont., "rho would praise Baby's
Own Tablets too. Tbey have given
hetter results then nay other medi-
cine 1 have ever used for my little
one." This is the verdict, of nil
Mothers olio have well Ilaby'e Own
and it is the very Lest.
afroof that no other medicine can
equal teem for the epeetly relief and
euro of the con -Maass eiiiments of little
ones. nate Tablets cure cone. COW-
etipationi tour stomach. diarrhoea
arid tilinple Intim they breek
olds, prevent croup. and allay the
irritation accompanying the cutting
Of teeth, aud are poeitively guaran-
teed to contain no opiate. All chil-
dren lake them readily, and for
-ery young infants they can be
crushed to a powder. Von mut get
ilinhy's Own Tablets from any druge
„, et at -0 cents a box, or they
fuerevee of these anix1101% and the will he malted, postage paid, by
occasional purchnee of grade cows. writing direct to the Dr. Williams'
Up to Oetober, 1897. the entire herd illadieltie 6., Brockville, Ont., or
was untainted. but in NOVellthere Schenectady, NA% Send for our
book on tbo care of infants and
young elilldren. Retry mother
PhOUT41 have it.
MR, a eoW which had dropped a
Aroma vigorous calf In the previous
August, and from New Year's day to
the nest of November in the latter
year had yielded 292 pounds a but- The niovement in &eased hogs cou-
lee, fell suddenly ill, and as there tinues rather slow. Offerings are
were no hopes of recovery, she was plentiful enough, but buyers breve
slaughtered in November, 1898 a plenty of stoatt on hand, and will
post-mortem examination showing A% riot give the priers asked, 57,80 to
generalized and advanced ease of 57.00 asked and $7.75 is bid for car
tuberculosis. The herd wAs then lots of select weights on the track
tested with tuberculin when twelve am.
animals responded. interim
out of a herd of forty-eight animals
that had contraeted the disease In
one year, demonstrating bow re-
markably infectious it is.
The following are souto of the
main practical eonelusions arrived
at from these experiments.
The elimination of tuberculosis
from a herd is a gradual process.
Ono tuberculin test is not sufficient,
as new cases will develop from time
to time. All the breeds represented
in the herd were about equally' sus-
ceptible. Tweaty per cent. of the
jerseys, 26 per cent, of the Guern-
seys, 21 per cent. of the Ayrsbires,
and 20 per cent. of tile Holsteins re-
sponded to the tuberculin test. The
largest producers in the herd were
not more susceptible •to tuberculosis
than those of the least productive
capacity. The disease wes not in-
One of the strangest photos we
-mei-Led. None of the Offspring of have seen for some time was shown
the tuberculous animals, 17 in num- us the other day by Massey -Harris
ber, have developed the disease. Be- Company Limited. It was a copy
peated injections of tuberculin often of the certificate of the Russian
result in a failure to respond. Six- Government issued to Massey-Tfarris
teen animals that bad responded Company, Limited, in commotion
once to tuberculin failed to respond with a field trial held there last
to the subsequent injections in ten June. Tho Retaian characters make
out of 20 instances, or 50 per cent. it appear very grotesque.
The post-mortem examination of cer- The certificate states that Massey-
tain animals, which previous to Harris Company, Limited, were
slaughter were apparently in good awarded the highest honors for
physioal condition, allowed the disea Binder, Mower and Reaper in a cora-
physical condition, showed the dis- petition open to the world. This is
ease extensive, virulent, and evident- a laurel of which all Canadians may
ly in the infectious state. The post- well be 'proud. Here's wishing more
mortem examination of certain ani- success to Massey -Harris machines !
mals, slaughtered in seize cases 16
months after first response, showed
Mere, traces of the disease, which had
tben made little or no progress, and
the encysted condition of the nod-
ules might indicate possible recov-
ery. The slow progress of the dis-
ease in certain. animals, and the
rapid, progress in others, took place
at the same time under the same
sanitary conditions. Individuals,
therefore, possess different powers of
resistance to the progress of this
disease when once it
Whilst there may be .animals show -
There Is more Catarrh in this section
of tho country than all other diseases
put together, and mall the lust few
years was supposed to be incurable. For
e great many years doc,tors pronounced
It a local disease and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly failing to
cure withlocal treatment. pronounced
it incurable. Science has proven catarrh
to be a constitutional disease and there-
rai requires constitutional treatment.
Hail's catarrh cure, manufactured by
F. .1. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Obio, is
the only constitutional cure on the mar.
kat. It is taken internally in doses
from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts
directly on the blood and mucous sur-
faces of the system. They offer one hun-
dred dollars for aoy case it fans to
cure. Send for circulars and testimoni-
als. Address.
F. J. CIIRNEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by Druggists, rine.
Ilalrs Family Pills are the best.
The Moors, who drive a trade m
elephants throughout the Indies,
have a fixed price for the ordinary
type according to their size. To as-
certain their true value they measure
from the nail of the fore -foot to the
top of the shoulder, and for each
cubit high theY charge $500. An
African elephant of the largest size
measures about nine cubits or 13O,
feet in height, and is worth about
$4,500. For huge Ceylon elephants
$20,000 is sometimes paid.
Wear the greatest thing in the 1
world,"—in anything that's worn. You get style,
fit and finish too, in
—But the one thing we emphasize is t
Wearing Qualities,
"Granby Rubbers wear, Bite iron."
AO; fee lite Octagen bar.
ea- "IMI.I.V.Wigfli4FreiV.MM
- . .
inObn:taolfsythies,M4slatyRuaz:lh4oKitge gelizoesstiw°114ae
ter rise to the top of a tree ?" Var.
rictus explanations Of the Phee0114-
enon have been proposed, but none
Is regarded as altogether satisfacm
tOry. Dr. E. le. Copeland recently
attacked tbe problem by means of
interestieg and novel experimente.
For instence. he eonstrected Mit
"Ortifieial tree" ef plaster of Pori%
and fottncl that water moved.
ward in it more than 40 feet. Vet
be was uenble to base any dentate g
conelusion upon the results that he 1 Bristol, Que., Jane 26. --(Special)
obtairied. The water travels a lerge It is with feelings of intense reliet
part of the way in a. elm, between tlaat people here now admit that the
bubbles on osse sIde and the wall of operating finite is no longer emcee
the cOnaltucting veezel on the other. re to Cure diet ence dreaded dist
But the physical inespertiee ef the sc-Gravele Experiencee bast shown
Alm are yet unknowee ee one of the reaneeoue faralle
aUawntstoising from diseeere
-dnees, and es such easily eurrible
teeee sovereign Kidney remedies.
boddee Kidney Pills. Reuben Draper
lasevin thie neigliborlieod. I
tlectse who as epeak freee
rerienee. Ile says :-
el was takert with what
thenebt was gravel. consulted two
dors. but got no lastirne
d I continued to grow wegfer
e time. Then risen advised ase
Kittney Pills, for h
'Ftaii!,,ginetel2teyI hwaoduleeuret:alillIthsem1141!1"1"*
-Just one wee% after eterting
utis Pod's Xteine,y Pills 1 peed
eleee cs large as a, email bean. a d
four drive otter ped enother
obeet tee eire of a. grain of barley.
Thie wive vise great relief and 1 be-
mitiveat,5911:n. 01:0411.cteelstsli, vneomaryiel;ratsubnl; rir-4,tre, fael ttfttelefsill-rtaatratturu-1111111-def -
sto-atv thein to anyone %-rte may
inlet hat. I nay.
"'Vat tapp.enea four years no
rd 1 1144Ve had no returzi of the
treekle Elmo."
Now, dozet sit up a -grieving
Through all the dark ot night
You. lonow the old worldte terning
To meet the waiting Dela,
So, gloom arid shadows scoreing,
You look but to the moruing,
'nen, all the sky adorning.
The sass. gentles smiling bright.
It's just that way with sorrow;
The night is bound, to be;
But still the Own beyond the dark
Life's hopeful eyes will see,
So, through the shadows ellugiug,
I.etts keep straight on a-Nettie:Mg,
Till. its sweet comfort bringing.
Joy dawns for e-ou and me,
Ga4vm, P
aper, Brictol. Give,
erieoce, awl is Prepared
itenieb Proof of What
Otatms for compensation in three
eases of malicious cettle mutilation
halee been sent in to the Tuliamere
District Couppil, Kieg's County.
With the living fair and its tra-
ditions meet Of necano_re5:?X' IRES
familiar. To weeny. however. it will
be news that there exists in the
Grand Patchy of Luxemburg a fele
for the express purpose of betro-
thals. This curiously frank aCiiii0W1-,
edgemetat of the lottery conditions
surrounding matrimony exists at
aelon. and is of great autiquity.
Yotmg men throw thither from really
eatery places, and there is alwaye
bevy of daroetes nothing averee to
matrimouial overtures. The fair has
people reeerthig to It even from
"Yes. filen ore braver than they
wed to be." "How do you make
that out?" "took at the young
fellows) who get married on 25s. a
Lever's v.v. (Wise Head) Disinter
ant Soup Powder is a boon to an
home. It, disinfects and cleana
the sante time.
Shop Walker -"She complains that
u didn't show her common civil -
"1 cee the teutomobile is
L eialrodueezl into modern war-
" eigg - "What's the mat-
t lien% the Grilling gun consider-
ed deadle enough?" -
d' I h
mars II metf n or saI
EtE1171 Efe
King Party . give you this
y." Shop Giri - "I showed her reggae-. what will you do with to-
Trything in my department, 1'Vattern (sereasticalle) - "I'll Ito
tweet with you, getv'uor. Ill spend
it itt riotous living."
The Moot Patellar Pee -The pill le th
meet popular ot tonne of medicine,
mul or Mlle the triOSt papillae ore liatemes
ire's Vegetable Pillabecause they de what
it is asserted they can do, find are not put
forward on any lictitione clatme to exeel-
lout, 'Mee- are compect ana pertalieN
they are easily taken„ they do not nauseate
nor gripe, and they give relief in the most
stubborn OLP%
Water boils at 212 degrees in a
metal vessel, but in a glass vessel.
does not show ebullition until the
temperature reaches 214 degrees.
Many so-called "specifics" and
"cures" for Rheumatism have al-
ready been brought before the pub-
lic ; but when Ithetunatism. Neural-
gia, susd kindred diseases have be
cruise chronic and threaten serious
results, you may rest assured that
they will help but vezy little, if any.
Although not recoramended as "in-
fallible," the peculiar qualities of
St, Jacobs 011 especially adapt it
to those cases which may be termed
"chronic," and which have previous-
ly withstood all known "specifies"
as well as the prescriptions ot the
best physicians.
We would mention, as an example,
the case of Mr. .A. Heareann, of
Pittsburg, who suffered with Rheu-
matism for four years. After vainly
using all the best recoro.mended
remedies, and exhausting the skill of
the most experienced physicians,
without even temporary relief, it re-
quired only two bottles of St.
Jacobs Oil to effect a permanent
cure. Mr. 0. Hanna a well-known
citizen of Youngstown'Ohio, se-
cured for his wife, whet for twelve
years had been a constant sufferer
from Neuralgia in the head, the ser-
vices of the ablest physicians of the
land, but they were unable to do
anything for her ; half a bottle of
St. Jacobs Oil cured her. Mr, Wm.
Reinhart, Elmore, Wis., reports the
case of a neighbor who for twenty-
four years had suffered so terribly
with Rheumatism that, at times, he
could hardly move; a few bottles of
St. Jacobs Oil cured him. "To cap
the climax," however, Mr. A. Neiger,
of Taylorville, Pa., writes, that his
mother, who • had been a continual
sufferer. with Rheumatism for the
past thirty years, used one bottle of
St. Jacobs Oil, and was immediate-
ly relieved of all pain. These are
results which truly deserve to be
brought to public notice ; but they
are not eiteeptionso as will be seen
by the turnerous othce certificates
from all parts of the, United States.
It should be the duty of everyone to
call the attention of his suffering
friends and neighbors to this won-
derfully efecacious preparation, es-
pecially as the low price of 25 and
50 cents per bottle places it within
reach of an persons, rich and poor.
In summer the continuous coil Page Woven Wire Fence
takes up the sleek. en fences elite.ken In warm weather and
tighten in cold.- except the Page Fence.
In the winter season pays 0 back, • Page spring coil takes up the clack in sum.-
- • mar and lets it out in winter. Nolcose sagghig
, in summer, no straining'or breaking inwin.
Lter. Constrion crimped vdiro isnot spring tempered and if it slackens it stays slackened; if it
tightens it loosens again worse than over. Page wire is tempered to regulate its own
tension summer and winter. 60,00U miles of Page wire fence in use now,
The Ps.ge Wire Fence Co., Limited, Walker -vine, Out. Montreal, P.Q., and St. John, N.B. 9
Tbete never wee and never wal NI a
universal peirrea, It oue rowan for all
ele to Newel; flesh te bier -die very name:
ef many curiae:es twine *wit that earl
I -legating of oeter end differently seated
diseasee rernea la the system of the
lenient -what inutile relieve 000 ill, in
turn would aggravate the edger. We.
bave,however.'in tetliiine Wine. wben
obtainable in 31 sound enallulterared
suite, n remedy for many also g 40114
By its gradnai anti judicklui use, the
frailest ,sestents are aid into cativalescence
and strength, be die influence which fent-
nhee exerts on:Natures own restOratires,
It relieves the drooping :spirits of those
with whom n Omuta KIM of morlda des-
pondency and lack of interest in life ft
disente, and, by tranquilizing the nervei,
ellspoees to sound and retrial:big sleep -
imparts vigor to dee action of the bloat,
which being stimulated. courses through-
out the veins. strzatithening the liettithy
nulnial functions of the system, thereby
snaking aciiviw a necessary result,
strengtheningthe frame, and giving life
to the digestive organs. Which naturally
demand mereated substance-resulo im-
proved appetite. Northrop .S: Lyman of
reroute), nave gireu to tue pueille their
superior Quinine Wine at the usual rate,
and, gauged by the opinion of Scientist%
this wine approaches nearest perfection of
any in the tnarket. All druggists sell it.
"You seem to know a great dera
about married life," said. a woman
of the world to a youthful admirer.
"Are you married?" "No, but my
father is," replied the youthful ad-
mirer, with a blase air.
Dear Sirs, -I cannot speak too
strongly of the excellence of MIN-
edy in my household for burns,
sprains, etc., and we would not be
without it.
It is truly a wonderful medicine.
• Publisher Arnprior Chronicle. ,
The Northern Company of France
now boast of two runs at a speed of
60 miles an hour. These are the
fastest trains in Europe.
Good Digestion Shoula wait on Appe
tita-To have the stomach well is to beve
the nervous system well. "Very delicate
are the digestive organs. In some so sell-
sitiVe ate they that atmospheric changes
affect them. When they become disar-
ranged no better remedy is mocurable
than Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. They
will assist the deeestion se :that the hearty
enter will stiffer no inconvenience and
will derive all the benefits of his food.
Nearly 55 per cent. of Germany's
population live in towns of over 2,-
000 people. Thirty years ago this
percentage was only 86.
Our I °Went]
a Pierto Cased Organ by the celebrated Doherty oral,sb
THEN Seine weeks ago we announce that we woo
for Seethes -a We anticipated that many would avail them wes of
the opportamty to eeetirie an organ of the lughest grade at such a
cut figure. Our roost sanguine hopes. however. Were more than
realized by the hrunediate orders received1 and encouraged by this
appreciation we now offer
5 *Vase Nearer perievete wee written WM. leer fate it
else eseleve 4 Oates corm te arguer- wee 4125. sag 4%
tette end It mem/. wthreitentrern qeriee wat oasts.
woe a; aimee. sere to 40 eats Lotto et iindelit. at Han pries
We prepay freight en all igistremeetsto pleece not mare than ',coo eeics
fermi Toronreeand will allow' fregia for this 'distance on ail lenger •eleprecete.
We else inelude a stool and 541'455C kink with all thcee igestrereenta
WO'glatilY agree to refund art7 -money paid on Account'
And ppkY frolght both waya *bawd any instrument ardor.
ail not prove a* roproAentoti.
if you want An orgarettie is A rose n prtunUy 10 tChi0 01ito tea la'
tone, design and durability, at a trifling P.511745ZCC en actuni
02 KUICL 01-. WWI TOM%
There le a geed deemed ab iud4 01 tiriLi'
%V want lMge
tPl444elsttioV'eezipltp4.141eleiTeChaer.4elgipa. ge„,
Ap imm_Q r!..you have a %Tar:v:140r Fsuc:„ of A, Pslaci we cal
so ceasigra us if 3:04 %Ma NaWsPioaf
itirl soompre rlaee them far tees, or wel Atop stem ler yea
reeke advance aeainst die seigevrat, age
ere O,
, -
PlAlfe oil of turpentine Mined v6
one per cent. ot oil of lavender.
the finest ot all einiple Inethoile
purifying the air of a etigli'y room.
ear arse Patti' Tram
oen AND 1441.4 T2551651 leterar, Ifin
Viinelaw 07s0,,etas trio e-TLI for ere, is
itira 7 tf siztege for the,.r cti'Orro •
with tern:.
• c:e int iwza of.1)7* ah cats w c.1 cal:, at g
t:s Olt Tri:ZMIV
1 4. ftlArrilir} Id prawn to the
•as r feta pet el its nce 4,
1wea-17-tireoista a nore fit vitae fernes'etle.
55 IWO isle* tar iire Waimea 117:titica 57ron.
take moodier ittati
The world's gold would font pile
45 feet high and 25 feet square.
%arts Liniment Relieves Neuralgia ,
IR,—"Do you think blonthe bevel
more admirero than brunettes?" Sbe
-"I dun't hnow. You might tisk
18lisii Turner; she has had experience
in both capacities."
Totally Deaf. -Mie 8. E. Cratidell, Port
Perry. writes: "I contracted a severe coat
last winter, which resulted in my becom-
ing totally -deaf in one ear and partially
so its tbe other. After trying varier:se
remeillee, soul consultiug tieverel doctors,
without Obtaining any relief, I waisted-
rised to try Dr. Thomas' Etlectrie Oil. I
warmed the Oil and poured a little of it
tact iny ear, and before one.balf the bot-
tle was 1155!11 my bearing was completely
restored. I bare heard of other cases of
deafness being cursd by the nse of this
Doctor - "Your master is grow-
ing delirious, George!" Gardener -
Well, I never beard of suck a plant
before, but I wisit 'e 'would lot me
grow it in the green'ouse."
It may be only a trifling cold, but neg
act it and it -will fasten its fangs in your
lungs, and you will soon be carried to an
untimely grave. In this country we have
sueldeu changes and must expect to have
coughs and colds. We mullets:void them,
but we can effect a cure by using Dickleie
Anti -Consumptive Syrup, the mediclue
that has never been known to fail in cur-
ing coughs, colds, bronchitis and. all af-
fections of the throat, lunge and chest.
Teacher - "After all tbe trouble I
bave taken, you are most imperfect
in your lesson. Surely, you could
not have found it so hard to learnt"
Pupil - "It wasn't because it was
so hard to learn, teacher, but be-
cause it was so easy to forget!"
Minard's Liniment tures Dandruff.
The largest organ is in Sydney
Town Hall. It has 10,000 pipes,
126 speaking stops, and is blown by
a 15 -horse -power gas engine.
Every day in the year the Chi-
cago, Union Pacific and Northwest-
ern Line runs through first-class
Pulleiren and Tourist Sleeping Cars
to points itt California and Oren'''on.
Three through trains daily. The
route of the famous "Overland Lim-
ited." Personally conducted excur-
sions from Chicago to San Fran-
cisco, Los Angeles, Portland and
other Pacific Coast points, leaving
Chicago on Tuesdays, Wednesdays,
Thursdays and Fridays. Lowest
rates. Choice of routes. Fittest
scenery. Maps, illustrated folders,
etc., furnished free. Rates quoted.
Address D. 11. Bennett, General Ag-
ent, 2 East Xing street, Toronto,
Wire ernes
we are not reetLe1 in
your dielriet write us at aura
about the agency. Geed epee
inesforgoedmen. Orilereeaeily 0
taken. Results eatisfactory.
f ROST WIRE ettta Cs tzmaft,
ventlIcu. toso, • • wer.d.
Ladies' and Men's Furs
14„..,thEnzi. Tete at leveed Intete. Steil
for Csialog. maw FuRa-We pay azalea
pr.cat tient. for price lat.
L 11 CeetittO ae., 72 Mae Sit east, Tzroeta
Nearly every deputation or cone
rention visiting Toronto make al
point of inepecting; the great ilite
;demerit WOrkS Of Massey-liarrts Co.,
Lnst week the curlers who bevel
been touring Canada, paid a viett
to the works and uare muds sure:
prieed, not only to the extent esti
the same, but at the wonderful me-:
iltods of manufacture eemployed.
The plant is certainly spiendidlee
equipped for snaking the world's best
harvesting implements.
Mind's Liniment Cures Bums, etc.
De Forest - "Smyth, I am almost
in despair. Maude will hardly look
at me." Smyth - eTake courage,
man. Press your stet." De Forest
(looking it over) - "It has been
pressed twice already."
Sick Stomach lo
Sick Owner Is idla
WyouWlil eve your digestion a
Weak It wilt gat along. You can do
tato by means of
which digest your food and rest
your stomach. You want relief and
• Pineapple relieves at once and
cures quickly. 'No stomach can be
cured except it can rest while diges-
tion goes on. safely. • The patient
eats heartily while taking his cure.
It strengthens the weakest stomach.'
Pineapple is nature's simplest and
quickest cure—Price, 35c.
, In five, minutes after usIng Dr.'
Agnew's Catarrhal Powder the
healing has begun, and it continues
till the work is quickly complete.
Since 1896 the dividend -New health, comfort in breathing,
paids hy
British railways have been steadily new vigor, and removal of danger
falling. In that year they were 8.69 Of co n s u nip tion or pulmenary
per cent. Now they average s.:31 trouble. 4
6--oa T N 11 414