HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-2-12, Page 1SIXTEENTH. YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY FEBRITA 2, 1903. IL ANDERS, EDITOR: COATS -0610 =.= MeSeeteelesiMMINIIMORWRM 1 Lady's Black Astrachan Fur Coat was $32 for $25. 1 Lady's Black Astrachan Fur Coat was $38 for $30. 1 Lady's Black Astrachan Fur Coat was $40 for $32. 1 Men's Brown Dog: Fur Ccat Was $25 for $19. ALL OUR FURS ARE NOW CHEAP. POPLESTONE & GARDINER, --y MON SX TO LOW, NVehave unlimited private funds far in* Vestment U188 rityno or village rro 11'444'. At noweet Wee eV interest. ••••••••••_— Airinebelsea Moray 6-111,1t1 Bellf14 Blemps are still going the rounds. Mr. dee- Reeder is spending a few The Ladies Aid. Society met I:s_tabye, iiS. nesdv hie.-1i,Mr. George outheott spent Wed - Mr. Levi Robinsou is confined to his days with friends in East Wiliteuts.- class room of the church, ToId left Monday bed with thero, while Mr.1.0. Bell hes Mr. a Brazel has returned from Chi. Feb. 3rd, and trAnSiketed the business , for the Soo. -31r. Joe Disjardine is all Rees 1 been coupelled to laY off dni-Y front ele rtgo, ttere be was called Owing tO for the past year, also eleeted the of- !smiles. It's a .girl. -Mr. W. Oliver. their disagreeable effects, tied three of the deeth of his brother, Mr. liatfleS ficers for the coining year, with Rev. who has been ill, bee sufdelentlyre- Mi. Thos. Clark's family are laid up Braieleorthat city, who WAS in he Mrs. Cooeer. President; Mrs. John covered asto be able to be out again.- with them. --eel te John jobee, black- emplOY of the Armour Pork ranking Johns, 1st vice preeident and Mr& j. 4 Mr, Luther, of Perkhill, was here Rwitb, of Ellaville is alt salnes—It lea Coe -Mr. Geo. Mitchell, who sold hie Andrew, 2;01 vies. -president; teire, esnas ,tibtotredio„,.„3it. smith. 3010 hiw 1.3een ere' is putting in their stock of ice this Geo. thieve, IlilS pUr011aSed a residence bridge, treasurer. One baby girle-The Wirtchelwea cream. term on tbe Zs& concession, to Ur. Johns, secretary and Mies A. Del -e! illose we are plegieed to say, on the The le A. S. was ' wend. --Mr. and him. Joe. Bremer week..._ellee Beb,ee Godwin who in in Parkhill where he intenne residing. never in a. better position finalteiellY. spent Friday and Saturday in Zurieh, teaching school in Essex, and who was awl wo move there abeut tbe 1st of having given liberally to different very sick with mumps for two weeks. Aprils. benevolent institutione and causes and iFarquhar', is again fuitilling her eehool tintiee.-e bas a nice amount. on baud to nesist . Vtititit Mies Annie Foster spent a few days in Senforth daring the week.-Itev. blr. McKeuzie, of flonon, 1-.1hina, will OTO a lecture in t be Presbyterian eitoreh ttenight Thnreday.-Mr. S. a itattywen, wife and familne of emelt'. spent a One days here dutieg t he week. -Win. Atulerbeine wbo hae been visit - mese relay seoes„...nteee le ryes., who Any, Anemia here for some tune. has re - has been the guefit or her sititer, Mra, ' turned !ea Aikidos -Ma T. MeAsit bee Fresi Mel:tonal, has returned to be r forevtIn6edtt,?::1:(14nrgneeogrtiooneewryit,iifiteiller pannsdt home in Dettente-hlta. Gordan Ailt11118 / ItilS returned home, after a weee's visit ' °thee' As he iti ii, tuna' or 03'04t. Paull with hi- mother in nteetese-efe,O, z.z. awl en.,rgy he will, no doubt, evin a Babcock in vieiting his father In Stmt. bur ehit'etn; An FA' mot uolv to 1 f urd.—Ifittry 001114I, - Or Exeter, ham Wage nig'. town complete is a good taken a position with Reynolds its In. ,e?nestqa4ec.,; a tinsmikth a gone netRean gram -Chao Manus Will leave about eleesrie nulwilY. A telephone Mtn elee- the arse of march for eeeneeey. mane, trie light System and a cbartered bents. •- where he has accepted a. position. -The 1 Main etreet League on Tltorklay even. Coutivif m-1.11:::::"---113Fe°:.12nneai.1 An pres Epworth League visiteit tbe Exeter . 0 iogy-Mrs.3tero oroi fionitY left last Nee By, Lees nna, 3. rena. re ,seneeobe Iweek for ara Rd Fork% N.D.,11 to So_.,ht Drillti WitS, provisionally edopted. A elle Mere, who has au eeeettent even court tie Revision will be belkt 'On MOD= that at that hiaeese-The rsiesse'h.' u days AlOrell t's at lOsi'clock tem. 'I'lte 44;11) brothers, who bare been visiting' Auditors' Report was laid before the in this section for some time. left last vonnen onee reeeeneetes easel book fin. ' week for their bottle in the West.- any mewed and Fdallea by. ate Renee. . The z111111VC.ralry Fer Vitt'S WAS held in The eases of cornettos Jordan, and the Carmel ebuteti Itere Olt Sunday_ enebeee legee ree were cancelled. Mr. Wheeler, our village soli lby,is able to he on duty after a two weehe A very striking feature tools place in . nee% we are pieased to note. the meeting, in the fOrnt Of a beautiful rreelevermg Awn the enuatips.-A great farther as the occasion may appear. Avoid Farquhar the mumps are on. --Thoe. Allen and Lewis Fletcher are preeent to a little tbree months' old 1 ruanY hureo have been euld in thie Mte. Kalmyk and egon, George. awe teeoartibeeelnItil4fInnedla,:itjhtkseltvile;t1shba4bendknset5k8iFfeeloeldrigrrt, • 1 tvhIcilirtleeit42);7°1:nittt.e; It:111. led meeting of the meats lieusall Tite high prices are visiting Mende in Londeu.seThe Mises being entirely taken be surprise. The bets of the rehorne & Hibbert Fium- e Box, of Seaforth, spent a. few daps retiring preeent furnished a light Inn. ' erN. ntalla I Fire Ineuranee CaraPauY in town during the week. the goeste cheon end all ropaired to thew sever- was held in the Pabile Hail. on Fen al homes realising that where two or 2nd. There woe a /urge number a three are met in -God's mane there will metubere present. The Seerenerys he be end that to bless and do good. Treasurer anti Auditors' reports ebeite ed the emamany had tioue good work during the past ewer, there being' 763 Thames Road . policies lesued, eevering rieks to the :eANNIVERSARY. .- silo annivere,ary 9111)991• 1i tit *s., ctalausvirititIv(txhpi, aretiftyvviste; lsrtv‘ic;:boftbtebensli):7tticy.itte:ii,;::: mZreth, su , totv4 of suii..24 vshich is secured 4, Thaine3 8034. was hi°, c'in 14,""(''''Y lat a net total tit risk MI Dee, 31st, Mondoe' IdSht; Ne"twitsest"necliRg .„.tle'; premium notes, amounting to $1074 - 'elle etortnev weatuer ''out'eaF. '3".1334.1311able foe assessment. Finaucie ally the coinpeny is in better standing °Ibn°0til *al i' vi lotlit. n°Pitsln.8:rli iltPn. unriLlt, ,t.e I 1,.,,‘ "fa': ''Atil een/tf.1 t,14: (104:, , 1 that I:0 t;:-.e:nbielfattritl;e1,r)t,V3•0151bierroup.:2.a.41 fegr. Zie while la the' evvaing the Rel" Ir." 4" .51`) :eland no liabilities. The« officere rr,,..recr/S, Eippeu Many in this vicintty_ will regret to learn or the death of Mrs. Wm. Cott- en who. emu. yezus ago, lived on the 11I05805 & CARTA:MI .1I1L Rond, but has of late made her • Barristemete..Exotor. bonw in the west. Much 'empathy is extended to MI' Cooper an family in their bereavement. -Mies Clara Cad - more. of Exeter, is visiting friends in this vieinity.--A "Valentine Social" under the- a ItipICPS nit the ladies' Aid Society, was held in St. Andrews chnrch on Friday evening last, mot=U2 LO. 'boom*. /AMC aroou t of Tele Ato fitted re to loom on tam And v1Uiio porertlee at /0 r Ales ofinterest. te. W. GLABMAX. Doubter. MIMI Street Exeter 1,11DXST EI.LiOTT Ural Eeatoand Insurance Agent Forms and viltao properties bought and eat e reasonable Wm% tier-era/dwelling houses far sale. Lands in an yam et 30nitobsa.r.9 the Nertiowett for .10. FI ALE. 80 ares unimproved, in the township of 05pm, county of *v.14,1=1%00(1 and other tinder. ratiway ttation SCAM milts, oilier, f hurell,a, mile and a hall; waniti sell or exchange for mall irm firmed properly at Exeter. 11. MatrfAtio 11ANZMN, Cuter. HOUSE, FOR SALE. The uridersigned is offering for sale his frame dwelling and premises on Ann street., Exeter, being ist 17. The house contains 3 moms with a brick cellar underneath. There is on the premises a good well of water, a pump shop, stable and eldricen house and a number of choice fruit tows. Will be *old reasonable. Apply to .Teror Moan, Eveter. /10CSE AND TIMER LOTS FOR SALE. The undersigned is offering for sale that desirable Otago property on corner of Carling and Nelson streets,, Exeter, being Lois 81.83 and 83. There 9 on the premises a good brick house, containing nine rooms; a good stable (the lowerbalf brick); hen house and pig pen;flIty fruit trees, bard and soft water and other convenienees. Will be sold reasonable. Apply to ClIA% ISAAC; Exeter. PROPEWTY FOE MIX. The undersigned is offering for sale that desirable hotel situated at Deem*, on the London Road. This hotel is in good condition, mid is 21 miles south of Exeter. This road 9 largely travelled and for the right man chances aresood for a splendid business. Thereis a good stable in connection also, acres of land. Possession given immediately. This property will be sold cheap. For particulars, apply to Messes & CARLING. Exeter. Out. FARM F011. SALE. The undersigned is offering for sale Lot 11, South Boundary, Blanshard, being103 acres of choice land, well fenced rind drained. There is on the premises two Orst-class bank barns, open shed, frame house with brick kitchen, containg nine large rooms, cellar under both; good orchard two good wells; 4 acres bush -mixed tiniber-and other eonveniences. Per- fectly free from all noxious weeds, such as mustard and wild oats. Located within one and a half miles from St. Marys. For particulars address • W. ALFRED BUGG Varvs. AUCTION SALE House and Lot in the Village of Exeter. Ur. John Gin has received instructions to sell by Public Aue- tion at the Metropolitan Hotel, Exeter, on Thursday, February 289*, 1003, at 2 o'clock p.m. sharp, the following valuable property, yiz:-Lot No. 43, Main street, Exeter, containing one fifth of an acre of land, znore or less, being the former residence ot Mr. James Darling. The house contains 8 rooms and is conveniently situated, there is also an excellent orchard.. Terms of sa1M-10 o/o of purchase price at time of sale and the balance within thirty days. For further particulars apply to Jona Gm, Ow. A. E. tioLzoo. Auctioneer. Stephen The following is a correct report of the standing of the Pupils of S.S. No. 3, for the month of january. 'Names in order of merit:-Sr.IV.-Herbie Ford Viola Penhale, Willie Triebner, Clara Beaver 131roy Parsons,Sadie Willis, Hattie Willis. Jr. IV. -Eddie Willis, Herbie Beaver, Mitchell Willis, Lizzie Sanders, Minnie Sanders, Edith Par- sons Alouzo Yord. Sr. IIL--Tornmy Sanders, Sam Hicks, Alfred Weurth, Earl Box. Jr. III. -Harry Triebner, Cecelia, Ford, Ralph Willis, Annie Hicks, Tom Penhale, Fred Beaver, Harry Parsons, Hilda Preszeator, Gar- net Craig. Sr. II.--Levina, Cookson, Earl Parsons, May Sanders:. Jr. 11. -- Gladys Dearing, Geo. Hicks, Sherman „ Willis, Eddie Triebner, Sam. :S tan la ke, Fred Preszcator. Pt. IL -Preston Dear- ing, Earl Shapton, Johnnie Willis, Chester Parsons, Geo. -Whittaker. Pt, L (B). -Ada Willis, Gordon Sanders, Abner Willis, -Florence Triebner. Pt. I. (A). --Garfield Stanlake, Olive Fresz- cator. Noon roll 50, average attend- ance 38. • , FRED SANDERS, teacher. Ithlva Mr. Wm. Witzel has disposed of tux - other tine thivezefor which he received tbe bandsome emu astao. Mr.Bissett of Exeter, was the buyer. Mr. Witzel bassinee purchased a fine mat ehed team from Mr.'4Vm. Yearly, near Crediton. - Thomas Barry, who bas been spend- ing the wham, with his folks here, has returned to Ids home in Dakota. -Mi'. Andrew gamin, who has been tura- bering atShipka, has returned th bis home here, the camp having broken rs. Wm. McCann returned home last week, after spending a month with her daughter in Detroit, -Mrs. Wm. Holt, of Sarnia, was in town Sat- urday, claims on friends. t'sborne Connell. Council met at Township Hall, on Feb. 7. All present. Minutes of Jan. meeting were read, approved and sign- ed by Reeve. By -Law No. 1 leguliz. ing the appninttueut of certain officers, fixing salaries, etc., was passed, sign- ed and the Corporate Seal attached. The Scott drain by-law, being By -Law No. 2, 1003, was previously adopted, and a resolution passed that the by-law be printed and a copy served on each of the assessed owners in accordance with Sec. 22, of Drainage Act, The tender of the Exeter Times, to do the printing usually required by the mun- icipality for 1903, for $50, was accepted. The Auditors' report was adopted and the Auditors paid $6 each for their ser- vices. Thos. Veal, caretaker, was granted $5 gratuity: Reeve Hawkins and Councillor Moir were appointed delegates to the Good Roads meeting to be held in Clinton. Accounts, amounting:to $110.49,were passed and orders issued iu payment. Council then adjourned to meet March 7th, at one o'clock. F. Mortrere, Clerk. Clandebeye. Miss Maggie Garnet, of Carman, Man., is visiting friends in this vicini- ty.--1;lr. Alex. Neil Is very ill with pneumonia. -Miss Clara, Nichols, of II- derton, is visiting friends here. -Mr. Harlton, of Exeter, is getting his store ready and will occupy it in a few days. -Fire broke out in the terrace occu- pied by Mr. Canning Thursday even- ing. Fortunately, it was noticed in time or it would have resulted very seriously. -The funeral of the late Mrs. Mayo, of Parkhill, formerly Of Ltloztn, passed through here Tharsday, on its way to St. James cernetery,-A, party took place a few evenings ago at Mr. larnes Doylsee, 2nd con., McGillivray. The evening was pleasantly spent in dancing, playing games, etc., till the wee' smite' hours of the morning, when all seperated for their respective homes having spent a very erijoyable even- ing.-Mes. Wm. Dewan is very ill, suf- fering from an attack of pneumonia. - Mrs. Saples, of Brantford, is erecting windmills around this vicinity. -Mr. W. Nichols has moved. here from Den- field. We welconae him to air midst. Mr. S. C. Chowen, our general mer- chant is busy taking stock. -At the opening of the new Methodist church here, the debt was nearly cleared. - Mr. Dorman, of Angie Craig, called on friends here Wednesday -Mr. Robert Hudson had the misfortune the other evening while walking home to slip on the ice and. severely sprain his leg. His many friends are sorry to hear of his accident but hope to see him out again soon. -The English church en- tertainment will be held on Thursday evening, Feb, 1903, Ros. Dr. Melsaten auenplen the pulpit in the uterning. preaching an excellent he1'n4011. while in the et -ening the Ser. vices Were takeu by Rev. Murdock Me - Kenzie. of Hunan, Chlua.---Mr. Cope - lend. the oi genteel; of the C.O.F.. was in town a. few days last week and SM. eeeded in adding 20 new members to the loeal SeRery is in To. ionto this week attending the Dental Convention which is being held there this k. -A resolution was passed unanimously giving Rev. Dr. Medd an invitation to rPIUflID as pastier for an- other year.-hirs.J.T. Wren itnd ehlhl- ren are home from Winnipeg and are visiting friends in and around town. - A number of the neighbors of Me. John 'Willis, who has been ill for so long, met at his residence a few deys ago toadeawed Up aboot 30 curds of wood. Fenn Aeseinezies-Thursday foie - noon while Riebard Beek, of this place was ou his way to Zurich with a load or flour barreis the load upset wben opposite Mr. A: G. Ebnes' farm. It appears there was no one who saw the occuieence um/ as the horses became detached from the load no one thought of looking for the driver until the horses were caught near Zurich. M. Beek not Writing up, several parties went to where the load lay and after removing the barrels tbe body otthe unfortunate man was found, but life was extinct. The deceased leaves a, grown up family and an aged father, who bave the 'heartfelt sympathy in the tragic death. Stanley Mr. Morton Elliott, of tbe Goshen line, has bought Mr. Henry Makinst farm near Varna. The deed. calls for 107 acres and the purcbase price was 85,000. This is the third farm now owned by tbe Elliott family. Mr. Ma- kins gives up possession next month. - Mr. P. Wells and daughter, Miss Katie, who have been on an extended visit to friends liere and in Berlin, have return- ed to their home Osnabruck, N. D. - Mr. Geo. Johnston has purchased a three-year-old colt from Mr. C. Ward, of Varna, for which he paid a hand- some figure. -Me. Richard Peck, who has been ill,is recovering, as is also Mr. John Peck and Mr. G. R. Keys. DEATIfS.-A. very sudden death of a promising young man of twenty-two, occurred on Saturday at the Bauble Line, in the person of Mr. Louis La - course, son of Mr. Joseph Laeourse. The deceased had been suffering from a severe attack of appendicitis and when medical attendance was called it was found to be too late to save his life. His death willbe deeply regretted as he was an exemplary young man, of good habits and a general favorite with both eld and young. The funer- al took place on Monday to St. Peter's church, Drysdale,"and was largely at- tended. The bereaved and grief-stri k- en family have the heartfelt sympathy of the coramtinity.-Mr. James Logan, one of the oldest and most highly re- spected residents of this township, passed from this life op Satierday, Jan. 81st. Mr. Logan had not enjoyed good health and had been preceptibly fail- ing for about two years, but had only been confined to, bed for about a MOD th previous to her death. He had reach- ed the age of 75 years and 4 months, and in bis younger days had been a re- markably strong and robust man, He Was a native of Longside, Aberdeen- shire, Scotland. He came to Canada in 1846 when only 19 years of age. He remained- in Aucaster, Wentworth county, for two years and then came to Huron and settled on lot 3, conces- sion 7, where be remained for four years when he retired from farming and tesicied in }Tenser!, but he did not like the inactivity of retirement and returned to the farm again. He was an industrious, good living man, a staunch, true friend end in every re- spect a most worthy citizen, and be- sides his bereaved widow and a large family, he leaves behind many true friends who will !care with regret of his departure from the scenes of this life. He belonged to the Episcopalian church and although at one time earli- er in life a Conservative hi politics, of late years he usually voted on tbe Re- form side. He was twice married ancl leaves a family`of six sons and three daughters. payment for f4 une having lesen made. The tau - see tlearge Parker were ;Am nave nu ouryiaLie reputatien fee seek tot': A. D'itc'bite 1. a1111291'. end J. tne enneetleti. lIr. assessment was on tent cooking qualities, provided an aimed. Gialtillan. Liteatt: A telitore. W.A. Turns of road allowance and Mr. Perko' tuna ant supple of the most palatable endRutherford; ithk- Mg died. The following amounts were enticing viands fee the °evasion and 101*. 'O8 Treas., Thos. Cameron, ' ordered to lab paid: -Municipal World, were most attentive in their courteous rolls and subscription% $12.72; Fred manner to the wants of the litany els- Flew, registering birth, marriagesand itors. The wants of the inner man dead*, Silt F. %V. Farncombe, fees re having been amply supplied the inn O'Brien award, ns15.00; Chas. Keller, mense crowd adjourned from the base - e(21. eon. 10. $2.50: Thomas Johnston, tnent to the body of the Ouzel) to noetage, etee 53.21; J.J. Merner, Audi- hear the intellecteal treat provided toes &dam. $6; R. R. Johnston, do, for the occasion. Rev. C. Fletehen 50. The Connell will meet again on pastor of the (Antra), had ebarge of March 2nd, when pathmasters, tbtc., the program and in his usual pleasant will be appointed, wanner introduced the speakers and FRRD Hess, Olerk. the musical numbers on the program. The cboir of the James street Metho- flatlet t dist (dumb, Exeter,furnisheel the DIM - whit. shooth g sparrows the other day the hired nein ea the farm of Mr. Jeines Efainilton shot a valuable colts The animal cause running past tbe cor- ner of the barn just as be was in the act of shooting, hence tbe accident. - Mr. and Mrs. A. Best, of Brandon, Mem,, are visiting friends in this vicinity... - Mr. Ildedcl. is suffering from an attack of erysipelas.- Mr. A. McGregor, of Cy- press RI ver, Man., is renewing acquaint- ances in this township. -The nanny friends of Miss Kedah Mills regret to learn that she is suffering from diph- thet in. She is under the cave of two doctors. -Mr. George Patterson moved. Crediton to his farm last week and Mr. McDole moved to Kinburn.-Mr. W. Sneli, of h STANDURY, 13 Ao tforMOrl,_V k Notary, wonveyancer. the gravel line, has decided to go West and intends baying an auction sale of Mr. George Wein, of Kilmanagh, Meletren. D.D., preachee, Both were nor tile .yeete *mare followe, ablt, dISSAIIIIIMS and 1.Vet0 -44."' - li't .11 t" ' - Pass i Pres. Tito-, 11*. 82*, Dgiblio; Vice Po:ass with a great deal a interest. The 'Winore. Requiter; Director% weather being fine on 3londay even- .U.wet.Roy. Baratimita; J. TA Rusvn tug one of the largest crowde thot 1385 Itneseldile; J. A. Norris, Crinuanteh ever enlivened in the church was in and F. Aim ky. wwittliz .Agents. J. attendance. Exetee being lurtie"inri-V Seaga; J. Wilmot, Fulls:o- w 11. resented The lediebb who Minsky. Mr. Walter Stokes is on the hien. list. We hope he will Hunt rem:vete-Mu. Jas. I% eir retutued Immo from Michi- gan on TileStliM-Alr. Trevetbick is still very low. ---Me Wesley Morley le teem:ming from hie illness- We are glad to heer that Rev. Mr, Knott IS *lowly recovering flow his illness, but is soil unable to tone bis dun eh ditties. Owing to this the Rev. Mr. Andrews, of Parkhill, will preadt at the three appointments on the AIN,. Craig eir- teal part of the prop.= and ineerspers- end on nundeT. ed beautitul selecnons in theie mind- ly effective and fairing manner. In - Westing addresses were delivered by Reeds. Cranston, Cooper, Henderson. Hannon and McKenzie. The solos by Miss Ilene Carling and Miss Hicks were well teseeived as 'MIS also the singing by the quartette, Misses Gill and Davidson and Dr. Anderson and Nr. Heywood. After a bearty vote of thanks had been tendered the speakers and choir the meeting was brought to a close. The proceeds of the two days automated to over 5150. his effects, the farm will also be offer- ed for sale on tbe 170. -Miss Edith Mills is seriously ill with diphtheria. - Mr. H. B. MeVettie, of North Bay, was the guest of his brotber here din- ing the week. His brother, John, ac- companied by his wife, of IZTewbraska, was also spending a few days bore. Rum OHANTGLES.-Mr. T. Treineer, of the 4th, has rented the 50 -acre farm. of Mr. Andrew Ginn, on the 3rd con. for a term of five years. -Mr.Rich. Carter has sold his 50 -acre farm on the gravel roan, to Mr. Moses Brown for the sum of 52500, who will probably- occupy it himself. Mr. Carter has bought what is known as the Crawford farin, on the gravel road. Four years ago it was bought by {leo. Cockerline for 53600; last summer be erected a fine brick house on it,and has also put up a bank barn and disposes of itnow for 55,500. It is supposed that Mr. Carter's sqn, Joseph, will occupy it, but he will need to get a housekeeper. Mr. Cockerline, who has not been enjoying good health for about a year,we understand, in- tends going West. ASSAULT. -Wallace Allen, aged about 16 years, was the victim of an assault on Sunday evening. In going out to the stable to harness the horse the dog began to bark violently and ran to the hen house. • Wallace followed, think- ing perhaps a mink had got ainong the hens. Re found, however, a stranger and when asked what he was doing there, said, "I'ra coming out." "No you're not," replied Wallace, who pull- ed the door to and tried to hold it, but was unable to do so, and the stranger after striking him a violent blow in the face disappeared. Wallace was knock- ed insensible and bled profusely. The identity of his assailant is not yet es- tablished. It is supposed the a.ssaulter was waiting for the fernily to leave for church so that he znight ransack the house. GONE TO Ruses -The spirit of Mr, Wrn. Bedford, father of several of our residents, was called to its home above on Tuesday morning from the resi- dence of his sonrWilliam, with whore he has lived since coming to this coun- try. This old gentleman had passed the alloted age, being in his 78th year, and had been a constant sufferer from rheumatism, which had crippled him. He came to Canada from his native county of Devonshire, England, with his daughters some ten years ago. Twenty years to a day his wife prede- ceased him in the Old Land. He leaves one son and a daughter in England, on the 1019 con.; Mrs, G.11 Bali on the Maitland Branch, and two un- married daughters. Mr. Bedford was a Liberal in politics and an attendant of the Presbyterian church, The fun- eral was held on Thursday, inter -Went taking place to Balls' cemetery. is visiting relatives in the village. - Sunday's blizzard brought the snow ploughs and shovels of every descrip- tion into use on Monday morning. - Rev. S. R. ICtietchel, of Berlin, con - dilated the quarterly services in the Evangelistic cburch on Saturday and Sunday. -We are sorry to hear of the continued illness of Mrs. George Mots, who is here on 12 visit from Manitoba. We trust she will soon recover. -Mr. W. S. Chisholn, manager of the Mer- chants' Bank, was in London Sunday. ,-The Ladies' Aid of the Evangelical church gave Rev. and Mrs. Jiio. Staeb- ler a pleasant surprise party on Mon- day afternoon last. -Mr. Asa J. Hill has finished the painting and papering for the Sovereign Bank. -Our photog- rapher is doing a, good business. He does good woek. Give him a call. -The following appeared in the Free Press, London on Tbursday:-" Mr, Andrew Winer, an old man, late an inmate of the Strathroy House of Refuge, died at Victoria Hospital on Tuesday night. He had been Itt the hospital for about a month. A brother. Matthew, resides at. Crediton and a sister, Mrs. Merrier, at New Hamburg." Bewrienex PAaree-A very pleasant birthday party was held at the resi- dence of Mr. Jacob Heist, on Monday in honor of his 76th birthday. About fifty guests were present and all did justice to the splendid bill of fare, which was prepared by the young he - dies. Mr. Heist was presented with a nicely worded address in the form of a poem, composed by our poet, Mr. Chas. Brown. - We wish Mr. Heist many more pleasant years of good health and happiness. SOROOL REPORT. -The following pit- pils obtained 60% or over in the exam- inations held durieg the month of January. Names in circler of merit: Division I. --Ida, Brow n„ Esther Heist. Jr. Part IL ---Gertrude Eilber, Vera Holtzman, Iflarrison Holtzman, Mait- land Wray. Sr. Part IL - -Harry Men- ges, Gordon Appleton. Jr. II. -Clar- ence Iloltzmann, Herbert Fahner, Til- lieBrown, Elsie Geiser, Enemery Fah- ner. • Miss Rolson, Teacher. Division IL-Interinedia te IL -Edna Pack, Hilda Shank, Lizzie Wolfe, Clarissa Hill, Edith Hill, Ernest Apple- ton. Sr. II. -Mildred Brown, Roland Eilber, Lilhan Geiser, Adeline Fink-, beineri Jr. III. --Bertha Finkbeieer, Ida Ewald, Alvey Holtzman, Nelea Shank, Annie Ewald. Sr.III.-Laura Heist, Garnet Sweitzeie KATE Maleneei. Teacher. Rueterren.-- A 'Windsor eorrespon- dent, says: -A men 09 wbom age bad niready began to work ravages mune • slowly into the (dim of the marriage Remise derk leading a woman slightly younger. but yet in the decline of life - He said his name was WneRowe,aged 08 yearn of Jewell City, Kane farmer., and the woman's name was given as Dorothy Rowe, aged 60 years,of &ins - ley, Ont. The identity of names enuebt the attention of the clerk and be askeJ_ for an explanattou. Then developed a strange and romantic Wale The cou- ple had been man and wife for 40 years on tbe farm in Kansas. They bad lived together in happiness, and 12 children had tome to them. About a year and a half ago the wife desired to visit her relatives at Brinsley, Ont. Rowe con- sented and she left for her old bome. Rosse says that after that he failed to receive communication front her, al- though he wrote her often, and think- ing that she bad deserted him, he saw a lawyer, who advised a divorce. Mrs. Rowe knew nothing of the circnmstan- ces aud had received few of his letters. The divorce was granted Rowe. Short- ly afterward Rowe received word that Mrs. Rowe still loved him, and was anxious that be come to her again. Realizing his mistake,Rowe came from Kansas to Brindey, met his wife, and after an explanation, they came te Detroit to be married again. Division III. --Jr. IV.---Madelene Bertrand, Wallie Hill, Idella Fiehner. Jr., V. -Melinda Trick, Olivia Boltz- mann, Ezra Oestreicher. Sr. Edna Eilber, Wilbur McMurray. CLAUDE Biereeee, Teacher. BIRTHS. KERR.-Near Ailsa Craig, on Feb. .2, to Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Kerr, a son. Sones -At Elimville, on Feb. 4, to Mr. and Mrs. John Johns, a danghter. DATERS-Ita Hay, Con. 4, on Feb. 1, to Mr. and Mrs.Ed. Dateis, a daughten. Sonoes-At the Geshen line, Hay, on Jan. 29,to Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Schoch a daughter. Deests.-In Biddulph, Sauble Line, on Jan. 81, to Mr.antl Mrs, Aarou Davis, a daughter. ISIARRIA 0,35. Rossnea.--jon-e---In Stephen, Con. 2, at the residence of the bride's par- ents, on Feb. 4, by the Rev. Kestle„ of Stistou, James F. Russell, to Miss Ada E., daughter of Mr.Elijah Jory. •SAMUEL- BAWDEN-At the residence • of P. Bawden, Ridgetown, On t., • brother of the bride, on Feb. 4113, by the Rev. W. F. Brownlee, Reginald Brassey Samuel, Exeter, son of the late Rev. John Samuel, of Ileythrop, Oxfordshire, Eng, to Mary (Pollie) only darighter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. •Bawden, Exeter, Ont. DEATHS Emotes -In Usborne, on Lot 13, Con. 2, on Feb. 5, Benjamin I. Higgins, aged 72 years, 4 months, 7 days. EAsTuaenooic.-In Exeter, on Feb. 9, Mary Easterbrook, beloved wife of of Win. Eaeterbrook, aged 81 years, 3 months, 3 days. PLUNKET-In Mitchell, oe Feb. 3, Mar- garet, relict of the late Jos. Plunket, aged 91 years, 9 months. WHITEHEAD. -In Hibbert. on Feb. 1, Andrew Whitehead, aged 72 years,. Mo -In Parkhill, on Feb. 2, An Meyo, aged 78 years. Benin -In Stephen. on Jen. 28, Mrs, Jane Baird, aged 81 years, 2 tn °nth& MCGRED0R---In McGillivray, on Feb. 2 Archibald McGregor, aged 95 years: „