HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-2-5, Page 8BIG SN Ledies' Blecle. and Navy pure woo Meirs Coon, Calf, C.orsictn Lainh, ISed' 14 11`1' 118°4' Yerly' I erge• dress ski. Regular value Bear and Beaver e'er eeat$, at hi, As will be seen by a notice in ;moth - .51). job price $1,50, 0 Stewart's., bargain prices at Steware's. ethr ce,°017duleuse' MarytuilinUellas'psaajaci'i,t°aiblde wbora the writer hail the privilege and wuSiituec.ebtihvekbaldintitagbeoogf lejiaraustrive, ell, apsleocrihwaesofpaitevaitzieitsg die:bet havitxhIg w mon s • •onnetev.zerhingSinex,gssavaluttiet aznodkrivis.alLurz • oprshetto4ab,uegrhetteerr3:14reawsl at rths.e hj.oamu: the Moleone Bank, or ,Jams Beer. Ex_ Mill?, of the 8th line of Blanshard, on eataiowbilalgocreisvaeirirgblytejatreas 1700, 3fmuetItY airdt'il°,1Tyes:tge of n7 years' 3 1 Evangefistie services are being held in the jame$ street elturch this week. The right kind of advice should. be heeded; but the acisice some people give is about as reliable as A cooktug receipt in a medical alMatiae. Rev, John Scott.D.Doretnrued mie- ionarY frees ,3apan,preaChed filiSsiOU. ry serMarAS to large rcIfigvegatioue in e ,larnes street church on Sunday t. His diecourses were hiteresting rod instrective and were listened to ith rapt attention. Miss -keine. Sinsman, who hes been attending the Conservatory a mu$10 t Toronto. has iniasee with. fiteleelaee onotes. Considering the short period Miss Klosnean has been attending the Coneervatoey she is deserving of the highest praise for her aehievement and exeelleut standing. Dr. Ovens, a London, snrgeonp oe liet and specialiet. diseases eye. eAr, me and throat. will be at the Com. ercial Rotel, R*eter. WedFebrirerY 4th; Wed.. March 4th; WetloApril 1st; Weds May ifili; Wed. done .1W. lik/3- lasses _properly fitted. Next visit will teNlied.. Feb. 4tb. a Richard Weleh. of Kalemazao, b.. an old Exeter boy. is eltaking ; 5 with old frieude in town thte the guest of his patents, Mr. Wyo. Welsh. Mr. Welsh has, en enjoying very geed. health et eying some time ago euffered a a paralyels from which he has t . red, This IVIOnth OYERCOATINni SUITINeS, PARTINGS, FANCY VESTIN8. ge assortment to ,laeleot from TADIAN Merehant Exeter,. ST TEE New Ye - WITH A-- SAYRE ACCOUNT IX THE SOVEREIGN BANK of Canada EXh ETER- or CREDIT Prior and Arnittrang, two most extensive hog ehippers he,eii parts, during the month of Jane erv shipped IOLL hogs aggrewitiag elittt 218.5tkl. and -for whin they ve paid the fartneret tho vicinity $12.219.4. Messrs. Prior =strong are goad huvere and eel:. • deserve the confidenee of tbe ere. old proverb holde geed re. Oreand-hoes• day, Feb. 2nd, mutt On an early spring. On if the geeendshog see his emerging from his bele, a of cold weather is pre. Monday his begebip (.W*1 •SbadOW until Late in the ceusepteratlyWt rimy e» r enrolee 11. Forbes Coe, Limited. Ont., for paitelculeeeof work. •weellen Manufaetairinft and ran Reliable Urfa, wages Tek. good pay, nice wink. mplosnent for a number of cat once; boys and girls, four. ears and OW% ;ASO yontig wo. tiood private neentamodation at ates for hands desiring board. . Enoch Rowell& last week. dis. ed of Ws lifty.acre farm, south half 5 gate 41h fir on Tilorsday, 3 a . S ome people are gaa; bemuse their Lieu of opportunity to be Whet wise S ome times a man gets very tired doing nothing because it takes so long to do Seep in the etraight and narrow read and .von will avoid the rush of tbe crowd. Nina Ceiling renderel beau Mal solo at the dames etreet ehure ou Sunday evening. Turkish Scalp Food is the best bair ieperation for the hair io the market. old by C. tutz, Exeter. i',19 cents a bane. A cobbler is so ambitious that he keeps pegging away to the last, and so pious diet he is a daily repairer Of bad Stiles. Those people who are always crying out that this world is a world of trouble wouldn't be willing to sell out and leave it. Fish are said to be good brain food, hut unfortunately for a great many people who eat fish they don't seem to get the right kind. Messrs. Haudford & Elliott shipped e. carload horses to Winnipeg Friday last, atuong which were a nambeteof exceptionally fine animals. We have the sick and afflicted, the 'widows and orphans among as just the same as we did. in the days of Pauli, but we haven't got Paul. tice er they will be proeeented, Da.aeing Ac44910V,. The Eminent Devine. ReY, W. • Cle of waeksee 1$ ree/eared tee glee arkthe First Preeleyteriau private dancing lessons any hour at elinrch, London., will lecture in the the Academy. Oentlernerea glass, 0,,,„saTnn e_shYterein church on the Monday evening at 8 ceeloele; ladies" 14'4ent'tni4 of Life" Fridity evening, lass, Tuesdey evening ert o'clock; F'ebi 1301, 8 a'cialek" Mr" Cla""P children's claes, Seturslay Afternoon at requtres reeewalend4t1" to the 2,$‘). Come learo the -,,,,.tu_4.41te public 41slie oceppiee a most promin. dances, thrre-step and mr.44aent position en the Presbyterian noses r. church in Canadaarid will give the geeris Otf thts ricinity a most instruee Tabeereo:aiseonAelyoB erabletbestiroccasiou the rme, ert.lug and valuable ad cofnmte- ot an official visit from the dress. The lecture will be given i tbeateter. of Ontario. Mr. R. Ice, Cowen, 1t1,1:. ruddy15cof eburell. oti Tuesday narge ight last•, A very line' e, e7,f jattc'esstalicombe attenileuee of members from Hensel' and Exeter greeted the 41$04,1tished Au old and well lolawn t'seident has visitot.. The emeetien wae waled by beet! removed front our midst by graeefol eildresees„ while the peceeed- 4eatb" James SrAtue9tabe* W11° roPttowarbre1311,w.verorok4mo‘OlVtaeocratckret lJam ufabmilli:etheitYZeraerirolln° etre Au address of weleome to the orima streets and much rerted for hi a ended to by the. Grand leemer. ehorch and elniStifill in the true ot coneeton 5, Ilehorne, to Mr. Mater was delivere4 hy Br°, Se A. guand qualities b{41-1uf eaet" heul- Bopplestone, which evils fittingly me• wile a meenher of the Main Street s.)rthy patroseh smektelle. 44mt. sefiSe a the word. The old gentleman $peeeee e, requeettdetfrered hial enjoyed his usual health up to ficent address upon the [subject or ithlu" weck td• hi 4emilses when be of ine oddfcitow$kip. It!istiog es, pm poses vas biker' down with it severe attae. aud work of tke y er, ke wtery ti - ornmation find despite a luein wos omulputied. fwat hreth., ekill he was called to pay naturee debt. The funeral took place to tbe glgstimnammtreotrreo/u11111efoTtleturnillevtukk; Eteter cemetery Tuesday. lie leevee cimoug brethern web 04comitunE. a. eorrowingwifeetwo SOUP and ft daugh. After meeedeg tbe'happy verilarks• ter to mourn his sudden taking off. ot lhothets Brooke, Phi ite, .3leKay. en 0- F' Dickeon and Sutherlend. t bretbreu• The Canadian Order of Foresters an rtirtetrevirtestn.„-ite,rieltrr,line..tijnIscriffeevt—ennnrkeIttirittecirtoti.Orrvil t A AA "AAAAAAA AA1AAA'A AAAAA AA" AAAAAA AxAAAKAAAAAA,AA'AAAA4,,AA' sat down to a ineet sumptuous repaete a.n.luntler of their. rtiends Silent a 5 then einging the nationd anthem the cm evening in tam lodge l'odul 0 meeting broke op. Wednesday evening of lest, week. Mr. Faekten Innis fee Vertex. T. 0, Carling acted as Clattirinan and 'Novelty enitings show a varie • "a his usual leeppy trimmer lotroduced lee; the Scotch mintnreee hav hose who took part in the program. leenrettee Instrons angova umban 1114e4; --las Murdn' 31152'" John'9* We Ray the highest mar- ket price_for No. 1 Red Alsike and Timothy Seed; also tfungarian and Millet T. HAWKINS 84, Soot ,a A.. .70tAt ,^vf tmr-A, •1144,1 411.- , W.44 0, lof,0 . , are orrtorog the smartest. Mobeir svill 111-s 1A9* 3115s H. 1)1gmg* 31essrs• UO an extremely popular roeterhal for 1'1e44 41ercl't" 314Thgent au(/' /18% °‘" opring. In was fabries there lea wide ell' 31" VgF4ancl* jbe °"3114 °Egall• aeorttneut and tbe summer eltirt. 'k'evegav"t41.11eres11"g41(141r"5"1111w" waist or entire coetunte will he more ,,,..g411,ark,4141",„g4„yr entdt attrActive that ever before. Simple -e" John designs continue geueral favorite: T.0" and Mr' F. W. "bamag "1$(.* The ehittewaiet coetnine bas ntteinea 143:441e shi)" siu)"1"' 31" ant (*uPe/"1/4 a preminent piece among the *hidden. Vc;V4 4447 twu „see yesers. weeke and dulling that time received -110-1'..4111.74; c`o'eu‘sir-rtg,T107 atfin""g""a3". 21 apglications for admission. a face jacket continues to ert oy foam, ;oral the lora lodge. Refreehments were mauy uf the snurtet, ntodeo 4..tri,or eerveil and an enjoyabletivening spent. temuyto ts petedaeitr. The hume wide sveaks well for the Order and this ehaping. Skirts fit emoothly Wed in 1.13""l• about the hips and flare at the bottom, The followiug from the Listowel bough some pleasing melee ebaw Standard refers to the tleath °fan old swamp; and woo gt the hem 4 and former well-known resident of faney of the eeason hi the gown of Exeter; "The present winter is see- paleetrity, eare nu hilt or pure -white ing not a few of the old citizens of this laeo and chiffon combined. An at. community passing away. and soon there will he very few. if any, of the old- ergeneration left. This week another old and familiar figure bas joined the silent majority. Mr. .Tames Vanstone. .., having died on Titestlity morning, runes Brooke, or the Game townehip. tractive deemation for the eleeves of The price paid Was $8,04X1. Ma, Brooke the mow tAilor gowne b. r1 ie by tekes possession ou September slashing them at the hack seed lariat Mr. Samuel Broek lias also disposed of them across witlt milk turd ansma his 7d.aere farm on '0* 4th concession buttons. Points are a feAture in skirt f the same tawnslaip, and 17 tieres decorntion thAt will not easily lose 314'1'0dt-don's swamp. to ate, Wan their popularity. Embroidery is as weliffe. pouter as% hos been 'for several sea. The annual eounty meetiins of the - . Front the Delinettor forMarcle LOr oyal ange Lodge was held here on &mist newsiest ma Receetteit. Tuesday, last, The weather being The Ladies' Guild of theTrivitt Me. y fine it neas one of the largest gather. Mortal elltlreh gave a verpleasant ings of the kind ever held in the town. social evening_ and reception to the representatives eing present from all newly inducted vector, Rev. Perkins, b over the county. The tenatter, as to in the School Hall, on Monday night, where the 12th of July will be tele. last. In sPthe disagreeableitet Invited, was left iu the bands of the weather a, iargo number attended. Mr. T..11awkins, °lamb warden, was executive committee to deckle, but it is expected that Exeter will be ohosen. waived to the chair and in a hapeYand pleasant manner filled the duties of the The quarterly official board of Mein office. Introductions and conversation street Methoatat thumb, Exeter, ban eoupled with a musical program, filled unanimously extended tin invittition pleasiint and profitable evening. tion to Rev. W. Godwinir of Grace The chairmen first introduced the new churele St. .1 homas. to sueceed Rev. rector, 1411r. Perkins, who, in a ver R. Millyard in the pastorate; Mr. foci. pleasing and Imppy manner, evinced has accepted. It wifl be remembered to those present that the parish has that Mr. Godwin was stationea in been favored widen gentleman of ge- Goderich some years ago. The good nial,affable mannerisplendici personnel people of Exeter WILIdOUbLIS appre- and unquestionable ability, under elate his pulpit abilities says the Cline whose Raiding band the people of the ton New Era. Trivia Memorial church may look for - Messrs. Joseph Cohniediek, Donald Ward to a term of continued spiritual McInnes, Paul Madge, W. I). Sanders, and numerical prosperity. Mr. N. D. Fred Penitale and re number of Others 111310dotes readingzreceired a hearty from here and vicinity attended the encore as aid thMi e stnging by ss Nele annual meeting of the Nationed Port- lie Davidson, and the clarionet solo by land Cement Co., of Durham, at Tor- Mr. Geo. Eaerett. LittIe Harry David - onto, Iast week, returning home on son rendered a very pleasing violin Se - Saturday night last. As there are a faction, while the musical selections by large number in Exeter and vicinity the Davidson Orchestra, consisting of interested in the Company' it 'will be Miss Levitt, Miss N. Davidson, letr pleasing to them to know that the and Mrs. Thos. Oke and Harry David - business transacted showed the affairs son,were highly appreciated. A dainty of the company to be in very Setts- luncheon, prepared by the ladies, wa factory condition. s' served ten o'clock, after which the doxology was sung, and a few Mr. R. B. Samuel, the popular teller words of prayer offered up by the rec- in the MolsonS Bank here, left Mon- tor, when the meeting broke up. day for Ridgetown, where be was tocatfi CUsrics Sesitheett. naeet the lady be has chosen as his Mr. Thos. B. Carling, of town, re Polly Ba,wden, an esteemed young - life companion, in the person a Miss ceived the sad intelligence on Sundaof the death of Mr. Chas. Southcott on Wednesday the mystic words were y , Lady of town, and we understand that highly respected resident of Exeter Reginald B. from the ranks of the of Toronto, a former well-known and said that marked the transference of Mr. Southcott's death was not in the bachelors to those of the lienedicts. leastunexpected. Porsoineyearshe has net enjoyed good health, but particu- take up their residence in Mrs. 'WmOn their return the happy couple will larly the hist year or so there had been . Snell's dwellingonWilliam Street., •a noticable difference in the way of a gradual sinking of the bodily faculties Their many friends here will extend and, of late those who visited him re - congratulations. • alized that the last summons could not • The Rev. ;Perkins preached. his in- long be delayed. --Heart' failure was troductory sermon in the TrivittMern- the cause of death. Deceased was born briar church on Sunday morning last. in Morchard Bishop, North Devon, Be had not uttered many sentences England, in 1830 and mine' to Canada of his discourse before making a most in 1854, settling in London, where be fe,yoratele impression on his heaters, reinained two yeeise after 'which • he and as he, advanced he grew all the moiled. to Exeter and opened rip it more interesting. Mr. Perkins iS a ler Shop. He continued the business young man of splendid ability, pleas- only a Stott time and subsequently re- • turned to London. .Ationt 38 years ago he again came, to ,Exeter and again launched out in the tailorine,' Wiliness which he continued until the Year 1.887 when he retired and moved to Toron- to, where he lived up to the time of his death. Mr. Southcott was a man of strict, integrity and one of the most public spirited of our citizens. Iti'bis more peivate capecity as a friend and in his domestic circle he was lovable and generous. He was a consistent Methodist and a staunch Referiner in pelities. - By his friends as well as by two sons and one claughter, by whom he is survived, his loss is deeply tnOurn- ed, although he had reached the allot- ted term.of life, 73 years and 2 months; The sons are George W. and Frederick, of Toronto, and the daughter, Mrs. E. H. Spackman..of Blenheim. His re- mains were brought here by train Tuesday morning, the funeral taking' place, from- the depot 40 the Hsteter-, after a short dines& Ile bad reached tile good age et al years, and died as he bad lived, at peace with his fellow- man, and with an abiding faith Christ his Saviour. The deceased was it native of Devonshire. England, his birthplace being llolsworthy. He grew to manhood in the mother land, and married his first wife there in 18k7, owing to Canada three veers latem After spending a year at Newcastle he came west and located at eplaeo called Cireling's Corners, in the Huron dis- trict, which was then little better than a, wilderness. Ilere he bouglithind and built a. number of houses and stores, the na ine of Unpin° being subsequent- ly cbanged to the village of Exeter. In 1872 he removed to Listowel, which was then becoming a village of some Importance. Ifis first purehase he; was the corner on which the W. & T. Thompson store now stands. Two Of the three lots which he purchased from Mr. S. M. Smith he afterwards sold, and the third he traded for the lot o the corner of Main and Dodd streets, where he built a store and dwelling and where he carried on a mercantil • and jewelry business for a number o • years, his sons subsequently takin over the business. After retiring fro n active businesslife Vanstone erec ed a number of houses in town, an has spent the last few years of his lif in comparative ease at bis comfortable • home on Wellinkton street. As well a being a, public spirited man, he too considerable interest in municipal a fairs, and sat for two years in the Tow Council. In politics he was a staunc Conservative, and in religion a Meth dist. His sterling integrity and am able Christian character won the r spect of all with whom he came 10 000 tact, and now that be has been calle hence his memory will remain fres and green in the community in whic he lived a considerable portion of h well -spent life. Mr. Vanstone wa twice married, his first wife dyin while the family lived at Exeter. H leaves a wife (second) and ten of a fa A man not a thonsand miles distant from here has married the widow of his two brothers because he believes in • keeping a good thing in the family. The Royal Templars held an open meeting in the James street church on lifonday. evening at which an interest- ing musical and literary program was rendered. Mrs. T. A. Amos entertained aboat forty of her friends to a very charming •"At Home" Tuesday evening last. Priend.s frotn Brantford, ItenSall and Orediton were in attendance. Dix Lung Syrup, Dix Little Liver pills, Dix 'Kidney P' ills, Dix Cold Cure Dix Compound Carbolic Ointment, only need. to be tried to prove their value. Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter• . If you 'want to save money order your magazines, newspapers or other foreign periodicals at the Anvo- ' CATE office. It will pay you. We are agents for any of the above pub- lished. Several frera here attended the Bachelors "At Home' in the Opera House, Hensel], Thursday evening, last, and report an excellent time at the hands of their HensalIz. friends. The London Harpers fiumished the enensin. ae-Mr.Wm. jObes, who had ehe mis- fortune of, having one of his eyes cut out while asksting at a threshing in Eay,tevenship some naqnths ago, has coniuletely lostahe sight of the- oth,er mg manner and appearance, all,„ of eyectAtiVking doubtless to the great strain on it. • 'Jack" the English setter, ovvned for any years by Mr. Robt. Sanders and recently purchased by Mr. Ross, of Lucille, was last week run over by a train and killed. Re was a kind old dog, known to nearly every person in tow -nand was one of thebest parteidge doge in Ontario. What promises to be one of the fin - resented to an Exeter audience will take place in the Opera House on Sat- urday night, Feb. 21st, when May Parker's Pickaninnies and Concert Canay Will appear, No person can fordto miss it. If you are a very small or extra large lady you can get, a 'bargain in • a fur coat at Stewart's, which unite to%tnake lum a &ratite preacher. In the evening the Rev. gentleman preached with equal force and was listened to with rapt atten- tion. His labors here give promiee ,of every success and his parishioners will doubtless give him their warmest sym- pa,thy and support. Wood Waisted. A quantity. of good, green, hard and soft wood wanted. " Apply 0 this of - est entertainments that has ever been Ace. • Euzine WU( Boller for Sale. A second band, 2e horse power, en- gine and boiler; in first-class working order. - Will be sold very cheap. Ap- ply at ADVOCATE office. ILadles( laced, buttoned and Oxford shoes. Sizes 24, 3 and 31,-. • Regular value $1,75 to $2.75s job price $1.00 the pair. Stewart's..,: ,- •, . . cemetery. PERSONAL. Miss Mabel Kemp is visiting frien in Port Stanley. • Miss Gertie Kemp has returned fro visiting friends in Seaforth. Mr. A. Myers' spent Sunday in D troit, returning heineMonday. • ' Mr. I, IC Carling attended a soci function in London on MondeY11r: Wm . . , 7 Harrison, of Klondyke, the guest of Miss Vine, Fisher. • Mr. Albert Hooper, of Clinton,spe Wednesday with, friends in town. • Mr. J. P, Ross, of Chatham, spent few days in town during the week. Miss Hall and Miss •Duncan. Brantford, are the guests of Mrs: (D Amos. Mr. Warren Ross, of Pontiac, Mic is here spending a few days with , parents. Miss Bea.trice Robinson return Thursda,y from a visit with friends Michigan. Mrs. J. V. Crocker has return from a few weeks' visit with frierens II-olroesville.' • Mr. Frank Snell, Who has been ten ing bar.st. St!. XarTS, retained to to e es r. .1,4119.11. A SALE OF ,i3gure. kJ v .14 N Ai 1 ver iee twrngssomething new. Leak 4 thi» Usmoore eying means mnuch mere tbau the atual T&aLE Btraeal., a a5 Thte Luiens.it. desigus wi rnted alt pure lumenCotton, 43 to Extra values. TAttleS Full bleached an Pure APE INS. Linen Dareaek leilde NapikiriS, r,,,TOW deeignes 5.,8x5.8 to $.404 in size. Alwaye in stock. FAN QV Odd pieces Fancy lin. LIbileNS, ens, eoneisting of frieh Linen Iremstitehed an. drawn, tray and eating clothe. Searfs.ete. TOWELS Stediabach Detentisk and crepe towels fringed ends and colored fromborders. A choice lot to chow . ling TOW* Roller towe, Irish SLINGS. Scoteh makeedne even weave, made from pure flax, 15 to 18 in. wide. A good Assortment. .i ne ish.pinsi ciotb,free frondresslng 40 to 4$ in. wide. Regale eas,„ per 0. for lair. imortogth I Saft Suleb.full bleached plaineheet. wide width; extra, heavy twill bleached abetting, wide width; an, bleached plain and twill, extra bewy.wide width. jflflS Elegant white satee RADS, finish Bed Spreada • English manufacture assorted. In new deelgne all 114 or fiall doubl _ _ _ bed size. livery spread emaranteett perteet in weavefinish. 1 4 CUOICE LOT OF F NELETTE8 DLANKET D, B .-* . a..- -- ... PACKNIAN Ueadquartersfor the Celebxated W. E. Sandford Ready Made Clothing FUR$ITURET FURNITURE I Furniture of alt kinds andat prices to suit all, who are wise enough to in- • speet our stock, before buying else- • where. We carry the stoek and we make the prices right. .W. 1, 1 [1, s s g e 1- C. HUSTON, I Opera Block. Prac1ic61 Embalmer. 1 1 11 . -Mrs. Ed. Treble,. .Mrs. P. W. in and son Harold visited friends in en- sail last week. • - Miss Vera Hawkshaw returned to London last week to resume her posi- • tion as milliner. Mr. Jas. Taylor, who has bee'n very ill for several daYs, is now on a fair way to recovery. • Miss Dawe, has been visiting , viaMitri.tiLguhtihsebrrMoteihri.enrin'sgoshwnhboehreafsorbethett _ _ _ ,_ , , , , ., past week, left inonday evening to vie it his brother, Charles, in Cleveland. Wore...returning to his home in Crysta: tate?, man. Mrs Ben Higgins, who has been.dan geronsly ill for some time, hut who, ii , i was thought WaS on a flexway tor* e covery, has taken a, turn for the wore( his immedia ti .,Wbo friends in Exeter, left for her home in London Monday. 1 Smale, Ofisprings, a for again and physician and friends have little or no hope for ,hino . Mr. John of - mer resident of Ilsborne, is visiting friends in and arounown. . d t Mr. Dan. Sanders, a London, spent Sunday here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Se-Sanclers,,Ifilron street. •• Mrstioasow.a the 341 concession of Stephen, who We reported as being Vangeroosly ill last week, is recover- . , ing. • -,.•. , '.- Miss Alice Copp, after a. month's vis- Wwith -friends in Elimville and Exe- ter, returned to her home in Seaforth Tuesday. •Mr. •ng Miss Rogers, who has been spendi the past few weeks with Mrs. R. R. Rogers, returned to her home in Park- hill Saturday. ,• Mr. Chas. Coates, of Pontiac, Mich., who speht a few days with friends and relatives in and around town, return,. • edmhr°7 jeal:ria'of whom mention Willis,'' was made last week as being danger_ ously ill, still continues very low, with110Pitirlen8:1,:edd but ii.8ht hopes of his, recovery' Kirkton cor.—Mr. Wesley Ifodgins, • who has been in the employ ild Mr. T. Rbadhouse for the past two years, re- turned to.thiS hditle in Exeter, on Fri- •dauebter wHi.nWriimpe.gBirnodokcshlweaftgof,omr oEnsdaetyer, Brooks will return with his shottly, and it is his intention to Crystal City his future home.—Prysta City Cornier. Mr.' Brooks home yesterday (Wed.) inothing. Ailsa Craig Banner Miss State ker has returned bofne- after friends in Exeter —S I. Rogarth, Exeter, spent a f,ew days with here --Miss 011ie Quance has returne t t • ft pleasant'' mother at Exeter.eravisit W1 Wm. Bowden, who has been the Old Country -for several weeks, turned home yesterday (Wed.) twelve high bred stallions, Six of were for Mr, Berry,. of Hensall, six for their stables 'here. • Mr. den was sixteen days making homeward voyage. mvir( Motile rnak, arrive Wal visitini c friend ' th he i r( wit whic an Mimi th . Tho at rel the fo pa' . oe n Cha 8 ee• • ' al . - Is ee • 1.;' L's ed , in d in d- vn Winghami Mr. ' and Mrs. •Elliott, of Mine Centre, Algoma, linliiisnsieanyaeTrrrw°a1181Yta` M on January 21st and died lowing day, and the sorrowing . ents brought the remains hero •terment. Mr. Elliott is a son of •Elliott, of town. and Mrs.., Elliott, of Eli Elliott, of Turnbeer d