HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-2-5, Page 2A ITIEND IN 011R TROIJIIE 6,490616,49616*4Z af44Il'er45,tyuzZ'toneloct ,,71 that, and prees them nearly dry. iU Tr usEll0LB tneoettitionp(LitehetloyverevroQoieomtle, - on a lino uotil they ore perfectly (1104,61014`,ZiWeinoileineen'eAeleconso dre: Linen obeorbs weter mere enn tenayetee,WWWIth."' easily and le better than, cottoe to The Great Physician Can Heal the si$ody and Heal the Sonli POOP VALUE OF APPLES. Ever eince the ietereeteng gpistale in the Gerdea ef Eden the anPlo itas Leeu one of the most tempting o (Leatereff 05.4c9rdin to Act, of Um nen ingly overwbelming obstaeles. r lay under end over min when it is prented. TO MAKE WORK neonOteoo Some bousekeepers bone the focal- 1,441en,t, et 1:444,3n. at tut (ale 34 leo r toal ee t to you fruits., I Indeed, if there wero eo otho ty of getting through lga.' atiousaall nine Modred and Three, , ..,,,_,_„,, er res114. from the nest eatiog of it memo amouot of' work every ween; by ten. nano. of Toronto, at the twit tempest for 11, PUIPaSa " "1";'"' thee the knowledge of ite deticiouo- tho largest svoshitig ie done with an neeartramit of Agriciature. Oeteeve./ be' t — hat you are being fit" f‘n" Less. and the pleasere that the de- ease thee is surprisi. ng her Ionise Year warli. ii "Yaa are fallthillitc) seendonts of the "'first tiny" have . is Rept clean and neat, even wnen e. fr .e. tlesnatch from Chicago says zo-Ihira, as Adotairara Jtidrseoptliza;rhteilngiAt eavtoixinititgehatt tee, enarte,:dsrettinegahr tere 4re sererm little ones to loo Der. Freak InWitt Talmage preach- itted fohis worn ; u n ter. TilerO vere ether wameit lust e4 fro ra ti e followieg text in the cleric tneurn of your temPes'' r I tilini XIV. LiS disciples to get into a ship." 'caring foe :17°11 as he watebed tIli'' 'eating. we inme tha apple as a com- do iwit accomplish bent eo much, Ote ,Spire in the world- Lt is 4533 feCt, There it is t See i Yonder is the disciples etruggling clistiplern boat. tossed. cebolit on the Lane Galilee ; remember that at the II lam (Trtainly.. 011 the W4.4.gS °I.' Pennation/ and that is a great bleee- reaeon for this is lack of system and ihigh. inanogenteut. A &tweet pia. for There are eearly 14,000,000 acres wa.e"es o'l Linen Uandee. Those men fourth weave, or test at the breelen. The food,nalue of the apple is tvry . tho week's Ivo* la a, great help, itio o an in a y sti ',Mc Asa seem to be in as critical a situation big a the dawn, Clirist. as be did glvat. Jt centabis curbon, II,4•dro-' though there ere times when the un- widcn. could hear good crops, ' as was the captain of an Atlatitic of old. will appeer 1.o you walking ,gen and ea:nava-a sager aud a vain- I expected bappens, and it Is impoesie A, person usually begins to lose toot barge some time ago. The upon the crystal pe.vement of tbe _awe 4aoateme aeitt, The ratio of ' be to carry out the programme. Tim beight at the age of fifty, sod at baree had been caught in a storm' deep. 1 sugar to avid varies greatly in th.e.hauee may be pot in order nfoude.y. the age or ninety has Wet at leest andt'was sinking under Ms feet. The 1 eeITTIN,G leS FOR Thin IVORIC. i•ifilferent varieties. iney gp.e rich ot 1 prenarataena riAado tg, redune the ea Ineaes, captain signaled to the tug. 'Then., nnen, te told n'vegetable telly and are adopted to l WOrk of cooking the meas the next The shortest nen* possessed by us it drew sear. he pien.ed up aast ,, - , .... a suggehstive tone; il(),.:n endless uses od the cuisine. beside ann clay, the dirty elotbes eorted. and an town or village in Great Brie otze arid then atiother of bis little a. ntning girl w o sane tt rn , fording a, doisionn des,sert, treat, , the walte ones pat, in the water tei taln AS Oa. the :tante of a viliolga in cbiltirert. Ile raisied them above his i r,,e_nro.,ert beenriLeli in Londo.n._____:012,01.,nnrn. pessert apples are 4cho. ju sugar soalk. Waslt Tueoday and iron Wed- Istata bead oriel hurled them through the owns'a onneo a. ante!' Innteten '-'nnene than cooking entalen. alai are rire esday. As the gareeentS ore irouoi. Vienna bas the largest public batli eir Into the eras of the reseuera : who I WAS preinnt• veritvitton esrien eaeily irgeSted. hence the only OnOS laotice theteen that netal meadieg, and in Europe. It la 587' feet lopg end Then be *meted and fastened a Wee. '11,44ecielf efeoneteert 'elicit noted that rSa.Y he Oren to children to eat: lay elACM in A IMO by themsteeee oud 1A6 feet. wide. It can accommodate thrown lel him front the tug. Droned 1 „Tett; nne ntnne --meanest tinttne,,ran". tally the thitateet peening meed them wlien you havo the Ort. 1,r400 peopl0. i f the wait -1 of bin wife and another entann.ent .. ',instant:4 tat. cajole. should te loin% front the apple. as ' portuutty. Tbe .i..+wing tnoy to doue ewes is the eniehtst grow*Pg o• info, tind . his own waint. and both '7.e.elie-14.4-o'le.,..; eoui: -poWer. et e were a'rhe richest aral most fragrant port:Thursday, eweepfoo And mese-lag plants. Under perfect conditions It , • . ' P in. iWtOdOWO bruloy, mopping ond pre- 'will flower anti seed within eight at ler than curs A, 22 "'Jesus coestrained tuous =Ott Christ le watching and . ale. as lace. losers by that. tirst seem to wern just as hard. yet they nergt possesses the Ingbest church • THE SUN AY Sri -'.. 33ERE AND THERE. Bits a nafoemation, Which It Wonld Be Well to Know. ONTERNATIONAL LESeS0,1ro PER, 8- Gedden Tent, I °ere, Vino 11. 1, After these things Paul lie - parted from Atliens and Ca.MS to Corinth. - MIS testimony was pat in vain at Atamne, for mime claxo tot° ucto bint, and believed, Me diel not ex- pect. nor aro we toeiglit to °Veen that alr the seed 'will fall on good owl. but we 'mow that no la:nor in into Lord Ss in volo tuna, tatot Ms wonel will elannye aeconenlish AliS Ipleonenn (I Cor. tev, 5S; Ise,. le, le), The Clearelt of Christ is mode OA Or an elect number oot of ell nationso given unto Ilim out ef this world by the rather (Rev. v, 9; leen. 1, 4; John v1 t; 6; vl, 37); but we give the goepen in good faith to every meet- ture. for nizosoever will Imre, game. and we alP1 b,X. Ali Illea40 to Rave__ senle ( Jelin lai. 10; Rev. xxlie n7: — I ft. 3. And found .41 eert aim Jew nalinen Anniht. beret In Penteo, late - In Mine from Italei. with his wife Priscilla. * * * and because no was of the sante croft he abode with. ODOM Mid wrought. Alter all these ceniteries there otill in 1(1ree Ilecrces that enottee rael. They chose Comer iastetS4 of Christ (John nix, liih aud the COP* ears. tbo world rulers, still °mow them; but "Ile that stuttered loraid lent gather bini." and the tires is 4evon now ot narol (Jr. ppii. JO: 'P(ole. texxvii. tli, 22). Tile mom* 'merit !mown tis Zionitm. altiorwli toneeliovieg, tray to lort of .it. Utile Paul believed tied taught that ,they Oho fovea the goeleI a tieed 'live of the goorel (I Coe, ie. 1,4). he aloe took. pleasure in worhiug at hie •trade. that lie might minieter to his Peterehurg bas tne highest death rato of any Europe= capital, In London eaelt day 400 children ere born end 2:7)0 eater echeol the first time. It is unlawful for a doctor in Franco to inherit property left to hien by a deceased petieut. Tim average duretion of life ill tons thirty-eight yeors; ie the country fifty-fivo years. An olbatress has beeo known te follow a slop for two IttOntbs. with- out ever being seen to alight. A deputy in the Gernaelt Reichstog spoke for four hours mid ft quarter in a debate on the Tariff Bill. teet,,:f„, s young man and could marry ber and "e'n ee-crt ol tree. t her and break. lier heart, Joel into the reecuing boat his own then on aeconeit of Ler grief un4 ter, etua learge inade a plunge tind cline talent sae would to ono of int' loph al and easily pre- work and washing clothes ts a. groat appeared. Irvery Into/relit the 41:sel- ,peree dielicec that ere formed witai labor saver. 4411111 euellY PrePored• pies. line that raPt4in. 4":4;Vt'Vted neet." Time r,assed on- and 1-14s .niques es a basis. their boat to tettoder. Senn' tileut 'moment's 1U art eves Invitee by n , Apple mintage, oer lame firm !,e'StihallYellnelliprgliQt itQlrlifooletittionttlgrovdeCt'iriabli an riht elf her :c*-11er411 Ejsberill"' Zkf-t /11PY er0el Ilet4414341* *rhea PW4114. the trUt., Pitipine greenlegs gratted tutu et with Leiling water. When the escort', 'while a luallied 040 when lie wishes to fit us for ffsent f The good things that may be =ado , raring the Sunday dinuen, Satur- days of Planting% of npples are too numenotis to en- day. Londonni 14.000 pollee receive enwrap., but we may conoider a IOW A good soap for cleaning wood- 41.1l00:600 a year as pay. New . Y9rk's 6,000 police get over 100,000 ItetiVCCTI them, 1 1 • 'ed 1 d L hod given un all hope of ever reeen. dnztt of h4.1, poa,er anti Lotto cod. liool, or awe corered with one-half clIP F0aP has melted* odd half a pound 'her besband's left arm. ing lancl again. awl trite work. scuds ea a Imo; cane I 0 4N an sr r t ntloug' g a m '0Wri ueeessities old give the-goopel Cleinee WS 310t the (oily tienger, oe ;melon He „ttpea.. as in hat, aS you grate the apple to jereielat to min thoroug:hly. Take it from about 50 per cent. of the German diheolorit f eelY lAeto no. 64; I Con len lie I Ileat - If f 1 f nation understolid meek. es agaiust, r -8) 'The dortger of drowning, in 1,,she o etrirdirod Sugareeenatter tbe eugar of icorderen tr it' Accordin to t mons musician nor iedeed the .,greittest clanger. tie with the Galilean temeeets for e or, eat the whites caf two the tre an stir 111 0, cup o n _ Theee, n„ 9; If 1 iwsFo. 14 WLich tf?.reateried tbe Tiny wholle Isigia. Do mil nearn ae" ee Add , eggs until they are frog I ut et cool oil. Heat the woter. pour eit. ,2 Fen Cent. eg t1.0 4413"Sa' Were in epirilifel danger. Ilavien well doing, ray brothers. Yeti are 1Ai:,.1" 10 the al-pliet.'n 0%4 °ego of the eettp toy in to eeteo Teo ow/wee:lop of a, plht of WO lie iloubtle.se did as at Tbeeitee FiVrt all'Uy ft•W 1441115 me of ftoArs 104010 is so stiff that tno bowl may contirote to teat moil the ford 0 Salltlituiais, ra„liat great lom.4.4pil ‘f ,tal fullue,s e inVerteil W1tl4oUt dropping the woh nye nooses atoll geW ter oou ennui. Lad lot ight . !ao na (hap gline they seof lite seinen:11 Tine darn. lerrioestuene nitelfts ot twee ot nut too fre,41 spewo race enetenin end rz,,,741. 040711 40 ban ate 44'01144 av runt ize often loott. ar a tatty angers, POW' over thin the es tandetral leador. Lein the inni' God's sigh's* do141141. 544-11- titu.1teiten spoueO and fiCatter over the des %Aida Lad bent eed, *leo da:, -s of ie man :eon, IN "11511PU1K MU= 'Iteret culd. Tite dorn. tempo -Nolte Monte witeit, Arnie eitc er Piglet Soch toieecie wortnu • leeidee d ss ow ,,,hathot. or toe teeeth orkoreee, appleo. Pare. core foie Veto, Itt?'eoe(nt'fi; eo11,°t"'Foof'`,..4",. Erg witig Itosered over tee balite Inave tender, it ten press throupeh too von. out Lorratt oinni len in Rod's s,ght tne levet. ,a colander, seneton tate cod tv.-1 from ltomnn tyramily ond n, Siaining ehine for line 114'014,en IW:1130,1 'Potir into a, deep glues Web, Set the ta, nuomm „0,10Fus. „ether .104,4.44 eimetenold circle, it NV4•S aWiadllY 111 the refrigerator or in a mild titeother Posit]." In onto' to 'hard for you to hear tho donor say ,:roora to get rerfectly cool. Mao a counteract leis des ign of ualt%iror there was ,no hove_ Non Mt that isoft custard with a Oast uew tam 33.4erely 21 toraporid mug. whia , other people might tlie. It 0:44e,h(44T,11ZO yolks of three eggs and sugar to would have brought Lim into col! the truth was weer fully brueglit ''eweeten to taSte• rialrOr with lent- h,hut with the Roman power a -ad lonne to yon until then Inuit nour or orange and when cold pour 3noteor or wt?,0 rood mod ever , over the apples. Beat the whiteeof uorf,a,,:!erle."„„": 1C Wien. Snare Out eatetueet not the eggs until stiff with three Wile- 'tesa'el n'tyrd'is'e"ipleum 11.4"w"::a3ronaldls"s poly this life, but the nest, has for :spoons of powdered sugar tug pile niin en (entirely different eigniacantin ::lightly over the custard. 1-4-gcln tc4 tkon4:FeNis **Min rot nate Varner our lnent 'itop a few broken al:moods, 'Serve and leapeeeeness. Ire e014114"Ued 144111, ,,,, ,e . 14 tO launch their boat and enter into 1 "1/Y 4vyou Meee upon her coftb0 StealltOd Apple Pudding. — Into a fearful „moot of at least ten Inuit ylate the worde -At roar 1,Id :iliree half-pints of flour rah two ounces of butter and two tnall'aelPS hours olth :the okahoom tempf.st. so nou r110/4 that her eleep VMS to te ' in *weer to compel .r°11 and toe to an endl•es sleep, which sholl never .01 baking Powder end a Pinch of 34 -It. Add enough milk to make 4Stti. Wbieh are abso 4 ling bre"i71 rill taltweattollirisg'e!ojnualrl'allat est!' dough us still as cream of tartar bis - look away from our worlely itin; thouglotn and desires, and lead us to intim. You URN" tO claim thet the 'ellits. Pare, core , and nlice ciao tool, from want on:, higher soritunt , ph:A.4cm outu Wan own a tannoa. form . quart of sour apples, lay In pudding or it effelopmj animal. .iiizu wcs - (11211, add autnieg and choutmon to born In eshete: he lots to bestow God nte a eloods our .skee.4 arid brings upon us ,trijos„.. dog; be must die IlLe a taste, cover with the crust. :item 4 id 1Unstill enog to those until done. but, not done enough to a tidal WOVe of (Tusking (limner...the-04es whea you tot," utmiu tea •bename sodden. Senn* with lemon that we may be driven to climb Inte;!eoten lid the words •. Al o,steo ni 'sauce. . 1, his Joe Mee prowl:ling arms. ,*'3;0. You tramediately went:bank to Apple Cuntaril rie. — Pare, core The darlo tempestuous Molds of ithe sweet faith or your father mid and slice a pint of tart evince, stow 04 lit:ices.: peineent ion have often mother. And so when the demo and press through a colaraler, add been. in God's sight, the brigniestningel's \\ergs began to nutter over three eggs well beaten nail a table- am1 the most Messed of sunshiny ithe bed of one of your lose(' ones spoon of butter, melted, Ilan a cup days for the (turtle It was by haS- with one Now it uot tally streme of rich, sweet milk, and extract of ing Ms eyes temporarily blinded your heart, but it also Iowan' your mann% or lemou to taste. Line that Paul gained spiritual sight. It intidelity clean out of your life. You, deep pie tin with paste. fill with the was by beteg lowered in a basket imetediattey said, us you looked into apple mixture and bane ball an be a few friends over the Damascus , the pale face sleeping in, the casket.. wan in order to inseam the inur-;"I know ehe lives. 1 know she is hour. Paned Apple Pudding. — Pare, care derer's dagger that Paul was set i living in some other worn' for me." 'and quarter apples. Arrange in a free to enabark on his miesionar Or And as you look up to see where Pudding dish in layers, with alter - career. It was hy exile to a lonely Mia1 other world is do you not feel nate layers of stale bread that has Wand of the Mediterranean that ,that you were being struck by .a been soaked in water. La the top John was enabled to see his inar- ,Galilean tempest, as were the dis- payer be of bread crumbs moistened velous apocalyptic visions. It was clines of old? Do you not feel that i with melted butter. This should be a thick layer and pressed down tightly with a spoon. Scatter salt. lightly through the mixture as it is being arranged, and sprinkle sugar over the top to brown and flavor. no11 until Route had been burned by through the elark shadow of the the bloody Nero, who laughed and cleath angel'swing you have been fiddled while the conflagration raged: able to see the sphitual face of not until the Christians had :suffered Jesus Christ as tever before? 11. ender the false charge of being the 'tviis trouble tbat did it — terierestin incendiaries that the church was!ous trouble alone whieh made you purified. and fully launched on its use the hillock of a grave for al CLEANING •CLOTH. • great evangelistie work. It was !kneeling stool at 1.110» altar of mercy 1 Dark cloth 01, any kind, if it is when. Martin Luther bad to face the "and pardon and love, , diet of Worms and bad been *32*- TWO KINDS OP PEOPLE. pure wool, an be easily cleaned. Professional dyers and cleaners do prisoned for months in the Wart- niow, trouble comes to as in ote not attempt to clean cloth which is burg that the reformation was start- of two ways, and It rests with every mixed with cotton, Wool, or any ed. When the pilgrim fathers on en- one to decide in which of the two other textile. Experienced manufac- count of religious persecution had ways it shall corce to him. In may turers dislike to use mixtures even to leave England, then the font come as a. sanctined trouble or as of oilk and wool, because they are foundation stone of Christian A. inert- an unsanctilled trouble. It came in less durable and less satisfactory, an ca was laid. And in no time of both forms to the thieves who were a rule, than goods of pure wool or ehurch history* can you find that a crucified with Jesus. To the one nef the physical agony was un - sanctified trouble, causing him to curse and deride Christ; to the other it came as sanctified trouble, causing him to plead for inercy end love. Unsanctified trouble conies to a man Wbat tempestuous struggles have who stands by his child's open cas- , ket, and it embitters hint and causes accomplished for the church as a him to set his jaw in rebellion and whole they may also accomplish for say, "No good God would have take the humble individual workers in en that ' cbild out of my arms." the church. God fits many of the Sanctified trouble came to a young humbler workers for his vineyard as officer of my church and caused him ho» spiritually prepared Adoniram to say to the visiting minister: "1 Judson, the great missionary, for his work. Por seven long years Mr. and Mrs. Judean seemed to labor in Burma in vain ; for seven long years he testified for Christ awalmost great religious leader has come forth without tbe previous roar of the Galilean tempest, as it yawned to destroy the cburch and engulf Christian faith. • THROUGH PERSECUTION. do not want a pastor to come into my sicla rooin-to make merely a so- cial call. want hina to come in to pray." tn the midst of your sor- .•rows.and trials are, you ready to • insurmoUntable difficulties ; for sev- let your troubles hecOme sanctified en long years he and his wife every trouibles? four weeks sat down to tho com- I Are you ready to 'feel that in the reunion table abiolutely. alone. They darkest hours of your night Christ had not yet made one convert for Christ. At the. end of these seven long -years of seeming defeat the Missionary society wrote to him that he had better surrender his enission as a failure and start- in an - is wetting to speak to you, that be is ready to appear unto you? Friend, to -day in your troubles can you not hear the Voice of Jesus Christ speaking to you? Can you not, will you not, see that even in other field. Adonirara Judson. with this dark hour Jesus is wanting to - his gospel epirit, aglow with the • ward you, .stepping lightly upon the awful struggle from those seven long crystal' pavementof the deep? . years, answered the »Mission»ary So- ciety in these memorable words : , 110T-TENTOT WIDOWS' . "No No ! I cannot and will not - sureender this mission. Suecess is The p11alt3r among the I-Iottentots as certain here as the promise of a for »widows oeho marry again is a faithful Goa can make it" Then eornewbat severe one. It is the rule came the » great outpouring of the among -these people that, before so Holy .Spirit ; then Ilurma, saw its mArrying, a, widow inust cut off the day oe, Pentecost. So my brother, jOint, of a finger and present it to In the Christian ministry.o in the ber new husband on the wedding ' Christian eetv," aghting aiiaisst seem.' day. pure silk. To clean cloth dresses rip them, if tteseible. Men's cloth clothes can be much nore easily cleaned with- out ripping than woman's gowns. Whether the » garment is ripped o0. not, begin by shaking and brushing all the dust you can from it. After this, examine it for grease spots. lle.move these with gasolene. If they are obstivate, heat theni and try washing out the grease with a solu- tion of soap bark and lukewarin ivO- ter Use a stiff brush to scrub the goods on both sides. When ft is dry, use gasolene again. In tirae the most obstinate grease stain will come out. When the grease stains are gone clean the garment for dust. Go over every portion of it on the right side with a: brush. dipped ne solution of soap bark. ,llinso otT thi » » soap with clear cold or luke- wa.rin water, taking cere, if the gax- ment is not ripped, to absorb the rinsieg water, as fast as it is apa plied. By this mean § the soap bark can be rineed out. Let the garments dry a little, then iron them dry. Aunntata may be used dilutedwith water to help rinse, out soap 1,.,ark. It dries more' rapidly than clear water. Silk garments that will- not wash ere 'difficult to clean. A mix- ture of half alcohol' and half water applidil with a still- brush or a firm white cotton cloth does better work than anything else we know. Rib- bons May be very sucees-sfeliy &can- ed ha this, way, after first removing any grease stains with gaSolene. Af- ter uing alcohol and water, absorb all the moisture you can with a linen clotlat lar. » thSei ' on a linen strotig stole. one wash the elotbc5 in near Brooltina hes Piet Leen elevieed !olden., and reiteoned out ef the it, There is nothing better for by the American courts after a law- Scriliturese onelling end elleglien that Chriet lautit meals have unelferal 1c1L. acfaieetanopterinnizrel tithwamn b4soratlxv. ia:4141. 4-4 :reers, motile and sal $tiia do. Avail Fowls& of the loboresavlug Whieb eave 80 lailleh UAW Os Well as Mende. A good washing ,Imoninne. rubber Wrieger, eelfostiog- inn mop, eareett-sveeeper. raisin sed'. 0*', meot eloopfser neat dozens of other ibrautly as a Leverage, at the On- titiogn that might be Mentioned are III1250 a the ilovemiliellie 5. And when Silas and TilllOthellO rituners in Paris teem to fore ,were conic from Macedonia, Paul wan ;i Well in some insTeols• 1110 Intim" Ipreserel in the spirit and I:CAW:0d to gaala the dews taint *Jesus woo Chet*. iwst GEMS IN VERSE. for wine wauted for four year anneaut to the modest to -1 Tilf**041 01 °pretend in the spirit" a iif 325.000 gallons. the Revised, Version says 'colt- Thuntlerotorms aro mere freeneat romance! by Um word." Tina Ro- the world. The average is about of reezotienee determined to moan in Iowa than in any other part of moods, us of Jeremiah. who beettose • 0 evvr$ ((mail daY• ,Sulttntraellas mole In. ills mune. but, the weld 6 in a near and Rio 00110110 54° wes welt a fire within him that hol Mohanintetlan depositers in tee was constraircd to speak (Jr, nn. Pot Oflice Savings banes aro co- 8. 9). We think also of Peter arse riching the Pritish thavernmeut. es John, 101001 120 thrtats could pree their religion forbids them to re- vent from speaking Wbill tinny had elve interest. They Motet on take seen and heard (Acta iv, 2t3). ackli 441 nig oat Ito More than they have put Milan Mao eeild tliat be Mita- speak 21. ;that he iniglit be reircsned. for he Italians of the poorer eines are wee a. bottle of wine ready to runflitlesdistotro tielirte geettuteliati a711.11111111teertho* 111617:t Your blood 1118-e2u0po).n your owe Arum. the fact that the working people of bootee, am (leave From emote Italy' eat !een meat thon those of forth I will go unto tito gentiles. Demerol's should wear, lest bitter any other leuropean tuition It was his euetom evenewhere t• She who front April dates her years. • Men of science enjoy extraordinney preach the gospel to the Jew firat For teaaiT rerentuneo oosty. This longevity. In 7,000 cafes it hus mem. 1. am anti then to the gentile. been found the average at wbich as- Compare their conduct tit Antlocis Eniblesr elef innocence is known. MAY. Who first belioltis the light of day In spline's sweet newer month Of Inny, And wetos an emerald all Ler life, Shall be a loved and happy wife. Who comes with summer to this earth A.nd OlVeS *to June lier day of lerth, With ring of agate 02t. her Inind. Can health, wealth, long life com- mand. JULY. The glowing ruby should adorn - Those who in gay July are born, Then will they be exempt, Arid free From love's doubts and anxiety. AUGUST. Weer a sardonyx, or nor thee No conjugal felicity; " The August born without this stone, 'Tis sad, must live on love alone. SEPTEMBER. A maiden born when autumn leaves Are rustling in September's breeze, A sapphire on her brow should bind, 'Twill cure diseases of the mind. OCTOBER. October's c.bild is born for woe, And life's vicissitudes must know; But lay an opal on her breast, And hope win lull those fears to rest. ' NOVEMBER. Who first comes to this world below With dread November's fog aid Should 0pwrize the topaz's amber hue, Emblem of friends, and lovers too. ,a DECEMBER. If cold December gave yeti bittls.-. • The month of ice and snow and hiirth—' Place on your head a turquoise blue, Success will bless wlia.te'er " GARDEtTS IN THE ICE. A glacier, when it .dislodges itself and " sails aunty. ever the Arctic Ocean, never travels alone., In the wake of every large ono floats a line of smaller companions. The Eski- mos call this phenomenon "the duck and dueldings," arid- anyone who has watched the progress of the wild duck followed by her brood will appreciate the aptitude or the name. Strange as it may ,seem, :plants grow and blossom. upon these great ice mountains. When a glacier is at rest, nioss attaches self to it, protecting the ice beneath, just as sawdust does. After,a, time the moss, decays and forms -a soil., in which the seeds of buttercups and dandelions, brought by the wind, 'take root and flourish. Those wild have travelled Much in Arctic land say they have found no point yet where, the peppy. does, not bloom cl'uring'the brief Northern sununer. A curious nutterfly celets Ira- • risen vomit* from the mend and The reale has the left wing Olivet Jews in the Vinfift fActs =1114 yellow and the rigint are red: the In. 40. FE0114 tke, day limn. Lard female hos these colora reversed. jJeoes ;met him on the read to Pao It Is a custom in the Ilelgion Par- ourtectis his one story was tiiat je*EN. !lament. when a memier is notation • crucified and risete, ie the enriet, the a lung openelo to et, swilled with !Son of Ged (Ads ix. 20. 22; Cor,, worthweU /I th t botterbeener. *JANUARY, her who in thin month Is born , No gem save garnets should Le wor 'They will ilD5U1'0 her constancy, friendsblp ttnd FEBRUARY. Pelnitary born will find :Sincerity and reace of mind. :Freedom from easel( n and from ,c .11 they the amethyst will went-. MARCH, ,Wlio in this world of ours bier eye/ 'In March first °rens ehull be wiee, In theys of rent linn and brave. And wear a throdstone te her grave. tronomers die is 74; artists, 05; lite entry men, 65; and savants general- ly, 74. ATMOSPIIERTO CITAN'GES. If at sunrise there are many dark clouds seen in the west arid they remain there, ramn. will fall on that day. 1.1 the sun draws water in the morning, it will rain before night. When the sun rises with dim, murky clouds, with black beams and clouds In the west, expect rain. If the sun rises clear, then is shadowed by a cloud, and comes out again clear, it will rain before night. Red skies .st the evening precede line morrows. A red sutt indicates fair weather. A red evening indicates fair Weather, but if the red exteeds far .did victory for the Lord and ITU servant to bave the ellief ruler ed the synagogue and bis household re- ceive the despised Nazarene au, Israel's Messiah, and possibly many ef were helped by his example to ole likewise. But the Chief ruler can- not always control the other rulere, whether he be the president of a nation or the governor of a state er the mayor of a city or only ruler of a synagogue. .9, AO. Then spake the Lord to Paul in the night by a vision. Be not afraid. but speak, and bold not thy peace, for I am with thee, arid no» man shall • set on tbee to hurt thee, for I have much people in this city. Tho Lord SEM the weakness and fear and ranch trembling of Hie servant (I Cor. 8). and by this special message strengthened him to continue. So He strengthened Ab- eam centuries ago when He MY his fears (Gen. -xv, 1), and all Hie "fear notS" are to strengthen » us, but we must appropriate them -it we would enjoy them. See Josh., i, 9 Ji i, 17 ; Isa. xli, 1013 ; Oen. xxViii, 15 1, Bent. xx.xi, 6, 8 Mark v; 36. The great and all sufficient "I mil" promisewith you" Menlo:lett all °there.. for Itis presence insures all else. 'Sic Ex. iii. 12 ; .Josh. n Jude. 7i, 16 ; ..Ter. a 8, 1.9 ; Hag. i, 13 ; 4. 11.And he continued there a year and eix monthsteaching the word of God among them. Ire had no "" higher criticism. ner 'did he cast any doubt or slight upon any portion of Scripture ; hut, believing all Scripture to be written by inspiration of God ern profitable, he taught from all Scripture the things ,concerning the Lord "Jeetts Christ. See carefully II Tim, iii, 16 ; Acts xxiv. 14 ; xxvi, 22 : xviii. 81. ' It would lies, grand tf every believer was so 11177d wif' the word as to be a lieloen treeeletitet of the same. in Pleldia (x111, 45. 4(3). 'When any one Is duly warned of danger and reinees toke heed, his blood 11* hinteelf (Reek. xxsiii, .1. 5). Those who obey not the gospel shall be punIslitel witb everlasting de- struction (IX Thefts. 1, 8, 9). As to sbalting one's raiment see Neb. v. 13. 7, 8. And CrIspus, the chief ruler of the synagogue, believed on the Lord with all Ins house, and many of the Corinthians, hearing, beliened and were baptized. When one door is shut, another le sure to open and sometimes, aa in this ease, next door to the one closed against us. When the Lord opens, ma power can sliest, and when He allows a door to be closed it is because Ile wants us elsewhere (Rev. iii, 8: Matt. x, 14). It WaS a splen - upward, ;espeeially in the =exiling, it indicates wind or ram. A. very red. skyein the east at sun- set indicates stormy winds: If the sun sets in dark, heavy clouds, expect rain the next, day. A. bright yellow sunset indicates wind ; a. pale yellow, svet, th,e sun gets pale, it will rain to -morrow. A halo around the sun indicates the approach of a storm, within three nays, from the side which is most brilliant. 11 there be a ring or halo around the sun inebad weather, expect fine weather Soon. Haze and purple. western sky in- dicates fair weather. A blur or haziness about the sun indicates a storm. If the sun berri more than usual, or there bo' a halo around the sun in fine weather, expect ram. When the sun e in the morning is breaking through the clouds eand scorching, a thender storm follows in the afternoon. rt Pale iellow•twilight, extending high up, indicates threateiiing weather.. Sun -clogs in' suenner indicate » a storm. "Why do you allow your wife to rule you as if you were a, baby ?" indignantly asked -Mr. Meeker's brother, "You» ought to have a voice once in a while in the manage - meet of your» household. Assert your independence." 'Independence echoed Mr. Meeker, bitterly. "She won't even, grant me autonomy." • . "How did you fall ?" inquired the sympathetic bystander. "Down !" snapped the sufferer. ''You didn't expect to see me soaring up towards the sky, did -you ?" "Now, Johnny, what is a rud- der ?" "A stern necessity, sir "- ,kr