HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-2-5, Page 1SIXTEE TR YEAR
1 Lady's Black Astra
Coat was $32 for $25.
1 Lady's Black Astraclaa Fur
Coat was $38 for $30.
1 Lades Black .A.stracbala Fur
Coat was $40 for $32.
1 Ilien's Brown Do g% Fur Coat
was $25 for $19
1 Mr, William Bathwell bee agein
been unanimously chosen as secretery
of the trustee board of the Alethetlist
church. -Mr. John .Alelsiangbton hale -
ng resigned as member of the school
Weed. Mr. Wilson McCaele has been
elected in his stead. --We are pleased
o learn that Walter Bothwell IS re-
covering from the effects of his recent
ccialent.-Mr. John McNinighton waS
111 Goderich last week attending. coun-
ty councit-Miss Martha Keys le con-
valescing, as is aleo 'Ma Rau% Keys,
Loge party from the Goshen Line
invaded the ptrsonage the other even -
mg and presente4 Bev.Mr. Miller with
a bigbag of OAtS.. A very Pleasant
ening was spent by pester and par-
i loners betweere whom there is MA*
11 wood and esteem. This is the
nd presentation of the hint:11;44y.
e members of the Varriaclaurch bar.
ng triode J. nthii d011ati011 on ISTenf
Yeieet: eve, --el. S. Williston, wile was
• OL number a yeas manager of the
Toronto Globe, aild is now editor of
Mews,is a termer Stanley boy,
'veil with his parents on the Parr
a few miles from here. He roe
htt rank he now occupi4s by his
unaided efforts: be hati but a cam -
school education hot WAS very
eL in his taut -Ilea
Willow() unlimited p t undo for
vastMont upon furna 9 poverty,
lowest rates of intores
Messer; &Santana,
1Iarristera etc.. Exoto
Iowa large urnannt a Ate funds
loan an farm And properties it 1
rates ofintervit.
F. W. WA
Barrister, Main Streetter
144 Edate and IrmriutreAgent
Famiu and properties bought and sold a
sCasonabio terms. Several dwelling heus.es tor aide.
Lands le all parts cif Manitoba and the North.wes
fOr sate.
edosres unimproved, in the township of Osprey,
county at Grey; hardwood anti el:berth/dice, railway
stollen seven miles, past office, *timid, church,ondle
and half; would sell or exehange for small hu-
proied property et Batter.
10 Mant.asin ter.
'loess FOR .
The undersigned is offering for solo ids frame
dwelling and ',remises on Ann street, Exeter, being
lot 17. The 119059 centaine 5 rooms with a bric&
cellar underneath. There is on the premises a good
welled water, a pump shop, stable tuul chicken house
aud numlier of choice frult trees. Will be sold
reasonable. Apply to
JOBS Mootts, Exeter.
The undersigned is offering tor sale that de.slrable
village property on corner of Carling and Nelson
streets, Exeter, being Lots 81, 82 and 83. There is
on the premises agood brick house, containing nine
rooms; a good stable Abe lowerhalf brick); hen house
and pig pemaftyfrmt trees, bard and soft water
and other conveniences. Will be sold reasonable.
Apply to
Cues. Isaac, Exeter.
The undersigned is offering for side that desirable
hotel situated at Devon, on the London Hoed. This
hotel is in good condition, and is 2.1 mites south of
Exeter. This road is largely travelled and for the
rightman chances are good for a splendid' business.
There is a good stable an connection also,11 acres of
land. Possession given immediately. This property
wilrbe Bola etienp Far particulars, apply to
Diaases; & CARLING, Exeter, Out.
Tee undersigned is °Boling for sale Lot 11, South
't Boundary, Blanshard, bemg 10.4 acres of choice land,
wellrenced and drained. There is on the premises
• two first-elass bank barns, open shed, frame house
with brick kitchen, containg nine large rooms, cellar
under both; good orchard two good wens; 4 acres
bush -mixed timber -and other conveniences. Per-
fectly free from all noxious weeds, such as /mustard
and wild oats. Located within one and a half miles
from St Marys. Por particulars address
Atraso BUGG,
St. MaryS.
Whde playing the school room
on 3fonday, Sarah, daughter a Mr.
Isaac Barnett, slipped on the Boor and
broke Iler leg a few Inches above the
tnkle. Sarah is a general favorite at
school and her young friendsare sorry
to learn ot her accident, hut hope ere
Icing she will he mown' again. She is
resting quite easily at. present. -The
malty friends of Mrs. Campbell deeply
sYmpatbize with her in the accident
she met with a few days ago, whereby
one of her ribs was fractured, besides
other injuries. They all wish that she
uty have a. speedy reeov my. --The
Blanshard Cheese and Butter (70. have
engaged Mr. J. W. Holmes, of Born.
holm. an experienced cheese and hot-
ter maker, to em.ditet thelrfattory for
this seasou.-Miss Ellen -both Sinclitir,
attended the examinations at Toronto
Conservatory of Music lust week.
Mr, A. Aikenhead, who has been ill
at the home of his brother, Ma james
Aikenhead, has recovered sufficiently
as to be able to return to his home in
London.-Robt. Brock is in Chicago
looking after the affairs of his brother
G. Brock, who was killed in the rail:
way accident at Wanstead. -Miss Ella
Ross, of Settforth, is visiting her sister,
Mrs. Berry. -Mrs. Chas. Mason, who
is in the Clinton hospital, where she
had a large tumor removed, is slowly
recoyering.-Mr. Alex. Ross and wife
spent a few days in Paris during the
week. -Mrs. Keeler, of Whitby, is vis-
iting at the home of Mr. John Retchen.
-Mr. Peter McGregor left last week
for California, where he intends re-
maining for the winter. -Mr. S. Ross
still continues Fred Tomlinson
who was recently appointed agent for
the Massey Harris Companyihas rent-
ed his farm to Wm. McKenzie, of the
Mill Road. -A telephone station in our
village is nowon assured thing. The
necessary funds for purchasing poles
from the village to the and concession
of Stanley having been secured, it ie
expected to be in operation before
spring. -Mrs. John Jamieson, who has
been visiting her mother, Mrs. Neevin,
here for the past few weeks, left this
week for her home in Edinburgh,N.D.
The following are some recent por-
ches& of property in town: House and
lot on Emily street; bought by Abra-
ham Nichol, of Corbett; Wrn. Ireland's
bouseand lot by Thomas Thoznpson,
of.Lieury; the Sloan, Boland property
by D. Poulter, of Moray; M. Jackson's
house and lot by. Moses Mawson, of
McGillivray. The purchasers -intend
moving to town, Mr. Pointer has sold
his business and property at Moray to
a Mrs. Bice. -Mr. and Mrs. W. E.
Watson, left OW Friday for London,
where Mr. Wateen has accepted it po-
sition with a prominent wholesale mil-
linery hook: Prior to their departure
they were tendered an expression of
goodwill by a number- of friends at
the residence of Dr. Kilbourn. A pleas-
ant hour was spent in wishing Mr.
and Mrs. Watson every success in
their new home. Rev. W. Rigsby pre-
sented, each with a beautifully bound
book, the gift of a few friends, as a
more tangible remembrance of the es-
teem in which they have been held by
those who knew them. -Mrs. William
Hay, of the townline, who had the
niisfortiine, to fall and break one of her
legs a few -days ago, is under the skil-
ful treatment of Dr. Kilbourn and im-
rovim4 very nicely. -The remains- of
Mrs. Hall, a former resident of Mc-
Gillivray, who died at Victoria Hos-
pital, London, on Saturday were con-
veyed here on Monday. The funeral
took place Tuesday from Phippen &
Simpson's undertaking rooms to Park-
hill cemetery. Mrs. Hall was, a sister,
of the late Richard J. Fox, of McGil-
\Ve quite a blizzard Fria
daylastebut we have now nice weather
Bechier, of Pigeon,
lich., is here visiting his brother,
and 31ns. Will. Yule. of
ullarton, spent a few daya here thu-
g the week, the guests of Mr, A..
N. Stebie, who has
clerking for It G. Niehol for
t time, has gone to her home in
• tit. Miss B. Thomptmn is now
lig the °per:Mag.-Mr. Moines
Thirk. of Alberta, wholuis been visit.
Ina heie with his on -in, air. John
Thirsk, has gone to London.
Dat.Ta.--The many friends of Mrs.
Adam Smith will be pulped to hear of
AY FEBRUARY 5, 1903.
Oe hoer* ton) a.m., 1 to 2 and 7 to s p.m.
Talent/one comeminication with main office in Liman
Last, TtleSday the quarterly Board
at their bnsiness meeting gave tbeir.
oPetaset°10t!'vRiteetvfolt3t*f4orilatintrthner year. 1t
Wee accepted, Harmony apd prosper-
ity prevailed among them. .The An -
anent' retiren$ exceeeed any previous
year. -We congratulate Rev. Hutton P°nel°n ace°u11‘ 4.4 the d's"greeabl°
iolunttrbraleienses. flialeliVeeryhpiompubtaolm.. pxleaz; 14e0antitteyriorMEr.xeJteorhuto aTtettbdegte itenft:
era' of his brother. Charles, whose re -
hie shadow never be less. patine were brought there from Torou-
to for burial. -The rernams of Mrs.
ird were laid to rest here Thursdav.
Mr. JawIs Park has opoowl oat . I. Green, of Port Prank spen
store in- Mr ohn Farrell is building.- MoiiI.iy here. -The death of Wil tat
gr. Geo. rbett is recovering from T$nittn,, of Dakota, came as a shock In
his ilInetia-Messte. Geo. Bowden and 11s many friends here last week.
S. eit4Wmt bare been awarded the coo- waS OtllY aboet two years since
tract for the erection of a brick store went Weat,-Mts. ilamiltou
And dwelling premises POW Ontipled dalighter, of St. Marys, arrived het
by J. C. Titylor awl Dr. Sutton. --Mr. Mouday and will vitt at Mr. Willie&
Ed. Deacon, of Bueseveine. MAP., iS Oliver's.
spending a few days in town, the guest
of Mr.. Wm. Donevan.-Ma and AIrs,
R. 11. Elhvocid and Miss Grage, Of
Windotte, Mkh.. spent a, few days
with friends in and aronna
•Cirand Benxi
Me. James Brophese of GreeowaY.
went Monday here with trends.--fr.
Jesse Gralivelle, who has. beep in the
"Wilber woods the lad few months, re-
turned. borne Friday.-Aln la Powell,
of Port Freak, spent Monday here. -
Miss Miry feint left Saturday to yieit
her parents in Seberingville. bid'
\Alien was to bave been held Thorsday
evening in Brenner's ball, was pst-
. 6fAMICAT, ll, A., (formerly Oollina &
abury16)Irrister, soltvitor. New).* Conveyancer.
er to lic;ii.s-kluter nut.
i Adeline Itatz, of Parkhill, is
here sister, Mrs. Chas, Zwick -
.4 Walker has returned to To.
ter visiting her cousin, t1rs.
the past week. -Messrs.
Wm. Lewis and I -I, Either,
tided the annual meeting
of ianzil Porticuad Cement Co.,
•Limited, in Toronto on l'hursdave.-
Mr. Cluttles Wolf is on the siek. list,
We trust be will Nemo rerover.-Mr.
Walter Clark has disposed of all his
stock and groceries and confectionery.
Bert is now open for a job. Terms
very reasonable. --Mrs. Dora, Link Is
la,r sister, MIS. Wm. ELUItZ.
Exeter... -Mr. Aron Brown started
Tbe many friends of Mr. Montle
Ross will he pleasea to learn •that he le,
• Dashwood
Horse buyers bave been through the
neighborhood and purchased some
good horses. -Mr. Henry Callfas has
purcbased a new blower and is bow
cutting straw for the farriers-ters
Chas. Cann. of Exeter, is visiting bee
sister Alr& Obas. Steinhagen, jr.-The
smoke stack on the north fl aat rpUJ
was taken down Seturday, it being
pretty well barnt out. A new •one
will be erected as soon as possible, in
the meantime the mill has suspeuded
operations. -Abs. Louie Preeter is ill
at ber home here. tier many frieede
wish for her speedy recovery.
Onrrranease.This week we again re-
enrd the death of one of the oldest re -
sideline of this community, in the per.
eon of MA John Rhode, sr. Mr. Rhode
formerly lived on the 14th concession,
Stephen, but a few years ago retired
to this little village. WAS Of a vet7
quiet and amiable disposition and was
respected by all who knew him. HLs
num was of very short dnratioo. be
log been about as usual on Friday
till about o'clock, when he WAS
ta down and at 11 d'elitek hepaesed
away. For many years he has beep
a fiathful member of the Evangelical
hurcb here, and under its rites the
recovenng from his reeeut fitneral ceremony WAS conducted. The
1199 Lily .NicCool, who b het dress- corrowing friends haw the eincereet
making in Clinton tir the past few syeapathY of the community in their
months. has retuned home. -Mr. Me- affliction.
Lean, 01 Pilot Mound, Man., spent a zaaa Another 8:-311-E70,
.Ada Davis, of Exeter, North, -
who was visiting friends here during
the past week, has gone to visit her
grarelmother on the Gosnen
Mr. and 31rs. Ed. Deltrich, aceompau-
led by their daughtee, Miss Dora.have
returned home from BMW, often A
pleaRaut visit with their parents there.
few days here during the week. tie
expects to take' a carload of horses
back with him. Mr...no:amnia also nf
Pikit Mound, is here venewing ae-
quitintances.-Mr. Russel Sendercoek,
after an absence of altout 17 month%
has etitrned from Dakota. Ile looks
well and expects to return some time
itt March. His cousin, Mr. Smith, who
eompanied hint, was never in Onter-
o before and never Fil.W an apple tree
itil he Saw Mr. M0011'S large welstard
Lontleshortealla Rich:nen
sm. intends leaving in a few days for
Toronto where be will remain., --Mr.
Henry Freeman has bought tbe old
McNeil farm for his son. Robert. Mr.
her death, \Web took PTace at Sea- for his In nie in Blenheim on Monday. Freeman takes Mr. Hunter's niece. In
forth on Monday morning. She' had hut WmS. kddiged to teturn after having the latter's departure we )se.t good
been WS invalid for afiverai Years. but gain' et few int1e, owing to poor roads. neighbor, but wish him every sneeees.
did net ROM to Lw much IvOrSt5 than --Mr. O. Zwicker made a large )shlp- --Mr. Thomas Tamblyn, of Southern
iaslel until the morning of her death. merit foL clover, timothy and alsike Manitoba, is home on a visit. ---Mr. R.
About eight o'clock her son went for see(' to 't emote elonday.-Mto. Aug- Tasker, of the 8rd concession, has been
the subject of very severe al:fiction dur-
ing the 'last few weeks. He lost a
brother in Millet, and a =Pied sister
in Manitoba; his father, who resides
In Ettrinwhey, has been bedfast with
typhoidfever, and is only now get-
ting better; and his eldest, son is at
preeent laid up with congestion of the
lunge. He is AISO on the mend we are
pleased to say.
PRESENTATION. -Mr. George Hart,
who has been superintendent of the
Presbyterian church Sabbath school
here for a number of years, was made
the recipient of a handsome writing
desk, and. Mrs. Hart of a finely decor-
ated berry set. The address was read
by the present superintendent, Mr. B.
R.Higgins, and the presentation made
by Messrs. John McQueen and. John
McKenzie. After the presentation an
elaborate 'Supper was served. The even-
ing was pleasantly spent in medal in-
tercourse, games, etc., all present feel -
bag that the evening had been pleas-
ly and profitably spent. .
San Daaria-Woed was received
here a few 'days ago from Kansas, of
the sad and sudaen death of a former
and well known resident of this place
id the 'person of Mr. Andrew 'Ross,
which sad event occurred Oil ;San. 15,
at that place. Aleceased,"tOgeblier-with
his son, Tom, were working in the
field gathering corn and appeared to
be in his usual health and was quite
jovial. He had only been at work it
short time when he felt over dead.
His son beard himi groan and caught
him as he was falling. He was carried
to the house and medical aid summon-
ed, the doctor announcing that death
was Caused by apoplexy. Deceased
was born in Scotland in the year 1835
and -had attained the age of 67 years,
2 months and 23 days. . At the early
age of 16 years he came to this coun-
try and -in 1858 Was united in marriage)
to Sarah Broadfoqt. To ,this union
were born four sonsand "four daugh-
ters, altbf whom are still living. At
the age of 29 years he unitedWith the
Presbyterian church here and contin-
ued faithful in the cause - ine to the
time of his death. Mr. Ross left these
parts in the fall of 1881 and settled on
a farm two miles northwest of Man -
'Chester, where he resided to the time
of his death.
the doctor and before his return she
was dead. liter Maiden natne was
Elizabeth Perry and she WAB nearly 61
years of age. Her respected bust:awl
and family hese the sympathy of the
entire community in theiread bereave-
ment. Mrs. Smith WAS for a number
of years it resident of this place. Front
here the relay retnoved to Brucelleld,
and after residing there about a yeer
they moved toSettforth. alecillelti yaws
ago. She leaves a family of grown
sons and daughters. The remains gine Ives frozen end would have been
useless-. Why noted.'a meeting and
.were interred in the Maitlandbank
cemetery on Wednesday.
net Switzer, accompanied by her eon.
of PhIladetpble, is visiting tier parents
here. --Monday was Candlemas day.
Tho bear saw his shadow. Look out
for colder weather now and be sure
to have plenty of coal and wood on
hand. --Mr. II. F. Eilber deserves the
thanks of all our citizens for the work
and pans he toox to have our fire en-
gine placed in working order, It Is in-
deed vet ; fortmuite that a fire didn't
04-er mist ten weeks, its the en -
Mr. Wheeler,oue blacksmith, who
has been suffering from a severe at.
tack of mumps has somewhat in:11)We-
ecl.-Mr. Y. Bern and his sisteanertba
were the guests of Mr. Millie and Miss
Ethel 13rown, on Sunday. --Mumps
seem to have struck our burg with a
vengence much to the discomfort of
many -in fact son* are suffering sev-
erely. -Mr. John johns; of Zion, has
bought Mr. john Oorniales fifty -acres
on the side road at a fair price. -Mr.
Ben Allen will hold an auction sale in
the near future. He purposes going
West in the spring, where he will go
into ranching. -Several of our farmers
are hauling material for building next
SCHOOL REPORT. -The following is
the report of KS. No. 6, for the month
of Jan. Names are in ordev of merit.
V. ---May Jones, Mabel Sawyer and Ile.
Delhridge. Sr. •IV. -Ethel Brown.
Flossie Francis,.Hazel Hagar. Jr. IV.
Willie Veal, Wilfred johns, Wilson
Hawkins. Sr. 111.-Otbella Heywood,
Clarence Miner?, Victor Sawyer. Jr.
GodholtsAlma John% Hat-
tie Hunter. Jr. Room. Jr. Ht. -Nene
Heywood, Ella Heywood, John Kellett.
Sr. II.--Lilla Heywood, Lulu Godbolt.
Jr. 'IL -Hubert Jones, Alex. Berryhill.
Sr. Part IL-Tomily Sawyer. Jr. Part
IL -Lillis Godbolt, Clara Kellett.
D. M. McDougall 1 Teachers.
Anna E. Martin
• appoint sonee person who wiflT take
this important matter in hand and see
• to it. that Uwe should have a fire, we
can rely upou our eugine to do its
-Mr. G. W. Wren sold his fine span
of colts, two and three years old, kir
$400 to Mr. J. Norris, of Cromarty.
They were bred from T. Berry's horse,
lailburn.-The lecture given in the
church here by the Rev. John Scott,
D.D., returned missionary from Japan,
was, without a doubt, one of the best,
lectures we have ever had the privi-
lege of 'listening too. The reverend
gentleman's discourse was on "Japan
and its People" and heheld his audi-
ence'snell-bound during the entire ev-
ening and when his address ended his
.hearers were sorry As it grew very in-
teresting and was :indeed instructive.
DEATEt oF D110 ,TER. --It was
with real genuine - sorrow, that the
many friends of Miss Maggie Drover,
heard of her death. DeceaSed had been
ill for two weeks and despite all that
medical skill and good nursing could
do she passed away on Sunday at the
home of her sister, Mrs. D. Brintnell,
itt her 19th year. Miss Drover was a
young woman of quiet; unassunaiug
disposition, ever lending a helping
hand when it was needed; and during
her illness she bore her suffering with
patience and resignation till death re-
lieved hex of her pain. Our hearts
yield their homage to those virtues
and graces of quiet innocense, kind-
ness ofdisposition and modesty which
was hers. lier father, brothers and
sisters have the sympathy of the neigh-
borhood in their less, and although
they will miss her most, yet it is a loss
to the whole neighborhood., The fun-
eral took place our ToestlaY to Merag-
gates cemetery and was largely at-
Mr. E. McDonell WAS in Locknow
Wecinesday.-Misses Jennie Haskee
and Edith Ilawkshaw, of Lateen, spent
a few days here during the week. -Mr.
joe Cook has moved into W. Jones'
residence, of Oxford street. -Mrs. Bop -
per and daughter, Marjory, have Ar-
rived from Port Rep!. Mr. Hopper
has Also taken possession of the Ong
store he recently purchased from Mr.
G. X. Babcock. He corne,s very high-
ly recommended, and will no doubt
command a fair share of patronage in
the drug and fancy goods business. -
The anniversary services of Carmel
church will be held on Sunday next,
when the Rev,Dr.MeLaren will preach
in the morning and the Rev. Murdoch
McKenzie; of Homo, China, in the
evening. The services on each occas-
ion promisa to be of a most interest-
ing character. -Mrs. J. O. Stoneman,
who bas been quite ill, is convalescing.
-Jack Middleton has taken a position
at Cook's mill. -Mr. A. Arnold, of
Windsor, visited his father _here last
week, who continues ill. ---Will Fulton,
is learning the tailoringwith J. P.
Wells. -The Misses Maggie and Aggie
Buchanan left lase week for Carberry,
Man., where they purpose residing for
some time. Our young people are one
by one making their home in the far
West. -Hugh Buchanan has taken a
position on the Observer staff. -Rev.
Dr. Medd is steadily improving, but.
he has been advised to refrain from
pulpit work for at least a utonth.-The
following are the newly elected Elders
added to the session of Carmel Church:
Wm. nougat', John McArthur, James
A. Bell, Peter Moir, Sr. -Mrs. Robin-
son, of Lamberteis spending a few days
here with Ilea daughter, Abs. Stone-
man. -Several of ouraitizens have re-
ceived summons to serve as jurors at
the coming assizes to be held at Gode-
rich this morah.-The maoy.friends of
Ma M. Rennie will be pleased: to see
hien out again, after hisrecent illness.
-Miss 1301, of Summerhill, is the gueSt
of her Cousin, Mrs. Albert itfiBrien.-
We learn, that C. Clausen' has gene
into busiaess for himself in Moose jaw,
N.W,T. May success „attend him.
a -The newly organized Hensalalockey
-ani elected ofaceria as follows: Pres.,
Fred SinallaCombe, Sec.-Treas., R.
Cameron; Capt. G. M. Mair; Managing
ComMittee, Geo. Ross, Bert Ross, Will
Dnaan.---Tbe sad news spread over
Ole .community on Sunday when it be-
came known that the much respected
wife of Mn Robt McDole had Wattled
her last at the age Jo years, 11 inopths roll Sta average 29.
Exeter School Report
The following is the standing of the
upils in the public school here for the
month. of Xanuary. Monthly reports
are furnished to alt pupils in the school
except those In the two juulor rooms
VII. and VIII. These Are issued at the
end of each month. They tue for the
Information of parents tend guaxdiaes
and should he signed by them and re-
turned: -Class B.-Winnifred Carling.
Class Browning. No. on
roll 40, avera.,e attendance 41.
H. "N. Andersoni, T„ubers
Miss Dorrington -' •
Sr. IV. -Rose emblem Lily Ache-
son, Harvey. Gardiner, Flossie Taylor,
Elmore Seiner, Faux McPherson, Willie
Knight, Alt& Howard, "feeble South -
con, Beattie Martin. jr.
McKay, Bella Hawkins, Edna Bissett,
Fraukie Knight. No. aura 02, aver-
age 47.
C. Vosper, teacher.
Sr. 111. --Ethel Vosper. Jr. III.
Gpulis Bissett, 'Viola Welsh, No. on
and 23 days. Deceased bad been ailing M. E. Gill. teacher.
for some tune with. a severeillness and
all that kind bands and the best. medi-
cal aid could do the stroke of •death
conld not be averted, but abe bore her
sufferiug with great patience and res-
ignation. She was a daughter of Mr.
Frank Little, and was married to her
now bereft husband about seven years
ago. She will not alone be missed by
her husbana and family but by a host
of friends in this community AS she
vase general favorite here with old
and young. The funeral was largely
attended ou Tuesday to Union
cemetery. We extend our sincere
sympathy to the bereaved husband
and friends.
W. j. Roy was in Toronto last week
on a business trip. -Dr. Ferguson as-
sisted by Drs. Brown. of St. Marys,
Armstrong, of Mitchell, amputated
Ma Aaron Sawyer's foot a few days
ago. Considering his age he stood the
operation well and we are pleased to
report him doing well.
Sr. IIL-Sophia Werry, Case How-
ard, Lillian Amos, Lula Martin, Doug-
las Stewart. Jr. IIL-LeLemme
yard, Loney Heywood, Lilly Hodgert.
No. on roll 89, average 83.
H. E. Walrond. teacher.
Si- IL -A. Pickard, G. Acheson. Jae
IL -L. McFalls. No. on roll 45, aver-
age 87. H. D. Pringle, teacher.
Jr. IL -Harry Sweet, Willie Snell'
Young Creech, Pearl johns, Eylrnore
Harness, Sr. Part IL -Harry Puke,
Elva Ford, Stella, Sonthcott.
Part IL-Davidliall, Maurice Quance,
Oliver Hodgert. Jr. Part. II. -Lily May .
Frayne, Mary Acheson, Oscar Ander-
son, Leon Treble. No. on roll 45, aver-
age 35.65.
F. E. Carling, teacher.
Jr. H. -Ida Welsh, Rent Latta, May
Jewell, Minnie Jewell. Sr. Part. IL -
Luella. Btasdille, Clarence Heywood,
'Willie Ford. Latimer Grieve, Lull'
Snell.. Mid. Part IL -Reggie Bissett,
Willie Alexander, Fred Broek, Rerrate
Elliott. Jr. Part 1T.-Olara Vesper,
Clare Wood, Lillian Boyle... No; on
DIED IN HER 118TH Ynea.-Mary roll 46,trierage 33.5. *
Bum McOAL.tunr, Teacher.
Ann Mills, said to be the oldest woman
in Canada, died at her home near here
on Monday afternoon, Feb.2nd, at the
great age of 117 years, 3 months and
14 days. ,Mrs. Mills' maiden name was
Mary Ann Coulter, and she was horn
in the County of Fermanagb, Ireland,
on October 17tb, 1785. She and her
husband emigrated to Canada in 1857
and settled in the virgin forest of Us- DI3A.THS
borne township, Huron County. Mr.
Mills died two years after landing in
Canada, he having succumbed to the
hardships of pioneer life in the back
woods. Mrs. Mills has been a widow SOUTIECOTT-I/1 Tor011t0; (311 ;Feb. 1,
Charles Southcott, aged 78 16084. 2
for nearly half a century. Of their
faraili of nine children, four sons and mmittons.t_hsia
Blanshard,- 8t1:'L'ili"ii'Mlit..'Y'•'''
five daughtera; six are still living. some '
in Ireland, one in New Zealand, one in Ann Mills, aged 117 years; 8"itainth§
California andsome in Canada. 'Up and 14 days. • • ' a '
to within a few months ago she was Vawarozez:-In Listowel, On Jan. 20;
bright and active. - James Vanstone, sr., aged 81 years
AccepEaree-A very painful accident, and 22 days.
which have proved fatal, hap- LO4A.11'.-,Tin Stanley, tot 6, Concession
pened to Mr. Edward P. .Sweitzer, on 5, on San. 31, james Logan, agea 70
Lot Hi, concession 8, Downie,. formerly years, 4 months. ,
of this place, and:whese father 'bis
here atpreeent. He was in .hts barn
attending to the machinery connected
With the windmill and while making a
slight repair in a horizontal shaft he
became entangled' in the coupling
which euns along above the 'cattle to
the root pulper. Ris clothes became Did you ever have that
entangled and he was nearly strangled little tickling spot in your
Shepherd and Ike Buchanan. -The to death. Nelson Switzer, hearing his throat? Felt as if ybu
regular quarterly meeting' services 'screaras, hurried to the scene and was
couldalmost touch it with
were held on Sunday. In the morning horrifiedcou
to see his father hanging to „ . it ? H
Rev. Mr. Quante preached,. arid Dr. the shaft apparently lifeless but re- your finger, ,didn'tow
Medd assisted with the fellowship tained great presence of mind quick- hard you tried to reach it
but couldn't 1 It's easy with VaDoe.
isniveeptisenlgw. alsnathmeineisyteenreindgs the Lord'e lwyrteunrenhtinnag hthise kmniiilel outfromofhigse epro catnedt
Cresolene, for you breathe it. There's
-At the last cut him loose, and after an hour and a
annual meeting of the Women's Auxi- halfhe was restored to consciousness. sfitoothpininggitnh'etshee twicokrilidng7cuouagi btos ;itafnoar
nary the following were re -elected: --Dr. Paul, of Sebringeille, was tele-
President, Mrs. Clegg; Vice Pees., Mrs, phoned for and after .careful examin- it's so pleasant, too. For asthma,
p, ,,
iii Petty; See,y,, Miss E. Johnston; a tion found that four of his ribs were croubronchitis catarrhand
Trees., Mrs. McKay. The reports of broken, his head severely cut and oth- whooping_cough, ies the great
the Secretary and 'Ilreasurer were very er portions of the body badly, bruised.
satisfactory and the asnal aPP1'.0Pria- The PatienOS now doing as well as,remedy.,
tions vvere made to the several.' Dio- ettia be expected under the circurnstare vereetreseleee Is ails by driliffilsts everywherer
bestil Pledges. The Society met Thurs. ces. His many friends here are eero AVaPa-cresolene outfit, including the Vaporizer ana
,day ana are malzieg up some garments to bear of his accident, but are pleased, Cresoiene,
Lamp which should last a life.time, and a bottle of
complete, Stso; extra supplies of eves°.
t. ustrated booklu.
'for a faillilY recently burned out. to know len° 25 acmes an o dentsIllco!uain
that he is recovering. Ing physicians' testimenials tree upon requestt. VAPO.
CIRUOS11991, CO., ISO Fulton sc., now York, %Saito
WatsrEit.-In Exeter, on Jan. 28, to
Mr. and. Mrs. Thomas Webster,
ST4NCON11310.-Iii Exetee, jahe
James Stancombe, in his 70th,'