HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-1-29, Page 7...!•••.•fe...f.••••••• HECURES kin at einem -for free belp. De ware. to state the leading symptoms of THE SICK yeur diseaee, how long you hose beep, sick, etc. Your lett,or will hts treated, with the strictest confidence - 1....,•••,.. and receive immediate Attention.Ade 4111014 the Lawn) wa,ik and per. drOsS Prof. Thomas lh, Adkin, c.fAcx, §66 Ne Beesheeter, N, Y. 411118 MOVOI'll Miracles Which ' , Astound and mystify the wisH,ED -Kb; HADN'T SPOVEN. tOptQrs. tO WANT TE SICK. TO WRITZ. SATS TITE GREAT TUSALER, reit the People My Servicep Are reee. So ;ere the Servicee of Ny .;44) groinent 4peciAliStS. rep, Th.eze. They Can Ee cured At ErenIef That 1 Ara Giving gy Great Discovery To the World, Tient AD, TWeflard Enjoy the The Blessings Perfeet gealttt. PROF. Taos. F. AMIN'. ekty ambition In life la nert tIOnC74" Fo„ya Prof. Adkin, the greet heeler. (do io daily cluing men and women of the very wore!. cliteases after let -wiled doctor S hate premium - ed their eases hope:ewe Ills unthod of treatment is aomewhat mysteri- One, bait the feet that he cures the 6lek when all dee faille when the doctors loee hope, ited science (N- epalis, is demonstrated heyond eon - trove: so. Sin tutter whether you have t onstimption, Kidney Troeble, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Dysoopslit or simply an ordinary cold or fe(er, they are ail calico to Prof. /Whim Ile cures theta (IP, he cures you quickly, eft rabilesely, permaneutly at your own home. The also tells on a. secret method by which 3,1)11 May keen yourself in perfect health. Without exaggeration, it con he safely said Out Prof. Akin Is the most inter,- esting. remarkable and wonder:MI physician healer 01 the age. Ills only talk. bis only thought is now to mire incurables, to bring hope to the lespele/s, joy. sunshine and liaripineis to tile !alterable and suf- fering. Ile is truly carrying ott a grand work. Re is President of one Of the lamest healing institutions in tho world. He' employs twenty em- inent phyeielars iind sporiallats to waist him with his Work. He spondn thotertieds of dollars every year in givirg free advice and help to the Mak. No matter lettere you lime the servitos of the best specialists may be yours. All you baVo to do Is to write a letter to Prof. A.dkin ieseribing your care, end he will inie mediate:y (Begone° ybur dfsettke and explain the proeer home, treatment for your speedy recovery. This will. not cost you a aingle cont. No money iS asked for this service, none is taken. If you are sick and -want to make a donation for the purpose of carrying on the work, such will be thankfully rev:tired. Prof. Adkin will oleo Fend eery sick person who writes him, within the next thirty days, a free copy of his wonderful new book, entitled "How to be cured anti How to cure others." This book is -highly endonsed by leading phy- sicians, it contains invaluable infor- mation in regard to diseases and what to do in cases of emeraency. It should be in every home. Remember *".a it costs you nothing if you write to Prof. Adkin now. Sirs. C. A. Brownell, of Dane, Ok- lahoma, writes: "I was tortured for months by terrible pains in my hea.d. and this, together with loss of sleep, 'began to effect my mind. Your treatment has done wonders, for me. I sleep well nights and those terri- ble pains in my head are gone. Thank God, hope has taken the Place of despondency and I have a new lease of life." Alex. Moffat, of 388 Drown St., keochester, N. Y., writes: ''When I applied to you for treatment I was as I might say a physical wreck, suffering from pains in the chest and stomach, also poor digestion and 021 the verge of nervous prostration. • X had tried most everything and had about ' given. up when I tried your .treptment. My pains have gone, ray nerlres are strong a,nd I feel lik.e a new man. I wish you vileness in yoer noble work.", Mr. J. N. Purdy, Purdy's, N. Y., wet t es': "I have been Suffering from severe Stricture and bladder trouble for over three years. I was given up by my physician as incueable. My urine had to be drawn from me a,nd tee sealcling and burning tves in- tense. My sefforing was almosk.inn- „bearable. I took advantage of your °Gni., and to my great astonishment I was relieved the second day. Your • cures are certainly w0 riderfu 1.” 'Mrs. M. A. reyneh, of 1522 Girard Ave., Los .A neeeles, Cal . , writes: • ` `Two month s ego 1 was. almost pr o trn tod with insomnia an d gen- eral debility, from which 1 lee'd fered sixteen yen rs. I could sleep e at most, o,n.l.o two or three hours out ef of tae too -1:1'4011r. 1 so ffered with severe eaedache and neuraleitt, eotild ern Feely ee,c/ ere a sound. f feel like ewFrr,. Tee results of Viteo- '1 ree treen t in my (0'C t ,e14 leen woorerrie." lf -,ock stere to write Prof, Ad - Said a nervous passenger to the mother of a, bowling imp in the en• prese train : "Madam, is there anything any lin can do to paellY your Itttl° "Oh, thank you, yes," said the mother et the spoilt child. "yott. see. the dews little pet juet, watite to throw his jam tart At the passen- gers, and I was afraid they weuldn't like it, Please to steed where you *re. Now stop CrYing, (*Oleg. Thie mad gentleman wants to play with you.' Mildred—"Ie your husband a very generous man ?" AtArgery—"Indee4 he in- Volt remember thoso Wee cigAro 1 gave him for n birthday present ? Well, he smoked only one, and gave all the othere away to hie friends." LOG WEMS81 S ITE TO POOR AND WA= BLOOD At is Why Some People Ca Get Aid of 4 VOligh, and Develepa Into Consuraptie Tim lunge are just like any ot e portion 4.11 the body—they need constaut supply of pure. rich blood to keep them sound and strong. If the Maga are not strong they ref e unable to resist di eeeeand thet is the reason why a apparently aimple cold clings unt the patient grows weetier an weaker and finally tills a cousung ties grave. Dr. Williams' PM Nita never Nil to strengthen the limas, bemuse they make the new. rich, red blood which alone can do this work. The most emphatic proof that Dr. 'WilliamsPink Pille Um limos and cure coxieumption In Ito earlier stages, is given in the eaeo of MISR Blanche Durand, Of St. Edmond, Que. Mies- Durand says : 'In the month of September, lefil was visiting at the home of a uncle at L'Assomption. One day w were out boating, I got nor fee wet and caught cold. The, cold seem al to cling to me, and when I re- turned home about the end of Sep- tember. I was quite m. I tees quite feverish, had no appetite, and the cough seemed to exhaust me. 1 be- gan doctoring. but dM not get any better, and in January. 1002, tb doctor told me that my lungs weri affected,* and that I was in con sumption. At this time a friend who hod come to see me advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. and 1 sent for six boxes. The pills soon began to help me, as little by little the rough grew less severe, my ap petite became better, my strength returned, and I began to have a healthy color. used eight boxes of the pills. and was then fully re- covered. I am sure that Dr. Wil- liam' Pink Pills raved my We, and Shall envier; speak gratefully of th n " Such cases as these tell better than mere words the power of Dr.Wfl link Pills. They cure all con- stitutional weakness beenur`e theergo right to the root of the trouble and build up the blood. That is why they never Ail to cure rheumatism. lumbago, kidney and liver troubles, headaches, backnebee, indigestion, biliousness and all other blood dis- eases. Sold by all dealers or sent post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing direct to the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Substitutes are sometimes offered, but you can al- ways protect yourself by seeing that the full name "Dr. Williams' Pink PHIS for Pale People" is printed on the wrapper around every box. Common soaps destroy the clothes and render the hands liable to eczema. AnDvopEe ,E74PgrliZerr aen or tho eeteeen FRE EMIT BEEN 18LE virgAT IS GOING ON IN TEE LAND OE TIM SgAgROCIL Some Persooal and Busies N'etee Tht Intereet canadtalaS. Janten Mtillaby. MileSneall On the Midland Groot Weetera Roilway, was caught by a, shunting crigire near Broacistone atxtivu, Anal nmogied terribly, 'When a new caretaker was being oppoieted for agiwreverd at Luria., ick was etate d that the tote todian hod been married live time. led that ho woo tho foiath bueband of the lost wife. Soujeats Of the Ulster census bavo liscovereti complete statistical re- futalion of tho theory that the so- cial and industricil deray of Ireland is due to the t'eltic teuMeronlatit And tho Catholie "Pleaee epere no a copper, for I AM bath deaf and dumb," was writ - tun an the envelope which a well- dressed boy of fifteen presented to paasers-by at Belfast. reeovered his speech when arrested. dr Anew Illoore, at Cork, was re 5- mantled, charged with the murder of n Rev. Mr. Bell, rei.lor et Kilnieein County Cork. The police Are cone tiouing their investigations. but the head of the deemed has not yet k 'been discovered. Josepit CO1111i51, a lad, was re- manded at Belfaet, charged with wounding another boy named Relte- bin. The evidence showed thet ao- mewl was playing With a toy pletol. which aoridentally went oil, the bul- let entering Robbin:u abdomen. It is beginning to be understood. — writes Mr. W. O'Brien. M.P.. that - tlement than ail the Parliamentary the policy of armed isolation pule. oued by the Irish party boo been the means of bringing the Irieh land question nearer to a victorious set- proceelure, In the 1%,ing's Bench at Dublin. Re- becca Ijo.Evoy recovered £000 from Manta atiZe & Sons, teurist agents, on the ground of the negligence of their servants, Plaintiff and some o friende, travelleg with tourist tick- et» supplied by defendants. visited • Killarney, and rode through the Gap of Dunloo on ponies furnished by de- fendants. The animal which plain- tiff was riding became unntanugeablo in the abseneo of the roan in charge of the party, end she was seriously injured. House Owner—"You didn't pay the rent last month." Tenant—"No ? Well, X suppose you'll hold me to your a'greement ?" Owner—"Agree- ment—what agreement ?" Tenant— "Why, when I hired tho house, you said I must pay in advance or not at all." . Indigestion, congested liver; im- tiure blood, constipation, these are what afflict thousands 01 people who do not know what is the matter with them. They drag along a mis- erable, existence; they apply to the kcal doctors occasionally, and tometimes obtain a little temporary relief, but the old, tired, worn-out, all -gone, distressed feeling always tomes back again worse than ever, until in time they become tired of living, wonder why they were ever born, and why they are alive unless to endure conetant suffering. To Ruch sufferers there is a haven of refuge in Dr, August Koenig's Ham - berg Drops, which was discovered Moro than 60 years ago, and •-which Is a wonderful medicine. One trial will convince the most skeptical that any or all of these difficulties tn.ay be reniceved, and a perfect cure effeeted, by taking Dr. August Kee-, nig' Hamburg Drops. Get a bot- tle at once, before it is too late. ous and thrown away. BANQUET OF DOGS' ELESI/. Tho commission of United States Senators in Moran oceepted an in- vitation to a. native banquet. The principal dish was cooked dog, which the Ilawailans have long con- sidered one of tho greaeest delicaciee. The senators thought they wero eat - leg roast plg. •••....••••• gm:Ems bAp.E. Every rnother knows thb constant care a little child requires, and to the young and ineXperfericed mother who is caring ' for.her first baby there is no other period itt her life more trying. In the little ills that are certain to come to all infants and young children, the mother—es- pecially the young and Inexperienced mother—scarcely knows what to do. It is to meet emergencies of this kind. that Baby's Own Tablets are offered to all mothers. These Tab- lets are an absolute cure for all the minor ailments of little ones, and should constantly be kept in every home whd're there are young children. Sickness comes quickly—witb. Baby's Own Tablets at hand the emergency is promptly met. Mrs. R. H. LaRue, Mountain, Ont., says '—"I can re- commend Baby's Own Tablets to all naothers who have cress or delicate children. 1 do not know -how I could get along without them.-' The Tablets are guaranteed free from opiates or harmful drugs, and crush- ed to a powder may be administered with absolute safoty to a now born babe. Sold by all druggists or sent by mail at 25 cents a box ler writ- ing to the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. RA.TTLESNAKE OIL. In. Pennsylvania the oil of rattle- snakes is preserve(' most carefully as a liniment especially good for sore joints and for rheumatism. The fat is taken from the dead snake and laid upon a cloth in the hot sun, from which the filtered oil drips into a jar. From fear that the reptile may have bitten itself, the clear oil is tested. by dropping a portion of it into milk. If it - floats in one globule it is regarded as un.affeeted. If it breaks into beads and eteelles the milk, it is judged to be poison - It is riot only because of their great wearing qualities that you are recommended to wear Style, fit and finish are almost as important, GRANJ37- RUBBERS have a stylish, clean cut zippeeratice all the& own, and are made ira all the different shoe shapes. "Gralthy Rubbers wear like iron." einetlailan.7.1ejdffe771eM'n 70.''.7171`7:71;7474,1,m, 757,:*.•,•Nri.1 NOVEL WAY TO GET FOOD. A young Plan who had been suffer- ing front want of food emPloyed an lOfienious plan to secure it, leor Slonle time he etetimied hireeelf in A, city Awlare and shame his bread wittt the sparrows. It was not 1911g before the birds got to know him, and surrounded hien by hundreds when he mode his appearance. One of the nest observant resident watched him closely and oLocrved that every now owl then one of the sPareows was transferred to We poc- kets. Ile lodged a complaint. An the young fel/ow was arrested. II said be had been unable to get work, and that, not wishing to beg, he bad got bis food by eatchirg eparrows and cooking them. SAVED FROM- TEE MB ,T. 0. 7.vsusa SAYS ZODD'S KIDNEY PILLS DID roll 7.7a. Story of a. NOVA SCOUte an Who RAO- Aincost iiven V gope ot Evor Peiog -Central Reouorey, N.S. Jan. lg- (SPPCIA1).-.1 .(0I as if Docitra Kid - "ivy Piiis 1401 . eavesd mo from • " .the grove." is tlie trey T. C. Morel), •er thi pktvr, vans •of thoee wentlerfill ice:tertian:eters •cif :the pubis and tiches arleing fone Ineeeeed Kidneye. And Mr. ;Marsh eliouid know Whergef he speaks. ie'rms. wider the doctor' core for liedvey Complaint for Seine tittio,5114, ikopite their efforts, coo- tinued to grow waree. Yie was AI - in ige..,Pair when ft friend biin to use Deihl's Kidney 111 seat a, vevere criee the 55 towards reeovere• was neo slow, but bo pereevered, find w ho ItilS justified in using the .pg words quoted AllOVe. Mr. Mereli Geis deecribea Ids case ; was lalfitV the doetoe's cam telt didn't eeeta to got any better, only wortee 1wee advieell by: friend to cite Bead's iir.lthiey Pills. Atter 1 hod wed thera tor a time 1 began, to fri' aditlerence, and 1 mover neepeed till I had used - hones. I seimoise I still have to u eomethieg as lone. 45 1 Uve. but „I reel we 11 Pine had raved me from the grave. "I have reventAiended. Dodd's :Kid- ney Pills to ever3i4,4ue beimiteo. of what they have dome for me." •••••=imcaraltrwmwam••••••••• Fifty pound's ,compeization has Leen claimed from the Li:uptick ilor- ough Coencil by a police sergeant, who was inewed recently while axe restinff a Peieener. MIT ars slinT gnanntf 941ITIL *41O423ititi ein ploR '0 **Rion 03 In AreNtilla 'r '4 .f.;aJPPV 'sln -moan:rat pile VAUTTIftlp .101 )1110:4 **1113 O t final it coils ems .101 vevuop pan) -unq otto ealpe Awns, oneeeffle pee Jo woe! oirsomes puts poem eet tio itnaanp szt: .ininoodwal II 411 adosp mos; *NOD In AClitesualiat uomn. si .11 'lax aq;. nO 0400 rallOVItilreaT00 Ann CORI IIT'oleft 40Psio.r. "03 I` Cern%) *r eq paurteuoitiein ,o;no grimes) allele aucuttee.rt onientitinieoa seepinax ams -atm pun irfina,141 pnioronatruoa e art ot (pone* tteactid wog tiationo -etipunaintl pen:noticed esuettierail nsaol tnim 0.1s3 in Seine! ertwirgiuoe eet pun avipsinet poot pactreosaut pan *swop poor e esounounsd itioloop eztlet eirant erea e .04 'elevation; sot al. paliaddns sts* stej less! *In own pee Osineeert tito gazump Jame ira (nun eatunos oat je vonscs spa uf gratietto orom et (frogs, A young man named Driscoll, with his father, was endeavoring to tie - cure some wreck *timber at Long Is- land, County Cork, when a huge wave swept him off the rock, and he was drowned. Teere never n'ai. 4411,1 nsver will In .a universalepenneea, h one remedy, for all, ills to which -flesh iv heir—:h.. Very natUra of many curatives 'being such that were Se germs of other and differently seated diseases rooted iu the system of the patient—what would relieve one ill, in nmewould aggravate the other. We have,bowever, in Qniuine_Wine, when obtainable in a sound unadulterated Stale, a remedy for many awl greviOusille By Ira gradual and judicious nsa the' frailest systems are led into convalescence and strength, by the influence which Qui - eine exerts oneeature's own restoratives. Itrelieves tho drooping spirits of those with whom a chronic state of morbid des- pondeucy and lack of intere_st in life le a tin.,ease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves, disposes to souud mad refreshina sleep -- imparts vigor to the action of the blood, which being stimulated. courses through- outtbe veins, strengthening the healthy animal functions of the system, thereby making activity a necessarr. result, strengthening tbe frame, awl giving life to the digestive organs, which naturally demand increased subscauce—result, un- proved appetite. Northrop & Lyman of Toronto, have giveu to tile public their superior Quinine \Vine at the usuel rate, and, gauged by the opine:et of scientists, this wine approaches nearest' perfection of any in the market. All druggists sell it. ----- Agent—"This embrocation I have to sell, sir, is a splendid thing for sprains and bruises of all kinds ; in fact.—" Business Man (savagely)— "Then if you don't clear out of hero you'll want a ton of it for personal use." CALTPORNIA-OREGON EXCUR- SIONS. Every day in the year the Chi- cago, Union Pacific and Northwest- ern Line rims through Brst-elass Pullma.n .and Tourist Sleeping Cars to points in California, and Oreoon. Three through trains daily. ''The route of the famous "Overland Lim - i ted . Personally conducted excur- sions from Chicago to San I`ran- cisco, Los An,geles, Portland and other Pacific Coast points, leaving Chicago on Tuesdays, WeditendaYs. Thursdays and Frida.ys. Lowest rates. Choice. of roeles. Finest scener3r. 1‘,Laps, illttstrated folders, etc., furnished free. Rates quoted. Address B. Bennett, Generel Ag- , opt, 2 East Kites street, 'Toronto, Ont. Lowg- nrvy33-soNm11117.1'. A 6110rt time ego a Siciliau ad - coal to WO s fo told guilty of sixty- / three different acts of fraud. For his induetry artd enthusiasm be 1,he cause of . dishonesty he was Sera tenced to .1.31) Years' imprisonnient. 7 IN Z..3 4i 2 Thanks, clear gra. Grundy, fk,x you advie abous 40c - CEYLON TEAi have clam. My bizetiond no look forward to, azed it and nstast de- 54ys that breakfast is somethiog to • A TOWN OF ALIASF4... ero is a 'town i Rusefa teem% by'4'41el Enverat Unpnonouttenoie nameo of Tee -biter*. Schiseirigri aod Treibigri. (1Nrel enough, to remember leOW Inee3 nray One of them) - A eery returned sverdict ti'es' oot teeny months elute after a moee may months fence after a mew tborough end exhaustive trial and investigatien. impIicatei in tee affair were some 44 the Port pr-Pmiriez:t /melt -toe 111 t'o world, and 4 rost nter of Ott: er eeeeene were more less interested in the verdict to Ity not4Ing of tho nusioty of the icipals. iury wes cotePri`vti 44 th ra at lto Proviuciel Coon etafe players. a delegate e Res-inni Go; nent and th lietriet 41ricw:i.nrai irsoectora. After aseneing a day aud On he AP"ens, the jury foiled the V weellerrie L'hoter wort're of !iirroest award hi conirecii ion w ether re:tilde ce, mot Le -,towed on the tilieleter of Agricailtere-a Geld Medal. They leased their derision on the filets that the Metieeeollarile Binder rapereel "id p4 tetter road ,oel teen eiteee of the eteer eme Pet a -eq. fectory wittan re•ae;trirg; coatirg upper t : ',main rood weem eeteetetetta Ted S'Fern, orneol,*"nnev add neachMe traee the iwarre*4 iselt couetreetion. The verdict han since teeeited is 11,7erSal eedorreatiete, Size—"Ne I lite 'you very mu indeed, hut I eau never iteiirrY spendthrift ?" lie.—"How y IVO of ret' ali V' -re ith ow totes -ovule tee rA MIS w vett era feeterie, "'Ike Oa -eau of On 44,41 or oar lb* WeganA R442 Voz.044 IOneirel, Leoilen.Q4‘. OW= A 0414Ent111 -44 e trice nez.eto _Xi* 4ta #45.4* Te eye "-let t.e tee eft*. Ladies' an s Furs glrcrntIngta Fan ott &merit pzlzoo. fo:" ev.rol/lag. 441For 19,1R4, -Aire, Oar wsensAl yews. tieig for prFAN940. fL oieetnee A Cee 11 itie east Tweete tes atemee -oxen. e tIV. 4 titiai -41re 3 6..yel.COOS•01, 042;is, era, If you want boot price" eltip yea; ol"ry to iee. Ue want large quauti. ;1,y to raw; eeroaini Imieo tor ,e• Ar.1, tvo van wit tram mg pia 4,011,7 PfiG0144`nr There. ele '• ‘ Davison '0..onnlIasion Coo LITAnsi On 'TORONTO eAss4rmestA *CI C foncik," is deeadfal. Mariia, that rou Iwoos will hove the infh word." ` Fleenor mit otn. how 4113 1 to rnow ch that you have teething more to a city 2'. ou know I am a speudthrift ?" SI "Dy the way you have beenInc wateli !:7.. 'When washing oreasy dir.'kes "4. POtEl aad 1(4:5413. 1,•ever's Pry Soap owdere will remove the greaeerwith greolest ea5e. ney 05 ine I" DIRECT STEAUSTTIP SERVICE TO MANILA. The Chicago & trorth-Itestern IlaLl- way AnnOWAV that An coin:cell with the daily trans-contineutel se vice, via, that line from Chleago to San Francisco, tho steamship lino Irmo the latter port. Noe inaugurat- ed direct sailings from Nan Francis- co to thudia, additional to the ser- ve via Nugasati and Items Kong. Some of the finest steatmellips in the Patine aro being used for this new direct service, hbeater-"ITas your wife a good d now ?" Subbubee-HI don't On laeeeet I haven't been home since tbitionorning." Mrs. Ealtte—"She isn't a very good manager, is she ?" Mrs. rind° —"No, indeed. Why. the had to 'tiny four extra turkeys so as not to waste the stollieg she had made for oue." • 1••••••••1 Minarts Liniment Cures Distemper, jimmy:runt. I ',wish I cciuhiplor• pirate arid Soil the siutticsb nutio:latt scuttle ships." 3fr_ you just take WS scuttle and sefl. downstairs arid „pieate swine eb. from Pardee's bin." ' • linegnalfed—Xte That: Brunt, Tyer4 Maga, „Ont.. - *nye. to tillutk von for recoMmendin Dr. Thorn/Le Eciectric 011 for beedinir piles. I w troubleff with 'thin for'tne:irly firree years, and tried ahnost everything eptild hear or think of. Some of the, would give me tompore,ry reliel, but boi would effect a cure. I have now bee free Iron), the distressing complaint f nearly eighteea moethee- I hope you 'tell] continue to reeoinnieud Pill for Generone Eeters,—There are inarlynererie of itealthyimpiniteand poor dievelfett who, after a hearty ineel are sulOoet.to initere snirerinse. rim tool ot whieh they hove paw alien Lee Meizad lit elesionmehe. Ireeitteleedepreesion. otherSig nelnig follow. One so efs gives:4 unlit, for bosineres or work of any hia ;%. teie condition Rarinelee's veoe. utile P11. will briug Mier. Tiler will as. sist the essiradotion or the ente.ra, and used swear -Jim: to directions will reetere healthy digestion. ° lltigeitlion"Swiggiea spends as awful Pura or memo*" l'or dross." IllOgetsto"You• •• serprise me. lit doesn't show it." ; but itis wife (Near" • -", MInaida liniment Curis'Utis, etc! • , enfildre.sse-"I told cook to hurler . the.dInnee'.tOMa.eter-ot!Phe seems to ltaXcieteleeth7 ' ..• - •,'Io,.,... 2-7-o- . . Mee! Over MA; Tart. •Oin,Ittal*Wujointiro .......... T4314450isienelesn'erneeseetteeetanozpr'r. "ela-4, fears by vionsinno. otaktattitrA ter tiatir ebildresTwbri It De 4 . e •I 311ii*Ifaiherr""k1IrrPani.4474,'"Viate molly arrhor quo • 11 taa,c.., soul 1,3, antzti.:43 In pvcry 'settee the war d. regorreoteriesegene. Isa nue* to trealzulsblo. n es sere ee4datt tor Mn. Window." Efitothing dux take 111 J other kalci Or "I can tell your future and find out your future husband: for you, lady," said the gipsy. • "If you And him out as often as 1 find my pre- sent husband out," replilid the lady, "I shall never marry again." Mined's' Liniment Cures Diphtheria, "What's the matter, little boy ?" said the kind-hearted man. "Axe you lost ?" "No," was the manful answer ; "I ain't lost, I'm here. But I'd like to know where father and mother have wandered off to." The great lung healer is found in that excellent medicine sold as Bieltle's Antis Consitinptive Syrup. It soothes and di- nenisbes the sensibility of the membrane of the throat and air passages, and is a sovereign remedy for all coughs, colds, hoarseness, pain or soreness in the chest, bronchitis, etc. It has cured many when. supposed to be far advanced A man named Smith was walking along the towpath. of the Logan Ca- nal, Belfast, when, seized with a fit, he fell into the water and was drowned. ° lijnorrrs.:.tinterant Ali.RESTE'.0 WHEN DEAD. A splendid funeral procession •was proceeding from ItIongO, Japan, to 'bury the remains `of Tamil, the head o a gambling, den, when the pollee -stopped the ceremony as the decene- ed was believed to be an esenned convictI he itcceatatien was found to be true, and the dead 3111 n. ,•••••.M.611 "Oh !" despairingly exclaimed the typewriter girl who was taking her firet lesson on the piano. "I don't believe X can ever learn to operate it. The key -board's so different." Useful At All Thnea—In winter or in summer Parraelee's Vegetable Pills will cope with and overcome any irregularn eiee of the'digestive organs lellich clumge of diet, change of residence, 'or verity ion of temperature may bring about. Tbey shoul I be always kept at hand, and once their beneficial action becomes known, no ono will be without them Thee is no- thing nauseating in their structure, and the most delicate can use them confident- ly. Rapp—"I look upon you, sir, as a rascal 1" Partee—"You are privi- leged to look upon me in any char- acter you desire to assume, sir." I know MINARD'S LINIMENT will cure Diphtheria. JOHN D. DOUTILLIER. French Village. I know MINARD'S LINIMENT will cure Croup. J. 17, CUNNINGHAM. Cape Island I know MINARD'S LINIMENT is the best remedy on earth.. JOSEPH A. SNOW. ...Norway, M. "I told you," said the teacher, apologetically, to Tommy, "that I should whip yeti if you did not tell yourfather you had run away from school; didn't 1 ?" "That all right," esp on dod rnhornas. ' `1. didn't tell him. Gee of your beatings is a pie- -take -if to the prieon beriel grounCi. ric compared to of dad's," csete se?emeltrer reaeteiestee • eee-----e--eee-oeeee-eertreeeteeeteoaee• oteeeee--e . CLOSE raSE AT le.' Borreele aeee 1.4" tellteste• 4414 A. bird. mee net tedomteli o, hoio is 11 eat‚ / 4% craen through, so•Pnee leoultry Netting la made 'with . Gill C.11. iii he' at bottom end largo at tee. No 11 gauge wire tee and hernetee-eo sag. Got raga fencee and' me nage zWzc,i_raatx:,..,etal,ere.C12.0, ,.01,nirntl ,,;'Z':4.1,.07,2,;,,U.,;I.1,717.1(-`, 071t •Y•lil V: • • A:4.'1s" c • ea, "fie 001.- a-1. • v.,. .-+<=mszcor twice, -A team s -..