HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-1-29, Page 17— surrEENra YEAR. EXETER, ONTARIO, THU F COATS hic0. =1 -.Z1n • 1 Lady's Black Astrohan Fur Coat was $32 for $25. 1 Lady's Black Astrachan Fur Coat was $38 for $30. 1 Lady's Black Astrachan Fur Coat was $40 for $32. 1 Men's Brown Dog Fur Oct was $25 for $19. ALL OUR FURS ARE NOW CHEAP. POPLESTONE OARDINER. I 4.0473a7r=irCelia TO Weld lave waimitta private Nude for in- vestrateit upon farm or village property, a lowest rates of hateresti Drcesoe Sr Crno, BA rristers. oto.. Exeter. IVIONET TO LOAN. have a large amount of private funds to lean on term 411/ 41 village properties at low rates ofinteres F. W. OLAnalas, Barrister, Mein St e ERNEST ELLIOTY Real Estate and Insumnee Agent Farms and village properties bought and cold on reasonable Lerma. Several dwellinghonses for sale. Lands in an parts of 3tenitoha and the Nortiewest *reale. tanley me. mi. seotehmere som a fine span horees to Mr. 0. Johneton, of Clin- ton, a feW days ago, realizing a good ligure.—Mr. John Wilds, who lists been n a month's visit with frientlr here, Rented to Ids home in itliltoto.N.D.— Mhn Idatie Wilde, of Osnahrock, N.D., is visiting friends on the Semitic Line. Mr. Thos. Stinson has exchanged (hie - e %vitt, Mr. 11. Denude of Bayflekl.-- r. Alf. Austin, who was called to lyth a few days ago, owing to the ac- cident whiels tiefel his tither, has ea - Willed His father fell froni the hey loft and was rendered unconecions, itt which state lie remained for over two days, but is now improving.—MnSam. Turner, who hes been visiting friends here for a few weeks, has returned to his home in Yale, Mich.—Miss Martha Bathwell spent a few days in Seaforth during the week, --Mr. Richard Peck is recovering from his recent illness.— Mi89 Maggie Sulavan, ofTerOuto, who is ill at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. John McCowan, is convkle:s§lrifh -,—David.Yuill and wife, of Maniterha, artevisiting their uncle, Mr. Jarnom Az kenhead.—Geo. Cook, who hes laid aft duty for several weeks through an AC- Oillelk,113 now tit work again. • rhhteihniner.—Mi. Wm. Collin, of the eonceiesion, met With a painful aeo eflesitigtelw dayeago. H *as work- ing tab, ts-reck and getting his hand esetglif inithidcogs he hithhzs. fingers eo ht*dritedthat they had to be am- putated. Hie many friends are sorry to hear of hie misfortune and deeply ympathize with hit). NOT QUALIFIRD.—We understand that Mr. john McNaughton, one of the CountyCouncillors • elect for clivierien -Ito. 3, composed of Stanley, Hay. Hen - sail and Hayfield, is not qualified to hold the position to which be has been elected, if proceeded against, on ac- count of being a school trustee at the time of his election. If this is the case there may be another election in this division. FoR SALE. 80 acre* unimproved, in the townthip of Osprey, county at Gm; liartlwooci and other timber, ranway etation woven nines, poet office, school, churebie tulle end belt; would sell or exchange for men hit. proved property at Exeter. U. Muttn Hattatex, Exeter. TIOUSE FOB SALE. Tbe undersigned Is offering for tale his frame dwelling and premises on Ann etreet, Exeter, being lot 17. ' The houae mulleins 3 zooms with a brick cellar modernsith. There !a on the premimea * good well of water, a pump shop, etable and chicken hetet 4entl • number of choke fruit trees. Will he sold roe/enable. Apply to — Jona ROtlatillteieW JIOTEL PROPERTY FOR SALE. This undertigned la offering tor sale -gaiE dreitable ba14 *Mated et Devon, an the Loaddif 11015. Thts ,hetel la In good maidition, aid" le *rI1e Out& of fader. This road is largely Dwelled and ter the ht man chances ere good for. splendid Wades% ere Lt • good *bible In connection ela0.1/ acne at land. Possesslie given immediately. This Tropt.rty. will be sold .cbeep: Per particulars, apply to ' PIGEGOR & CARLING. Exeter. Out: FA ail FOR SALE. ° - Tho undersigned is offering for sale Lot 11, South Boundary, Blanshard, being 108 acres of choice land, well fenced and drained. There Is on the premisea two firat-elasa bank barna, open shed, frame house witlibriek kitchen, containg nine large rooms, cellar Ainifer both; good orchard two good wells; 4 acres ,bb—mixed timber—and other conveniences. Per. -hotly free from all noxious weeds, vela as mustard llitwild oats. Lodged within oneand a half miles Hom'St. Marys. For particulars addreaa W. ALFRED BUGG, ' SL Marys. Eden League will be held on Thursday, Jan, 27th. The topic will be taken by Mr. Geo. Buswell and Miss Rooke.— Look out for our entertainment in the near future. No particulars are issued yet, however, they have debated on it. As in the past they expect to have everything O.K.—Misses Maggie and Clara Luxton, left their parental roof Monday to resume their former duties at Sarnia and Exeter respectively.— Mrs. Westcott, who has been visiting in and around Exeter for the past week, has returned to our vicinity again.—Dame rumor says wedding bells will soon he ringing south of our burgh. —This is fine weather for Messrs. Coates, Luxton and Buswell to draw material for banking their barns this summer. --We are sorry to hear that one of our visiting friends got his ear frozen on Friday evening last and so was unable to put in an appearance on Sunday evening—A few have a slight touch of la grippe at present. Messrs. Will Coates and Sherman Hunter are both convalescent. --Miss Ila Westcott and her sister, Mrs. R. Coates, have been taking advantage of the pleasant weather of the past week, visiting their many friends and relatives.—Miss Ford and lady friend called on the Misses Rooke on Sunday. --Mr. and 1VIrs. Will Coates pleesantly entertained a large number of young friends on Wednes- day evening. The night being fine and sleighing good a large number were present. Different !rinds of games were played, but chief of all was the floor games at which our young peo- ple are quite skilled. All thoroughly enjoyed the evening—Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Inelbridge called on Mr. and Mrs. R. Coates Tuesdev —Misg Minnie Lux- ton visited friends south of our burgh one day last week.—Last week it was reported that the fire at Mr. Richard Coates' was caused from the furnace. This was a raistake of the reporter. Trose.—A parcel was lost' between Centralia and Devon, Finder please leave at the ADVOCATE office, Exeter. SDAY JANUARY 1,thiva Our fine sleighing laas been some- ivhat knocked out by the thaw. --Mr. Wm. Cunningham is visiting his nether this week.—Ma Peter Wilds, of North Dakota, was in town nee day this week.—Mr. B. Cunningham visited friends in Saroia end. Port Huron last weeln—Mr. Harltion was in tom), this week. Ilibbert Tb(*. wao hate disposed of his diettere lot here to Ma George Lea- ortby, of Mitchell. eatizing a good figure foe in—ltierrrs. Frank and John Wight, who have been on an extend- ei vssit to friencir i 'libber: and view- ity, have returned to Detroit.— dire, odney, from the state of Minnesota, WOW ou a three menthevacation Awl will visit Mende in arid around lidthert.—rhe fifth animal convention a the townships a Fullerton and Hib, tete Senility Settee' .Association was yid sin Thursday last in the hlethodist hereto Mt. Pleasant. A nmnber of eekers were present. Varna The Mises dlasnie and Lottie Foster are house on a vt to their pinnate, Mr. end Mrs. Joseph. Foster. Miss Marrii0 is head otilliner in a large es- ablishment at Carman. Mau., and iu. ends et tending the millinery openings before returning. Miss hot tie beide a iterative position at Witwanean where lier brother. George. is heed clerk and hookheepen—din Neil McGill, who has been a, resident of Stanley foe neerly 'self a routine:, lies taken up hie abode in St, Thotilirre Wic;dt IlitA many happy yeme in hie new home,—Mr, t tannin Ward. who 11419 heell WOrkillg at Th01111dale for souse mentbs, spent a few days at his home hien, prior to leaving for Brueelield. where be has eeured t porition,—Miss Martha, Keys elowly reCOVel big from her illness, Blake Mr. Harry Edighoffer intends leav- ing shortly for Detroit, where he has seemed a situation. We are sone- to lose Harry as be is an all-round good His many friends wish him SneeeS9.--Mrs.Cooper,tua old and much respected resident of OUP Atli nity Passed away ou Tuesday at the home of her dangh ter, Mrs. Thomas. ShetTitt. Deceased had been ill for some time, but her condition was not considered seriouet The best medical atteudance was proeured and the 31108t 05914110AS intrSing Was lavished upon her, hut despite all she gradually pined away, passing away to that land where AO niernry traveller ever returns. She nas a kind and include -haus women. a loving mother Alla dutiful wife and her death will net ordylie re ettedhy 9, 1903. St. Josepb Mr. R. OiBrienijaraed sister Bertha,. event Sunday - tart iri Hensztli visiting their sister. Min T. H. Horton.—Mr. • Belie Hendrick is besy hauling brick from Ma J. Forterh brickyard, for the purpose of lerildiug a new house next siumnen This looks like b•usi- . nese • Finie.—Several Yonne; people front Dryelale and ViciAlty droVe to Me. L Heachonrs on Sunday evening Jas t and rinse a few beers in Secial hat. the bereaved femily hut by iffarge cir- cle of friends. The sympathy of the ebrameenity is extended to the sorrow- ing one*, , , Creditton 3. O. SUNBURY; B. A (fatMerlt Cabe •& , ti1anbury)Barrieter..5olicilert Notary, Ornameyancer. !teiner Loan -.-ter Ont andldredOttich . of Ber- th], and MrefiennueI BON, itet Water- loo. Were the stunts a Mrs. Diebold Stahl last week.—Mr. Jobe -Geiser hits returned fro. Nair- Onterio, where he hitadreen *oaring the past year.— The Sovereign Book intends moving into the gore. formerly occupied by Mr. Walter Clark on the 2nd of Feb- ruary next. In the meantime carpen- ters are at work changing the interior of the building to meet the require- ments of the Bank.—Large quantities of brick are being drawn from our brickyards for the erection of the new school house, west of Greenway.— Mies Walker, of Toronto, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. (Dr.) Harst.—Mr. N. Cress, of Neustadt. hasopened a photograph gaAlery above Mr. C.Beav- er's store. All workswill be done up - to date and satisfaction is guaranteed. —Messrs. Arthur Zwicker and Nelson Standish spent last Sunday in London, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Zwicker. —Mumps have again made their ap- pearance. No doubt the parties who have been unfortunate enough to have them, think it a "swell affaie"—Mr. Conrad Kuhn has -purchased a half a lot, formerly owned by the late Jacob Eilber. Mr. Kuhn intends building a residence this summers—Mrand Mrs. S. Brown and family spent last Sun- day in Zurich, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Preeter.—Mr. Joseph Haist left for Aurora, Ill., last Tuesday on a visit. He was accompanied by Miss Emma Morlock, who has accepted a situation in that city.—Mr. George Eilber was in Zurich last Monday vis- iting his brother. Mr. Chris. Either. — Mr. John Sherritt, M.P., and wife, of Harpley, were in the village last Tues- day.—Mn Wm. Lewis, J. P., has pur- chased Mr. H. F. Eilbers driver for a good figure. ---Miss Tillie Finkbeiner returned to London lest week, after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Finkbeiner the past month.— Miss Lizzie Bats. of Parkhill, is visit- iting her sister, Mrs. Chas. Zwicker, L OF. OYSTER SUPPEIL—Last Mon- day evening a -number of Foresters from the village of Exeter paid a friendly visit to the Crediton Court in session and afterwards attended a complimentary oyster supper in Beav- er's Hall, where all partook of the good things provided and appeared to have a pleasant time. Bro. Henry Eilber, M.P.P., delivered a short ad- dress to the brethern and introduced a toast "the health of :the Visiting brethere and the Crediton boys all sang "For they are jolly good fellows." (From Another Source) SURPRISE PARTY.—A load of young people from, Dashwood paid Me. and Mrs. lifeney Finkbeiner a pleasant visit last Monday evening. The even- ing was epent in singing, playing games, etc., after which all enjoyed the good things brought by the, visit- ors. The party had a very pleasant evening and thoroughly enjoyed them - DEATEL—Another of our old and 're- spected residents has been removed from our midst by the hand of death. 'We refer to Mrs. Catharine McGregor, relict of the late Mr. George McGreg- or, who passed away at the residence of her son, on the 2nd concession, on Tuesday. Deceased had been a vigor- ous and robust woman and had reach- ed the age of 78 years. By her death we lose a kind friend, for she was a woman possessed of good qualities and her hand was ever outstretched to the poor and needy and none that sought shelter under her roof were ever turn- ed away. The remains were laid to rest in Baird's cemetery on Tuesday. Much sympathy is extended to the be- reaved ones. WEDDINGS. --A pleasant event took place at the rectory, Bayfield, on Jan. leth, when two of our young people were made one, the contracting par- ties beingMr. George McClinchey and Miss Annie Armstrong, of the Goshen Line. The wedding was private, Mr. Wm. Elliott, of Bayfield, acting as witness. The young couple, who are starting on life's journey in double harness, have the congratulations and best wishes of their many friends. They will reside on the farm purchas- ed from Mr. Pahner some time ago.— On Thursday one of those happy events took place at the residence of Mr. John Galbraith, when his daughter, Miss Kate, was united in inerriage to Mr. John Geminitarclt, of Darien The bride was assisted by ber sister, Miss Johanna Galbraith, while the groom was supported by Mr,' Donald Gal- braith. The.cereinony was performed by the Rev, S. C. Jennings. in the presence of only the immediate friends of the coutracting parties. The bride was attired in a caster dress, trimmed with satin, and looked charming. The groom is anoldBayfield boy and is en- ga,ged as marine engineer on the lakes and has claimed as his own, one of our most popular young ladies. After the wedding the happy couple 'left for Brucefield, from whence they left by train for Detroit where they will re - liarpley Alm Aehton Moneta. of Ghird is vi -big hei parent': and friends here. —.,11 • Jenine Itayier ant:tett with esthete --Thp nlyt Love aud Mary Shenk. have left fer D senit, where they purpese engin:hag iu !more work.—Miss Mayme Crae f•a is visit.. ing breeds in St. Marys.—Mi. Baird has a severe al tack of la grippe. —Me John Torrent* was through here a few dath ;Igoe—Mr. and Mee John Sherrite attended the funeral of the lete 'Ala% of Blake, last Thine, day, Iora y Misr Beatrice Hill, who has been io Parlihill for Some, time has retnened home. —The bonsehold effects a the bete Mr. Itschard Fox, together with those of his sister. Ali's. Hall, who has been in the hospital at London for the past two point,* and is not expeeted reroven. luis twee dispined of by Rev. '11111lactleati, who has been sufferiog finale a severe atitaek nf la. grippe roil pneumonia, is elowly re- coveriug.—Mr. Moses Cal rait hie $, hes dir seed el his stork and implements ; will showily move with his family to etroit, where he has seemed a uation with the Detroit Street Hnfl- wiy COW pa way. Ifarldt011 —These (Mel in Mitchell on Wes telay, it former .; ill (1 welliknown resident of this place, in the person of Mr. David Mahon. at the age of 7$ yearn Deceased had not been well for the past seven weeks, having re- ceived a slight paralytic stroke. Ile was a great suffereeduring his illnesr, bat bore it all with Christian fortitude stud resignation. He was hove in the county of ',Cella, and moved to the township of Ushorne 40 years ago. Thirty -dour years later be settled here, end A1)011808 he removed to Mitch- ell, remaining there until his death. In religion he was a Presbyteriau, in pol- itics a. Conservative, and bad also been a member of the Orange Orders He ksiVeS Widow, one son in Lnngdon, N.D., end a daughter in Princeton, Idaho. Farquhar, Chiseilmrst lars ou Tuesday evening Was a cora- fbeks, (171tralla, spent a tele days The oyster supper held by the Temp- htissen Jennie liaggith and Lilo plete sneeess. There was an abundd here during the week, the ginats Of since of oysters Inc all and after tile Miss Minna. Donald fcaSt a splendid program was giveis. netemspanied by his three The conimittee is:to be congratulated children, of Manitoba, is spending the for their efficient work..—The annual winter with his parents here. It is 10 neeting of the shareholders of the hall r, years since be left parts eo svas held on Sa nrdity ernes/lg.-3in ilersht tie Eet.i3 many changer eiraissie and Mrs. Alex. ifacliney. Jr., were that tinte.---Mis Thomas rybus, it tendertel receptiun at the his father's tlaniton. Man.. ie risithog friehds borate last Thursday night MI their er- : this vieloity. Me. Peters hoe nereiin rival. home fieiti their itortevinoon tlie west tip -seeds of ten yells and toure—D. dieNiehol had a. wised -bee on ' rpeeke very highly of the Prairie Pro- Setainleyi—Mr. D. Milner find Miee ' vinee.—We are ItPt`h ff:4,44,,K1 :al learn Lizzie Kit li;by spat Friday with MI's. tliaat Miss Niers:eh. Dineen etre has B. Otst ve re. Brintneil is eiso slain -veinier from his vet -y eterety improving. D. ettllf rt recent revs -zit' illiteSs. hope to uau sre hens her h around agnin.—We are esserara. sorry to Iteern of the. illnere of Mr. sere tr et;;,, .r.11 fl^ p 14131331 It 'herrn— r en 11 trAn ' t . Mon, of rslan.rae, ...o!ti 3 f`tlit OW Other k .)11'. Soled Hichs, of the 2:131 COMPS, Liman day to Mr. lintel, in' Creditors, ford Which he readied $1,ns. The price The masis friends here of tile. John 8svp;11:4;litieiniy1;)-teltillif 1:411 ulVaoSrryit Ersesy, of Stephen. wist either an len plies! reecereser afteie passing tiarougli pleaSallt breaiC.-(10W11 While driving a very critical operation which was Monday eight last. Ilis tense Peeforisitel ithout tive clgoi at tne got into the dell) MUM, when near 11 house of her PilrentS. and Mee. Gi the sideroad north of hel'i' :414 in get- ,1 De Pettier. of this place, formerly of (1 .L broke laoth shafts and other- 1'311 C4)/Le Loudon to Tashi!). Do 'Wis. wultsoe giistsn tNereeil atin Osgpt ey,s aut experience lie, ea sue night, ;sod ,"--'fi"rtY head eXPIn't Cattle were de- mtrinvily eirraptel redoes. 1! 'fl They litre ed here Twelve,- for Mr. William .1:'114:;:714'.1:111:!:*triti::1)1;t4i1C 4'1*'4 71.11:tra:::44:141;14::f114e:114141411:11:35.5 Ib 'Side' of ale mid and ellyistin ilia tile . t4 t4. 0, Laiititne diteb,-,t,14iirce4sehi fltarlttliati.itizomiltts :1,1111,t. osti4gel U6'1;1;114'1: 1! !414heroieally being onto the liue.s end hi dqu'ing tiae weeheeeMirn nevem-lea el etopperis the brute, nu, Metal Wiliielnes Whoa hos epent the tunatety lesth evens:mei nuel coo fait ite 4 three inesieser in New York, hae tee; yeti inisiry and Mr. OW itiel 1:41,t1"144.111 /1"11120.. Mordiudis who liar ieein earrying on Issisiness Atli, went on their way injatieing. here foe einue time, hasaccepted a Its. naive position in London and Is offer- (..311eL,V11 the tgl Itsrssinfill8Milerek. s');:o(ifn Lertifis tit.Md,'61.1t01.11r,triagit- inn glifjatilire, C4;finie ..(ft% ing hie premises for eale.--At the re- Thursilay.-31r. Ed. Corbett and .7.1 Ea were inseinee alto thenr several oineesi .1'. C. Corbett, and itliss Bottrit were P.G. Theeteeeese Nee.. E car. renewing aequaintances in this violin tee; irieei Jae, ate:Ghee; rere tin ne ity last, iitineare—Partie$ seem to be Toppi iese ser. MeDiarmid: Treas.. all the go in this section at present, no De. Dessaedi Gieseei E. less than four having taken place with- sev.G. 8, Glenne see.. iesaimiam, in one mile and a half of here 011 (so., collies.ereassieseseaed „envies nostril night latite—Mr. and Mrs. Jen" es in conrieetion with the Luean Meth. 'sings were the guests of Mr. Lest" odist church will be held on Sunday, Lewis on Sunday. --Mn Morgan is un ;Feb. 15.-21dits annuel meeting on Holy the sick list this week hut we' Teinity Branch of the Women's Aux - soon to hear Of his reeovery.—Iffie and were to the missionary sessoseetion Mrs. Oscar Gilbert and son left On the Church of Englaudi was held at the Rectory on Wednesday es -ening The reports from the 'serious officer% showed that the pet year had been the roost succeseful and proepertios in the history of the society. A. few see lections were rendered by the ladies present,after which the members took the opportunityof showing their ap- preciation of the interest which Mrs. Thomas had all along taken in the work by presenting her with an 11111 - dress and. a handsome chatelaine containing a goodly sum of money. o Ude Mrs. Thomas made a very suitable reply. Rev, Mr. Thomas also trowe an Wrests in which he thanked the Radii* for theft. 'kind appreciation aids Wifes efforts—A very interestingnndiplesh- ant *eclat gathering conveneitsat the. residence of M. Wee. Davis, Bauble Liner Biddulph, a firer eventngs agoi, threpurpoee of which was the prewar- tationby_Councillor and Mrs. Bryan,. to. Mrs. W. a. Davis,Ihe annable host- eirs-Of thisocretaion, of.a-beautiful antoeii graplaqullt. Councillor Bryan pen- dia/le/tithe 'euilt at a bazaar in connec- their With rit. Patrick's eburcheand an- nounced -that he would. donate the quilt to the first couple, who shodId unite in matrimony, the conditions be- ing that both should be members of the church and belong to St. Patrick's congregation, thus Mr. and Mrs. Davis were the lucky couple. Mr. and Mrs. Davis though very visibly affected, ex- pressed their feelings of appreciation to the donors for the favor bestowed with such a generous cOurtesy. Kensall A. G. Hannon, harnessimaker, who has been in the employ of Mil- ler for some time. has returned to hie home in Union. He inters& starting into bestir* at that place about the firet of March. Agile is thoroughly acquainted with the business In all its Isreuebeer he ought to do well. We w!—As Megrine. h.*. se- curetter lone of W. Miller of Chn. ton to aetti the bertegue shop. As Mee MttI�t is ef,trst.0"- 100- Mr. Mirlifri Workman; en will glee'.te1r. ra eomsing ' extra goo—Mfu. e Stomas*,11 visiting. *bifida Maryead-Mrd fereinan ottlfei evisponttoinfete. gone to Dunvilleee-Miss Rea Stoned man spentet few dart here duringetldr week.—Miss Lula Hemphill; of Wroxe is the guest of her teeter; Mr*: 0. 'Cook—Mrs. 3, Zuefle atid.`ehildrenierho hive been on a few Weeks', visit to friendsilierehave left for their borne in Harriston.—G. D. Arnold is recover- ing from his recent illness.—Mr. Rich- ard Speare, who has Very successfully carried on a restaurant business during the past year in Beverly's block, has leosed the west store of Bell's brick block and intends moving into it the first of next month.—Mr. McGill, of Manitoba, is the guest of Mr. C. Moir and other friends here. --Mrs. Wm. McDougall, who has been on a pleas- ant visit to her daughter, Miss A. Pap- ple, of Toronto, has returned.—Miss Harris, of Wroxeter, is visiting friends here. CHANGE or. BUSINESS.—Mr. G. N. Babcock has disposed of his drug bush dess to S. T. Hopper, of Port Hope, who is now in possession. The new proprietor is a silver medalist of the College of Pharmacy also silver meda- list of Victoria Tiniversityeand comes to Hensall highly recommended. We understand 'Mr. Babcock will leave here shortly. During their residence here he and Mrs. Babcock have made many warm friends who sincerely re- gret their departure. INSTALLATION OP OFFICERS. --The following are the newly elected and in- stalled officers of Zurich Lodge A.F. & A.M., liensell:---I.P.111., Dr. Campbell, Master, Alf. Serfdom S.W., Rev. W. J, Doherty; J.W., Dr. Sellery; S.D., Wm. McKay; J. D., John Robertson; I. G., M. Ellineed; Tyler, W. Buchanan; Sec'y, James Bonthron, Sr.; Treas., C. A. 1VIcDon ell; Chap., Rev. J. S. Hender- son. The lodge is in a very prosperous condition the members taking great interest in the work. ELECITObT OP OFFICERS.—The fol- lowing ere the newly elected and appointed officers of Hensel). Lodge I. O. 0. F. for the year 1903:—X, G„ B. S. phillips; V.G., D. W. Ross; R.S.N.G., J. Gr Stoneman; L.S.P,C4., Dr- Mrplarmid; R.S.V.G., W. J. Mil- ler; L.S.V.Gi, D. Nichol; L.S.S., Dr. F. A. Sellery; R.S.S., C. W. Chapman; Conductor, J. Steacy; Warden, W. Clolwillr B.G., F. Manns; 0.G., George Dick; P. Seely, W. McKay; ReceSec'y, Jas. McArthur; Chap., G. 3. Suther- land; St.& Com., G. J. Stoneman, Jas. 'McArthur, Di Nichol, W. Caldwell; W. DRS. ORdIE ORME1 Tuesday for Milan, Mich., where they intend to reside in future. We WiSh them much happinees and a prosperous future thesr new home. Before leaving Mr. and MrieGilbert were pre- sented with (1.• gold pin; by the Home Circle, of which they are yalued mem- bers. AS retaken of their esteem and re- gard for theMeh-Min Lester LeWili hlt8 0 to Toronto anct Ottawa for few weekte—We are isor4 to hear o the serious illness of Meng. Knott. We hope to hear itit liar' Speedy recovery, Hie pulpit herein& filled on Smiley by Prof. Numb; of Toronto. 6024 TO Is with et their We record. tha deselt of Mr: . Morley, who Med at hire rob:team ors the 13th concession • of McGillivray, on Monday morning, Jan.nlik- Thele- cesied had been suffering froneei cow 'plicaticainfdiseases,, hearhtrouble. in- flammation:aid pleurisy for, shout a week and 'during-- that time suffered. Most intenvelts. iseemainewereleid to rest in Mart'strHill cemetery:on-Wide nesday, the funeraL taking place at two o'cloelre lleleavesto mimeo hie, demisersix. sons and three daughters and a large number of sorrowing relatives and friends. His wife prede. ceased him about three years. Much sympathy is extended to the bereayed family. Zurich Miss Susie Johnston is visiting with friends in Clintoni—The Lutheran con- gregation have installed electric lights in their church.—Mr. Conrad R. Wag- ner had the misfortune to lose a valu- able cow a few days ago.—Mr. Joseph Eisenhofer moved from here to the Babylon Line last week.—Mr. Fred Fuss, of Sault Ste Marie. Is visiting friends here. It is ten years since Fred left these parts.—Miss Lizzie Tretim- ner left Friday morning for Detroinad ter an enjoyable visit of several weeks with her mother and sister.—Mr. Deit- rich Scholl,of Stratford, is here visiting friends.—Mr. John Deichert has pur- chased a fine young driver from Mr. L. Walper, Bronson Line.—Miss Mina Doan has gone to Ottawa to attend the Normal School for six months.—Mrs. Jacob Ort, of the Bronson line, has gone to Detroit to visit her daughter, Mrs. .Tacob Smith.—Miss Tillie Pfaff has returned to her home in Michigan, after spending a few weeks with the Misses Riekbeil.—Mr. David Bock and family, of New Bamberg, have moved to town. We welcome.them to our midst and wish them every happiness. —Mr. G. Clausius disposed of a spring colt to Mr. Jacob Gellman for the sum of $50. --Mr. Ruby Schwartzentruber recently disposed of a fine heavy horse to a Clinton buyer, for a good figure. Mr. Samuel. Dietz had a brick hauling bee last week ler his new house on the Geiger farm, Bronson line.—Mr.Henry Solder), of Manitoba, is here purchas- ing horses for the Western marketsi Mr. Soldan was a former resident of this townshipee-Mr. Henry Deitz of North Dakota, is here on a visit to his father and other friends.—Mr. John Geiger is visiting friends in Michigan. FIRE.—Mr. Enoch Parker's dwelling house, in Dixie, was destroyed by 'fire on Wednesday morning, together vvi th the contents. The fire is supposed to have originated by his two children playing with 'matches, while Mr.Perk- er. and his sister, who was keeping house for him were away from home. J. Vitzgeralcr; Fin. Com., Bros. McKay, The lost is a serious one,especially cretonne, comOlete, Sx.so; .ektra supplies ot Orr-- Stones:nap, S'teacy; Property. ,Bro. this season of the year and ParkerMri. tenets cetusnava so cents..Illestratednbooltletooe.ain: Colwill McDiarnridi D. S. Foss. has the synspethY of Idd neighbors. iettreritsidt SsidtdistedittitteteliiNcideeig tv,67, BIRTHS. MERNER. —In Dashwood, on Jan. 19,. to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Merrier, twins. DEATHS MOPHERSON.—In Exeter North, on January 25th,Margaret Mary Aileen, beloved. daughter of Alexander and. Mary Ann McPherson, aged 5 years, 8 months, 17 days. BOY SHOOTS HIMSELF. Chatham, Jan. 27.—While presum- ably illestrating for the benefit of a playmate, the methods adopted for dis- patching the villian in theatrical pro- ductions, Harry McGarry, youngest son of Jas. McGarry, fatally shot him- self above the right ear at his home shortly. after 5 o'clock this afternoon. The lad died about two hours later. .The Baby Sick? Then probably it's a cold. Babies catch cold so easily and recover so slowly. Not slowly, however, when you use Vapo•Ctesolene. Then a single night is all that is necessary for a cure. You just put some Cresolene in the vaporizet,light the lamp beneath, and piece near the crib. While baby sleeps he breathes - hi the healing vapor. Cold /oosens, inflamed membranes heal, and all trouble ceases. ICS a perfect specific for Whooping -cough and croup 8 ,Vapo-Cresolene is sold by druggists everywhere. A Vapo-Cresoleue outfit, including the Vanotizer and ,it /any, which shiedd last a lif-tinke, and a bottle of