HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-1-22, Page 7v
c art
,T? of tb
could be erank without being for- Yate love fer her, on his intenee de -
weed. Her owrt sirapie hlee verge Aire to see her again.
Yee:tilting dreeo had been chief/ 4.3.4 offiteee gre taw love -letters, ED -
Pot to rights for her, Arict 1 shoreld dred," he wrote once, "This is our
neNer have reeognizod in the *mart courtstiP. uay on which we
little tianere the poor pale, bait- ,.2,neet will be otir real wedding day."
drowned, creature whom I had ii-efel!ana sto sloued to heelf os Me read.
in my ars the day bolero,* As She lie was Avon at leek, god eae but
thanked, Me in a, feW worda for MY berealf tileW tOW leeppy she wale. to
heiP. theoght, I had never 6001i wi3r3
szzeb a, pretty girl before. antle-t; SO the year`peet away. It was
-them! es the whole ef stO3'Y thought ecteleoble for Mrs. Glenvit
hitgeS On it t''ere le no need for to tetanal, ter • "
Blac Aneow R011ing Wan „
ecy I fell head over beel0 begent Ole begiPnillg k'eP-
From the negiening oar frierecP for her and the couletese" recarn. The
.".:•,*3••.>>.))•›al•>.3)At)-)1°.')"*PW41'""'")''4'.7"` grew rapidly, ae it only omit on shil3- earl prayed his wife to allow WM. to
CHAI'TER h liOomci• end hY tehe 0;40 lbe Peri -4'11.s go to Nice to escort them home,
again wheo I ot"aged Ere's' bows were turned enotworcl thresit was 3.rst. arrenged. Ste etisween
A love with her there end then.
henaher was heed upon es the thoo
ta.ke the „k" Tha w„ her by the arm, I notieed reo More the straits it, had ripened epee that, eo ••leo," that her fatter would do
"Vel" tbS73 teehe wrese Yr Eg. aeatr Ica% ialer Phase of IT/U-4;401P hi which. that. She did not wish co meet hint
the phrase Ish c elledh° ied seet/1- qutte feaseserwo-e-t,without wakteardneee. teiere coo be again unto ehe met, him at t OnW'
ofeee of the Flower titeamseele 0
enento as 1 hiehell heels ill ethe Pet'er for tau Chief OEC'n-li Wgs 17•9,7 Mitoh long silencess. Sir SinIon'S deallea4- Her fetter would bring her to Covert
may wbile the Diteetors delibereatenid- .1.01.4eolre.rineienogiattetlie57ett", it.".'co°m"in.R; deristt-Qinwetn4_4 mtP;),Ittinusedo,c,nrx.,t And vaxell NiallsTI: 1. c4feld rAeet 54fT
AY, the mars are conapelled to take en*.
on any eose ill the oeelusichh;of tIlhl, towards me fast. while the Ath!..41' Beauchamp. eqUally so ea but be est e Hi right.'"
lire- there eno take her home. I rig t ler° fech/lr" oats" 8" erC1S0 to C1141 the cora said as they'
rooactero010- I was as eer".'ee - berse f was etandirg etil at quar',er ecand not very well forbid his word h•thet, eeems to t)e more fitting. She ,lohamatortebru r:rthramagbeiraa4tptnre. 4bte,7keInt. ewItie=varbtee stock frgatietr'se" wifre7tb:sy.aitioeys*
"the sea" °V zaaa eel" be' 'sPelKi, legt die Sheah't rsa:10:7:0,Itvehe to speak. to the latell wile held salg4'ie. right, as she alwaers 13-"
s,oid sir 'Root*, and Suet other teed AO Ife may bave , cam find only o grain at ft plum they'
law-teekle run. go as they ere safe raeohieg her side.
rirectors arc fend of lettiog their yacht's Crew,. Wig0 Were oireaey her iihs. ano though it woo Plain I - se the day came _ a bright Fop., C9/1413-1ePce feedlOg a light ration of get as math et it 05 they want. cad
i''. th4t h4 Yiewhd (Mr frequeat lat'ileaeY gternter cley - when all the world eenie °eta 044 bran. Oltittl Ports bye they make no complisint 00 1,43. 010
for smother ten minutes before they was hompered. the 1,1111'1 of4con oserith cynical cueike. he probahlY sea o4 eh:owed to the Earl of Cere weigut• li the ht'Y er°P is 'ohurt um" filthy eetalitien in which they Ant
a f-, *
14•Te uie in for sentente• 1 mn'Y e.n ed his beat' streigtiti ter kiV" 4;a- ..ah COUTIi04 on the COloing ceparatiem sthnpoen. The train was duo at the corn fedler and roughage well seend the interval in. OVerhdev, ter pieiing SS op Went. On Or L 7.,,Noptera.. t 0 plAt an end to it.
leg reY le3; ef NviMt` has tht-ewn me 6‘aili.°/'"Inest" 4'11)'4 Ms bnr.414 les If so. ho WaS Wit Of his reckoning . court itraTeo stuttrara rat tome in the otitute toe coareh utl);4 tPlt.uithsheTnhetheele;forhehl'anVeesstheaVrye4tto fro,
'efter000n, and the earl woo to Inget. greater Part- ef tne wmter. 1 .WKASIM i vejoe the ho..
$easenehte and Prefitable
+ foe Alto Bosy Ttitgrs
ts; of the.
Timothy bay' is not good, for it is
elot sufnele33tly digestible, and it detee
not contein the eeecied nutriteteat,
that is, the right ;clad, and the
Very smell thorea oPiheol in the
heads of tintothy are apt- to gather
la the stoniach, forming belle of in-
digestible and kriteting inatter,
whiell teed AO trouble, writes Mr. E.
R. Roberts. feed clover bay.
whielat is A perfect food for sheep,
-time she should. Every grain should
be groend before swat/0,00g+, yet tehu
fernier does eat Went to grind lot
corA for bis brood SOWS, aa4 it
Would he Yery wawise to feed theta
Ao result followo feeding ear'
corn. -The grains aro swallowed vid
voided whole, and the pewit nook
form the altby -habit of working'
over theiadroppings, and eating GM
coon the oecoud time. The way to
avoid this is to corepet slow *WOO;
by feeding shelled core, scettered
over a graes Award, or ever the
Waste id the Seed Where the/
WIU tie. forced 'to hunt ler eraieh
It has been ines gusto= to khoP ut,
brood sows ha the lot where rough.
neso is fed the horsea cattle. /l3t
ecatterieg the shelled gore over the
corn atailzS, refuse, elover hay, te
on my team -ends. 1Iy Dame is Cyril of oirteesieg SR the Mall Cet tte 5Par, about, thirty hours. Re were that lc
Forrester, at Gat time thirty Tears
make brow the largvot Pertmr4 "1- ,V011/11g 410 cerries. have sometime*,
0 13 9
rive rulautes litter wv were 44 n/..e time dietant from our port of cell, /hood cereeen kept fro word. The their grain retiou. reared hhgt thvy die not gvt, googol,
old, AVe feet ten in my stockings. oo hoard toe De.hlia. and the two ow h remember os ir it were ye,tor, cloy was eelehroto go 4 wedd:a.g Feed Tearaway, mutt they tali eon, were L
et teea to rroperki dt.
sourel in wind and limb. ond hold- "awe% who were Wane the worse fze: 443, utot 4 tvpxorut mczsitorraile00 ilay, ores,t te, wi were vrcvted io tto eimao without waste.
-0* ing ft taaSier•s certlhcate in the er.or- the accident., tr..,nded 'NAM .„„; ,, ;i. ..,
Court' ogolost velop their yotnig. and bo etactieseful
ceotne marina tienigh sever yet in or "won and otewarilk110, ThO 44""oallub all ""11140 eWhibr0x121(4'strol, 01,t1411.1.,!:42-01,4,11.11retil°feCaTtide4"Rtnittuttahe '5411. rlitvirepnreeigeetterligtnillerbie(hd'ir raxis dra.rat, welt'.
conoreatal of a veeeopl. and under pre- pooateoers, wbo load cornea up grnm frienel.ship for the goiCent hilttertlY Of rifler; -fotaet•o eta t forrowing tane. bet they havo
Fent circumstances peter IlholY to the eatoon to oltneta thes tehane. veto.
I hew never had sows loitered by
' nothireg hut rejoleingelloodt. Toile'rlrIONveO"t gtQefill(retas VP.:-rrgi*" 4°41. he9:Itle'er•tu'llenifeNgvk horses or cattle when wintered in,
he. The Ploo-er Line of steamehips. crowded round me with, tee ueutnt NO, O
a hin is no 101.-t• story ---,' there. is and tt4pones.s. hours run in a corn field melt day fame int with them 1 put a warm
na eTePY °Ile hstilys' Filles l'ettweca fuel of congratulation tart eurioel e
"** oterner work ahead - and 1 have "" when the snow le not too deep • it !Immo in the lot fr - t how roe
London nett Calcutta, touclaieg at Fa toot apother ten Mtwara pa not hvh. hoo „oo a,„„.
trio oilier Weiliterraneep Porte; and teeters* I could edit) intro dry clothes aeitt7Zrw°n1I've7„e4.0:,,,,,.raujilz.;;;I:ic7;
tte littw incident that gave those • t t tee ti e 4 Sii Alen IV tit
hail stood by the oarreage
when the triiin Mopped, There woe I dove them good. The experienced ,
uot much time for grettirg thern. ' shepherd long^ ago learned to give """ 'c'tn are taa
gram old hunkeee m the Board -room hoteoh h mos vhith ira warmly. 11.1 Inty SWeet Cid riSd I plighted goo hTod too omen bonen. hetwohn hia his hreedinh ewe, the wi„tertler tho etock to get Oa a ram age
the chance to got *heir heivea jot° he wan innhia.„ as ogoeorat tot troth. A$ the tittle we ehould heve hes-hardereeS. =omit, and plenty or eshehhihen. "reneral-whie hi'oy4hiand riin over the eown, One :jean
me oft/erred on the Wet veytten out. church. " together woo to to go Mont, we OW '
It wee my watchand eceet for e
then kissed bee, variety of eiaareo feed and a plentiful th(17 kgPt the let thi2
ar in . xHuila fe gam to ere bedv. rote ined our Soap meret till My •hiefirwife - -*lathe — Welearae auppl of is thin when theY taint their Melted
in. I was aloug upon the bridge, eral did what, any dercot chop would I thould try to seoure fele Silitionht lia%"" I h el th,o
lbe ""temnuter* Ich° we° nterr°reeter. I tam Weald." he fob'. reyou turn from the Eaetern voyage. when , o•,.. g
cox- t0S0 are requitute for a crop of material. so that it .6 ea //r ar54
th Pnre,w,nter 'Itud 641th 45 corn milieu they work up all ,o
the captain being at break:get ID the 17, d but, inu liner( as well as 'more t a formal engagement. q en senliii her ate Id 6 rong. heelthy Jambe. whale ewes as uto a silo hastened
with a nasty choppleg sea. Old the roks. To leave toe ',riga wool no tual treet. in the bright asuneeine of . it ore of nese, N Peer an 1"a al4bs' land do this, and Otte fact t
volition. 'I've weather weo ti iwa a" a/Ws • So we rarud toll hot and mu, riage er,d took his WO, by ter 6 e. that are closely, confined during the
" I do that it was dead 0,0atti't tte ' • • • ' Ho .tooe. her fece grow pale with emo- winter have d 1 "me thecannot eorf7 rings
Of ita deck. was icrWard 011 the We wit,h the wisesocrea Leodenoeli day after the Detaliahe retern, wait-
tbieci ollicer. who noareel roy onarge ore in chorge th hehoothe erime Noplea Ban. ord here I WAN. OP the 1=4: 14,1:d rUrigt:aCtot nron bar olliovleXt:rrr;itsItt()fbrie (i=l1tbeh' btin`l alieWed the ran"Pr. "
* owl 5 lbe Mtrieve drove slow- any Wa
s le ibluegreoos emture. wouldlet•osfeatl:
ea51 ;seeing that the outslook men street. aod / am hound to leir toe ing to to carpeted for thear
e "grove * -
.•,` annoy or frighten them.
tildn't go to fzetp. sulk:0 IOY ineodentor ; eduction ef duty.. whieo, owe gisca 0.7* MOM gq4eS rsec. yoke faed: Quiet. gentle and famtiner handlieg oraoh, the, ebetter if tho3'could het h'4911‘•••• h
e;i1" vere rtnrriled ere4lehtng "I never govo the rule a thensolat." /Milo beet her life, Diren 05,1 ersuleleL,Ileeilmvewnot14°e 4 -em' 11444e. tile 1/44eIc 13111 g geed le' riealth 0*' end eresh from. se far Os I geoid Judge. 1 MM. "end 1 don't 1107eve it If0n" t“ tte end ef gn'y Mel.te 1°)44 rmg*// --they -ireee slowly for the crowd iql:senvie on stbeee enJnEIng rr" er lembn. /greet factor., This thee inurt tgatite
About two laradred yords off on the Lehr - de riloy dmeTert.0 it " hide* ard a dolt impilcql tut to etep "ie4h'heehroh t-bv. a' n'eee more euseentilde Abe lot to get their rich. A hiotth
and we stood on our emir c earetRA. fate at coce. The eliaineen, obl (had. heat/IOW Weanon. NA lo
poet teem. feelleavod by eeey. eaten and wpz.„..,„ ,,,,sohn, oon„, sa, tom or tiro. toe roardsheatio wfore ore come ot, Vi7014 g .,a t_aa _e o ...zw .01...., o ingiksr treatment thou sheen. ao,
brood scow is nevert a r
ehouts. whirl told me es plain as th""'".. l" ''''''
vehement Safla el the faces of nor censeatt torZi Met SOY 141' to 14.1°Pg‘ 0 he real • MO u 4 it i5 4 ;demure aa well ea proAtable . i slow. 0 t to
woNs cotdet rpeeali, thOt tWO Vt'I.N0s) 1 , down'
104 to handle then) SO .eZtvre no in fair weather unieste Alaike till
vwcre to rollKon clew tit hand. AI-
:inert- ot the sew moment, the leave
hrohe a little. and sowed me toe
Pleera boll of el steam collier Miele.
ward. =45 fie-weft:aired that tee fallow whist -toed rill round iI76r face worhed hard. and theY were de°1 At lambing. time. especially with too lama mad Riede W.F. It IA
ehe. liyhted to hate her in thole ntliiiist coos larnhh. doh.° attention is her:: *bele ioletairo i/Jaest in farrow to lay
yacht Norah heel teen chart,. it eat, end haVing V. 'terse
ogaho The earl hod pot fa ed to on fat:, lost this should not he otade
ered for a Channel esoni.0 ny sir rose at. orce an 00, 09 if he
11140(1 Ibe 0 i011 there oil Loth alth end Poor each lianrarlti4ikeinugp oorn cfegebtaraet monvacel: iZote.urout, ol‘ti;er• thotiottkwrilitchh
cereesery. Ile on hand and 6ev that
finpnel„ratIvarvalitfirl;g4w;rtaesieltorde;tatailtiow: wilinoeinlod 4r,r,velvarh47;';.enti,IPI-ely4.'elfieurx1110,4/1151.113 -ore brae rimy eenvidered the ettee what %f -es owed to her. and rich a.rd.,a d , in pretein.
* t h Th n
Mr Forrester " h eeitl "White Poor Pore ,ere o we come er. e
to tio*noterha Rod with femme. a *or. and that the ledies wero re- • o .
st clip the wool from the ewe'
udder SO that te I bd
ly a minute to tioat. isocetivelo hitt tditer, reale. quite resoguiring the gallantry of erowd en I (IN thW drOl'e
h ova not
I altered the paalove mime, so ao Chanefli. Mai hie Word, Nies Alire tolirtelet. we cannot IIIIFO OM` the reugh the Pard. and when t hl ear- tt,th,risitn
athe great 0 ie some wo
Zaey to Get tfp.
lirscs effort he may pull off 3 nil lienaire Wile r* t°°
o pulling on a 'wool au si hog
to imam ter rautai to the ohnhing Challenor, the latter being the girl rem. of the eonapttnynt rule %%bleb riatiO tqloplled 1t f 1
forties an Milner to leave the twinge trance t lAtis Iva" Or " 14 "en
tie frequently Causes death. Generally l An original character is Der4
to the third otlicer to clear away a the tuerfe a t•I'e
we mewed the yacht I that Miss Challencr hod tplichiy xeern" T 1"e'ltreed trs
heohet ;telli.teleu, cctliihal:lelt!t11,1liet uel)s0e0"1- nuNoltit:atrheiniart gifrieeelottilt;I: thorehieciradtiaE0dh that IS all that is necessary unlese 'Hugo °Wien "
, of Russia, million:ri
a hoot. Aa
you put thenz in a small pen by.litigo Ortliet. el Ruesia„ a Minh n -
ht moil tithe thot en rt,,on. confusion ora Nived under the fmareageu treht- inglt en ;aryl, the bun% lacy his wire.s Now ia his, tmd a beautin themselves for a few dayn worn aire who 41,ends his time bowlets ms
was etove in, and the rurally
her, and no wonder; her one loot! leirioe,torhit• ti-iontirotIoliSn/r Venw/Ohllig:11. 4t*O/" 11./Tue1F11,4rWith yth TieePai ')t c kt fill Kalde 1.,M4CY1Cd her face an the
round, - now o v y C should hi% a
e - "US ell- P 1110TM 1 upon them 1.1 ere won ' u e er- thine . bi teeburg 011111
P14:101“40..Nw 0a:a Shti., loostrortr;b-,
tier, instead of tithniling by to help Nu1"1, whence he wnuld be aid° td) ' I 'di 1 t1- vest therh ' I tu ma") °cull au °I'll' 6-.
, t,n tigt whOle I managed to keep /al Y else d e ga irs w o
01 and swallow it, which 4
craft. Fireplug out at the eenichtime W11411° I II°41 nlana"" rigt "P. in tin throniot or people. The earl Mood "
woe already out of &gilt in the
Meet. To make matters woroe. I
eat Olit right of ladies on the eine.
leg *leek. and I knew that melons the,
yawl floated a few miteutes leneer
Tr:zo.o to rollia , .161:yrs.!1.enirer, 1 POWed Urettif OA and had fl" reeilytd name landae!a• sono
e d down Into the street, a cast-
. favor (be eneft from her hands,
escha.,,t,...fguti,,, col; iiii.enela oh' ters'art. first impultie was "My fhltholh," he said, "even? Innn
4ven. t0"14 ite111.4gt to charter a halUXIM and *tette to who loreo 'ivire has 0. Set seine
inkr.nv "tem FP ttechnso t'rostenor hhoenre tat for ber, My wile Is the good angel
, tbe trtmfa2termt hese gueremccdlt. bootee *110 • t • •
they would be in dower, einee our ii theeneesintheeeneereotene tisk yournelele which Aline said I vitould nnd her, of plY h03301,•"
ride carae round but elowly on a. (; ears went 03e7 think 0"lt. Yoaar.21" it awl but thou there ruelted *see me the litany then purred indoors. followed
1 we's keeling' ono eyo on the men i sr, eseery+,,.....soor,,,e. Von had altexecl. For the prevent. I ti•on.
tog:trod ro loweriug the boat. and 1 Dr. Cho.so ...) wsi ........4 wpg a brolcen men; and. though / eere Ives .0 $11;011 turd early din-
jamnavl 1 -elm. a get sour money terk if tot enrol. roe n boy. at
alldeaterearnemeretteceeetzsesCo.,Tereigo midden rearearibrame that the nitres- by the good VriSlieS of oh who knew
the othor on the yacht. When she
311131 net deeteitir of gettleg another tier-PartY at the cantle; the meratcra
plunged forwnoth then otanycred lolze MS porter home overhand more of it were the earl, the countcse, Sir
I eras. a feellirg ef [wide urged ote to
bark and went down stern ft:imam:et, expeditiouely than troM (1h -roller, take rozre Mere to UM end INfOre liatail• /NOW liallaelue, and Ws.
leaning her people stneggling in the I. /AM no none of the looks that toorentino ectorelf to Sir shaon, 1 Gienvil. After dinner, Lord Cara -
sea. 031r boat was still at the day. day, but during the cuternoon, lie- blew not then. tout my rho wan n. von (Irew his 'wife's arm within his
It, the freehly-painted gear working lug oll duty, 1 wets lesleing to eome Otrn.
great hell ess. ard that a first vale's
etifIly, and I could $ce that any one of Our Own peel -angers on sleek, uhea propel:sal for ler hand "lad oe lieu- "AiliS is mu' real wedding day,
who was not teeth* ng swimmer would Captain peatson oaseed la een‘eaa- le an preneuptocies ne that 3. aepen. liihired." be said, "So I am not go -
lc ' e at r saVels pavemei t trotter.
, ,. y ani I imam - t. ore .3 e.. r a.' mon. Aug to upologiee for taking you
they could.be pichel up. It was no had been lilted with dry el -tithes by :fawner from aur guests."
ao De Continuod).
time to ;Teton rules and come- some pat:anger, ann he apoeuad to 'Hey walktei acmes the long draw-
quencee, nod almost before I knew he none the woise fer,his dip. I tan -1 ingeroom to the balcono, where the
what I /was going to do my shoes net say that I took much of a illarg A "lint roses of simmer were muip.-Ing
ame.kleked off and I had taken a for the intln. 1 eaW by the teethe,P8IER 8F 3 !end where the creepers formed a
Leader from the bridge. way he kept his eyes askance that Lea
Au elderly gentleman in flannels, had recognized me. and one would; ' 1bower
1 "it is not cold," Ile said. "Will
with a life -belt on, was banging on have thought that under tte casq you COMO out here?"
to 'a sintr, and it man-Avno molted euntstaneea he would have wished
CHAPTER XXIV. 1 They went out together, and stood
liSe the aniling maelter was stneport- to say something civil. But they 1 N-0 mon ever witectang the suuset7over the trees in
hig a lady who was screaming, at passed en1 meal -sell eeverul times on greater real Set to work with ..„
than did the handsome "e Park.
tl e top of her voice same word their eromenatia Sir Simon always
, earl. lie did not delay one hour in ' -First of all, Itildred," said the
which I could not mate out, The at that moment finding au olh3eeh London; lie went, back at once to earl, "guess what news I have fax
rest -- all men. and evidently. the of interest at the other sitio of the Ilavenemere, only eager to Login Ytkm."
crew •-• were swimmirg strongly to- „deck, and Captain Reatson toe brsee work. There was to Le no more i 100080* guess," she replied.
wards the Dahlia. • ;; with his discuesion to notice sur- .....
nuene,sq. no mare dis,,ipatitn nn I "Y." would never imagine." be
I e .g' - .g o tin ;at 1 , i oun hes. more self-indulgence. He had mode 'said- I told you in *ate of my let-
hal been rather too offleious, when. It was not until the next morning up his inind that all the plans Ins terS how sorry Lady Flarnilton Was
a driaggled whist of blue serge, ris- that Aline Challenor appeared on •tvil'e had oonteanplated and begun for ,to reeve Si* Lama.
ing in the watee tetween me and the (rotic, end I formed the acquaintance ,the benefit of the estate shoultl he She looked up at hine her foce full
. gentleman on the spar, caused rne to that was destined to lead to sucb the
out eefore she returned home. of interest.
eh change my mind and feel glad that I wonderful things. I can see her The model cottages Mould he built, i "VCS, you did," she assented.
had come. ' 15 wne the insensible now, 0..9 she came forward with both .- . . . . . l "It has ended in this way 1 -Te met
. their a ti les resat re,
form of a -woman, floating limply to hands outstretched, a dainty fairy
in thein, the schools should not only 'her ngain in Lannon, and again oat
Ile surface for the first time aften of a girl, with a clear, fresh corn -
be erect:NI bet -open" the almehouses Brighton, and they are to be ni. ar-
'Immersion, aloe on the point of Sinit- plexion and real violet eyee that should be ' finished and the old wo- ried at Christmas. She has gli on
"ee""'nee"'emersee. men occupying them. She should '11P (hieing, and eares for nothiy
find her protegee Mary Woodruil in- leKler the sun but her soldier lover. '
stalled as portre_se in one of the i "I am glad of it," said Lady Car -
lodges; every wish his wife had evo• even. "She is 0, beautiful W01/lat,
expre-sed should be carried out, ev- sweot, ger tie and or:mines. Her on-
- repaired, farree put in good order r is safe with Sir Raoul. He will not
cry desire fulfilled; houses should be It' fault was coquetry. I think i.hs
-he would' neglect not a single allow much of that."
' thing that she had ever p.ropor-ed or I, "Sal you will own that you are
that -neat of. No matter whet it cost surprised, ITildred?''
iiilltii It Dorolops I -0 'n - '
ay to
@A 01
nt PeL,unt.in.a oe Consturiptbn--Easy to Cum ' : i . e
all should be dope. He took Sh Det eh did not answer him. She
a Cold it You ilea hand in his and was
Raoul into his confidence, and they .had 'Placed her
INE found that by employing extra hands -looking far tirwaY at the light et th°
the work could be done in the time. /setting sun, .as one in it happy
It is easy to let a cold run on
You may say with others that yo
alWays let a cold take care of it
self. There is it clanger of followin
this plan once too often. At thi
season of the year the lungs seem t
be unusually susceptible to disease
and before you suspect it pneurnoni
or consumption has seated itself it
your system. It is possible yo
have tried the cough mixtures whic
druggists offer to their customers
These may do wdl enough for sligh
eoldri, tickling in the throat, bu
• they are powerless in the presence
serioes disease.
Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and
Turpeutine is far more than a cough
remedy. It cures the cold as wen
22*1 loosening and eaeing. the cough.
It 5512e8 the paths out of the hones,
and reaches the very seat of disease
when there is pain and tightncsa
*1 the. chtInt. It would not be too mucl
to say that Dr. 'Chase's Syrup of
:Linseed and Turpentine hoe saved
-thousands',ef people from pneninonia
and consuMption, 'lam is not ,
Lord Caraven did not lose an :dream. .
ihour. No one looking at 'hw
im now l "I anted to say something else
vllage or hamlet in Canada wbare
this famous family treatment is not been indolent. Th i e e my darling," he continued,
could have believed that lie had ever to :voile
o n ye r dra s
, 'rutting his arm round her and Iciss--
recognized as a most Unusually ef- when no rose with the dawn of the ing ber fondly, 1 e vhile she n stied to
fective cure for
without coneing croup, broncniasthma, coughs and colds. " "I want to thank you for
tie, sun and warkott un- i Ills l''dc'
til it set - days when he found ae 1 all you have cloee for me, and to tell
sertorroaccl Yeti that I think the greatest bless-
' err. Donald Graham, 45 Callender time for anything „but riding
who is six years of age, was ing Heaven can cooler upon e man
street, Toronto, states 2......emy boy, and encouraging the difiarent
veloping all the symptoms of de -
last what liis object was - that he v
men to work. Every one knew at is the gift of a patient, unselfish, de-
cried wife - much as has been given
pneu- ,.,
monia when we coramenced giving want ed all finished before his wife to me.
him Dr. Chase's Syrup of I.Anseed came home. ,(TEIE END.)
checked the advance of disease. and '
grew even more anxious to please NATURAL COLORED SILK
and Turpentine. It very quickly When that was known, the worker's
in a few days he was as well as
' him, for there was .not one on the Recent experiments in France have
ever, and is now going to school estate, man or woinan, or ehild, who shown that ' the yellow 'and green
regularly. .1 have now great faith in was not anxious to please the young colors poesessed by the silk spun by
this valuable remedy, and shall a countess and who did not love her. certain caterpillars are due to color -
commend it to my friends." She will be leappyat last, Paid tie matter derived frOM tile food,
Sir Raoul to himself iis he saw that and passed through the blood of the
Don't tako anything said to be love for her was gradually but surely spinners. By impregnating leaves
"just as good." There is 110 throat influencing the whole of the young
and lung mediciiv; just as good as earl's life.
Dr. OhaSe's Syrup of Limeed and Lord Caraven. in the naidst of his
lai3ors and toils, did not fol -get to
bin'illfr, and insiet 011 haying Dr. Correspond contMually with his wife.
Chase's ; 25 cents a bottle. All
-0 Wrote to her every week, never
telline. her what he ws claoIne but
dwelling continually on his passion-
Turpetame. Remeniber this When
dealers, or -Edinanson, Bates & Co.,
co ntry feet lour Nasora, but al-
TriWil in heth
The best food for muting hens Iay 0,Focill,'„t,seni.aeacirwilrea illeassineetjeet oheero
Is lean meat. When the suppty of .- anything"///s"--
it I' 1 h*lm p y-
feed leaSennlest 01. fleet) (al*" „,ehea, 13 hi: bythk.4(lielsc aldry e)Z.alfitlielaililta(g
2110g4 will answer), and it w111 tie ,u.soes a stroorg illustration of toe
found superior to anything that ca.n ,
.ilie u' -ed. Green bone that contains n ilt II
4 a aq.
• of the aszertit n that emzell
large proportion of green meat is exercise is Judie' i nsoble to the ore-
, tions are removed frorn the
even better, provided the fat Do servution et health. Pt 1; somanybere
will be foutol cheaper than grain be -hand excitement,
hone.; -Ir; ..etiVt7ru; lect9e2e'irnaftteler hfrrin)algofe
that they require a ehan.ge,
cause it wIll make eggs. One *'0 - from sheer conno, and has rematned
he took to his bed
son why hens aminetimes fail to lay•there clef. shwa
when they have plenty of gram is;
In, t 1 or sup-'
ond 4 tertlaiseelaso.c7SrLeetl‘clileilieur43:cecairtriewill from
ing. therefore, a. substance that the 1 railway al
rooms to a specialty coneeracted
plying the albumen of the elfga be-learriage awl thence to his pet ate
hens oust IlaVe or they cannot per -leis by steciul train. Ile is quite an
sa-eon. and he always tray
form eervice. If the be118 are fat, /average num in all other reepects,
givee o ean meat each menages las inunense property with
day, allowing no other food for a the greatest sagacity and shrewd -
nee t Or two. tellea.t usually costs,ness, and is brilliant and witty in
about a ceat a pound, and during , eenversation. Indeed, the only pe -
some years corn in certain sectiotts 1 eulitu.ity in his otherwiee estimable,
is nearly as high. Now, the cost of -,,character is his aversion to the ex -
the foods is not In the kind, but in ertion of getting up., **Why should
the results. If meat will mane th, :I take the trouble?"' be ;whs. "'ghat
hens lay' two eggs in winter wherE ;is there to get Up for? Surely there
the grain proznotea the production is notlitrg for me to do that I can -
of only one, then the meat is chettp :not aecompiish just as well in led?"
and the grain clear, because the in -1
crease derived by- the use of the ° way' HE WONDERED.
• - ----
-meat reduces its cost really to no- In a certain community a lawyer
thing. If a large amount of grain , died who was a most popular and
is used it will be found that by .WOrtbY Mart, and among other vir-
ueing less of grain and more of meat ,tues inseril,eil upon his tomo was
corebiliation of the two foods in ethis: "A lawyer, and an honest
winter will be better than the use ,nian."
of either alone ; but in summer lean i Some years afterwards a farmers'
meat and cut bone is the best rate convention was held in the town,
tion that can be given, leaving therand one of the delegates, of a 80511 -
grain out entirely. No food. is cost- l aletltal torte in rambling among. the
ly if it accomplishes the objettitombs, was struck with the inserip-
sought, but any kind is expeusive if tion: "A lawyer, and an honest
it does not induce the hens to lay. man."
CAP,E ole MANURE. He was los.t in thought, and when
run upon by a fellow-farrner, who,
CoW manure, although the least 1
noticing Ins abstraction, asked if
concentrated and most watery of all! le had found tho grave of a. dear
farm fertility on account of its they
friend or relatiVe, said:
"No; but 1 was wondering why
farm manures, is the backbone of i
quantity. When mixed with horsei came to burer these two fel-
manure it makes what is commonly lows in the same grave."
called barnyard manure, which. is
well adapted for most crops. When
kept by itself without plenty of lit-
ter, there is dariger that the liquid
part of cow manure will leach away.
A common practice is to throw the
two kinds of Manure together in the
gutter behind the cows, thus absorb-
ing the liquid at once. Where many
cows and but few hOrses are kept,
leaves or other 'refuse must be used
quite freely under the . cows to se-,
etre manure .easily m.anaged, abund-
ant, and of good quality. The
iouid part iS half the farm fer-
It is not a very costly investment
to make a brood sow comfortable,
nor to feed her properly, write8 Mr.
John R. JamisOn. Corn or food of
hat nature is costly, because, et is
lot the right kind for a brood sow
arrying an embryo litter. is
mrdly the thing to winter a brood
ow without, any corn, because it is
be easiest Obtained gi„lit with
evour it with a rush and have it Secon:Iri'StOmteAr-Yon coul4
\elicit to keep up the Animal heat. First Hunter -I can. shoot more
'hrow a sow eat' corn nod silo erowesethen you.
with artificial colors the experiment-
ers caused some, species of caterpia I
let's to produce silk of bright ()raw° s
yelloiv and thee rose Imes. 13y the 5
aid of tho spectroscope the presence "N
and re of colored pigments in
the blood of the little animalsWas d
s 22 022 euith 500 beat 1230 crowing.