HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-1-22, Page 5:geese --P.e..leet-t'ef..e
ONgtgr ArZniinate
pergished every TharSda.y Morning at the Wee:.
ty the-.
OaeBonet-per WO= if paid ha advance. *4-50
it not so paid,
roet„areortlsolla tOiloo.tors A.;f1:44,C44.1•
Get the Most
riftyethellaand,doller BioZo
Out of Tour God,
_ . MontreaL
Yea don't and can't if PDX stomach .-Zlostreal, Jan. f?.(1.--A Aro broke out
hi Weak. 11, *Oak storneeh *Mg u-gtdit la the eut-nail twat horaeshoe nail, faotory
of Peek. Penny ee Coe o iifl etreet.
early yesterday i.,erraing, and did datTP"
ttO the extent of *50,000, ',11/e loss
ell evered hy ineurence. 'VA roll,
ill on the we side, of, the faetOry
1N -as saved from, diestruetion by the heavy
au d the wind served to pre-
-t the ilre front Co10010111'eAtWg to the
Llt!ngston Liaseed Oil Ws plant
praise this medicine too highly for the eon. d - "-St 4111. 146 tilre "Wm"
gest a that he ordinarily taken into it.
It gets tlied. eaelly, and Whet A fella 10
digeet ie wasted.
Anieug the Rips a 47wegic don=
ar.e OneaSineggi after Whig, it of leer -
woe headeche, end disegreeable belch -
have been troubled with aly$PepSie, for
years, and tried every remedy I heard of„
No paper disemiontwal until allorn.oreoes apL bOt neVer got garbing Met gaVe nerehof
Mita Weir latiolit's SarsOPanilla. earatoJt, 1st
Advertisements willaout spvleeddirerthnri m:440 ke,
roolgeed until forbid anal cll!argedY.
Liberal discona mode to:trans:lea advert:mamas
inserted tor long periods. Eserydeectiplioa of JOIS
tennis° turtledove la the fineo.stge, and a
°dente rtes, Cbe EMS olonev Orders .te.. for
Wive:Vs:nag, subscriptions, etc., robe made mva,bie
Olins.11, Sanders,
glrefe$04,0441. Carle.
13. EL.TeSSIAN.A. id.
31AN. UPS.. Ileoer gr4s.a2
'Yawata IfmN-errstv.
Tettli exterted %tattoo -xi say plan. er ens Told eae2ts
OsTxtart Faqnse Pamir,
we e:IO Wit staver.
Diz. 0. ALTON ANDERSON' (1).P.S.
ow= ---
Miter Gm:Mete el Taranto Voirerslto end 'loyal
Osliegeof Pelital $orgesa,s et tiotsno. Also Pest
Paginate el Chicago Mani fit Peon:tells Pentiotery
(with lisporatle teentler.)
Allunistattn, Mild and Vulcanite Plates mode le the
neatest simmer possible. A PetterllY botiedess AU-
statite toed tee poi:gess este-aisles fit tetilt.
igen ape door Kolb eString MO. store, Enter.
Dll. T. P. LAVOULlitl. StElitiEtt OP TIM
Celiese neolsgons and Ooraeana Ontario.
Physician,, Surgeza or -d Amos:Mar. Oftee. Rollo
wood, Om-
Jo sip p.
gnome, Ave.. leamiso
• Matt:oiled vieines-
it has ciona me. I always tate it lu the not yet known. With the thermonie-
ripriug Mad iron and, would not be without er at 15 below zero, and a cutting wind,
A.. NctiSlrir. Belleville, Oa. the fire2nen. had 4 hard time handling
tbefrQzeu hose, but they worked well,
veal Moir efforts, a.,eisted by the proteo-
..ive 6re-wall, were responsible for the
savirl of larger plants in the immedi.
ate YJeinity. Cbief 13eimit had a very
narrow eseape from death. The men of
No. 1 Station: had 3 stream ptaying te
tbe reeke. and ate r to the lett. The
ebief was etareling ttetween the two
streams, direeting tDie ((entente. when
a large portion of a brielt wall col-
lapsed. There was a rambling and crack -
hag ;wise just before the wall feU down.
mid the chief hail to mike bie, eSeefts
on the iee out the eenal„ wider( wag by
mesale safe. roe deal of IlesSti. reek,
nay 6-, deo. were iteered for 00.090
lite destroyed buileiline meeh*
n iner t
teek. divided among e fellowing
O Taniee: Aetna. 8.3,000; Alliance.
.0); Conettereill Defoe, *2.500i 114rt-
4. $2,500; Liverpool 0 London 44
(11 lbe.PAM; London 4', leeneaeltire,
1 g4i00; Loudon Assurance. 413.000i North
Ainerica, W.000; North Willett le Mee,
ceatilee '40,00; Northerft. R.Oilli: Nur'
i wich Colon. U.0002 Phoenix of -Week-
11 1,Y14. .10.000i Plteeeix of Londoe $4.049 i
tetteleee, '01.500; level. W400; Scottielt
L'ili et 45; liatiouel. ee2.000; Weetetu
*3.000. Tepee inquiry et the compeere
offices yesterday as to whetter they
-mild re,built, ou the old atte. it Wall
carie d that no definite decision had
,yet been reached in this respeet.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Strengthens and tones thte otOnlaelt and
the elude digeotive system.
breeches taugh in the
One etuflente two
after rt t'ourse tbiS
Cellegt3 it Will hts
.We aid tbStis. if possible to
obtain employment, Inn. we
first eltuip them to maintain
the high reputation this
f.eghtnd hos acquired.
ormii atom
L Csetass
rietireseette, so e
eve evevereeeere. te-rereeeezetes.
fees rene, zee Strome to boo 4.-
. N4IP elereLEteler.
IL Dissass
Dos Baal of onaga
%MEM" 1174-70.1.111
VW. 014031AN, (nlarrm.s8.73,3,3 F511:414 83 Glint, Cuplfeil POW s
* =di fiaratteu Salintor. Cez-•Rest
Me, Meow lt-onst !own totes st.T
Nein elm:, Exeter.
fi CROWN, Winstelico. Ideened Aullenem
tor the ezzottes et Perth and 3Ethitetex.
also foe the tissenslalp L'abente. Soles promptly
sateaded to and tems monoxide. Sales strow,;ed
at, Poft Wiestelses.
The Maisons Bank
(Chartertel by Patilairtent, IWO
Mott °Pim, 3tontreol.
Paid ttp
Reserve Fend...,
JAS. ELLIOTT, Gussrett, Ma:twine
ze beerv:-40 am, to3 p -rot Slitunlavs 20 au.
to 1 pao.
A. gen eral 'business t ransae tetl
Monty sdraueed to good at lowed rotes.
Savings Melt nepttAts from Si and %truants reedv.
ed. interest allowed tn. lastest current rates.
thenam &Comm, N. D. Bevies,
Solicitors. Munger.
Wire. Affer. Teta Pilefilleaille,
Me Great English Remit,.
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada. Only reit-
able medicine discovered. Biz
packages guarankal to cure all
forms* Sexual Weakness, R11 effects of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use ofTO.
Um*. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
of price, one package $1, six, $5. Onairetpretwei
sityugicare. -Pamphlets free to any address.
,Tha Wood Company, Windsor, Ont.
Woods Phosphodine is sold in Exeter
by 3. W. Browning and C. Lutz
We are giving excellent
satisfaction since Re-
modelling our nailL
14. sWEITzER
Heal Estate Exchange.
The Salet. Purchase and Exchange Of
Village and _farm. lands and properties
neffOtiatect at reasonable ritteS\of com-
For Sale.
Several 'Valuable Farms in IIAY,
T_TSBORNE: STEPHEN mid McGirrIVRAY; also Three very desirable Re-
sidence properties in Ex.eter.
Far ms Wniited.
We have purchasers for good farm
and in the vicinity of Exeter, or who
will Exchange.
Wra; Bawden David Mill,
Valuator, Manager.
OFFICES: Dickson & Carling's New
Block, Exeter.
A grzeral B.:chinauantrontsoled,
itstfree, at two% laver:V.4e cornet Mee C=0%1,
V ,1:4TaC.iii.T.zootermi. DiI,Kita Rem:VA
untradteltreaidensta.mtlet, avallae .10
nal ether fraeoviecealutries. •
lieso Leterm c. erttl4 at Go tratilers
el the weritio
I p
TOSS FTSIIE, Ortessit.
P.P.IIECOM t,-4,-tv fir Um. am Zs anti, la
3 rsIza
r: 1th4Ild4 suit,
It u uu
eve mum or realms tot do so, se
trks3thst Pt agqrtol,thro wad ter o ITN Uhl bottle
Rai try It. It w:.: Rs wail ran C
grill, nesseardstersony.
trdit:i5iVirteentjaa ties
Parra au:eIgotin si tess ta
THIS Lletill] CO., in Ming Street wrest, Toren
Zibeeet Tempereuee Nen Interview
Zreillier Rom
Teeentee Jeu, 20.--A number
Liberal Temperance men-iife-
mipportera et the Government,
One et them deseribee their standing
eheld a private interview with Fre-
i Ross yesterday, when the temper.
nee ideation veaS dieetusted at ionic(
length. Among those present were M.
JONI Patereon, who preaided
Mayor Vopthert, Mr. Stapleton Celde-
eat, Mr. henry O'Mara, and Dr. Devoe,
who e'poke; deer. IL IL Merhereon,
hon. $. C. /Dm, G. Tower Fergus -
eon, It. L. Stark, Dr, W. J. Grelg Red
many othere.
The object of the interview, it, was
sebeequently explained, was the preen.
talon to the Premier of a reveletion
bleh bad been eaued at a meeting hold
prior to the interview, as follows ;-
"That we urge upon the Government
that the recent vote calls for the dos-
ing of the Open bars of the ProvinetiO
and for the abolition of the trea.tine
mem and the sale of liquor in elub;17,
that it is in the public interest that
la% sale of liquor, zio far as permitted,
*Wield be under dovernment control."
41eput.tion difielnimed all eMmee•
lion 'With any temperance or modal or
ganistation, and were present, up they
said, in their capacity as Liberals and
0.,4 temperance men.
The Premier promised Consideration.
George Seton, a Loudon writer, has
published a budget of anecdotes, one of
which tells of a faeltionable woman who
appeared before Pope Leo ht a very low -
ked dress. IIis Ifolineas disapproved
ef the costume so tri :41 that be sent,
a cardinal to remonstrate with the we.sr-
er. The messenger tit els this rather am-
biguouS eigilanationi "T.te Pope, my dear
madam, is rather old-fashioned, ylitt
know, and dislikes Seeing any lady in
' evening dress. I, on the other hand, who
lave spent six years of my life as a mis.
sionary among the cannibals, am quite
Wed to it."
When Disraeli mete his entry into
public life he conies •d High Wyembe,
and then, as ever, lt.s ready wit helped
him to success. His opponent was a
county man of intim nee. In an address
to the people this gentleman asserted
that he was "standing for the seat upon
the constitution of the country, upon the
broad acres of his fathers, upon law, pro-
perty and order." "What does Mr. Dis-
raeli stand upon?" demanded one of the
county magnate's adherents, with some-
thing of a sneer. Disraeli instantly rose.
"I stand upon my head," he answered,
with a meaning glance at the portly per-
son of his opponent. He proceeded to
demonstrate it in a telling speech.
The Vulgar Voice.
What constitutes the vulgar voice? In
an article in the London ‘"Spectator,f a
writer concludes that this evidence of
vulgarity "springs, like almost all vul-
garity, however displayed, chiefly from
two causes -an undue love of conspicu-
ousness and an undue fear of the same."
The person whose chief aim is to keep
himself or herself in the eye of the world
rarely makes a remark without desiring
that it shall reach the ears of others be-
tides the one direetly addressed; and
here the peculiarly false sound of the
raceis attributed to the absence Of
singleness of motive. On the other hand,
the wovering ten° and affected accent of
the - timid Vulgiii are staclibed"t0 another
form f insincerity, namely, the wishto
imitate others with whom one happens
to be, when they are of a supposedly
higher ,social standing. The atterapt is
itire to dad, and,;.t.lie result only in the
suppression of all, evidence of the speak-
er's Own personality -in the voice as
well as in the manner. Thus sincerity,
paramount in all art, is basic in breeding
as well, which is the art of life.
The New Bolo -der -I wonder why they
eall this stuff health food? The Old
One-Pecause if a•• man has got good
health he eau eat it with inipnnitz.
The other clay the humorist, Oliver
FIerford, asked a friend: "What is the
matter with ,your ha O.? It seeins to be
leaving you.' `Td g 'c anything I lown
to gent back," said ' e perplexed friend.
"I've always notieed," returoecl fIerford,
"that a hoir hithe lo..ad I's worth two, in
the brush,", , • ,••
Brantford, Jan. 19.-(Speetal.)-
Large searching parties yesterday after-
noon matte a thorough effort to find the
body of John Spriugle, Who bus been
nissingfrom his home on the Mohawk
road since a week ago yesterday, but
were not successful. The party consist-
ed of members of the Sons of England
and ninny of the employees of the Wet-
erous Engine Works Company.
Partlertiars have be, n filed In the Centre
Bruce election petition.
Joseph I. ants, a pioneer Metho-
dist minister, dled at Dundas.
Hon. G. E. Poster opened ids campaign
in North Ontario at Bracebridge.
The trial of Col. Lynch on the charge
of high treason commences to -morrow,
Mrs. William Archer was round dead in
bed at Kingston, her body being frozen.
Cement manufacturers have organized a
section of the Canadian Manufacturers' As-
Over one hundred deaths from bubonic
plague occurred at Mazatlan, Mexico, since
January 1.
The appeal in the South Oxford election
case will be beard to -day by the Court
of Appeal. , •
.4, meeting of health officers at Wash-
ington declared that the bubonic plague
exists In Califoruia.
Argument was concluded in the Sault
Ste. Marie election case, and Judgment re-
served on 28 charges,
*Canadian rubber menufacturers meetlag
iflIOutrnfll .censiderea the unestien of ask
Ing Lot mor proteetion, - . •
. • ,
Harry .Toeva, , Mao., school'
teacher who shot ble trustees and pupils,
died at the Oil! at Winnipeg.'
A, beginning. wifl. be, rim de in the .excliange
of . eemmercpil Messages between Camicht.
and •England at the eud of this Moutb.
lt is reported, In Liverpool shipping cir-
cles that the C. P. 1.1. Is negotiating for
the purchase of the Beaver Line steamers.
' Peter Hughes left his sister for a' few
moments at the Windsor Station to get
a drink, and has not been seen sinee.
Architect E. re Patterson has token out
a Permit for the erection of forty brick
dwellings for the Barton Building Coropauy,
On Fu I ler ton avenue, Ilamilton
Sir William Moloch was a guest oi Coi
lingwood yesterday, being entertained at I
lunch by the municipanty, and dined In I
the evening by the Board of Trade
The Canadlau 'Toy ator Company will
build 70 new elev- tors this yeavalong the
lines of the Canadian Northern Raiiway,
and will alsb' open 20 luniber 'yards' in tho'l
Live Stock Dell isi Britaiu-Wheat is
.loaday Evening, Jae, 19.
Toronto et, Lawrence Market,
Rut tette ewe wee brought by the far.
Oro te St. 141%7m:tee Marlret to-" ix. and
bosiness was getterally don. total.
,orain receipts ememited to 1400 bushels.
Witeat-Was eteady; 300 bushel* of Me-
dium quality white sold at 70e to 704e
Per boatel. and 30.11 busliela of red sold at
70e: 100 bushels' of goese changed hand4
at 'woe.
Daeley-ne reempts were or fairly good
gualir2r, oral acto-klingly commanded g:00,1
flees. row le itaol bushels sold at ,54e
wee rer ee
OWN-00'41'rings were rattier light; 20)
sol4 et ,eatee to eee Per bushel-
Peoa-A Ireol was, rramdiss; about talc
bushels, was o1ered, and sold at 7ae per
Ifoo-Ten loads were sold, witb prieei
for timothy eoesiderably easief Mee those
of la.st week. No. J. tiariotby sold at $12 to
eel per ton. Mixed or apses was about
StenflY at 49 to 40 'Per to1J-
Strew-One load of loose strew poly was
offered. and it sold at ewe) per too. Tha
Wires of sheaf stran- remein as quoted.
Dressed le is outlet, with ha
little stoff offering. 'Vie price qiieted 14
4173 tO 49.O0 per ewt„
The Visible Sanely.
eee.10.'oe Zen. Woe Jan. 21,'
Wheat ...40.727.ona ;o 3,j; cretece
7.4.00.e00 11„7O2.0O0 11443.O00
tjab 4,100,Coll 4.214000 0.04Inee0
Rye , ..... 2,421.000 t,21tode
Bolne7 ?JOAO) ri°1n1.01V
WOnt 'cIteomsea 49?.,000 bushels. tno Put
eet21 year ago it increased 1,10000
tote eee core Illere3Red 411.Q00 besbele.
British Dettle Markets.
Lomtoo, deo. P. -No market to -de
ortlitra Oriees, Ai:writ-an cattle. e74 •
eevereeel. Jou. t9.....To-day eueme
tene eckel et Glid. Trade, slow.
Best lilliffale Cattle Market.
esst Buffalo, Jas. 19.--Catt1e--ftere4pts,
.000 Seed: heav Int, to 55e lower; others
heat Wady; rviiklie eleere. 45.15. to 15.5o4
bloplug sO'res. 41.74 Oil 4.1; butchers steers.
I: to $4175: heifers, $3 50 to 44 FA: cows.
2,1J to &LW: Ca;11Meva. SI.7.1 to $2.25:, WM,
to $4,23: feeders. 43.7,5 to 41-50: alork-
43.25 to 41:, ;stork heifers. 4400 to 43;
good to trer.C4 COINfi StrOat at SZ to 43 per
head bie,4er; emaravri eteatlY; oPrbtors OA
noigss extra, ;owl: geed to choice. 450 10
$ee; atedliella to I4voil. 134 to *la: conetuom,
to fax Veals,-Rereipts, 1128 heads
( y2 t00% 19:152o *10: commea to good,
to *9. Ifegs-Rerelpts. All00 Mae:
to lee higher Yorkers easier; ot1i-
--4,r;4440 to Id• rutted,
to Olittli Yorkers. IRMA; _plus'. Se,e4;
Vt."14 to WI stags. $1.75 to 45 25,
o mad latuara-Reetipts, .=„kinei WWII
033 to tame*, Se to ee.19: culla te col.
to 4 00.1 Tear:log; 45 to 45.;Z; ewes
": sboofk, l'4 Mixed, SI to Slitd"
12 to P.90.
Db.icago Live Stock.
emcee... Jen. 10.-Cattle-ReeelPtii.
OW. elitallag 2410 Tesous: inarliet Ice to Lie
*ewer; gaol to prime steers, $4.75 to *et
peer to medlars. gi to Si .74: utoekoll dtld
Zendern, S2.3.% 30 1.,-.1.24; cows, $1.4O to *IAN
heifers. 5.to VA's; canners. $1.40 t012,00;
boll% *2 to $1,..33; cadres. 43 to 47,50; Trai-
led stecre, 43.410 to 4,84CS. liegs--Bectipts
totlay. GOA* tosnorrow. 40.000; left over.
MOW; IOC lower; closed, dull; mixed nod
butchcrse. 51 21 to 10.40; nod (0 dully,
henry. 40.0 to 5e.85.; rough beitoy, $0.90 to
t4o611:11150-$3:8()1Stiret&-6315te; ceblupti."4441.0004"1
*beep atcatly to strong; Moshe strong to /00
blotter; geoid to chOleo wetbcrs, 41,25 tO
*telt fair to eholeo mixed. 3:1.23 to 54.24.
Montreal. Grain and Produce.
Montreal, Jan. 10.--Orain--There is a fair
xpert t, tit N. 2 white oats at 1OV.4
to bigli freights. and 31p3e to 32e eest.
Yonailly Oats mild at :15e to 115tie ex Store.
quote: -Peas, 72e to 72Ote high freight*
sad buckwheat at 49e to 39e ceet on G.
T.leigou-There is falocal
lr country demanil
Ond prices are firm In sympathy with
-wheat, We quake -Choice :Manitoba spring
wheat patents, 44.20 to $4.301SCCOUIIS, *3,00
to $13 stroug bakers', 43:50 to $3.00; whi-
ter wheat pateuts, 578 to 44; otntlglit
roilertio.43,60 to 43.70: do lu bags!, 41.07li
to extras, $1.43 to $1.00.
Meal -The market WILS1 quiet at et.io to
e4.eo per barrel and at 41.95 to 82.03 Per
ilictisorbere is a fair deinaud at tingle:mg-
ed prices. We combneellanitoba brim la
hags. $15; Manitoba art
bos, 820; Ontario
bran In bulk, 417.50 to Slti; shorts, elteee
to $20, aud 4,c.23 to $28, as to (mai.
Cheese -The inarket Is very Orin aud It
the obsence of business prieee are nominal-
ly 131Oc.
Butter -There 11 good demand for guest
fresh creamery at rotee, but other ovules
are dun at 20e to 21e. Dairy sells et lee
to 1330.
Eggs -The market Is quiet blit_unehang-
ed. We quote: -Selected. 20e to 27e; eau&
ied stock, 20e to 2otoe; Moutreal limed. LIe
In a jobbing way: straight receipts. 1Ne
to 190; Montreal limed, 1r,fic; cold storage
stock. 1714e, and western limed, 1(1%c to
lie per dozen. in round lots.
Provisions -There is a steady demand for
all lines at Arm prices. We quotet-lieavY
Canadian :theft Cut mess pork, $21.110 to
823; Canada shert cut baek pork, $M 50 to
$24; light Cariaila stunt clear pork, $23.50
to *24; finest kettle bird, 20.1b palls, 1214e;
extra pure lord, In 20 -lb pens, leSie to
1111e; choice refined compound lard, 8Ofic
to 9e; Boar's Head imaed, In 20 -lb wood
palls, $1.95 to $2.05; Globe at $1.75 to
S1.85; 20 -lb tin 4cless per lb; Bane;
32e to 14e and bacon, 1.4c to 15c per lb.
• Leading Wheat Markets.
Closing prpvieus (lay. Closing to -day.
Casio May. Cash. May.
York Chicago 7 79%
New Yo0
Toledo -- 741 82 4 ;rim 824,9
Detroit, No. 2 red 80% 82% 81 Sai.
Minneapolis . ,
Duluth, 1 hard.. iti% ..774
Milwaukee, 2 nor 79 78 80 7.1
O Louis eve
British Markets.
Liverpool, Jan. lg.-Opening-Wheat, fu-
tures quiet; Mareh, es 2741c1 bid; May, Gs :IA
bid. Corn, futures quiet; January, 4s 7%ri
value; March, 48 444d nominal; May, 4s 2%d
Os 2½1 value. Corn, spot firm; mixed Am -
to 49 11,d; futures firm; January, 4s Sygd
Os 3d; No. 1 northecn Manitoba, Os 7%d;
erican, per cental, old nominal, new 4s 10%d
1 standard California, per cental, es 911;
Wolin, no stook; No. 2 red winter, Os to
futures steady; March, Gs 31/2d value; May,.
value; March, 4s 4743:1 value; May, 4s 3d
value. Flour, Minneapolis, 20s 3d to
lAverpool-Closing--Whent, spot firm; No.
peuing - La Plata, f.o.r.t.,
stedni, lrebruery and March, 29s Sd sellers;
January and,February, 29s Gd sellers, above
average quality. Coro, on paesago ,firnOloit:
not active-sLa Plata yellow, rye terms,
'March and'April,•20s 3d sellers; April and
May, 19s 1044d sellers. Corn, cargo G. .,
prompt, , 24s 9:1 Sellers. * Weather In 'Dug.
land, -thaw; In France, cloudy. Wheat,
English country markets,- of yesterday firm.
London--Closing-Wheat, on passage, tirrn
but not active; cargoes about No, 1 Coil -
forma, irono; January, 31s 3d paid; La
Plata, f.o.r.t., steam, firm; February and
March, 29s paid; fine January and Febru-
ary, 29s Gd 'paid, Corn, on passage, quiet
but steady; parcels of mixed Ameriean,
February, 218 1%ci paid, mid on passage,
22s 6t1 pad.
Mark Lone Miller Market -Wheat, for-
eign arm at an advance of. Oil; English
wheat firm and rather dearer. Corn, Amer-
ican firm at an advsnee of 3d; Danubian
corn' ern3 at an advance of 3d. Flour,
American strong, with a good' business, 91
highe•r; English lour firm at an advance of
ed. Monday's Indian sbipments to the
United Kingdom, 2,000 quarters, to continnenet
,00025squ3aar.ters. corn, spot quotations,
American mixed, 04s 3d. Flour, spot 1111:-
Paris, ;Tau. 19.--Opening-Wheat, tone
nun; January, 221 Iv: may and August, 221
m70aci.,ketFslofluirra, .‘
tone f, In; January) 201 1.Zicl,
May and August, 29f 75o, French country
Parls'---"Crose--Wheat, tone quiet; JanearY,
...21 20e; May and A13 gust, ,221 70c. Flour,
tiNti.e wolflie7i0;e3; anusry, 291 15c; May and Aug,
• - • • - 00 68
Barley,. .. 34 40
29 34)
PlezAS-,,AAAA .. A Al AA., 414(..1.4, 115 70
Potatoes. per 85 00
Hey, per 7 00 8 00
Floe; per cwt., xottere... 1 05 4 00
Ilutter,„ - - 17
Eggs. - - 18
Hides, per NO Pea - 5 40 5 50
Live hogs, per owt------5 75 5 $0
Dressed- Hoge- 7 40 7 50
Shorts per cwt. „ 1 00
Bran per ewt ..... 80
Turkeye- - 12
peeks. .... . .. .
Chicken. -
"1 have used Ayer' Hair Vigo
f thirtj years. It is elegant for
a hair dressing and for keeping the
le free% spltneg at the ende."‘e-
endships. If the a
'ling is done on you
la head, it loses friend
otz, for every hair o
4 head is friend.
Ayees Hair Vigor in
d ranee will prevent the
itting. If the splitting
has begun, it will stop it.
Met a belie. AO drstrista.
ylvor dr3gglet orient eopply leo,
US OW dollar tumll wo expresx
Potoureavalgiso nant0
• '1;=P4ti*Xtrttiacfacth AdIre,31,
J. (". i23tsU,Yaas,
„.. .
a XIV;
VIT.. atm
This is not o gentle word-ebut when
you think how liable you are tiOt to
pnrehase for 73e. the only remedy unb.
vereally known and, a remedy that hits
had the largest. sale of any medieine in
the World since 1808 for the cure end
treatment of Consumption cunt Throet
and Leng troubles without losing its
great popelerity all these yeets. you
will be thankful we called your atten-
tion to Boseher's German Syrup.
Their are so many ordinary cough
imedies made by druggists and ethos
that are cheap and good for light colds
T1('1;11'5. but for severe Coughs. Bron-
chitis, Croup -and. especially for Con-
snmption. where the -t' is difficult ex-
netorittion and coughing dining the
nights soul mornings, there is nothing
like German Syrup. Sold by ittl drug-
gists in the civilized world.
Alex. Nanette a Welland man, ,,bot
himself dead near St. Cathai ines.
colds.tearsoness, and other throat
ailments are eilliekbr relieved by Vape-C resco
iene tablet% ten cents per box. All druggists.
elr. Adam Doering,of Waterlooewos
killed while attempting to board a
street car,
.At Brockville Henry Bath wns sen-
tenced to five years in the penitentinry
for setting fire to the Catholic chureh.
The walking sick, what
a crowd of them there are;
Persons who are thin and
weak but not sick enougir
to go to bed. '
Chronic cases" that,s
what the doctors call them,
which in common English
means -long sickness.
To stop the continued
loss of flesh they need
Scott's Emulsion. For the
feeling of weakness they
need Scott's Emulsion.
It makes new flesh and
gives new life to the weak
Scott's Emulsion gets
thin and weak persons out
of the rut. It makes new,
rich blood, strengthens the
nerves, and gives appetite°
for ordinary food.
Scott's Emasion can be
taken as lono-, as sickness
lasts and do good all the
.There's new strength
and flesh in every dose.
We will be glad
to Send you a few
Be sure that this picture is
the form of a Label is on the
wrapper of every bottle a
,Etntilion you buy. .
scorr & BovvINE,
Toronto, Ontario.
50c. anti $1; all drUggisti.
(st4r) -
tBrealefast Food)
A good. supply of 7A Weed
and Chop always on ha d.
Give our Flour and Feed
a WO and be conyinced that
is all xight.
Roller and Plate grhulers iu
use to suit customers.
Euvey Woe,
tssomte J. Cobblediek Ze. SCOTIA
ave jest recelved
of the best makes and will safl
hem at peices and terms that Wirt
able anyone to place in their baize
tte ef those Beautiful iestrunients.
In Sewing Machines we tam' a
rge stock of the beet intakesat prices
het will surprise you. reletiree
nee4ies and oil fee all makes of nut -
Sheet and Book Music. Hymn
Books. Bibles, etc., always in stet*.
We will be pleased to Show you our
ors Cotton Root CompounA
miacceilfull7 used monthly isy over
our droggiat for dock's Cetts* DM Coo-
ke no outer, as vet mixtures, pUis and
Sous ant dotage mutt. Priee,No, 3, Si rier
No.*. 20 degrees s1renger.53 per bor. Ito.
✓ .roalleden receipt et prIee Red two &tent
a. 1120 Cook Goznpany
Noi1.3.aud 2 soldandreconuitencledby itU
responsiteeDruntats InCausdas
0. 1 and No.2 are sold in Exeter lir
a Lutz and .7. W. Brow Wog. AA, g -
FUN jy
General Repairs and
castings of every descrip-
tion in Iron and Brass to
1000feet of ineh and 500 feet of
t inch pipe in stock.
JAS. 11/11APAY.
Senator Procter of Vermont says the
finest speech he ever made consisted of
only four words. It ;as a retort to
Senator Hoar's sarcastic little thrust in
a speegh direefed at the (Oreen Mountain
senator. lie said: "No man' in Vermont
is allowed to vete unless he has made
five thousand dollars tilt& .1. with. Mas-
sachusetts 'people." Whei tett 1'1*N:tor
said: "And we all vote."
.Theprincipal of a high school tellS the
following, anecdote: One clay at school I
gave el bright bey a Mira in tilgebre., and,
,although thteproblern was comparatively
tipsy, he couldn't, do it. '°1 relitarked,
"roo ,Ouglit to be ashamed of yourself.
At your age George Washington was
'Miry eyor." The boy looker -I' me straight
in the eyes and 'replied, "Yes. sir; and at
your age he was President ef the tjuitel
States,", '
are planted by fanner
and gardener wht. has
deal maye at the harvest. All
'dealers. 1908 Seed Annual
postpaid free to all applicant&
D. hi. FEFiRY & CO.