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Exeter Advocate, 1903-1-22, Page 4
Oxtter Abuoratv, °has. IL Sandees,> ,ditor and Prop T.i tI SDnA ', JAN 2`, ,1003, TYR WeINT PAOTORIES Free Traders: of the Sifton stamp fre- quently declared that the;anattlalfactur- ere. of al community become weeJthy at the expense of the t:oa)sttrner. No men- tion is arl:aje of tb' ft>1, is they supply to the working population in the form of wages, or the 1u:arkrt they thus cre- ate fop the prop nee Kit' tbe farmer, Why loos; at the results of the invest- ment of $l,ltt?0,4,ith in at, cotton mill? Such a factory would have au amnia]. alutput of 17.O1Fla,liuil yatade of sheeting. Employment would he given to MO hands, andthe amount :lf money des- tribaated wonld be: for Wages, $91.0OQr taxes, S13,019; supplies transportation saalaariee, etc...9145.tJfl); pro?tits, $.60,000 The investors wonlel therefor get six. per ,cent. on their• capital—a profit which is west moderate. The farmer would g=et the largest share of the. $9-10,000 card would really be the great- en benefaeialry-, lnste:id of making fortunes, ailtlaat of the leading itl4anll- faactaaers ave loAsing raaoaley, With s1I- fikent liroteetion, the erection of fate. torieaaucll as mentioned above, would quickly follow. and Canada woeld soon have within her owe borders a market teeming with advaatlt,:ages for the agri- culturist. WALTER HERBERT FREE London, ,Tan. 15. --`!'he east* of Walter Herbert, which has aacquned alnaa.►st world-wide noatoatit+ y.ava.. disposed of 'titlemorning by Chief Justi'•aMere- dith ,at the Assizes. li will 1.>• remem- bered that eerie in the history of the bitten trial. Walter Herbert mode at confession that hot w+.aa itistrometattal in causing the death of Joseph Siftoin and implicating t e raldSifton, sou of the alleged lnarr demgd, ruaan, This .morning Mr, Edmund J+IerN?tlitll,ii,C',. a ipeaared. for Herbert, and rrrade an application for as pry trial, entering a plea of not Why. He was assisted by Mr. Thos, lereditlt. Mr. Magee proaecuting for the Crown. The plea. pact forma A was that the finding in Gerald Sifters s ease entitled Herbert to anew trialaltleast The ,gist of the arguments was that if Sifton; was innocent Herbert could not. be guilty. Slamming rap, Chief Justice Meredith ;also tool: Liars view and grant- ed the"appliCaation, 1, jury was arra- metliatc y drawn from the slaect;►tore. Mr. Magee said the (''town would not. prose¢ente, and his Lordship otdertel the jury to acquit the prisoner, which they did Immediately. Herbert short- ly after left the court-raooiu a. freeman, after being a. prisoner for over two two y ears, having been committed to jail in June, ],titin. ira tlisclirIrt itag Waal - ter Herlac;ort, Chief Jttstiet; .lIcaredit,lt said that although the Court baits ab- solved hint of the guilt of murder, the prisoner alone knew whether he was guilty or not, and Ile hoped that the mercy that had been shown hint would prove of lusting benefit, ¶['he proceed- ings occupied about half on hour. When Herbert left the Court house Nwh,aa, clothes he heel were given hint by the jail authorities. site did not have any money when pot in jail, and his clothes were Soorl worn out. ((ove- nor Boston said thaat'1Ierberthad been to model prisoner all through his team of imprisonment. die had always clone the work assigned hint without a rumble, and was bright and hopeful. Herbert's ability 11s an artist, as is generally known, are of no mean (1118.i- ity, He spent his spare time drawing and in rending the daily papers. Hutlett Mr. H. Freeman has bought Mr. J. J' eNeil's 75 acre lot on the 3rd con., which makes hint the owner of 210 :acres.—Mr. Anthony Lawson, who has been seriously ill with inflammatory rheumatism, is slowly recovering.-- WVe are sorry to learn that Mr. Mat- thew Hesselwood, one of the pioneer residents of this township, is in de- clining health. He is Se years of age but not withstanding that and his present weakness, we hoped he may be spared for many days to come.—Mr. and Mrs. Newton Edmeston, of Mc- Donald, Man., are visiting at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. g.nd Mrs. Thos. Robinson. DEATHS. -Not alone in this town- ship, but all over the country and else- where, will it be learned with deep re- gret, of the death of one of Huron's pioneers, in the person of Mr. John Coming, of the 13th con., who passed away on Monday morning at the age of 74 years and 8 .months. Deceased bad been in failing health for some time, being subject to attacks of paral- ysis, and one of these was the direct cause of his death. Born in Devon- shire, he came to this country when about 30 years of age, living for a cou- ple of years in Chinguacousy, and then moved to the Huron tract which was in a primitive state. He took up a bush farm on the 13th con. of this township, which he soon converted in- to n -to' one of the finest farms inthe neigh- borhood. He was always a hard work- er, a;man of sturdy and sterling prin- ciples and determination, and once he settled in his own mind a certain course nothing could ,turn him there- from. That he°enjoyed the esteem of. his acquaintances goes without saying. In early life he married Miss Shob- brook, who survives - him, . together with seven sons, who have the sincer- est sympathy of the community.—An- other sad death occurred on Tuesday whereby Another of o11r . pioneers was called away, We refer to the death of Mr. Wm. Collinson, at the age of 74 years, 6 months and 24 days. Deceas- ed had been ill for about two months with a cornplication'of diseases and his ,death was not unexpected. By his death -this township loses a highly and uineh.respected resident as he was a manof good qualities. The bereaved ones have the sympathy of their many friends 'e' t. hn bo,, a reel � the a J • �'red(Loo sp ;. o. .. Y mixed ttip';in the -Higgins murder' case, was sent to the reformatory, for three years and ,three .-mon ths for burglary,., O.HITLD RESCUE WORK. The adjourned annual meeting of the Children's Aid, Society, held in Mi,•. Lane's oftce, Goderich, on Mon- day last, wassotnewhaat better ;Mend- ed than the previousweeting;,. The president made a. report of several Gasses Nthteh .had been attended to, where ebildren had been brought be- fore the P,L, and in each the results hard been entirely satisfactory mid beneficial to the children, The fol- lowing extranet frons, as letter from Mr. J" Kelso, Supt. of Neglected Child- ren, met with approval, and au eti'ort will be made to extend the services of the Society throughout the county: and to interest people in some of the large centres of the county in the work of child rescue: `halt 1 e pleased to .:ear trona you regarding, rile s aaa..'aa mettwo Ain teF,' Maisons to dee a =erg `ac .et}.tar Huron Cc trtt, as their a a splendid. 5etei Ea your part t 4',f the Prov lace fer this wort:. I wtsb tt were gra_tzble to secure a =Et tm give utast of fats t'e,•aae .tbe stork', as iu the eas9 of Rev. James Led, a rd, of Owen Sound He acts as agent ter the con:wiles e Otey, t1 nee and gpsrt ei aimee and, by contributions trent the vat mus 1•'.aces, the l;ety able to remunerate him to the,. stent ct ca :eat $aid per year, aitheu hat ars: they stere only able to Pre as a a std?. He is a^.compl"t Lasa. eeneVat Stora tcetic, atterta totted ca.itdrcn drilling homes and c , ting the chi8tires nano are fin that district. It all depends QA Sf-TUrfog tate right moat—eae echo„ by his taconite . can secure the asstsmare and ce.-033etY- trea ai ada cia:s* , 'Ms weaaad, ex a;e rate 1 scone• thing, for you to took forward to is boder cat." The financial report was read show- Ina Membership tees _ 84,0 ere:aaer ator `mead , 15;00 Catton, Genoaein grant.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 355,3)1 $41,50 Exprenaattareg on various essrs al's .l,. Ilona:EQ-a ta ar& Chihirr:tls Hospital ttlAtK1 satas. "a 5, t ta t1 Hiss:, leteo The officers elected for the current ve or ores President, James dtiteliell: Vice present, W. J. Field, 33,A„ eve. - masa Mrs. J,tines. C'l;t.k; exeentiye eoionlittee, these ot"tieers and firs, Hays and Mr... \V, J (Jox. In this connection. the new officers ask the co•opera.tion of citizens in all parts of the comity. and will be g1;11 to assist in the work of reselling neg- Iected and dependent children from unhealthy and nelerious sut•round.ings,. G`tarrespautlent<e is irn ited, and so for as they can he of assistance In eases needing attention in other lacesnthe ordeelhere will:b l'eadyto leda 'band. STRUCK Ba(" A TRAIN, Belleville, Jan. 17.---A fatal accident on the Grand Trunk, near Trenton, yesterday.:Miss Lillie Purdy_, a N-oung wast► an,whnsetesidence was in the 2nd concession of Sidney, was driving a horse and cutter across tbe track at (lilnoar'e Crossing, She evidently thought elle had time to cross in ad- vance of an approaching express train, but trust have miscalculated the dis- tance. The horse got over, but the train struck the cutter, smashingit in fragments and instantly killing Miss Purdy, who was about 32 years of age, and leaves a father and five brothers. DRANK CARBOLIC ACID. London, Jan. 100—John H. Hargrave drank a quantity of carbolic acid at his home. No,42ia' Ititiout street on Fri- ddy night and died after stl1reeing in- tense agony for theta‘ hours. 1litrgt'aavt' is supposed to have been driven to the rash net through lasses incurred iu bucket shop speculations. For a time he was a regular frequenter of the brokers' offices, and it is said that be- fore quitting he had dropped a consid- erable sawn. He became very nmrosr and it was Only at tittles that he would aappearr to he himself and it is thought during a1 melancholy spell the deed was committed. Wiugharn. On Monday Mr. Alex. Orr, of the Albion hotel at Fordwich closed a deal with Mr. John fart, whereby he is to come into posession of the Brunswick hotel in this town on the let of March. Mr. Orr will rent his hotel at Fordwich. The Brunswick will be thoroughly overhauled and re- paired. The interior will be consider- ably changed. Mr. Orr is an experi- enced hotel keeper and before going to Fordwieh was landlord at the Park House in this town. We have not learned where Mr. Carr intends locat- ing. Paine'sCeleryCompound Will Banish Your Neuralgia Read The Strong Testimony of a Gentleman Who Failed With Doctors and Ordinary Medical Prescriptions. Neuralgia rheumatism and a general "rundown" condition result directly from au impoverished and famished nervous system. Paine's Celery Compound quickly corrects this faulty condition. Being a true nerve food and nourishes, it builds up the nervous system and ful- ly sustains it. While Paine's Celery Compound is working at the root of disease (the nerve centres), bracing and building up the weakened and ir- ritated parts and purifying the blood, neuralgia, rheumatism and poisops are expelled forever from the system. Dr. Phelps' wonderful prescriptions is carrying health and happiness into thousands of homes; it is what you need for your present troubles; it snakes sick people well and • strong. Mr. William Conley, West Bolton, Que., writes as follows:, "I have had several attacks of neu- ralgia. It keep on increasing -getting worse, and I tried all the doctors for help, and took all kinds of medicine, and I got so at last that I could not sleep at last. 'I saw an advertisement of Paine's Celery Compound, and I event and bought a bottle,and it Cur- ed me of all pains, and can now rest as well as everbefore in my?life. ;'I would not he without Paine's Celery Compound if f had to Pay- ffteen dol- lars a bottle for it." W. IL Willoughby, of Wallacebur , -attempted suicide Thursday t Marine' City, Mkb ;'by;shooting himself in the forehead The bnllettis iuk1 edded in i 11un bat it is :thought he will•recover. • COAL MRI. CONSfIREU TRUE EteeD AGAINST QI^EE A.TQB.5. ANTI 'RETa9.ILER% Several Indictments. et Chicago Against Individuals. and Co'm pen in Tnlineis and Indiana, Cb�eag'or Jsu, 24" A true 'bill was returned against forty-five coal operators anal retailers, charging eau- spiraey to .do an '°legit1 net injurious to public trade. The indictnleats are against both corporations and individ- uals doing business in Illinois and la, liana. Bail was faxed at S1,5Q0, orm,rimpommaymen ENGINE E$,F, W iFP, Railway Accident Which Eesailted i11 if oss of Two Lives. Albany, XX-. Jan. 2Q,. Ilei lee 1,767 of the New York. l eetral, drawieg the Melrose freight. which left Reii- elaer at S.1Q, blew up near, Castleton„ end, besides kiilieg the engineer acid fire'nan. nearly wrecked the leeee hero Limited. bound iaurtle. like freight was seven riles from ;Albany when the en- gine collapoed, and the engineer and the Oxman were instantly balled. Ile. fore 5Sid clot could regain his eelOpeeeession and sella out has crew with WarningS, the fake Shore Limited. tla Its big load of passengers, was tri lased., avid r'ueh;lig toward the spot lied high with debris. Tlae engineer of as 'Irrtla cal straw the light of the burn- ing engine, and put en his brakes. bring- ing ins train to a antandatill clew to the wreck, 1 l IILAvTOR ODENI4T'S denoe .aatCctulrt t# - a at ra�r*tiaai ] ardie. , .IID 20,—eT1►e ala of net¢ trial by court-vnartial of Major 1. Glenn of the Mb Infantry, with unlawfully killing prion. attempted to introduce tes- tendine to show that Iatonce was collected in tlae Island of Samar to pro- et:eute Major Glenn awl abler oftieerz . Evidence nce ;showing the existeuee of a fund WAS Admitted, but the rest wags excluded. Many captured insurgent do cum ►nts were introduced, confirming previous testimony, regarding the Fill. pines system of spies, poisoners, meas. sine and other i,-iol€ttions of the laws of war. ANOTHER G. T. R. WRECK. Freight Trains Collided at Bradford --Treck Clemr, Bradford, Jan, 20.—A bad wreck oc- curred on the G.T.R. at Bradford on Saturday night. A freight train going north, drawn by two engineai,a, collided with a single -engined freight going south. Engine No. 125, which load the up train, was squeezed between the other two Mogul eugines, and was forc- ed over the engine of the southbound trails. No. 125 WS a complete wreck, the others not being so seriously harmed. They have now been taken to Barrie. Nine or ten care were wrecked. The track has mince been cleared. Death Prom Smallpox. Toronto, Jan. 20.--,A deathoat• curred in the Swiss Cottage Hospital on Sunday. Willard Goodman, a child 2 years 1 months old, removed from the Ctihurch street house, succumb- ed to smallpox. The other patients are doing well, This is the first death from smallpox in the city since Dr. Lit- tle died in April. 11101. Another case of smallpox was removed to the hospital yesterday. The patient is a roan who had been treated in Detroit for la grippe and skin disease, and has advised to travel for his health. Sold a Paper on Sunday. Toronto, Jan. 20.—In the af- ternoon Police Court yesterday, `Falter Edmonds, a clerk in the news stand in the Roslin House, was fined $1 or ten days in jail for selling a newspaper oil Sunday. The eases against Charles Campbell and Alice Gart- land of the Grand Union Noted were enlarged for a week. Detroit River Frozen. - Detroit, Jan. 19.—For the first time in several years skaters succeeded in crossing the river from Belie Isle to the Canadian shore. Few Detroit people can recall winters when the channel between the island and Canada has been frozen solidly enough to bear the weight of hundreds of skaters, as it was yeater- day. William Brisbois Arrested. Windsor, Jan. 19. --Wm. Brisbois, aged 65 years, whose wife, aged 50, was found' frozen to death in a shanty.: at. McGregor with a gash in her head and bout whom : Brislbois told a rather --un- likely story, was arrested at McGregor, this afternoon by Detective Qa npau,• and will have to face a charge of man- slaughter: Port Arthur's New Elevator. Port Arthur, Jan. 19.—(Special,)—Thee' new 'Canadian Northern elevator at ;Port; Arthur received its first consignment - of wheat to -day. It will have a capacity of two million bushels when completed next month. Pelts Stolen at Wyoming Wyoming, Jan, 19.--0n Saturday night or Sunday morning thieves broke into the storehouse of T. L, Borrowman, furniture dealer, of this village,; ,ands stole ten otter, skins, one wildcat, and a large number, of red fox and skunk skins, the whole am• minting to about $500. Sudden Death at Walsingham.. Walsin loan Centre '. g ,Jan. 19: hit. 'wll- ilam bnerggan'suddeniy passed away at 12.$0 a.m. at• his home •heri^e elle, era Conserva- tive representative Or South Norfolk' for the Loeb ie.Legislature;:for upwards- teen years, Towiashlp' Treasurer and4,111njor :', HAS NO PEER IN THE WESTI Great London Daily that. Meads all Competitors, MEAT ENTERPRISE HAS DON The Free Press is the Greatest News P4aper ira Westeral Ontario--Som.ei SPeCial Feat tree —The Low Price at Wiliest Its Three Editions Are Sold, The London Free Press Printing Company, Limited, have entered up- on p utl the uew year with fresh e+a•tletzce of the abundant enterprise which has always characterized that newsiest and most w ideawaake of the big dailies of the west, No expense is spared to ob- twain the latest news, The nlauageinent of this important daily have lust established as special corps of Vigilant Haws gatherers in I every eectien of the western part of the Province. These special corresi,one dente have had placed at their benne. di,tte service the telegeoph wires of the country, and can he relied upon tta furnish IDu c - q b, and crisp style:+ every happening of interest. The greet news -collecting agencies of the world will continue to supply the Fress Press with Complete cable and telegraphic reports. The Sprang events of the day, with; readable comment upon past and pies. pective incidents in all departments of sport, will be given in eaalnprehensive trtbtrlrler, Asan illustrated newspaper,the Free Press leads in Ganediatn jo►rrnaalasii►. Portraits of notable people. and repro duetioras of scenes of interest. are regularly ftar'nlebed, The Retest all accur.zte market re- parts are made as specially imparts„ t .v._. ke1aitre, farriers and bie-.hires' Men who awe e R1lssell�l'taata,rof t sliest -ai. orae caf thl� h a triena:ed the value of . i' 'Gla ,lv s •a a I te. of +�� S v c' s ttA, tt a. re* e' , c• +l a la t. tilesIndispensable. n! tore age ern' eros p R � titles thews iatolispt n,,tlile. 1; The 1'1 uatten. is Pep is as feature ore t"4'414°1 bat 1.. H41alal T"4"" d z '. lots Saturdays Free Press: it contains in l; tats `r, N+las seat„ teI esting news for test' 'Women of Cin- tario. A: serial story of engt sing interest.' making 'arra-lot pirates, is anon the Minl 0115 otlte. • •r depot- (11,►tly;, Shirley,.'alai � n"to hotel ' p a l,, a � at a';. l;tel tot ,� 1 Food liaents of this popular journal. 1 prietlll; was allot four tinsel, by tan l' The Free Press is now n: ten -page English waiter named John (haws. 1rewspitperedzaily, with eixIeen pages Ile may ,recover, on Saturday. It is issued in three cell• y titans—morning, two o'clock sand even.' Wrn.3te Neil,a; f ontag main employed •ed a; and Strength, int,. The earl} morning issue covers on trod. L.1. & A ,Teat the junction, the west from five to eight hours St. Thomas. watts struck by the pawn- i' . ahead of other, cont etitors. It is a r- ger lysin ittatn the ...est tsrs* S;atIiI11 culaated in ever • city, town e morning, , y',:' .'hili--"ak$att:b Falod, nest in'malt, } iG, . ©a n and village !, ,lie pas hit by Lhe en rny, in Western Ontario. The price IS . and thrown against se switch. lie is. genie" and: at3r)sIl[�lt,atca t taxi tis to.ilaiy per year, deliverers at any p st edict', ' suffering from concussion of the brain, lar ;1110%. aifl 011►er 14r"c;ekf,Ist rain Iltef two o'clock nand evening editiono' • tT foods as a nnnr1 hvrfor hotly eand train ;u•i each $2 per annum at your post •" inghaarar: A happy and au-t)iciftts . Many eminent ppir$sie itans .heave made wilier, } p went occurred at the reriderie a of 1Ir. the positive declaration that it is the The ever-increasing circulation has .find Mrs. L. I'earen. gm "tVedues lay only fond which truly fuliows the spathe it necessary to install the N ere ; evening. when 5s l. l;u;t ('asnitts, sit-;; pianf4 (Yr nature. it '1 9 eelat;111y etas - to')' elf )oral. iyt,aron took tilt. 11)a1t ut•-t• stir min * children, aadtlt�t at.la cte:a lane vi i proved fust v wilarg pr relsIt, vr)or*with 1 1 i, i ''; )11 ora .lite, Itsalelictous !haver liras :rzsd ♦ ssituars to lite Fite will +alvvatys by . ti. r, is a t n 11'lealgh, .file , ► t N t er,re;asion was ;deo the twenty-fifth an. ! made it a favorite with tens of theous- nivers;try of the rn,4) ► 'elle. 1..' ,lit•. and :arida �a Ito fol mt'tly 111.1 e1 outer' Iii u,ds Mrs. 'Pearn. 11;1l:' friends; were pre- of cereal foods. , sent to Zvitnees the int (weal ha tyre-; �1Ia+1tFatc,tl.faet.1'otodis now within anony. The many friends of the bride rea01l of the humblest families. One and groom of 'Wednesday and of the r package Neill give twice' as many swells inside 1111d gl"(10I1) of 41 ( natter of as ecu- • as other foods e.:n 1tfltla l7, snaking; it Miry ago, will wish them still much, the most economical coeds that families on r1 W'alTant Issued i)y the Provincial happintsse.and prosperity on thf jour- can use, Telae gamer will recommend police, eh;u'ging bin Nvitla Iles jury, 1 Hcy of life'. it. -ALCOHOLIC:.DRINK$ MEDICINES. Several European and; American governments have made comparative tests of alcoholic anti non-alcoholic beverages for soldiers on forced march. These tests have inva=iabiy resulted in the withdrawal of alcoholic drinks during all strenuous work, chocolate and other sweet beverages being given instead. Tine result of these scientific re- searches is applicable to the army of feeble and overworked people seek- ing strength, Liquid medicines are necessarily alcoholic; they merely stimulate and 'their effect is only temporary. Weak ak �� +� � people should take S. ,jaelOs. 't . A.FBr2s, which are a r'ecou- structive and a tigst'e builder i their effects are iasti ta:�;-, ,. ' a permanent improvement vents :.. , follow their steady use. S. JANUS \V41r> Rs help stomach, digest food and send the nutriment through the blood, and this is the honest way to get health and strength, the. kind that lasts, develops and breeds the energy whist mom. sidles much. .4 y Ides W C a . t, ft1Si Q it � B ri Warn* f d =tout er wellenX rs acute r �? P rat #o the; nerves mutt;mull,recommit:4k theta geaereti,y." tsr, Tiros, #rocks,, et ancl?cere,r, letup Priaaie gasizzsla. $1.00; Pilaw bottietf for $ .QLi s St,Aprev trioti 7ir:.e" s emit term y-7.170d4ea501en6'aESrdQ;ry'.Ss- tas3ntenafdv ; Uaseeta4hexrli5 1a+rf$ ate attail dhe,�grmuts Won. r('141(. 'a'<hsre•d a1ersateteaceU iax(ae evete; s, they ere t�aatted upon re- e+•itat of race at the Canadian branch : St.. James alta!r(;3 r9, i7?$ St. GsIttrtee St•, Monhisst, aver^at tads been issued for $15,005 est the Gravel Trreeek on behalf of aid Mrs, ThOS, C:oOke, in tired in Geo. Dau las of Dn I: tate 1,'t annstcd oro oke to the penitentiary for threes yeast), fest halving as nitauld in his paa.,eeesI0aa ear;; Gives Force, Vigor, Vitality Nee tangle callers, The presses ratan b sten in operation at the bore of 4 a.m. land 1 and 3,30 p.m. John. Mitchell, tchell, of Walkerton, Brute County, Nvaas lodged in jail Wednesday by Detective Campeau itnd Mahoney What's the Price To—Day ? The farmer who already knows the market prices for grain and produce need fear no combination of buyers when he goes to market. How often the buyers get together" on prices every farmer knows. How often has a farmer sold his grain in one town for a couple of cents less than the buyers were paying in a neigh - Y boring' market? I.t P= a s to' keepposted' on the markets. The 'Toronto Daily Star has the best market reports. ;of anycitypaper. It ' has men who do nothing, else, but study the' P P —wh give it all their time and attention, and you can market a o g get all this information in the Star eveiY.weekdaY .for a year ,.,._ and your own local paper as well for $2.20. loads of grain bushel on onlytwo a b..._. If you save a cent a sh knowing the prices t will about pay the pri a )won't it . Besides think of being in touch with the world's s neas everyaY Subscribe direct to the .Star or through the office ce of this Per. a g . Both the Dail Star and this: , as : for � 2.2o. P �ser , P_ • A al,