HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-1-22, Page 3SOB SPIRITUAL VICTORIES Whioh Shall Be WOD. During the Course of the Present Year. Meaner Iowans to Act or the Textiement ra-4 =de. AD th Otte Wtto mind .hatte Li 4*d and Three, bx- 141°Y. Tore 40., *4 Olverotteitk et A51,.iidAt.e. 000tea A: despatch from Chicago says: Rev. Frank DeWitt Talmage preitch- ed beetle the milowirg text: toe - your days wben you ley upon a bed ei sickness. You have 1 ad dans wlien esour life was hanging by a. Slender thread, ready to be snapped by Ceath at any niontent. Your wife and mother nursing, iiou etz the time did not think that yen fully realized verbs D, U. ”Tbe years oi thy Lie Itow si'ett you were. Von did- loll shall be increased." knew it by the anxious way tee doe - t ant going to be a, gospel prophet tide mereupg, ere not only going to tell you that this enew yeer ie to he tee be5t. year of your life. tett it is aloe going to be a precursor oi limey tither iteeful years. am go - tor watched. You enew by the cere the nurses took in givieg the proeer es 0,t the exact time. T1 en - oh, then in that dark hour you felt did the poor fellow eliain I urea some weeke ego. One Saturday he which will never, aever fail. Cling LQ him, my brother. Cling to hide as Jacob wrestled with the angel in prayer. and be will bless. you %and never let you fall. Brother and sister in Christ, the mirk before the church fra stupen- dous. This goSpel battle is to be AP (atilAr9 PlaO, We have NVelomect you into eur rake by the name of JeSi15. Now close up the renks. Now kneel, and mete one earneee. intense pryer berore we start on our new gospel cempaign, Now, are you reedy ? Forwarri in the name of our Captain I Forward Against 11; Elite l 18, 19; Col, to 3 ; III aitelfeagssiotwats611 Do you want. a sure end elreoet These. iii, ; Heb. xiii, 18. The n.7 - instant relief for come), or SOVCrO more we pray the more We ore like ee; , Cedi colds involving the tbroat and upper ' the rieen asceadett Cerist, who ever efti - nee bronehial tubes"? Then take a piece itnportant prayere whieh all Chris -14Q e‘dil ef emonion brown paper about four tel 1 by six /mime in size, spread Nei eh preyetli. Let me euggest, three Most hel tiaas would do well to pray COO -1 ei7 ---1 r401 iVaaelitte or itiod, or any kind et soft tiitually-tiatt. ix, 88; Isa, lidi, d,leOonenerweraaliwititeeneceweekitio.e grease that May be handy, time ein$. tTblioe, ratehoyoouf.iinaorni Jesus W ‘4'141‘41.41'*" at7wo,4"'„ 4iii*r tg:nr;te "t1";3; tobrilliteYst°,veerelit'ylrt n4d1Pi be surpris at TAO restue. - 7; Rev. tocii, 8. SOME GOOD RE l ° lir40)ialt.' We greatly need to understand Mock Turkey ..a. iwoke 1.* Iles. veel.1 When cleaning windows. tehr eOftil grace, for by it we are seved• in it Joh ibe. fresh eerie, chop lire and 1,14X par for rubbing theta one The we stand, and the fullness of a WO tlieroughler with two eggs nilatell reaaltaet br""cy will charm' the' ellen, see when Jesus comes mph, eit lightly, one guy bread crumbs, eep- most i'pernitety" bousekeerer. For o„ 9; lam. e11 a ; ei 2 ; rot. per anti Salt to taste. Work ell to- mirrors soft pOper etenelly tkie citadel of sin Forward for the i, 13). Perhaps it is nowhere mere gee, r redemption. of our loved onee ! Fore fullY set forth then in 11 Cote viii. „turn gine aatt hake 14 pole; The paPer 'Vest is especially Tait:a- ward to capture Chicago for Christi 9, and its applicetion to xis in II Serve with grayy, line for those 'bo xnust le exposed Forward, march Forward, novel% I Coe, ix, oeti also John j lereP Cakes A to the coid for 71154W home.; oe a, . Vol Thu. i, "Not() bow It bo, CUP rye meai. hi cup Hour, scant belt- time. 11'or this, tote eee-sy nuenile. gins end ends nearly all tbei epistles teditsPee4 gal; orte teiispocee tepo paper -flour seeks will de -rub it, to TRE SUNDAY' SC1100 to Paul. "My grace ig Suir:Cient for111 nail °LIP milk °Jul' elle egg s° fatee te the neck' "ivels' and let us mer reline() in Ins worii t-wes st-ea3Peerts balatt`?; o'er. '9°fte4 i!'sQlrevh:Jt' thee" (II Cor. 9), beaten light- Beat thoroughly ape ard line with thin metered, sew idrop ity teaspooniuls hoe twee. hot tepetber. bind, arid foish with (nth- INTERNAT/ONAI. LESSON, pat. Cook till el.ey turn oi,or and er buttcns And teittoriho.es, hooke PERSONAL wrz-WTP... browrt and do not, stick' to tee iere. Land eyes. This aell be found better ire; Co say te you. as Solomon sat was at' war ice Crisp Waffies-Beat tim yolitte et:Allan the eleemois jacOet or Test, ta so Intn These. wo leiletp About Some of tne Weelclis heor Wrote lentil thick. add half pint, wee* ueually worn. Nemo -tit the oi aid. oat, oevonnt ot thin corn, reYt bO on the ii -e3480 lie littinetlai earthly longevity shalt be tenht..eat bis life. Atter the operation they I Broredoeat Peeple. and then ewer Vrixtuie slowly elotbieg by.tnelle bence enlist he Peet It IS Se'ld that tiie ftf the Smooth strain through e, sieve, Beat veet, worn ineide the coat, can grist - v., dir. into Ge toblespooret dour. blunt Olt othe indocrs, whilte the rarer xlonoLy ng Year cen eireted to Cioa eour tererating table as a last reeort for i e • Qdlidett 1-04ti I WeS3.* HE 13AD '1'0 DIE. .good, both 551014; yourselve5, and wear glovee. one et tee principal alial belie at„ owe, on a, well greeeed ter. anti OA easily put ou exga131 Whe0 to all men, hobbies is gardening, end be is wadde iron. The mixture must Le Deeded. 4* filly great expectations for your 'Ile looted up in a pathetic way and, i ieheie words seem to tr;ouee au proucler of the lovely gardens awe vowed in uutil it pest_ coeera the A man wiso syeet warty winters in efoiritelal welfare Aral tome conseira.-. Snit' ± I do not want - . - "- . to die' / sin the ealiorettions of ithete ewe settee greenhouses el' Loewe than of dull iron so they wig be thin and crisp. ° bunter eampe soid tliet. tetrie putt liU1 of the rieW PNAr ere not millY afraid to die, Oh. do not let nto concernir Ilie unrely tele feeble tither of his Melly poseeseione, Pointy SenOwicti Filliegeelitereeihat tiog on hiR 13131134,SclIcia5151.14eell Will'inpaPr 101:0404 'won my own teeth, but a ... loten the faith of no earnest tienti of svores and neores of PlaYing Men pod women who 4re loenielY Feel int; . trouble. when you krew t ta no e ur ji . „ eco 4 e oier a circuuittencee, ue Ftgot4r4 ye • • eh Was Ineeente e e vo ()Pim • hour geoii- Thiss bud is Ven1P°''°"/ 4110,11 aid could reecior you ? Did you, eta to.eitae, loth tiou In (hap- -Majesty on tier voronatiem by the ebrieldeil ordirrittel celery. wit,h a. ilera ammeter was below eeret. ter iv, PI., WO have sot tefore tie tee' City of Irtiettsee in Siberie, the gene tie 6elt. 7110 .11114tUter 1* trtt.O A 1/ there is a eel:welter of hethling in t, prectivelly say at that tune. ' 0111. Gad, if you will melte xrte well leituttiut yroseett of teing 'ever tre of the Iluseiatt fur trade. with malrenutaiae and epiead bee winter. or if too irreat a Wft5gIrt Or end Came to nlY rt'scile -I will give with the Lord" in our glove 03 hod- The 11011. Id. nili, crSellivan, the teen thin. round gimes of eeteilwich hed elothee is noCillied. try i ett'sliae tittlaTeyortuftitis'"avarinnct jaepseurisbotitilletiti rot:. i INI-11041191",c....14f.,°:.,t Ithaee,anidiet,illy,„s,;:fe" tlint wiliie vie 00i0Ont ill tlifiee Illinister of Public Works in Now bread, or oblongs of brown breed pera epreed lieneetb tne out.eine cove Itotem freehom. What h it he to !hoe e'tv". -**-4' "•4*I. '''... -...'". nlorted botheh hhe 18 ever with us otiouth thmeh. t.et, boitet of having front which tbe CrrSt 14'15 been cut. erieg. arrsilveltilviallpi;raLiitli31:9141Ortittr: atter bis itta,weret iitotbiete bet holt kept T.Vermi,siceltilig'dhaYalliteh :fret, tliiislatt. rociriii. 20) and theuld to to i filled ever:: position ou a newspaper. Colordel Breatilmit Plitheelloil feur SIMPIY kairger aud ovine meal wounds hnd .h/eve you gi yon ti la your sinful heart. daill.dleurgol.witiest reality in, all Our . from the. lowest to the highest. or doe Its. coreehl bee. Let ceoi . pair tit hiaillietn• i Bern in Taiimania. at the lige of ten in t1*: Water in whwh it Was e1.0:**11.. (mil°. Pitt it 1,01.1:* Alt WW/ 11 to tO be purged froze it* past sins ? . i Li ie. tiamee evermore. vre t y he was installed AS printeide devil to make tender. ilemove the meat eh th, els sloe by tee hvintiremie and +; heett the sharp, EVERY-Jr:I TABLE. ;lora Cotribalill Iiited the 3III'II'' "rr IThdiecs broken vows are to-dey iii•iveoenit-th ' ''' "t" i" . oenewthien at the office of the Hobart Mere and Set. aeide till thoroughly coid.i hem nagger oi ret t,lotlee hoatt_ii;sistitas t , 1 ,S :IS C.1:0 " .-W*71 i 1 - 01 ,eeetisrsYi•volyie Afterwards be.calue Nue-. let, water titand over night.. remoVell The art of it rg a e compositor, reeorieei sub_ the fat congealed on tOP and ti.ss *or eicrieiens. not in loedinir, on ato r ., y gocil titnoti of Ile -tette. and the young men noel.- , huh into your weeding. reinntont IT:1 'Mini, keee.eineg,b. , 'prieo 10 act great. ItrOtt the 'menu:M.1unit phithte" iith it h alma it a Ai . mei toP ilioloaleti. liefoe4: th e Prohnietor. Tre, -den be OW115 heti% slicing' cheP line* iv" Ciald balled Ple'''!7-llg. l4 t '-'e Wei eS e- " I 1!-11-"k here! of worhers surroundirg nee, atail beets In inie pronortion Oetrouset writee A, corral:mm.0m. on. ese Lord their God eaul to rejoice in mortituo, evenieg, and weekly Jour- Patartiees o . ova, goat v‘ith o ettutecaatee en. rea tee eraid, "Serve tbe 1.oril With , COI:et lohitoi. na is well !mown. ° ,igive use thought lee the aPpearitriee 1 14, 1S, Ever follow that which Belgians has never been 'mown to %be whites until 'petit few teem, in ty be etneeeed, upon reachleg Ode ed. iiThe years of thy life elialt be 'Chi bint ineiemeed." o • bony of your dangerous sickniee ? "he \Woo. the Bite The !idwager riiiiitrehS- 01 11°4414 table wheie 04110iX3 3 and datutie3 6 ripe o p die I" 'What did you do in that „„; What did you do In that hour ot tient to ell. All nio Muneateroed lu PesSidieee the Meet teillietielOe settle are a liQueelleld tratition the stud -in -ea. eonteettentle miter eerie 10, wtere iire &Aught, tliet fx1r Cloak eVer made. It la veatien at delleice sandividi liso ene suttereil front told feet thoreh out • • parts in the forest tor houre ohm tt a there eetir friende ond your loved ones. it ia au all contiueriug baud wliesit. :baIlsoon, aye. I thion tos-dao, eat^ 1CtaPirrst4;oitrYe 'd1411:41"e•ferA•31:1Y man of Obt°11a7Orti, :.4-011(111 rh.9:1(3°11:tvber417..°C:etSvSelVieol.t.errc:„It44.14: 744114; ectlintvoitor. heetteta etIditoteli emit cfrteiVliorghling'PlOevrttiet.‘eutithaerelltile4ottfitEutcohr tiateteelleIrse:1-11.v.iligh4tt en YrItalian.e44 nee0410 30 . ver fryb4 14.43.4 (s'r ellr161- "Ut t" e ere " toidey are going to be true to thee° 1 litie the itanicin PatrtOtS. Vtre willirg their feacts (Peet. mil. 1.14,74). flattik, • rabk aar at rart t 411 tk ac: lft Scit:ottle4 oftlZi all I .14V ztVg.". dn: Z. rit 10 g NS throw h any privotions If trey "'"'t 'rut ee"edese iaihn ist1"1 Can vile bring rell retMltal.t $ a". • r elachneets; come totem Ids lrestnecelalweys wears boote ot his own make''? theiiiiiisiu. Nati woultl not break a with ttrhatigt. (het c „ , ail le 03 Tom, itts ea Ore Kt at !Arra Osx ") d tete h h t le it I A Ilea* Wbote Wbeat Food -If Tl their tetne. UM to tilt(' foot aid the came. you that otiod hitinto a. very limited • Mow. oe a gosisie tranir-orniotiott pledge WWI Any it1311 tO whoa* our eeccemorig itiy" 1 of the shoemaker who taught him with A delicioita eireaeta,st foo4 that i Others fall wholesome anil Lie iS etoon to tato fil0Oe itt 41t• Ude. Aitre Vein' word. Irotte boost, hereto- U. xplit, eh. 'the propliets t0.0611it, the tirade ; hue the latter was eer. Ing. hollostlY meet,- .round eit tOod and continue the 6=55 ov .3001.3 novo waiter Meet. -Icourse the whole yew. round. and dry it, in on peen oven, when by themeelves tleir tabie might 3 mott onion to 'nu 1.0,,chty eoeno oe fore has ithveys been that emir to tahotte in the Lord no joy in taitt that the Count. would etarve ehite nee lite new resolves by ivitich Ma Orett" wt°4 IS es good SS 13311ar bill"' GOil and Pointed Onivard to a thee 014 he endeavor to earn a. living by que rind It in coa , ithh hcat, is Neither will you to -day. oh. man. of eveilestirg jity and glitiltaisa when, hoot -manufacturing. as the work pilt efa, collate mal, week an g be looeied at with 0, etiouin To INsputo yourt Lam doe° in tt. doubie boiler, using ow eye. But when coropeny comes to -what iet inter heels 1 mit about to tell you here lend row bow ,eou are going to (meet thoeis things tioat ore behind anti age unronsecrated mem Ile says to tow much more now that Jesus trio .edneation andculture-to turn shoe - reach (wilt rine °lute things that himself. "What is the good of sacri- critell'ese haa risen from 0 e dead .Makers. hut they declined. eaten with creamy eat* Cbut without , • • • • . An interesting story is attacbed to sugar), it you do Mit at once bee ' hone light at sight ot the eetistie. ineit- tion to d'uner. and m g t enulue dee meek Hoe tee prim of the Iiiiiii Cane oti• appriviate it. My doctrine Is to tand of God, melon all things SUrei a rine which the Kaiser always est. out it will oe herheisiehi eome a deirotee of the good, .1 . , , Z0 - are before and prese toward idol ' tieing for other peuple ? They neve anti by hlis presence at the right i inie of God 111 hitrint tlelulth ' look after number ono and let num- to lila redeemed! How to ProY wears on the little finr,er at his left Mg meal, asted my Mend Nyhenee 'Ito psalmist tells UR that God ber two look Oleo himeelf. The without (wising is illustrated by the baud, att a Ullmann tig111114 O.11 per- lavas. cheithett snot and mot" Figs PlIdding-One etip each of mizie'valre iler 'It ea -a t. ,. O. DUI. tho children'a Oeope the toirs of his loied ones in 'world will always ride a willing vomit who assordated per with ,sonal danger. It Is field that a ah uctiens spoiled the meal. 'Inv ace - of the Wife or Elector John of CUI3 11011r, WO eltra one wieepoon, .ed lite little savildes and stitrni. la tett, of soda, arid cinnemon. 'half tea.- Eight lefore, Finally the little girl though they never had seen ellen . 9 it bottle, Lora weeli Bud hued one ',horse to death. Tim) the only obse- every act le her life - tn her WIWI. ' toad one day hopped into the room of tie liteefiliit tears width were 'quies that willing home will ever Ing, dreesiugs, cooliirg, etc., thinkleg - lead over emir cradle. lio Ideittl get 111 0 serivetitier's cart for a. Of Hie blood, Ills rlithtenusileio• liranilenburg and (100511ted a stone to ether Spoon nutmeg and one3 Out fige. Mix , buret into tears, h o 1 e 1 Ute weeding treiteure upen the heave. and a glue factory for a libreeilf, tto Livirg Bread. Always on her bed. The creature disappear- well the mole/ova suet. 'elute leiter iii an avert tif Merk'Y altd erentatory. No. no. no. The brae- thanliful nod living in ilis Will im il 1 - -- - -- " 'i od but the stone remained, and was elite. and the pas cut one. mai a "Well. little one." 1 iodic.. w lit "shit --Uni itneteli enil droll ,thsiet ties of self oacrilicing Oo not appeal inetrated by one of Mrs. Bottenehs ;,, owe afterwards jealously guarded by solve the soda with one tableepoon Is it?" Thrergh her tears She. ":'ea'' bect out, "I wish =mom '11 tuwer 'tear ull'Ita to'tt Y°1`313. uhla,,S,"1.°4" to ION The more I lutve the more xtorli 3 of a waiter who, 'accidentally ',the Itobeneollerns. Frederick the hot water. mix with the milli, awl "I'd 'Inuomt Milt wIth Use i"iliirit'.4 people reepect me. Tile less I have jostling another, received some hot Oreatre father had the stone set In a the eggs light and stir into the a „,,,,. , add to the other ingreilionts, Beat lia•ve anrinallY to dinner, cameo it poems." Last night God sea an- tbe less they respect ine. Tee more water on him and pleasantly said to 1 ring, and tido has over since been loots like tairyiard then," wee her other white winged mesioneer with i out „minx to servo others the III e one carrying 'the water, 'Never t were b y the head of the house. mixture. Add the doer and beat eiliti"s4 rePeir• used to a wellezet tuble that her lit- ' The child was So un- to.° !tor leer oet of Lis bOttle.. thej more my motives will be misjudged, mind; It is all in the will." I h trouohly. Butter two anell , , . ie d not uneerstanu eue 401:tin:Jo longer to break those old eorrow und Melting eliall Ilea away . into each pair wee too excellent in"1 inerititeea you made to God. Mato 111, 18; hie. xenv, 10). If heel slow to prove proiltable. Some time , eup of wheat to tWo or tem+) of th 1°110 Joy or a. self sacrificing Chris- fore the great redemption WitO fine .. age Pftitrit Tolstoi tried to persuade and when ter end one de.esertsloon of Salt. it is tberoliAlliy reheatol TttlelletlbtselelliteluatixtirehtamsP(0)ttleilit5istiflentalo tieri life does not appeal to the AM°, Pilled 'wool° could be thus joyful. 1tswo of his disciples -young Inert ot for the next mornierfs broalifeed, and ot " trod n Invitee Tim Ettiser has strono opinions on 11 1 on tern the tie brain ce"l' niter unothee did kitt 010V wete told. 'big their money to public instate- Servo with creemy sauce mane evIth ionnite frorn her every -day meals. by yotir rather on the day you Joined and r wilt he wtheehresheata..• • 10, 20. Quench not the Spirit. Dee ' a mo (5. or one liege e, he, I tern mede that deduction slim not Prollhesrings• the practiee Of wealthy persons leave mieture in and steem. five hours. the thereto One white %einem! angel. But the .e. Ofathers what n mietelie it is to. t Wire ttOri entirely - While unbelievers reeist tho S hit noiny years ago P tions without any regard for relit- butter, one eup powdered sugar, e eiecuieout yorr little ones to sit * ionise my in le. mg limn belleters may grieve or quentsh down to untidy meale wisen some 0.1 r lime and heart. se tiVes In POOr circumstances. A year cup cream or one teaspoon ex- , marmot( man. lay a.atitto of the of the churches luso el:0dt (Acta vii, 61; Epli. iv, 80). .1) • two sin or unbelief we orieve the , t .lh; or two ago 1Ttno Meyer, a brewer, of tract of %saltine. or lemon. end four little touchtss euch as a. few flowers y eel o p d Vine talons at tears Y 'VHF 1TeP It an. NI '• - • Johannesburie lef to the town of tablenpoons mar er e of eam. Beet. the result of ei bit of forethouglit, I -will make all the difference in thi einful world, as eou sit there with the tears running' down your 011(01.8, you think they are your Woes. They are aut. They are the tears of your dead end redeemel Maur end whiih God has long been pre- sertibig in his sacred bottle. 'I he are the tears of joy e hick your fa- ther and mother are now tibecitline izt heaven. because the white winged angels have already flown to the Clelestial City to announce to them Mae their boy is now ready to cast hienuelf upon the love of Jesus and be sexed. Oh, to -day the sacred basal of Christian worshipers about wo can hardly eeep front ciaOPing their hands in joy. "Mother was not fond of society. She was a horaebody. She lited mostly for father and us children." Well. my ,brother, if your mother was a homehody and lived mostly for her children, do you not see that if you refused to repent, refueeit to consecrate your life to the cross, re- fused to be a good man and live .a pure life, that your sinful acts would be damming back a great part of her priteers and the good results of her nfe? When your mother died, you gathered up .all the Irene, syru- py:tactic letters which were written to you about her past kindnesses. You also had the officiating minister write down his funeral address. Then you had those letters and that addressi all printed and bound to- gether into a booklet, which you called. tho re+ men spiritually. 'new nth, Tam or by refusing to utter that The Emperor's conseat is required gradually. beating ,D the while. ;evorld, ad surely save mortifica, :Sperit. I3y refuenve to fisten et, ee, The self sacrificing men are always ' ' ettettin ,?ino.vy.Li to build a uniiieum. the butter to a. cream, e 4 • not the Sellish men. They Ore not whirl!. Ile givea us to say O V° .•.°M.41 for the exceptance of such legacies, When light and creamy, add the thet• iose who will grab and keep au the frepirit. lie hail spoken in roeou t and in this case lie refused the core cream a little at a time. When ail It is a good plan to always nevi that they enit 1.1.0 Dead, sea it phety as well as In other portione ,poration's petition on the groundhand a few dainties earefulle bitter and acrid and saline and re- 01 Scrilitlire' but many Christians is beaten smooth place the bowl in a ;stowed away for the unexpected turn away from prophecy altogether, that the \vitt violated a inorel duty basin of hot Water, and stir uatil it will sieve time ant t xis indigent relations whom the sauce is smooth and creamy t• `worry. "Arg MOTHER'S MEMORIAL." waters of the mountain brook laugh en 17 110111, xv 4. II Tim. Ili, the 4 4 peror, therefore, insisted on Stettin minutes. r testator had ignored. The tem no. longer. „lilts ANiqs1 l atadicicoinouys a..„...._. Stt000 puisivo merely because it hal; 80 ,t, OUAlot and only inlets, white the Ica ii lit; lug no beat to Rev. xix, 10; II . it lets rill its waters run towards 21, 22. Prove all things; hold fast indemnifying Herr lleyer's needy kin and if well beaten and not kent in before building the museum hat water the sea. Who do you think was hap -w of .1. That hich is good. Abstain from - g : ,, h to melt the and gurgle end elm; merely because d'''' ' pier. Herod. bloody Herod. loath- Prince Williaat Ernest, the. present sugar, it will be white and foamy some ht mind and spirit. or Paul,' The only way to prove all things which the late Prince Ed ruler of Satie-Weimar-the State all through. If it is necessary to liPirst Symptom Is Disilicliesatiet for Ezertion. all appearance 0 evil. who had given up his whole life to is by the whole word of God. Con- rificed by his morgana.tic. niwitarrrlare-e- . beafkoreetdhiernl.learu,ceoat ' I t water until serving time, . tie patient at Johns Hopkins Iles fill 7otlepulthe 01 112130 e btioneql petal, Baltimore, Md.. is eruct, by thi pletannians there to to suberng from a. diseaso which has, as far as re w bords go, only once before eppearod in Maryland. The disease is knowt as ankylostoma. or "lazy diseese," and a.cquires its name from. the faet that the most striking visible semp, tom is an. increasing disinciluatimi for physical exertion of any kind anti the most extreme 1W:5i:tilde. TM authorities at the hospital refuse to divulge the name of the patient un- der treittment, but stated that'll bro thdr of the patient recently dieci front a similar disease. Guided by tht facts furnished by a. post, mortem ea amiaa.tion in the former case, Su- perintendent Hurd of the hospital, states that the- patient will recover. The only other mum is reported ie the Johns Hopkins Hospital ottilo tin, December, 1901, and was that of an English sailor, who WaS sent to Bayview Asylum from le. e-essel which had recently arrived in port froni a esouthern voyage. He was supposed to be suffering from antue mia, and continued to Sink until 111 died on the. eighteenth day after hie admiseion. A, postenortera examine ation by the pshysicians at the Johns. Hoplcins Hospital, made at the re-. quest oe the Bayview authorities, re. vealed the ,fact that many thousande �f infinitesimal parasites were cietivei ly at work boring into the niucoue membrane ot the intestines and came Mg a •loss of bld, ivith reeultant lassituile and inertia and finally pro- ducing death'. Thee° pep/sites, ate coraing to the statement of Dr. Hurd, are especially abundant in one tain sections of the Carolinas told Georgia,. mud, the disease is prevalent among what are known as the "clay ei a eaters" of that region. . IINCON'SOTeED. NEW DIS.EASE. Jesus ? Herod, with jewels on his lingers, or the apostolic tentmaker, with his hands greasy with rope - making ? Who do you think to -day is happier, the woman who is only livinir for social conquest or the Sal- vation Army girl, going with a loaf of bread in one hand and a. Bible in the other hand to carry the gospel teaching from supposed orthodox of Jesus Christ into the slums ? pulpits it is indeed a time to prove Yes, my repentant friend the ensio all things and try the spirits wheth- ing year is to be a happy year for they are . of God (1 John iv, 1). you, Tt, is to be a year when you Test every doctrine by the incai•na- shall quaff a chalice filled with the tion, the atonement, the resurrec- sweetest nectar. You shale drink tion and the return of Christ and hereafter out of the golden goblet hold fast tbe faithful word (Tit. I, filled by those whose sorrows you 0). ha.ve alleviated end whose sobs you 23, 24. And the very God of peace defeats and heartaches and disap- sanctify you wholly. * * Faithful is pointments. You have also had He that calleth you, tvlio also will have turned into songs of eternal do it. rapture. How beautiful is this name of our Each January we all make fresh Father in heaven, "The God of resolutions. Some years ago I peace," See also Rom. xv, 38 ; xvi, preached a sermon called "New 20; Hob. xiii, 20; Thess. 16. Year's Resolutions." I made The experience here described seems that sermon from. the answers I re- impossible. and it is indeed to sin- ceived from friends whom I met. ful men, for ,all that God asks of us Every one I would accost with the is impossible to us. He demands same sentence, "What is your New righteousness and absolute perfec- Year's resolution 7.* SOille would tion, and we have neither, nor can say this, some that and some the we obtain them by any works of other thing. But many answered nie ours, but Be provides all fully and thus : "I have aot got any. I have freely in Christ. He has called us to made se, many New Year's resole- a pottnersbip in which Ho provides tions to the past and broken them everything, and He asks us to ac - that T do not intend to make any cept freely and just let Flint be the more." But, I did not then and do doer of it all (I. Cor. i, 9; x, 18). not now believd theY were telling 'The R. V. teaches that it is at the the truth. I do not believe there is coming of our ,Lord Jesus Christ that a man or woman or child who does spirit, soul and body are to be not make blameless, not before that event, for SOME nTEW RESOIXTION. we ceinnot have our immortal bodies But the trouble is after you ha,ve till Jesus comes at taught in chap- . made your New. Year's resolutions ter iv, 16,s 17. In "'Christ, as the you go out in your own strength Father sees us 'Him, we ere even and try to battle with your old now washed, sanctified, justified and temptations, and then you are fiung hierfecteds foreyer (I Cor. -vi, 11 ; again and again. But, my brother, Hb. x, 10, 14), but we wait till the . this year is going to be a different eesureection- of theaast for the full year from all others. You know realization of it. your weaknesses and failures. You 25-27. Brethren, eray for us. know you cannot win a spiritual Pael loved to be prayed for. So success in your own strength. There- veell may we. Hp knew that -the fore you are ready to coescientiouse Lord Jesus was ever praying for ly ask God to help you ite the struge him, y,et he 0,80 knew that it is the sider all that the Spirit hae written is a young man in his twenties, w 0 upon any and every subject, believe is said to be on'swarm terms with it will be spoiled by stanelino. Ps. cxix, 89, "Forever, 0 Lord, h'hY dose interest in -the liaisees schemes ing every word and remembering the Emperor William, and to have al days of many doctrines, of Christian Ile is rich -immensely rich -with vast Make your boy a slipper case cove Science (so called), theosophy, estates in Ilolla.nd and Silesia, and ered with bright cretonne and see if spiritualisin and the much false a fortune of twenty million dollars be will not put his slippers in place. Bear in mind that your children's to spend. lie is interesting, too, faults and failings may have been in - not merely because he is young tind 011 ,i,_ herited from you and be patient and has his head screwed tightly '''' gentle,butfirm, in ot.sercoming them. shoulders, but because be is the only Nothing ,benefits the scalp wince Sovereign in the world who has his is prone to dandruff more than sys- own grandfather as his heir. tematic massage with the lingers During her stay at Eiel the Czar- This starts a d keeps in order the Ina spent much time in driving and eire-ulation. li were in an any position you may have to fill. Cultiva.te the art of fitting in to .shopping with her sister. One morn-, ing, while the two ladies art shop, a large crown cellected to It is ice° to expect the world to iit catch a glimpse of the Czarina as itself to your sbarp corners; you must fit yourself to it. she came out. To avoid this hom- age the Czarina asked the pro - There are three clasees of people in prietor if she could not escape by a the world: those who go ahead end back way. The•latter said he had do things, those who wonder w'hy a hack door, but owing to building something isn't done, and those who operations it was boarded up. criticize whatever is done. "That's nothing," returned laer "To see oursels as ithers see us," Majesty ; "if you get us a ladder is a, "giftie" not often granted us. WO can manage." A kidder was ob- Yet were it ours for a few rnometits, tallied, and the Empress of all the how soon the aspects of some farm - Hussies climbed over the back wall houses arel their uninviting Stir - into an abutting garden, passed rounclings would be altered. Walk through the house to which it be- out the first fine day to a distance longed, and reached the castle en- from which. you can view your home observed through side. streets. I and its setting in the light that it Although it is a fact little known neually appears to passers-by. Study to -day, Sir John Gorst went out as , it critically, as if you hod never seen a miesionary to the Maories some it before. Then think of other prct- forty years ago. Aftertvarda ex- ty, attractive homes you have seen changing -into the Goverranent ser- aod try to improve your own. vice he was appointed Resident Com -1 Where plants are, kept near win- missioner over ono of the most die- 'dows one must be on the lookout for affected districts of the colony, and "drafts from. _ the sides of the sa,sh there, in addition to other duties, during severe cold weather. Few plants will thrive in a dry, dust -lad - edited a leyal Maori journal. This paper was specially produced as a en atmosphere, and they will not re - rival to an aoti-British one, end th,e mein attractive and healeay with - story has been told that a faraoue 'hilt PleetY of light. Many plants appre-, will prove satisfa,ctory with little rebel chief named Rewi, not no sunshine, but light they must edieasteienngdotedi r iii,lotioe3i.,c'se eoclniteornitaslhtadvice,' or mid thaitic'tn,ei, irtt;sts,traosngnearlitgilixet,wtinoocto. 77 P.slinacsse captured the office. The man ' who was afterwards to become England's , ;As Pc)ssible" Minister of Education escaped wahine TLE wiAme----cm----or pAr ism. the lines of General eter Duricau l with bullets made" Out of his own other than the generally accepted ord is settled in heaven."In these for the development of the empire VALIIiiBLE 13tit, man, the mightiest and most triumphant memorial you could ever make of your mother's life is your own life consecrated to the service of Jeans, She put her blood and her life iptc• your life. So, man, this ought to be a happy year for you. Tt ought to be happy because by your own consecration to the ser- vice of the Lord Jesus you are here and now reedy to let your mother's prayers eeho arid re-echo and re- sound in your prayers. Her good deeds will find a true continuance in your good deeds. Her, Christ shall hereafter be, worshiped,with a sweet- er look because he is also now her boy's Christ. The hely endeavor to fulfill the past pledges which you have made to God shall be another desire in- spiring you during this ensuing hap- py now year. All your past days have not been bright and happy days. The meadow larks do, not slug when they hear the merciless growl of the destroying cyclone. The red roses of June do not like to rest their finishing cheeles against a Ja,11- 11ary snowbank. You may hove wel- comed the many congratulations which your friends shoivered upon you hi yoty, younger days of tra gle of life. will do it, Yes, he Will of God that we pray for each umphe. But you have also had your ;will give you the theme strength. Cameron, where be was lioialicircled'i There eee niany to.tis for paper ones. other. See Rom. xv, 30; II Cot. 1, type. "Remember," said the tvonian who tries to matte people happy, "that somewhere the sun ie shining," "Of course it is," answered lie'r husband. "And somewhere there aril tons upon tons of coal. thirig is to act all ihi genini warmth right here Where it is needed."