HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-1-22, Page 2IBMS BM TEE FMB
teat:ling Partners, With The
Wil404 DAtIghter$3 Were.
Take se piece ef woollen cloth, or it
piece et A blannet, and boll it thor-
oughly iu a &trong solution of caustie
Ieedawed you will fled the =el will
gradually be Rate.. away, leaving
nothing but the Beale:on. ntromea do
et realitte laOlY ''' 4034i talbstitutes:'
vhich, are geaveelly serellerged entb
fade, er hOW COV4110.0%4 alalinti &OPP&
. destroy' tbeir clotbleg; touseenently
The t'ecent Ontario Provincial Pairthey. weel by wea; 503eet costly
at Guelph demonserated oece more ' fabric to euen, treatment. The tawle
.th" 4113 ecille4°Q134 show ' .5%lthtvhti tilSO aeo immereed for beers in such
ally ef the co -celled, "attre,ctionsn . nonatoh5. re50„..log In eezega; coarse
g" he iRagle e'e eetlea3tiled' suggess' I akin, mad brittle eails. The caustic
/nee attendance wee mach greater soda raey loosen the dirt. nut it eats
teen, ever tefore, and although the %way tho fabri4 nuti ;vow tbe bonds.
neat building bed been considerebly i'Zillet.e is. tlo eeotzomy iu swat worx.
enlarged 1,314ring the, Oniquaer,th
'-e i It l& &O eesy ler a woman to test the
agecaaaa°4a*,,"° 'vaa..., agahl Igiund igr', allCereece between an Mali argell
zooequatie. olirUireas ai fannes-ra neap and ii aeatrza waseeex Bea% that
whes and enatehters were peaseet, ; it es ;strange that teeee is Team for
are, took ee neve an interest iin the any hilt A Wire Soap On the Ceriatlitut
eeineits, espezielly the poultry,. An eternal. Sunlit Bette letie beee
elle tbeir busbenes and brotbers. tested by cbemiets and analyste oat,
.9:1e pro.etteed lectures wore again the world over. man its freedom from fee
Meet attractive part of the show,Os-alias caustic inee been OXionstrat
unu eis before *be wisdom of this' by the higbest medical autberlaes.
feature wets demonstrated beyorel all ConeeettentlY the true raYlng.
doubt. 'The lectere room was aft all,14..sett e0214 rdida.CeS expeosee." nnfe.
titres too FIg4311 to necOminodate the 4,
crowds who wislacd to Lear the nd-' front the lartited Steetes
eireeees. awe it will eventually be witain es wen.
neportation of that
foetid recesseno,,r egein enlarge teal, 'ties ler t
Ceylon Tea Is the finest
Tea the world producesg
and ls sold only in geed
siacift Mixed and Green.,
--•an (ea- &token trY 4.Salade" Green tea
Laidiaw 13ale-Th coniPanY
• teennletnisUrtnns Os
Hay Bale:Ties
Pncigio STANDARD Alia HICII cAgnell
0 $treightentiti end .gon Lengths
erre ormieere.orat own' trtga )1114
wree oc ter.r4ere.,
eateat x. wee ea•eva noatere le Aherne:4
seating capacity 3,-;& revue. if I OlUit EXPORT TRADE.
meat if ft weeprepared for the old
higheitt poeeibitities of the show Some good advice !wont a disinter- .411:11141trY 2crAul'zet• ai'd that wipald hen
4-1/4 44ticattetrzal Itiediene Pre to be ested ettandpoint was given by Zile. ef.l.rt almost fatal blow against the
'achieve& Indeed the gocel eity ef Arch. Mecleeilege, of tfteegew, la a 1"vo toktrad, e of this eonletrY-
Gthll'h was re' erowdal 'with vis'ritOrs talk OVA ""Vit14;Atiian feire steek pro, 13.ell thew might oceur in Cenada 1
' 0 improve that trade."' Ile eaid .ge",4:.1"1 tte withulltte'51 nlaY 'te^ 1.141gh
orptiauts priotteati: 4rt sillIzecrQs4:94741sert. i,;71411.14. taeall:ve the
yd ;4:s telioemetol
Cenada viten the ordinary (Iced
t edien cattle coal beef
wen, good. but vot 05 good 05 tbr Meat 'de Mast lie orgenized. must
St. bent from tile /anted atet". he esteittlisbed, Bo that if Batch an it
cicala should eecur in this cometry.
The deteeed in Great Britain was
duets exported te, ieraaie anti bon. et any moment : at niatter e riot how ;
Ville the On
A story of strange batmen:0gs to
a valuable pieture-an Albert Darer
worth 6200,000 -comes from a.
uge in West Flanders. Aa inhabit-
ant received the picture from Paris
!setae years ago, and, being ignorant
o! its value, sold it to a local car-
riage painter. whose son disposed a
it to an "Amateur" for nity francs.
This gave rise to legal proceedings
between the first sellers and the car-
riage painter, in the course of which
the picture was identified one
which had been stolen from the
Royal Picture Gallery at Minitel'.
The worn is erepresentation of the
Apostles. one of Derees masterpiecee
and the signature ot the artist is in
comer of the panel
• A novelty in tbe way of an alarm;
clock bas been perfected by an Am-
rican jeweller. It. is about the size
of 77,, hazel -net. It is made to wear
on the finger. The alarni is not a
bell, but a sharp pin. Which pricks
the finger at the time the man or
weeme Wishes to rise.
heto Ineurable 1.
eine Tbe Statemeat o
Cured of a. Vee7 Sad OP.SQ
Qatebea den.• 12e-(Speeiel)-Pity-
covral ge-rit rajee, 47 1.4
ie our'a 444, la arta/ 14
King Edward
Little comet"
other am)
Most of us think of •Rusein as A
land. of snow atid lee. end tire un-
WATO Of the feta that. excellent
ps aro gathered there in the mint-
oly last a field trial of Iliad -
lowers and Reapers was bed
gri (Ituseia) the conduct of
rizoctiwr for „h;04;, Lew, ; at the wv ehould not be pet to tbe enor- tsiCICOIS and others intereeted la i
whih 0i4Pitlitiehl wee remerkable for its thor-
show tiiicy hod no ebeeee Vioas 14443 tt10.t• we Would today. We rnediciee heve been very much haler -el oughness. The 41et0i1P of the haspeea,
„for ea neeeea. 040„, were „utur, have an examale of what can ne now estcd in a, remarkable cure whieh* tion and judging were so minute
, 0Tha it wer;,.. etee;;"'en'"1117,e''4,;0744.0:Y0t,.:12 1400hth4.1; in the euccese of the bacon trade of hae been tuede in this city. If the that we PUblish a rely extraeta from
1,107 170,.., ow, Dube tet .5,05 latiann in Canada. The same tiling* eau tu. farts are as reported and the gene the Orileial report for the beeelit of
4. 14.54.5,0r. ..„.f,15„.7,s. hip ,e,,, „,,,,bar''ve,„,,,,, done in the dead beef trade. It will Oman in question bee eigned a posi.i our farming readern.
e" Pftek not i ar,'"Zi'it"rwao l'h'o're"" it1,70;;;0Ele""i; require the sante business cepecity. tive etetement. giviaie detail5 and 'Vile finite Welted to compete were
p'roOttre• In rkerse. Cetteda easily the F Mr."' prg'40174ttoni, the Sa4uci all partieulere-this case will /*Ark, MgwY"liarrin, Peering. Osborne,
, led, great credit, eeita. due to Fro. capital that was requiree for tee or- a new era in the eeseueene or At, Plano, Adriance Platte Walter A.
teener Roberteon eorliie efforts to gaM4atien Of the PoOlAng 1143141-'37 IC4E't Wile hitherto iecurable clieeaee. Wood. McCormick+, Milwaukee and
Atc' /44' 4 442e ilik1. CF413441lAO tainilk7 liaol IlOt on 41 4 ' 114'54'°g t' 5° 41 1 " :•''' 4
g gene wed tee yetteg ateele PION' , 1 5 51, .. .... p .. h d ebettoir snetem in eannd.. taw A dead with Novels,. lte taw been =let did not answer the irentetion ;
. to
It COZAte A 4 irriiittiii feliiiiiie o & fetealland teelter enineafeed it, ; trin''Bartatialio 6Nstem to CIPITY O'ic' ill for over five, years end toward Ono t o i Wiwi 'IA f e* int to tit 0 Pan
Ece sFeertg aceeeree life, end relece .ft "ea wee eiteet viaiQt to 4z. and ;meet forward. I vette to veil the late the enzeptente became ala very becauee they deemed one month's
preempt ete;-s cae tence to emielt the tte Iiiilci,-,,limr, w.F4, natediv alnoreoein. attention of the' atoelemen mei teeekeili an to leave IZQ ti"Ut. in the notice insufficient ; Waiter A. Wood
bleed aed Cote-, elleeeathrn the Fenn nng in. 4% . u , t ' e t cepitoliete of titis province to neat mime, of hils plkytiviims gm to the aa. eent *melte:am but did eat pertiel-
tete. dreNrei•e, asal sliest !tees. cone twiter eyzemfie4iPlecillanie-- evf„.-43neezle7:44A01-21,Fr"14"11• I "1 ilte 61rre tie `34-31" tnre ot the .4''41W14.11" TTe jury comprired the President
fal:49110014 wt2t ffull°w, 'Pr- /14"4"'`'''' r g% n'ealittar,ed i41.7.1 InZuWW...7.ntcturfv, Irt,e 1 enttle whidl have Lintle:IA It tit" to He had an ntatinetichable tnaree, his
liP`o'* 4. 4s; 4" 017' CLIII.' tae4iCiirg0 I 5:At 1 mime:a et rtnanng, wnn oleo deftve the peeeerat time have largely thaw- tea were always row ; be bed Etiaie I, of the Agricultural Society. who is
artn direntCY 1,014 Ill'P C10444 0341 Itt:e tale ConalTillatkt 09 rypard5 tbf., Niech.,1, reaSed, ttrie of there T:AS tbe Len eat -y acute 1111.34% CUrg)Urgd li man; nieo a reemeer of the I'rostinelei
r or vete:a? tneetiA feeni.e, 1,etter trwuportation 14tou, and for the esteelishment ef the $01,tie kw years. ago„ aohnstore
1 st 4.047. cora tr de the or P. i ti f tie. h r t bi it w lament Plano. Adritteee nett, erd McCue-
rerace, aro:erten .reeteriug the racpt par", anieb won toorni inferior. of a linarket, for lite, offtel. ew,Fri, MIA? and many other nyilipoi( Council a delegate from the Mi443-
tug ore to cemetete ;moll not,ny tout uatrtt „limn the, 1.04.tage5 rain reori be a merhet here titat tnnif were, Q31 pritf.3,141, And no cm try. of Agriculture. two members of
leeee Mee, levee. ilyen. of Wel- of tia-, butter inif.det, ulna g ,fp gap, VP Thitir beillIff the mete I eeer avatar. cevrers. seven dietriet egrieultural
eteerieth. (Stave:zits; releternent wen, dthaittes tite digerent fartri or the Atanli,a1 C*M, thought for a moment that, he could the Peovincial Council. three estate
tem% ettesee, seisiebter ware A, ViCtilin 14.014 -ti. As to holtri. 5. lance woe feel the tilr‘e 140'4, riPe for the ce ine tried every remedy for Dialhetee inspectore, end two agriculturists.
.f enevoiia. gieee tLe streegeet turneernai fovor f talaiislarreent GI a tieed rrietot tre.•'e Met lie Could hear of but ail failedi (We rt'frain from giving the Barnes
ef the venue theee shall tapt•cti,-;„ draft. van eepreen With the Old country arid tbet it toad° lam eny good. end when hin: heraufe the' ore realt5z'lau and vow
7.teilTs heatth of Inn' trotille tralt they eoidd not get ste o --------------------------------------------- l'iVe Soet ito livr-.4ttnkent ot itoed-n The armlet! wee intern. and a bill
Ileaw tutne th'ree otei cayeiege hntires, The must iv brought abotat in litcu e 9111Pr- hove onomet gnoe la, determined, bard to epell).
ItIr. igi4". PTCrP;(' 1434 titl"t 4'4104104 t'ovetolirin herres were well tir,3cti`' w4e ' vide test was eltoefm. The crop wae
, .
wee tetionely elarteed, She WOR mom/to. %„11 brozttn. deem,. fon of ,Foort, staetcl. WWII we are eloeing tea, rront the very commencement he VOW 40rg rYe. nliNed with
eel+. ANfl alteeet ineriallere: Ural no eterit anti rentrodatin anodeome. 'WS to a danger with wittch we We ingtai to nal itetter day ley weeds and partly laid.
ii(taft, hi >4 Co-f•ilit and •netee.eil front prime draft tiornol ,noldinat, Lean) fare to fttee. 1 • tbe tr time it r In the Binder trial the machinen
rev re le -advance. I toot; her 10 a ine. tual epwerde would commend an ,
deeter. ahd although hi trenuhlefet tie $ftet to $neett tilase,otte
1.171 feller:A for fame time. it del carriera aortas. for whieh there is
Lo4 litacht her. theft ivied an unlimited ailment!. ratan% la price
OillOP rennatala hut tio"e ttto fadod• 'from Sitilia elrinn for heat clase of some ,years, durum winch
cd the UnfaVoirpido fr.,iaaptatits grew 4 worned for about 41 hours. The
Ctoelt. CA111141144,1011Cr IoFp arid lean tilt lawny, he tees amt..; workina each machihe VMS watch.
pielely rowed, sound and well.
nits astordeititer reetetery createti
quite a seueation et the thee end
irv four Judaea
'The Maseeeellarris Binder did
Two biotin; net atter an .01 in cuttiref the laid grain. hut
owl ehe had Ittairifirl avfay to a mere to fee reetulds. ittei one load increased onier'-ilv 3n mann' wooderlinf imotiriee were tbe Binder which hall lees laid
" .7"n" Who awl the other still reeerahled 4 mule hy the doctors and others. If grofn to cone with. fotiled to tele
eitteltor. of l'er farmer calf. At Oa+ , and slitn mr,. for ram.
f141,41e 1 NrS Adveed to gite her I'L' lterter. wail lamely noy the reilway otay the ..eirgy of a 4.nan..,. maid
Ineltants* Pinh l'aits. and f*hehefat,";'et•rtiparitet bromelit Sn25 to Siren for the stout reetlernee; "Why. Dick,
this tecatineet. Almost from the first clime end *We to $273 for ,on look as if you lead not lad l'
olefin the rinn helped her. and as ) taconite, dieter elnee I Few you lase." "And
the contimell li4eir ume, tile eater 4 FINISIII1n0 RANGE, cA.Trxx. I you," replied ti e other. "lo': toe if
1,,r.e... li
Val '.1`. u-0 t: to her tteeLfi. her ao-e- 4 One feature of the thew which at- .you ban been at dinner ever Mere."
tete thaProw o t .e i° t • ' •'.1, ee;ued r, 1 tracted a (mod deal or attention
to trouble her. mat he" the Unto rac was a burelt of 2.1 range cattle trent Tell tne Deat-Mr. J. P. Rllloca.
hod t(aa'tri dght 11174" VI°. felt i'trcne" Atte NorthWeSteeldeited by the Ter- Ontegiet. Portia Inritee "A ele.toetter tor
ger anti Letter that, the had (e'er riterial Departmeet of Agriculture, *Mlle havintt hero egred of deem--; ie,• the
eler.e in her Lie adore. X tnink lir .r.lurres rattle NI•cre ,grede shorthorns. lae of Dr. '11.11ean'i Ilile,ettle ttcol. wirt;ta• It*
'Williams' Peeh Pilis areutortlePalred. 1 liereforths laud flealoways. and will InLvi.14?fulAwVititte:c?,ri 11...141vel.1 rtiet'ertita*vo
Su' all Oilmants of tlerhi Mod. tui"'i ire Stabled aed led at the Aelle111- 3 send lair a dean lov repree4 too Wes.
etroeeln, te!cceuniend thou to other i toro ("allege, and at Milne llootre fn1, lreboad, Otis week."
•:, •1. re " • ! farm at Guelph. Ora.. with a view
lee William,' rinie Ville net Only ,; to ureertnin whether a sureeesful '11'hy is the fireplace lii.e Weremin-
Coe. ell tares like the attove, but.; inteieesn can be done by Oneerio .eter Abbey? l'e awe It cnntaius
T12,0 eure all other troubles arising farmers in "finishing" 'Western eat- the asnas of the grate (great).
ft -,m poor blood or weak rervee, tie. Only 15 per emit. of the Anted-
ate e iteematirm, partial paraly-1; CAD mune rattle ere rhipped direet elenney Dated Soap rename: all
Vieus delve, ledigestione to the marhet. rest are shipped !stains, rust, dirt or tarnit h -but
kidney end liter troubles, ecrofule. east and fed grain until they are in; won't waeh clothes
end ereptions of the Cue The! econdition for strew:Ater, and that is1
Vile ere r37.eo a euro fee leo one real on why .Ateeriean range cat -
eeer --"Iv fellow citieces, I
allteenos fro ei vneich en many wo- 1tle bring better prieen than outs!. ktu eviedeing tee the Levee, „f po
leen sufee the PL In shipping our range cettie to Eng.:tern:an* Voce from the AudienCe
a fair tieial and they will rot rilS- lund tlleY are so tleneeustomed to "And if you den't 1inii etion
appeiet you. To ge. velhaare sold connnetrent that they usually reach home,
mole in hoees tient have 1he the old country before thee begin
mone "Dr. 11,11ilaries' Piele Pills for to era. As they hew to Le elaught- 'Worms enuee feeerir•lnices, meneingand
pale reopen** on the wreeper around ered within ten (lays of their arrival, reeteeeeeee Nethe••celioe's
yclur cheat r floes not
Ine,e tie,m. erne. direct to the Dr.
the loss in weight and price is very ! 'Worm Exterminator ie eleasant. and
heavy. It is believed by western' effectual. If your driezeist has: iu
V, .1 liTedit.'ine Co- Brockville. 'len that if range cattle were shill- ideck. gee Lint to pr,mtlre it for sou.
Ona, rind the pills will he saut Toost *ped met end sold at some central
peel et ee) cente e, box, or sine boxes i point, such as Toronto, they could RAPE rnEsE:non or *MIND.
for en,..e0. ' be laid down at $35 to $4.0 per "That woman over there loaf; as
head, leaving a good margin for the if ole p .1t t.•
t tarf
that R. would mliOnio armer. mei as if the
mit I "ir
S, that is my
ad ;dreads, been reaehed, and that BEEP Piece:I:NM Cale nERS. *9' had net I:nisi:en my sentence.
it would he wiee to start additional! In speaking of the olitbrealt Of tho She looks as if slee were painted by
elions he other parts of tne pro- foot and mouth dinease in the United Raphael and had just stepeed out
t ince to meet the wants of those States, and of the necessity of pro- of the frame."
who cannot conveniently reach! tecting Canadian herds from con- ee.ae-ea--eaeoee..-
Guelph, and to relieve the congested, tagious diSeases, Ilon. Jydney
state of affo.irs in the Royal City. !Fisher drew attention to the ad -
The ?laritime Whiter Fair at 12m-1 vantages of having a. dressed beef
beret, and the big spring- show, trade rather than an export trade in .4
told Sale at Calgary, Alta., are clo-1 live cattle. Among other thing's he iot
ing good work along educational' said :-"The Americans have a dead ps,
lines, and another similar ;show will meat trade. They have all the fa- re
be etarted at Ottawa in February cilities of immense abattoirs and
next. It requires no prophetic gift they CLIO turn the stream from the
to foretell the establishment of great live cattle to the dead meat trade
educational shows for the benefit of in a very little time. But II there
each and every province in the Do- were to occur a ease of contagious
'minket within the next two or disease in Canada to -morrow and
three years. The convention at the markets of the old country
Guelph was a. magnificent assent- 'should be shut against our live
blage of the leaders in agricultural stook trade, we•have no organized
thought, gathered from all sections dead meat trade; no abattoirs here
irpm the Atlantic to the Pacific, and to slaughter our animals, no facili-
.-44"-ndRIT4. "*.
Why do we wear
F.ubbers ..d
Dealers all over Dominion say they give better satis-
faction than any others. The people say they fit better,
look better, wear better.—Because they are honestly
made out of pure new rubber.
"Granby Rubbers wear rata ron."
eneleete -nen net.
Headache 1.41
All Bodily Aches
-9,4 IN
T U 410
be hadn't Dartbetts then nobody' ever g over ne ryc.
bad ft, and Malaita' v.ets incurnele ‘1. The result of the Rimier end other
Then booty MOM be cured !tesin WaS that Massey-liarris en.
podtps Kidney The core wall were elven the Mahe:it Award in
only temporery enti it wrould returneaoh oae*
lea$ weat many eat&
. tpio:cea ••••41, imm•••••
Now, however, utter four yearij
" n
°11'1(1 Mr• ilesrerhern nieutlY fa teen bit off tbe end 1 your
d°rinves that he ban not thwe had nova, what would the magist)*ate, ola
the rliglitent aeelePtatil of bin old lige him to do? - lieep the peace
trouble. Every 0120 is convinced that
Diabetes is rumble and that Doddei
If.idney Pills will cure It.
loiri jrade 11.0121 meat 33ritttin to !aeon tor th w1,1 t
„e,th no. teirem 'acre $. It!ourieli the ale
the lathed State. ooftee tilt etets. ell .re all Palo. 412r19 wee] ee it, *ea
(5wbeentr•tareraelay 0en.rtItiorrhea 1 t ea aomrlgeotSo
0. bY eli ts in eventhe wloaor 0.
enaaLovle. Ds laba tsinats biaFt CRBirrr forHWIL510iiSoothin
t0kr nu
-For Over 15ti, Tenn.
Av 'OLD Ant WELT:TP.7EO .-
Ship7111ellt S. of pig iron are noeteeeseteeautterra, len 'meowed/or ever els,
What everyone Went% What every -
0120 whatevereone tied
Wiint very few take. - Advice.
Inlieueness Remote. Lira -The inflow:
men is toever 8 companionable Man be
anae ;lament renders him moriPtie and
gluotaie The corapiaint uot so danger
eus as it is disagreeable. Yet no one need
enffer from it who eau procure Parmelee's
Vegetable P1115. .3e regulating; the liver
and obviating the effects of bile in the
stomach they restore ineu to cheerfulnese
mut full vigor of net ion.
She - "Wesn't it a loveiy honey-
moon, darling?" • 1,10---..011, wakn't
it, sweetie!" She - "My only re-
gret is teat it may never happen
Mind% Unitueut Cures Eta, eta,
What is the dieerence between a
eat and a sepee.b? - The one has its
clews at the end of its paws, and
the other has its pauees at the end
of its clauses.
Wily will yon anew a 000PI,11 to tolerate
your throat Mid lungs and rim the riek of
Oiling21. consumtalvea grav.!, • when,by
the timely use of Ilickle's
tive Syritp the p82 :i cau be allayed:2nd the
danger avoided, syrup is ”lea,iint to
the 'taste, und unrairine-sei fel'. relic s
heeling and curing all affections of tree
threat and lungs, colds, coughs, . brou
ehitis, eta. eta •
She- "Perause I cannot marry
you, do not be disheartened. You
must fare the world bravely." Ile -
"it isn't a questicn et the world -
I've got to fate my creditors."
Why is a well-to-do-haker lik a. rflOfirS car031 OHS..
beggar with twelve starving child- 41
ren? -- He kneads (needs) so nmeh
First .Artist - "Well,
[Iphitria, how is business?"
Even kings must pay out and em-
perors tip when the butler and foot-
man speed them as the parting
guest, says 'the London Chronicle.
After his stay here for Queen Vie,
toria's funeral the German Emperor
left £5,000 for the servants at Wind-
sor and Osborne. But until -vigorous
action was taken by the Prince Con-
sort, even larger donations were
expected of the sovereign's visitors.
It was the visit of the Czar Nieholas
I. that led to reform. After a week's
stay at Windsor he left £20,000 for
the royal servants, and Napoleon
111. was equally extravagant. In tho
interests 01 her poor relations Queen
Victoria set a reasonable limit to
her servants' perquisites. The only
visitor who disregarded this regula-
tion was the late Ring of Holland,
who bad 'truly regal conceptions of
money,. 'When the present. Czar stay-
ed aa Balmoral a few years ago his
bergesses amounted to L'3,000.
Old 311011,
Second Artist - "Oh, splendid!
Got a commission this morning from
a millionaire. Wii.nte his children
painted very badly."
First Artist (pleasantly) -
my boy, yOu're the 'very man for
the job."
w. '4
Wo 140 Ott. cilcotort of
Co 4,
etre fee as
or 'Imre tikes. Wo
tore" $ to chlon enit
onyo4i Ihe 4ano 1•700 ott
ipo for tho vereeteret..
C *Poo 174 77 1411.10 e.„
I77 4l4 * polo
lc .17 OM* 4420. agi 904
to .4o ioo Wuto
ou4..tor PA 74.4-1717
VMSPI! 15,4
T lo Dominion Kuittin% Co,
Turkeys, Coes°,
DA3V3,0;1101 ens.
If ;coo went best prices *nip rem
, reentry to es. net want large natantn,
1 ty to meet ecru:Ad we beee for it
EGQSPriooloisr Theta
1 Damon Omission C.fennel
.q-nognietteta *sic...vow:4cm 4 717i4
The Chicago le Nurtit-iireacra flan.
, may anneanees that in coneection
i anti the deny trentecontittentel eer-
vita vra enat line from cancans to
San Francieen. Um steamship lanes
limn the bitter port have inatigerat.
ed direct Failings from teen rem -gds.
co to Moulin, undrelonel to Um OW-
Vite via Nagnsati and Ilona Ineng.
, Some or the finest, steemeltipa le the
Pitelfe are being used for date new
olircat SQVViC44.
rhat, in the di7erenee betwee*
et+Idier and a bombshell? Ono goes
to war and the other goes to pilaw.
If you are toughing. Wu, Dr.
A 'must .Koenig's 1lazzibtir lrat
In a cemetery at Middlebonea Vt.,
R a stone, metes] by a, al 'ew to
her loving eemeat 41, bearing this In-
o 1 ti m "'Le t in lea tenni we
met nein."
Is there anythint mere nomoyhee Oen
having your corn *eeppra upon? Is Mere
allValiftg more delightful Oita lenteinn
rid of ftp Corti Cure win do
Try it and be conviuced.
When is a spoon Ake a. yoleng
lady's hair? - When it is pluted
A Clear, ITealthe • SVin -.Emptier's of
the skin and the blorehee whieli telemielt
beauty nre the result of imenre blood
eamed by unhealthy action i. the Liver
rend Kidneys. In correcting this un-
healthy action ;mil reinoring the organs
re their normal condition, Parinelee's
t'getable 1I1IS%tell at, the meow time
cleanse the blond. mei the blotches and
er .ptions will disappear without leaving
any trece.
If your father fen into n. copper,
to what extent be salter? -
Le 'would Le pa (e)
es• •
ents -I have deed your MIN-
ARD'S LINIMENT in nay family and
also in my stables for years and
cousider it tbe best medicine obtain-
Tom -s truly,
Proprietor Itexton roma notel
and Livery Stables.
Roxten. Pond, July de 01.
"Did he marry ber fer her neoneye"
asked the girl in white. "Well, let's
be charitable and say he did," an-
swered the girl in grey. "There's
no use casting nepereions an his
taste and judgment."
NI Tv v calft.ND., 71!):3,criber boyr .rnracialciexi;osofTptAe esauiziele.ionattettirenoeencel,
•month's treatinent, to be paid for within one month's time atter receipt, if the '
receiver can truthfully say that its use has done him or her more good than an
the drugs and (lopes of quacks •or good doctors or patent medicines he or she
has ever use(1. Iii -A1) this over again carefully, anti understand that iwo ask
our pay only when it has done you good, and not before. We take all the riste;
you have nothing -to lose. If it does not benefit you ,.you pay us nethIng.
VITAE-Olthl is a natural hard, adamantine rock-ilke subetance--mtneral -
ORE-rnineel from the ground like, gold and silver, and requires about twenre
years for oxidization. It contains fro iron, free sulphur and magnesium, itriel
one package will equal in medicinal strength and curative value 800 gallons
of the most, powerful, efficacious...mineral water, drunk: fresh at the springs. It
is a geological discovery, to which there is nothing added or taken from. It is
the marvel of the century for curing such diseases as ltit eu
D1SCa Se Dropsy, Blood Poisoning, kles.rt Trouble, Catarrh 811(1 Th.roat affect-
ions. Liver, Keeney 1131d madder Aesients, Stomach and female DIsordets. ja
Grippe, 'Malarial Fever, Nervous Prostration n Dcbinty, as thou-
sands testify, and as no ono thiS, writing for a pae.,,..ae, 212222 (3202'
after Using. (live age, ills an a s.ex.
' This offer. will challenge the attd ention anCOI) si ci oration. and afierweril the
gratitude of every !tying person \oh" :iesires better health, or who sutiers
peels, ius en d 823128408 Whieh have defied the medical world and grown worse
with age. Wo care not for your seepte ism, but ask may your investigai.lon,
and at our expense, regardless of what ills you have, by sending to iun tor a
package. 0(2 1.1./1.7:3C not write 00 12 333 stal card. In 8niiWer to . this, address
Peeicglia, uept.,veg.t.,,tqa eseei st.,:terente Let