HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-1-22, Page 1SINTEK-Vril YEAR. EXETER. ONTARIO, TIMRSDAY, JANUARY 22, i93. SA COATS IF 1 Lady's Black Astrachan Fur Coat was $32 for $25. 1 Lady's Black Astrachan Fur Coat was $38 for $30, 1 Lady's Black Astrachan, Fur Coat was $40 for $32. 1 IVIen's Brown Dog Fur Coao was $25 for $19. All OUR FURS ARE NOW CHEAP ESTONE ARDINER "=411311014311111 mo. latalintited private ion for In vostra pou farm or village vroperty, lowetit;ti of interest, 3.1. CABLING, Sangster% etc., liaete Y ¶O Loia. accr.mnrope 71 TONEY TO .1.0AN. I haVo a largo amount of private funds lean on farm nod village TrOpertics at lo r Melt eflnterest. R. NV, GLAnSIAN f liar:1E40r* MAW Street Ezete ---------- -- ARM FOR SALE. South half of Lot a, In the 4,10th eonceesion lit township et Stephen, l,t) acres. Apple to SVIAT-911:11 NMI; Snowflake, Manitoba. F,IINESTEW4IT Deal Etilate and Insurance Agent Fantle and village properties bought and sold o reasonable terms. Several dwelling houses for sale. Lands in ail parts of Manitoba and tbe North•wes ...it11.001•11101110 M1111.•••111.0,1•M• FOlt SALE, Vree unimproved, in the township of Osprey, chluity of Ores hardwood tilut 0u:seamier, railway rearm seven mites, pest calm soma chemise mite alai a hall; would Ben or exchange tor small lin- pros al property at Exeter. 114 Alsimaso limos, Exeter. hErtso or HURON oomerv COITNCIL. Ths, Councitel the Corporation of the County ot norm, wili meet in the omen chamber in the town of tioderleb, on TIICRday, the il7th day of the present month, at atrcloek p.m. W. LANE, Clerk. Dated at Code:dell this lath day of January 1003. 1101:SE FOE. SALE, The undersigned is offering for sale his frame dwelling and premises on Ann street, Exeter, being lot 17. The house contains fi rooms with a brick cellar undemeath. There is on the premises a good well of water, a pump shop, stable and chicken houee mad a number of choice fruit trees. Will be sold reasonable, apply to Joi03toorm, Exeter. //one PROPEETF FOR SALE. Theundersigned is offering for sale that desirable hotel situated nt Devon, on the London Road. This hotel is in good condition, and is 2i miles south Of Exeter. This road is largely travelled and for the right man chances are good for a splendid business. There is a good stable in connection also,11 acres of land. Possession given hntnediately. This property be sold cheap. For particulars, apply to Mum: as Cams°, Exeter, Out. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned is offering for sale Lot 11, South Boundary, Blanshard, being 102 acres of choice land, well fenced and drained. There is on the premises two first-class bank barns, open shed, fmme house with brick knehenseontsung. nine large rooms, cellar under both; good •orchard two good wells; 4 acres bush -mixed timber -and other -conveniences. Per. featly free from all noxious weeds, such as mustard -nd wild oats. Located within one and a half miles from St. Marys. For particulars address W. ALIMED BaO, St. Marys. Testimony of Mr, E, Stone To the valne of English Stock Food This is tO certify that I have fed Eng- lish Stock Food to a 'horse that was frequently subject to colic. Since us- ing English Stock Food the animal has not had. another attack. I have also used it for other stock and for fowls with most satisfactory result. I strongly recommend it to all stock raisers. It is the cheapest and best stock food I have ever used. Price 14 poands for $1. E. Stone, Ushorne. Centralia DRS. ORME & ORIKE, • Centralia, - Office hours 9 to 10 a.m., Dto 2 and 7 to 2 p Telephone communication with main office in Dican Corbett Mr. and Mrs. Flatte, of Dakota, are spending a few weeks here, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. jno. Corbett. -Geo. Nichol has disposed of his driving colt to Mr. Andrew Glendenning for the um of :$75. -We are sorry to learn t Mr. J. B. McPherson, who has been very ill for some tirne,is not im- proving very rapidly. We hope to see him aroend again shortly. --The leg snow stolen which prevailed last week rendered the roads almost im- passable. (R. Is able to he out; again 'ceent illiteseooMrs, Lintott is rev vering from her xecent 11111Q.S.9,,,-MISS Pearl Mania who has been on an extended visit here With her sister, Mrs. Eynon, has returned to her home dit Arkona.--Mr. John AlcAethinie who hae been confined to the house for thc. past six weeke, is able to be out agann-Mr. Sas. Pelest- ly attended the funeral of his nephew .at Chicago last week. --Mrs. Drought 'has moved intoher new residence on Mein street,while the premisee vacated we her will be occupied by T. 13e11 of to ndard Bank,: 4.44.4444,44444.041114.44-44.44444.4s Staira UN Charles Yoe, of Douglas. Mau, is having g few months' Visit with his friends in this vicinity, and we are all pleased to see his genial countenance and have a friendly shake with him. - Miss Lizzie Bather, who has held the position of organist in the English church for the past three years, has resigned. -Miss Ada Drake is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Oliver, at Port Albert. ;Miss Agnes Park, of Detroit, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. T. M. Hanel - ton. -Mr. ;old Mrs, Jas. Campbell left htst week for their home in Walton. - Mr. Jas. Caxinichael spent a few days in the Claseic City on business during the week. -Mr. Alex. Herron, of Man- itoba, is home on a visit. Dante min- or says he will not return alone. -The death occurred on Friday of Mr. Thos. Chapple. The funeral took place to the Swifts, cemetery on Monday. Zurich Mr. Fanny Geiger has returned from Michigan. -Mr. Christian Schroeder is very 111 and his recovery is doubtful. - Mrs. P. Sipple has been quite ill for a few days but is recovering, -Henry Dietz, Jr., of Dakota, is visiting rela- tives and friends here, after:in absence of twenty years. -The regular meet- ing of the W.C.T.U. was held at the home of Mrs. S. Rennie on Monday af- ternoon. The meeting was a special meeting of prayer. MEETING. -The annual meeting of the Hay Branch Agricultural Society was held in the Town Hall, on Wed- nesday -afternoon with a fair attend- ance of members, President Caldwell presided over the meeting. After Sec- retary Faust's annual report was read and passed the election of officers for 1903 was proceeded with and resulted as follows: -Pres. Win. Caldwell, (re- elected for a third terinh Ist Vice, J. Sureras; 2nd Vice, Fred Willett; direc- tors, John Pfaff, B. S. Philips, C. Eit- her, John Geiger, R. R. Johnston, W. B. Battler, Fred Hess, Sr., C. Oswald and J.Decher. The society is in a good financial standing, although the surp- lus on hand is reduced to about 5140, owing largely, no doubt to the unfav- orable weather fair day. Quite a bit i of new blood has been ntroduced into the directorate for this year and it is to he hoped that the Fair of 1903 will be a memorial one in its history. Irrstrasasos MEETING. -The 28th an- nual meeting of the members of the Hay Township Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co., was held in the Town Hall, on Tuesday, Jan. 13, at 1 o'clock. Owing to the stormy weather the at- tendance was small. Mr. Sam. l3rOlt- inshire was appointed chairman. The Sec'y-Treasread the Directors', Audi- tors and Manager's reports. During the past year 556 policies have been is- sued covering an insurance of $1,071,- 080.00 and the year closed with 1800 policies in force. insuring property to the amount of $3,276,470. The total losses amounted to $5,745.12 of which $3343-12 were casised by lightning. The 'Company have been able to pay all these losses without an assessment and still have $1601.60 in the bank. The assets of the CJotripany are $126,- 741.88 with no liabilities. The chair- man declared Messrs. Golinan and Eh - nes as auditors ancl Messrs. Yearly, Kalbfleisch, Battler, Kellerman and Sureras were nominated for directors. Messrs. Kalbileisch, Battler and Surer - as are elected for three years and Mr. Kellerman for ten years, Dashwood Alr, Ss Ramie, of Zerich, was in the rfllage Saturday, -Mr. and Mrs, Louis Prete' have got settled in their new home. May they long be spared to en- joy each other's conspaoy.-Mr. Daniel Weber left on Monday to attend the Normal at London. Hewill be missed here by some of the fair sex. -Mr, Mark Brokensbire spent a few deys the first a the week with friends m Elena, Township.--Alte f, Rellermau was elected direetor at the annual Meeting of the Hay Township Fire In- urance Co. in Uncle wiTueeday ias week, -The revival meetings are till in progress in the Evangelical inch. ManSharli WORMED WIF.k. T4HES Anerxece- Mrs. John Owen, who lives on the townline oTilanshard anal Fullerton, poisoned !nester Friday ;Afternoon with ersenie, Some thne ago her husband old his form and pureluteed another me. This did not please his wife, and she worried to get Ow old fantri back, Meanwhile the old fitriu had passed into the bands of her husband's broth - W. Mt:Iowan, ani after some4i'r- ering John bought it back, but lItH loes of SM. This kiss seemed to have preyed on her mind, and site was very unhappy. Friday she prepared an • rly dinner for her husband, who ent to St. Merys on business. When e returned altent 5 p.m.. he found his wife lying at the top of the SO 4VS in noieli agony. She confessed to boviaig taken ;weenie. Tie aleceaeed was only Mont 32 years ef age arid had no Her mother xesiales In hienitolie. Hay Council peril deptmet on 31014410.V. Jan 121b. The following eitheelibiel to the Ittitatlr,F deelarartAIS s4 DIVICIA and quelithettiain: Peter Lamont, Reeve: Alex. Thompson, J. E. Roetr, Wendel Smith, :Hid aittted MeArtitur Connell- lors. Ail the old 4411ePts were reap- nteil at the eateries they reveived let year. The Clerk was inetrueted 43 prepere a by-law of the 'Schwalm Drain Scheme in acconianee with the engineer's report and Drainage ,A.et, and that debenturea be issued payable Isa five yearlypayments at the ;ink. Heneall. OrtlerS Wert, 155110 for the following arnounts;-Ilospital for sick eleildren, Toronto, $10; J. Haberer, wood for Hall, $4.75; J. Deeher, do..$3- A. Ingram, rep. culvert eon 1. and elsee Lorne Luker, culverte52.50; Alex. Zim- men bolts, etc.. 75e.; Tp, Clerk, noinin- talon es:newest SO; Wm. Klopp. lim- ber, 75c.; D. Steinbach, account, 51.50. Council will meet again on itlanday, February 2nd, at 2 o'clock pan. gensall H. Welsh and wife are expected home shortly from British Columbia. -We are pleased to learn that Mrs. Joseph Hudson has recovered from the effects of her accident. Her daughter has also recovered sufficiently ots to be able to return to her home in Forest - John Patterson, Jr., had the mister - tune to lose a nice driving horse a few days ago. The animal, is going into the stable got its leg down into the runaway of the door and before it could be released had, in its efforts to get free, so badly splintered the bone as to destroy all hope of recovery and consequently had to be killed. -Mr. Routeliff has been elected Superintend- ent of Carmel church Sunday school. Rev. Dr. Medd hopes to be able to as- sistin the Quarterly meeting services to be held in February. His lungs arid throat are still weak though steadily improving. -Melvin Stoneman, while hauling logs a few days ago hurt his arm and is now suffering from erysipe- Ius.-Mr. John McArthur is able to be around again and attend to his husi., ness.-Mrs. R. Hunts bee been on a month's visit to hap aanghter, Mrs. jobustn...C, ih gts Louis, Missouri. -Mr. Robt. Moir, who has been suffering from la grippe, is improving. -Miss Hall, of Montreal, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Billings. -Mr. John Willis has re- turned to London, to resume treat- ment =ler the X-ray system. We are pleased to state he is feeling at present considerably improved. -Mr. R. Ben- gough has gone to Lucan to take charge of Cook's electric light plant. - Mr. W. J. Miller, carriage maker, re- cently disposed of the harness branch of his business to Mr. Cook. Tuckersmith. Mr. John Routledge is home on a visit from the Northwest, and is buy- ing several carload of horses to take back with him. -Mr. and Mrs. Hugh D. Simpson, of Moose Jaw, N.W.T., are here spending part of their honey- moon. Hugh is an old Tuckersinith boy arid his many friends here wish himself and bride many happy years of wedded bliss. -The annual meeting of the Tuckersmith Branch Agricul- tural Society was.held at Seaforth on Wednesday. Mr. W. Chesney was ap- pointed Vice -President and Messrs. George Dale and Win. Brock, Direc- tors, and Messrs. G. E. Cresswell and Robt. Charters Honorary Directors. - Mr. Leslie Townsend, of Park River, Dela, is spending the winter with friends here, -Miss Pethalda Nott is recovering from her recent illness as is also Mr. John White, Mrs. Newton Crich and Mr. Robt. Raney. -Parties are the order of the evenings now. BLOoD Poison -Miss Maggie Ches- ney, daughter of Mr. James Chesney, of the 2nd con.,L.R.S., about six weeks ago had a. small piece of skin rubbed from her heel. She did not pay much attention to the injury for a time, un- til it became painful and her limb com- menced to swell, when it was found that blood poisoning had set in. The injury developea' into a large lump back of the knee, necessitating an operation, which was performed by Dr. McKay, of Seafoeth, and Dr. Rog- ers, of Beacefield. it is hoped the worst is riORt past, anclthat the young lady will recover without any perma- nent injury resulting, ' A. W. Beewer is recovering from hid Mr. E. BeeSigte; jull4), reobsbo no has been iii 1 Sylvan I LY A Fenne-What might have illness. --Ma Ches. O'Dell, of Bad Axe. Montreal on business for some time, fl zesalted in a serious lire happened at Wog his sister, Mrs. W. Pardon. -0- C. Fritz, of Zilriebs paid a flying visit I las, Mans who is on De visit to her / Alicia, is visiting his delighted. dire. ol. has re ten home.-DisThatchier. who i theresidence of Ur. Richard Coates, Sadler. --Fred Brewer has returned has hem in Montreel for the poet lion the 2ad conceseion, Sotteey night from Armada. where he has been Vis- naonth, if expected hrease shortly. -Mr. ' ista. Mrs. -lames Westcott, of Doug - s W. Sadler had the misfortune to get to onr burgh on Monday last. , i, daughter, Mrs. Cozites, happened t9 hihand broken while in the employ einell smeke ;diva three o'clock in the of one of the Sernia Lumber Cowman- liart)les morniug, and at once aroused the ien ge is visiting his parents here.-- g hoarehold when it was discovered that Ur. S. Nicholson recently sold his 50- Tao late kr fe..q v.e0gI i e rent the furnace bad cam num met - Aare grass farm to Jas. Paton end has The weather has taken 4 el ceded ; ed with the wood -work in the cellar nrchased the 100 -acre fart]) of Peter taro for the solder and winter seems l', and had gained considerable headvrav, teele, formerly owned by H. Neat. te bar.. good earnest. 4. ,i Me. Coates, asSIStesi by the ladies, af- , bliezerihreserabling thoee described on ; ter numb diffienity Sand hard a-eark. Claude*, ye, of the dtha;aPlIpairilitg'' it'hIr siningoesf:"Uajt ben Prt;r4tErSfer la It' $b"aeoleVntol iintees2laileeCongveretir whenitwas openIng siouicail of the.new A uuttli5, I evely sle.,elteled n‘ook.--",rise cisioineY, the nese house- would have been re - church of this place will be Sunday. 7 dLg"..!: 7, In"1.14:111 noMe of Mr- J. B. : (bleed to odic's. .,,„, ..,... , , mornirog lost aed horned like a torch il„edu"ss; ereazGoeth Johns dePatted this for ;a few uileattee, hut was extingusieli "e d'44 '7'111143Y* Jan- ICtlij: IOW, at the jedobble4fsocratigwalAi„iii%ef tuwelsmernealleis„ tirt:eo.shidues.n; lost, chronr. kls-Letit,,hietztl nsei..taefteeareconel daughter Mies nreea to Torarga tato, unness or firVeral listagalit:, Deceliticd latter pert of last week, presonteably I:1 was; loh,e, seeVehd daughter of Riehard to pilisue her studive.-dliee Mary 14,1/14 4'114"43 ,unnis and Ives horn in Shenk, of Detroit, is eisiting her sis. ' 4.,LnIgthee, Ihirish. Di-voo. Blighted, in . aettrideeii. Re1.1 %.114irevleils oatli pTr:seeFiiiitit;itils:iste:_ti- ,': t47e:i. in-ti;,It';e11:11t:gt6 w.reitwthntsbliti:pir. fowthtie1113,e' n her old echoolonatee, Mies meg. emigaited to Canada ill 1$49 and eet- 111(1111VU':141!'':1"1:114:ill'RPE/13-11.11:41:t::::1:::::fi411.11111::14 rt4Pe:":11:::::: '1' tie::s:(.h'ir4:tilitlilr:tais-:41.:::111:(71:st5rtte4t::::xl:riltilhell$::teo ar:r:5:.:.::::$:11;71:1:141-1n: ' 1 d is vt as t511174; ebeflowlittf:41:1111: ntb to ,fc4t11::11:11411i7141d: ' :171.7e tt4151:::::::‘.1:1:1:5:::::;°Ittlt:::tahVegrhe; dist ch,n,reh 00 ts';',S11"114,Y evPnleeng glwaLneF en°raPzuded PaY Mr.; j"h? ItrVIWII.t.- t' 4, in her disfigured for life. Tf.... WikS to the, iijo,;t:Ss 64 tile peston ewe-. e es- eereenway, was issa,goitto to.s sees41411. a gr ,.. ring 4. ...ja.E4,4.. for uoth ,. „oits hitodeitits--My- JzinteiDroPh(T left laSt blaYtng 11141"("4 ";mei sesild,Iftrisliso r;:o EOM 404: their bwoeyvek,e,e°14; l'kelstri,..3114.rrk.ltr4ot ele3teitibeelidi lel, oelnli,piSgicalar 73;f41101;:14,317.9'•4111:?;i7 6:1114d1%1 `1411.51Z61 1)17 „thP 1:-''''. !av e 11 VA 151., 185° euffering irodes au Ft WW1; a 4 ifitisy,-- 1 reepeetively, is t tie 1,14,434,1, I MOOS t rs to e ettarne towel. Miss Alice Wihen visited Mtn. A. W. f Mr. Ben0111% iktf Pe i , ,.. _ . . 4 , „...., t. , , , , r .1 ck i., MISS Mary KV; lits who bee or eonte ' ehip end twee ite the lege (4 14. elle ity, left for Detroit on Tasailay, - Graud Bent",1,0, fi, vi.,itt.le'etolla711:,:.:14:glize::‘,1:11.4:04411:11-44,,:igliantr t,stIrsiit:414:4;b1rilvtql.caia. ______,,...„:::_iiii time Veen vienitig relsetivee ir, eine vi- mlir,411!Tak, 18,14 ,,Da;;oki;lte,fetisitiotlizall-sebelis!, ;net -alai; 1 ebt?eltlisl%nt wiallielT4iisitl3t !line 4ait:ti.i. 1-,__,,I3tir.:h11191,01!A, ,; ,..0;.g,4114it,„ u.ils,:1114.31,11, 4 916.4t4, Liti:300:44 totnatt,t,tisla 145411 t: sick list thile vest, i ' * * ' u i. S ' -"-- " ' r , " ' - f, V' ' 11 " 1 lett ifse 0 si,Thatesovi] sitope IA 6,411nw,14ay 114%;.141, lit.•,t.O. t1-:', d Crat's Itt a seder and i aesea.--men VGhtuing, ig'Asss 4.,,ifs -"Au gt.z.,, 4 sitaltrig gsps,...eq,,I4 sl ..; 4AV INsql.4,, ,1:111,. itusseldalle i Ring friends in 140114/0114 and Peeklitill. ;Li geed neighlase„ Aster ec,ohersa,t4 Deem: or THOMAS VirAPPI;Li-=Thil.41.31=111:12V014:11141;t:IITyle:htrY'y's;341oricri:114,31 !b'etilit'e'ileVtr;n44tijg44122T44;eittilli4;:3114!14lItigliirla'r13161:: festive emeen leis gone, Wit 440, the1 Thurf,..!ii3y evstnigrog„-.6..T ..SIVIAMM laqtaill0 ii'•114•11".. (.T. Cola (die and thrall we lotr,tt PXPPLien(1* 4-6 we *Willi send John Kreger. of near Dasitwaial. i continued tlineigh lair, a f1114•404.44 of the saohnee nud issonetw which oh were here Friday buying homes, They weedier. Tomes/ea the Wid Of Nes. Mats tenst invntisliLY wo find Io Its, drc,* bought one front D. Steletena -11. Eil- 11157.10CITV5AIII a. 4le*311' ti teeehetage tide The hitud fif &Alt huh' o1e"g31114 vls,te her spent leridey here en busineee.-- i life for that ate% le fee better. She e4 °al' neighInnbuall* "as time "LW" Ezra Dimmer and Harmon Gill fipent lead no heir atal welted death 39 a mg oft 44110 tlf 1:11Qdres ad " n/Q4 Sunday in Exeter. 'They WM' aecona- weletime visitable 1-1E" lie,P it may be ronaisloR Yaaag oleo* 1:he death °,f, periled home by the blies Pearl Lovett ) ernly .4141 her end mess peace. Iler Tbundri ChaPPelt which occorreh and Miss Annie SteWar a who Will r iSit : pererit% sin lovable and three sisters eas4y Sattinlay morning, WSN'Pri,m1h Mre. Brenner An'a few daye.--Mr. ,; s, melee hob vim -31r4 Thiti.".euslossvm, exPeeted to ovatlY 4,11 in the neeqn,coth Sbailet. of Drysdale, emelt Saturday , hieeter; Mtee Sarah Joint% at home; bond. though the family an° tanse here -Ma' A. li:ennedy. of Point Ed- 1 Misalry. Clidintore, Msinitobia; John, there were of the impression for eeveie ward, arrived here itionday.-Mr. Holt. . Same Henry, Leine, &velum, rahorme al hours before his death that he could of t5ornio, is visiting ins 1131010, Mr. and .flaneet„. Exetei. not get t etter. On Monday he was John noit._5ir. L. Berme arrived moving among the test of use -just a Tdopday to spepd a few der /wee._ few (Lys ago; tohnight be sleeps the Are. T. owe% of part nano, spent hieeellalicliinbipkilalirleadii4f Ntl.lsoldfriegelinii;781: -S‘Tmla?rCbileigthetsvslotrbtblil: MhvipieethaerbireSs5'irnielgil oar iTinattas ta IllitaZall;o1;taaaf let b; sc.° 1 loSt Luc" Sony rate, lie did not eonsider himself siek until Tuesday. On Vdedneedity 151 oyster slipper Friday njght which sympathy of the community ss extend- -r• o • well attended. This Tent eeenis ed to her and we bone she will 605s505513 he FeMos°13( of iCiekt°1h was sent f°e4 1 prospering. -Little Richard Oil- restored to her usual beeitle-me, end who pronounced hnt ia pretty sick boy oh who hash," On the sick list* has remarking that he shewed sy nipt on , of typhoid reverend la grippe. these symptoms continued to appear until Priday noon and his pulse gave the doctor to thiuk Is was holding his Own nicely, bet on Friday evening he he - came more restless and the doctor was again called, who found a vast change since his last visit. Everythiug was 11 done that could be done, but a strong- J. O. STAN--4."-M7Calr', end. lAt.,°,1formorly 0311111% er hand asserted Its authority, „ and Steamy) Barrister, Solieits,r, Notary, r0555 o3ancer. when the summons came about six in mhote Loan -Est" Ont, the morning the soul swept out to loin the ranks on the farther shore. 1. un- eral services were conducted Mouday afternoon, by the Rev. Henderson of Staffa. The remains were interred in the Stella cemetery. The people in this neighborhood join in extending their heartfelt sympathy for the be- reaved mother, brothers and sisters. OHt:Dcli OM:ING.-The sia Jan, 2ethhervices at 1020 ann., and 7 p. in5 will be condueted by the Rev, J. P. Rice, Ph. Be of TirrOesto„ the Rev. A, Re Pert, af1)019001sis will take chimp( oe the service Eit, 230 pan. On the following menaoy evening a grand fowl supper wili be served. The Revd, Rice, Perk, Holmes, Sauderson ;old the resident ininistaT OM invited, Special musie is being prepared hy the -choir. and a tidies' quartette and eolith- istes of London will be preeent. Orceuway Rev. Um Rigshy, of Pailthill„ men, pied the, pulpit in the Boston Metlio, Mrs. Menu -lame Mr. and Min. Maurice ullyreceverisi.-Mrs. Bossen berry and , Rue, efte neer son, and John Hagan, otyrnsienrIslirpe,grfliSett.,e jr°:171.agy11.41trfrin.istasetphlei I iltlitigrtsktellitlietitliirezill'.1rou antek?f(ItttullitliVigarrets.- Brenner is erectingan ice honse.-Mrs. tives.-31r. George and the Misses R. Hamilton is at present in ft Wry Linie and yary Foster, of carman, low date of health. AM. • Brinsley. Snow! Snow! Snow! and blowl blow! blowi and frosti frostl frosti till every- thing is froze, but still the sleighing parties are kept up. -Mrs. John Lewis and Lester Lewis spent Monday in Parkhill. ----Mr. Wil Sholdice had the misfortune of cutting a. piece out of his big toe while eating wood with an axe the other day at Walter Stokes'. -Miss Lizzie Darling has returned home, after spending a week with friends in Thedford.-Mr. and Mrs. Os- car Gilbert and son spent a few days last week with friends in London. - Mr. aud Mrs. John Lewis have moved into their new home. We wish them many years of happiness. -Mr. Alvin Amos deserves praise for the beautiful painting and graining he has done on Mr. Lewis' house. -The by-law to pro- hibit animals from running at large on the highways of the township was adopted on Jan. '7th. -Mrs. S. Bice, of Ailsa Craig, is the guest of Mr. Gil- bert Bice. -Miss Elsie Burgess is spend- ing a month at her house on the 8th concession. -Geo. Gibson is home on is visit from the West. DEATH or Mess LEWIS. -The home of Mr. ,and Mrs. Wm. Lewis, of the 8th concession of McGillivray, has been saddened by the death of their young- est daughter, who passed away on Sunday last at the age of 21 years. The funeral took place on Tuesday to the St. Marys' cemetery, the Rev. Mr. Diehl conducting the service. The bereaved have the sympathy of their many friends. GONE TO REST, -The good-bye words have been spoken and another pioneer settler has passed to the Great Beyond, in the person of Mrs. Gilbert Biee, who died at her residence on the 8th con- cession of McGillivray, on Wednesday of last week. The deceased suffered a, stroke of paralysis abont a week be- fore her dealt from which she never rallied and the vital cord was suapped at the above time. Her remains were laid to rest in Mar's Hill cemetery on Friday last, the Rev. Mr. Knott con- ducting the funeral service, the text being, 'build on the sure foundation." The funeral was largely attended. A sorrowing husband, five sons, and two daughters are left to mourn her demise while one daughter predeceased her. Man, are biome on a visit to thew fa thrr, Mr. joseph Foster. -Miss Arch - sr. who has been seriously ill for some time, is non. on the road to recovery. Mr, Thomas Mcaeoh has moved into his new dwelling. We wish. Mr. Me. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Brown and fain, Ash and his estimable wife many By, of Blenheim are visiting relatives Years of comfort, in their new home. here this weeks-' Master 1,Ves1ey Finn. Mr. Robert 31cCool, who bas been on beier nleft for on LondWednesday, a trip to Calgary for some time, has where be intends taking a course in returned home. --The township of the Forest City Business Col lege.-Our villhge snow plows have again made thew appearance, after last week's his - are pleased to report that Earnest Glanville is rapidly recovering from his recent illness. -Mrs. William LEWIS has returned to South, River, al- to" visiting here parents here the past month. -Our citizens are kept busy driving to Exeter, waiting for coal cars manimoss. to come in. The party who returns home with half a ton considers hiniself lucky.- The Sutherland -Innes Co., of Exeter. are drawing large loads of logs through the village this week to their in 111 at Exeter. -Miss Robertson's room in our school was closed for a few days last week, owing to the teacher's ill- ness. -Mrs. Lydia Hoffman, of Platts- ville, was in the village Sunday visit- ing relatives. -Mr. Percy Humble left for Detroit Monday, Percy has 'work- ed for Mr. R. E. Walker the past three years as butcher and during that tinae has won many friends. --Mr. A. S. Hill and family moved to the village on Monday from Parkhill. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Hill into our midst. --Mr. E. O. .Tones, of Clandeboye, was in the village Saturday. -The Misses Smith have rented rooms in Mr. Wurtz's dwelling rind will continue dressmak- ing in their new quarters. -The reviv- al meetings in the German church are being well attended and seem to be a great benefit to all who enjoy the ser- vices. Stanley is about to lose its treasurer, Mr. John Reid, who has held that posi- tion for twenty-two consecutive years, having decided to retire. Mr. Reid has been a model treasurer, Isis books being so well kept that a statement of the monicipalehy's standing has always been easily obtained. NEARLY A. FIT:M.-What might have bean a serions fire occurred in Mr. Con- rad Kuhn's large bank barn the other evening. Mr. Kuhn was doing his chores and the fork came in contact with the lantern and upset it Mr. Kuhn quickly threw a horse blanket over the flaming lantern and threw it out doors. Only for his quick actions a serious blaze would have occurred. Now is the time when the farmers do their chores by the lantern light that great caution should be taken in order to save a serious loss by fire. WEDDING. -A quiet wedding took place at the residence of Mr. Gottfried Wein on Wednesday, Jan. 14th: when his daughter; Miss Susan. was united in marriage to Mr. Jno. W. Bowman, of Ailsa Craig. Rev. G. D. Damm, performed the ceremony in the pros - encs of the intimate friends of the con- tracting parties. The bride was at- tired in a beautiful costume and looked very pretty indeed. The presents re- ceived were beautiful and costly. Mr, and Mrs. Bowman Will reside in Ailsa Much sympathy is extended to the be- Craig. We all join in wishing them a reeved, long and happy married life, Ewa:NS-Trams-At the residence of the bride's parents, on Wednesday, San. 21st, by the Rev. Dr, Hannon, Mr. A. Evans to Miss Ada, fifth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Williara Treble, Huron street, Exeter. DEATHS BrcE-In McGillivray, on San. 14, Mrs. Gilbert Bice, aged 76 years. BONTHRON-In Exeter, on Jan. 16th, Mr. Ames Bonthron, aged 89 years, 5 months. LEvets-In McGillivray, on 8th con., on Jan. 18th, Miss Lewis, daughter of Mr. Wm. Lewis, aged 21 years. Jos -In Usborne, on Jan. 18, Eliza- beth, second daughter of Mr. Rich. 2J2ohdnasy,s. aged 55 years, 8 months and SPICER.-In Exeter South, on Jan. 19, Margaret Stevens, 'relict of the late John Spicer, aged 76 yaws, 6 months and 10 days. Lasts a Lifetime. That is just what ,they say of Vapo-Cresolene. The vaporizer is Practically in- destructible, and the Creso- lene is certainly not ex- pensive: This way of treat- ing affections of the throat is most economical, andis also most effective. Our little picture illustrates how it's used. You put some Cresolene in the vaporizer, light lamp beneath, and then breathe -in the soothing, healing vapor. For whooping -cough and croup it's a perfect specific. s vapo-creselene is sold by drut,„dst: everywhere. A Vapo.tresolene outfit; Includinithe Vapori zer and Lamp, which shonld last a life -tune, and a bottle of Cresolene. complete, $r.50; extra supplies of Creso, I ene 25 cents and 52 cents illustrated booklet contain- ing physicians' tdstimonials free upon request. NAPO. ClitSOLENE CO,, 180 Fultou St., New York, U,S.A,