HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-1-15, Page 8PERSONAL. et � SNAaP .Tbis With in• OVERCOATiNGS, SUITINGS, PAHTINGS, FANCY VESTING. large. assortment to select from. • W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, Exeter. ST T THE New Year SAVINGS AACCOIINP SOVEREIGN BANK of Canada or CRIMIT A11 the ladies interested in House- Dsfectirat kc4denx- hold Economic are invited to attend a' J. W. Watson, Monday evening for meeting of the Women's. Institute, to' gentlemen; Tuesday evening for ladies; be held in the Public Library, on Fri- children's class, Saturday afternoons. day at 3 poli. Private lessons given any hoana Par E. Pa ts/ral%, Sec'y. titular attention given to Waltz. and As will be seen by a norice elsewhere Two-Stesp , Come and learn the latest in this issue Mr: and Mrs. Frank Oke, dances, 'Three --Step and Floradora. of Toronto, have lost their little son Magazine Motes,. Roger Earl, by death. the little fellow Pierpont Morgan is undoubtedly the having died on December 31st. Mr. roost fascinating figure before the Ona will h former the s th keresident of Exeter world to day. "Mr. Morgan, ;lis. Ad - y p y visers and lois Organization are dis.. many friends here. cussed at length in the January Cos- Dr. Ovens, of London, surgeon, ecu- uiopolitan by John Brisben Walker, fist and specialist. diseases eye, ear, ,who spent ten days between Mr. Mor- nese and throat. will be at the Com- gap's and Mr; John Mitchell's ()faces, niereial Hotel, Exeter, Wed.,February in September, in the attempt to settle 4th; Wed„ March 4th; Wed„Appril lst; the coal -strike. Wed., May 8th; Wed. June 3rd, 1003. atttzcit tasacamttiss>o, Glasses properly fitted. Next visit The council elect for Mg reet ill be Wed„ Feb. 4th. a statute purav, . eat to to e at Town Hall, Monday, On looking over the list of success- Jan. 12th, at 11 o'clock and took and ail candidates In the municipal arena subscribed to the different oaths and .0 notice another former I+.,$eter boy declaration of office in the resents of coming Into prominence. We refer to A. L. Blandford, son of Mr. Silas B'andford of town, who was elected to the municipal council of Renfrew by a handsome malortty, We extend ongraatulations °Gus.,, A musical and. literary eoeieety has been formed in School Section No. 3, to heti, which will meet every Wed - nes y night, at 8 o'clock sharp. lIr. 't . Ford, of Exeter, is in charge of the singing class. On, the nights of the literary program the singing class will laraeet earlier in orders to get through part ' . theother in time to take pan in b program. The henetits derived from those meetings by the young people of the section will be rzaanyaandtaarreaach- ing, arid. all should avail themselves of this opportunity as it a great rnistaake for young people to allow their' lights to go oast early in life. The meeting of the South Huron Farmers' institute 'suits held in the 'l,'osvn Hall. Exeter, on Friday last. The attendance at the afternoon nneet- inlg wins poor, considering the irnpur- tk`ant nature of the meeting. No doubt the sekei'e weather partly caused this, The vut^iciaas speakers, however, dealt with their respective topics very elev- demonstrating a knowledge of subjects in as very instructive elpful mariner to their listener. Miss Olive Quanoe. ofAiisa Craig,` is here visiting her mother. .A,round, About Us, Clinton: Another of Ooderich town- ship's beloved citizens passed away on Wednesday at the ho�s(a.ital here at the age of sixtyyears. Mt: Lowery had not been enloyin • the best of health for some time and wasfast goingdown hill,, His trouble was stoat that noth- ing else but an operation wouldrelieve the condition, and submitted to the inevitable on Monday. The operation was successfully performed, bait unfor seen conditions *mese, after such, that urean�io poisoning developed, carrying ;tint, off to the land which knows no re.. turn. It was a, eowpiieation of an ens larged prostrate ey.etttia,stcaneand kids ney trouble. He leaves a wife, three sons and a daughter to mourn his des mise, , Seafortht On Thursday night or ih'ridayunorning, Mrs. Hunter, wife of thehc vies—Thos.... - Mr. Win. bunter, proprietor o the clerk, B. Caning, Reeye, , p, P f Joseph Cobbledick, John A. Gillespie, Glrtp hotel, at the statron,got up to get Thomas Hawkins and John Manning, Councillors. Moved by John Ozllespie, seconded by T. Hawkins, that eouneil adjourn to 8 o'clock p.rtr,—Caarried. Comma 11et pursuant to adjournment at 8 o'clock p. m,- All present. Minutes -'previous meetin read and confirm. a drink of water. By some fatal Iris.. take she get hold of a glass in which was some insect poison and not notic- ing ha contents„ she drank from the vessel. She very soon realized her mis take, and arousing the inmates of the house, medical aid was procured. The ed. Cobbledick—tanning—that appli-' doctor did everything possible to save Cations for the office of vie* hareem- her life, working with hese wast of ed until next meetin of Council.—Car- 'ridnny, but the deradlydrug had done vied. b[,lavt;inn-�-Cob�lediClrm-tliiatMes- Its wort* and despite tall effQrtaa she srs.Chas, Snell, Sr„ and Wm. 'Weekes died on Fridayevening. Aires Hunter U. ' of was eats age mid was' be appointed auditors far l Gilles.� y,1n trnusu- pie, m amendment, that W. S. Balk- (MY active aanad 4ttraae:tivK looking; wn- will be one of the auditor's for 1003. , nna}n. -She lied nit been as resident of No seconder, The Reeve declared the thus place long, Therewaios were tis- motion carried. Cobbledck—Hawkins ken to Oshawa forinterrnient, She is that .applications for ringing town bell survived by her husband, one son all and tenders for use of scales be receie one daughter. ed up to neat uwetiug of Conant;;... Clinton: A numbers of operations Carried, Gillespie Manning ethat A. have been performed at the hospital O. Dyer be reappointed assessor for here during the pastfswdive of which 1043,—Carried. Cobbledick-4Tawkins we might mention the fallowing: Nes, that W. J. Bissett be re appointed Charles Mason, has been an invalid for street commissioner, etc„ for 1901— nnaany years owing to the growth of an A petition from as number of residents abdominal tumor which reached an en Victoriaa,. ;Carling and Marlboro enormous size. When removed it streets was presented asking for a 60 weighed fortypounds. She stood the 1 power card a electt'ic li hat p P t the ear- operation well and is imprcayit?g.m-itfr. ner of Yarling and Victoria streets, Leatherland, of near Seaaforth, was Hawkins- ltiaanuiug'-.thatacommittee operated uppon for relief of cancer' of consisting of Reeve, Councillor Colas the stomach, This, necessarily, is a Tim sasuail concert in the evenin was Wet-Lekand the street conuaanssioner! very dangerous operation and the • ` wen attendee. and the azaleatern-; be appointed to a nvestagate and report tient is in a critical, conditit n, thas s � bars on the ro�,a,trn were well i-ri p � Adams, of Brussels, wtias apelaked sup dered. sao nand the 'addresses listened to forthwith. --Carried. Gilles ie—Has v- r 1;1ns—that a grant of FAQ be made to on for appendicitis and serious cnmpli with ranula interest. the Sick Children's Bose: ital. Toronto, ! cautious and is improving favorably, i rind nailer for Sale. nom, .d,, .ekF.. . 'arid hand, •2 horse power, tai !order. bailer; in tlrst-eiaass workin A. pre where hest lions ere in his •order. WYill be sold very cheap. Ap goad z°:,ataaalola Ionv at &weaes= office. That lend aid with tlic evpeei,atiaota of getting it taark. The better halves of the world do not know what the outer halves are doing;. Your bliss or misery in this life and the one to follow hangs pivoted in the balance. Mr. Robert Sanders, who has been lu lisposed for the past few weeks is recovering. Every num carries with him the key that unlocks to door to his success or failure Many a woman becomes dissatisfied with tuarrietilife because her husband advocates men's rights, If it wasn't for the fools in this *world the poor fakirs would have to go to work for: a living. Weigh a man in the balance and you will be 'pretty apt to find him. wanting -some big office, It seems as very bard matter for inaany professed ('histians to draw a line between good and evil. One days work left undone causes a break in the great chain that years of 'Wil may not be able to repair. The true essence of home love re- quires for its development the aid of every member of the home circle. It many not be true that all men sprang from the monkey, but it is a fact that all women spring from mice. Turkish Scalp Food is the best hair preparation for the hair in themarket. Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter. 50 cents n bottle. The trouble with a great many men. is that they wait until they are broke before they try to beak themselves of bad habits. The most pitiful and unfortunate combination we have ever yet seen was a critical women and a hypocritic- al husband. The web of life is drawn into the loom for us, but we weave it our- selves. The warp is given us but the. woof we furnish. Mr: Win. Bissett, of whom mention was made last week as being ill, has almost recovered and will been on duty again in a few days. "To he good is to be happy” is an old proverb, but yon could not con- vince a dyspeptic or a sour livered in- dividual of its true meaning. Mr. J. F. Russell lost a valuable borse by death on Thursday night. The beast died from an attack of in- flammation and was valued at $150. It . is the things children see and bear, about them that mould their Rowland & Youngs Bijou. Comedy destiny for eternity. Then what a Co., consisting of 16 people, support, great responsibility rests upon their ing the talented and versatile actress,` parents. Miss Marge Adams, will appear at Dix Lung Syrup; Dix Little Liver Gidley's Opera House, Exeter, for one figDix Kidney Pills, Dix Cold Cure week commencing, Monday,. Jan. 19th, Compound Carbolic Ointment? n'a repertoire of popular and stand - only need to be tried to prove their and plays and is 'reported , as value. Sold.bv C. Lutz, Exeter. being the best repertoire organiza- tion touring Canada to -day and should If you want to save money order draw :good houses t ro ughort the en - your magazines, newspapers or other tire week. It isnot often that Exeter foreign periodicals at the- n vo- is visited d to by sac h a cleve>' ' m an as p Y CAxr, office. It will pay you. We this one and the citizens should avail are agents for any of the above pub- themselves. of this opportunityand en - fished. courage good companies to come here turning by t:e numbers. Mr:`; Edgar; Westcort, through .an g out in large Theo opening 'w'1 attack of inftamatio P a,, Il be "'Under Two n, has been unable „ to attend to his duties'at the. shop Flags a military play in five acts,: -and Friday p a host of specialties will be put on since F day last, but his friends will between acts, doing away with :'t' be pleased to: learn that be is recover- g y, tire - be waits. Special ladies tickets recover- ing will be.on duty shortly, t will be issued Mr the .o enin night, e." Sam 1 Gidle i M s havingfur- „ . ., , y the whereby a lady or gentleni•auparches- nue In the Opera Blockrenovated, •o v" ne reserved s Peraswill- be entitled ing ter finding'that the g ,tines -.had been to another.: This is a rare o o .' pp rtun- rned out: ;Th This do bat i doubt has been it. .,, s n Y Tworeserved: seats for.25c.. A the trouble; in the manager i x.n t h g a being noisome, dinner -set. will be , even able to heat the;, hall roper si- „ properly, ly. :Its away on Sattirdayntght. ;; Coupons to P frigid ; state on many occasions has be• issued _,..... .,..,.:.,... e. ver night. D_. on. tfor forget • thebsen-aso res of much annoyance and date Jan ti d.the rices 10c.,150„ , suier"ng� consequent1y the change and25c. MondLy,aightladies two for 'wit' he Much 'appreciated 'bYthose•hav- 2 0 : r a lad and escortrt 2�c. t,lnder ing occasion to attend the hall/ We_�wtFlags", Monday, Plan may'look for grind roasting in future .o ens,. Friday, Jan.: 6th, at Dr. Lutes from the present mann ger. drug store.'' The Midwinter Mittiuery. The distinctive shape this season is the turban; it is of beaver, velvet or fur, and trit-tu ned with rosette,aigvette or ostrich pinnae. Rid, dyed in pale colors is a novelty in hat materials and astrakhan tulle deserves to be re - coned :among the season's productions; the latter is nn admirable substitute for Persian lamb, having the advan- tage of lightness in weight. Fur bats have a cbarm and elegance all their own. and Siberian squirrel isa prom- inent feature of the seasono s xnocie, Light hats are worn with dark gowns and oink hats are extremely modish with light tan or gray. There is in- variably some trimming that droops over the bair. Fruits and flowers re- tain the popularity as trimming, and of the latter violets are especially fav- ored. Acorns and grapes are also pop - tiler deenrations. rom Tho Delinea- tor for February. Death of Mrs. Alward. There died at her home, Lake Road, Hay, on Tuesiay last, Maggie David- son, beloved wife of Mr, David Alward, at the age of 30 years, 10 months and 10 days. Mrs. Alward had not been enjoying good health for some time, the origin of her tronble being a severe attack of pneumonia from which she never fully recovered, settling on her lungs, and developing into that dread disease, consumption. Of late she bas fast been going down hill but the vital dbrd was snapped on above date. The deceased was much respected by those who formed her acquaintance and the many friends of the family will deeply regret to learn of her demise. She leaves a sorrowing husband and two small children—son and daughter— who will have the sympathy of all. The remains will be laid at rest in the Exeter cemetery on Friday at two o'clock. Amusement Notes. Carried, Gillespie --Cobb ediek•-thatthe, following accounts be passed and or-; drr:s deaawvn en treasurer for satire, .. T. ;doss Robertson, tick Ch'iidren'e Hos- pital, 510; Mrs, White, scrubbing read ing room. Me„. Dickson S: Carling, sac - count .10112, S3.—Carried. Hawkins—' Cobbledick ,that tenders for printing be received up to next meeting of Council, --Carried. Manning—Hawkins that the assessor be empowered to col- lect all dog tax at the same time as he makes assessment and to furnish as tag to all parties paying for same. .Any dog found without tag after April 1st, will he.im ounded for two daye and if not thou claimed will be shotty street commissioner without further notice and that a by-law be prepared confirm - same. --Carried, Oobbledick—Gil- lesppie—that the clerk proeure salapl s of dog tags.—Carried. Gillespie—Hat kips—that Council adjourn to Friday, Jan. 16th, at 7.30 p,m.—Curried. G. H. Brsssrr, Clerk, Mr. S. Tager, of Parkbead Junction, is visiting at his home hear. Mr. P. B. Dignan, of London, Sun- dayed with his parents in town. Rev. J. W. Waddell, of St. Joh», called on friends in town Monday. Miss Foll'ie Bawden left Wednesday to visit her brother in Ridgetown. Mrs. Geo. Harness, of West McGill- livray, is visiting Mrs. Harness here. Mr. Sarxi'l Sanders is unable to at- tend to his duties as operator owing to illness Mr. Jos. Bawden, who has been vis- iting her sons in Ridgetown, return- ed Monday. Miss Francis Rowcliffe left Saturday for London where she will visit friends for a month. Rpbiu Pickard, after a visit with his grandparents here, returned to Lon- don Saturday. Miss Pearl. Levitt, who has been vis- iting friends in Berlin for several weeks, returned home last.week. ' Miss Luella Holmes, who has been the guest of Miss Pearl Rollins, re- turned to her home in Blyth Friday last. Miss Edith Sanders left Wednesday morning to visit friends in Strathroy The ease (It Miss .1'ickand. of tioderiell township was a very dltlirult atuidl ciaan- pornOS one. She stood the operation well. On account of tlu' severity al? tie e,tses and the serious nature of than (perm ions. the services ices of Dr. Feigo- Stna, of Chicago, were secured. St, Marys; Airs. NI, sham Gilpin met with a strange mishapon Snnibat evening. She had the misfortune to fall just outside her dooand break the small bone of her ankle. With difficulty she got into • the house and, being a alone, as Mr. 011pin ryas away, she sat at the window and tried to attract the attention of the passers by, but in vain,. She got to bed, not being able to iattend to the fires, (7ua Monday luorning she 'managed tca make tine of the school children hear and he went across the road and told. Mrs. Nutt, who camp over. Thinking the injury to be only a swelling, some household remedies were tried, Even- tually De. Brown was sent for and he pronounced it a case of broken ankle. The bone has been set, but the injury is such as will probably keep Mrs. Gil- pin still for three months, St. Marys: The many friends of Mr. Janes Westman, sr., of this village, will be sorry to hear of his death which took place after a short illness at the family residence on itingstreet. He attended the nomination on Mon- day, in Lucaa.n, in apparent good health and is supposed to have con- tracted cold which resulted in inflam- mation of -the bowels causing death on Monday, the 5th inst., at the age of seventy years and six months. The, funeral took place to the Presbyterian cemetery on Wednesday. Mr. West - man has been closely identified with the early settlement of this locality and has always been held in the high- est esteem by all who knew bim. He was a consistent and 'honorable mem- ber of the Methodist church. Besides his aged partner, four sons and two daughters are left to mourn the loss of 6ne of the kindest of husbands and best of fathers. St. Marys: Death has claimed an- other victim in the person of Wynd- sor Laird, son of Mr. J. W. Laird, of this place, who passed away quite un- expectedly on Sunday morning. He had been confined for some time at the hospital at Utica, N.Y., and was thongbl _ to be recovering. A week ago Mr. Laird received word that his son was suffering from tubercolosis in and before returning will visit De- an advanced stage and that it would trot. be advisable for him to return home. the journey was too Miss Emiline Howard, after spend-_ y - at ing the millinery season in Clifford, has returned to her home here to spend the holidays. Mr. and Mrs, A. J. Snell, who were spending the Christmas holidays with physician the former's mother: here, returned to Lansing, Mich., last week. Mrs. Thos. Young, sr., and Mrs. Thos. Young, jr., of "Rossburn, Man., are visiting friends in the neighbor- hood of Exeter and gippen. NOTLOAL Bat CSI llurnes )1\ NOT WOOD 0111 Wool Bars That all absorbing topic, the coal situation is what is bothering the mind o the public to -day. It is a. momenta;pus question and while the situation is grave do yott know it is no good worrying about it, for is it not true that trouble you most ezpeet often never comes, It may he the same in the coal situation, Set it aside and listen to oor stove tails if you are thinking of buy. ing anything in the stove line. We carry the following finest• -• , AIR -TIGHT DOUBLEand SINGLE HEATERS COAL and WOOD RANGES OAK URA TERS with COMBINATION SELF FEEDER STOVE BOARDS STOVE MATS E BOARDS, �,i �,t , F fl C IDR A. ATM PLUMING A SP Ci , B lti E SALTY, a HAW IN HOLIDAY GOODS! Holiday Display Different From An Our .Ana. When buying from this store yon have that pleas that you are not duplicating what anyone else is showing. none too goad,. Our prices are right. ,Dainty Linens for , oliday ,resents. Table Linens, Tathle ltiaekins, Tray Cloths, Centerpieces, Carving Cloths, Tea, Covers, Scarfs, % els etc.; in. various elzes and. at rt;at- sonaaable prices. Other Is nt assurance The hest is ,PaintyWaist £Bn9ths. A useful bolidaaypresent. We have the goons that are wire to pienar, nothing in toren as pretty and no two waists alike. This is joist what you were looking' for, and we will late pleased to show you, Freneln Cashmere, 1 French Del;aire, with satin stripe, Retch Flannels etc', A large stock of tents' furnishings for holiday trade. girt elegant range of ties and neck scarfs, all the latest, They are ,Knotty at they ore tslee.. 'urs, What is more comfortable, sightly or more generally appreciated as a gift than a handsome fur. Our stock includes articles of all ;Ands, Fur Coate, Collaretts, C'aperines, Ruffs, Caps, Gauntlets ett'. The prices are a neat fit for either fat or lean pocket hooks. 4"all in and examine our holiday goods. You will be more than de- lighted. No trouble to show goods. Headquarters the Ce rated W. San dq h lei , W. E.chard Ready Made Clothing;. ER J a S*�. A .. ,, nM., w N - FtJ1NITURE i You hear this asked of some .rr FL�13]StiTURE ? of clothes they wear. - Furniture f all kinds and at prices to suit all, who are wise enough to in- spect our stock, before buying else- where. We carry- the stock and we make the prices right. You hear this asked of some .rr Opera Block. Practical Embalmer. of clothes they wear. - W. C. HUSTON, You hear this asked of some persons every day, and the Opera Block. Practical Embalmer. of clothes they wear. 1 n GOING OUT. OF SHOE BUSINESS,. -severe a strain on him. On arriving home Saturday evening, he seemed' quite bright and ate a hearty supper. On Sunday morning his:father went to call, him but failed to arouse him. A hysician was called but was unable to restore him to consciousness. He passed away at41.30 o'clock. The de- ceased young roan, who was 25 years of age, spent the greater part of his youth in St. ; Marys, ; where many friends remember him as a ;generous,. warm-hearted lad. Mr. and Mrs. Laird have the: deepest sympathy of the conniunity in their sad and un- expected. ted bereaves nent. " Mr. Wm. Yager, who has been vis- iting•his ,mother: and other relatives here during the past few weeks, re- turned Friday to Willow City, N. Dakota. " Miss Hayton left Tuesdaymor i nmg for London" where she bas accepted a position as dress -maker. Miss Barton served an apprenticeship nticeship wi h Miss Sweet, of town..' Mrs. Jas. Beirnes,, of Guelph, who has been visiting Mrs. Ferguson and other friends • in town and vicinity, • re turned, aec'ompa ied byher niece Miss Ccelia Ferguson.; Mr. , Jos. Davis,•who has been in Graven hurst•attend hag _. the Sanitarium for his health, returned borne e .Phrs- day night last,' his general condition having P 'm aca h':improved. ed:: Mr. Nes n Taylor, Who has been .in the state o f Wash in tonfor the past Years, returned home 'Monday and visit his parents;rr and. Mrs. Sohn W. Taylor for a feat weeks. Mrs. ,t Tames s e Wes colt ••. tr . ,, and daugh- ter, of Douglas, Main., ;arrived:. here Thursday last and will"visi£frieeds an and around. Exeter for a few" weeks., She will be the guest of; her daughter ` u ht ge r . g Mrs.•Rlch, Coates,.Usborne, CITY' Arib to IAL PAPERS. "As the'string unto the bow," the poet 'wrote when hewanted tize sing - Vivo things g .s that were the complete anent of etch other—two, things that °•work together; and are. more •"useful ;,together'thg.n separated. Two other things of the'sanm "ki nd are metro- politan daily and a local newspaper,. One gives they, wor'ld's news and the othee Sthes, news of its own'locality:. Both'supplynatural wants, and neith- er can fill .,the :want supplied: by the. (Abet:" Along with your locaGlc•pa exs therefore you sheri'ld:take the , Toron- . y to DtilY Star Tn all Ontario there Is n"city paper that ....chn to mP s. e with. the Toronto Star. , It has, its own, directtspeel cableswhich., gfive anti t e w�rldsn tvsx da ahead of 'other.p Psrs: Andit gives all ll th e Ynarketqti0tatious,;and .them on,t e' -Same da •on;.sixteen. bo .ahead of sthe riiornitrg papers : ',Fon' ;these .ir:easons :alone tyon.wil!l find. in will pay �to take the:: Toronto Daily" Starr, , Having decided to give up the Shoe Business and put all my time at Harness, I: will sell all my stock of BOOTS AND SHOES T COST ST Now. is your`:time to secure Bargain s. Reduced To $1,75. Mens Felt e t Boots rg e fi tlar 2.25 for $1.75. Other oods inproportion. lar A EEE )tgl'E •. Clinton: There 'sed:awa,'."We Pas,. , Y„tan, d nesdu Ci de Couch t in; ,Y, Y e, . , he•,f,,antsoaiof Mr. and Mrs. :Leslie• Sa e., T e• little one. . g b .. as aged 7'tnet t a w g _.n.„n Its . nd �Y4,`cla s grid`: had been •ill for two: week's; anidfor the ast:week it --:had een eviller �t °• pp . b t hat;the babya could. not • stetbetter; the troi ble was what is`eoremonl kno , Y . wn its iva- • ter on, the brain. The funeral took' place :on. rid a y bind cordal• n hoarse sit e an " BZns, d.othe t . , . x broil, ailments arc:ei ickfy relieved by Vago-Creso- tene.tablets,-tel centsrier'box. All druggists: 11 TV Was He Dressed ? You hear this asked of some persons every day, and the answers depend on the kind of clothes they wear. How are Y'oz.. Dressed When you want to be well dressed come, and have a suit made to order. All .new .goods consisting of Suitixi g -. •_ s I PaTtitins• Ove e O at i ni s '.Etc. . Cl' TAIL OR —. -O P Otfe4tche Eg®,' t 'Goderich;:tp: :Mr. James Lindsay had the misfortune to have v his iankle severely, hurt.by a•log g rolling on it. ',Clinton: - Mist Fe r us,.en ,. who ..f o r thepast year. has ,is@n'tlerkan atllbd ens Bras.,- was nutted in narra e .ather home in Bafied ;o ".: da; to Mr. 'O W. 'h R nus'rl late y Y t of":God- ., They' left for London the e!,same day where they will 11reside z t future. Miss . •Mirnac Cooper sncs' eeded Miss, Ferguson at Hodgens Brie Infants too ooyoung-to take Medio e •.in may ,. be cured of croup, whooping cough and colds by Using Vapo-Cresoleie=they breathe it.