HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-1-15, Page 7t"1"1444.4444401,44444444414+44H-1*•;÷1÷1÷1.+1444-1-2.444: P.A * 4 THE TERRORSI)F A STRIKE. 1: *eh A Picture of Ruin, Sorielevothingen artd Despair. " • .„ jeleeetaeseeehee...e..?...4.4.44., ke'erae zo le the morcneg• these tbo reAh Atetile c!e°0 et the elhahth..thl•Y the hi:that lie contuton* Vomes he tn.; -a " *se gvery • natiVR4 - That Prof. liodgeon Bilis, Ofeeial Aoelyst te the Dominloe Gov- ernment.' ba e recently made e number Of Ittialyees of soapS. aod repturts that Sunlight Soap contains that high' "Percentage of ofis or at neeeeeetref "to a geed laundry eciap." arrth0 What -every' Woman does- met Imo* I tom ive et e shop. they 0It eil(1,110 11/4Q0 V°41"3 ^ 1.-1t0 Iv°0- fprently- fadut CQ ld ?Ad block with the eorrow of iiian hhe made one last, sopreme ef.t. pays or lterations athenrico of oils and. fats; Try Sun" ruin, .4 the ,end -or the great lot% fart; and ewe he is coming slowly ligbt Soap-Octagoo Bar, --next wash the macebee, with its thin moos, add back, las bands elliPty, bowed with I day. awl, yog win nee. fil" rfet •000teoujeee. ebees „ viands 4izzb..mie'ery. It, is. evening. and the rain gigs ts oight,150 000ld imow. 2 sense of -desolation to the room..Ithe med. Ile walks beneath the woo*, onto Giro, lied resomuledi heavy shower without nothing it, with the cheerful clatter and whir-ifeeiing only his imager. loiter'ng, ring nolees of the big machine, ithat be way reach home .Wss. quhr throbbing lite 00 "Wart of tee nnU. ly, Ile leans over the ,Oide or ore of bending a Still more peuctratioglis failing: brevity; Pads is fuvereal Mg, She is walued up and is tbinke ing, watching the end of .c1 candle gis. diekers on a corner Of MS tab. ( se knows what monstrova, The master comes down from his ,the bridges of th hie. the -Tieing heart -breaking shadows sweyp across little office, and soya sadly to the Waters resh by with eontinual the face of OW littiQ girl Of SeVeP, Workers; Incise and the sports or white foam yeors. with the eerious, withered lea.* Merl, there J o work - break against the piles of the bridge twee of on Oki WOUlark. uo sitttrg on the edge o tie box which eerree r.OS a. bed. Her feet batig clown einveringle. her sick- ly. dollelike bards are holdino against her lireast the rags dog ver her. She feels a horsing Lher. a Ore that she would like to put out, She is thinking. She has never had any playthiogs. Slue could not go to liehOol becaUse she did not 141NQ any Mmes. Wheci eyee of retorning empty -hooded to lighting un. and behind the curteins she Wate Tery 11141C tte retneuti ers clay - there aro rio more orders; Ili^ 1. He teens farther over. the mighty aead, I am receiving coiniterinalids:flood passes. underneath inim, throw - on every side, and all the mereliani•ing him 0, furious appeal. He draws tlkso wot left on my hands. This ,himeeli up and turns away. mutter - December, the menth of seat heavY is% that be must strosg a- littlo work lo other years, and upon w:sielijonger„ I had counted oo much. threatens to: The rain has stopped. The gas ruin the strongest coucerns. We' blazes in the jeweler's windows. If shall have to suspend." ihe'cotild but break Gm Wars he could And os see S ttv WOrt*Peri seize lirOA enoligh in oee handful to mg et web other with foeur no them rast, for yeero, Tee reetweraniti 41 to their 1101nel, a, fear of lotuSer on the of white 111081111 he eon WO the too- how her mother took ter out la the ;sunshine, But tat was long age. They had to work, and after that H. always eeemed as IT there were cool wind blowing in the house. Sh hue not Telt very comfortable. eit ▪ she has always teen hungry. She has thought a good deal About Inerrow. be Ode.; In a lOwqr to= !plc eating. lie hoagies his step. he ton net selfish, no. 1 swear to rgo es bnck alorg the street 011re you that OM not. Ey situutiOn As intore.. front, a the butchers, the tis terrible. even More terrible. k shop and the bakers, in front bilPfi. than vivre. I have lost aim II greedy Paris. who feaeta in the • '000 fronco in loss the:: a, week. I ur of- fallline, am g y When the wife and the little one net to deepen the gulf. I have not :wept •that morning, he prowl ed to that, but ste eallnet ufller51011d. Is the Ilrst eon toward my bills of the I bring them bred that night. He everYbooky always hungry, thee? Slue Mb. You fiee1 ttln not biding any- earehe not go borne just yet and say dul'i tried vcre l'ard to eet Peed to thing from you. I speak to you as that he lied. And while he wino, ,1t, but she boa sever teen We to. a friend, To -morrow, perhars. the be asks idmotet ixee, h wiii return. She thinks&5C is to little, thot one bailiffs will be here. That is not witet he win say to make them ee, must. ee bigger to endertaeren f/er tient a little longer. They canuot go memv more daya without eating,. HEARS Tnuoitori IS LEGS. One 'Of the Strangest asiel haest un- exPeoled useo to which one eould imagine a leg being, put is that Of organ of hearing. Yet such scenes o'he one at !met of the functiens the forelegs of the eficket. On the outer tuide of aetibia a 5541 OVai pace may be seen, in vaileh. the strong ormatoro which covere the rest Of. the body is reduced to a, thin, alad membranous cOndition, making thus a oort of window, or drumhead. ommunicating with, this inside the leg. are' the extele'of a nerve, and it. an *lewdly be doubted, therefore, that the whole apparatus Youotitutes an'auditery organ. AFTER TYPHOID, Arge IX= ngcovETts Imo BUT TO slaw= RHEITZIATISE. Remarkable eas o Rep° 4 ena Rainy Itivere-gew a, /no "be Was Crippled With Pain s completely Restored to alth, - Ont.. J4_4, ) • Joint Dix o ee, tots bed rensarkable uce. • Runnier he was taken clown hephoid Veer. anti Was Very "r he got over it .and stertid gain Rheumatism set M. . axon thil5 describes it "I bed pains In my back. end my right hip, so heti that bed a slick to walk with. awl ha romort M Fleepirig, "I eterd no more than times undrees reyeelf for nearly two months'. reel for three or four weeks I was so stihT and sore that 1 could t looe ley right shoe. or lett my eglit en, my left knee., "A hrotier of trine advised no to t*vnr,,krn ificiery aid after at trerea haws 1 hegan to well; orti ana do 15y WOlic • And lege lip IX; “Nteiv ilta es well as ever, Line have root e wen or ache left, "1 lave FM tioNe.15 Pe(iii.F, Ki04'1' Pale, end I can heertily cote lel them as a cure for Mau. tne t The ;thew', toteratent by Ur. reeve can V*OtiChCii for by many ofhl friieole and veighhorte who are ail etitieeeeetic in their prase of Dodd** Kicieee rale for their Woliderfial cute of Ma iiinonan crate th)dorn Maury Pills have an ns bride n sword of over a cloven yea an a Reece -aqui minedy for Illteuma They have eeen umd in th flhi1c6'Vs1111 and Mug strietlinFr clues onil failiare late yet to ha worded. Tn noniatter what fornt this din ewe- appeerri it in nlwitys a eynoptor of le ranged kidneys. Doild's PlUe cure the eldneys. Well kidney extract the Vele Acid from tie blood. Without Urie .Aeld there eau Tbwo is a laxly artist residing Paris wile receives sg,51)() , from one Peal of Chrietume card gishers. merely or the privilege having first. cheiee of 'ail her fres. There never woo 4.11 uover wog riA niversel ciFerfeeth ele renteee, see at to %video dem le bier -ale verv eaters eases* ewer eree Who $n-,tt teite were 'eeerme of inlet null aUfTeremilr Eeaei diseeeei remelt in ;be evereei et ithe trelenc-weae, wonia reireve one ill. in ma would aggreveee she Other. We eaves bowever, te feecnieo Winee when oleainahle le o turelidtentred iferamilY, fur q!ilia' reit; lirevAilbi groituti aim .troitudotti we. die ,‘stetir. ere led teto conveleivence ng.h. he MO 40000eUee tee>, our fault, is it? We be.Ve struggled to the very end. have wiShed from the bottom of my iwort. time tio very well withort fowd. coald help you 'over this herd time. hut the wife and other little tete, who it was put, you into the world but the end has come. 1 have lost ot,o too to butrery, everythirg, and I have no longer For on iostrtot. iv..., Then, too, it is homely in their mother knows. thoneh, strange thing that is hidden from littee girls. If elle eared She would ask any brood to sharo " ging comes to hint. el% a housee ellhe lectlet at the whitlow Ile Wilda out his band. Tlie rnell elady or a gelitlenean ease de, him 'tt:liere the entptv weer Of the tosit-ei shako It -611.cotaleh and tOr t'orPO he thinto Of streteterg rt ele trees P.OPIs5 in the wind, ot, the baro Amnia remain Diem looking at Iltellihand, his aril* ot his eide Araile. the hr0en furniture, all the iwk tO015. their bands clinched. and his throet tighter*. Ile re- theme cr ett'e the strike i Every other TOOrdial; the (ilea hall mains rooted to *lie ahlewalle vsl les hens with tis-healr. In her cisme!, verg end th() hazanhveh, hnd eareelage 9 the preverly dad people tee% anew tiftSq ehe litelehe the fees dreamed of rliethralcelly. and now it seemed. as ' from, him, bellevieg 'hint drunk cm 'warm room 153144 Veoldlitti though' all that were sleeping in tint dust of futilely. There Wele 20, there were 80. families who would not IlaVO anything to at during the WANE 1-12, DANZ I A. New Came for al.others. Baby's awakening ought to he, looted forward to as a pleasure. not /MS ealried everytiong to e .:us usu. o c a mit IC - awaken bright; RIMY. and roll or II out. work. are enaiigli to elrip tho fun, refrefilied by sh.vp, readY for it tle house. The night icforo shr cold any difOtrenve. They haven't eaten good time. onything slum last night, so till IOU keep everyone miserable until he .,notluitto but the cover lett. ele has man piecen and eats 0. few slow - they look upon hie drawn, Lima:hal tho▪ ngs (hat shone; elm renal her eye face. iistaluri to eee them, and through her. thin eyelauslicia the light of the candle The leer:maws wire. pacien teerunles n great reselendenee of gold, mac, .ask.ep. hes come dorii; into which rho would like to go. etairs to tlic threshold of the ;moo nut the wird cOmes hlowitig in, and iie woman 15 very Mao ow clod in there is such a current of air from gown of printed calico. She Sh1V. the WIE4nv"lat sibe ts 'el'<t"gl with the breezeF: of the strcet. on anted; coughirer and when It She has nothieg more in the h 0' lE" °Pre 1* ittgs e3 -vs la4"1 with t"r8* t • . •t dreaded as a meow. Ile ehould mone-de-Piete. Fight dayn with. fore wf;011 tilaY haft 414/lone; "Iv she does not care: It deesn't make , llow maw mothers dread WC tolo'tng thlre 1"1:at for iuother liiiriTeenl.°"Tboeuticletore awakening howls, knowing; that ht. 1,14%53 uttetf has gone now; tire 1:14 ammo her. sbo breaks her bread! goeS to sleep Again .01- gets biS bung that On n heoh, teore the one by me; than she playa with hese crying lits aro the terror or 'dow to keep oat some of the cols! bo Itheentotism. painfully. 'Ion; shut the door. The little aid iost. se en Nat lire,' own reetoresivese eve* she aroophig etiirics of ttso•At wii0111 a chrenic ssa:e inerid eerier assil 1;wo of Minty*. in die le ud. Lytraimililienee tee nerve*. dieposeete veinal anj. relr4,q10,4 mparts vigor so she aellea Of OM mil2r. hien Wee; el cein ciironen. t the wine. eireagsbentue iheeletly natal fung..0a. ti.o reeresebt. thrives' ettig ateklelte' a tue000ary recto. enetheniagshe framt. mut eiviese life ;ueiihteeteal orgniK neeentily i and tlierea.ed zlililalaug-reiaii. Om. 'N'crllyirilp. 109Via ,q5 TOM% krinrep. to too peolie toeur eciperiee ganiolu P gaC.1 07. 4910 ro,e, line. ganged by elm eiewoe of tcluati,;,. 04,5 %yule aililnat,r.iiel tlearrit. priea 4lf iu she tis.creea Ail tiru.:44u$4 tufa 4. every ineeperieliced Mettler. frs. Gabriel Barnes, Six MBC Luke. Ont.. o is a mother who IMS learned how this trouble can be best met. and writes us as follows : "My baby but the strite has struek.tho women:a'n'ythhig at• the end a, Joao rno!tire IS t"343 ""1914 SUfiered much. from indigestion, and even more heavily than the men. At - 110 re oats in a loco -haulm' 1 out t_gether. ----au* until the la few. courday Man A.. *Ler eyesore blasts, for the little girl` cotaths u Her mother has come back: .father Love's labor for the lest hi never Without estvine swelling to liar woes at their ewes eery eurcirieed- husband she Ins; I voted' r work, 'Iv ti hen wben they do not Ray' tri 0.1.11••••41,1 wits cross and restlees, geve bird 'ler stair-bea.d there aro poor, 'nlent' 5 P ears wan m1;1110:4.1 to he Inoomtle. 1. or several medicines, but they did not help him. the:: got a box of Ileby'n V" Own Tablets and they halted him almost, at once, and have done him .So snitch good that I would not now he without them. .1 ean recommend Baby's Own Tablets; to all mothers ns the best medicine T have ever forttMate WOMeri WIIOM she heard "le(); very pot,„rax,,a,,,142-1,7,enve, m very hungry, I'm weeping the whole eight through. 40 gry remialle and by eamtantiy faWng to She hd Met one etanding at the corneal f r " bnorure with lorai lteatr.::cot, pronomrea of the sidewalk, •one is dead and on. °I' ' la ng l a le It iacurtooe. sea ree has pravon eaterrh other has dityppeared. tween his hands, siiits in a dark Cole to be a conaltutioval discare 'Tepidly for her, she bits a heue- ner; be stays there, litterly crushed, i fe, rerequires car: cateieuai imminent. ir.tuufactur4 d llY silent sobs. Tile ti ien..js ct nem yrou4 t Mi., band who does not, drink, a good GnillnittIcialtn,r.v.n.ittilfillixliegaIPee" tears, again puts i the onlyl'escriestitusicticii Tutleede°;i 11:1edt 4! man. They wiltdd he comfortable If tbe little one int° the box. She coy- kat. ft is tams internally in etches used for children.'"These Tablets the dead seasonhad 1, I troth 10 drops to a teat.pconful. It eas ors her with all the clothes in the, ectly on the blood and mueoue e . ne- ar° guaranteed to contain no opiate them of everything 4tilla /IN she ----- ---- room, and tells her to be good and 4' likitzres of the seateni. Teey osier one hun- ..or harmful drug ancl can be given bausted her credit, she owes the bak- go to sleep. And the child. whose i died dollars for any cute it fails to with absolute safety to the young- CV, the grocer, the fruit man, and -- teeth are chattering with cold. who i cure. bend for circulars and test -mould, est, weakest infant. Sold by an she no longer dares even to poess by 1 feels the fire in her breast burning ! 41s. 1...r. eirEmr t-110., Toledo, 0, druggists or sent by mail, post paid. their shops. That afternoon she bad stronger, 'becomes very brave. She Sold by Druggists. 75c. at :et) cents a box, by writing direct been to borrow 20 sous of her sis- puts her arm around her mother's Ball's Family Dills aro the hest. to the Dr. Williams' eledicine Co, 'ter, but there also she found such Jacek and whispers softie: "Tell me, Matolna, why are we al - 'ways livengry?" A Brockville, Ont., or Scheliectady, ThIserY that, without saNing a word. THE VOICE; OF THE HUM N.Y. sho began to weep, and together with her sister, she wept for a long time. A. beggar who bad tried many • following week. S'Orrie of to wo_ And when sh4 e went away she pro- ways for increasing his finances at men who work in the mill wipe away mised to bring her a PROMINENT FARMER. morsel of bread last bit on the plan of pretending to the tears from the corner of their if her husband caufe back with some. be dumb. A gentleman who was •"eyes. The men try to look more 'The husband does not return. The passing by knew the beggar by firm. They speak bravely, saying rain is falling liOa.VilY; she takes ref- sight, and, going ma to hint, asked that one does not die of hunger in uge under the door, the big rain him promptly : drops splash at her feet - a stream 1 "Pray, how long have you been Then, when the master leaves them, of wathr wets her thin dress." At dumb ?" '.'and they see him walk away, tent intervals, seized with impatience, ahe The beggar was taken unawares, and stooping, crushed within eight goce down the steps, in spite of the and had no time to decide on not , days by- a disaster rerhaes greater heavy shower, rubs ber hands Over 4 speaking, but answered quickly : "Prom my earliest youth." Many farmers, especially those whe have attended the Agricultural Col- leges, are familiar with the name, John rixter. Pixter is foreman of the Do- minion Experimental rearm at Ot- t.evia. • Ire has beee °enjoying a diversion froin his regular duties of late, in- specting the 4,000 harrows made by Massey -Harris Co., Limited, for the British Government for tiee in South Africa. Fixter says that he has. per- sonally- marked each I:farrow with the Government stamp. The whole shipment of 4,000 was made within one month of the date the order was received, which re- letti much credit on Massey-Earris Company and Canadians generally. The Harrows were made in the Brantford Factory of Massey -Harris Company. Some idea of the capa- city of this plant may be gathered when it is known that this big order was filled while the regular work of supplying implements of yariotts beads for the world's best farmers was still in progress. Speaking of the world's best far- , mars, it is aseoniehing that this -ammany should have gathered to - ether such an enviable list of eatrone in (tiniest all quarters of the globe. The fame of the Massey-Rarris im- plements extendsamong the farm- -tee eommunity of the entire world. The only- conclusion we can draw is that. the business, has been built lip on honest methods -the company has given -its patrons, the farmers, good vaeie for their money, and dealt honestly and fairly with them at all times. than he will tell there, they, Smoth- ering in that room, go out, one by ' one, their throats choked, and their hearts cold with sorrow, as if they e: were leaving a chamber of death. • The dead is their work, the huge, dumb, machine, whose shelter is greatly in the, shadows. her thin hair to dry it and again Settles down patiently, though she is shaken by heavy PAS of fever. The coming and going of the pas- sers-by jostles her.She tries to make herself very small so as not to trouble any one. Some of the men peer Closely into her faee, and some- times she feels a Warm breath touch- ing lightly her neck. All of suspicious The workman is outside, in the Paris, the street with its mud, street, on the paveraent. Ile has the brilliant lights, the rolling car - tramped the sidewalk for eight days lieges, seem to wish to take her and . without being successful in -finding throw her into the stream of it all. 'work. He has gone from 'door to She is hungry. She belongs to the whole world. In front of her is • a bakery, and she thinks of the little girl upstairs asleep. Then, when her husband appears at last, veering away from the houses like poor wretch, she rushes to meet him and looks anxioubly at him. Well!'' she se:limners, He floes not answer, but bends his heed even lower. Then, pale as death, she mounts the stairs. door, oflering his arnis, offering his hands, offering his whole body for • any work, even the most revolting, the hardest, the most deadly. Ev- ery door is shut. '3:here.is nothing, nothing. ' Then the workman has offered to, work at half price. The doors will not ie -open. He would' -work for nothing' if they would only take him on. It; , is the strike, the terrible strike that ie tollirig the knoll of the • • garrets. The panic has stopped ell the inclustriese and money, cowardly money. • is hidden fearfully away. IV. Upstairs the little giel is not sleep- _- _ t:tr4 4 1,1*.--I'Zi0V.0 ee. We make Granby Rubbers and Overshoes out of pure new rubber. Can,as much be said of any other make? cost the maker more, but they cot e Wea,J.'er less, for one pair does the work of two pairs of ordinary rUners. " Granby Rubbers Weal' like iron.7 411:4/44 r . 000.• t "I'm sorrYi", said' the country' , shopkeeper, "those are two articles we don't keep; but the loysters, think, you wil I, find at the .post-elelce, and the oniehs you can get ' across the way at the harber'se' 2-03 1 To Those of Sedentery Occupation. - Men who follow sedentary ocenpatione, which deprive them of fresh air and exer- cise, are more prone to disorders of elle liver and kidneys than thosewho lead active, outdoor lives: The former will find in :Parmelee's Vegetable Pills a re- storative without question the mo$ eta. cacious on the market. They are easily procurable, easily taken, mei expeditions ly, and.theyare surprisingly cheap con sidering their excelleuce. The test of any recreation is, does it. recreate? Minard's LiEllifiClit Ems Elphiberia A false friend is worse than a fair foe. Mihard s Liniment Cures• Distemper. She ---"He didn't succeed in convinc- ing her, after all his argument." He -"No; he merely mad her mad." 'Mut his explanation was clear." "Yes; and that's where he made his mistake. He told her it was tts, 'plain as the nese on her face.' " Customer - "Look here! Isn't that a hair in the butter?" Waiter --"Yes, sir, a cow's hair. We al- ways serve one with the butter to show that it isn't margarine." ftglaRt clergymen were prebibite nuter,ying fur ratiar mono tho• or centuries, begionaz trent the Gn of Ethelred. eeweed or seagress paving hi y iaveeted, are being tried ia lealtimore. Ind. They are peed* eompreeeirig the 'seaweed until it bo - comes bard and solid, when it la boiled tightly with wire. The jecese, ends of the graee are eat off. and bleck la lhed by being JAN. .rsed la hollieg pitch er tar. Feet.--3fre. J. Neill. N,ew Arne wdres: "'For neuter six 1 wee teeehleel with hornioX paine ie feet. ce stab 44-h no.PW eleele at Mahe, end .e leety swellea 1. fn r fee weekse Atu hoio ToetrlitO," Beleatle011 and tql my astoifisto • sugstaot 104 and the e pesetas:, com, evem4A.M9 They Cie:loco Geosvoorra Thorolo"ilY Varese lee'le Vegerehle. elute the teens,. ace and itativele of hXkOns goateer. the wiereiory Veve19 to throw OM impita. ticei from the Woad MMtee irevel., end petite ter dtieiet,5isitu :oasis Miami abolt441F. do tide ,svIthont gtahn or inr000roo, ome,, to ale Fa ienfl., who votiily readozo their geoid calicos ae soon thu.y lotion to ake effrir. Tn*s hnvc 571tigle tocoaco teutlatioteu from oil iuttolls of potrAe. Illuoutecessful Suitoto--"AM 1 so very Obli0lifi055 50 you ?" is rrrewro---N.0 ;1 can Imagine eito ellM5tafire5 ander which 1 might dusp ray arms about your steels very gladly." "Thank Heaven 1Under what eireurtroaneva cr! wee drOVetting and4y' were neer." SION'S 'UTE! glIES 03103 13: OWL ...she tows that he b ut man ofte lier own heart." "Tben 1 suppose h 11 got it." ,I.weragnsmma There ore plenty of people who have luerotruo depreseed and dis- couraged became that dry. hacking cough hangs to them continually. They have taken much liledieille. nuostly of the advertised quaff: eon. nothing like Dr. August goenifee Bre:me Tea, (be discovere of a then noted German physician Gt years ago. We do not say that this: Will cure a ease where the lungs arc badly dire/is:rd, for it will not, attO up to this date, there is rnthing that will cure ender these conclitioes: but on the other hand, if the luneee are not bard hit, the patient should take Dr. August Koenig's Hamburg BreastiTesi. a cup full every night on gown to bed, have it hot, debik slowly, then every other night, rub the throat and top portion of the lungs with St. Jacobs Oil. cover with oil silk, let it remain an hour, then remove. Eat good, plain, siour- ishine food, live in the open air • a much' as possible. By all means sleep as near out of doors as pos- sible, that is, windows wide open. except in the very severe weather. Take a cold sponge bath every morning ; then immediately rub the body vigorously with a coarse towel. Take Dr. August Koenig's Hamburg Deops every other day according to directions. One can buy the three remedies for $1.25 of any reliable druggist. Begin the treatment at once, and see how much better you will be almost within a week's time. Self-conildence reveals self -ignor- ance Lever's Y -Z (Wise Head) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder- is better than other soap powders, as it also acts es a disinfectant. Happiness is the frit of heart - health. IMPERIAL MA131-.E-SYRUP The ocean. ROSE Siui.f.sAllakillS, MYe-ntrtal. "I don't' know what the trouble is," said, the hestess in et tone of great annoyance. "My guests seem very distant and unsocial. I wish I could thirds of scene way to start them talking to one another." "That's very easily done," answered Miss Cayenao. "Is there a nmeician present ?» "Yes." "Gee him to play or Sing something." ,0141.4,Atewrilsr,*1-,tiva „ Page Metal OTraaraerata renee handsome, durable and low-priced. Specially suitable for front anddivision fences in townlots, cemeteries, orehardn,ete. Retails for 20 CFPITS P"" R RUNNING FOOT. Just ahem« the cheapest fence you can pueure .WrIto foe full perelculteee Use Page Parts Fence tele Poultry Netting. The Page Wirt?, 'Pence, Co., Limited, Walkerviile,ettario. goafrozt cad ebelelth ei• bar ratter daughter sho bn$ " 11, 1 thh Is an in Paso," , he kept from the lovo 14 by meteg tho wod fps Colds, etel '4WD:4 eon Pen Offer my -cipialo or ewes "dad, 07* Yourg Seilter -ino of Moon*. lefeen that c* Z1UCT' TRAllisHIP suavTent VANUA, She Cideego tWet hall. way liZIOW.44V5 teat inconetettea %vita the Caney teantecoetireatal titre vice, vta, coot Use front. Vidragst to tieo • thie te:Varel..!Aziere Macs from ti;:e Loiter reet halo? itOtIliaite .ed dietet Sefalliees frocin t -an l'rateas. 'co w Aiuziia, trottolicroul to the ore- viue via No3•,-;oot4 end Hong Lento. Some of tho fInort steotoohits is the rflere ore tehig usod for this new direct cervice. Iglay--"Wigarn ttemnttor, elara--"My enoa t7ith I is Ihroi-en," ot 1 Thor yeti interec'el 10 break 1 did. hot ele wretvis went brae it hit -as -AL" C. C. ItICITATZDS le CO. Dear leirti.--Venir =AIM'S I.INXe .31EINT li our remedy for sore throat, olds end alt o.-dinary ailments. It never fails to relieve and core promjitly. CflMLLS WHOOTEN. Port Mulgrave. To neglect pollt1e for privat ,•;..sto in an hain ne to monipulate hen: for the outman eevere,enele are ea‘ity cured by the US% f Biekleto Aotoeu.notantinive Selene a medicine of aseraerditutry penetratetegand, healing propertiee, le eckuowledged !Velem? who have it -ed it as ;sing the • tr.mtmeliein sati -for eCit4Vig• e Oita, la flatie»adon of the hi. :ea, tot 1 all aff sedan of the thrrit au 1 catees.a..tr..K•dileateS o the'taste Makes it .ct tevenstitte with Indies teed oIota. The old custom of promoting tbo Niug's Epiphany gift is still carried out at the Chapel Besot, St., James' Palace. The gold is given to the poor. leer erre e•txsv 'rears. ate OLD AND Wsr.r.-Tai to RZNEDr. 31rs Winsioveri soothme Syrup has been urea tor over ream hy million* of mothers for their thildreu whi`el teethese with pirreCL 4 wee r. It teethes the ohnat 'often.; the mime. all lye all rain, ettrai wao coilo,an( isthe be‘t reneer for Diarrhea*le pica -ant to *ha lore. lold by d - r17,044 in every Dan of the wor 17wonly-tive cent* hotle. Ile value hi calculable, Be sure and ask for Idia NVIuntiffli Sootluoit Sytea and take no other kind Amy--e'She has just refused a. Man worth a million." possible ? Any rational explanatiox of her act ?". Amy -"Oh, yes. She had just accepted another man worth two millions." WA ,ilTE 0 _nour 05,341,0gS at ;10 .0 by', lAliel aril Gentlemen. Fri el nazi. 1 efIl5tte4etc!'teraltvitnt, R'i;lx&111 'London, Out. 3EICCIII6CM 1471;rizaim-z=„, We 'WAAL CIO Renate* 001111rg j, -1: A 1101- of families to do So.izt nig tor its at hi -e ei ...t*bole or rpftro time we nt4 ' 55rnh3/4 *15 in chine mu) nopply the yarn Jtah and Taylor the wore nannnt in. D'n mice no h nailer ila 47 'to R10 a week mad, momirdIng to 'time 4440[44 10 ';he 1V0 k. .W11110 Al oec. toreertioteeet.. • Nanzteref.rerit:eF. on Einiiting Co., • The Demi la Dept. E. TORONTO, ONT. II el el Turkeys, Ceese, •11134s, Cjiak' ens. If you want best Prices ship your poultry to us. We want large quanti- ty to meet eernand we hae e for it, EL G Dawson GoimniSSIOn Cle,2 t011OWITO, dmsigenne.ks and On. ler0n5t4rI T