HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-1-15, Page 244k1Kee.e,g,4eciee**<-4.E‹.4e tie ezee,n, cd Hort ck tfikrEg*4,•e••14a<g•tt'g444•g1gtels, speaniug Of vigiltinee reminds tele," [not tell, Mildred'. sbould like tcr • etep forwerd to look, down in5 hurriedly "they are humiliating preselyely, int -4 Vaverters upturned Isvoed-g for me, but true oneS, nitat- ‘kl; epee, "I bad adviees from Cincionati.•,:eeeeettiere is of good le vie 1ewe e;s. week ago that ISeemerd is in heee!it, my we, to you. I was eunit in • rope." pletooire.. eelf-indingeece. I bad , frg; lee doetor lambs, quite hardily •Stmt. on idea on life, and that wee th for -A MAn of such genial tempera.to get as much frent it as poseible. I A Merit, Ana tor tbo wav* . ot two, stee oewn. to -coo thaV 1 never even • ends the crow's-feet on bie nroad,tneegitt, ofeetetya1 hated the everd. he adds. steaming up and taleiug say one thing to yeti," lie eontinued, ee II. it. face deepen into visible cinemas. 'My thoughts end inteteets we',, aen- - honing Wave 14 ,Tilen be save jatintily "And whet tered in me self. Mee died; i cared kil , PS; , „ , • ' • ' ' - V in of 4tf 1 Peat Wel before mid ceeld not, so that 3, levee. •Men starved: do it agoill. They make a little. 3, had plentyelloso who depeneee e..3.-el,e4e.).e.)*e•0-) go of bee e• Weiefee-e.e0e-Deie4)el->e-eaef''0 e ‘ in %Pe Sttc- . - ell - oees• the wt me were ground dawn, oppreeeed, ie greatest tlekective of the age - DOI. ,ond burdened, I cared not, so tiii‘t wa8 .1'85., writes Mr, etz-ArTrat I, be the fleeter. rubbing bie hando ele doesn't often meet men." • Alio means were fortheconing to grat- drii*s• My experience, with it. boas I west° 'leads to went, and V‘raa- "$oitty togetber in true prezesetomel 1 "Vette tfo." replies Vizerd. "awl ire my desires. My wileit, wes been eeter sertiSfaCtery. 1 W4$ a litei lends to woo : liel°re you ete4 eon- ' * ' ' ,..4.Sie as tic eteles himself io an arme Ms ereeeut joureeyines cell have no you wee aroused the nobler out tie skelteical at firet. about is Itowerilnider Whieh Way y°11 g°' Ao °Mogen remto, seitiv netted bY 21'11Fg4rrg silver leriTs. anu "Tete ,chair with tete air of treing tiler- cortoem with us. Uut ee he lone witbin lee, wile. tut we to we also solneValat shy of gesoline ; but I if man -tenths of the dogs* tails woof thet footstees fell noise- teem time iet vrieate, wed narrowly ehould 15e aware that he i.s on, this ,trought nie that there is a pleaeure in and saw it wore, wbo when I got the engine, put it. tip, were tut off to the.ears the country all fear was Ole- woulei be better ole a thouseedrohe e'd wflth 11'•a2tern flit' °I suell gel'er- °uglily at home. Seen here for the lienco your record, I t-hought. you:for ethers and net for inerele es. At the telee, facieg eaeh ote- steeled, he would perhane give tbe side of the Atlantic. ivirtue, After lleaven, 1 owe pel Pelted. It dee, wore than the menu- The corn Tewhill,Ivaillvonuot 1:: straight, . Vv o 111°4 in eve.ai1W 41"=',..s 41.r..° inipreseion of a non who is ale'aese Theetor Zavertal's enly answer is'that is geod in any life to eau, and facturer claimed for it. It bas eost, it Zmu 1°°k - • Even as r.•e ring up tee cat- .010.yine. ti, vial, or .. wood 6,:ag.1 t .nt ee exe.tem a Theo I/ th, h.. you f ..t, $ N , , AI . a • • . ad Wan o 4 en 1 ( , , , 414or t . ne, only 25 eeeto tor repairs, wee Plant memorial trees on tbe birth - this e'lentftlig drente- one of arcl that the character thoegh not ester a peuse„ be rieesaud i See bowed her beal hi sweetest the maeldne does not seem to be day e and your childrea will elWaye • eieereseere.feiteeitereieseeeteleiiieettee easonabl and Protiteble `;), hints for the tloSy Tillereeie of Vie Soil, • +-40-**itiehliieele44eifefefeeefee3f TilGASOL.= ENGINB. 3. lieve bad in Imo ou my farm for over two neere a gasoline engine el 2S horse power, the coet of which OLD PLOW -POINT PROVRWS Keep a ca e for the rat and the Pig emee get fat. ,Doubre the manure pile aewl Yeet may double the crop. It is eetter• than buying a new farm. One eet cew is werth a poor eoach and ecrebby six. A mortgage oe, the Wee is her to dig out than a ewe cif wire 'grass. ' EDAM -grease aud self-del/SO will Make a ernier :eel: en trial. Not every egg is eourel that.geeme 0, and 4 414110 130r$0 lantkeS a lama, t - •;'e g14°'t a 171'24e oatural tLW. has neeogie so he, draining his glass, says. with an- curtsy. She could not Reek to tcry to departetre. Re is 4 graine'l that he lave it eekle with parent irrelevonce-- . Wm. IIis wools bed filled ter hear elderly •-1.'-nr wit1.1 st°°Vnig Siftleolty. Gradually, as he talks eToe Queen of Night sinks ail oh - with the very fullness of joy. etc -elders, and At feecd face of the to hie companion of strange doings eteuetiene, eh, Oaston?" em euro." he continued "eat. 4t41-tillio tYre ren'ells "lied, in 'cant on the eea. his feee borders, and the . , (To tie Continued), eerefee. arft$3.6.3,eratfc. eurrieg n'eoetbr.ess of Lis eofee tae e ',, _ 1-7,•-7 u'ia wazt--. vi,74E4.11 list sayn. a more metallic rirg. Viterti rervously. "1 woc, Fo intetWted nit sues. his questiorerg- ; 3V-*WV.rreetitie1e4e410,:+etgeliODY;.40i4Wee. ' weat z.151I were sayirq' that I re- , '''NeW$ of three of the Sereeials Len 442":'-eIed d•nons• Would S'oe1 gtve zee reacted me in ordieery couree of' en IIII etet, eddress telnee I go?" Poet, There wee still one nrate- 'doer eeir teheiu. et ceuree I win," fe "Tied, wos Trefuels, the tryirok nwAr A i I Urit ti i)eillig . 'fee voiee teet gives tee inforinae eteente-d foe when ,you left Oilrele fl ten le eienteeet end inut-ieal, "My ter?" worn at all. I pump water from a bared well The best coddling -moth trap has over 100 feet for ali ewes on a dee-. not been patented. It is the Awe of Imre farm. I keep ceosiderable a pig. Virm strone their: of eireuneetances stock. The engine goes it with ease. A weale fenee 33.144$ Wea,ic 1ST** led me to telleve 'Wet you Were guile It has converted 14. dnr farm into One mer, ty of a great crime, the etiongest amply supplied with water. wititel Snal° hens wllf d° dint^ warElt Rellag in my heart was dieapeoint- one the bother awl expense of of cackling over 4 centes worth 9r n:ent that you were not tbe aneel 1 fute14e. bave 4 large box 1440 eggs - deep. lined with If all that is wasted in the kitchen e bad taken you to be, Thee when feet Ann 1 foot you had goue, ond was left. alone. zinc. bolde eboat le barrels a could get baeh to the large the tar- ee- without you. I l'inoW that 1 Ifiv- water : and eon .10441 have fresh Auer would get rich. I fouud roy a tletet; mi pure water tor my block that if Pm have a jumping vow Pew. a -iny thoughts were always with YOU: 'V ety NNW envy. To pump this piekle barrel for ter to Num attar ' by liaod would bo inenieelble; and she 'WOW% JUMP lang• with 4 wine engine, it would be A razorback bog is a bad tweet to rex eummer and too tend in ride to dinner on, r. as you wee to keep a ;supple A little 5ult on the farm helve to fame put salt tbe foie wood altogether for ftiel on Don't let the noon hour eat up the the Torre. The engine (Metaled to a Other ten. 111 -inch eireolier saw •eoes it all. I Rats in the era: give the teem - era nearly SO yeare of age, and In paine in the vibe. eight nettutee after I light the burn- A broken window pane may briog. et' I will be eawing wood. and in the eoetor gain• two hours I will We more \yowl Little seeds make toll weeee ; but Lor the stove then four men could toll weeele putke snort corn. cut in a day, and with little A Ng form sets too many chairs to tbe diner table. E4,s. "'The more one eeesel ceai-ewning 60:1•S ,Uly heart lead gone with you. "Pfeil tee geeen ef Night, ewe tee egents ertel, sipping his claret. "Ile died ifel,m,,;;0004.00,1elreeseewitebeiwye;,,,K, g .now that e lami you with 0. log - re Netlaen & C0.. :1154 not, Alley. A$ we were croestag' the Day of run. er'e lose, and that I Should :met' Ininher.ii Mont. li eve reimire alieniorrbage Of the IlWr with CHAPTER XXVIII. ; .te happy :Intl) I lied won you." te leo Imeimee wial: Ale. .Nathen bim- tiler." ailedee of ter friene Sir Ileoue and .0'6'4 rclui orron.,:ceolent, Nvould have coinplieatione. I was able *0 CO- Lolly caroxeit ,covico.i to follow the A glad light ealue iuto her derk furgive her lie band S4 5 le- receeeif "Ulric," soid, "I an: goleg to teif." elle two wen look at each other -Ife leeet --- he wha anewere the strengetY" irtTre Its ll el'ItivIti tkrott bim in the pretty little beneloir in Put your bare to the teete*. epee:len-le ft, et;•feeiser, eteeoneelty. of droll IrgIn°r in ttie fla'rt°r. e•'-'" which the few montlei of her girlish . "I TaaF SAly with eefety that it tee; feet ite.e: ii•lict rc enlieile propor- a twist an Vtiartra alaath' life ot Wine had been Rent. it was .trtil hear lia railli'll' tiened. he ettret a attention rateer "Goed." eeee Vizurd• "'The 4sre- a preety room, octagon shoed,. loth, "Our Marriage Wr'S a mistake." Fite by tee mega clic power cf Itio well. dal* ilellartment is on a soued foot. a large hadow ,th4..t, tooeee said, softly - "perhaps we were not eeDe lied feee then by Lis Ironies and irk''''' ti en, 4/14 Will 6btliv: 4 barsth'erile in the tv°Yage' la there acroas the 'awe tO the river -o rtiftn1 altogether to blame for that. We tee enewitiar foree reveeteet W434Ce 441 he tent eeeined fitted for e Xontr, etches have lead° great Odsteles sine°, in t reed dee e eneaseeea ssa.a, anething freell in ordinary adziunno. habitation, with hangings ofwhich wo heve I:0th teen to biome, labor to too. wo also _Ind bone tdeeten. with e oee tioloeive jowl tretgic44?" andoiviiite lace, a profusion of - for fowls. we be a. largo wash - 1 bet fI eretenee is " '4" ;cl."11 to fril row genfet"°2 tees el 4: ;45 713 flower.% oed a few Keeler weeveeel- e41135n (14 "mr5' "" Jag. by using auother attachment tee -2y eree seeetee ,„„ tea eeeener .9r :wet ertiiee," rep.ies ...AV-. ewe and le orclertel to Nice, I „, . nmee the engnie eo, it. et win nee tefq leer Lveitee eve-ove • eneeen ea tee terdeneest man el cut We're Ne ore Dieeree his ere - gement tnet reetterv, net novel- Cen eidena "Curets =actin te. Fee tee. rest, le nSer,ht te one eee fece: tefiete to fereceeee. zee eve Orel' so•otsof, Men tcne etient tef.e hire for on °Wen. of revelry. 9: le geeet writie, down tee cel- eee-e ere egeln 11,,,Ci With the eel - t iteeetien if tett: te ireee. ▪ eiseen reend frieee hlfeitit at tee:eloeeeameeeny 'elm to tee hell. Lee one., inaz.c. 1^4,, V1,40 11410 tern c,1 rie Knee:, o "it, ell filf,-; ra reser." he fait - Vet.% ' How elendil 1 Keit up ne- get-.efien.e Wee, Neteen - for what *Olt raa it np %eat tteraticeatoet. I rt'11,• not. hewever. en though the, sec was eteneeler b , the No eee. you to let ge nit!: her. ragatiatt tc°1f° tillIttMat int-:evitca enterel. etep aWaY a what tllat ertanee - • e. * . N-Rar elevet. 1f love for me lees ..4-10. cora, n0tbirt,,,, of thgt feetnii Ilillniflteuernxtit:imlicrtersiLilegnatrgailew.i:41-es feenueigitooilor. elitulteursstra.h4ei;,aratire-:1400rw.thei a_bnut th7e. eet:15 per *lay.; 1 gee t-ixii°3010tag.°47, cureeaattella:illtarttraar164110107%etrhtelarce era iing:eselvely, e:Dnd."' retures tte' thwtee- "41. vete ereieee ee a plain terve foe !epee e. aDO believe tliet ee------------ . Iin l'ej""nm °' ga's°""ge r'rrrY "dree wee's* ing. Add just a little tevo,-t te the *1;4) earreieg so much ve tee utter a pletavire uo lashlon. 1)7e ie I lee thet eon love me better than PaY cell" Per gallon. It; would ,Bake in gem tins in tot even: ane grind feed ; in fact, emu n.utIlize it wherever you have need FOR COOL JOIlacItS-•Talita 17 cupe gue cooked Weal. I* cupe Indian meal, e,-3 "Ile doce rent 63514.-Vtr. FAIN5 1,4&. him at era: tied 310 3001024 at senicient follueete. over 'Son to keen iTtne.;;;t3i. rni 0 b 0 40 cost, melt CUP sugar. 1 tee:el:eon :man. 2 tee- •. q la" an ai"'tfight metal ean aid '° ealt and %Jr all together. ler invs"113. wn"hl reAQ17b-ve !Kt the heir was caret fitly orre a Xear'5 lint° Xtrt °awe to tig° ana tie, cheaper poesibly If bought by the eela F"sille7" "vith Ne face a"feint Info Of* ever- that ale ant a ' ° barrel ; but it evaporates too rapidly le4g. IrrcintiF" th° "m7rflni °/ a twilling Leelth and bo Iler °hanged you, I will "Ult.° With 3:°14 ontt 11 wahe you a most lothr,4.. from a, barrel. end the live -gallon f:elitee[1.771rarinototelrge_Alltriallieltnthtiaraudneare hones were tightly olaspedr, and t, „ ,wite Io 50 tweet roy can ie eaffeer to handle. rr were to irrns:e2t more tvrtain awl on 0 eincepresilen ion her face woe one of eeo - • ' 4" • we the engine len hours at its full proposal?" --------------4-.itYct be about elnieleY terese;:lretlingraortf se;1371Ill'i°74esh.00leTialede'rinZie nt fht.slAie4 astilTilelohinalg3t ilbiledreda%:si and the be sald, ell" a, I'M et aril a- o. n "a s She wtis quite ;incite tor n•dirne, llOter knew how sweet the wore Ler neck age fe've, /ions,. my wife, until el) me.t. I elareeerg the berth 000 several VOy- EVC3Iled to burn ages paet." and tects see turned to him and held ,'wite' wae. nor how much it meant, ,,,e. • e eon:lewd tbe three e,efiehtle ant he . _ e r nano. until now." e i _ 11 flare lei ;WON to whom they told tee result 0' vi ere ter es (roan Ins 'Wet Mast li'. njttOrtl.pent:scrit int hope that It Is true." ef t interview were $ir Raoul and e 1 a gel her. tea 1. reneti, azia every fgen et beetle. he detected n. slight tremor m her orrr°vell °I. Vle Plant Imeseeinft that l'agaiete t rel. 3i7L' "It in (pate -true," be replied; and :Arley Ibirisome, wito both cordially a. little eniai o« eerne„ neatly bleed- mu e um ee cite el - d "-a l' r• 11 4 1 - - it would end Well. lc:very one le- oe er,,taeut gees eeterestua. Of ..1 feamanchin, &eclat t berm, "t on ,ns.ou .-- do you reany foreiec As it WaS PgKetl, ill0 ora,y pe ee" In tat's It to los get. "eine. leat • • "s , 1 ramunfa-birele tare eir.irertealie teetcS. " *0.• e me a - a (1 • , th•te" he sae% "Nathan will vn-t tenoieeein'theeeerrreeeene'.;aleyournelete my turn. Is it. true that you love limed thee Lady Corneen haa bete ee s^;,-,,r;;;I Ora zi,343 Vean bUSIAtc.R.A.T.11 II lorawhatteee think o' ft. Yon out use it and moo ,,to seeltlenly 5011505011 netuuse of goe i ev,..,- eel:: IRattepleleel. you Tomei t'iNc..;Traener baek it net tura realernati. 4 • ye q 1 i 310 camerae, oet es OS ' 13'0 illness of Mrs. Gleue11, and when erseeRnmeerinellgree de CO,TereaCt, ,' ' * 011.28 do vothirg, but, ay what be! Dr, Ohases Ointmenz a short paragraph in the fest-donee tell Lim notheg hexim'i tite name, - Oen 11.9 that TOtt,Ven 38 above um." • rei.s, The terms are high, but may ' - 'a' - • -- ----- ------. havo loved me?"' "1111 you tell me bow long you hie papers told thet the young' see neeeei. quietly, emu:tees Was going to Nice for a, 1 e regereed in the light of an in- elitd er4-$21 stupidity. It will le dire ".1. Will aeswer you quite 1111U3 •$'03't timo With her CouNin, no ono ee In.. t. Iliere will be abeolutely 'f•oilty to and oath another all in a ly, IIildred," replied tbe earl! ex ibad n, word to rely about tee are Is -thing in writ i. It he the ere limey, but it must be doe. My cannot tell you. When 1 firet mar- raegeraeole teeee of the ee: tent te tette all rlaS '0:0 ell' erraingenients fur next eruku tied you - I eTenk freely - I dig 'llie earl returned to Itagensinere wi•leeit, too:114e ciouproadie to di- ate netu•ly completed, and in 0. dnl? not like you; to me you were simply to ShOW all needful politeuess mai er.te," eomeci-ireseevt for 'Andy Irtunilton. It wits ,•or two we letall Le able to give NIL- aa ineumbrance that I woe !en, teinneri glances at the card. It than the date of minim." led to put ep with. I saw nothing a great relief to hint when the doe - Is lohn.n".A. VaVe for a red heart plereee. eleereflent, (futon," rays the in nou--eolther tee.uty nor mind: 'tor pronounced her well enovgh to Ly a lesen arrow. "(St -Jed floe, how doctor, aerprovingl.y„ "Aud how yet "P'e had to lite tegether; and in return home. and he was a. little sur - Nese) le! - a, slit of 35�,3Q3 fl lettre many terecian patients do you halal some lined of way e was grateful to Prised nhen he found that she re-, de techet " he cave ehleltDerine. over to me tilts time?" .e0u. For many long months atter grotted leaving Sir Raoul more than our marriage 1 louked neon you sun- any one else. The noble, honest ply as an ,unformed schoolgirl. The soldier had made a great =Pres- f.rst thing thet I awoke to was a sion on •tho beautiful, faehionable fonued schoolgirl I had one of thel I heard 1 coquette. Then the aerl returned to London knowledge of your beauty; every one praising it, and I began "ITe. is P. man worth loling," eing " she to perceive that in place of an un- said to herself. most beautiful women in England . to $10 bis wife olt. ITe went with for my wife. The next thing the - Whom tie Dover. I lia•ve te kind of fear that I shall be 'like tbe naughty struck eue was tbe way in winch you spoke to me; I began to actudre hoY in the story -book," lie said - your pride and spirit, your noble "I snall meet with any just punish - ideas, your grand notions of duty. raent, Ilildred, .if anything thould The day 1 saw you elismies John haPPea to toe before the year is .331ante-re was the day, I beleve, on eI proraise to return to you at once, if you are ill or in trouble," she replied, earnestly.' "My darlitig, give me one kiss!" he cried, suddenly. But the countess drew down ber veil. • . "No," she said, "that Would make the posting even herder. Good-bye. Heaven bless you, .1.11riel'' "Good-bye, merewife!" he said; and h'filled with tears as he -*Ave eon are sere, VI wee teat this g "Two are enelly settled - the eeective,--that there will be 'young Earl of Darratimore, a boy of ne • hitch? lt wel..11d Le terrible to fourteen f3 -ch front Eton; ared Des - tenet forteez in euch a way - and mold ()rioter, counery gentlemen eon" of Ilamesidre," replies Vizor& with ;Dere is a. touch of amusal con- the emeinese of an auctioneer cata- teen t in 17-...zord's tone es lie re- loving his "lots." °Thin to -night alive, "There are no failures, If I eneo had Sir Simon Crawate Cliallener tahes the trip under here. I have been playing him -the eelel arrergeraent, her health will balf-hearted coward -quite tt nets eeeiee the attentien you require for while for his ward, the rich Miss Ler." Chelleitor, and he is as good as With these words he o; ens the captered at last. lie went away door as thooeh there is no more to le after dinner with the usual introduce said. and dismisses his gueet. Rion to Nathan in his pocket, and After a miuute, tocohing a. bladen you know how that an out." ,which I first began to love you. spring. in the wall, he recipes a cun-i "Yes; they never draw lack when iThon I admired tbe way in whioh ningly concealen iron safe, whenoe they 'lave confided in you so far as you roused me, the :way in which to takes a small. morociostound leg- to extract that gentle miseive," as- you brolte up without mercy all my ,er in which Le makes a few rapid en- emits the doctor. "We may count 013 dreemy, luxurious life. I loved you tries, wrat, he writes is in cypher, throe, thert-all told - end quite as 'tor the brave numner in which you and quite unintelligible to any oeq many as I care to have on one trip jtook your starid by duty. But when not possessing the key. This' dente, inow that the boat is no popular and ;I began to love you with a, lover's he replaces tbe book, reloces it 311 crow-ded with ordinary pleastre scek- ilove X cannot tell. On the night of the safe, adjusts the seceet panel, ers. By the way, that netv rule the ball, wben I saw what you had • i 1 eine at the clock when, that 'specials' shall not be accom- linserebed en your tablets -- 'My • after knocking, a man servant en- polled by the PrinciPalS to, or by any ;husband' - my heart beat faster • + hod the steamer cutting tier . e tors to announce-- , one cognisant of, the private ar- than it had ever done before, and I wa-e ' The subject of the announcenaent When we first began, we narrowly 1 you in my arms and kis-s your face a the blue waves. • "Doctor Zavertal." rangement is eminently satisfactory. !felt the greatest incliration to take way threngli , (To Be, Continued). 1 follows quickly into the room, a,nd missed more than one miscarriage „thousand times; but 1 could not. Vizard advances to greet him with through clients, by being on board, !After that ray love grew. I watch - a brevity betokening that their JO- having the chance to relent at the ea you -- you were beautiful and latiOnS are confidential raid intimate, i last inoment," ,, !graceful, my lose; I listened to you "'Everything is •in order?" inquires! "I thought that would stt•engthen I -your words were replete with wit Vizarcl, not with any anxiety of 1 the system and ligtiten the strain up- and wisdom; I saw how your whele manner, but as though some iree!on you," remarks Vizard, with tile itime was given to medial and noble portance attached to the answer. !lazy self -contentment of a man who occupation:1. But when I began to "A most satisfaCtory cruiee," re- ' has feathered a good idea. "And love you with a lover's love 1 can-- law:v*1ms= :AenganiMM4.115411,1DURSIZIEMIISMIZSZOZ129MCI ciaralysis a, d The Mt, comot a tit - WI Roma of 11004 -tad Nervous D!ssasas Or. Chase s Nerve Food F viten s- an Cellele 'Pearafliele by Restoring the Wasted and Deplotad Norife CO's. . To understand paralysis and its sound, and motion, addicted to con- parent. These are indications of a eauSes it is to remember that tinual movement or tapping of the 'degeneration Of the nerVe cell% and fingers, twitching of the nmscles, sod- whPn nerve force 'becomes exlia,Usted E movemerit of the body of its members is due to the contractiOn of limbs durmg sleep ; if you have ner- Dr. Chase's Nerve Foon acts on muSCle, which can only take place vOus heada.ches or dyspepsia, are the system in an. entirely different tinder the influence of nerve force, unable to sleep or rest, feel down- Way to ordinary niedicines, It is We flatter ourselves that in. As this all-important nerve force hearted and discouraged, and unfit neither a stimulant to whip tired choosing the "Power of Persua- brain and spinel cord, end conducted nor a i'(:)n," we Picked- upon as good. is created in the nerve centres of the to fight the battles of life ; if• your nerves to renewed activity, den. startings a.nd lerkings of the paralysis is bound to follow. 1 "Ilan a nice trip 7" "Yes, rather." "Been doing -the Continent ?ef "Well, yes, if you like to put it that way ; but when I look at my expense ac - taunt it rather seerris as if the Con- tinent has been doing me." • "I'm hungry, sir," said the beg- gar. "Won't you give me enough to get a meal ?" "Itere, my good, man" said Mr.. Ponmus, "here's a penny. for you," "Oh, thank you, •sir. By the way, have you got a pepsin tablet about you ? always get dyspepsia when I over -eat myself:" OUR NEW SERIAL Red Heart a.ncl Black -Arrow - nerves are weak and exhausted, and along wirelike nerve fibres to the your blood thin and watery, you various parts of the bony, any de- have every reason to fear paralysis rangement of the brain, spinal cord, of at least tome part of the body, or nerve fibres inv result in para- and consequent suffering and help - lysis or logs of the power of move- lessness. ment. Paralysis cen always be prevented vitality to scores and hundreds who narcotic, nor opiate to deaden the eerves. On the eon tr a ry it is a food clare, lc!' to rm s OW, red cor- puscles in the blood, and creates new nen-e cells. Every day it is bring- ing baek health, strength ieed, Paralysis, then, is the nat,ural re- an d partial paralysis actually cured have lit:Tonle dispouraged thr. ()ugh story of its kind as can be got. It has proved elevating and at the same Lillie interesting and attract- ive. Otir new story equals, if it does not excel, our last. 1 -Tot so much. attention is given to the de- teloping of' characters but is redeeinecl by action. It goes slap- dash into - tbe midst of dangers and perilous situations and 47111 (riddle Pelee -One qt. new ware milk, 1 teacup sweet yeast or a. Yeaet cake, teaspoon ealt, 2 beat- en eggs, 5 sups flour beaten to a. batter. Set to rice over night, add - ell cents. Iluno farmer has uselltri‘gst btuhrnerehjaelf08nlemhaUst Uellre:Iggp, math': for it continuously. It Is the Cheap- the quart of mint 0. cup short and my horse feed, not COUIIIIng. the eis moo, better. some put um bee, 4 than' ell up with sweet cream using hail est power known. It is cheaper gearing up aud bitching up, aria a hand to mind the homes, Then, too I ter in next 3a0ruIng tiller 3Pung° * the ennine Nem pall, aa matter lime; -hos risen, leave everything witrill. flour and all, nave gem tine very 'it.11,44Ifelivi.wl(littlett. uTotrewig,oll sjoirltne Dtall-anvtnl In 4ptntlflrfte.°1111124:511°1117•S‘pvottuldr°%0PPilligt, cough away. It e0118‘111108 gasoline aceordiug to tho wore it does. There is no danger withotit willful eilreICSSIteSS4 elle engine for its own puff. 115145 in hot oven for breek- fast. Tbey may he cooked on well - greased griddle, like fritters, but are more work, aed errved with use has to pump gasoline up bill nod syrup., pumps it, only as lt is needed. If Simple Sioup-Get a bone of beef It should by chance pump more, from the neteket, and boll it slowly there is a. tube to allow It to 11231 all the Mornilig. About an hour he - back into the tank, Por still greater safety. if four or five charges ebould be exploded, the exhaust Is sufficient for it. After you start the engine tInd regulate it, you do not need an engineer. It runs Itself, and will run SS long as there is gasoline in tbe tank. I never made a better investment in machinery. Other machines wire Then roll es you would roll jelly Jit their season'. I use this engine eau, and with a eharp knife mit in all the year. A great many framers very thin Theee are to 10 and some frOM a. distance have ceme dropped into the soup 15 or 20 minutes before taking from the stove. One egg prepared in this way will make thickening enough for 1 gal. of soup. Drown Ilread Tioll With Cream. - One cup of sifted rye meal, one eup fine goutulated wheat or fine graham flour, one-half eup grtinulated corn - fore dinuer chop about et cab- bage end 1 or 2 petatoee, onions if liked, add 2 tablespoons rice, and SraS031 With salt and pepper. To make the thickening for the soup, take 1 egg, break into some dry flour, stir until It can be rolled ve19 thin. keeping plenty of flour about It to keep it from sticking together. to see it work, and all Were Well pleased. Some of them have pur- chased engines. A good way for many farmers to use them would be to bolt them, on a truck to be used stationary in a, small. a'ell house, anywbere on the farm. I have mine and have -it so arranged that can change from one job to another lo meal, one-half cup flour, one tea - front not more than two or three minutes' time. I think every well- baking powder, one-half teaspoon of SPoOn of salt. two level teaspoons of managed farm is not complete until soda., one-half cup molasses, rind one there is a. gasoline engine upon it pint sweet milk. Mix the rye, rigged out for work. Why choP graharn, cornmeal, flour, Salt, nak: ing powder, and soda thoroughly toe gather, then add • the molasses and' the milk, Grease four small bakipg powder cars, one-balf pound size, have a power that will do it for you, and ebeapeathan you ever aid batter, cover them and steam two fill them about half ful with the 11 ? lien) on the farm is getting Ileum nut ieto slices one-third of scarce everywhere. an inch thick and serve with thick- ened milk or cream. Cook one level tablespoon of flour In one level _tablespoon of hot butter, add One cup of hot milk and a little salt.: Strain before servieg if it is not smooth. wood, pump water, turn the grind- stone, grind your apples for cider, grind your feed for stock the old wav and by hand, when you can CARE OF STABLE'. It is just as important to stop the leaks in stable floors as it is to stop them in the roofs. Concrete, tongued plank flooring, or even com- pact earth, should be provided and then kept well littered with ab- scabents. Straw, chaff, dry earth and, muck, leaves, sawdust, spent tan bark, damaged hay front stack and mow bottoms, and dried grass frona fence corners. and waste places furnish a long list from some of which: every farmer can provide 'him- self a sufficient quantity if secured in seaSo, The bedding should never be allewed "to 'become so saturated as to keep the hoofs of the anonai wet. 'Frequent removal. • of ' the saturated pertions to a covered C0311 - post heap will increase -the bulk of that little savings bank amazingly, and eVentually add fertility to the sell and cash to the pocket. -But what can we say to the farmer who cares: for the solid droppings of his animals aud peraiits the liquid drop- pings all to go to waste when they are twice as valuable as the solid droppings '? it would be -Something like saving the straw and throwing away- the wheat. Sheep e usually wintered under sheds. If they are well bedded both solid and 'liquid droppings are saved, for the beddbig is kept tramped dovin hard and ab- sorbs the _latter. Now let us pre- pare tight stable doors for horees arid citttle, and with absorbent., save ealsg.tine nieteeee3c. e.-4:111Ce UAL__ .E731- -' Mee sult of all neglected nervous dis- by the timely , use of fn., Chase's, the feil'nre. dottore and other . "Yet. say yer are suffer , from Aases.. Nierve rood. The ' tiim;• 1)egin t,reatments to e, -are theni, e0 eente Ldep yolA XI a stritg for ,,,,,7e01.r.s to the host Pal • .01 111,- 1,1,tnt"( eyspoprea. On look yei ; you find Yourself. 'nervous ir•-• treatIllis,nt 'When a-ri.y of Abe- above- hox, (1,ealer.f.,,, or Ednittlisps,.. c'pme. Be cure to . of ,tis ale ni'eritfoie' • - 'ratable, over -sensitive to ed SyaiptOins b ec,oine ap- Ja c &o., °lento. chapter. • --t,„ -:=4" low to go to wate 1 hav..;n't. 1\1y boss has, thonglen