HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-1-15, Page 1SIXTEENTH YEAR.
aele 4/.4 Aterek",*4 .0!)caMe elk" sfiretestlridtr.
1 Man's Bishop Fiw Coat. size
Agrizzly hear.st ear gneranteed.
was VO now $15. A Isargein.
I Mates Brown Dog Fur Coati
size 41, wear genuine, was ?25
now $19. A big cut
Latly'S Astraehan Fur 0034
Geriatan dyed. izt 30, Italian
lining and quilted, sewn with
Silk arid lieen, was SM 140W S25.
Best of %%Ina
I Lady's Aetrachan For Coat.
German dye. eize eewn with
linen and rolk thread.1t1 with
Italian lining wae KIS now Sak
1 Lady's Astrachan Far Coat,
German dye, size 38, Sewn w1t1
silk and linen. Italian lining.
was SIO now $32.
1 Brown Fox Ruff 50 M. long.
was $3.25 now $2.7.1
• • •
1 - • ••• • seasese
oely Bleck tanda Capernie.
WilS $5 'DOW $1.
1 Grey and Bleck combination
1 Electric: -Seal Caperino was
uow 85.50. •
I Black. Astrachan caperine •
was $S Pow *us°. .
1 Bled; Astrachan Electrie
seal combination Caperine with
etiniriel tells WIS. now SI%
Coney Ruff. lie loop,
tails, for S1.75. •
1- Coney ituff, 15 in, long, $
tad% for S2.
1 oppo.ssuin Ror.40 in loog, 4
tails, was $3 now 82.tile
I Canadian Sable Rolf 50 in.
long. 0 Mita Seas S7 now $5,59. •
b and Nutria caps at big �ut off re
prices. Extra big sizes in. stook.
Afaeter johnny Purr, has. reterned
ftotuToronto.-Mits Vida Thompeop,
ot Parithilh .hae resumed her duties. m •
the school •here.,-311se-3etipie 84:00, of
Port Homo. spent • the boflays with
frieeds hera-Mr. John Nicol,who is
teaehing so l ill as. No. 10,4ieposeti
of his stock and implements by into -
tion, and has rented his farm on the
180h emu to Atte john Adawson.
Ma Hugh Dienlop is. busily engaged
getting material on theground for the
improvement of his baro next mourner.
-Mr. Wu. Carter was re-elected ae
trustee for S.S. No. 4. -Miss Nellie
Medd. who has been teaching school
near Carniluff, Assee for the past two
yen% ts visiting at her home heree-
Miss Roealle Crawford left on Wednees
day for London. where uhe was joined
n the holy hoods of matrimony to Mr.
JIMICS Iiingley. of Niagara, Out. Mr.
Langley was for several years brakes,
Mall on the L. 11.wk 11. and is well
known la this district. He now Welds
a more lucrative position on the Grand
'hunk. Miss Crawford spent all her
Ute. here and is a mutt eeteerned young
ladie On the eve of her departure a,
large Warning. of friends gathered to
bia her good he tind Several hours
were very pleasantly spent.
Detteet.-31iwit vegret was felt on
Tuesday on the annooneetuent twelog
wade of Min, Wm. Wilson. s*e. of the
4th Con., She hating Pi-155Pd aWay 011
Tuesday. She had hem euffeting Irani
celd for eigure thine, hut no RI lOUS
Stilts were arithipated until Mouday,
when she beClIne etnnewhet worsened
in the evening meth -rotor was tent for
hut even Ilya her Ca Se Wa5 054 con-
sidered dour:emus. On Tafel a ye how-
1:die 41'z:um. a -444414c Wee •r -e ;mai the
e dee seera, tleAB. The itintletlia
egret eve e• dwelt woe heart failiere. lier
meld.% nenwe Wee &One Beate iso. and
Was> icOrn ir4 Kli;drissoor, 11011111ft4 shire.
Zurich Seolletith ceine IS4 yeare ores. end came
, to Catrale in loada She wee matried
M2 fir R. R. Juunt,ton le recovetiog to Mt.ca4mt forty yearago.
from his l'erent illueze-31re. Henry Mee Wiletin WaS a consistent mustier
(soigne of etiehineeo epees a row days of the Presbyterian church; she was a
here laet week. -Mr. Altel Setting', has kindly, gaud living WOUlali anil Wilfi
taken a position in the Zorich grist miteh resiteettel he' .0.11 who. eniored
Valentine Estate= has re. her acquaintanee. fief nett Partner
turned front Durham, wht.re he was will reeeive the eineerest sympathy of
'chains friends. -Miss Susie Schoellig, tunny friends in this the time of his
of Detroit, spent a few days at her sad bereavement
home here last week. -A nun -Owlet=
here attended the petty at R. R. John-
ston's Thursday night -Miss Clara
Koelitea after a pleasant visit here,
hes returned to Chilton to resume her
studies in the High Sithool.-Miss Ad-
die Witwer bas recovered from her 111.
nes. and Alite John Witevea of
New Hamburg, spent a few datss here
last week, the guest of Mr. Fred Wit -
wets -Alm. Conrad Miller and son, Ed-
ward, of the 14th con., is visiting rela-
tives audIeiends in Sebewaing, Mich.
The mutual meeting of the Hay Agri-
cultural Society was held in the TOWII
Halton Wednesday. -Mr. Peter Bea-
ver, of Mimed, was in town last
week. --Mr. and etre. R. S. Richardson
have returned from Howard City,
Mich., where they have been the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Main Kraus. -Mrs.
J. G. Schlueter and sister, Miss Annie
Miller, and MreFel. Miller, are visiting
their mother in Bad Axe, Mich.
intends remaining for the winter. -Mi.
Walter Fee, of Manitoba, is visiting his
mother. here. -Rev. W. J. Yaeger is
holding revival meetings in his church
this week.. -At the annual meeting of
the Evangelical Sunday school recent-
ly held, the following officers were
elected: -Superintendent, D. Se Faust;
ass't stmt., G. Holtzman; Treas., M.
Geiger; Seely, D. Steinbach; librarians,
E. Holtzman and O. Either. The annto
al report showed the school had had a.
prosperous year. -A number of men
went on strike at the Zurich fax nill
on Tuesday morning, but the differ-
ences were quickly adjusted and most
of their men went towork next clay.
MAKRIED.-A quiet wedding took
place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jul-
ius Blocks on Tuesday, Dec. 30th,when
Mrs. Bloch's sister, Miss Matilda Stein-
bach and Mr. Charles Kalbfleisch were
united in marriage. The interesting
ceremony was performed by the Rev.
E. Schuelke, of the Lutheran church.
The bride was handsomely attired and
looked very pretty. The young couple
are very popular and their many
friends extend to them the best wishes
for a. prosperous and happy wedded
DEATHS. -The number of deaths iix
this vicinity have been very large re-
cently, and this week we are . again
called upon to chronicle the taking off
of two more of our highly esteemed
residentsin the persons of Frederick
August Zimmerman and Wm. Schroe-
der, of the Goshen Line. Mr. Zimmer-
man was a native of Germany and
came to Canada some fifty years ago,
settling here raisin this neighborhood
was an alasost unbroken forest. He
was a tailor by trade and was a good,
useful citizen and was esteemed-byall
who had the pleasure of his acquaint-
ance. He had reached the great age
of 90 -years, 2 months and 20 days and
passed peacefully away on Sunday ev-
ening, at the residence of his son,
Henry, with whom he had been resid-
ing. His wife died many years ago.-
In the death of Wm. Sqhroeder, this
township loses a comparatively young
man and up to a yerix or two ago was a
strong,healthy mae, full of promise for
a long and useful life. Some time ago
the deceased was attacked with some
disease in his right eye, which gradu-
ally;grew Worse and though all that
medical skill could do, the trouble
could not be checked, ad it luis been
known for 'some weeks that bis chance
for recovery was very slight. His
death took place on Saturday evening
at the age of 46years. He leaves a
wife, one daughter, two sons' and his
aged father tomourn his demise:Both
funerals took place on Wednesday to
the Lutheran cemetery. The sympa-
thy of:the whole community is extend-
ed to fhe bereaved families in their af-
We have utelinitto ericato funds for In
vestment Dunn Saran or village palette'. a
lowest rates of Interest.
Barriatere., etc., Exeter..
4,1ke --
atve a large amount of rtivatatlines to
lean on karat end village TrOporltes at low
rates ofinterest,
F. W. 01.ADKAN.
Darrlater, Mk In Street Exeter
Saute ballot at 0,-rn th'e wit ccueartan of
the township of steers, reams. Arlo to
Sfroullake. Manitoba,
• enersor raiaorr
Ikal &tate aral Insuranze Agent
SUMS alld Ii.113Z0propert.lts bought and geld on
reasonable terms. Seseral dwelling houses for cale.
Lands in all part9 of Manitoba and the :Ion hem.
61* a'res unimproved, In the township of Osprey,
• ef OaYkluudwesal one other timIxr, railway
slati'm seven cisti
lodes, post ollice, school, relhmil
a e
and a half; would sell or exchange for mall
pm el property at Exeter.
314117A50 Itaseee, Enter.
E171 11
110 OF 1.11tON COU7
Tb :al
Counellot the Corporation of the Ceuntv ef
Ileum, ulhl meet In the tOUSell <evader In the town
• tothrich, on Tueolay, the:Kith da y of the present
• at llo'elock p.m.
W. LasT,
Mada Oadealelt this Ifals day of January 1903.
11;P ve,:lentoittl is offering for sale that desirable
hstel senatc4 at Devon, on the London Iload. This
hate! is good condition, and is .13 miles south of
Exets r. This road Is largely travelled and for the
• man chances are good for a splendid 'business.
There is a good stable in connection also.11 Ores of
land. Possession given immediately. This property
will be sold cheap. For p.uticulars, apply to
Exam:v..1: CARLIM, Exeter. Out.
The undersigned is offering for sale Lot 11, South
ll,Ondary, 13tanshard, being 105 itSreS of choice laud,
writkenced and drained. There is on the premises
two first-class bank barns, open shed, frame house
with brick kitchen, containg nine large rooms, cellar
under both; good orchard two good wells; 4 ncres
bush -mixed timber -and other conveniences. Per-
fectly free from all noxious weeds, such aS mustard
and wild oats. Located within one and a half miles
from St. Marys. For particulars address
St. IlatTs.
-41stimony of Mr. E. Stone
To the value of English Stock Food.
This is to certify that I h ave fed Eng-
lish Stock Food to a horse that was
frequently subject to colic. Since us-
ing English Stock Food the .animal
has not had another attack. I have
also used it for other stock and for
fowls with most satisfactory result. I
strongly recommend it to all and
raisers. It is the cheapest and best
stock food I have ever used. 'Price 1.e
pounds for.$1.
E.• Stone, Usborne.
GO derieli
DEATH or IRA Lltwis.-There died
in Goderich on Tuesday-; at 2 o'clock,
the oldest official in the County of Hu-
ron, in the person of Ira Lewis, Coun-
ty CrOwn Attorney, who some time
ago passed into the octogenarian class.
In 1857 Mr. Lewis was appointed Crown
Attorney for this county by the Gov -
„eminent, of which the late Sir John A.
Macdonald. Was then Prime Minister,
and frOin the day of his appointment
until last Friday continued to discharge
his official duties with vigor and rare
ability. Mr. Lewis graduated from
Yale University in the class of 1814
and came ts Groderich in the year 1818,
when he commenced the practice of
10,49.nd where he has been a promin-
ent figure for forty-five years. Mr.
Lewis was one of the first 'mayors of
Goderich, and his son, E. N. Lewis,
barrister, was elected mayor last week.
Mr. Lewis was a courteous and cultivat-
ed gentleman, and was beloved by all
who had the pleasure of his acquaint-
Aliss Ililes, who has been the guest
of her sister, Mrs. tlite) Medd. for the
past thine Sanathesbas returned to her
home in Londeshoro.-Rese J. 8. Hen-
derson left last week for Gleballen'
Wellington County, to visit his moth.
er, who is in poor health. -Mrs.
Moirewho has been visithig berdaugh-
ter, Mrs. Joe Case at Toronto, has re-
tin,ried horne.-31rs. Brandt has re-
turned lima after a pleasant visit
with friends in Lucan aud Aliso. Craig.
--Miss Francis Reynolds, of Toronto,
is home for a few days.-Robt. Bullard,
of licandon, Man.' is spending a few
days with Wendshere. He luta the
misfortune to have hisfingers crushed
it few days beforeleaving.-Much sym-
pithy is extended to Mrs. I P. "Wells
SI the loss of her mother'Mrs. George
which sad event took place in
London on Monday at the age of 51
years. -R. Beugough has disposed of
his residence to Gideon llobkirk, who
proposes taking up his residence with
us after vending several years out
West. -Some petty theiving has been
going on around town of late. A few
nights ago the residences of Mrs. Elder,
R. Beek, Mr. E. Rennie and W. Moore
were entered. As far as we can learn
nothing was taken from the first two
residences but it ladies' gold watch and
$5.75 was taken frown Illeellannie's,and
a gold pen, $10 and a watch taken
from Mr. W. Moore's. --Mr. Henry
Hood, of Pense, Manitoba, is here vis-
iting his mother and other relatives
here. -Mr. Gavin Moir. who has been
visiting his mother here for the past
two weeks, has returned to Quebec. -
Mrs. Wilson Wood and children, who
have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
John Shepphard, have returned to
London. -Mr. John Paterson, of Rod -
bas recoyered from his recent
illness. -Miss Dora Webber is home on
a visit from Buffalo.-Hensall School
Board met a. few evenings ago with
the newly elected members present.
On motion it was agreed to purchase
a. Rlantarium for the use of the schools,
price to be $25. Trustee Stoneman
was elected Treasurer and Trustee
Rennie Secretary of the Booed.
ACCIDENT. -As Joseph Hudson, wife
and daughter, Mrs. Logan, were driv-
ing into town a few evenings ago, the
hind seat broke oil, when opposite the
laundry, and the two ladies were
thrown backwards, striking the
ground with such force as to render
both unconscious. They were at once.
taken to Mr. Hudson's residence and
medlcial aid summoned, hut they did
not regain consciousness for Some
hours after. We are pleased to state
that they have nearly recovered from
the effects of the accident.
Tile COUNCIL FOR 1003. --Consider-
able interest was manifested in our
village election on Jan. 1st, particular-
ly in the contest for Reeveship. The
coancil was practically elected without
being yoted for, owing to the retire-
ment -of Mr. W. Stoneman, who, being
a member of the school board, was ad-
vised that he could not also hold the
office of councillor if elected. Mr.
Stoneman retiredefrom the contest for
this reason and left just four names on
the list for councillors, J. W. Ortwein,
Thos. Hudson, James McArthur and
James Moore. The candidates for the.
the reeveship were Mr. John Scott and
Mr. F. W. Smallaconibe, both of whom
had served for several years as coun-
cillors, and each having 'many friends
in the village. It was thought from
the first that the contest would he a
pretty close one, but at the close of
the polls, it was found that Mr. Scott
had trntjoiityofl6votes. Mr. James
Moore, ae councillor, headed tbe polls.
Y JANUARY 15, 1903.
Bev. Wm. MeGregor and Rev.
Aylward exchanged pulpit.s on &UV,
thl".-*Mr.. O. L. McIntyre left Wed-
needter fee Sisagni Grande, Sonora,
Mexico, where he inteutle to remain
for several moutha-Mr.F.Brown left
last week for Chicago, where he will
resume his stuilies in the McCormick
• Theologiail S'eminat7.-Mr. Norman
jenehenan passed away ort Tuesdayat
tbe age of 55 yea re --Mies Aletha tint.
fortrierly a profesetar of the Uni-
versity. London. entered this week
and is takiug gip the 2nd year course,
womeo.-A pretty home wedding
took phew oe Wednesday, Dec. 31st,
at the residence of Mi, and We. Sans
ford Tudor. when their eldest deughe
ter, MISS' Annie II.. was 'nettled to
George Ilese, of the IStis ron, of
1411lienis. Tlse eereniony was
pteforMed by the Rey. R. sts lwarth
The bride uns given messy lin her fa til•
er and was attended by her SISIVV,M,Fis
Satiforette. while Mr. %Vow. Rasa Jr..
brother of the groom was best Man.
The first meeting of the council wii.
belt) ou Monday. The following mem-
here compose the council for 11.103:
Reeve...MP in. Dalrymple; Councillors.
Thomas Alaboirey, Hugh Nolerie, F. It.
Ilituditon aud Peter Jordare-Aliss
Raclin! 3I8leunt acted ea bridesmaid d
at the wedding of her friend, !tilts'
Ji, -ie Hardin. to Mis W. B. Jun'.. tie
illitebell, On Jan, i. --:t. Henry Golds
ing. of the Alb nevem. ho ha's Even vete
1114 at.s. leaved V*, teata"riv ale s.
VID, under tie, skilfol treatment of
Dr. Miteliell.
Butign Ilte: 'UI. Din-
nillr While engagictil in peiftaittirafe her
honeeledd antes, on thwerwishie last. toe-
eidertfittliy in Z tilt&C at of her
mitre Itetiweiqn the wafi owl elhow. it
%Mt eva.rr-
n.. 1. fl+efrne t -lie Will ,
have the 54 ,” NiTIV Mesaller.
8 11, DO WO- grim
death, hoe r.ag kin etiterkA ogir midst
and might if 2. teowe of Mr. Alfred
Aikeria ea: %log ;swage his beloved
partrwr in Mee go the age of ee Neale.
2mouthe awl 13 deys Deeeased lead
been ill wily a short time. and despite
the teat ne.:lieel aid thet could lie pue.
'cured ehe pissed away on Jan. 2ntl.
!Ter niaiden name was Susanna Grant,
itnd she svoti much respected in tillS
neighborhood. syrotinthy is ex-
tended to 31r. Aikens in his sore be-
DEATIIR.--This week we are called
upon to record the death of two more
respected residents of the township of
Stephen, in the persons of 311...51. Bak -
ie, and Airs. J. Ford. the former pas-
sing away on Dee. Wet, and the later
on Dee. 30. 31r, Bakie was born in
Ireland and came to Canada when a
yonng man and did much toward con-
verting the wilderness into the fine
country it now is. Deceased had been
ill for some time and his death was not
unexpected. He had atteined the age
of 73 years and was respected and es-
teemed by his many friends here. The
remains were taken to Barrie for in-
teement.--In the death of Mrs. Ford
we lose a kind and beloved resident.
Deceased bad been confined to her bed
for some time with a severe illness,
and all that kind bands and skilful
medical treatment could do proved of
no avail, she passed away on Tuesday,
at the age of 12 years. She was a wo-
man of genial disposition and bad
many warm friends, who administered
to her wants in the closing days of her
life. The remains were taken to Grand
Bend cemetery for burial on Friday
and was followed by it huge concourse
of sorrowing friends and relatives.
Messrs. Heber T., and Emerson Hod-
gins left last week for Toronto to re-
sume their studies. -Mr. and Mrs. Elea,
of Boissevain. Man., are guests of Mr.
Wm. Ilasketa-Miss Lillian Braith-
waite, of London, is the gnest of Miss
Pearl Mowbray. -Miss Nellie Hodgins
is visiting friends in London. -Mr.
Lorne Derham has returned. from his
trip to Detroit. -Miss Eva Collins left
on Wednesday last for Winnipeg,
where she will visit her brother Frank
for a time. -Miss Nellie Smith is re-
covering from her recent attack of in-
flammation. -Miss Louisa Howard has
returned home after a pleasant visit
with friends in London, St. Thomas,
and Parkhill. -Miss Ida Mara left last
week for Antherstburg.-Mr. Harry
Collins left last week for Vienna,
where he will visit friends for a few
weeks. -The many friends of Itirsjno.
Atkinson will be pleased. to learn that
she is recovering nicely from her 111-
ness.-Rev. A. Wilson was pleasantly
surprised a few clays agoby Teeing pre-
sented walla new cutter, it string of
bells and also a large load of oats. -Mr
Fred Smith, who for the past few
months has been holding a position at
Calgary has resigned same to accept a
satiation on the Sovereign Bank staff
at Toronto. He spent a few days here
last week, prior to leaving for Toronto.
-Mr. Bert Abbott has been engaged
as teacher in S.S. No. 4, McGillivray.
DEATH OF MItS. BELL. -On Friday,
Jan. 2nd, Mrs. Joseph Bell died after a
lingering illness extending over four
years, at the age of 61 years. Mrs.
Bell was born in Banbridge, County
Down, Ireland, on Jan. 7th, 1811 and
came to this village seventeen years
ago, where she has since resided. She
was apromiuent member of -the Pres-
byterian church and was a very ac-
tive one before her illness. She was a
woman much esteemed and respkted
for the good qualities she possessed
and her presence will be much raiesed
in and out of the church. She leaves
a family of eight children, four sons
aud four (Luigi:leers, who have the deep-
est sympathy of the community in the
loss they have sustained. The funeral
took place Monday to the St. James
cemetery, the services being conducted
by the Rev. Mr. Wilson.
DRS. ORME & ortme,
Office hews tole a.m.„ Ito ft and tog p.m.
Telephe no conicavuicatIvn ssith main offme in Lir.=
The anniversary services will be held
on Stauley_ in the Methodist chetah.
Rev. O. w. Brown, of Mitchell, win
occupy the pulpit botit morniog and
evening. Special MUSIC Will be far-.
niehed by the choir. -A private tele.
phone line is to be beilt from here to
Mount Carmel. A meeting was held
at. Noma Carmel a fens days ago and
the necessary funds were sulescribed
to build thence.
Men. Peter Cooper. of Regina. Is vie'
*Ung ft lends and relatives here. -Mrs.
Charles McCurdy, of Carbeter. Man.,
is vielting friends helve -Miss Isabelle
M. Gattliner bas retiwned toSt. Marys
to resume her studies lit the collegiate.
-The sleiglang last week was well
utilized by those who had beck to
M. Towers is drtwing brick.
Miss Maud Hodgins is visitingfriends
18 Oiandeboye.-We anticipate wed-
ding hells in the near future. -Miss
Rebecca Sherritt has gone to Toronto,
where she has obtained a position as
bookkeeper and steuograPhee.-40.
1. Keyeend sister, Annie. of Varna.
visited friends around 'here last week.
-31re. Mellin, af Credito, we are
pleased to say, is recovering from an
attack Of is grippe, with which she was
stricken while holidaying here with
her son, Wete.
Ailsa Craig
W. 11* 01.1111t IS laid tap with it eeverie
attack of pleurisee-lklise eztoning hI
an an extendetl visit to friende in Cern-
lachie and Wyoming.- Airs. Campbell
and two children atid Mr. MeCubhin.
tgf LeRoiy. Y., ere visiting frierids
liere.--Itobt. Gordon, of North Dakota,
and Don Guidon, of Detroit. aye vieite
big friends in and around tewn.-Aliss
Ivry MvNangirton is visiting friends
He purposes blinding a new hone nuu Cureonville. 311c11. --31r. and Mrs. 8.
his farnee-Mrs. Wm. Ward has been FfIllite6i spent a few dad's
Iv' eel tsitntagkheettl.utsLolwilltidivuestsatbt rhialtroWmeolrittiji, euti eh:1i 0,11101defurstr.:1 luirtthateLi‘i.%.1'32aliciiiih.RILdovggie9urittMili
to T. AlcCiusly.-The oyster supper,
which the Tenons ranpesen towing the Xethcilitt chip ch has been re.or-
ganized.-Altss Olive Quance is visit -
hi Dec. was pnstponed and he held
Tmietelisecleatirt eifencliinmg4. t,20t Tbsitc!oseve,, ruel: ofuniNexteedtetb^.--er.Noirre. rTohioicse.
terse will he let the stele Mae evening , Magibtrate Smith Fralay on a charge
to take the du 1,(f eny who :a151ar-Vilg"ncY. fie had been amid:11;1g
rears and to distilled/. Wisetoe !s; ;to mese cornier atoen the Gth and 7th cons
entitled to l'et1'444 them. Any perseu ee"ish' t51 .510.14111c1AY for b-SPIOP t
wishing to hvt•opie iiteuti;vir of the bleeping in their lorries etc.. ouil they,
tallen will1, ldtnittetloa leapt:era of L4g 4
ek4.'44 0.1"rde era 'w°'411dia
the iiiitiation fee of SI. Ati taw:edgers thereft""i dee4itlit“ tinve fivrtg"
ate eeptoted to attend.
ed. He was eet to the, Cent ral prison
nin months cat lead latior.,Afwe a.
:service of lietween twelveand thirteeta
Creditor' Fea17-4,1 NIS% DianeenGray IIIV.4grall
,IV.,14"0:tr„ h-^.. "41,70 :V...f.12-ja g. '44? S-MitiPti4 Selh9.414. 574:1111kii,e4 SrAts Wilt;
1,11. „-, V3.".tr oz.:.
d. tt, KAVilrelar. El• (rTz,;;21,. 6' o '1'4,.111;114t Inktnt 4'‘f lie Pfc,f111Pli`,
4+•314 ha hie eze
MI{9. Tt neaten% a 1'* t;r ;
ing her inothea Mae Ifielowld Eden
mr.*To-tpli4 Rowe leie retarolid Item
onti ti *. nt „n, am . r1111 tWalit :amend tide v1e.
naw. when,. lie has liven .-11:‘ • "1"wf ond •blow!. trlowt
A. inern,hin. has lignehtteta , cow M1 P111' wei•keellwing tO
the nremves formerly ore:wiled Ige4 "."ele t't41/111 IMS"P was held in
Mr. Siegner and oili open a painting 'n" churPh tv'tTh"I"3Y n5ght* The
shop.-Aila Einwr Gowes bee :atu
tned tin*. w"s l" i"" t"hen 31b5Asitrgihe
num Lennon where he•ha, been an, f, and Mr. II. liteM011 J the Sallie topic
tending the Forint City litishiese 1 1-11 will 1'etx1"41 ti.iawe 1) ilsvgil is
lege.-31r. 'Wm. England itt building ileelF flu"' dm" ceI"'Illuntee e
a°"n addition to his dwellin Cupid• )1"1"if t.1.',"1r vislting "dee the
must beatwork.-Tbe Cousin men were
sworn in last Monday. The COUnell
eOtiflibtS Of Willett as Reeve and An-
derson. Wnertie. Webb and Yearly
s cogincilmen.--Nearly all the pedtile
who have been visiting here during
the holklays have returned to thew
respective homes in Michigan, al-
though it is nice to meet old aCgaint-
ances *.there is no place like honie".-
31a1Wtre Brown, of Detroit, is visit-
ing his uncle Bernald for .i few days,
-Revival meetings have commenced
in the Evangelleal church. 'We all
hope that the serViCell will be a success
and that inany will take a stand for a
betel: life. --The blizzard of this week
was an "old tinier." Travelling has be-
come difficult. -Mr. H. Eilber attend-
ed the manual In* . meeting pf the Hay
Township Insnrauce Co., in Zurich.
List Tuesday. --31r. Hugh Clark, of
London, was in the village Sunday
.visiting friends.
ACCIDENTel. -Master Thomas Apple-
ton had the misfortune to get his
hand in the brake in the fax mill one
day last week with the result that
one of his fingers is badly crushed. -
The other evening while Mr. 11. F.
Eilber was in the act of putting his
horse in a stall at MaGeo.Finkheinees
he ran into it fork, which was in the
stall at the time. The fork ran into
his leg just above the ankle. Harry
Is now obliged to use crutches. We
trust he will soon recover the use of
his foot.
The result of the election of officers
in the Evangelical Sunday school here
is that ail the old officers were re-elect-
ed as follows: -Pres.. S. Kellerman.'
Vice -Pres., G. Oestreicher; Treas., E.
Bender; Liberian, R. Goetz; Organist,
Miss Ida Goetz; Ass% organist, Miss
Loretta Morlock.-The many friends
of Mr. G.Kellerman rejoice at bis won-
derful escape during the runaway at
Exeter on election day. -Mr. a Smith
still continues in poor health. Her
many friends hope soon to see her
about as nsual.-The many friends of
Ma H. WilIert were jubilant over his
success in the contest for the Reeve -
ship on Monday. The band played SeV- LANE. -At Mount Carmel, on January
eral of their pieces on the street and 10th, James Lane, in his 72nd year.
also serenaded. Mr. Willert. There was
a. large crowd in the village, many
coming along distance to hear the re-
ports. -On Monday evening the offi-
cers otthe Dashwood Tent, No. 137,
K.O.T.M., were regularly installed by
the Past Connna.nder, Mr. John Grey -
bell. The officers for the year are: -
Past Cons., J. Greybeil; Corn., John
Hoffman; L. Com., E. Al. Brokenshire;
Rec. Keeper, Geo. Edighoffer; Physic-
ian, John Voelker; Chap., John Wam-
bold; Sergent, M. Brokenshire; 1st AL
G., Sim. Ireland; 2nd M. G., D. Tie -
mann; -Sentinel, J. Hartleib; Picket, J.
Davie The Tent seems to be in it pros-
perous condition. -Mr. and Mrs. L.
Pleader are busy putting their house
in shape to move into. -Another wed-
ding in our community shortly. More
particulars later on. -At the annual
school meeting here Mr. Fred Willert
was elected trustee. The cleaning of
the school was let to Mr. S°. Ireland,
and the heating to Mr. Aug. Sphrader.
Misses Effie Willert and Minnie Rinker
intend leaving for Michigan in the
near future. Success girls. -The re-
vival meetings in the Evangelical•
church here were well attended, but
the rough weather of the last few clays
kept many away. -Mr. Arthur Goetz,
who spett her Mlles. holidays here
left Monday to resume his work in
Stratford. 1 -lis brother, Milton, ac-
compepied him and if he does not suc-
ceed in getting work there he will go
to Detroit.
parental roof. -Although very. very
stormy on the evening of Jan. 8111.
the Wendt; and neighbots nt Idr. end
Mrs. Rielund Coats did not fail to 110.
eept their kind invitation to spend an
hour at Writ' lime. The guests Imo
ing arrived, the long tables being ay.
rayed in lavished profusion, at 7 p.m.
some twenty couples sat flown to a
suptuous fowl dinner and it is need-
less to sae, that each occupant did
ample justice to the good things pine.
ecl before them. The festive hour past
the second part of the program began.
The three latgo spacious rooms re.
sounded with the pealing laughter of
the groups who were showing their
skill at ping-pong, crorkinole, triangle
or some other genie or by the merri-
Dint derived by seeing the oId as
well as the yeeng show how nimble
they were at the Hoer games. A. very
pleasant featm.e of the evening was
the happy surmise given to 3fre
Coates as her mother and sister, Mrs.
and Miss Westcott arrived from Doug-
lass, Menet° Rend a few weeks in and
around our vicinity,. As the wee sina.
hours bad now arrived we all circled
around and sang some good old. part-
ing songs. Then feeling that we had
greatly enjoyed the generous hospital-
ity, of the host and hostess we repair-
ed. to our homes. We take this oppor-
tunity to voice the Sentinsents of all the
compariy and thank Mr. and Mrs.
Coats for having received us so royal-
ly and _giving us such a jolly gond
time. -Miss Bette, Essery is attending
De Nell Ladies College, St Catharines.
-Mr. and Mrs. Utley, Lexington,
Mich., were the guests of Mrs. John
Essery, last week.
Lovio-In Stephen on Tam 4, to Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Lovie, a daughter.
BELLWOOD. -In Exeter, on Jan. 10,
to Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bellwood a
Fona-In Stephen, on Dec. 86, Mary
beloved wife of John Ford, aged 72
Bteoreeneas--In Parkhill, on Jam 13111,
Norman Buehanan, aged 55 years.
A.x,weeio.-In Hay township, On San.
IS, Maggie Davidson, beloved wife
of David Alward, aged 30 years, 10
montbs and 10 days. ,
Gast, -At Toronto, on Dec. 31st, 1002,
RogerEarl Oke, secoed son of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Oke, aged 4 years
and 5 months.
Next Door.
Perhaps it's diphtheria, or
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Prevent your children from
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CRItSOLLNE CO.. 180 Fli1C011 St., New York. USA.