HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-1-8, Page 8BIG
This Month in.
A. large assortment to
select from.
Merehant ToRcor, Exeter.
New Year
of Canada
Evil Ozonize: are eever horn of true
singlenete is Mi., of voierse it i
folly to be elves.
The recent fall of snow has made the
eleighing good.
Love is the great lever by which the
heart is moved.
A benovelent face is not always an
easytli ,t 1 .
All pictures of earthly happiness are
but trausiene guests,
Many small sins are hatched by the
Incubator of idleness.
Some people are born ignorant oth-
ers hose falleu in love.
A joke of the eight sort never needs
a. further explanation.
If time were money this town. would
have a lot of rich loafers.
Mr. Jas. Pickard celebrated his 83rd
birthday on New Year's Day.
The one certain happy action of a
man or woman's life is doing good.
It is an easy thing to pick out the
faults of a man who does better than
you. do.
Mr, D. A. Anderson has purchased
a nobby oath in the way of a horse
and cart
Miss Evelyn Carling pleasantly en-
tertained a number of her friends on
Friday evening.
Turkish Scalp Food is the best hair
preparation for the hair in the market.
Sold by O. Lutz, Exeter. 50 cents a
Mr. and Mrs. David, Sherry, of Ray,
gave a very Pretty and pleasant "At
Home" to about fifty of their intimate
'friends front Renee% -Exeter awl else.
wbexe on Friaa•y night last. Mrs.
Sherryproved herself MI etteelleut
entertainer and all enjoyed the even,
ing very mech.
Dr. Ovens, of Loodout surgeou, 0011"
list and specialist, diseasee eye, ear,
nose and throat, will be at the Com,
raercial Hetet, Exeter, Tuesday,
INtednesday, ean..7th, Wed. February
4th; Wed., March 4th; Wed. -April let;
Wed, May Otit; Wed. June 3rd, 1903.
Glasses- properly Atte& „Next visit
will be Wed...740.7th.
In looking over the names et the
eneveesfol candidates for Aldermen in
the different cities, we read that of
Mr. Theo. Sweet, a former Exeter bon
but now a well-known druggist of St.
Catharines, Mr. Sweet is to be cent
gratedateel upon Isis success, althoegh
but a yotteg man he is fast winning
his way in public life,
William Barry, a former resident of
the townelup of Stephen, who was
tried at Langdon, Dakota,' in the
sntOlner of 1901, for the merder of e
Norwegian farm hand, whom be ac,
peed of intimacy with hie sister, will
ve A tow triaL owing to thereversal
the supreme court, of North Dako-
Mr. a. w. Watson, of London, has
p ned tip his dancing academy in
ansoree IU Red is prepared to give
it the latest dances, including the
h!et' step aud Flotation% Mr.
on has has titted the ball up splendidly
and it is well lighted by electric light
and will be conducted a most order -
ani respiectable manner. The gen-
ernen's ales will be opened Monday
evening aud the ladies class Tuesday
evening, children's class Seturday
afternoon. Alt those desiring to learn
are requested to haod their names
at the academy. Mr. Watson intends
giving a social hop in about two weeks
Dr. ane Mrs. Balfour, of London,
had a close can from serious injury in
i. rintaway accident, here on New
day. They were driving down
a t reet with one of Mr. Bissett',
ii ery orses and when in front of the
ivitt Memorial ehurch the doctor
uck the horse with the whip. The
beast made a jump mut Clashed down
street at a lively inte. the doetor los-
eotnplete eontrol, and on reaching
tenures blacksmith glop the rig col-
lided welt the telephone polv. Both
tmritratts vc'ere thrown out baul.
eteepee iteeary. The horse here he,
came detaehed from the rig and WAS
afterwards captured in Mr. John
Void s pied. The eutter was bedly
3Iolsons Bank, Exeter, desire
that all their old costumers know they
are now in their new premises. near
the Post office and will be glad to see
them and as many new ones that feel
teltned to do businets with Glens.
The) haye been twenty-nme years in
Exeter :mil require no printer's aid to
establish a character. Their new quar-
ters are without exception as fine and
neatly finished as any chartered bank
in any town in Western Ontario anil
the work reflects ereclit on the many
of our town firms employed, the
trock pointing, the work of Air. Sane
Sweet, being especially well done.
The contractor was Mr. Lendop, of St.
Thomas, and the work was done under
the supervision of Finley & Spence.
architects, Montreal, who appointed
Mr. R. B. Sarauel to help them; while
Mr. A. G. Dyer was appointed by Mr.
Linedop to look after workmen when
1vas abstnt.
Girl liFauted.
blood girl vanted at once to assist in
kitcben work. Apply at Central Hotel.
Engine and holler for stela
A. second hand, tie horse power, en-
gine and boiler; in first-class working
order. Will be sold very cheap. Ap-
ply at ADVOCATE office.
To the Electors of the Village of Exeter,
me much pleasure in thanking you for
the manner in which you elected me
as your Reeve on Monday last. I Im-
am Tau I esteem it an honor and
promise you that I will not betray the
confiaence alau have placed in me.
Again thanking you, I remain,
Yours very sincerely,
T. 13, Carling.
chance et Business.
The general produce business, here
conducted under the name of W. H.
Levett & Co., has been purchased by
Mr. Levett, the deal taking place on
Friday evening last. Mr. R. R. Rog-
ers,whio had charge of the office work
The Thedford paper of last week a
says:—Frank Sweet did excellent
shooting at a live bird shoot at Wat-
ford on Tuesday.
Mr. M. Vincent will hold an en-
tertainment at Clandeboye to -night
(nbursday) and will also give one in
Shipka Friday night.
Prof. Burgess occoeled the pulpit in
the Trivia Memorial church on Sun-
day last and will perform the
same duties on Sunday next.
Mr. Wm. May, of Mitchell, who has
been teaching at Sharon, for the past
few years, has resigned to take a posi-
tion as book-keeper in a wholesale
publishing house, Toronto.
Dix Lung Syrup, Dix Little Liver
pills, Dix Kidney Pills, Dix Cold Cure,
Dix Compound- Carbolic Ointment,
only need to be tried to prove their
Value. Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter.
A team of horses belonging to Mr.
John Essery, of -Osborne, made a live-
ly rim down Main street ,Saturday
last from the grist mill, bat were cap-
tured before any damage was done.
If you want to save money order
your magazines, newspapers or other
foreign periodicals at the Anvo-
GATE office. It will pay you. We
are agents for any of the above pub-
Ye editor has been in clover again,
Mrs. Wm. Dearing, of Steplaen, hav-
ing favored him with her annual do-
nation—a bowl of delicious T3evonshire
°rear°, for which he returns Dimly
thanks to the kind lady.
The public school reopened an, Morn
day with the following staff of teach-
ers in charge, viz:—Mi'. E. ./tT. Ander-
son, Miss DorAngton, Miss VOSper,
Miss Gill, MISS Walrond, MISS Pritigle,
MISS Clarling d, Miss McCallum,
Corporal Vin. Beaver, No. 6 Co.,
33 Regt.. Exeter, left on Friday morn-
ing last to take a short course of In-
struction at the London Military
Clorporal Beaver is a good
soldier and will do cvedit to himself
and the' 83rd Regiment.
The last is not by any means the
least thing in a shoemaker's trade,
neither is it the case in the series of
runaways recorded during thig past
week, for jeet as we were going to
elnee this pegelelast night a porker
took it into its head to run away feom
tts owner on Main street.. The owner
Reoyeship oeittest
The reeveship conte•st here on Mon-
day last between. two old zwenielpel
war-horses„ Mr. W, G. Bissett and 31r.
T. 13, Oerling. passed off with the us-
ual amount. of excitement, the ,latter
coming ont victorious by a. majority of
thirty-six. A rather slim vote was
polled, owing, dotibtless, to the fact
that the contest was centred ouly on
the reeveshlp, the councillors having
all hesn. elected by itee.larematiou.
Both candidates and theie mere ardent
workers, kept up a busy seurry from
the tine the polls opened in the morn,
leg until they closed ae night, elow,
ener, out of en available vote of about
.500t only 351 were Peet. Following is
the result by polls. viz,:
Poll 1 e 3 4 Total
Carling 47 IS 45 55. -.495
Bissett .38 29 40 52 --159
Majority' for Carlton
coaa41 Proaeealags..
The council for 1903 held its 11
epeeting at Tiatitn •Tueetteet,
Gth 1903. ... sent 'Conuctlior Day
Minutes Of previoite.meeting read
cOn _roe Vt. eodeeMunt—that,
following ttecounts he passed and
des drawn en treasurer for saute;
F. Rueeell, $3.30z. James Dignate i.
Rose & Taylor $3.00; John "erring s
Miss E. Beerst of London, speetNew
Year's at bee home here. t
'Miss Morloek, of Mitchell, is
visiting at her horae bere.
Mrs. O'Neil. of Lueapt. le the gueet
of hee, solo, Mr. Itt, S. O'Neil.
Mr. and Mrs, P. MeMartin speot
New Year's day in Roseate
Miss Georgina Knight. of Ilderton,is
attending High School been.
Coleman M. Moneur returned home
from Landon Morelay eightt
Mr. 13ert Rose, of Lendon, spent
holidays with friends hi town,
Mr. W. Down. of London, spent
few days of this week in town.
Mr.Fred Gould reterned to Seaforth
After A short visit At his bolne here.
Mrs. J. G. Stanbory has returned
front a visit to her nozne in Whitby,
e6 Mies Atone' Brimecombe, of Loenlou,
I is the guest of Mess FrAncis Ilaweliffe.
no Mrst Elliott, of Mitchell. is the goest
Au. I of lox' daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Anderso8.
is. t Mr. Chas. Brionacombe, of London,
nd spent New Year's day with frieede in
the n.
boucle,- $1.11; Samuel Salute's, po
age $L82; Thos. Eleem. laher 62c ^ 11
da, 2.ec; W. .Bissett, potta
$2; do. WQ04 for Town Hall $12.
carliolle acid fee ever rko,i C. /3.Sn
eleetrie light to Jan, bit $80.00; Ad
Mies E. Robinson left Tuesday to
speed a, few weeks with friends in
Miss Swenson of Blyth was tbe
guest of Mies Edith Sanders, New
50; MTS. W. Talleet, whit haebeen
gYe eare (ley.
en, ing at her 110MS 4o DorebeSter, has re-
ve„ torned home.
ate Printing Co„ bol. iteceunt $11.
Js, H. Denitie, ringing bell, less ;15
OI. rene of settlee.--eCarried. .11ardi
—Wood, that, O. Baskerville's• ta
$5.70 be. refunded.—Coreled. Mul
Haidinge-that 3, Atkins.otes deg t
be refundedea Coveted, :Coeucil
joureed eine he. ee
Ratetway AccIdeat. "
tieerifyIng .tikralWaX accident
cured on Monday mortnnglest,wid
will long be remembered by all w
witneesed it. A spirited, tetien of lig
horses, atteched to a .catter, and on
ed bet Mr, Jacoh.Xelterinatin, of Itite
wood, were being ("men. down Ma
street by bis brother .0eorge, of S
Mr. Sidney Clark and wife. of Lan.
don, Rient a few days with. frientle
near Exeter,
Mr. George Hill returned htst week
from a vieit to
bis son,
ax ff
4 MrS, George Thiele end family,
Mitchell, spent •a. few days in
oe. during the week,
ee I ittle,JohnHawkehaneafterapleasan
et,visit ith, flierid8 M latcknow, return
ed home Monday.
Mr, Rich, Creechi after spending
the helidays at his home here returued
in o tie , etunday.
te- Miss May Gill, after a pleasant ViS
with MiSS Ella Rolline,Detroiat.etine
Ita 'led Friday evening.
phen, When about otpesite Dr. Lot
drug sore one of the Greet; etrock
heels on the runner of the eutter. T
beast becoming feightened Ittelsed
rociously several Goias* wileu be
started off like mad,dashing down t
street at break -neck speed, the drive
life being in danger every moment
the maddened brutes sped on to fa
mune. The driver hung onto t
lines and courageously gualeil Ukct
the best he voted, but tin mated
Unroll street they hinted in on t
eidewalk and continuing with st
more danger to Ma le-elleemann to
hornor of the ontlookers, reached .11
lCunz's blackstnith shop, where t
cutter collided with a post and hecan
detached from the horses, at the sit
time hurling the driver front his $e
with tzeible force several pude in
the road, but strange to say he esea
ed with few Might brulees.
team, hi their mad careen crossed ti
road when the horse on the right ha
side ran amuck a large shade tree i
front of Mr. S. liandford's residene
and breaking its neck, died blatant)
The experience was indeed thrillin
one for 'both the spectators and M
leellerinann and one not soon to
forgotten by either. The horse,
splendid driver, wits valued at abot
$12i; and is quite a loss to the °wile
The cutter was only slightly damage
while the other horse escaped -wallet
a scratch.
nicks* Forecasts For annuary.
The regular storm period beginnin
on the 4th is central with the Merem
period on. the 6th,extending to the Ot
About the 4tb it tvill grow inne
warmer, beginning in the West, an
during tbe 4th to about the 8th, hetw
winter storms of rain, snow and sle
will pass in regular orcierfroin westet
to Eastern parts of the continen
Very general and damaging sle
storms will be a marked characterist
of these storms, followed froni th
west and north by driving, blizzardot
snow, Tieing barometer and very col
Look fer severe and general cold aye
most parts of the country from abon
the 7th to -the llth. Watch for th
wave to hit your section sotne tim
reaction to more rain, snow sleet an
canniness. Look for another shul.
d decided cold wave immediately o
the heels of storms central an 121
and 13th; The next regular storn
period is central on the 17th reach'
from the 15th to the 20th, On the 17t
a general change to warmer will set i
with falling barometer and marked re
turn of general storm conditions, Th
moon passes south of the celestirt
equator on the 17th, hence high tem
pratdre for the season will be natura
on and about that date, with winte
lightning And thunder4very probably
soutbward. But tropical features wil
soon disappear and genuine winte
storms, turning to blizzards in many
sections, will quickly follow. .A bon
the 22nd to the 24th look for some
moderation of the prevailing cold, with
falling barometer, growing cloudines
and return of rain and snow in wide
sections. The last storm period for
the month extends from the 22nd to
the 31st, being Central on the 29th.
Nevamoon falls on the 28th, a fact
thattwill hasten the - change back to
very niarked storm conditions. • We
feel that it will be a timely service to
warn our readers especially , against
storm and,weather in February, We
do not hesitate to sa,v no.W-tha t wp be-
lieve that Febenary will be ;one of the
roughest Months of the whiter.
MM*7 „
Miss J Creech spent Sunday in Cen-
' Miss Anne Sanders spent it few days
fe- in London during the WeeR the gusset
th *
he of Mrs. Geo. Avery.
et, Miss Meet. littecteley.ofltarkbilLepeu
as New Year'e Dey it; town, the guest of
an Miss Millie Ilyndnune
he Met. Hugh .1.1c'elat the who hoe been
in vieiting her eon, returned to her home
in tnea " tuteday.
Mr, and ithe, ,L R. luksattet of Melte
ale visiting the lattexes parent% Mr.
d Wm. Welsh,
Miss Steno. Gregoryawbo has Spel
the vacation at her home hereonturn
to Hamilton this week.
'eliss Laura Gregory, who has Spent
the holiday season at her home here,
has returned to Toledo.
Miss Vera. Cobbledick, who has spent
the last four months at Newcastle, ye -
turned home Saturday.
" Miss Nettie Gardinee who has liven
ei attending the Ladies' eollege in Torun. -
Y• to, Is lame for vacation.
g Mr. mid Mrs. X. G. Stenbury Who
have spent it few days with friends in
Toronto, returned Friday.
Mr. R. Murphy, who bus been suf-
fering from a severe attack of grippe,
has somewhat improved.
The Misses Leonards returned to
Parkhill Monday-, after a pleasant visit
with Miss Ethel Fenner.
Mr. Norman Creech, after spending
the holidays at his bonze here, return-
ed to Brantford Saturday.
Mr, W. G. Bissett was taken sudden-
ly ill Tuesday night and as a result is
now confined to his home.
Mrs, Rush, who has been the guest
of her daughter,. Mrs. W. Ruston, re-
turued Unclench Monday.
Mrs. W. J. Heaman and Miss A. Al-
ward, who were yisiting friends in
Is London.returned hozne Monday.
d- Mr. Joseph Cobbledick, wife and
r family, who have been visiting in
t Orono, returned home on Friday.
etween the 7th and Ilth, and do no
e disappointed if the north pole is no
imped into yoar yard every da
om the 7th to the llth. On an
uching the 12th and 13th, the pre
iling cold will moderate, winds wit
ift to southerly, the barometer wil
11, bringing on a marked change, o
• The Misses Hodges, of London, who
have been visiting at Jas. Dearing's,
tStephen returned home Monday.
y Mr. and Mrs. H. 3. Glanville after
d spending it few days in town, returned
to their home in London Monday.
1 Master Roy Farmer returns to Sand-
i wich to -day (Thursday) where he is
✓ attending theAsstimption College.
has accepted a position with a large este
New York firm and left Saturday
morning for that city. We congratu-
late Mr. Levett on his enterprise.
Among the hundreds of complimen-
tary and kindly testimonials of an ap-
preciative Character received by us
during the past few weeks, is the fol-
lowing from a former resident, Mr, EL
K. Towle, MacGregor, "I would not
like to be without the ADVOCATE.
When perusing its columns it really
seems like talking to some dear old
friends from Exeter—in fact I always
consider it as such. With kindly re-
membrance to all the Brethern of
Court Exeter, I.O.F. I atn yours truly
H. K. Towle."
Aniusetuent Notes.
Exeter will have a week a reper-
toire of standard and popular plays,
beginning Monday night, Jen. 19th,
when Rowland & Young's Bijou Com-
edy GO., will appear, simporting the
talented and versatile little actress,
Miss Matte Adams, who is said to be
fancy lady of wiuning -ways and
many graces. The Company is a
strong one and no doubt, will test. Abe
capacity of Gulley's Opera Ileese Mon-
day, Jan. 19th. The prices are within
reach of all 10a, 150., and 25c, •
Alt gditor's Kick, '
A Missouri editor, who is about, to
pull up and leave for lack of support,
sarcastically remarks in parting that
editors .don't need Money, "Don't
worry about the editor," he Says, elle
bas a charter from the state to not as
doormat for the community. He'll
get the paper mit. somehow, and stand
up for you when yeti run for office,
and lie about your pigeon-toed %laugh-
ter's tackey wedtling, and, blow about
your big -footed soes when they get a
$4 a week job, and. weep. over your
rivalled soul When it is released
me your peeping body, and smile
t, your giddy wife SeCOnd, marriage.
e'll get el.ongse, The Lord,onlyknows
'ti --but the editor' will get there
pet up a lively chase, but the porker's
ethletiopeeclivitiesout-did hint to the le
amusement of"o, large nutinitee aPecti.
4101°W. '
tators; • so
• °
d Mr. Ed. Crocker, after spending the
P Christmas holidays with his parente
o here, returned to Toronto Monday.
Mr, and Mrs. Novry and son, Nor-
man, returned after a pleasant visit
with Mr Norry's parents at Tilbury
n Miss H. E. Walrontl, who has been
. 'spending the holidays with her broth -
e er at :Woodstock, returned Saturday.
Mr. Percy Verity called on many of
his old friends here during the past
week, returning to Brantford Friday.
Mies elcEtty returned to her hotne
, London Saturday. While in town
she wets the guest of Miss Ethel Far-
„Miss Fanny Bissett Spent
day. in .LonclOn.
•Mrs. M. • 11.ifeekine is visiting' her 'els-
eer in Breceeele. ' • t,•• • °
,MisS Ether Farrner:retnine•to Toroin.'
to nedtty ter yt • ,
'Mies Rogers, oetearechilielethe geese
of Mrs. R: R. Rogers. • t • '
Ar, New Year's
Dickson, was in Goderjch
on business Monday. •'
Mr. Harry Prowse,' of ' Marlette,
MiC`11., is ylaiting friends around Exe-
ter the guest of Mr. Wm. Dearing,
The Misses Gerry, of Mitchell, who
have been the guests of -Misses Eva
and Lillie Huston, returned to Mitchell
.13italeY attended ,the Presen-
la)etnib.ntotMt r";130illaglihatsur,nthgPiiiv'efildr112qYt;;'se,Ret°ia°411
Master, on Friday.
' Mr, Wm. Yager returned Tuesday.
from irvisit to his , brother -at ,Park -
head ,Itinct,ion. He intends,- leaving
for -Dakota again on Saturday. °
despaired of for some time, we ,are
B. Biggius, whose life has been
pleased to tote, has much improved,
-anti is now on ;affair way to recovery.
Mr. Thos. Okawho has been con-
fined to his home froth the effects of
at sprained ankle and sore foot, is, able
to he out around Again by aid of aA
stick. ;
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis 1101eran, of
Bran.tferclo spent. a -few days in town
'tiering the week, of the Jot.
ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs H,
break, - . • •
Arthur'Loadina,n, who hae';'heen
atesideitt• of nee tewti for a n tenber,Of
Yeevee bee eeeePted,a position. as .•eitte.
0'6 ItuYett for it etegellent'!fiteeteedipeke
'mtim," and ;pneptteee MeV ingete that.
.'citY:.40::,Mereli.'eettee •
GNI B1111013
out well BUMS
That all absorbing topic, the &al situation is what is bothering the mind o
the pubbc tanley. It Is a moneentuous question and while the eitaation is
grave do you. know it is no good worrying about it, for is it not true that
trouble you most expect often never comes. It may be the earee in the coal
eituation. $et it aside and listen to our stove talk if _you are thinking et buy -
log anything In the stove line. We cerry the following lines:----
A lioliday Display Different From Any Other Is
Our Abu.
When buying from tbN store you bave tbat pieaeant aSSli ee
Wet you are not duplieeting what anyone else is shawing. The Iiest is
none to good. Our prices are right.
„Dainty .01ens for ifotiday Presonts.
Table Limns, Tdde Na &Ws. Trey Clothe, Centetplecete ("tuning
Cloths, Tea Covers, Searle, Towete etc.; in VAIIMIS eiree and at zw-
stumble pticee,
Palmy Moist 4engths.
ttFettfl holitlaTRDPF-ent. We hare the goals that are sure to pleases,
tiothiunt in town as pietty tate nal two tt a st, iliLe Thie ts joist what ;MU
were epee -tog for, and to Will la A to snow tens, Istenen cashmere,
Frenth 1)0441w, with etitin keine. Fennel; F18mmIs eta.
A large stock of Gents° furnishings for holialey teethe An elegant
go of ties and nei,•k6earfN ail the liati.St. They are Knotty but they
are nice.
What is more comfortable. eight)y or more :generally apprevetted
as &gift than it handsoine ftat Atm store includes artieles of all kind,
Fur Coats, 'Collarette, Caperinea Rine Caps, (1auatkts etc. The
prices ,are it neat Itt for either fat or lean poeket books.
Call in and examine our holiday geode. You will bemore than' de.
lighted. • No trouble to show geode.
flenclquarters for the Celebrated W, E. Sandford Ready Made Clothing.
sinr Li RE I
When you want to be well -
dressed come and have a
suit made to order. All
new. 'goods consisting . of .
•S' leitingee Pa72t/7484,e
. -0 V e iC 0 (et ii'lis .g 1 Zte;::
Furniture of all kinds and at prices to
suit all, who are wise enough to in-
spect our stock, before I buying else-
where. We carry the stock and we
make the prices right.
You hear' this asked of some -
persons every day, and the : ,
answers depend on the kind
of clothes they wear.
HO IV are Yoz4Dressed ?
You hear' this asked of some -
persons every day, and the : ,
answers depend on the kind
of clothes they wear.
HO IV are Yoz4Dressed ?
When you want to be well -
dressed come and have a
suit made to order. All
new. 'goods consisting . of .
•S' leitingee Pa72t/7484,e
. -0 V e iC 0 (et ii'lis .g 1 Zte;::
Opera Block.. ' . Practical Embalmer. I.
Having decided to give up the
Shoe Business and put all my time at
Harness, I will sell all my stock of
Now is your time to secure
editCed,To $1.75.
1VIen's Fen, toots, regular $2.25
for $1.75. Otfiettgoods'in proportion.
Mr? Frank Ltitz, afterspending a;
few days With his parentehere return -
o his honte 18'Gattaeoque Monday.
Mr.artd Mrs. flastings and
daughter Attended fthe wedding' Of
Miss Atinie ,IOnnie, of Babylon line,.
Raw. to Mfg,".• ' Wm, „ Rose of Mitchell,
New ,Year's.
igP,;'444111k.Seellf who inteeka part
pf hiehonendteenshare with his ;entre
teetettlefeTheinday liteeee •testeele.,,h14,'
15001t10,4 ,011:the ioad as traveller, re-
turning here,Agaih ToeSdaY. ,
, • ,
H 0 w -
Was He Dressed.?
You hear' this asked of some -
persons every day, and the : ,
answers depend on the kind
of clothes they wear.
HO IV are Yoz4Dressed ?
When you want to be well -
dressed come and have a
suit made to order. All
new. 'goods consisting . of .
•S' leitingee Pa72t/7484,e
. -0 V e iC 0 (et ii'lis .g 1 Zte;::
T A I I.,
Opposite the'
Pott °mot
0 R
K x +.
e .,er
Mr. Victor French, editor and pub-
lisher of the Wetaskewin Times, called
..6b, the ADV00.A.T.K and other friends in
town Mondaya Me. French is an ojd
Exeter boy, having served laistinp ;as
a typo at the Times office. He is at
presenevisiting his parents in Clinton
and will return shortly to regime
ehkrge of his busiuess. •
Wifliarn Pook, of ,',')(30,1,tfax; ..,w111,. not
he executed 08sIaeuepee 81 for the
enerdeateehletWifeeettet 'Oetitenee thente •
commuted to inipelsonMent
for life. ' •:. ' ' • • • -