HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-1-8, Page 7ee $44.1perra..,0+0.0..7,44.3,..1.4.%A..2.4„„4 1, • ..• .• • • . World A 'Mountain a Gold Ixisting in Queensland Making Men Web. 4,1+:41+;:i4ia, 1„.***++.1„•411, 10. j........1_4.44,102.4% • • • 4 • * 4'4 Or e 4'4 * In °hien Lines iWegl eattl that 'settlement in Centrol Queensland. a there were 'even •leendere Qt the Scotch family Pawed Gorden took workr—the pyramids et legypt. the up A aeetion on the alopen of thbane ieg gardens at Liabylen. the ltazor Dee*, and by additienal pun- 1;01th-serf at lthedeie end other ceea- ehasee extendeit their run dowa tho s of the genius owl labor ei across a Cre41s, which divided. tha Lan ; but, coespete4 with thee4 . slopes frets% thie mountein. and $he wom.ers of nature at the pre, pkrtly up One Of Its sides. They sent day are as sertuty times seVen, eteeeeed their teed with ebeep- and awl are found In every part a MA cottle. ano eneeavored to win A grend old earth. We eave read irt leg AVM it. but. bad little Seceese. fabuteus story of measateins of gold; Among other misfortuneee a largo hut we eepposed that such miraelee nemeer of their cattle died thrOl4gh of olture existed may in the vielona eaterg perm:teems weed which grew of I feets t n4 romanticists. Ilowever. attundantly in the oeightoehood. ahlet te 4010,44 tO many that a. eerie- eo thee. eolea were gnitged, to leave able mountain, Of godi.n are exists the honesttad for work elseereere. queettslaoti. ate SUR-TlY StAtCt4 th:4, of the ants, atexawkr Gerdoh, the new Attstrieben etuomoneveatth. 1.0;:ind emploxrattut with the MorraPS. omentain is stole heave tunneled rginbeg speculators at awl leveledand ita etoueniedWheeler,. a few nallee from etteekharn- And reeoed through elternicel pro- ton, Mrs. Alexaueee Oerd, n was igtSSIO• JO one ever oeer 32n.000 tem derghter of a sleek an htle winch% ot (lure gold were extracted ; oitea tirole hie cattle over the ds - wed the vaeue of the Mine oOre as isletand watered them at the 144 ti Shure seareet to more limn ioreents hawing At the be of the' eeventeennij erling 1 neentaim and she bon reeeived from Sreoeling in central leueenelinul a her father a pteCtI4 of geld -hearing few months ego1 curiosity induced tie stone piceed up in emelt there to %lei*. this Intomotin of geld, Cordon shoWeil tide stone to tee whiate ut out twenty-five mote to a. Wlio al WW1 Nevi' ith "It* tr°41 the 1 thholohe cite' of worth, and oitred hint 420 if h Dote ha:nit-on, aeysa writCr in Vhatoa would SteaW themba spet where here" Journal. The train by which was found. This he Prolnited to da. WO*Meg the, joorreo runs NOMO COS- and the two Morgan's. after neet tante terough open foreet country. pee.; teertmeives, !Iodate -sawn with *lettered mainly with bloodwood, ;tomes nnd tnela for a proSf,eet41K Ibex -genus anti iron hark treee, and totgr„ started woke the gulavere of e very steep ridge vatted the Gerdoe ta find thes asefieen Deem' Renee 'leek to a tango al otountaltie bra. ititZttrhifig for mike' frieln Perth to After lournweitee OW the ra;1:1,e3 tomtit, where the , air is r'001 wt the reached a cloths where o Rohl Pleaeont atter Die heat oul duet of eon aepporeel to te ; but aide lanht nit* it. ais the famous mine le ap- dey's inetetigatictei wene wenn tillee I eo;eed great activity 13 aeparent. to -gagio g, for tim etOne ttey crush - brae ond thrieing 'loon idis hes et eleireed ttee gold. At melte a orisons with j.a ivelols, storm, hos- trapieal dowstrour 441 min eel.. nitan churches and &heel el artI.:ead all lite genthei end eresea beeatoe iud thuij; eetne of the butIdange iltd ofid ran in ttrreets. eta they Jere rouahly constructed, teed in the had to f.eek a Rini:0 Of salety on the etreete Steep rottural 131r1le13 111141;lootantoln. Neet meriting. as the rails Illocea of stem are likely to arreet I eontatteel, liatily were In Snell a sed- tf'a PralreIn at am unworr Pedeoe tierce owl disheartened contlitioe there is a, bore of businvehtl at, they tlecided to ;it their wan end eeidencee or enterpriee thatbeen; but this as difUettlt ktezelo-a eugur well for the foture prosperity or the nootes. Thererere they moved nod eharelinees of thie MOUntaill to higher ground. SWiriln11147 acrose town. %to Iceur the clanging of JIM- eines awl climbing up the oteep ehlitery, and occasionally the sullen shoe oe c,telnea. and at loft, remind beem of a !sleeting explosion ; and a ohm of the, nmontain, whero theV tbo IhnOhn front the turneeea and sauna A Chlitaniales hut. In Usi ✓ IL k a peetillar chemical odors etnieer they teado a ere, dried their nutc too atmosphere lasts bright atol.dothes aed ate A heart], meal. ene igc teat inn. C'n rendleAtion Itt the afilee, I After the rain imd cleared off. one the of the brother', atoontpanied by mantiece readtlef niree errmhtellole to °ardent. tletertrilltett to Perostimt go over the works ; and after a a oend the nelnhborhood to see if ghantto of dress and payment of halt any gold mead be found there. When It (Town to a lung for the 'Resent of 0. oe had textile about two mileee- Gordon being come dietenee Morgan saw A, DIU xar.xer. DOWLDER the Tennant, the elEitere are provid- ed with a guide, who ehows them the terecess from start to finish by whirls the (marmots looking. stone „ quarried from thLe remarkable mom- Ny„d'ea. ,da Pnenghh had tliele geld In thin in made to yield gold of the ite so no orouo A phTe off and put flutist quality for the mint or the it in hie Pocket. 110 oleo noticed jeweler's worltehop. WORKING TEM MINE. La tho immense tunnels made in tho mountain, tier on tier, two men tbera to Isis broUten who Wan *till 'Welly at work blasting and hewing restine Itt the hut. the stone and loading it on trucks, Leaving Gordon in the hut, the which convey it to buckets lowee. two Morgans went down to tho eel down from ono platforni to an- ncetrest water hole, where they other antil the huge crushing ma -i crushed and washed the ore, and to reached; rallied forward by trucks and tion. found that these plecee of ckines aro then the oro is i their surprise and imircense gcatilica- buckets to the furnacce, where it is howlder yielded. as they said, "more routed and made porous for the"gold than stone." On exploring the ITall-Richarti ddorination process. i country areetrid, they found that the The ore is now placed in largo bar- whole zuometain side appeared to be re's anti treated with chloride solu-of the same kind or gold -bearing tion, unaer nigh presSUre . ..ed after- stone. The discovery was kept from ward it is diehharged into leeching I Cordon, as his family still owned vale, fitted with sand and gravel 111- SOme Of the land„ and after boning tern; placed 'directly enderunath. An the ore etssayea et. Rockletnaten, the ter being''repeatedly washed, it is 'Morgaue bought the GOrdons' land - finally made to percolate through ,for the paltry sum of 65 an acre, perforated board work covered with'culd afterward secure the rest of cheesecloth, and next through a bed the lend on similarly easy terms. of charcoal. This ',precipitates the Thus the Morgans became the owners geld. and 'leaves it in shining heaps of this famous natural tumulus of 1 oe - One dust on the surface. The burieh wealth, this wonderful AUS- , whole process is full of intense inter- tralian El Dorado. est to the visitor. The grandeur The mountaen, whicit was formerly, ansi. riches of nature aro there, and named the Ironstone mountain, was also the science and ingenuity of now. rallied Mount Morgan, after its matt. Moro than 1,000,000 pounds -discoverer. Soon a small company hasbeen, spent on the raarhinery, the wan formed and registeredand the Sta'atitiaeda,ms for the storage of brothers Morgan, with one Cr twe water, ' and the workings; about oth.eis who had scoured shares, be - eighteen hundred znen are constantly gan mining operations. Tive.richners employed., ancr as the mine is lit up -.0f the stone was unparalleled, and hY electricity, relays of minors con- the news of this discovery was soon thole to work clay and night. wired .over tho world. Speculators Itternt Morgan is somewhat oval- in many tountries felt the throb of a shaped at tho base, being about a new sensation, and the share Mar- mite and a half at its largest meas- kets became mercurial with excited oirement and half a mile at its short- buyers and sellers; rings were form - est. It rises almost precipitously ed, and no small am.ount of 'suspect - from tile banks of a small river call- ed jobbery practiced; shares rose to ed the Deo to the height of five enormous prices, then fell far below hundred feet and attains at its dome- their value, and thus many were bike summit, an altitude of twelve ruined; there were lawsuits over ad - hundred feet above the level of the joining claims, and supposed ques- teeere -There was nothing ,t,in., the tienablp transactions occurred ; for - outward, appearance of ',tho MOUT1- tunes were made and, lost and 'rd: tain to distingniela it from the other gained ; but amici all these e-aria- ‘uuniiitUitis of the range n it, had the tions of speculation and fortune the :yserieehruggedsIones and gailies, and wonderful output' 61 'gold continued; the sable scrubby vegetatken covered.:Sinee 1.82, when the disco -very was ' ifS -suirfa'ce as could, be Seen for made, over two .million ,and a quer- • Imes around. The farming settler ter 'ounces of geld havetbeen obtain - 'and ' the` shePherd 'wandering- over ed; and' the leteet, reports , iseued nue hilly- regilins little dreamed of by the emnpany state that for sorae the treasure stored beneath. They decade at ' least there will be no would sometimes find alluvial goln diminution of the steady yield of. in the ravines and creeks and pick gold which has been an long con- ofi e4 bowlder heavily weighted with tinued. Even when the mountain is the, precious metal; but that thore wan ae whole mountain of auriferous ,. ore +waiting to be exploited by men ______ of meg,. and enterplea never enter- . ed their me As. The gold vim care- Thirty years ago japan boasted Mir hidden in .4,orno whim, in Out, one newspaper. To -day there are ,no ward apthearance, diffexed slightly fewer than 900, ' , froze tho ordiztery metallic litructune — of: the sell strOund. . San Francisco is said to havees- DIStCOVISRY AN ACCIDENT. . , banished a record for telephone retie ditatoverF was,„eieftdo almost pOPIelliritrt having .- one telePh060 til6iiiej:41'.4a0 I ehoenei 'hrota -e'en' 'for'''' -e' '',r-'-terelve- 'of:etfin hiliabelenals; thut all along the reef there 'were eimilar stollen and, without telling Gordon of his discovery, he broke pieces off and on leia return silenced Toung Girl aia Three Voya, e an o Messmon. einguler story al the see old at the Dristol police ceert. girl of tateen, who firet gave her mete as Ellen Cordon.Out after- ward anzeitted then she was Eetber treNwau, was chargesi with wandere ing abroad without visible- eneaos oi eubsistence. Tim plisoner who ems eled in a rouett suit of men's cloth- ing. cried bitterly, and hin bee race as sbe stood in the clock. A river policemen stated that viten in Prince's streee than morning be heard some men talking about a women dreseed as a. Mae who wan being, pain off et. the hoard of Trade ofnces. Ilia inquiries there proved fruitless. but outside he saw the prisoner standing oramig emite other sailors. When be Spoke to her she burst into tears and admitted her eex. Ile believed she had eailed As meesenatt And steward. She was thh. be conteut, Any s04, t(i lineaW that 4* • • •;• •:• 4.;••:**:••:•-•:•• 0.: fp:* 4;••;• •:• y •:• Ile t That Failed and Vfliy .:..:nieteenoteene. eeeeeeee..eenoeeeoteneeheee "Mercy, Etlichae4 tee last man beall l. 'Where nese ;eon en thaw 14,ear'd hs2o1.1.0 thought of seeing in LiVer fee ' ""lthere bare yen been. Piche I *leveret roomed very Inc treat,. 'rat"s Clue/lee, but, youe wine nobeny's ,hsiexne3elvara.obre4;reerlitiotiref.zo4 Inc tne est t Dice Corhett laugbed rechlesely, and looked at big one-tirce chem. elicheel neowick. in—as the latter itboeght-ee peculiarly elenant way. yelebcou; titesv haaned en'ott; but. aoS,thah Is in ing paid oll front the ste3uhshiP Clem: ,l've &seen eealloring• in pearly awry which heti just Arrived at the fsten ewe and /caw; new I'rea ebiet 1.0410 Of deas,'the fasteet Sioanti. At the paUca Sti4103 ha aeneshd tbat, tn.,,,tees toaemea eorerhoel and 'stated tliat her sister lived at Wise the Seenish eaten" bart n Scotiend. nine thieseated she "Illatve papa vacancy far a. `for - lied completed three voyages 45 mese ene pmpays eteward, dressed in han'n clothes- el "Wee, for for Foe? 'Wien Seketi h,y the Beseh if she woolo what' pretty little Kitty about a go beet; On her Aster. to whom thee* ,ehe"s letting, ,you go to cen9" could telegraph, the prisoner vaidli oNeeer nand Ditty., Plat elle did riot wish to do So, as shg'going ro s-t,t again. heeatWe tWrigs left on Account of tier eleterhe hareh- blaatte.4 tot:meal, butleteitNes,..sisfh round atmet ess, The hrogietrate'e Clerls—Could not He Neat, as if any refereeee to yell get law A Sgocb §1-41p aa,hiS SWeettettrt, by the other was dis- stewerclefee ? tafitehil to him; for be clearly ,eavt meneween—Inbea my hair gets that Inds Corbett, since he bed seen Unger. hiM t, was changed. and Inc tile The Detect ordeecd a remand lentil tweonteoweho h(c:t wolds tecioayslo.rger elm -good he next day. Mehlwan, It is stated, had accent- ror the inoietiet ineit Was Inennee 111110sIntedthomallyeul. ownheicoht vleiseser shvOeYilogiegl dne ii.klIne'iiunat ta5iCha olute01 44 5nanie into the conversation. dr Aut,tahhnran'hittinherhichnstlaillath tho wow. but tiaintitam better <if it. be brought tome brouot. to light a rtemarliable his fiend sednealy down UPOII Mich -- story of her adventures in boy% teethi 8141 !Ind been ltvin WW1 wint;h14°:tiele%ete"'of°gIdoodlleci4aPtiVre%111°Iraellgle- tulrinslforwk,ohnd5witehlriinht.ttl'elr5:3:h1; ho7:0,,T twee thet tipilla deceive4 the otter, tithes heheeet as A no:14 but the •don't weiet to pate Uty, TWO. 1140 mason idtbis teat, eleare A hoax Yonr love elfalte; lived out soy scatonryto ioniton leneirinhavatlea‘counnliamiptali,nyer .3,eao!FL'51"\tornetram tdriLatangt.vrsatrepentl'iriteett home,. woo ovfavto sea deheeed as t. that teethe tree earth, 11 ,you want hay. Fetter JeIt.Tnn -thought tbie 14 l'er!84 nnthe l'on tatt3 :.';014 Can, plan so attraetive that she resolved:74:41.17,,ogurg,444416b18.441:4011n.uawrit'dfcoigt: ahoy.' upon a shnilar escapade. In Septeme thh, hhhhhhhh. law rer 19in tl'ie ran 4"VaV P"Irdcr" lige two nen were eteudirte by tile and there went es eahlts boy board Il a CeafitillX steamer celled :41;101 tlitt.wa'qnlaiti but. a Igrilnydasor front"Itehret (loch antes. •14Vbee do you sail?" asted Mwh- an be went up the Ferli Xing% Ilisrovery. On thitt yew] she re- mained only a fortnight, landing at Newport. She gave her nem° as Allan thordon. Front Dundee she shipped in it boat - .,. - Day after to -morrow." returned the mate over his shoulder. "Time eaough to eend a letter to Taths Corner and get a reply." "Wei" muttered Diets Corbett as he useoched the door of his cabin in acted as rueretroont etewnrd. No the alleyway oppoeite the ertglue ane suspected she was it girl mall ream batch. nendrathe nesitel'a destleation, "Yon ean write now letter here." was reached. and bore eeeli member he continued. "before you tegn on. of the teem had to pass the ilot.tor. After tbat, for the sake, of diselPlIne. with the result that the girl was I can't say anything to you Milch in =pelted to admit her sex- The the doe time—but at nipr,ht, middle aptain of the Cam therefore brought* watch sometimes, we'll hove a r back as a cabin peonenner. but,clumee for a 'palaver.' " Ito 'tinware to have continued to Michael Fenwick's letter was; to wear boy'n_elitlio_..during the return 'ICitty Bezel, It was not a long Inn trensferred to the cabin did vet lin this way, and that an unexpected uot surprising that the sailers talk-1'011)gs easier and the future. more voyage. It is probable that the ret.- I cue; junt saying that "filie must not Son of the "messroont steward" hohthink badly of him for leaving her reMain a secret aboard, fled it, is:meeting with Dick Corbett had made esi the tuatter over on reaching pert. horefel. ' lie was addressing the envelope, 1V14N'$ SEWING AND WOXA.149,S. when Dick, who hug left itira for 10 minutes, returned. One Caerdirtal Difference Between The mate's eyes gleamed viciously Them. as be caught sight of the superscrip- 'A good seamstress never long threads.' tion over the other's shoulder. 'Shall I post it for your' he " tanes "Thus Mrs. hilltoite." said Mr. stdd' hilltops; "and if anybody is qualieed "No, Dick—or, Mr. Corbett, I sup - to speak on such subjects, she is. pose I ought to say—no thanks. I've have dome more or less got to go after my 'duds' to the sewing myself in the course of lief boarding-bouee." life In one eituo.tion and another, The other tried hard not to ap- and I always took. as I still do. te` Pear disstePeieted, and so far suc- leng thread. h believe that laa,4 ceedod as to awaken no suapicion in. Michael's mind of any desire to tam - bound Inc Valparaiso. and, having completed the voyaeo. vote dischore- ed nt Cardiff. At Penarth she soon Wined another berth, this time n board the steamship OPM. Where •••••• onen would do just the same theag, 'Ulm a good big needleful. , per with the letter. "But women, it teems or good The ' limy A. 13. then signed on; seamstresses. anYywci . agreed to be on board the foi owing long threads, and .ll1 ainevainrtak formede afternoon and left the ship. that, besides finding in the short Had he but turned around as he thread certain specific advantaear, went down the gangway he would they can sew as long a seam With a. ox - short thread as a man toil with a pression on Dick Corbett's face as long thread. , the latter stood watching, with his "This they accomplish siniply by arms on the rail, as would Wee* set greator accuracy in their work. The him thinking that the easiness of man with a needle and thread tunes things, ansi the hopefuhucssf th in cloth on either side of the seam future- were not quite so substantial regardless. In one stitch he may as they appeared to be, take in just the right arnocnt, in So he posted the letter in the first the next stitch he may exceed that Pillar box and the play went on. limit by a, sixteenth or au eighth of Tat'S Corner was a. quitint little an inch, or more, and the way ea old-world idshing village on the which that manner of sewing uses uP west coast. where, seven years be - thread is astonishing. fore, Dick Chttiett and Michael Fen - idled as inseparable cronies. "The woman never 'does anything wick of that sort. She takes in just en- IrittY Hanel. then a girl of 16 ough cloth arid tie more, and so gets only, was pretty and sweet enough over as much ground with a short to turn the heads of more than one young fellow in the piece. But from thread as a man 'does with a long one. - But the specific advantages of the short thread oVer the long one are many and great. There is less lia- bility of e, short thread's kinking; there is lees lileellhood of the short 'thread's bight catching en a fold or bunch of the cloth. 'The eon of the sower-Thies:ft have to be swung so gar, in drawing the short thread through after the needle and so the sewing, requires less phy- sical „exertion. Finally, and grant - est advantage of all, by sewing with a short threaentore work can be ac- compliehed in a given time. "So as between the long thread, or man's way, ana the short thread, or woman's way of sewing, there can be no doubt which is the better." leveled gold will be found to a con-, sideietble depth beneath ite base. the first, Michael made the running. One thing he did not know; that his friend was, behind his back, scheming to supplant him itt kitty's affections; using as his principal, tool the girl's own father, Joshua 'Haz- el; the drunknenest fisherman in all the fleet that sailed' out of the little harbor of Tat's. Corner. Icitt3e's Would-be lover played.' up- on the ol& fiehermarns weakness to such. an extent that in a short time things seemed ripe for a declaration on his — C-orbett's part. ,Fortunately, , however, for Michael and hie sweetheart, ,though disas- trously for old Soshua, a storm, that swept the whole of the west coast, was the means of defeating, for the time being, at any rate, Dick Corbett's Mean and dastardly netrayal of hia, finend. FINED -Fon DANCING. Old Hazen; with many another At Ludlow. in Germane', 129, fa- deep nen fisherman, Was drowned, al_ tilers have been iinOCI one mark most within sight of land, apiece for allowing their Children In him Corbett lost' the only ally limier' ten years of age to dance at who could lia.ve influenced Kitty; end harvest festival of a village near though she berself declaims to -day, by: The village pastor objected to that not eve..n her father could have the dancing and -reported the cam to shaken her faith in Michael . Fen - the police. It was discoverial, how- wick. • neer, that hie children had danixtd* Hard tames then came to Kitty, te, heetveee,bnirto witk-.tho, utA cad disepPearanee, sne was earning a scanty living as one ef the many oetemenders of the fishing fleet By and by the fishing industry de- clined so, owing to the. „overwhelm,. tog Increase in eteam teowAillg, Ow; elicheel foend it impossiele to make A living even, while his prospects of marrying Kitty seemed, more remete than ever. Thou it was thet he determined to go to Sea for a year or two, leav- ing Tats Corner with thet object1 witheut saying a word to lehtty. leittyht only mistake was. than she had not told Michael tbat she had guessed then Dick Corbett loved her; her excuse to hereelt being, that no word bad aetealty been speken. There were thus faults cee l'oen eldes, the coneequencee of which might, with a lietle mutual coxed - deuce, hare been averteet. * * * The Eri King was preparin to warp out, deck„ and Fee -- wick. rick at. diaappointineat at, not baying hed a. reply from Kitty. waS listieeety climbiag op e. rei•P en tbe l'oheaetio teed. colered envelope into her esteeoling hoed. With. feveris4 eageratee sn4 trte it open. It was from the house sereeoe of A large Liverpool hospitol- '111clotel Feowiels isrought here en tanding /Ma= I)raga. FOrtne'al. Is seriously ill Wishes to see ou " * * ''Kit,' said Micliael, sobbeug, in hie weakeese liire chihl, will never forgive Me /Or UOt• 10e.Pinf:f ail promise." "Yes, dear, I forg.ive you. for Yoe base suffered Amen" • "One more question. Rte." 'Weil, idienaei?" "Dick Corbett — wtat of him Re tried to raise himself in the heel to listen to her Answer. "Inn me." be said 04;410. excited - "is that ilead, who tried eo P over a. sine's side, on a d end stormy get -- is he to pastern? et do you consider ,s.ustice, Michael?" "'Deathi t short of "death:" "'Well, dear, the elector has just Pe 'It* duel mate wits etanateg by , id 111a, thah tIzO letag. with alt the brook rail, shoutilth orders to ;earob, 14 reporten as havirg, founder-. the Mau in charge of the stearne led on the aame night, that yeti drift - winch. wrien, e.aseing his eyes fer ailed he that, small boat to tee 3"or- moment quaywares, ee sow i* airrfit Vague -se port. Dick leortent, there- fal fame Wigging tip at, that. pert here; has reeeived jueties, and etre tto ship. :and I have no inure to 1 mild oot talfe aaraetage of Michael Fenwiels went no math to hi,y to sreet, tier; beeldes, rtien, tor his ceee toeing enlisted prh- WaS toe Close for time ec- „He syeripethy. a, few wealelty geutle- be quite preoent— so he men in Liverpool subeerieed to buy virtue of steceseley, and ca hint e. lishieg boat of his Own, wbich auborelinate's attention to bis lie works ley deputy. Wart preeence on the quoy. A little while after the new ve-;n1 lad 114V0 bflell rook ineubordin- vetted roer4 at Tot's corner tease tho ship, Oven for five Ihitty were Married. atid sa far so all Michael could do as report has it, with the happieet It over the rail stud weskit reeulto. ;Iwaliasnut to her. latish first loeking' round to see Viet 01 coorst Ila°::::11mAal,,N.Gw.i lent "You sheuldiate have come." h 'there were not inizeiediate listeners. phoahh refer to tho eheeeeeehe at eie ahall Caet off in leea they. 10 sawn were. ewe It is never well to 4114;14:Zitiiicinachtkv73stiebl'a71.,Fs5 wilthettu 0 eaetino eepersions upon the entity e call attentien to (mole own elehl by 411 4 , cute / Loovi, it; it hionti 1,1.013 1 (Ahem. A elevo tuner bad near - but I did it for tto neet. Hittee" fafsheel his wort', on her piano tieu ha looted up arid toad to the to leave you withal.% a We . I ly et the houtem me hlha.'7tj:hltr.4,r-1'17":all' Yal;e11:114- =NMI). Ton ought to have octet t "Tour instrument Was In awful "Witat is it?" • see eaorier." i "Prorefee me you'll do whet I* steeed you ort this? "ft, woo tuned only three menthe wan,. As she aFick4e the lest wer,l threw en hoard it two of rape ,wrappee ronnel eornething hard 11. fell at his feet. and he pleeet it up ion the intunnt, aud put it. in hie be feowinee weed el' dealaihr-T pachet. SZreein insteed of tuning pianos - 1 "You mustn't remain any longer, itlenr4te lnstralrarnt //14 a Pia" sNiiintliti 0ve. ( elvneonthovaytherre:;71;etthhoteldiuzz woe hhahrs euaiLy delicate to "Ill retreinter. Ocol-hel" handle it. meet it neeis an accurote attempt - At that moment Corlett canoe ieteair.tetatnallethTho in Pcinr:nriaals‘eli9 tle" "L- im to do sotnetlange gold when ho 4044' had nether." looked round again the etearner Wan 1Tere the "Iter "1414144/ bis el'va liente complacently. awi then nen- tinned: "In fact, I am .freo to say. he added, "thee he did lucre herrn than good." .a.1.1711 hardly think it is uo bad as. th "Well, be certainly do le any good. May I tole who the man wan?" "Yee, it was youreelf." "Madam, you are snietalzen. / nev- er tuned a piano in this house be- * • 1°!;;;obahly not; 'hut you Unice that Watch, Michael instrument, nevertheless, or attempt - was relieved, tu before descending ed to. It belongs to Mee Jones+, to the foneastei stood leaning on who sent it here for Me to uso svhflo the rail, looldug at the seething, she is Mit of tawn. She told me yen rushing water. lind alwans tuned it, and to send for you when it ueeeed tuning again." On hiS way back to the piano were - house the tuner reflective neleinnly en the irritating way soir.e women bite), of preeenting fact. ANT IITPNOTLSTS. Then the rignrk WhO CU it was orant of his huetecee." "Do you Vieth Nor' "I'm Glare of it. meant. 11.0 eve et hundred yards from the quay; ail Jut could tree being a little figure wa-vittfr a white handkerchief. When they were well in the Mersey and fairly on their way seaward he tout out and read gitty's loot little note of appeal. It was not really a letter; it was just a requeet in one setitence; "For your own eafety's sake, dale, and for love of nit, beware of hie,k Corbett." * At six bells, Suddenly a hand was laid on his shoulder. It was mate, Dick Cor- bett. '''Cold to -night, Michael," lie said. "Ay — it is that." "Makes you think of—of firesides and Kitty, our Kitty—eh, Michael?" "Let, Kitty's name alone!" "No offense, mate. But she's not yours yet." "As good as mine. Only this one contract, and then—" "You may never finisb this one. ein Sen; the Erl King isn't much of a boat; she's old and cranky, while seas are rough and winds high." "Well, if we go, we go; but if Kit- ty can't be mine she shan't be an- other man's." "Sure of that?" "Sure as death!" "Hope you're right, my boyl Hope you're right — but — 1 have my doubts." "Of Kitty?" queried Michael fierce - 1. "1 don't know! Let's change the subject. Come down to my cabin and have a. tot—there's no one about." Never tele to harbor malice or hard thoughts, Michael assented, and the two men went below' to the mate's cabin. Up above, the roaring of the ele- ments; down below, the doing of Satan's work. Michael's lips were no sooner put to the glass than he was conscious of something uncanny about it. There is no delay in its 'effect. Seeming to madden a.nci burn like vitriol, it produced an instant sen.se of suffocation, but fortunately riot of blank minansciousness. Except the lookout in the bows, and the man at the wheel, aft. there was not a soul to see Dick Cor- bett stagger. on to the poop deck with the inert body Of Michael over his shoulders. At Tat's; Corner Kitty Fiazel sits, under the lee of spine rocks on the beach, wearily mending her nets. There are half a score of other wo- men, young and old,. working 46und her, but she speaks to ,no one; and, with the sympathy of their kind they lea,ve her severely alone. By and by, the old man who per- forms the duties of letter carrier is seen to be hobbling towards'the beach. - "What be owd Maartin a dein' 'ere now, 1 wunner?" said an ld dame sitting close bv Kitty. The rexaarle was sufficient to make the girl raiso her head. As she aid so, the old 'postman saw her looking at him, and waved something above his head. "Kitty Hazel, it's a meseage for " eho eePe.h4e...dllttttilge'ttleeeereeheheehen'e` Yeleo 0?4re to 1,1hee That ants doctor their sick lott hypnotism and magnetism is proved by observation. An ardent student tells how he witnessed what may be termed a seance itt medical science among ants. He saw several of these little creatures emerge from the bills and noticed that there were some among them which were weak and emaciated—invalids, in faet. They were accompanied by healthy mem, bers of the conummity, and all made their way toward a distant 'mound. On following their movements through a glass the observer saw on this mound a big aud sturdy ant which made some motions in the di- rection of the advancing invalids. The latter went up the mound, one by one, and submitted theniselves to treatment. This coneisted in the physician ant passing his feelers over the head quid body of the pa- tient in a manner distinctly sugges- tive of the -hypnotizing of nerves and muscles praetised by human doctors. Every one went through the treat- ment, then the patients went back. and the doctor marched off in the opposite direction. A QUEER BATH, In Finland a. noeel form of vapor bath has recently become popular. A person who proposes to enjoy it lies down at full length in a ham- mock, which is suspended over a large bath tub filled with ice-cold water. An attendant them throws into this water some hot bricks, whereupon a vapor arises anti en- velops the person lying in the ham- mock. For some minutes the ate tenciant allows huc to emain ex- posed to the vapor, and then, after removing the brleks, he gives the hammock a jerk, and the -gentleman in it conies plump down into told wetdre Those who na,ve tried this method of bathing say that the sell- sation is quite novel, and that the sudden plunge into tite cold water really invigorates ons TO MARKET STILTS. An interesting aed picturesque ere tom in Southwestern Prance ig of going to market on stilts. Groupe, of young men and wornee mounted on high stilts may be Leon daily ere.ssing the marshy plaiii5 lciowa as ''Tne Landes.'' "Tile Landes" are Clit up into small ditches. poolg, and heinmiocks, and stilts arc. consequenee, almoet nerousltry to