HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-1-8, Page 6"L• • +4+1,i44.14+4-1-i-l4r+ 4+1+-
ower.af Persuasion
With shining eyes, aunt pale, pas -lot -yew. resume your oceupe.-
sionute face, she swept from the j th1le. devote yourself to the wet -
room, leaviufr the earl overeonea fare of yam. hesband, forgive gen-
with estordeluuent. erously end entirely.a.11 tlmt has
"nhe is the most high-minded tee- haPPoned. live for the good work
man I have ever met in my life," he You beNo hegun• Once hclore X aSLIC-
0: thought, "I lurve been blind,. ed you if 3 -eau were etrong enough
j.de,n,a. Row navenb, nhe, wooed m i;en to take up the burden ef your life
find cara7 it = bravely, I ask: you,
the sante qmstion now,"
She was quite eilont for a few
minutes. and then, as the inlet. rolls
eeeiletoe-eolie/eretere•weeteeleaeeeseeeeeee importent part of the winter.' feed.
I as its bulk tends to neutralize tee
FOR FARNIERS grain' 13°tatnen' t"It2
15 ' form cheap winter feed. Pure -twee
and Cabbage are eaeily grown and
•C fowls shoule be raised, as they pay.
* Seasonable and Profit:tele I better than mongrels. 'I -he poultry
"e‘ ilints for the Busy Tiller5.4' business will never be ove
4.ze long as mongrels exist,
i one as
t of the $ol..
..te• indignetion! I will win hci• yet. I
. have never cared about winning ber IloW B1.11E-GREYS ARE RAMO
before. but I swear to give my life
the tesk. now."' •
: ,
from the hill -tops before tbe light ot 'MEMO STOOX IN WINTER. -The farnees blue-gre,Y eattle web
seemed probable that it would
band again. In vein Arley Ilan- "1 wIll• 1 wl "9 all Yaa advise at 411 se2-1$933s,, bat wiate'r l$ the suit of a croes betrecen white or
some p1eu4e1 fee him. she was 14,, yRortuoupLay Ithwatill Ifloorgioi;elsgze lixtaoiewbf:tii_ di $
p4rvooprifeaetae perctioe,t Teo ktruee elle _
41.1 s„e more =enure y light -cohered. Shertbo‘rn belle and
exorable. ''
Tric,, cam, t.c.0 edtuvened. to return shall put his love to the test, It le the proper mampeletion of hie feee- eewa- at ella at be btaek-Pattecl
AVPER XXII a fails, well awl efeed--1, will 4,19 MY. ing etude titan to attempt to elira- bvee45 - w4114.117 the Qatt°1YeY" Car'
see bende leek. Beneetee, fluter 'without the euxishiee Of 1,P.V0 inate labor ley ellowing the anireels te,e".,s33' eaeugb• btae-gaeYs ebta'Ir'al In
Lady Ceraxen had refuse '10 RaVensmere, and he da so al-
ennartment. Tit:, horror of the able to control himself, the earl cried was fast. improving; elle would be ,to cheer me; ii it stands the tese,
ulyi totimtre to.nts ra,e,stihnge cwohaerlsei ulnae tfearirmaler wTillei .._te'hu:_rtwe...1Timpja;(:,gttillteasamgere,lyinpekv_14 •
May one; elm had refueed to quit her g Still there was no sound, end, un- most despairingly.
ellarge zae.srl againet tier overpower/m1 i' cat3 ',able -to go to her ONSII banke fleen. ..„NC111 try to "Valli' Ili° 111- 'With practice the methods 50 wog in. i.Pc);0:41.3.-tinsgo abrleaact4 bieuntshowLkeip. erowpAtz
Ler. lIer husband, teeineen tter [ "efileleed, for Heaven's eo.ke speak the dector eeid. and all anxiety i'ave-).
ITe looked, lorg end loeingly et vogue. 'It is oow known that, ii is
guilty, of intelit, to taprder. At grst t., to me! 1.et, me in - I want to me about her was quite at an end. The
that wee the only idea her rebut '
could green n- a heteible, distorted
$.:ea. She could not tbita elcarlY•
Ifer letsbend, whore. ex) had oeved
frton rein., whom she had rous(.53
fat -en indolence and seli-iraluigence.
Or Lady Ca
en's Labor
14i4e14 +44444:
irOna $our huee
..,., are so lamely )3red, in the border
e see ell ehadow re. set from her The rearog e
t_e op,eZreleiyiegage/dfetor Iseeleireitermes: lialee. ;Witt 'she ni„.15..wo-...enhim. - ca 1 I ItWIlurf c4 t`lrw b- c011otry ---, the north of 'ng)aod awl
1 litY 01k he farm cart be effected
44 t the south of Seetlaud - are the re-
eberkper better to roue, ell reo„. which these blee-gree cattle ere held
you!" troll of the story bed comt„ Ir3.••
.',. sound of his voice seemed to 'all the papers had it; every One eae a brae girl* .tildt.e't-7 - tartal° 10 4 VerY rine COnditiell tinal 14! 511,,,,Ine of tile groat feedbag diettiete
an electric effect upon her. Ihe knew that lady ITamilton had been 'you are a. gOoci woman," he void, to throw the e0aree and bulky refuse of _,""o south and east of Eoglentl.
=eat she turned thekey ill shot by mietcooltem.ltaeseest tol,tat oltara,Wvea: tliidi7e1;i011:1Y.I w"IiIrtict tu; cir,Wtie,..uat.Alycl:Oe lAuuttlitbs:cbh,rri,140YrTIs titollon.:fotZenTeiont eoc'enfce%cwreberlthar:ennied.isatin:te„Nidneo'reemlutnedmin:erxPerlije.s.:
With a cry of leer and surprIse, he, whom ,Johe Illeette're had intended ;a1..?../fw3,401117ig. ptIoe.a7:0P415ZoWit.eepo"nded; f-iirhetjtiW"the vArmer senos too Inners Plaice a specialty of breering
et lock 11,124 opened. wide the dOor. the yourg
w lease better natere ebe had calle4 -111°1$1 buck. wheo he saw hor. Re to kiil.
.• 4iii}au larger quautjtjeshut, the th.sitT.15,,ithem for the produtaion et
- v'ee contel net Przt ater thounrei • her fete woa pele aud et -elect!, with t "Yon have tried her beyond her i'lliclY"U'"(17'9 77a CGIttinv94)- niaterfale Ore also then better for ;','-i-
.. -
IPACILY .191" abSOrttifia ManUre of a ¥41iY WASTES-
ut. niteni s'ourtv enovelt she l'whlte• 1 -le herill'n" linew her- kou without lose ef 'Woe to re -
I , P 4.
. TABLE 1,11,4 -EN
l - -
i', fehe looked, et -------------------- ' leerl Carmen did ete het ltlft 3enreee i.„ th t 1
eoodded the result of hie." "but„ iteoul, do not repeeeet :what I straw through the feed cutter be not wwithithtette1,11sIrsenli otticact81,;;1411,"6fe,rtj,rej.t,,
w/toon, ere loved with n bad 6eell ber tately so beautiful, The eat Le,Ve said. I want UN teSt MS 10N-0 oniy indUeett MS liN'e Steel. to. con- •
r...1.5-sionate /eve,. Lad Judged eer woe. l'rediente-now her' leng Wrack hair ;•nditt",lort to Sar Raoul, who was not ly
murder. fIlhe rontal not reeliee !mug diSorder over be r sheulders; much surprieed.
r4ls; • assumed uo teasel- tears5 her eves were dm. her ilPs strewth " eat& I should advise beddtvg, and peeves greater ea-
t"lal(1 Waal' l'be 514171 olv° Many peel* there ere who would
-o Nista
e r n--,crwrz, of; "Ilildred!" te cried. *turn to Loraine ate'em.'"
pretty ilishee and good eepery aro more eeelly cleened, and manure and al,
peeple waste. There are Many small
evestes on meaty larme, and taken
together und. for A OerjeS Of emote
represent a large Arm of mor.ey.
Nothieg ehould weeted on the
e„•• watt fruitlete. refueed a '"*1:,1,., 4 4410St. avY beimrliceP. absorbents aro more raaidiv itanateu
t out of what other
v NO 1.0 j . jaaord them. making tee view-
?rgwivre or -e bed t.trot
‘11' thunght I:101141' Or 1011.1"der?" ::int:E,Ice Av. geoewered
Nous eat ' s tt yee, to fVe Idm; to al entreat ez, rom Vt•
64-4 tk-I' "'at stle C Lure t A 'e " t vor t •uld te• t4 1st° ' a aatved•
, 4_, end elti vi "ch it i •
reve m! ewe ter.irg trend 041- 1-51 r5 Y. 5- aNe OV N 4 fl iS tilt) SciViOil when the h
ten: weee it. wee o- bew hell ' cst are attraetive by 1,1% neatness
ir iis :Kane gultat have seial;" nrel wielt title „ ousee
11'44 .2. 04i W41'14 itt 101e 'ante 40,"-* • ••weeve non wore wit n kerne tivn oblie.ed ee he weer uene,4„ly lays in her etupply
F•a little, inmeeita•rel " t • gar • k tor the ever. and. a few euggestions
-.tate. 4'1 hew meat to eav tentent
bete r,Inetii;ra, utiinvi an -07704 , • - • regard to it Ugly 1-±,O briOttli
14„ (3.;.,gtns lteeeteme Went away. Tho'. In ehener tleeelreir be met fee Sir 1143-.' lite4latonnsk, nlny. ete-inigdel,w;
dh I tl h 1 I I et t t
eel, to rre t .e all C ao out. w t 10vg 1 a MU, 11f
4 't la' broalitaFt table, but whi'Ie it! prefete,
alui deeempoeition tvill begin Mime-
dietely. Cleanlinese in the fitaltk
and in the hendling of manure will
let the result. while the heap will be
tither iu available plant footle, farm. 'Abet te not, good enomeh for
T111,1 IeOSS OV 1/1.4/111) MANURE the totaltet, or jigs 410 martet, vateue,
a farms hes been referred to Ire- ehould go on the ManUrO pile, awl
elate'. Anti farmers Itove been at from thence into tile ground te- pro.
a.00r. ithe fault In losIng a, lerge proportion of duce other fater product& that have o
t;.0. imillitehiWaer:tt,,,,lainiant11 int\111.7.41;veobitt'lle4)11•in!..., itelholtob‘natwaiu,Vtil turtiliner:e' tande-b::;91:11ro ,thetr eolith?* plant kettle in ihe cf- cominereial value. You know ft is
fort to ereoid latter. It I's tlanClt )10t what ri'e Cern, but whet we rave.
t!;4' 'X'041 t114.4. jealous at the idea. that site woule „,laac,t1. worn uud rugccjed. told js using the eet uttr, ht lett 40.ter pazc3ra ex ,nws. thut
fen are, It',e F43- 1Z •V`n•at ezar5o fr44" 6 you fergivehe fail. leieeutifail noting Vire V:140 bld 114-v0100nd Om. eXPerie'nc441 e ban tattier to lave !toy or stra30 w 'tat tate that makes us wealthy. Not_ what
1. c4 the nen., tee vat.* 41:: ou • taa larl„ ; for him, Then he grew wilalle taught o3 that the fling* noon be" tee, and let 4-1 s.3 masticate •it, in-ve rote ee the fame but whet le
ff. Ler wagon inr in:named tal
• -Yon goiltY. ereel o mime!"
I ,-,A1 trUaced 13.7.F,tif
tte Vi;°/;i1,44
zepleel. feiten te Sir neon' wben 91.19 e-cewarv to cut it o.f oral item, the
fermere overlook the feet that, to the IllakCS fariting profitable.
d twee the earl erenv, if ever he eel ebwintely to listen to leloth alt around. lope' before it Se fccems. of suelt foods es iionee
41have?" he 11 h , •-•1 a run, re inge, and 4,erneteal,
watt, ber Illn„ I • :.,70 .yartl. end vice neer vtly!,better ye:sults Nein bo obtained tiverti--
in;f7 wife's oarden, it would tell *lay ehouid you have More ILe wore out. Very handeenee linen* are Ilate I e
regertot eilIeve,„"4 Lo toe • t a. . ,plaht airao ;lee ce or feeds
r. • e bud 1.'l. 5*-. 4" +cowl wi:1 irrZ:1t3fil Or lli4Wt 1t3 •*inecateee.''' e'aid Sir Raoul, 41 0.1- the tattle. pc. not item them on the ,14 V-114' ;en°."11 Vq"4"
1 arg 41114.1tO4 with, linely cut straw,
117.-ze '•)t FT4•9 lraLle.ro - I teatfiiand *Sore 111031 tkey;-:-:ctrq the '"
fear nmehine, ea it gives a, common ap- bay 01 twhier, awl that both the
, eg 114111421e; e bed 174-,--s:re:241.02 1,4„1„,,,0 ;11.,,rt 0 filer nature, 49 „V011, 1 , reivanee, ,the, mom. eulaut. (hv.
'V' • " " grat,r ie nee neenitale,," ree "wilt 11401-Q1' reeleretand it. 1 Will treemelt,
, concentrated and bulky foods are
Irendertd IllOre valuable hY the COM- smitten, of the Mtleriett fano
ce te,.eit-e nine lecto):„ii xeet of ' ennt. 1 cell. Alan" , I rrovitin a nrPlita dollitn end mile, hination, .A. large proportion of the;neurdered ler. Cooper, a.
e'nene3r.• ee-Cil konnee• Udti
JUSTI= 11T 1103,117=0,
e at "the Summer
01 .A..esae
article dessribirg the at
4 ..T01 her then, ilaoul," went en terteceen. for tht7 SaVe 'the iargo value of all feeditee stuffs is in that eilgeoutere
ve fled .11 le oree 41,44 4 '4 eti in -e 'W. t111 *nem I. Lene ;epee:net an 1',41cV•-'1311 me A ;a, hie, tone mad riaattaner claarg- ,etatb, and molata the table look well.
1 ii ,,i,,,1 1, „,„ ..,., wan ; 4 1 feeilav.. to le:Jeer," le e,n1, "aro! it le gliur:upt i,,,,w a...4.,,,,Iduat,,.. ..thAt I Nto blind to ztieey ei there are henes,omely ern- j tilsiketylehrelstitishidvellriVilfrconta"t/t1hr.ttstiehl/cultt 1,1'..cearz ev;aitnreipre:ntdoerritfitTtlisz:eettit.irliirtel:trua“trie.
1,-) 4,•",, 7 toeeecl.? 11;ew h '-`1 e: 4 110 It'ailVt t.41r, 0 to Leer piaL4' A;v1r leaut:,e. 104` r,00dDeF6+ her trut% bra4dered. but if the 1101074•Wite Vtitl" is digested, By caltepid itreparation
, .F.• 10.114.ve l ki-; :V' r;4e11 ai /17.. geeee gazi.nr Ay et len eane not thee 1. ze.-n all After mentioning tie': arrCf,t Ot tile
110W. Tell her :uot du 2%1:C4 work, eke eara buy Of the foods more of then; is digeit- ofgasb in on ovine where he hat
t lee' lecet-re of l'* -3r, 14 OA 4 fele ..r. l wen. willt tbe c•Inelwa that I dial not have Iter vamp .1 111'4 reeeres of butchers' lion and finish ees tome the manure wen io richer
- ' r 1 1-' 1-111 ' '''' f'4.4" 1W Inert, Ler lint that I love her 110W; leen) with hemstitched hems.
when conceutrated ‘0041S are reed. owithio bon on boor the osioisshi
). i •I II ,g1- ' -8 g g4 4 , 1 v4r * tg144011 refuge. the correspondent mon:
tion of Mr le we steel:, of tablte linen, and ','
• 1. "Tr t5 "1 ui)11 hneriat eoie.
WaP t I. th't F'" 1" 4°14Q tell Ise, if trii0 but, forgive Me. AhnOSt cUy
• linnY hl) found :;Tho proper mete, to =Ix, hay ande wee brought into •55 44 Sultan'S Pre'
11. tt ,•11 e treat '1 I VW111 1100 1101;0 103 rim
h 1.1147 le criea„ "do. icYrfal'e' whole atoue for my pest ne--ielthough Large flower dregni seen/. hgrtnflei 11)11.4gletriP'11;111t.c/.41.113dretteriltgifieztlItec-lictlifrinultlitr adet'444'leaterenh'awn4319:Atetirti
fe, eceee. -.-------------------------------------------------revel.01' ‘ 1 event telRl rotniFel. LAY Cant- ,',diee Wild other old-faelaioned patterno /ieulte will be obtained from it. If " 81g ° Vilde"1. °11;ei413'
.1''''7:;•-•4 41 tol E1v1, v;a:t-• to tAl a Leer tkaa eal:,,eretantle-ea net reflex': to see eee ;MIL fouud. innate Ittandreals el troolae, ordered the
f1, ,', 4 I (, 11' ,,ii,, ...= :rata 410 DPI 1.119.07 Low grieved geNnnie lto be popular. the email clover leaf. 4is used an ent, feed, alot better re..ts it • ht I
ethe cettle foods are given in pro-
le' ,' „r ie deeleek- Ilt-7 100 aul nen Leine:: el, "Mil pat% 1 1-1tca" 111%,,,,IN .4'00?rill Mad atartled at the ter- t
? If yon wish to be eco"conical, htlY ',pared condition the manure will be prieoner to be brought before Wm.
'''' f'it'tltf.7 tsf a r;'';'-11 artnia`' ' "Yee." t:t• i'"1"Vo4fe ittramtlaallF• ,ril•i% eh tree! a fece 414S land wrought a, Evod, Vrades of tInlel,eched 14101.1 r $1r, Ihn,tirga taut myself steed by
reapreParetl with little labor, for,liis life.iest37.8 tide, in 01,410, that we
1;44 5,445 nte.:11•4 reoviine ler ',led sot ellent :end utetiOnlenn , wee no "Velma at the pale fere.; tor it is ehcaper to begin With,
U"'Y, ftwd tb" is "eaten' Melt a's 'hear what pee 01. 'Fro mar.
0.5 Tee tele hial e 7.111 tAel 1014 1%41 :440.1". "11,03T '014% 1=434 MUYede 11141"tir 10'4'1 Mleho /MI*17 111441 1.04Viled. stall,e and straw. actr be -i dever was a men of omeitrenteze some
45* 1° 1' Tw'' thm„."10 • ' ithAZit'a at him wieea wvu ended ,L.,3 nem. tilt may he bleaalwal as white tte tallY,',nng used fie bedding, will go to the
..".t u 31 dam, 12 "1. ) yen years of ago, of tell ntotura
a olive; 1 mule to the end Of MY Pa- ..,145' 1 oiling it fifteen Minutes ill 0 'heap ready PrePAred for doren Po- elle net enri,e.: kw. counPrEilnce
f.e yea' te'51;';*gf ti';4t ••I vere• sone'," ehe "ab•d, Isc,i1„ I can bear it ne 'etroeff weds matle.with gold duet, Itteu, 034 5.534 55355444 is the wn.y
" " 1.."14 U14.'3''34:'• III 1'21 • Mna1/4r5" %tudl''' rlartv-le,". 7 al- ,Inueer Mold; it was a ot tole ems, beg Powder, then rinse end liatig itdi manure in rondo, as that tchteh th,:,,Itimeiperialitt.f.ete-soeotiperttLeAduerloibIttrae tvielamle
1:4, 441,44 lkitt 14%4 r oa leo; t taut lw bad rbflt turo ;liter an. and will riever 5' 55. on the line lit lhe spnehhae. if lie leemes from the ;Minna 1S fliMpirthe
1;.,„ 1:re.1 4.1,0 ito,r? 44,
1:4; 1•1-' 1.%4°.';141 4"4-... • ",1 let reare Von. .""N. 111144111%
"Peer 611411." said .0 grave, oluett not rot the goods. an bleaching I tbe anima in si .t it wi u Nen tece vet . se eet an ere -
a tot me, ,
21' 44 * ;1111 • 7-11•a° 14've , turn to it. I could not 1,1,1 Wil-V0)first trial dees not whiten it eneug la Christine. Up to thin time the
1 * • t 7.3'404,01 ' 1. coarse foods Masticated stud &corn -
f Dr Cooper's death had
news . not
repeat the proCess. This treatment wee/ ested) within the hod of • I 1 111 th
'yen leave lone t ,45 gt11441 raze; 0: lee voiee "Some words are Lipowder or chloride of Uwe ere al- tee f4rmer. by reducing all c,oareelfore ordered the man to be. publicly
cl..'f 2.•0 401 8:." 1-141
'enuning in my mind, Illidreti, 4thoUt :most sure to do.
foods wit!) shredder or a. cutter. _
1.le re+ %4 11, 440 vt.u. I "You r.;;/ fv.,,zet yorr 1 tr..t•N vete. Inaviteg put their hand to Table linens that ere not of the Cour er, and the num V0' 12041 atm-
,perforras the same thin (decompos-
1. ° 11; l,1 dry 4' NT 01; °14ti Lee! reia.e... ;3301 pie a:wend me en...„ 1,1102e, turn heck again. Mtly best quality are much improved. in,itien), in the M41111116 1104111 lint. n "la hundred blown from leather
" 11%ara Illa°17 7a" 14Ilaw 'elett t " to t 1' .41.11: g*4"; art. V4)11 Vra, 4,1.1 those, appearance by giving them a *eight lieneec - thougs aerotrs bis And twou.
.1 1 •
I :0 ‘.11, 414. :It 2'%1.1' or.- 441.1 1 ,11.41, e.Lleon... :noy etjtaL Arv you tirea of heroism? , EtarchIng and thie•ougli ironing,
'' •
51 4"I''.4.11. ;..:" 1.1 IV" 44 r "1 l''''el'i "a t'vt :"I'llitl e ;',.9"r•I'''14'• .."-"'-' "Tittle -woo no bereitna ill nay ivelaich mulcts thinii, stisrcur heavier in, TITE. MAIN 'WORK
1,- - '. e, i usee looeteeb e te.et be IC. 3 ...L...43,ir,.. 1.h.2 L.02 1,11.0 4,2 0. neve, e 1 a lito ,, size said. ,; texture and weave then they really during the winter season, should the
e %„...1 1,.. ,,, 1..•,illy oi a clin.e---VrtirAhl you of ratnxik.r 1 v.0.4111 i 01, halm Z.3‘,- i ..k.a...., pow( o. niez there was the lare. Many houeekeepers • ^laundry farmer not be busy in seine 'port,ieu-
'3'11r11Eli" I it* 1..'41 1311111M°1 1" gli ItY at teetede'et. teroient poesible. Ito you tbetti without, starch, but this is ad- Jar deeartment on the farm, is usu-
1. " • 51'•''41 lee' Ill "'lir. '''' a V.5125''' 441.V.,5.-0.2;11:0 fit. tl.F;Wf.; 141 itrtrdoreel. 1'./3 aw whet my Wet ot heroism reel- visawo only when the linen is of the ally the saving tend preparation of
A , , •
"51 Ler erre to the 1,V;Aii Ova ly heaviest quality.
411'"14 °` '414'41* :-.311, looited sa wtol ;resiter in -
immure. „Et is wed known that the
more thoroughly the manure is de -
:I it," ele, to 1.Prrif; **)0' ,44-3, itv„,,d?" ,
bottom tura upside down, stod, wash if properly cared for while proreat-
"Ste Meet1 would net Ittete .thouee that 1 whilvi LelY Tram"- ,tertst than elle 1nel yet dhplayeal. ee cane chairs are eagging in tile CoMPoSed the smaller its bulk, but
t • ifilVe, r v, "'LP 1 111k,"1411,/1 Mlf"'".11' '''.111I'llilS311110,1111644111141:1071 1W1.1318M," 110 with soapsuds. Soak them well, and ing the decomposition of the !nevem
eere eels et 4124 in 1. Shit " " ••?4,;4 11,-.!1,4•102.,x that yon tola saitl "the heroism Chat makes ;when dry the cane will be stiffened there is, but little loss of plant food.
1' '' 1''v c1211`il 11''‘v1 -r 111'1"1-'4 l'45;ielf Z;'°u 1%! ja119" 9; btr." be rq'l:e'l. ,Ithits and martyrs - bearing tlie,up to its nornial shape,
;7 7 I aritin. Then a voesie but ' ..3..„,d,,,,:.,, t he rei,ctee er,, trio- • patiently atrd I One reason we take cold is because
- 1 les lees teteille iter came torer ' _ _ • - •• • Iturden. of our Row;
but Dr. cheerfully, never failing in strene.th the air we breathe is often impure.
4 teiee !yeah' riot tell tebet 'might '
chews diremestlettetelein and cridurance. I thought that yott Animals that breathe fresh air ali
T., urbre to yea 1
e • Slallir•l:x* that 1-x1Y 11°3°1'1- § es ani rtbstlute cm:o for re.,..•.b • •: - .1 ' 1 11 - bear th t' • '
Inould beio.calle an teem, a e, e ime ate not subject to tolds. 1.1
f.n •41.!ota1c1. dio! etnne one must Le . anfl every Item of Itchinr,
bleeclizgaztavromwr,repti€3. tile ereseee and trials of $our Inc. two exclude fresh air and neglect to when a large inass is aandled, haul-
er:3,i z".• 5-0. 11.4r heteeene Ilea saieli
administered by soldiers in the pre-
tence of Ills Majesty onti the entire
collet and troops. Ile bore his
thra,9hiug with great fortitude, and
on its completion Was rtble to rise
up without essistauce en•I
"He Was then orilered to be pule
liely exhibited in the streets; rind.
mounted !Mon a, donhey and goard-
ed by soldiers, he wsei taken from
the palace for this purpose.
"It was at this moment that the
On the contrary, should the farmer Imre of Cooper '& death wos re.
neglect the heap he will lose much of ceived. The Sultan, who WaS 51.111
its value without materiallY redue- seated in the great courtyard of the
ing its bull:. It is bulk that entails Palace, oreered the public exhibitior
labor in the care of Immure, for or the murderer to be stopped and,
after consultation with his viziers, 1u
commanded the man's immediate ex-
ecution requesting Mr. Tinstings end
it is too heavy for you to lenar. disease germs. To to healthy we Manure that hes been exposed is not nlYeelf to be present, together with
to no ee--t bet . front elven.; autini ifeleencurseacr l• -lack tottarc4. meabovere
0,3%:see. otio and ne,,,a,e; caulicalersteneueecen.Bereeca.rorate, 7I1Itireill believe me, good Was never must understand the hygienic prin- only reduced in value, but the farm- all the viziers5-0 .
01. er ikanIS n, 'ergo amount of water. It "In a quarter at on hour 011 Was
ber-Witat, %retinal x•he du? There 1 Dr6.0hases olntmerrt yet won by cowardice. Take it UP elides of life and living.
=agent, this baarden you have laid A very simple method a rendering. is estimated that a cord, Of manure, Over. Tile murderer Was shot in 1.110
'nand Lonind the trees. met she had I ever love you tbene I have down. In the (.14,-W Of adversity fail the soles of sitoce or toots water- weight:1g .1,500 pcnnuls, contains arsenal squeee, -which had been **
be no defenc?. $1.tc had been I
44•41 =sr 0 aurae Late guarereeenee tieste•c• feo you did for a lime: now yea ha.vo thoroughly uir beds and bedaliteg, ed and (weed. On the ground ntore
1.22, wonld wee) bor everet, tbo dear rrtt:s anit Itoornelitb.
13 Il. fouati fe/55,54tssibin eetwneetetnytettene'fin yennneeeennen laid down Your cross. ":411.1.111g Alil that our sleeping 1001118 will be filled w,ttil, work is required of mcm) 8,nd teams.
ten! a -he W.:19 frailtr. Could it te. ! f0.4,0t MI - n1:4 n It o„ .
• "Whiliil the to:antis of poesibiiity• that ',.1 seem to rtnrienther nothing, clearly, . Tile tvords cheered and encouraged This is an, elleetual remedy, and is pounds of . silica,' all 01. 2511.1014 must
tine, Ilildred, Countess of Catraven, aaxcept that you jetigtel me guilty of be,-, as they always did„
. nothing more than a little beeswax be handled in the stable and heap,
would ever be brought. 1;efore a pub- ;irear&r. Did I love you?" "1111eat would you have me do?" and iitittten soot wormed in a pan loaded, liauled, and spread, iprob-
until in a liquid state; . Then rub ably requirin.g two or three loads, in
lie tribingal mad tried for a crime of 1 Tito' wan face and dim. eyes touched she •aekod. .
%Odell she was perfectly bitorent? Oita thexpreseibly. . "I would letve you. lay nside your serne of it slightly ever the edges order to apply, about 25 pounds of
vivid imagination ran riot about; "When you thoug, id, 1 hen tried to 'cohlnese, your pride, :stout reserve.," of the sole tvliere the stitches are. nitrogen, 24 of phosplearie acid and
it 1.1 11e ir'eneati liereelf in. a dark ;commit murder, you turned me crew. ho toid her. "Do not beCoule a re- This will, repel the wet and not in 15 of potash, on the land, as these
t be neroiee until the end." PrOof milY be followed by any one, about 3,000 pounds of water and 500 quickly cleared of the usual crowd oi
• veneeeful woman. Your hunband has, the least prevent the blacking from ellbetances are the real plant foods
it is true, outraged and ineu e g 1 1 t. of the manure, hence the fanner
y guy, bdt, it. wee mistake, and he if you have many pairs of little goes to a heavy experise in hauling
neplonne oietorbe -no generous. hands to cover in the winter time a large amount of material which he
leove revenge to Sinall souls angi save all the old thick stocking tops does not want, the total value 7" of
or heavy knitted underwear, Make all these substances in the 4,500
your own pattern for each child by povands of maeure not being as much
laying their hands flat ou a paper as $5. " If the farmer can reduce this is then superimposed imam the teat
and' Marking a roegh, eutline as e, bulk by protecting' the heap against the stalks are.:then. cut, end the that
guide. They will OV.ell outwear water, and also induce fernienta- and its load are a full-lledged
tell. She went until from. sheer ex -4 your doors; in the darenese ox night,
i '
letlenion 8110 sleet. . •elone and unfricadecl, .you bade me
A knocking at the door arouscd •begone. Which kind of murder is
err • ‘VorSe - that vt•hicit ' destroys a,
• 1
"I•linienl," called Arley 1101350mo, 'body, or that wbicit slays heart,
-1 wish to eve yOki." mind, brain. and bone? I see that narroW minds; rien Above it, and
• Ilildred. I have soinethinn . very in this settee yen lasso Main t1 -e.' forgive him."
e, .
3)04 (10441244' to say to you --open the "Hildred, be merciful to me!" he -"You. do not. know', rtaottl," -elm
eoer." 4 cried. , ,t•5aid., "that n3y. heart is sere with
There wee not a sound. and Lord -I. -will show you the tame mercy' *trouble." *5 :
Carneent began to feel slightly that you have shown me. • Oo from nI know," he replied, "it is barn
alermed. my presence and do not let Mt' SI -se to bear, but you must fergive hint.
"Ilildred," said her father, "I you. again." You must again take. up the duties
Sympterns That Warn you of the Appitiao.ht crF Midi so Dreadfully
Painful and Patal its Results. Dr. Chn.-.o's Ptielney.,Liver
Might's diSeaSe is in reality a
(15 Y0]I c. inflammation .of thc kidneys,
and 18 the natural ConSeuenro 0E ne-
glecting Ordinary kidney deraiige-
At first you may notice a slight
swellin.• of the feet after the claY's
;work is over, slow but unmiStalzable
ifailure of inane, pallor of face, and
iloss of flesh, shortness of breath When
igoing; Upstairs rapidly, and dimness
1 or sight.
Soon the digestive system hoc.orees
tderengcd, the appetite impaircel, and
in many there is a teridenoy ,to diarr-
hoea and•formation of gas in the the
tcsfin - There are frequentey re-
Otirriat;'.1‘v0aflatlitS:,,, att.acks of• clizzpr
ness, and severe pains in the beck
and limbs.
The accumulat,ion of watery fluid-
droesy--continucs *the ea-r1ty 03.
the chest, and may at niiy tinle ca,use
death :from heart failure or droPsY of
the lungs, Sometimes uraemia, stu-
por., convulsions and death occur
suddenly,. before the other symptoms -
have become prominent while
the dropsy is still slig,ht in quantity.
As cliseaoe cn,uses a wast-
- Ing away of 'ilia cells and. tisstles of
the kidneys themselves, as well as
of the whole body. le tan only be
porreetly cared if treatmeat is .13e -
gee , in its ealey stages, when the
first symptoms becoxsie, notieeable.
?Ind diree,t action on -the lidneys, Dr,
Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills have time
and. again proven their superiority
:1,r4 a preventive and cure for Bright's
disease. '
'While toning and. invigorating the
kidneys, and making them active in
remoVing uric acid from, ..the blood,
Dr. Chase's 1(lidney-Li-v'er Pills also
regulate the action of the liver and
boWels, and:encourage the digestive
organs to properly perforM their du-
ties'. 'Their 'use will quickly stop tile
dreadful wasting process, which ae-
conibanies, Bright's diseaSe, and re-
store' the deranged organs- to health
and activity. One pill a ,tlose, 96
cents' a Vox, at all de,alers,-'or
Because of their.. remerkebly •proelpt Mer0m,, ,•Detes and E.10.i "'Greene,
people. He remained ezztraordurvily
plucky to the end."
On the rivers of Caen/mere all
thousands of floating gardens, form-
ed by long sedges which are woven
together in the form of a, gigantic
inat, These sedge grasSeS., flags,
stalks, and lilies aro woven On tho
river or lake banks while their roots
are still growing in the slime under-
neath. The required amount of earth
beeenerdenn' '1:hey ere usuallv
store' mittens and can be made tion, so as to lieve all coarse ma -
a. env Min3144S: Mittens' good terials made fine, the saving in la -
enough for sliding and outdoor worl bor will not aloue be the gain, for
can be nutde in tbe same way 410/9 the manure will then be in better
Taeavy weoilen cloth. condition for crops than when the
elIgnennany, houeewivee evpr ,t1.1131k bulk is gypater.. The amount of ill -
Of using emoty spools, or know that ler in the bags of. fertilieerg, bat e;
they., can -'be utith:ed for cfothes-pegs small matter compared with the
in elesels, back roeine, etc. rrhey hauling of 3, 0 0 0, p o unds of Water
are Much better then 0. tont, as a and 500 pourels of silica, as well as
nail sometimes rusts clothing mad other inaterials tl.o manere, in or -
cuts the loops of coats. Get long der to' supply less than 100 pounds
wire nailS with good large kends and of actual Plant food to the soil.
chine threeen the- help. irt the speols.•
If possible get'speols of uniform *size
es they ,look nMeh•bettOr,.
The method of vaccinating young
dogs against the distemper has beee
. .
tried lay its eiscoverer, Phiselex,
To keep poeltry successfully re -
52 22 much knowledge as any
other live Eitock industry, yet for, the
merey imested, it yields the largest
profits, writes Mr. P. Townsend.
of the Museum, • Paris, for a long From ray ,experience, winch is that
time now *oe. does of nmnv eieds of the average farmer, conclude
and of pule breed, and it has been that plenty of grain fed hi. litter,
round loiver 'the rate of mortality with. frose water before them all the
in the disease from about 10 to time,' will' make -hens' lay. As most'
about 3 per cent. - farmers i22)situatedit 19 liCA-p0551-
--- lee to feed much meat, yet what
A. strange imithed of coo1cing an there is should not be wasted.
egg• is sometimes employed by shep- ,As nrod, corn is the most inn
herds in the East. The egg is placed portant,. the cheepest and yields the
e vlirig and .whiried :rotved . and largest returns. Oats 'comes next.
round until the heat generated by Wheat too costly, eeeept for ther, remarked the '
the ,motVoll has co -eked it, ' chicks. Clover haY should form an lady, '‘kie: tO-ge,t;
about twente- by fifty 7,,-ards ia ex-
tent, seldom larger, tfu, .fall depth
of the mat and its ea1-1111). covering
being about three feet. (11:31)onast
Cashmiri soreetimts tew his
nerghbfirs-- garden oray -11,.4", •
illOorings, and sell the produce 01
the other's toil. •
A. man named Davis, of New York,
lias• just completed a. fast of fort,y
days. Before commencing the or-
deal lie was suffering from paralysis,
but is now nearly cured, and he be-
lieves that he has iliscovcxed 41)54 ,0120.
cure for this malady,
Uncle George - "Lool tile bee,
who improves each ,shining
Thriftless Nephew - Tliat's all the
bee's good for. If it. amounted to
anything, it would impiove some, 01
the cloudy hours. Tile shining
houre don't need improving."
A. iietle three-year-old 3.1dS,-3, 253.11.35
her mother W•its teyieg to get her to
sleep, became interested in a Peen,
liay noise, and asked what it Nvas.
erfe&et, dear," replied- her ma,