HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-1-8, Page 5THF, exgter boarate, PahRated every Thursday Moroing at the (Mee. StfAIT.STREET, -. EXETER. --/ty the-- ADVOOATS F4/131,1Sil 1 NG OOMF'ANY Trans OF SUBSOAIPTION. One Dollar per alumni if paid in advance, E not so med. =oetea, ore 4-1Pee33.e.e tereea peper discontinued until allarreareges are paid. Advertiseraente without specified :Meet:Qua oiil Ire published until forbid and ehereeed Secordinglx. Liberal diseount made tor transelent :advertise:eons inserted. for long periods. Awry deecription of 4011 TAINTING turned out in the finestatyle and. at zuoderate rates. Ohvtues. money orders, 'ere., for advertising, subscriptions, etc., to be made payable to Chas.H. Sanders, EDITOR 4$.1te PRO Proresstonal ()arils. IL.EINSMAN, 14.1).S„ DB. A. le ELM - MAN. fer-Se on graduate of 'Ioranto Univeriste DESTISTS, Teeth extreeteel witheut auy pain, or any bed effeets Glace in. Fre:soars Block. west side eleiu street, Seeter, R. ka, ALTON RSON L.D.S 1tQnO- OENTIS7 Oreduato Q Ternto 11nixersity ane Royal Cellege ot Dental ettegeons of Ontario. Also Pest Gra:Mete of Cluicego Schaal of Prothetle Dentistery (with honorable mention.) Allenuuwo, Cold and Volcanite Plato wedeln the neeteet 'manner pos,sible, A perfectly berntlese eeetheticased for peinlortextrectiou of teeth. (Mice One doer eouth of Carling Bros. store, Exeter. diva TeeR. T., le Alciaccoludx, MEMBF411 OF VIE Le Mega of Physicians and %trews Ontario. Pbysician, Sureeon and Acetetcheur, (Mice, resit - wood, One DJobn D. Wilson, (Nike and Residence, •,eneees Ave., London Ont. Special attention peld te diseeses of women. Mee hours, lelee to 4 p. en. DICESQN A: CARLING, IlARRISTeDtS, ters, Noterlea Couveyeacene Commontre. tor .1.1015allS Dal*. ete, Money to leen at eteest rates of interest. Deice% Mein street. Better, 1. U. Ceetaso, L. It. biciesos W. MADMAN, (Suezessor to Elliott fc Glatt. mate) Derr1ster. Solicitor, Notary Patille Con- veyaneer. E. Money to leln at lowest mete et he tercet. Office, Main etreet,, Exeter. pacers 11 BROWN. Wine,heisea, Lieen Auctioneer • fertile teounties of Pettit an Middlesex. also for the township of troborne. Sales promptly attended to and t enos reasoneble. $alo errs:need at Post flaire, Wincbelsea. C RE DITON3 ONT, W. S. CHISHOLM, Manager. Pains th.the..04ektilif.:.. MEN . ELEOTER. Are sympteras t)f a weak, tOrpid or stagnant eondition of the kidneys or liver, arid are a warnitig it is extremely hozardons to neglect, so important is n,r.$1114.0 a healthy action a these organs They are commonly attended by loss of energy, lack a courage, and some- times by gloomy foreboding and de•- Spbodency. "1 was token 111 with kidney teouble. end became so week I coUld Scarcely get arotnot, I tea medicine Without benefit, and finally decided to try iloode; Sareeparilla. After the fleet bottle I felt so much better Bret I et:natured its use, end eix bottlee made Tao a new waauxu. Wig% my little girl was a ri.ATQRS PIEGTED IN TIM BEV - baby, she could net keep anything on Der atareach, and, we geve her Hood's Serer:Pee ERA -L =IBS. rale welch enred her," Mits. TRMIAS Wallaceburg, Ont. OP TEE 1111:1111CIP4L CONTESTS. A• PARX HOUSE WINS THE T P.ONTO ZIATIORAZTY. Brood's Sarsaparilla °Urea kidney and liver troubleti, re- lieves the haek, and builds up the whole s.yetera. STAND/NG ON YOUR OWN MERITS; That is Jost what the stn. dents of the en do after corapletlog theirRusiness O Shorthand tratning. Tber need 10 political "pul." Are you interest- ed? Write for 13articulars, College - opens Jan. 5th, J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. G118418 Book of 4aRoda HEAD OFFICE, AIONTREAL Q*ptatVold Up Rest getierel Deukitee businue trense leterest at most favorable merrent ratteallewee Seving*B;mli eecounts and temasn, iteetepte, Coinntelei.dierttem of Credit. /mate. evaileele Crta. Japan end oteer farelea few:tree. Travellitie Letter* of Crelit Lena te trarellere Ia all vette of the weld, . " • OUQQUO 2,700,000 TAOS FYSele, Deeellee .n IIEBDEN, SOT or Iliteramte er iwrtriOe. The Molsons Bank jeharterce Perliement, 1$13) k Mad (Ake, atontreet. Pahl up Capital $2,500,000 Reserve Fund... 2,250,000. ,TAS. ELLIOTT, fissitnAL llazianza. -EXETER ERANCII- 011We hourst-10 nen. to :I p.m; Saturdays 10 a.m. , to I pen. A general banking business transacted "eioncy advanced to good Fanners at lowest rates. Savings Bank Deposits from SI. and upwards receiv- ed. interest allowed at highest current :tees. Dtcesos ar Comma N. D. ilenemr, Solicitors. Ma:Inger. 33116". 4red4 Tr00(re P11011Atliainile Tim Great English RemecTii• Sold and reconimended by all druggist!: in Canada. Only reli. able medicine discovered. 81z &ages guaranfeed to mare all forms of Sexua Wealmess, all effects of abuse or excess, Mental 'Worry, Excessive use oe To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, one paokage $1, six, $5. one tem gease, atztaillcure. Pamphlets free to any address. The Wood Company. Windsor, Ont. Woods Phosphodine is sold in Exeter by J. W. Browning and 0. Lutz Druggists. • CREDITON ROLLER MILL?e 4k. a000-arat.:SaNIODOCKICCig,14C-OC-CIAT We are. -giving excellent satisfaction since Re- modelling our mill. GRISTING and- CHOPPING' .• PROMPTLY. sidgiTzER EXIETIIR Rai Estate Exchange, The Sale, Purchase and Exchange of Village and farna lands and properties negotiated at reasonable rates of COM- , . MiSCIon, rawitiotamwm.wwwww.% Not IlowCheap allow Good The most successful farmers in Cantn read the FARMERS ADVOCATE: they e re think about their work. they Act upoo its 1: teachings, end theyare itsgreatest admirers, re; its editors and contributora aro specialists. • The FARMER'S for 'Sale: eSeveral •, -Valuable -FarMs. .A'A.Y; .,t7S13ORNE,' STEPHEN,aridnalcGLLL, X VRAYv, alsci Three very desirable Re- sidenc innExeter.:. ...-... . , • We, ha.V.e. purchasers' for gond farm :and iti..the,.ticinity„of,Exeter,,,.er,, Who:, will Exchange, '•::' ' , • • ADVOCATE and HOME. MAGAZINE e, e.• ▪ contains dm cream of agdrultural tboogio, to and practical men contmuc to read it be- cause it uays them and because They want tr, the best. We want thousands of new sub- ee. scribers who will appreciate sotnethiug good. .4 The sooner you subscribe, the mare you will get. ;1,4 .n."" lidifsv'�N�1rV��i�1id ef, tee For $1.06 we NW send to new subscribers. overy issue the FARMERS ADVOCATE from aow tql the end of r9o4, including the beautiful Cl.ristmas Number tor both years. Tim is money. Readthink act I Send for a free srunple copy if you want to see a practical, up-to-datO farmer's paper. It will please you. ADDRESS : 41 EN WAWA (Odd go., Eid. ee. LONDON, ONTARIO. "rfeeiMeNeWil,WAPAMINAMVSAMMehel. CHILD RiTRNED TO DEATH. Belleville, Ont., Jan.3.---A fire,which bad fatal results,occurred near Madoe, Hastings Cott n ty, w hen the residence of John Craig, farmer vves burned. The roof cm tight fire from a defective fine and the house and contents were totally- destroyed. Sad to tell, one of the family's little children was born - ed to death before . assistance could be r•endered. IVIrs. Clrnig lost all her clothing and had to flee to •the harn in her night dress. On the way there she bad laer feet frozen, There was no instirance. • ' Testimony of Mri E, Stone • , To the value of English Stock Food. . This is to certify that I have fed Eng- lish Stock Food to a. horse that was frequently subject: to colic. Since, risT ing English Stock Food the animal; has ()Chad another attack. I' have also used it for other stock 'and fin fowls with most satisfactory reera, I TrIATOES EX:ECTED, Toronto Crqubart. 1-Ungaton. .. j, Hamilton ...W. -I. Xerden St, Catharines ...W. D. Burgoyne.. Chatham • -w.E, IileXeough- Windsor * 4.* NIT* Drake Woodstock ., ..1obn, White. Guelph. H. Hamilton , Graham. Zondort - , -Adam Beek, Strati'ord. . Wm, Hepburn. Erantford .. Halloran. Ottawa , Nred. Cook. Ct. Thomas „ c, R. Maxwell. 4uilm-rhtturg--mFor-4, 3. Ilreult. 4,1110111-4!. TwiLpsn, B. (lar, & I. 01^ lion, 4, Craig, 1). IL Terry, W. D. seir,.01 Tresiees--Dr. Frenele A, W. Alairele 4. $, Petteelece •Arnprter-Slayor--3olin Hervey eaecte. Couueillora-M. liatveY. A. itusseli, A. te, lir, Jelin Lutusden, P, tialvie, .1. wolte„ W. P. Itgivau, IlrockAile--X;Iyer-Illarl$01).6 maierItY, Water vinetalseleitere-g, ee. Dana eud De Mote% Couueilloreelereet Ward, Beres Awl J. A. Deebyeldre: sAstli Ward. W". A. Jolla- : ami Plizeluatnelte; Centro Ward, . it. leultord Mad E. A. lineeman: Cast Ware, W. U. Oebovue and W. 3, eYrieletl Norte Weed, S. .1. Geatih and. Jaules iis. Perlin-ehlaeote-3. A. Eden. Counelliore. Dr. licueeeiger, C. Kann; WM. Collard, leciehrsote. le. Gross, jun.. C. Hertneg, E. Bricker, W. F. Weber, C. Brame Seeme Trtriteee-Nortli Weed, Wee. Vogt; Ward, IL el. Batehhelllell Rest Wart, L. Krese; \Wet Weed. C, L. reareou, centre Ward, Dr. II. 14, le:Omer. Potemeeville-Thernee Burden. hitlYer Bowe/aura:le, the Vete being te-Iturden. eiete, Robert II. Leetomee, melority. 2. 2irace1ridge-Mayor.-4. D. lieler Coneeillerseetelet Theineme Peter A. Stultis, G. 11. 0. Thames and Peter 11nte24seti. Uarrle-Counctilers-Trard 1. Strange and XL li, 5earer:4 Wed 2, D. Rose end 11. L. Derniven Want .4, le. T. Tyrer and le A., Sleet:cue; Ward 44, le. •W. OtIou mill rowan Ward 3. R. el. Fletcher arel W, we; B etti 0, Joettee Cauaptell and. W. eviler. The eloper and :Mewl Truatees acre eicettel by uceletulleu. Cobourg-Atiteor-elaj. W. II. Floyee Couttelliont-te eleetIlistre W. Kerr, Isom Wiltene 5. Lewhig, A. MeCtItedeee and MeCartire. ClIntou-Mayor - Jackson. Councillors - Connie, Vottl, 4oemer. Hover, feteveiteell, Overbury. emetwall-elayor-Dr. De. 0. Melte. Councillors -.West Werti. W. S. Meusire; W. IL Armstrong, Dr, W. U. eavanaent Centre Ward, ex.eleeor R. L, .4rmour, 3. G. Iterlineee, Jae. Mt:Cube:eon; Ea et Ward! W. 3, DeroueLle, A. Lelonde, Le Dexter. The last three W4*.e elected by nechuntion Duritam--Mayer-N. 4elatyre. Connell. lors-j. H. Brown, 3. Te Mown, 3 Me. leeeintle, ji,AteLneinute A. 8. Hunter nue W. eletrje Dunnelik-Alayer-C: W. Winslow. Coun- cillors -It. A. Denison, W. le, Widnes, Geo. 4, Mout:mute Geo. fume, Cheri:et Metre:gee Geo. Itieberdson. bee.,,v was carried to grant a loan !re Sleek:is to Mr. I, D. Perraingtot: u Duitans to start a refrtaera- or tutu woodworlang factory here. The faetory will be runuing by July 1 and esu. Ploy from 00 to 73 nteetenica. Forest -elayor-Clturies AleLeart. Council. lors-E, Flavin, hl. O'Donuell, Dr. G. A. Walters, U. Mc011p, Declrer and Jamel Clare, all by acclamation. thilt--MaYor-ilmet Cant. Water Commis. eloners-J. 11. Radford aud Wm. Young. eleaerielt-elayer-E. N. Lewis, majority of 20a. T. Mummy, Rolm 'flume:sou C, 1k . Reid, G. M. Elliott, C. A. Humber and Je Brown. Gasienorme-Mayor-W. N. Rogera (a.tele. Coutaditors-Williaut Wilsou, G. el, As- evistine, 3. Shields, 0. J. Shitimetuon, L. S. Keane and 13. 0. Webster. Gravenbenet-eleyee-3. A. C. Graut tacela. Councillors -Albert 11111, W. W. McPhee, A. A. Mowery. II. E. Young, 11. Re:an:one and II. el. Buss. 11untsv1lle-elayor-I151rt. Council. (by ae- e1ematton)-01ede111, May, Paget, Suther- land. WInuatott, Tboumsou. School 13oard -Labilaw. eicalear and Ware. Itawkesbury-elayor - Hiram Robinson. Count:Mors-Ross, IlelleIsle, Joiy, Bertrand, Lueouceur, Villeneuve. Ltolland Landluc-Cottueillors -- lames Artt, Duncan 1311, G. Thompson, G. W. West. Ingersoll -Mayor -W. T. Berry. COnnell- lors-W. ldiUs, A. MacAulay, 3. Georne, V. P., Dr. Burnet, 3. Mitebell aud 3. D. lenapp. lelneardine-AInyor-Johet Ituettel. Conn - :Mims -U, M. Legear, 111111am Quinn, W. Huutee P. nett, IV, Henry. Water Corn- miseloners-s. Hilary and los. Barker. Ielnesville-Mayor-S. 14. McKay, 1,1ndsae•-efayor-1. H. Sootheran„ Coun- cillors--MeWetters, Cinnamon, O'Reilly, Storey. Maunder, McRae, Robinson. Mr. 3. D. Flit -cello for Water Commissioner. Bryans and 3. Graham, County Councillors. Leamington -Mayor -Lewis MO! tacele. Couneilloo-Ses. M. Mitchell, W. Irwin, N. Askew, D. Kennedy, 3, Conover, F. liattam. Ll.stowel-Mayor-V. W. Hay, Council- lors -Wm. Pelton, S. 5, Meyers, Henry Horne, R. Woods C. Prueter, le W. Featherston. The 'Inelaw for tlae town to take over tire electric light and Water- works was carried by a large majority. Metchch-Mayor--Hugh. Campbell. Coun- cil -S. 11. Stuart, Iseac Etord, John Blowes, Wm. Ryan, Fred Dutton, Angus McDon- ald. Mount Forest -The following Is the Cowl- MI,- elee.ted by acelanortion:-Mayor- 3. A. Halstead. Couneillors-Dr. • G. P. AlUis 3ohn Enos, .f. P. Nonan, G. R. Gil- roy, W. Dulmaar, A. Faille. eleaford-Alaym --.T., D. Hammill. Conn, eellors-D. Sewee. el: Snider, C. A. Farrar, 3. J. Johnson, John eluelew and W. W. Stephen (acct.). Napanee-elayor--Dr. Veoczaan. Coe:mil- lers-John Carson, Jolla Lowey, G. H. Wil- Iiame, M. S. Madole, IL Ming, W. H. Walker. North Bay -Mayor -Wm. MeKeuzle. Com:- eleCool, R, Bunyan, EL Wash- bern, A. D. Pardiac, W. H. Thomas, IL Wallace. . ellag,,re-Muyor-eas. • Aikins. • Council- lors-Wna Miller, T. F. Best, J. Walker, MeClemand, Denisen, Sos. Jets, TO -THE 'I'. Et. Freser, D, McCartile "ST. I, Pure EXETER MARKETS •„ ra,,,, s,„„d_N, electron was Item bee, ofi41.,TGD LA.0.1-1 ou yvearo3day lase tire returmIng other declared 3. A. Johnsen, elector' Mayor and t wheat....., ..,...,..,. David Annie and George Incliardsen (teen,. • wwNEspAx FIRER BOLLER MIS 0 colors by eeelamatioa, ou !recount ot the B i eJr- • • • • • • - • • • • • 5 4 resignation et an the other efuteldetes. 4 00 ,new election Is rendered eecessary to elt, pea$„.. ..... 55(10 tlie vacancies in tee Couoell. Peterbove-mayee„,,G. AL Roger (aece).L P,,,otatoes. per bag .. Counollors-Sfacwlittunis, Baeten, Best, "• tdity, per ton. ... . . tee 5 44 Eegecombe, Shortly, Oltuk- Flour, per cwt.., .1 05 2 00 settle, O'Connell. siorrisen, nude. B• utter._ .Eiaraerston-Nlayor-J. M. Skelton. CQ41.1, ' I Gremalaw, W. AL Parise, (I.• eeese. • • " • ^ " • " '811kregtelj-eaelkilasior-Weniugtoe lemilfer. jeliii1;e'esehe°41g.le'$' oPgeer 75 5°20 411. 246 Y. pozkaidsen, 11, Baird. Jacob Schaefer, !Hides, per 100 5 00 0 00 eillore-G. M. Farringtou, H. A Morden, ' e' " "" " W. J. Jan:test:a, Wm. Steith, zhovts Per ew4•• • ... ^ . " 00. , 6 Mullen mad A. Seeds. Bran per cwt.... „ - Pertt:-.3nett etewart. elected, Mayer Veemeteyse . 1 by (13 maJority. (emu eilloee-C. 3.,,.; Geese Mel:or:eel:, 3. It. 311reeele 3.. H. geode's. , T. Cresbie. W. I, Rebb. i Deces... - . .. - - .. - - - - • • • VetrOlea-Conneillor$^-R. r., Grant, Jas, r. Chicken, .... ... - A .. 4 .. - Gamble, Jas. ttentee. li. 3. Daweem. 3. U• ; pried Apples, ... ..., Annstron,-• Thos. Keay. i Rideetowit-Mayor-13. N'e. Willem. Coull- etrOtigly Mee d it to, ell StOgis. rftiS.erS‘.. lb 'is' the cheapest . and best stock food, hie ve ever nsed. Price, 14. P6uttc-ls fOr ^ • • ' E, Stone, Usborne. ylunt4r, of Pai.-1,s, Ont., was foond dead one.the erred, and it is sup nosed that be eriet his fate through hie 'horse retelling ele'VeY. ' Niagara -Falls-elayor-Geo: Henan (ecele. Councillors,II. A. Neil, It. F. Carter, It. P. Slater; re 'Dates. Sas:. Harriman, , • 0 sha wa-dllaeor-F, • • L. - ,Fowlree. 200 nra- . Cortuellio.rs..-e% ,We - Penn. C. , French, 3. Bose, B.. Samelie, n. 6. Edmondson 'and S. 'Gliddou. , ' letcCo•ell was ' elected Mayor by 78 mejerity ever C. 3', Millet, Coatielle ' tote' ,eleeted by' acelaulatiOn. County reads eystem )ad mejority ete.361., • • Oraegeville-, -Mayor 'etee1.1 Oeuilelllors-13rete, He:Nein:1, Green, Arm- etrong„ leendersen, Cher:man, • Venetn:p.gnishene-MaYoer(leO, .E.` Cope- naelllors-M. Q. ',McGibbon; P. A. '111alla;or .1 Che,elehols, eillore--loen Wallace. A. f,oree, Teree Steel. D. Mare R. Lotirlau and H. Caraeren. Sarnia-Mayor-Tlionnts U. Cook, he 470 malority. Cot:nein:as-O. elllue. Robert - Fleck, led, Eveeett. Dr. .1. 0. Morrison, Albert Ateleson. W. Procter, Walter 'Orton. jeln: Newton. Sault Stk. Mazie-Alayor-W, 1'MM- Moe Counclebrs-W. H. Alunro. John Dase sou, john Thomee, Inshop, Jona Hasse:v. .s. Reeseberooglie Sanewieb-Mayor-C. E. Mesore, elected by 70 mejorIty. Comeeniors-Wie. 55112. Wm. Damao. Ernest Oullette, jeles Roble net: Joseph Allen. Roirert larksem, Water Conleillesioners-Ileere Snrale. lemel Split - Smith's Fails -Mayor -G. F. efeKluge, emit:tillers-Duffer/A Werli, Wm- Swett. 3. IL lieee. H. 3feNell; Dideau Werd. W. 15. Pmet, W. 4ohn Craiete; Elgin Yard, W. Joan Wail. The by-lew to ex the D$FessamIt et the rest and personal property 504 tauMe Itl- e0rae oe The Gould hire. Co, fee the poll or tee years and also to (-lose up a portieu f Witter street and aroAt tease of same ISte rentranY was defeated. Serteortli-t'onevillors-el. liamiltou. 55. Y. letcLeau, 3. Beet John Stewart. W. le, Willie. James Arritigald. Public Schoo'. Tresteceeelolta Rant:in, W. Bellauteue, Mee. etoble, A, .p. Jovnt. St. Mary'e-teleyere-F. Butelter. Caine eillore-A. Oral:aut. A. Mantle 14. Itlee, T. T. Gareer, W/Al, Weir. James Roberts. Stray -Mayor -4, Itoberteen, Council. lore-Alcesrs. W. A. Armstrong. It. Mere, Clurelee Becket, 4olin Mills, P. Owens, A. Reed. Comity Councillors - Robothaln. Goegh. 2'reeton.eTlie following are all in elEt.matton:-.MaFOX-4. Vuonell. Counell- lore-Jame!! Shurle, 3, 11, Otekey. P. Shannon. p. J. Olteutte, Otos, Leadort, W. .1. I'Avsou. TiNeut-11aTor -Gorge Dream., ay. enawatou. Coulact5:07$--Avra. Tivtan, W. R. Ilwarth, 3, Seattle 0, U. DeuMu, T. Baru, 'WM. Jariteou. Thereberee-Meenr--J. Olcitensee, ae lannittoo, Cminviliers-doim Whalley. 31. Staeteleger, Pedwele Dr. A. CUM, tainge. S. Carroll, K. BeeMend, Deb:lam-T. C. Nielrolle was sleeted Mayer. All the candidates tor Comicill ex- (vette.- W. Foster havlag migned. a new eemlnatiou wlit he held on Jae:I:try 7 to complete the Counell. 'Weikerton-Mayar-.8. W. leogen. COUR* enters -W. Adatimon, A. Totten. 14. 0, Ileitton, E. K. Skelton, 3. Weiler, George Rife. Waterloo-Mayor-Dr:0d Beam Acciernit• time Coutitillore--01/onnell, Bechtel, DV felon:nu. Knatite SengrAm. Orem, Tee retopeeera voled on a by.law to aid elehler• holt* fie. Co, with is loan of 46,000, a free site, tax exemption for ten years. Tide illext will build large upholatering triune factories. The by-law carrled by a mtt. .tority of 301, only the voting againet it. Welthy-elavor-R. lilow, aeciatolle Bon. Couneillore-A. T. Lawler, Jew. Mit. Win, Howls, T, G. Colwell, F. II, Anuea and Wat. Robeou, tilte8' and A 9 Bre . 'o'eer 3f. IlltVeesntSby 29: re JO . T41 f6.41'010141* 1.1t6 2541 ohn Walker 231). 11 e iller,eod. , .1 ••: eltee,,Slareeelee THE SAXONY' DIVORCE CASE. any* Service of a Writon the Crown Prin- cess Louise. Dresden, Saxony, Jan. 0. ---The German Consul at, Geneva has received the Meek. eery Pirmission to serve a writ on the Crown Princess Louise in connection with the suit for divorce brought against her by the, Crown Prince of Saxony. a roR PURE MANITOBA !CHWCE FAMILY 131 4 (Star) REST PASTBY (Prineess WHEATLET Mretakfast Fc.v-T4 A good supvly o MiflfeeI 41 Chop always on hand 'Ire our Flour and Feed ial and be convincedthat ail right, •• sod Plate grinder irt it customers. Ilarvey BrO$, ccessors to J. Cohldedlek "I ws hrea up t die -with quick consumptioa. i tteis began o 1154 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. / improved at once, and am now hi erfect hea1th.5»--0112S. flan - 0. qihhatewil, •T, It's too r ith you The Orst thth QW it will be i s p a your g t play will be over, fie- We havo reriiVC41 a new early with Ayee k Cherry Pectoral and stop Sultan. Disposed to Abdicate. Madrid, Jan. 5.-A special despatch from Tangier says the Sultan of Moroc- co is disposed to abdicate in favor of his brother, Mold Mohammed, who is ac- claimed whenever he appears in the streets of l'ez. Paris, Jan. 0. -The Madrid torrespond- ent of The Temps says in is. despatch that adviees received 111 Spain from Tangier indicate that the situation of the Sultan of 'Morocco has improved since lie released his brother, who has been favorably received by the natives. Chief Gogui has been deserted by sev- eral tribes, who have retired to the mountains, Premier Silvela denies that a joint naval demonstration against Morocco is projected, He says that on the contrary the Spanish sloop of war, Infanta, Isabella, has been recalled from Tangier as proot that the powers do not intend to' intervene in what is considered a question regarding 'Morocco alone. Boy and Horses Dead. Dallas, Tex., Jan. 5.-J. B. Willialns, a. stable. boy, and 23 horses were burned to death yesterday in a lire at the- plant of Hughes Bros., extract company. A warehouse was consumed with its con- tents. Loss, $50,000; insurance about half. 04 os and ORGANS. ANO t! he cough, Three Strel: 7,e...flair-WA. for an CrCAP4TYOW NS,..41111001104 .IWYfer*INORR441040110•11g. ..'4711,1 1'., 5a*t x.3t 5rl,eoss.3sr.e' 21 reet iv:a:ere:net • r epee se.well, eerge. V41.TALT.A7 BURN ED. luster, Jan, O.».MVS. D.1151 P.tLte31 highly respected tiffs of F.tycars last night from the effects et a. se. ; VC lawn received while taking a yap - r bath eight days ago. Her condition 'was not considered dangerous as she • peered to ra idly Improving tei. 555 within a few 1202358 0f , deatis, when she took a sudden turn for the ' worse. She leaves a husband, ()meson and two daughters. "TELEGRAPEE BREVITIES. A new French-Canadian. Liberal paper is to be started In Montreal. • Thomas Taylor, a C. P. 11... section man. died ofJoekjaw at London. Tire hearing of ethe La.val electionproteet has been f,Lted for the '28th lust: . The Pretest M North York against the re- turn eof Hem. 31. 3% Davie lias been set- tled. ' ' Notiem. ofappeal has beet!. served in' two of the personation :Cases' in connection with the referendlier vote. ' •, W: Fenrataa Itamilto.n was married at Bay City to the widow a the tato „Tann. uenaiton 1411e.s. Lord. 'Strati:cone, bas offered to give $20,000' fewnerd.s the eoustructiat 511 re 1100, 000 .gymnasioni nt Mcaili Uneversity. Ihereased oeders erom the United Statese for teglish coallmve Obviated, the necessity •. • • • • , of reputing the NortImeaberland ' Miners'. wae,eee - • • . • • The . cornenotone , 'of , the " new station weieb. :the , Grand TrenkRalIroasi 1 a,uild- -tug at. Portland; Mee. was • °facially,: laid by. Agent ,et, We' Scott. ' • .,,e , The 'Stella:1rd l5ank V111 :not; 'C'stal?,iish an - office in. Sienefora; 'bet the Tiederee Beek wil .tei"‘aaa. oeciipy;..thebtiildlnganre.., pared.:fer„ the n'standa7iii. . ' Mee' 3:.',13.,,,5hater was struck. -bye a :143d.oinotive OntI ..earried i.crutte t:01 urt, but' CAUTION This is not A gentle word -but when you think how liable you aro not to purchase for 75e, the nub' remedy uni- versally knowit and a remedy that has bud the largest sale of any, medicine in She world billee DM for the cure end treatment of Consumption and Throat and Lung troubles without losing its great popularity ell these years, you 'Will be tit:Mkt:a we called your atten- tion to Bosehees German Syrup. There are so many ordinary cough remedies mode by druggists and others that arc cheap and good foe light colds perhaps, but for severe Coughs, Bron- chitis, Croup -and especially for Con- sumption. where there is difficult ex- Rectoration and coughing during the nights and. mornings, there is nothing like (iceman Syrup. Sold by all drug- gists in the civilized world, Mrs. Isaac Schooley, ot near Wel- land, set her clothing ablaze while lighting the tires ran oat and fell in the snow and there perished. roverbs of the best trtak,es and will sell bon at plicei and teruis that wUS curable. anyone. ta plaeo in their balite one of those Beautiful 13 t,traniaents. In Sewing Machina; we intuit -7 a IOIgO stoek of the best anitc. 742141MRS that will emprise you, i,l-a„ ztru.niz.% needles and oil for all ;maws 01 ma- chines. Sheet and Thliele "ZI :1,4; Hymn Books, Bibles, ete., alWaya in ,btov14. We will he pleased to slIUW tzueur goods. "When the butter won't come put a penny in the churn," is an old time dairy proverb. It often seems to work though no one has ever told "why. When mothers are worried because the children do not gain strength and flesh we say give them Scott's Emul- sion. It is like the penny in. the milk because it works and because there is something astonishing about it. Scott's Emulsion is simply a milk of pure cod liver oil with some hypophosphites especially pr,epared for delicate stomachs. „Children take to it naturally' because they like- the taste PLEASE CALL MARTIN Ve Cotton Boat Cklepotad, Is imoopmuoir ustfircOnthly by ow .00014114101.0a4e,effec2uaLLad2epaak cur &null; tor Cook's QOM Reel ke no othersu alt mixtures, pills a no are danserens. Prieto, No, 2,11, so. devote, iltrotteee.111 per box, IQ moo pt et price end tWo *Out lamps Gook Company WUKIsor, (Mt arliO4. Land 2aold and tecorettlendeetn' WIL reppouritiloinnspii*335Cantd,r, No. 1 and No.t2 are sold hi Exeter list C. Lutz and 3. W, Brom sling, Drug- gists. and the remedy takes just as naturally to the children be- cause it is so perfectly adapted to their wants. • * For all weak and pale and thin children Scott's Emulsion is the most satisfactory treat- ment. ETER FOUNDRY JAS.MURRAY86Co We will send you the PenitY, 1. e • sample free. Be sure that this picture in the form of a label le on the wrapper...of every bottle of Emuelot. youeetty. SCOTT Er BOWNE, • Chemists, • oronto, • Ontario. oc: and st:00 alt(Artiggtis: MANUFACTURERS AND DEAL- ERS IN ENGINES, BOILERS, PLOWS, STRAW CUTTERS, PULPERS, SH A FTING, PULLEYS, HANGERS. STRAW CUTTER and ROOT PULPER 'CHIVES. General Repairs and castings of every descrip- tionin Iron and Prass to order. 1000 feet of ineh az-al 500 feet of Ouch pipe in stock. JAS. MUtZliFIV. DASEIWOOD FURNITURE STORE, Ton are invited to call and inspect my large assortment of Furniture and fnenishiugs Which I Will offee at very close prices. My stook con- sists of the following:- Parlox suites, Bedroom suites, Spring Mattresses, Bed. - steads, Couches, Lounges,., • Tables, Chairs of all descrip- tions, Sideboards, Rockers, Fancy Rockers, Curtain Poles • and • Trimmings, Shades, Mouldings, Mirrors, Pilow Sham Holders Hat Racks, Towel Rollers, &o,, • Picture Framing a specialty Baby Carriages,Go-carts,Expretis wag- ons, Carts, Rocking horses, etc. Undertaking. • I carry a large and well assort- ed stock in this line. In time of need do not fail to call. • Tlae above stock is bought from t e • leading Manufa.eturers of Oanitda • and bought at the closest prices • and oar expenses are low there- • fore we can sell it at prices which will surprise you, Give us a call, before purchasing elsewhere. Moisaac.