HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-1-8, Page 4buora Chas. H. Sanders, Editor alleles -gap TtIURSDAY, JAN S, 1903 .NOTES AND COMMRNTS C01.7XCIL.-1903. e following gentlemen will com- mie the Conway Coeueillore Howe he the year 1hii3. the Aret ten Mu Coneervatives ana the rematning sii. Reformer% viz:- SpaektattuelleNategit- wh. Ferguson. Connely, utk4ou, Pattersort, Leekhart, Gunn, Darnian, Bowniaut Rieke, let:wont, Millen, Mete:zee heteetig :mei Kerr. Sir 'William R. Olezetlithe Chief Js - will preside a the winter joule- eittings the•Igb Crd.trart a Jastime fer the Comae.. of Middlesex, whieh will commence in I,onvIon ins Monday next. The chief neatter tiniip7rtamee to come before tp,. court will be the diepositiou of the Herbert case, as the e-mang lad will voine sip for sentenee tapen the eherge of. self eoufosse8 mute der. A more stringent effflort is to be nrsiale for the peompter reeitetretion a births thrierglient the, provieve. With this end va view cirent1r letter front the depoty rezietraregetzerelt bets been eent oet eiving theee austruction% whicer will.""entell considerable work- to cemp_ily wit14;-"Aseeirtain from !Mill PhY5tetAttS t'‘ hat Meth Itas ueenetedi eheir severet praetteee dining the pre. e eves treenelten eeareine the hetet*, mai mar& of the clergy; cheek itver births ite newepapers Om the Feet six months; encourage !anti newspapers to empleteize the nereesity of ?events registering ail births within toirty eittye of their tiecorrence; pettutptly notify tine department of any of p;trente reflislog to regieter birt" AINIMATIPPMCOFMRPMIMP-OPPOIWIL Three Mit By-Eleottons Alt go for. the Oovermeat, -Jn. 7. -.The fightiog NI fflis over -mid john ikoarn. the Reform candidate, is teinviried bY neeitielliy of ziet (wee John C. Mon- Vith. This resnit wholly mimeto tile slim* in 8M:et-oil, the tewirehipe h wing dene hence fee Monteith then the lest eleetion. Jelin C. twitted niethrity tetrationl in May mee.e tooley's majority. favor of jam Memo, was Ieti-ee turning over, of 4.11. This Was owitig to a eirezdar diettibuted toedav by the tnestee rtie. change of the Greed WRVS rillair shopwhich empleye 1111111., awl wig& ;PVC 1a111 information that he was going ter vote for John Brown1 which impotently was telten by a large tweedier of - the electorate' that the great eierporation .wati It tivor tif the government candidate. The pnblica. thin of the 130W914 the resignetion -ef the Bon. Mr. awls was erepeeted to baize ht it;faVorable Wed en the *lee - n for the Coneerteitiees but the de. niale liF the Cabinet ilinieters end hi,e, R4vt5 hinheif 1E the ma- tvary Woe. Another reason fer the Menover mete be tarty attelhotithie plenta use of money. :NORTH NORFOLK. Simeete, Jam 1—The byeelection in hortli Norfolk restated in a victory for Mae A. M. Little, the leherai etuttiolate hy 51 eotes. In theCooservative trainlidete had a majority of 23. eo that the niesetat gain amounts ift 78; Tbe Vonservatives gained in Delhi and Windham. utile the Liberals scored their eletory in 'Middleton, Townsend end Waterford. NORTH GREN. Owen Selma. Jan. 7.—The breitie &en hi North Grey tieday resulted in the Totem of A.G. Meihay, the recent- ly uneeated Liberal member, ilta Unity of MO. Dwelt Soend, .eeluch last May gave a Conservative majority of 1. to -lay gave McKay,58 Impiety. STANDING OF PARTIES. Wednesday's hy-electionS affect tite stiseding of teirties in the Legislature. Without Vng into eonsideration the teMetnation.of lion. Mr. Davis (Ninth - Yorke which has not yet been officiate .iy announced. the peeseneetanding Conservatives. . 40 Liberals. .... .. 51 ent (North Renfrew).. ..... 1 Total membership OS Sodom James Stacey met with a painful and Tether serious accident the other day. While in the act of mixing oil of 'enrol mid turpentine ID a bottle, the contents explode& burning his faceand hands very severely.-eMr. Fred Green and wife, and Itir. and Mr. Geo. Ford spent New Year's day visiting at Mr. Jas. Green's, Ilay. --Chester Stanlake, who has been spending the holidays with his.parents, returned to London, Monday. -41r. Harrison, of Petrolea, who bas been visiting at Mr. 0. Box's, returned home on Thursday.—Miss Maud. Isaac is visiting her brother William at Exeter, NEw Sorters. House-Sodora has deelded to erecta new school house on the farm of Mr. T. Sweet,. who has generously donated a piece of land for that orpose. It is to he completed by midsummer. Afiss Hogg has been -en- gaged to t,each for the preseut year. Parkhill PRETTY WEDDLVG.- A very pleasan t event took place at 4 o'clock Thursday, Dee. 25th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win, Fletcher the occasion being the marriage of their eldest daugh ter,Miss Elizabeth A., LO Mr. Wm. C4treen, of Detroit. The ceremony Was performed bY the Rey. Wtn. McGregor, pastor of trie Baptist church. The bride was given away by her father in tbe pres- ence of relatives and most immediate friends from Toronto, Gruelph, London and Detroit. Miss Etta Fletcher, of Toronto, acted as bridesmaid and Mr. A. Morseky, of Detroit, supported the groom. The bride was becomingly at- tired in Swiss muslin, trimmed with Duches silk. The bridesmaid looked very dainty, being dressed in white silk grenadine, over bine. Many beau- tiful and useful presents testified to the esteem in which the young couple are held. Mr. and Mrs. Green left on the evening train or London, a m showers of rice and the best wishes Of t•nd. Their home NVi.11 lie in Detroit'. o .PaslrFv.00d We it:we now g,oed sleighing aud a 01,0a deal of • teiniaug is doe.e-Mie Anthenze Zitiimeemtd. etir, steeeer, of Devils leike, N. D., are -visiting friends and relatives herethe get e .of Mr. Zionnees brether. -award Mreello..o,;, o Cavalier, N. D., are .here...eisttiog. Mrs moth, -\k end Mrs. B. .r.. peon event e.few deye in Wiog- bana during the week. —ide, aod Mks.. D Ruby, eare spending a. feW weeks with friends in and-turpiind Daeliweed. • .e Mies ido. May hheoen, of Litean, speet New Yeezea with her tetrents, beothere end. sisters ;4 their. old Inoue nW' Dealievoott, • Varquhar. lienry Straiten, of Miehigan.is g his daughter, 3Ire. Wm. Fletcher. —Thomas Pidlen. of Daughin. hittuito- tee. le vieiting feiend:3 end teletivee heree-Bern Stewart is laid up, with typhoid fever.-:iliss Neuey McGifl. who hes been visiting, In tbene_r,iothor- hood, returned to her home in Paisley lest Tnesdav.—The Foresters had thew election of- officers the last Friday night ef the al yeao—Alee, Heaney of our burgb was married in Ottawe last Wediteeday to Miss Veggie Rob- ertson. The young couple will reside on the ferin winch Mr. Heekney hi -night front D. McCurdy. The young couple heve the best wiehes otthe comiounity.—Miss Sutton, a Exeter, Is vng -Miss Josie westlake.--Ed. F41181114. WI111 bad =Wet' Cilt 'AVIA ehouldee at Leaden,Is pregreesin favorably', eltutdobaye, Mies Bessie jell bas returned to Lon, don,;titer it pleheaut visit with her her here.—Mte,Quel let te and family ent few deye here last week, 0110 her little boys had the misfortune to break his leg while coesting.--)Itss Made Melluargt-T,, a naniitnnspent in.k.tr alp here during the week. -31r. Ilin Blesek.well. of London, Is spend.• g tew dayshere.—Mr.Ilitrey Soled. High seltool.Truentto. spent a few days here last we:eke—Mranford Hatiton, sf Pert Hainne, is visiting Mende in I s vieinity.—Alreut fifty children d grandchildren, epent (Chriettnas with elr.Thomeseolliits.—Mre. Browu is reeovering from tier illnese.--Miss Retie FlaZegart has returned to Lon., 4e after a pleasant visit here.—AIi. Woo Nichols has owned up a, shoe hop ett oar village. 'We wisk hint enc. ceen—Mr, James Atkinson hos pute ClitiSed n;goatt team mod 'Wends etorte ing forlhew Ontario in a few weeks Mr. Richard Simpsen inteuils holdin ineetings fin, a week. HIS Slikleet wU be. "How People Should Live. ' • Thekeramitb. The widow and infant child of the late Win. Carter, of Washington, N. De arrived home on a visit to Mr, and Atm II. Carter, of 2nd con.—Messra. e. Leyton and A. Townsend have tak- en an ageuey for Deering machinery. with tetritory near Exeter. The lat. ter intends moving his family there in a few days.—Miss Ella johns left on lieturday to take charge of a school near lIepwo; th.—Mesere, E. PleweS anil Terivii6end have returned front the West and will spend the winter here.—Mr. Geo. Dale, a the Huron Road. has been eleeted a, director of the Hutou Draft Horse eteseociation. Messrs. Fred and Chas.Robb, of North Dakota, are vistong tends zn and mound Tuelcersmitio Rolls Witnineate—A. quiet home wedding took place on New Year's Day at .N1011111t 1'IC1181171t Farm, the res. id nee of Mr, Wm. Chapman, when hie youngest danghter,Miss Jennie B.. was urarried to Mr. Arthur Caldwell, of this place. The ceremony was con- ducted by the Rev, Mr. Sawyers, a Brneefield. The bride, who was given away by her father, wns attired in it very becoming gown of rich brown Jades' cloth, earzied a bouquet of white cartel Volts, and was unattended. Tbe drawing room was tastefully decorated with green and white. The wedding match was played by Mrs. IL, B. Car- diff, of Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Cald- well wilt reside near Ilensali. A efr.LIXCHOLY AeFAm.--Messrs. Robert end George Brock, of the Mill Road, received the sad intelligence on Saturday week, that their brother had been killed, in a railway aceident at Watistead. fr. Robert Brock et once left for London, and on arrival there found that the news was but too true, and that his niece 'Violet had also been killed. The deceased's name was jos. H. Brock. He was a resident of Chica- go, and with his daughter had been spending the Christmas with his broth. ere here. They left on Friday, leaving Brucefield by the afternoon train, and expected to get borne to Chicago the same evening. Mr. Brock had been a resident of Chicago for several years. Be leaves a widow and one son abortt, 17 years of age. The daughter:Violet. %VHS about II years, while Mr. Brock Was about 57 years. Mrs. Brock is in delicate health and the loss of her hus- band and only daughter will be a ter- rible bereavement to her. The bodies were brought here and interred in Beard's cemetery, Stanley, on Tuesday. • Barmier Were -A very happy -event took place on Dec. 24th, at the resi- dence of Mr. John Hulliston, brother of the bride, When his sister, bliss Mary Ilulliston, was united. in marriage to Mr. James McGregor, of thrs township. The Ina portaet ceremony was perfertn- ed hy Rev. Neil Shaw, of Egmorideille, and Nvas witnessed by about sixty of the friends of the contracting perties. Tne room was very tastefully decorat- ed and tbe bride was handsomely gowned in white organdie, trimmed with lace and ribbon. She waswaited on by her cousin,Miss Grace McGregor and Mr. Robert Cooper supported the groom. The ceremony over and con- gratulations ended, the happy com- pany sat dovu to a most snmptrious wedding dinner. After dinner the remainder of the evening was most so- nidbly spent, the older ones enjoying the time in soeial converse, while the younger and more agile engaged in the met ry dance until Christmas morn. The presents to the bride were numerous, handsome and useful and welO much admired by the guests ard go to show the.high. esteem in which he young couple ate held. Mr., and "Iirs. McGregor settle down to the sterner realities of life on the home- stead farm arid they have a very large circle of friends •who will unite with in'svishing them the best that life Itilibbert Das:rm.-A forum well-known and highly respeeted resident (Atlas town -1 ship', la the persoft of P*,fr. Mieheel I O'Keefedied at his reeldeoce to Siete; knob qn Satur(Iay. Be bed been in t1ee1inng beth Tor several -mouths. and lus eath was not altogether 111),- expectO. iIItad passed, the alotted van of three' SPOVe and ten. In his palmy days he had been a remarkably etroug tied active man, but for several years he hod been, emnewhet intn Ke woe a rtattve of the Emerald Isle, hut came to Canada wheu quite yoang men. Be eettled. oil a. farm ii this wnehip, mar Chiselhorst and by Uzi t indaStryanOEgeiod manage - tent he eucceeded not only in con. vetting the forest home into a, cleared d svell cultivated farm, but benvide for himself a cumpeteiwy which be WaS Able to enjoY In the evening- of life. Some ten "years ago be vefired trout the farm end moved to Seaforth. Although seenewhat eccentric be was et a most genial dispositton, owl wee deservedly respeetea by' all who knew him. fle leves nMeorn bis demise widosie two sons and three dough - tem who have the sympathy of the community. Zttricit Miss Lizzie Tenezener, of Detroit, is here on a visit to her mother and Ste- ter,--alr, Ben Floltztuan and Wife, of Elkton, Itliehe are visitingfriende ;tied relatives heree—Mrse Kruger. of De- oit. was tho guest of her mother, re. Sipple. tor &iv deye during the k.—Alisses Suse and *edict Kirk, of hgrove. Miele., were the guests of hetrcousio, Mrs. V. W. ileee, during the week, --Mr. heel Mrs. D, E. Seuder, of Sebringyilie, are here visitin the latter's parente. Me, and Airs. i,euiy Kner . Mr. Milford Faust, Caro. MM. 5pent a few days in tow teat week,—Mr. John Moritz, of Cava lier, N. D., is the guest of his mother. Mrs. Hanch.---Air, Samuel Rennie had the misfortune to lose a veluable !wise last week.—The regular meeting of the W.C.T.U.was held at thehome of Mee, P. Bender on Monday.—Mr. Daniel gaereher, of Minneapolis, is visiting hie parents on the Bronson line.—Mae. ter Harold Appel had the ntiefortune to break his tighten/aeon May, while playing In 1,1hre Rlimp's barn. ADDRESS AND PRESEFIATION.--The Sumloy echool class of Mr. Fred Hess, Sr.. assembled at leis home a few even. Inge rsgo and snrprised him by present. log him with u handsome arm chair, accompanied by a well worded address.. The addreee was read by Miss Susie Johnston, while the preseedatiori was made by Miss 'Victoria johnstou, Mr., Heigi 'natio a Plitat reply, thanking hem kindly. The eherang WAS spent n singing and playing games after wbicb lunett was eerved, AS they bad not forgotten. their bealeete. All zee toned to their respective hornea, sat. isiled with the evening's amusement. wos received here last weekaienouncing the death, of Mr. John L Trueniner, at Pigeon,Miele Deeeased WAS a former resident of this piece and for many yeers a resident of this township. Ate Tenenmer wits aged ;001440 Teartii,---The sad intelilgelitie was retivea here last week by Mr. tit B. Kelly, informing him of the death of his fatherwho was killed in the mil - way accident at, Wanstead on Deo. 20. The deceased was here the day before Visiting las son and left Ilentirdlneclity morning, stoppingover at Exeter till the evening. He was on Mil way to Oilsprings whet* be wil5 engaged as millwright, Mock sympathy is ex- tended to Mr, Kelly in his stulden be- renVettlent, Yiensall Ithe john McArthur is recoverlog from his recent illness—Me. Rood, of Pense, N.W.T., is visiting his num y friends and relatives here.—Mr. Woods, of Nile, is on an extended visit to friends here.—George Long left last week for ItorrONV, where his father is stationed. He intends Peinaining there and will be much missed his.—Misses Alice Petty and Annie Beek, of Lon- don, spent a. few days here during the week.—aliss Ross, of Chatham, visited bere last week.—Abe Case left last week for Owen Sound, where he hes secured a situation.—Geo.Hummeston and Will Essery have returned from Manitoba.—We are pleased to note a steady improvement in the condition of Dr. Medd, though it will be some time before be will be able to re- sume leis work. -Me. Thos. Jerrott has resigned his position as principal of the Courtwright Public School, which he has held for about eight years. He intends going to the West in the near future, and prior to his departure he was tendered a banquet, and presented with a good watch. -Miss Mamie Welsh, who left here a few days ago for Manitoba was married to Mr. Ab. Johnston, of, Ninga, Man., a former resident of this place. We wish the young people every prosperitv.--A few. nights ago the members of gr. Medd's fainilY noticed a strong odor of wood burning and on investigation found that the wainscotting of the kitchen close to the chimney and also the floor- ing was on fire. Help was at once sum- moned and in a short time the fire was extinguished, 'but had it •occurred during the night the building would have been burned. The the was cams - ed by soot getting on fire in the chim- ney and so heatingthe woodwork that it took fire. -t -Joe. Blaney received a cheque a few days ago for $25 as a "gratuity from the British Government tor his services in Smith Africa.—Rev. J. S. Henderson delivered anexcellent sermon on Stmcley evening. on "New Years Thoughts.' -Miss Hannah C. Ortweio, daughter of J. W. Ortweini merchant of this place, who left hei're some time ago for Baltimore, was unit- ed intniarriage tot Mr, G. Carlton Hac- sell, General Manager of the Immedi- ate Benefit -Life Insurance Co., of Bal- timore, the event taking place on, Dec. 23rd. --Mr. John Todd, who has ,hen attending the Model School at Clinton „, , , . and simeOsSpay passed nis examina- tion, is now teaching school at sells., We wish hint every success.— The manse hero was tbe scene of a pretty event on Dec. Xith,, it being Um oitirriag,e of Mr. Geo. Smallacombc, of the township of Usborne, to _Miss Mary Caldwell, of Tuckersmith. The cere- mony was pet formed by the Rev, J. S. ileralerson, after which the happy couple took the train for the south, followed by the best wishes of their friends. LSOBleTSB WiltgS AND POLES. reoportant 1ecisle4 ley the United States Supreme Genet. Washington, Tan. t3. -The United totes $uprerne Court deeided the ease a the Western Union Tele- graph comharty v, the heroigit ofNow Hope, 'to favor pf the town, The ease Involved the validity of an endive mice requiring a license- fee for tele., graph wires and, poles in the town. THE ItXA,131 BEROBTS. Brttisb 14ve Steele Trade is genitor. Mouday Wetting, Jan. ToTolato at. T.,o,wrenco Market. • X,Ittle was doing ot St, Lawrenee gathet to•day, ileceipts in all flues were light and pr.ees generally were without change. The tOtal amount of grain sold was 300 bushels, Wheat—Frices are unchanged; 100 bushels of spring sold at 68e per eushei and 100 bushels or goose sod at 04e. ;holey -There is a good demand for the iiest grades of barley ter local inaostere. The +offerings of barley are large, hot better grades Are SearCe and the market firm. Local buys are bidding 51e for Xo. 3 or better grades Suitable for brewers; 100 bushels sold to -day at 47e to 50e per bushel. Oressed 1logs,-.4,,Prtees remolx non41,04. Receipts are light and the mar4et ts very Quiet. Ilay-The market is steads*: 15 loads were received this moralize, eo. 1 thruotlw brought 513 to 315 per ton and m1Xed or elover p3 to $9, Straw—VrICCS are 110ininally unchanged. There were no reevipte this moratate Tile Visible Supply. 3111).5,4)3 4415.0,'02 • .40,74110oe 318,oetev0o 01e.%0.000 .. 5.584.000 11,701000 104420,000 • 4* T.• 4,799,030 5,002,000 9,83.8,000 • 1,007,000 2,310,000 1,200,00 .„ 2,870,000 2,304.000 2.483.000 Wheat increased 63,000 bushels the past wee; 41 year ago it increaeed eee hushes, Cettle Marketa, lamitopi an. .7;.-Ign =Rot today, retire SaleS 1.-411t0lea C t Trade tine, llontreal Live Ste*, gontreal. aoo. Ware about 4_ 00 /sPatl Ot butchers' cattle., 12 calves aud 150 sliest) allti limbs offered tor Sale at the Eeet hue atiattoir to -Say. The butchers were °P"tettg.11 14," rtge %it atitr gtegi° demand with I I P thing good in the meat Una but the carp nion cattle were not or, saleable. Prime told at front oe to Vie per helm*. tortto, good stock at trout ane to 4%..eand the counuou *titillate at from " 3t:Je per poutal, Calves sold at trin tO 37 each. er iglan r 5Y4e per p"1443 Sheelv $014 3 t and. Iambs at trim 4o to a little Over 410 perpound. rat hop sold at from Me to A tie over 011e Per Osuu4 weighed off the CA Si, East aufrale Cattle 31Car1o4. Beet IinGfalo. Jan. 9.---Cattio-4teceitittl, OOP head; steady to slow, with last week's general niarlatt prime stevii, Pi is *di hi 1 .w;11uteRera steers, sa..is 1.4,, $4.00: heifer.r, 53 23 to Itill$41.30VP:111:4; elkil ttu *44:*; "hut"' $i 50 1 .0 ; 4 i *Pit feeders,sto1,erriro7o43 V.50 to 0; good. io choice fresh cows • lower; 140841 Oben *2 to 53 per head lowelt°V0t( eigeie'er to '94 TeV." Veals—Iteeelpts, 10 Iteadt fitie'll tor; reie to go i o ea fe4. o 0. ett to ee,70; coinuthe to good. 54. to $8.45 11010--kigerelpits. niena_lioate ective, se te toe lower; iteavy, perm to $e.eat tieeed, otoe to *tate; Yorkers mill 14.1. teem; FT ;iigr(iirVilltliigili!s4 frilletti.r 15421:, - th and -' t , . i t 12 1 1 "t ell 54i 1;14.4111:. 9 .St to neeiet toren. 54 te Wee; sneee *op non. tu is 0 goot4r3.15 t .1 is, O.- 0..14.75 to $3.33: collS to saint; 51.75 tO eo.v. Chicago Live Stock. Ciflerigoi ran.le-Cottle-Iteeeleto, 20.000t Steady; good to prime steer!, 55.40 to 50.25: Po" to to t4 PAT" a5wod reet3er , „ Av . heifers. 52 to $4,75; tuners, e1.25 to 1140: buns, $2 to 31.'4; ealves, $$: Xexas red ,steers. $3.73 to $0. Ilogs—itecelpt4, 38000: dosed weak; inland anti butelittel, 50 to 50.35; eholeo to good heavy,50,40 to 50.05; rough heavy, 50.15 to 50.40; 0,50 to &Leen bulk of saleit, $0.10 to $0.50. ntheen --Iteeelpts, 30,000: slieep and lambs stelldy to 10.0 lower; good to eholeo wotbers, $3.73 to S5,40; fair to choloo_ wised, 53.73 to 544 native lambs, td. to 5100. hfontreal Grain and Produce, etoutreni, eau, 5.—Tito grata market con. Mines to be very quiet. We quata:—No. white oats 35.4e es -store, 2016e high freights and" 3116e east: Pena, 721fie to 73e high freights: buckwheat, 5014e east ott the GI 1 r - T. RT. Ili or 3 -;°,3 a i•Vt° to .ql.re4asitt ‘priceS are steady. IN Quote as follows i-,..holoe 3ranitoba spring wheat, patents. 34.20: seeontio, $3.00; strong bakers', 50. 53 winter wheat patetits, 53.10 to s4.i. straibt'ronoro, 53.00 to 58.70; do lo bags, :4.6716 to $1.72%; extras, .55 to 51.00. Meal- titaness viva slow and prices were Unchanged at 34.20 to 54-25 per liarrel, and titrga0_340 bag. r good trade at firm prices. Vr: rgoin 115 t0flows:—!faii1toba bran, in bags. 518; Sfani oba shorts* *20 * Ontario bran, In bull, 517.50 to 518: shorts, tiii.411)1V:n it4y.320, and mouille, 523 to 528, as Butter—There Is a good jobrng demand touli Tiligeenigel; :IroeNivIglea i?bte 1201/212:.° 23; PrOvIslons—The demand for all lines is limited. We quote: -Heavy eaneetan short euteut 1171'1rtOAto525SilesIaft:pr,Ro 524; gitatta short clear Derk, 523..50 to 4-24; doest kettle lard, -lb. palls, 123'4c; extra pure lard, In -20 -lb. pails, 103je to 11%0; choice refined' compound lard, 814e to 9e; Boar's tread brand. In 20 -lb. wood pails, 51.05 to 52.05; Qlobe at 51.70 to 41:85; 204b; tin palls, 4c less per lb; hams, 12c to 14e, and bacon 14c to 15c per lb. Peading Wheat I/Iarkets. , Closing previous day:Closing to -day. Cash. May. • Cash. May. Chicago . . 71% 75% 71 - 70%, New .. • -7993. .. 79% Toledo ..........76% 70% . 70% 79% Minneapolis' •.. - 74% 1)etrolt, 2 red .. 77% 78% '78 79 • Milwai;kee,- noi75 75 ;15% St. Louis —. 72 741/2 711/2 7474 British Markets, • * Liverpool, Jan. 5.--Opening—Wheat, fm tures nominal; 'March, 6s %d' N.; Way,- Vs 1114d N.. Corn, futnres notninal; January, 4s '63,44N.; March, • 4S 21,f,:d 14.• • - - 'Close—Spot Wheat, easy.; No. 1 standard California, Os sleet Walla steady; No. 2 red winte.r, fis101/211 to 6s 21/2c1; No. I northern spring; ne stock; futurea easy; March, as rAd; May, 55 ,1114:3d... Corn, spOt -.steads': mixed Americart, per centai, oia .norninai; new, 41 11141 to ss; tutures steady; Jan- . wiry, 48 etAdi, Atarch,4s 21/2ql 5153, 41 1140. Flour, Minneapolis, 20s 94. to 22s. , • London, 'Jan. 5.—Opening—Wheat on pas. sage net and steady; cargoes about No, 1 Califorrila, iron passage, .81s 4143; prompt., 308 93 sellers; Walla, iron," white, pasSage, 295 ea senors; LaPlatta, January and Feb-- ruary, 27s 101143 sellers. 'COrn on passage rather,easier; eartmes Mixed Amerioan. sail grade, proompt, 2Is sellers; Laritt,tta. yellow rye, terms, AprilM and ay, 22s 10,1Ad seli- ers. Corn, cargoes Gal, Fox loading,' 24s, Vbs1 sellers. Weather In England damp; lil vrtince cloudy. • Close—Corm spot AI:clerical' mixed, 23s 03 new. Flour, spot Minneapolis,' 24s, Paris, Jan. 5.—No. 2 red winter, .161; white, tone firm; January, 211 80e; May and August, 221 15e; corn on passage rather easier.. Flour, tone steady; january. 281 gen • May and August, 291. •'Wheat, parcel No. 1. nor, man., passogo,, 29s 6d paid;' Darnel No, 1 nok, Man. eerie arrived, 291 9c paid. • . Mark Lane Millow Marketi—Wheat, for- eign quiet; Ehglisli quiet, but steady. Corn, American; none offering; panuirian, tending down. nom'. American stenos, with a fair business. 1?aiglish -stonily: Mon- day Danublim sninnients;wneat 52.000 guar, ters, torn oneee Quarters, Hints for oak Stomachs Eat slowly, masticating the food, thoroughly, even more, if possible, than is required in health. The more time the food spends in the inouth, the less it will spend in the stoma. Avoid drinkiug at meals in general, dyspeptic stomachs manage dry fcod better thau that containiug much fluid. Eat neither very hot nor cold food. The best temperature is that of the body. Be careful to avoid excess in eating. Eat no more than the wants of the system require. Stieuetitues less thau is really needed must be taken -when ;digestion is very weak. Streugth depends not ou what is eateo, but on what is digeeted. Never take idalent exercise of any sort, either mental or physical, either just before Or just after a Intel. Never, eat more than three times a day, and make the inet meal very light. For ivao' 1 eeptics, two meals are better than more. Never eat a morsel of any sort between meele. Never eat when very tired, whether exhausted front rdental or physical labor. Never eat when tile mind is worried or the temper ruffled, if you vut possibly avoid it. Rat only food that is easy of digestion, avoid. ing emplicated and indigestible dishes, and taking but oue to three courses at a meal - After meals take two S. JANES WAnits, 44x believe at, /Mlle" Iiir"t" thena, ate tee =oat complete comtare. ‘,41rz SUMMIT(' '°81101.MtheeteR0 thitteetenettog5 Jai tee$1.00D (01 'fie CONSTITUTION 14,00 4°,ITBRIT nicM"t,„.. NoOtre414400 --fr5w24PTE,,, -AUERIC1.% w" urucicps s ttCheau petce cano 1.00; woglf:Eerl v4114'1;)14 Vetituitb4ter:, reloetlimi a. lt 1 f 1114;1 4T tia 41=== - Six bettlea for 5,00 Tle y help stomach, digest food and 5e,nd the nutriment through the blood, and this is tz honest way to get health and strength, the kind that lasts, develops and breeds the energy which accomplishes much. St lama Ira fen gre rota 4leore4 tesTaty: 10 eke mono eus eortar,, re. commenctrag them to her ,to1ier.!.7 we mail the ,fitnficia upon. topea. Where deniess A t e not sallir Ihrf, Ilrafera.they are wailed upon re. cella of price at the btaciCh 51. .131Ses Waters Co., 1729 5t, cathiles St.. Plostietl. etteetre iti2reea eea eentlet HE ADVOCATE WU eupply nce with the Inteet end mo • Homo met Foreign, loo,,v2, b,r4 PttiM. 4 if C2. it.„) N zto ere—itleetzet Reeerta that are ectuel ea Lir hetelelteithetee stny-I,ALE:2 Reetaar contribettenets "Byetender" eu current events Itetteriee; 'Car:v:11'10:n, Azsoz"..:tims end;N. ati,kra's of in- tctoot aud Witte to all farraerS.dairratn. and .stacionen Practical tette each weal: on I. ive Steele Dairying, Farm Crop Culture., Feeding for Profit. ;tad other eubjcde. SUEISORSII OE ADVOCATE ONLY a 1,4E_ wEriKuy suo .1.75 And we will *end T11117. St1.1, free for the b Ltsao of nee, :74 cwve eroree ereere ii6MigiNZErrera-7.711=Z37=2-.1.etMee.e. DROP A POST CARD TOTE WE(LY Sig TORONTO IA1 ' I' .1711.1) I: tl 11 V 1.. U4.11 to, '1114 t. VA.4.1".0;.1.,2 stasiamazscs=roztrtrr:-.&i'-vzz..z.zrm- TOLLED By A BURSTING 'WHEEL Perth, Jan. O.- An accident occurred et the home of Mr. John Prett, on.11, Bethorst, by which two lives were lost. About a dozen men were.engaged sawing wood with a eircelar sawing machine, operated by horse power, when the fly -wheel • of the machine burst and fieW olf. A large piece weighing aboilt 75 pounds, struck Geo. Pratt, aged 28 years. in the stomach and almost cut him in two. The fortunate roan lingered for Omit two hours. A young son of John Pratt was also struck by a part of the wheel, and was killed outright. The hoy wis 14 years of. age. , STRUCK BY A TRAIN. St. Thomas. Ian. 0.--Zene Caz•penter a farmer residing 10 SOU tit Tan:11011th, had a mireculousescape from death at a. crossing of the M.C.B., east of the 'city, on Saturday night. Mr. Cu -pen - ter was on his way.hoine from the city when the accident occurred, and does not know wIletlier it was an east or west bound train that struck, his cut- ter. Trains were passing both wayS about the same time. The, vehicle was smashed into kindling wood, while the horse waskilledoutright. Mr. Carpen- ter was thrown one fle was brokight te the office of Dr. J. D. Cttltis, where it was found that he was severely cut _about the head and face, his right hand WaS badly crushed and his right knee was painfully injured. Be also le- ceived a severe shaking op. A London, Totenshie fainier111111 found indict:Aim-1S of oil in a wcli that he is digging. The G -rand Trunk car works at Lon- don, Ont., will be set to work on .an order for 400 flatcars. boughs, colds, hoarseness, and other throat silments are quickly relieved by Vapo-Creso- tene tablets, tett cents per box. All druggists. et' Cetl,Liete pil :t" v '(r-ia4e'llai**) • al1003 YOUR' i'lli,,Ti'. .. , i i..• ID 'GIVE YOU11.14 APPETT,11 'Alfalfa V6i1 STriNi. pi,./larglieAR.' yo.d..r-,4SAfic(tE. nli: tCltjoe -t:::'.;t1, n'OO, I r, l';', '-'2,svan..02 47,-xi.17Pri, Prost:robe:3 it constantly .11i 'elltrle;t3npr.'1•Tr410cd'Illo'412.U!'1'.1.;or. nto, wri 1,05 they havenIscruged itvith tbe.ben ws'ult a .11• DAVIS AVIS & 1,AHVYRDNGE -...C,O.,':LitnIte. cf. ': ' .50c., .11$1.00 Dotr.es., . drz...,.-r2.-zsussorr , •• • . . , , . Seeds the Kind that Leads oast more—riera more. sold by all dealers. isas Seed Annuit1 postpaid froo to an • applitant% 0. M. Ferry &Co., Windsor, Oat. CON U MON Prevented and Cured. Four marveious free remedies for all sufferers reading this paper. New • cure for Tubercolosis,Constamp. thus, Weak Lungs, catarrh, and a rundown system, ' EL Do you cough?. ' Do your lungs pain you? is your tliroat sore and inflamed? I)o you spit up phle.gm? Does your bead ache? • Is yogi- n.ppotite bad? Are you:' lungs delicate? Are you losing flesh? Are you pale and thin? Do yon'lacir stamina? These symptoms are proof that you have in your body the seeds of the most , dangerous malady that has ever dvas- tated the earth—consumption. You are invited to test what this system w11 do for you, if you are sick, by writing for a FREE- TRIAL THE.FeTRIEit.Pr and the Four Free Preparations will,be forwa.rded you al once, with complete chrections for use. The Slocum Sy,stent is a posiave cure for Consump- • tion, that tnost thsidione, diseas.^, and for all Lung Troubles and Disorders, cornolicated by 11155 ot Plesh, COughs, Catarrh, Astluna, Bronchitis and Heart Troubles, , Simply 'write to the T. A. Slocum Chemical Company, Limited, 719 Kieg Street 'West, Toronto, giving post office and express address, and the -free medicine ((he Slocutrt Cure) will bo promptly sent. Persons in Canada seeing Sioeues free offer in American papers will please send for samples to TOronto. Mention flats paper. Ptor BinitleY, a We11-4;1;410 )llier ll'hunlioi 0'• Centre, eominitled c,cla hy hanging li'inself in his horn, ,