HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-1-8, Page 3SEEM TO BE 1111ISANOES. BUT TZEY AB E sIzervvy ragR- clEs DIsGulsE. slaveriux As old Cu3e-Bene- 4,ts of. Seeezing-Reasous • fQX' Coughing. Those everyelay little physiologleal • exereleee 'which we ge through. Seeh as &his erinee sneezing, yeeveiog, cry- ing, colehirlg, ete„, seem. nuisances te moat ot us. But when toeir par - Pose is vederstooti-it is quite ap-, parent ttat Wet WQ1ad ba.Ve an •ex-, eeeoingly pad time in their absence, Sliivering is defined by the stfent„, a feint is nothing else that a fit of What made your linens coarse? Common soap I Sunlight Soap saves linen. rtEDT,,C4P ZXPENSE Aso to tim Ocoee.= Der. Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the world produces. °My heart!" said the.gusiter; then • Im ernied with a dash oi facetiouse and is sold only in lead Loss, -Antiru throw ioYsen "I enderstand," replied the old Packets. mato "'something to boot." Slack, Mixed and Green. An4 ho booted him Clear through - Um front gate. "aotea'. drinker* try "Searle qreentaa TITIN RE FOOTED IT, Er fether loved hint - not; oft invited him -to keep eweeo; but he would hang around, for lie was a very fresh young man. One day he atteroathed the old man, and Imielly demanded his daepoliter's hared. ''What bave you to offer in exe (Owege? esitecl the stern parent. Ist$ as a series of "irregular ;fibril- extreme heert weakness. , llOTLANij lar GQntraetions,,; Wemover of Why does the mouth veneer at sight - e° , „--- course, wheel, we are eold, but woo or smell ot something toce to eat ? 1eTorgs 73-r zrATT., ,7:,,QAT xt-za tura does nothing without a purposereison ot this is twn-inif/' It , BANKS AND BRAES, and the purpose et eleivering le to 19, firstlYi the getting "adY °i fluid. tnelte us warm. Muscular contrace to ni°istea th° niane4 "51 411°W it teen, jli fact. produces hem., wad to go down eeeily. And, secondly, ishivering is Pealing more than A it' is a warning to the 5tQnlach to - violent contraction of all the little be PreParad' Far when we sw411Pw Ohriee, or strauder of the muscles.,,etlivoi, the° glands °t the 6t51531aCil ara It we elmid lievO up the sbiveringlsionitatteek to threw Out % 6.4915.7 01 IOU S vflt;,stgb, we wood ;meet ireto digeetive juices, 0. perspiration. What happens is moo Tx) lim pERSDIRE ? that the ekin Says, "Oh, I'm se cold r and the muscles take pity VouY Peollie complain of this few-, sent beeto =nee to the Loeoweit 0130a it tool shiver to j tion, bet it theY could aisl.P°Iise with' goods .eiding of the N. 13. Railway. . it, eoey woulli qelekly go to the wbieh AS en adlunct of Linlithgow 4 WITY p° 'iV- 81c1FEIZE ? other world. Sufficient heet in form.' .Statioa, ' This f.i a beautifut provision ef ed in the hotly in a eouplo of Opeia After•two yearswork the Venn - Nature to drive MI injurious par. to is the whole mass to boiling- burgh Collierlea ComIony havo com. toles or dust tit would, ii left L point. This must lie get rid t;if when' Meted the sinking to a depth. of 113S atom, god their way into the lung, Jts *manufacture Wool Olttee too, fathome of their Careerry No. 8 pit. Dews. 3p the lilting membrane or il quickly. And the peering out of the nostril in 4 little nervee-te ilV4trin r'er6P/r4t/(4/ " °Se et the brooch of that "liftit" neve to i chief ivoYfe in whitli the riddance is which evo owe all ear neuralgia and oftectea• 13.17 'mans gt thia ianetian toatheehoeond the Inomont 4 pr. our tem.uerature is se nicely regulate i ti le of irriteting dust baredes this 'cd that it aces Mg vary Mora tha..111 little sentinel nerve gives the ogle deg= In 11 itniraPY train the ' alexia. il'oles to ti o Equator. 0how s that 4.4e1 otemliers, the higu- ol hereupon the bruin boles oroera 1 The mouth being $o math more': eat tutrutcr for aPY month ttifo "earAs a opQt dozen powerful n caul enient an organ to breathe i "ii0 employed. its to Odra the enemy out. - " to enie uts., eugh than, the nose, it; ceems The propoeal to coustruct, a awe - t ilit re .„." 'strarge that we are eupplied with Ring poed lio iVietorta Bare, Ar- 44titres this ll e;tueud147 gle 14.ailgoc hit; the letter appeetlage at an. But4brooth, is found to be imPraolioable. oe tee particle oe duet retenreo q„ -a- the we breathe, or ought to ,ae, owing to the nature ot the tede. throuh ethe norm is thee 5011. the water disappears almaroet (a (1141'1"° °I art111" vin "'din"' „ In i$ supplied elitb ispeclone ealrerne.,t000 ao it is jut jo- bet the nionteat It is dielotige4 llielri wbieh oil a' going through the Closiefe the gete at e P. nt. Ore wen& It, le an eetraorefinaree, uukes io bolted. o. person too lieddington gtheeslieger went to gee but r"41t41CI' that it/ 1°Pg na the retteOril, breathes through tbe mouth rune ' it the living,' Nv".° oil 41r;fkY' when* IF- Orst s he teutitiel Iserve will iinueu rbk of bronchitis ood sour :log' oRoluoti a tomhttw, h° laund a give the brain no rent. bid 'elm the er„,nia. time:ten woman. "Come, come, my duet is gone gives the °tiler to ii"-ti,by do wo toot, moo-1,re ? mow ,womati." said ite, "if Peel re to ettrte Privy. etop Imre ye must be Lappet. iireoele don't like it, and it somas a r,„ _ o,_ „_e. __, ___,_,_. o We MIA for rewrai ntafons. °n° ',great waste of time, But It tonne 141/1'.'""h4'r ."-e.,:ntigi'lartto;r54ro'‘ilaleo k is 44;.'alt5'3 there is too winch °aid !,! tlie Wein! purpose of squeezing the ... .‘ In tio in"Ironed toorichial tultee, and 1 veins oral tyzephotice (by eontroee ratitil,rettintwiplet fel that'wen'‘‘,-verertuthetru It meet be got rid off. Another is i tont or the nwschs). limn foreine the hi-ma:fug of boitatieg gaees. ' imou 41 Hood and waste -Ola-tter-O-u-..p 111We:: coantItoaliiroenoe.eirl.t:lotur go iltoo- /IPre' ailain' a rentinel Tier'..° emu" ,, to ties heart, mid tbetwe to the into aMion. It is called the "en- ii lunge fr purification. The mystery t the llornan Catholic one rather than feller lal'011evol Dem," ai'd is' 'M'" of a child's interminable activityis lgolothaenthtaberirie%* trilutted over the larynx. No limo; as .:eeplaintel by this feet. It is design- pulpit recently ereet- we breathe pure led In the na.ve of the O./argots Ca. - ties il •rce remail`lts" :P(10117.111°14:41; ,i Tettimilleto. reaOncui sediouP Inbar r0000tmof ttho: 1 twitce:i1r4t,itilawragso fctotrinelialallInecoleiolifeattlet-od tletoerne. alit'll 0. whig of soma irritating and flesh mai nutritive Iluid.-London,gregatfon and friends. Pr. igeAtlant poieenors gen gets into the larynx Answer% t tulle for help. Inspiratielt is et Muir ollietated. 'The pulpit Et the onto vtopreil. and a, foreible e,. gift a Urn. Grangerin nwraory of pit at Ion, in ti:c form of a cough, llYSIII•71'T/O SAWS Gnaws, fhei inuiliguni• .., tries to -expel 'the daugerous gas. Vie late Dr. klaille3 Macanleo, for . If ignorauce were really bliss evItat pmany years the editor of the Leisure Willy 110 W1•1 YAWN ? • a Nippy world this would be. Mow, and the founder of the Tioys' Why is it, that the bashful, retlr- Own Paper and the Girlie Own Pa- ilopeople nlwayc wear shoes that. perwho has Just tiled et the age ot the e_ squeak ? 85, was the eldest son of the late Oils IN badiSr won"' In a 11°-oThe cartb was made for Adam, and Dr. Alen. Macaulay, M.D., of Edin- ie.-ventilated und crowded room the , , air, of cotirre, &ma nue eontnin itn +13,,s92'..!se_elsitaclovt5oAttvoevalell, isitencelet.trying burgle and was an M.A. of tile Uni- The worm and tbe banana skin will verelty of Edinburgh. .....„---o--------, iitelitl qUentity or oxygen, mot the '- g'ru " ortibutrny, ipitztp.,‘iwoLiir.on oies„„thoillet 1,1;:tr; turn if trodden upon. . Vail fun ale NUM AtIvaeir Delon suliki;'''-`' --e"--'' --'- - "''' 'When a man gets into a fight place thee arid eleepee or when a Prose" 1 ae, erielescooret Nog '0 'enaio.f.'•on er Atilete/111 'P '..1 41.0 usually feels rather small. weaver 'Orn MI all" We"1.1" 15S1 we Yt"V" 4ieeillY' A Irmo may be portioned for oc- -prompteat pull owtroite eol PueS 'elm T1111A is 1,CCSIASO WenrilICSS MUMS' the easionany forgetting ionise% but ee, emu /I osva milt 403 taTillop pP hi'eathing to ii° ‘erY 4)&1°17' never for forgetting his wife, :.titilT Vt0oofgaptia"I4o44":47 V' 1111:artilt fatt, ehorever we yawn it is a Sign, The OVUM of society is sometimes stay lt Innnuulireal 1 0 1 100.1P t nia13 e that we bave talon a step towordS exxtp tii Antromoui iieual al 11 10/1 -atm cell les erne it noniunsuot Atm sill tat 'ONO 'aPtIO,T, '03 V Rou4q0 'I' 'A .gto pnniesunittla 'em.-) tpAr4t;) a.Trill •"Itettrimm1 IttiolialIintroo tonnuot ton -wow; pun osaasm luo01111411suoo v ye 01 tprinte uo.to.cd troll epeepo opreenem li peremottom .matinvo.ri item num mina co Salm Srmonnea .4n put 'vonieruas men peqi.insaut putt estoom it.mn t 11 poonnotaid sacoeop 6.1110.6' Aggro 110.0 il 1.10,1 *Ofcrounatti cut ori pasedclas stm area4 may Intl inn Intlit pee •'.camonct4 ltd castamp ammo ut awn Atzunnoo on; .ic tenon sm3 in %[,1211Ver) CO011l SI elae,f, _ -...._....-. Edward Halley introduced mercury as the liquid for use in thermometers in 1680., flfaity Thiegs Ilappeeto nto et the Ildingis of Auld Sccitiala S'ous. Tlie A.yr District Committee has appointed Mr. David Shaw clerO 0. Eeilorer Of 42,00 'Per onetime an M. Robert Welsh, tretoonerat u. arY ot Important extensions are at Pro - A butler maker punted William Campbell. wbile •going upstaira to his house in Glasgow, fell bachwarde anti sustained injuriee trout widelt he die4. Tlie October report. of the Meade /ronreoultierte of Seotlaied This is literelya long inepiration lo give Gowen to the blood when death throopit tlyepnoca, or etiffoene Sighblg is popularly believed to coinposed of the shun milk of hu- nurnity. The I)CvI2e10 w1,o.aix bis views before mimed women is always no- te° a drop of blood out of the cused of knowing more than be has Mart each thee it inilblyti Of course, a fallacy; $igh_ any business to know. rig does no a great fleet of good, and is very $1111Our to yawning- lt Atrium from the fact that the mind is much °templed, and the breathing has not been tallied on eroperly. One may often hear emotional people siph after lietening to fine intisic, or after a movieincident in a play. They have heen 'so intent upon the event that their breathing has been extremely sliallow, anti the sigh is a deep inspiration arid • a deep expira- tion to aerate the impure blood. IVEY DO' WE CRY ? • ie one of the most 'useful pro- , visions of Nature. When great men- tal rain is suffered, the brain be - Domes eitutgerously full of blood, and crying is rt. process by Which some of its fluid is removed, and tbe pres- • sure svitliiri the brain relieved. Wo- men are much better off in this re- spect than men. Iyher e a Man in a fit of anger or grief will sometimes • die of apoplexy or loinporarily lose eeeoe his reason, the wonum will cry eopioesly and feel quite serene in a few minutes. It would not be a bad plOk, indeed, if we cultivated, in- stead of repressed, the faculty of crying, for things when•.they • go, wrong would then Le much easier to bear. In fainting. again, women have the advantege. Some scientist:, explaiu this oecurrence by saying it is a way of shamming death in the presence-, of clanget• 'ivh1C11has come. cloWn -to ,us from our savage ancestors. But •Inore likely it is a provision of Na- ttire trj relieve, the overstrained heart, Some people readily faint at the sight of Ideocl, ant this is, evi- dently a means of self-protection. For ir! WC), are losing blood from a wound, the best thing to lessen • the, flow is a fit of heart wea'<nesp, And 'Ike bad young man often lives to a good old age. When a man wears bome-made clothes be begins to lose faith in the eternal fitness of things. SCUM people can resist everything except temptation. An optimist is a num who can be rejected by his hest girl and realize how happy he tee made her. Few Men really believe they de- serve tbe good opinions they have of themselves. Sympathy doesn't fill an empty stoxnach. Every man may carve out his own fortune, but lie needs sharp tools. It takes an old bachelor with a, wonderful amount of confidence to attempt to amuse a baby. Adversity is the sandpaper that makes life smooth. -.When a husband and wife are eon- tinuall3r patching up their difficulties thetr affections assume the kaleidos- copic aspect of a rnetrimonial crazy quilt. Every marriage is a disappoint- ment to somebody. It's better to get up with the lark than to go to`hed with a swallow. To many men get through Jiro on the reputation of their ancestol's. Thb homely girl always consoles herself with the belief that she is intellectual, - One way to effectually shatter an ideal is to marry it. • Another way is to • perMit. it, to marry You. • It isn't ,tho truth that hurts ; 'the people before whom you tall it. A stitch in the side feels floc. 'flow do you like school, Tom- my?'' "Pretty well, mother;but it's such a waste of my playtime." • -areeisaTeerette.i' oetelliNette`" - et. ...%7O'OreMeMiltiletrieSeeiret That's " tiie greatest thing . the world," ---in anything that's worn. You get style, fit and finish too, in 3ut the one thing we emphasize is their ari,e2g Queglitleas 6`Gr anLy Pains.rs wezrli "ran.** letegstifeetteteloreOe eagle . else litet ' ainowtompal Lifebuoy Soap - dieinfeetant - is strongly recommended by the medi- cal profession as o safmttarcl agitinst Infectious diseases. Vaccination is obligatory in France before a child is a year old, and again between the ages of 13. on.d 21. Minan's Lislonest Cures- llistemer, The most ancietit printed calendar in the, world has been found at Wies- baden. It was printed by Guten- berg hi. 1448. For ever sltettr Tears. AEr OLD AND WELVTIETED alritILDR, - Uttl Winnow's Soothing Syron hats been mad for err*: ext., seen by millions et mothers for thew children while Wahine, vies perfees amen. It !teethes the ohnil, oaftena the elves, allays all train, cures wind collo, and bo beat remedy for Dierritesis, Is ploa.ont be the taste. Sold by drtmaisto in every Pars of the 190r 0 riveaty-tivo owns a bottle. no !also ipealcalablo. sura and ant tor 'ffitssionea Soothing Syrup. 'sod take no other kind TIIE STATUE STUMPED MM. A young -fellow and beesweetheart lately visit'ed Loudon. They had opaasiorr to take a ch•ive on -the 'bus from Victoria to 'Lon - doer Bridge, end, being ,anaious to impress. her with hie'knowledge of London and its pahli buildings, , began by showing her the houses of began by showing her the Rousea' of Parliament, which_ he described as the iii tell al , • 00 - cording to him, was the Tower of LondOn. After Ceiling her that the Law Courts were. tht ationnl Gallery, and that the 'p.oyal Exchange was the Bank of England, the- 'bus turn- ed into King William street, and, on passing the statue or that reenuireb, , she asked swe4ly; ".And who iS that. dearest?" For a moment ho \vas at a loss for an anSWe'e, the driverwhe) had with mute aninseme.ut heard the con- versation' all along the route, turned. ' to him, and _said in ta..g0 Sch An.: 6 :riont be done, o'itv'nor; kid her BD 'WM FAITIL ITOW 4 PotrBTrvr., MAN WAS CONVINCED AND RESTORED. S tory that Illustrates the Ad- vantage el aeading opid Being Goieled by firewspapee Advertise- Meirta, Leover Witidsor. N. Re Dec. g9, (SpeCial) "X Went to *AY that 1 believe that Dteltre Kideey PILS are tete right oiedielee for Kieney Trot-i- t/le." This is the declaretion el hr. T. Delyeeeostmeeter of this plates, for v. long tune Was the victim aextre C450 et thisIleI-e Pelee fAne, read, the Itewae gist atter he had tried plestere, oils liniracete PJNi ail kivels of ex 1 remedies eu well adectoro' mettle, with no good rex tits, he A evading the testimonielo et s Kidtvey Pills. Le teeoet tonally eves eo highly no, mien for Ifidvey Trouble thet reading $ereei teetbooteels fled to try them ter a ehert time. Out I tauet, admit that llaYtag tried so many thir-gs root lance to Obtaitt te cure, 1 hall but little feitta that Iteld"o Iiiielriey Dile or este- thli epe mild or would bell) me. eleowevere I dad not usa theta hefore 3 faund out that th-,y ell and mere than wa's claimed wed to liave very late evens of late ;yews becolne re fre- quent and so cevere that I tees at - 2.114M, !alit up. "I received Elora feral frena Potirl'a Igitiney Vilhi thou from aw liver znelieine 1 have evil' teed aul they certainly mole a vompitte, ciao 1 my (*ace. . "I feel ce well us ever I did oral J25V0 not the elighteet trace of tee hey Trouble tittet buttered me 50 many years." r. iiebea in not the first shr,r.ti. cal man that has been convinced (1 the me:Nein:a value of Detld's Kid- ney n1.6•1•11.1M• ThO dOild /Alt2IV ION (Nrri fled 40. wan found in front of temperattee hotel ntliaegow. $he had in her weecreion 0. lianit boolt with to her credit, and a. uum of u:ouey. alr Einiti'S Bail CRS 001051 JOdifItH1 "Rrlt`,0 x»e, but 11. seems to me that I must have met, you before. Are you not a. brother or a neer relative of Major Oibbs?" The Major - "No; I am Major Oibbn itimeelf." ,larltson "Ab, baked: That explains the remarkable resem- blance." Differences of Opinion regarding the popular intermit and external remedy, Dr. T110111/lh' lieleetrie 0:1 -do net, en far )14 !mown, exist. Tim testimony le pod, i anti coecurrent that the pinkie w- ile:en physical nein, cure.' lauicnesi- elterlis a cough. is an excellent remedy for pains and rheumatic complaints, ana it lias no nauseating or otlier unpleasant effect when taken internally, no best British turkeys are raised in islorfolk. There the gobblers at- tain sometimes a. weight of 40 lb. The next best are from Normandy .1.0•M••••••••1 Mioard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc, 'WAY DOWN, elle seems down on everybody these clays. 'What's the matter, do you think?" "0, he's down on his luck." One of the greatest blessings to i,,t,reitts Is Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator It effectuelly canals warms and give. health in a inarvelloua waxier to tile lic tle As it was rompiag over its mistress at Lochwhenoch, Renfrewshire, dog knocked a lamp out of her hand, with the result that the house and two shops were burned to the ground. i11.114Kelsenna4Pnvenna asses w a•weesnenta.aworasewi 20 MILLION BOTTLES SOLD EVERY YEAR. ' 1--Lrinese is the abssnce cf pain,. and mil - 0 cared by ST neeh On, of l'‘'.1.TELMA.I'I5/,1, a 000eriecielte 1-IF.A15-. 0 ACHE, F.ICALD-s, BURNS. '15, SPRMNS, SRI:HSI-I:SI:Ind h pains far -which a an external remedy can be appithrt. It never !),, 3 fails to cure. Thoteancis who have been de- .iteatt bus rosin happy throng)? being 6 stared incurable at Intim and in hospitals have 4, thrown t.,Naytheir crutches, being aura d after g mine Sr. JACOBS On. Directions in eleven y issvages accompany e'rer'y,buttle, 0 At& Illoa,aalaa.eliai.aADVACCA.C.liaa,avigaZA.avatil ,21. -03. • ADVICE TO A BRIDE. --Don't take any thaeces at the out merrieel /tie. Olive him Gilll pfltillii)S. King atwArd I" fleacita4lig' 44E It 013. f" ViGtOria " 411,1ttio Como ...„.....- haat COM ving Wright. of ',cake. 00. os lnshire, England, 11113110reAll bore in Octoter. 110,910V06 'wen attended medical man and has peve' had A mediciee in his life. and :SO bodily lei:orally tar eyeSight. Ile 15 42.2302 tie8 StilaniCniti. 91.1014..111.11.19 Vtle llatteeatinO Pill. -The exelpient Geo pill Is tee ellietauce whicit ettieltis ;be uogretilettis and makes up th' 'pm tato% elgato 1-1:14141Plee4 Yeeceable Pelle ni re come -minded tte to preterite their ittel ;bee oen cateieilleitesoy .4111M40 without impairing Glearserer,gth. nray a2lI, iu 0:14.reoiiCri? thent frem hewing :are port 4 tr.. wa.ich Pria1WP fgAllf21911X,,3 20 2140 mete, revue:tea Yeget %lee Dale ere En pre;tare41 Iioi tiStrer seeable to the Entht delicate. dita-"Well. Joel% nr.tl I aim he married at iast. onti are Eit happy." you arid Jack have Zatilrli trouble kaalt4fg your Wee& coneeet?" Iseralita "No: Out papa and I !Mai an enlist et of troulle getting eleeliet cou- nt."' 111•01.1.1,..11 7:leay of no =POO to Itieepy it We id not eettier trtoft dr,oeuera i1 ttal. 'cr. we ought to not Dr. MVP!! 1en1on italobterg Props, witteb care OW in-,,v1;ein and brio the whole *cleat to a Itialtho con- dition. e OtaMMIIMIP 'The olweeo. non tet the to of the Kaiter'a tliristitote tete, Pete -dant ie invariably dresecO by th , •••••••••••• TM re are cove of coneumptiort :3 far deem:ell t lea Ilhhlc s ADO temensuptive °veep u III ten enre, but nem. eo bail that t will not Wee relief. For toughe, teed,. and all WA etione 01*120 threat, lungs and cheer, it is a epreffie Wiliell !MS 810101" beet, I.110W11 tO faillc prentetee a free and easy expeeteratlea, thereby removing the phlegm, 01211 give e the diteated parts a chauce to heal. All the blood in a man's body passes through his heart once in av- ow' two 2llinnte3. IMPERIAL MAPLE SYRUP Thi quality snrdert front mow to oast. Yu= money toek nst unsfattlnry. Ron LATLAMIS. iivratt, mcgottiral. Between 000 to 1,000 ships go up and down the English Cbannel every day. Mina Liniment DRS ripilbilas Britain's mat measures over 0.000 smiare miles, against tho United States' 222,500 square miles. CRASII LIKELY TO OCCITIL. Cement ,Market Said to Be ext Unstable Condition. A remarkable article appeared in the issue of Deteraber 12th of the Monetary Times on the state of the cement market in Canada and the crash that is likely to follow upon the formation of so many neer coni- panies. The Canadian production of ete ment in 1901 was 445,000 barrels, the imports were in that year 550,- 000, making in all 945,000 barrels. In 1902 the total output in Canada had risen to 615,000 barrels, and the imports 486,000 harrolE, a total supply on the market of 1,801,000 barrels. The article then goes on to show that whereas the market is growing at a normal rate, the supply will have risen to an alarming Agure. The estimated production for 1003 of the nine fdet,Ories hi ofiertion last year 'will be 1,515,000 barrels, In addition to this the five aew com- panies that are setting; Up in On- tario are estilnated to produce S25,-- 000 barrels. Thus the output of On., tario is likely to be well over Oe 000,000- barrels, The new factories opening in Quebec and Manitoba bring the Canadian output of cement to about.'8,000,000 barrels. As the demand is about 1.200,000 barrels, one can easily imagineth that e (At- . - . mendous excess of production over demand is likely to cause a crash in the market that will be fatal and far-reaching. The collapse that has oceurred in the' German market (where cement is selling at 20 per (ant. below cost price) through the number of fac- tories rushing into the busiaess. is pointed out as a warming to Cana - di -ms to go slowly ard be sure of the demand before building costly factories anil_prody_cing three,:times as much cement as they cell sell. 'Ware the trotteers C2'441604 40 'Thet'S the style. Intl, it?" Well4 not, eta much, pert -Ape, ea ft ogled te b. OMit of my euetentern won't have it done 310W at alt.'. "oh, wen. I'M opt particulor," ore 3di4 ostorner. °Suppeee you • one a Um lap And lea% the holifa," ;ATM' COPIAS e thet oteers hav ad the eetne klea tired by wing Try a imitia remove tilan alit Masco Aber lave they met Hewn', Coro reitorl het a tovaIo ve reinteell Where did yule ratteielO" taly Artlet 't Wood him yet; I'm look Vtereteleme Tio 0,1v$ 054 .114115 .,tave 5120W0.clam "Vely `OP trav4v3 OVV0 VI021115 gwaslug, up mei tee widest oire them a vaino tbaS ilinct he yeti:rotted. It 19 1:0111 by eierati et Nature prole -lei 0.02121* for every its swigei 14,-wa wed ignereuce boots 41 Ionia team ihneevee, DAN inne is well known thee ParateleaO egenthie Palo dittilled front roam anti ieleteare 28fAi2ertit01 untidy In orias ail di%ottlen: of the dige%tion. One hundred and ninety-nite out et very 109.000 soldiers anti railer* row! kiane, Witit.b et InCtliatike i CO out of 100,000 go Mad. „eeeleetreteeetemeoo.........e._""a°11°M TAC 3o During the ?ciu the motet trovoted to advertiviner 111NAII1)'S LINT. MEN'I' will contein eepretelorst of no uncertain round from people who speak from oettionai esperience as to 1.120 merits of this test of house:1°10 Remedies. The Kamer always holds o. Cliriet- mas hunt in the ltoyal Forest of Cohrde. Last year 800 deer ad 200 wild 'boar were killed in two deem. 131ItECT STEAMSHIP SERVICE TO MANILA. Tbe Chicago tt North-Western 'tram- way announces that in connection seeth the daily trans -continental ser- vice, via tnat line from Chicago to San Francisco, the steamship /Ines from the latter port bave inaugurat- ed direct sailings from San Froxeis- co to Manila, additional to the ser- vice via Nagasaki and hong Kong. Some of the finest steamships in the 'Pacific aro being used for this- new 'direct service. POULTRYlies Turkeys, Geese, Dualisi Chick ens. If you want best prices ship yom poultry to us. We want large quanti- ty to meet aematid we have for EGGS Itse:Agratre'l!' rho nawson Commission Co.,Ltarated TORONTO, Cosner/meats and Coaespondente solicited. ZEIE41:31ME:11E1 ISFErC2)3M2Er..., We want the soviets in 22 norther of rinnIfteo to do knitting far us at Ions% soap:5, the pwis free it furnish OM nnelihto oo a711018 04 Plum lime. Dos tor Um wont tistott Mosinee no IthnIntate, $7 to VO week motto aoeording to Alro#...11evciii to Ile no 3e. writ. net. for pattienloos, rektattaai The Dominion Iiinitting Co., Dept. B. TOBONTO, ftlE E ,o1nrawstosonatantaarnosheaswTho eaetna......woostro.oalso ArntSAt Institute, 13ex is, Ont., 1)g IV, Superiatenfileat. We treat tfae cease-- aoL simPlY the halrit. ,_arld tiloroiore pro deco puteral speech 1.17r"te for parMelars, As TURKEYS And Pow' of all kim s wanted. Good prices guaranteed, 'Ship at once to W. A. -SMITH C CS, Chuech T,tronito Our commission is only five cent. ; try us. T U .1-104