HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-1-8, Page 211.•••••••••••," n••••••.••••••-••-••••••• I II ert tbat they should be anle to kneel rine with p.atienre looking untie J* i • at the 'manger, It area throngh the Sue" (1-leb. xii, 1 2) to see eso 4 warnings Of these three wise men only and consider Him (Mark ix, 8; that Jesus would he able, to escaee liblh tii. 1; NO. 3), for in, Hiio alone into Rgypt. In the darkness of all things were seen, in perfectime , . that Bethlehem night aegel wings and, higez as the standard may wenn were spread over that lnunble stable. God desires nothing else than. the The A.pparently Insiha Tgnificant Event of . an • I f rine surrounden the wren'. life of Jesus made manifest. in ellr . - . mother Ana angel Vinces greeted the mortal flesh (11. Cor„ xv, 10, 11). Pewborn Monarch of the ages with a I 10-12. I lui.ve learned, in whatso- Birth ill the Bethlehem Stable. beavenly S011,,q, They sang so loud ever state I am, therewith to itee con- lehlaitot:nStliteradweciiionpo. o .(61:13104a1riclg telustitis fa anuthr beAtxtuto pbaso of la the darkest days of our lives, tbe Christina life - rejong in the tReterea aceordieg to Act ot the rar- (been ereeted directly upon the Welt" when we feel that we ore forsaken Lord greatly. whether full or hun- uaeuent of nenada. in the eear (Lae etieee spoe where JESUS is bornin hY God Ann man. God's augels are `gry„ aboeteling or in Want, Tile ,,,l'""and "A' 14445CireCi 411(4 'Ili'''. that hallowed. niece 1 Veld read over watching us Pod's eve, -re .teehr" ) I t II 1) kkuk I d 1 4 th ee nen. nealy. oi Toronto, at epe . - - - - . --- .* , • . e - - ,,, ,i rop ie a, a . la earee 4a vepertmeet el Agrieuiture. oniavven good 0..r egeie the account of the us, GO $ ear 3S Ileanng US; G05 5 ! ,secret, for he could say. Theanh vine, nativity until it seemed as though Protecting love is all around est,eettUe ,foullize;_eljtgItree fireee.ioeeind h kinalltheears r4sLo the wells/ of the easte...n oLliiice wern'e ere no more forsaken hY thad il ,......._ , A daMetch from. Chiengo saY6: ellanning illto a stable and the light the peaneer of Bethlehem, was celes- il wilt joy in the God of my salve, e lwe.a, wa.s burping upon the alter tially forsonen on the night chat ten,o ondo.b. iii, 17, 1,3,,, Rev. lineink De Witt TaluingTe preeelt- 1 1.: ed frolla the followiog text: Luke ',le -was a. candieliglit held in the car- Jesus V..as born, 1 conndeuce in God as olins Inlawtheerh,ar'e 1.2. "Ledpg izx a mariger." penter Joseph's hand, And wane I i ; THE GOD WHO LOVES, Imest, believe that he is elweys do - How largo is An avVrage crib? Prone." you noswer. "About f et long anei two feet with. It us are perhaps as an average man ger at the end of a lioeseS etnii,at which the four legged animate mem their oata and hay after a losg. the some day's worn." Yes „ my neva 1. yen aro rinent. Your dennition is so centime' through the church defer eis nonnnietele" right that in this ..i•rnon the Ftellhertis must have once !Tom. 1 ant ao o3 to raenteb aeout, e een.oes ed through the entrenee of t'.0 an- ienaegeie evident was owe ueed For a eiel t stable, Thee tne ploceesioa ceedie, 1 ant going to tall; ening, came I edrer and nnorrr 0'1'1 hlr'd at a stone inenger, hewn (let of tne my feet ehe body of a little thil(1. uolid reen, in which nearly 2.009 As I sat there anti lootea itt tie yeers no 'ale Irdil a pewbora babe, face of the dead baby whale, feizeral About this meager the wiee men was now taking place my teert went from the east and the shepherds out in sympathy to she noor moth - from the surrounding hills gottered, cr. 1 &vowel to be carrien been to and over it the aufeelsi sapg the first the time when the Divine Pete lay lullithy in the client of the Christ- in that stalile mariner, ehlelded by I5 song, Iles EYtore Cradle was the Moth r love, wh'eh is alwitta a the nraree'r of Venth'ebein ef Juth•ea. ilhi"9 tgv04 am1. sdanling he' the It wos tiro first earthly restirg Place relhiehenl illaIIRPr' with ie °C3(11 of Um Pivine Child. W110 le:.ls the 'body of that %Wizen* bate at MS eon of diery the Virgin onti was al. feet. I could ratline kOi ;74 011 10 V e so tne only Legotten Son of the Ina- eame serroundiens ceelli have real - 'leo., that Coil's love for all hi% ther God. • Tim whole renderirg cf the verso cf 'illildren Is 4 !Pn. der; 1)/ell7' ?„7,rs4.,t.. t relds thus' "And tl iu 41,411 lr',z love. a"le't i ' lar loN • ` " ' et)* all roderstoldity." end whi`h ' tie for a elan ileto you: ye alnill till . To vt dd. 4 b read tho nativity aceue.ot ev,er, 4,11_4 The omnipreseot Pod will not, for fling klis best for 145 514 Will not r 4,3,ver matienly heana t.n:e s;),1.1{A wo4o; one instant. even ia the darkest of sneer 115 to henger por to Men any, letrifirirgsst. osfa arAtt: euTuu..,sr ee.e. aNn07 deaorysto,, .ittanureako, ,:se foz nost pliensgs tie is eisg, vtvheu iticseet; unless ixtondsuoi;lelry asZ am listening only to ti echoes of of all his children. One day tho to prepere us for the glory lie is "711 1"' th.ta faint .; baby boy of a distressed father and' PmPazing for us, tee suffered Israel chanting began to glow 10t 0? mother was very sietg, When their ' to in liner and Ith-o llis own 18) dear Then 1 „saw 10/41/itlee of pccale uttle girt won about to to put to !,,F„on (De„at. 3; matt. xxi,, bed on the night of ti crieis of the but in the former it wis to erove disease ehe came to ber fetber. them to do them good. and in t1:0 Then, 111 her sweet. .•-tielith woy, she ;hitter le wae that Ile no a eend: "Tarn. wen% you pray to 0:411 Priesn. wbo could fully manna. Col to -night that baby bretber othize with Ths reoPle 10. rainht well?. I am only a we 18; Iv. 15. 16). little bit of a girl. ar`sl God aVght 11 33- I can do 401 tl'ings through net be willing to Lear MO pray. but :Christ which etrengthenetli rne tfod would alwaY3 have thno to 1:5"ni Ilow can this life be lived? Never ten to you pray. for you are a greae by any e Torte of ours. net, by ally stroug moo." NY1t1; ault the 'intriegg'ilig or trying on AM' Fart. eolbioir father teok h's little girl Do ri b .1 , I ' ter and cook till like cream, then into hie arms as 1'0 s'Y 41o1 Mon. si, 13) that lIo who add 1 tablespoon sweet cream. Cool darling, Clod will have' time t" 1104.,'!znanifestcel Ilimeelf fhe'et male a then spread on top of the ,Yon ProY roe Xour babY brother* 41 mordant something of the wine life cake, 'yen will pray, my darling. for your , to wtO are roc mined by His pre- rear Ifoney-Cut ripe, sweet, peare In quartere and remove the cores. hut do not pare them. Grind the pears :LS if for cider. Strain the juice and put over the 41re in shal- low granite vessels. Doll rapidly un- til the juice is half ;Ione. then add 0676761960,9%%66- 9uniierijnln k. • 9 "'ePZRAZZOS.066,9 DGAMSTIO RE,CIPES. Pilling for Jelly Roll -Take * 114. figs, chopped fine, 1 cup sugar, cuP Water- 1/011 uetil censisteucy el Very nice, thalesii and Eggs--'l'o each cup of shredded and freshened fish add n well -beaten eggs, pepper and ealt to taste. Drop into hot fat mut frY brown. This is an easily PrePared and economical breakfast dish, Apple Stulling--Tene 1 pt text ainde sauce alld With a mall cup breed crumbs. a, little powdered sage, a small onion, sliced line, and seeson with Cayenne pepper. Title IS used for roaSt goose. duek Awl game, Graham Ginger Cothies-Ono cup each molasses, brown sugar and shortthing. * cup water. 1 teaspoon soda, 1 tablespoon ginger. and a pinch of salt. Add equal portions of graham and white i!cur to Make dough to roll nicely. Chocolate Cake -nutter the size of, WI egg, 1 cup sugar, beaten to a; ream. 1 cup tA,Veet Milk, 1* tea, - coons baking powder, yolk. of 3, egg, 2 small cups flour. Frosting : Telte cup smear, I squaro chocee late, white fat egg. Beat ail to. nether. put into a dish of hot wa- bet‘ther. tbouph you are n. lit- eiora 'Wood. ro-oro wo can know a 1 • i° • I sere' :" V'Cr per ot Ilis reeler, reetion. tiii. lhe 4nge/s rni 741.X.: 1,0) we Utust 'wow what it Dwane 'Anne's. ;step that ['„te4 have lieen erueified with 'Ulm, for (het rinbt aulnn. For waY Vern only can wo says "I live, yet ("own on earth there is a. wee little oet i. not t heist, Rooth in we" the tate wrap: et in swandline aMdee4eNvItell, ns t ro'18- 3 0 fai ee , . 6 . - the ground peare. cover tightly and a, of Ilis flatted work wo have a bon mowiy doibls. 1:,,ing in a mauler." Tbe ,Yen° (1'.1°," ten!" Artl IS the eillist'all i2"'I'r ,1101 ' 4ng blere Ced witich is two boure. eddirig a saran r ie a &emelt-eel :led leancis' Tke znangtr Chri'd was Rim; as a spoke to his ilitile girl 1 se' -v l" Y°11* Let (nil. ill. 15' neb, x• 10, 14); , is rich. no sugarqt‘vtilrivi:o reqtilreedu. vei l'er'l little water if re 1 el It 1 j 1 rzanfi e44,44111 of to> o die/re love. It lamer* exontp1e kr eitend man ti<a is tb3s (1/wistarias sermons ro ado to,r, int 1,4„, to our dailx Wu Imre beton, Is 1t. -t. cliGicult. ty tt 0 avernlo tle lri- flall°W 11hilS "ee ef the 5: 'as'i'-re." 110 Vi Irra'a or woman. bow honzillY 1-.0111"- woo wo ore to no ever prewing en to e°11W liuddile-Ono 4144". bre" teired Man to thirl, of Jelioveh os twee to prove that IV en n-,lnicoeoet lies you inov I 0; no Matter IIIIW oe feetion, aiming* to apprehend that' tea. 4 eggs. 1 cup sugar. 1 cup crumbs and suit clout coffee to nods - c Col of majes3y. of rower, in ne.ry God It isnlenniikle fel' a '7,41'llni'll if; flturt; your dart may ;ewe la 1 0. for width Chriet, has appreheriden MS llamas. 1 teaspoon soda, rar3too. a clod eeo eete tune tee irg to overronte Fin: ro Carle_ 4 4 and 19 gth5.4-11,117.S, reNIF to 11sten to int. 12. 14). relying opon Biat to each cinuamon. cloves a id nu .2 8, 11 teastpuoeon. 5145 411 the' rnint or Ws h'w° awl 14, 14111"' IL 1""a"i7 (1111P t Ive 1"T, your pry if evil will only call rip, -1: "1" work in us both to will eat to God who can unsheathe the thrie 1311st 11s we aree `,.°Ite,T,„°,10.1,1,,,";,1:,„ee•Ptnel Hlll for belP, God in alWaes rea.ly :of Ins georl pleas= (11, Ili). Tbe die Steam ono hour. Cake. cooky and dough ut crumbs MAY be used in- t6livieuriTatillifenthilp It5gl.eltntlirirl:e tIli'llItrre.a e' coat ;111:11:th ('of 5 C*w"; iiztr';"11-emP."‘L-e417-"T-re'isu-re 'LI:: Phlirgettrral:: Vat.:(14:141pirtt'4, 1 rnstrmthtfthiatrittieornin. utoteestin„ceell'ativi ; sria iltlf bre!!! Frumies., leaving .eoeleat barbaric s_aperatitioa va.re able to leo tenet e,ontiet,ulleet be,. 1i Ilio.ly or til owl; havered over the, lie ttpyr ;vets, 19, which, so folly covers no Ikeisugar- PrYIng tue_Slale Ptibems think of such golla fib t"it! Winn SPlr/l'zi timer' 1"r'4 u '44 Le..." 'MU 0/1 the eight that ilesua Wee burn. eve ran ever need en thin old° of the i thoroughly and running the Euroelydons Were horn in the or rife we Van la) n0110 of hiN. illeetitcrrenefin urchilienego and in- I TIM BIRTH 01,` A MINCH. ...--4........— Livadom. ants and with their swiftly moving 1 The munger ellrl`t emaaslies' the TIED suNBAy scilooL top told drenched their "oug locla aihn't all the inadens and the earth and teitie flowing rot es with t,^ 0 ,-:.es^alts which will etartle the out. Ante foam and ont of a mere sa. 1;•,itist ciretunfereuves of the tanive.s.1 tonic desire to destroy 'meted the as well as tho veal centir Can shim Jog upon the jagged roes and sotrletiften he . . . diretely traced to , nit of A girl who is nraYinft 1"r t.fr tflel. in 20). In Obriet by virtue, I — stently sprang up as fell grown pie feet leered from wave top to Wave ;fact that infinite results which moy NCH 'WREST= 01.01••••••••, INTERNATIONAL LESSON; Amusing 3),Tatc1i at Ilyeres, Mier JAN. 11. Non Cro.wled .11,round. I Ilyerrs, writes an Englisn corros-,1 filvvild th" 6urraundhel rtr`thts w4th 's"nti"". uttall"ula ea '4% . Tent of the Lesson. Phil. iv! 1-111.1pondeut. is one of the's? Idare,111b hntter. i teaSpeOn baking powder wreehane. it was a very easy mat- de Prince' or a Prinnenn. tho child of a ^ Goldtn. Text. rhu. tv.. 4.„ WhICII Pl'Onillo amusement ler an and enough cold water to mix. Rub ter for the amelte ts to pict.lie a qgreat kluq:, is ohtfut to Le burn. 0:4-1 1 • ,clastas. Royalty bas appreciated to butter Into flour. add pawner and Nehtune strihing right limn left with len‘lallS li the rriinnecikke la ant ls' 1-3. Therefore, my brethren, dear- the fon its delightful cilinate and ;mix to a firm dough, then roll out ilio trident and to eat* tam god of to be the heir to t1,0 throne, a Mem- ly beioved and longed tor, my joy •scenery. Still, it may he questioned to a thin sheet. Grease the inside of the f.:eas. When ti' e mighty contriver- iber of the cabinet awaits the arrival and crown, no rland lat''t iIt the' iwizether ti *'r are any who vielt HY- a deep cake tin, lino it with uome of ora of the eest made trirleplial en- ,111 one of the anteeoonis of the Tenni Lord, my dearly beloved.. . ,e, leres eolely for the wrc.stling. French tho paste, reserving part for the top ".v. after entry into the city et Rome palace. Ulu: artillerymen are et, epee lussxm to -day 15 linlit/t%4 4 wrebtling la a thing all to iteelf n"' of the bun. Now mix together 4 with k!qtbrenna kings clunned te tuned lo immedintely thunder fert 0'Christian Living," and we aro ask...! has and worthy of an artistic thcups flour, 1 cup sugar, 2 Ms largo eir charie t wheels and with tteir the news of the priure's birfrom 031 froed to read the whole op-l-ce vilstle. 1; h i natien. 11. bas no affinity with the Valencia raisins (stoned), ° lbs cur - legions leaded 'own with capteren the gaping mouths of the greet art as practiced either by `girt Jan rants (washed), * /b candied peel is always a good thing to do with ! black eannoit. The mrseeneef 5 . tinny an epietio or any book in the mbio. lucky. similar. after whole regions hail istea our Devonsbiro or Cornieh (minced finely), * lb blanched and broireht, undor the idnelow of ti e their :steeds saildled and bridled, 14 would be well to reed the epistle reee. or that doughty Cumberland miuced almonds, * oz eecit ground scepter held in a Ceeear's lion, it frrady to speed away to annoinviothrough many times till we f/ow eel that vet % o was ready to nhIg ginger, and °Manion, 1 teaspoon was not a very dinicult nuttier for the arrival to the diffelent nab_ u 1 we have in alum ineesere grasped it !every body and "foight" them after- baking soda, so.rno of cream tartar. thDmto e oaus build a great temelo i officiate. The telegraph %urea Vizi and that it has grasped us. At this ward. to Mars, tile god of war. It was ,with joy as soon us the expectant without making it too wet. Put preAdd enough milk to moisten all not a ery difficult matter to rear ei.ent time as I write these notes usteige is eent to the fartherinost we are endeavoring in all my Bible v even 001;0 parts of the royal donialen. But no smooth it on the top, wet the edge mixture into the paste lined tin, this pninntic temple. climes to 'memorize the whole opis- thousands and 1111edre'114 of th.o•s,- such joyful and national exoectancY ti, taking about three verses .oaoh ands of men aud wenren, had to le greeted the carthly birth of the Son week, for we believe end desiro to earrifced ut it enrine and though of God. No ineseeuger that, ri ht obey Col. ill, 10; Matt. iv, 4; Ps. the wails of the temple had to te carried the news up to the Jerusalem ,extx, led net,. xv, 16; Job xxiii, 12, eovered with the captured t opnies, palace of Bloody Herat' tbo Great etc. I k -now of no way to stand fast Even the Hebrews were r ad are ready to worship such a. temporal hinge Only the other day tee chief rabin of the west declared in a Chi- cago newspaper that his people were stilt eve:ea/rig a Messiah who would come as a temporal conqueror to Lead the Jews tack again to Pelee - tine. 'Then theso modern Pehrow crusaders would again Me Jerusalem restored in 01 its past grandeer, and there Jesus would reign with greater power than the famous King Solomon of old. But though it was not difficult to think of God as a God of power and temporal conquest, it was difticult in Ute time that Jesus was born to think of the Father as a Cod of love and sympathy and mercy; a. God who would deign to care for an in- dividual human being; a God who wanted to creep into the human heart's affections, even as the sun- beams would steal into the heart end give new life to the plant. It was difficult, in one sonse, for God to teach sinful men that he did not want to crush there, but to save them of their own, free will. It was difficult for him to teach all men, both Jew and gentile, that Christ did not come as a Hebrew Christ, but as the world's Saviour. So, if we may use an imaginative de- scription, God the Father might .11ave spoken to Jesus Christ in a way something like this; "I %yin not allow thee, my only Son, to be born in a palace. I will not allow thee to enter the world as an earth- ly prince. Sinful nien might then honor thee and fear thee, but ' they might not then takethee into their heads and 'of -their own accord love thee and Gi',Ite themselves, to thee. ,I will send the forth as a helpless bal.T.. T 'will let thee hq born ie Bet:Meilen:" of judaea, so helpless that the lowliest of the lowly will not have a More Inuabie eetry into the ieerld than thou. Go forth, my Son, not only to atone for the sins of the world, but also to teach all sinful men that I am God the Fath- er, the God of Love." Could the divine love have. 'been manifested in a, more simple way than by Christ's cradle lephig 'the manger of Beehle- through a meat chopper is the pre- ferred, way of meowing the crumbs. Sauce -Ono cup sugar and 1-3 cup butter. Itub butter and sugar to a eream and beat in an egg until light and cretuny. Lastly add 1 cup pre-. served or fresh fruit -strawberries are delicious in season. Genuine Scotch lion -For the crust you will require 8 teacups door. * Every collutry - almost every country - has its different stylo *f wrestling, but the Frenclt system, it bas been well eilid, "tor downright absurdity beam off the pairae• one round and put reserved paste all those which are enimeially valuable of the opecial pants about it is Over the top and thoroughly close may be, pasted in scrap-boolts for necessary that both shoulders ot the l in mixture. Prick it all over with a permanent 42se. ranee. man shall touch the ground at fork, brush with a beaten white oft the same time. To any one imbued egg and bake in a steady oven for WOULDN'T GIVE DRY BREAD. with English ideal; of wrestling, the ' effect of two men rolling on the An artist who was on a sketching ground seems rather brutal, but the tour, coming upon a. piece of real struggle, when it comes to a scenery that toek his fancy, opened struggle, is. tater all, child's play his book and began to sketch it. compared with, for example, a Lan- The position he took up was close eashiro match. In this instance No reti000 0/ foreinn el& annadels ' in the Lord or in the grace of God etood near to offer their noneratulae (Rom. v, 2) except by being filled -dons to ail , etuthly king. Jesus" with His word and His Spirit (John birth from a worldly standpoint was vi, (13). axt insignifiCant event. Ito Was 4, 5. Rejoice in the Lord always. born in an outhouse. Ile was born And again 1 sey, Rejoice. Let your in a Stable. Ho Was ban in a moderation be known unto all men. Bethlehem Wien. Mary tho Virgin Tie Lord is at hand. In the most solemn hour of it wo- A Christian is one who Is ill nothing -very exciting occurred. man's life hod no bed Ilhon 'which to Christ, and usiless outi la really ill Neither champion atteorpted ti. lie, no pilloev, unless, that ninety`, was the rough coat of her noble thougn . Christ and Christ in him, though he .., may be a church member, baptized, Cornish heave," a "double Nel- son," or arty intricate "locks," for humble husband or a pile of straw Confirmed, ate., and as good morally the French rules are directly an - pushed tinier her head by a sympa- and religiously as a Nicodenaus or a tagonistic to the very elements of a struggle, as we understand it. In fact, as some one aptly said, the •.!"..",•".",k‘ in the Water in which black print tat washed will set the color. Do net melt the butter to be used in ceke-nielting„ Pring it ietc warm room in time to let it settee slowly before it is wanton. Cranberriea are so acid that they should always be cooked in earthen or aga.teware and nuver let the eeeice or jelly steed In anything bot earthen. InStead ef hiving tin or wooden pails (or We aroma/ the boese, eet, the galvanized iron ones that ere lighter than wood ; eiever make the water, end don't rust out, Butter Crackers, which are simply milk crackers liberally buttered and set, in a hot oven till crisp and slightly brown, are delicious for a light luncheon or tea- They or best eaten while warm. \then Makin," Potted Dumplings 01 "crusts" with' fowl or meat, you will find them to be puicti ROW end niedr to he dropped iu Annan.. cooked on top of the meat, being anre there is pieztty of broth notice, math before putting them in. Put sugar in the water used fox fasting meats of all kinds„ It give: a good flavoring to veal more espe eially. Vegetables are also iniproved flevor if a little sugar is added while boiling, estavially green pe heons, squash. turnips and corn. Though too late for use this year, here is a recipe for "short nut mince pies" that is indorsed by the editor of a, department in The practical Farmer : Chop fine one gallon of green toinatoes, min five cups of su- gar, half a nutmeg, a teaspoonful of cinnamon (cloves and allspice, if desired), and boil for three 11Oura. Then add o.ne-hulf cup Of Vinegar end a pound of raisins. Cook down to about two quarts. Can for pies in winter. POULTRY AND GAME. Chicken Cheese -Take chicken and cook it very teralcr. Cook the gravy or ligidd of the cpleken alt down to a jelly. Take out all the bones and chop the meat, Season w.th salt awl pepper, and a. sage if desirable. Put It into a zuold, Turn out and slice it. Jellied Chicken or Veal -Roll a, chicken in as little water as possible until tbe meat falls from the bows. Chop rather (Inc, and ,4005011 1110. pepper and salt. Put in a mold a loyer of thopped meat and then a layer of hard-boiled eggs cut in Alleen. then layers of meat and ego; alternately until the mold is nearly foil. Boi1 down the liquor left in tho pot one-half. While warm, add 1 tablespoon ot gelatine. and when this is dissolved pour into tho snob4 over the nteat. f$OL in a cool place ever night to jelly. Fried Rabbit -After skinning teed weshing it well, put in a pan of cold water and let it lie two or three hours. Cut off the legs and cut the body into three or four pieces, dry them on cloth, dredge them with flour and fry In hot but- ter. Talw them from the pan and pour one cup sweet cream into the pan. Let it heat through, then Pour over the rabbit. A GOOD SUGGESTION. A correspondent sends an interest- ing suggestion for those who dip recipes und hOuSekeephor Suggestions. Paste a lo.rge manila envelope in the inside cover of the cook book, pre- ferably at the back, and in this bandy receptacle place clippings and copies of mime. These may be looked over from time to time, anti thetic stableman; no female attenu- ant, unless that woman attentlent was the kind hearted hostler's wife, who had come in to aid her troe- bled sister. So our second birth Saul of Tarsus, he is not a, Christ- iitn. The third chapter of this epis- tle teaches this or it is more con- cisely stated in I. John v, 12. I era- *melte this because one must first may have been in the esthnation of be a Christian in order to live a the world a seeminn,iy insignificant Christian life an.d be able to say, event. But if tite thereafter only "Tv me to live is Christ" (i, 21). English, oven as at a boxing match, make a right use of our lives their When our eyes are opened to me party spirit runs very high, end spiritual influence will affect all ti,ne that apart from. Christ we aro only a and eternity. The newe of our spire teouen tho room was by no means lost and helpless sinners, but in Elm crowded, the gentle restraint of the itual birth will be heralded all round we aro indeed citizens of heaven end police was required to keep enthusi- the heavenly kingdom. It will set again the angels to chanting le new our names written there and that asm within proper chartnels. , about ttvo and one-half hours. CARING FOR Trim TEETH While a great deal of advice is given about the care of the com- plexion, there is very little said teeth, which is important for many to a farmhouse, and the fanner and concerning the proper care of the reasons. No woman can be really 3 hiislyslinfedebeyal: a tho thfiertdicsitoid4 fee:ova:he: beautiful who has bad teeth, and house to watch him. traced to this cause. The food can- that he had lost his eraser, and many a case of 111 -health may be not be masticated properly, and wishing to correct a, slight error in hollow' teeth are apt to retain a ti.ie sketch, he went up to the house match seemed to cepsist mostly when. li is swallowed, causes indi- Davi and asked if he might have a small of dry bread. crawling about the floor. Possibly geation and other stomach troubles. piece ee farmees wife loolted'at 1411 ot part of it. T s decomposes, .. bi d the company was more interesting than the entertainment, for 1 with an expression of pity mingled wrestling match, be it French or the teeth early in life, the habit once with surprise. 'Try bread 1" she repeated. "Well, for et, a If children. . are taught to dal f d " man 1 'You come into the • kitchen, . " . He who begun the work in US will song. Our second birth wid not . finish it (iii, 20, 21; is 3; 1, 6), ee------- only he heralded around heaven, but then he will be apt to rejoice in the E in the great judgment day when all efINUTS. THAT SEEM HOURS. Lord alway. * , 6, 7. Pe careful. for nothing. *** A. foreman Was onco sent to see nations shall be gathered before the throne the fact of that tecond birth , And the peace of God which PaSseth how some eiorkinen, who were mend - will summon forth Jesue, will' was all uaderstanding shall 'keep YOUr log a road, were getting on with born in Bothlehein of Judaea, our atoning Saviour toh be our -divine earts arid minds through Christ their work. Turning a corner he was . , . ' astonished to see all the men stand. advocate* ., IenseusSure to memorize Gwen word of ing on their pickaxes and shovels, SOME INSIGNIFICANT EVENTS. quietly. talking to each other and these two verses and pu.t them in The manger Christ teaches that practice and thus enjo3r this wonder - even in the darkest days of an ful peace of God. As one has said, earthly Christian's life he is never careful for nothing, prayerful for out of sight of an omnipot,ent I- 0,-; eyerything, thankful ,for ,.anything. tiler's protecting care. As we climb ',With Rom.- viii, 32, and Matt'. vi; the • -rocky heights upon which. is, 33, in our hearts how 'can We 49. builded the .iittle village of Bet:hie- otherwise thab-as liere commanded if hen' and. ' walk. along the deserted, We in any sense believe God, and yet . , streets in the midnight 'hour of the how few believers seem. to know in- firSt, 'Christmas day see the little their daily life this beautiful peace . . , , ...„ . candlelight, of etableman's laritern of God . Peace with 'God through' flitting About, the pale, face of . Mary the blood of Christ iS the peetion of the Virgin we might at first think every Christian, ,whether reali'zed 'et that God the Father had deserted not, but this pence of God is only and left alone Jesus the Divine Son. the portion of thooe who thll trim tut did he? Could Josue during ' everything that cm -leen -is them, 0051 any time of his earthly life truly say ;mit all details of their life, to Him that the 'Divine Father had forsaken in prayer and leave all with Him in him, as he once in dying. agony 0e., obedience to and firmly believing , ed upon the cross? 01), SO. Weeks .1 rs. xervi I , 4, 5," 7;'Prov. 111, 5, 6. or perha,ps months before the.., na- 8, 9., ,T110Ee thingS Which ye have tivity God had prepared'a (place , by both learned, and • received ancl heard, which the infant ChriSt ,should be end seen in me. do',. and the God of y o e con - well as ittuch indonvenience and suf- I fancy you won't have to put up tinued, and many dentists' bills as fering would be spared them, All with dry bread from rne, young particles of food should be remeved d I'll give you a thick slice of and the teeth ,brushed. A delightful ed do„ bread with butter on it. Now, don't say a word," she continued, raisin with a tooth -pick after each meal, and inexpensive tooth made of three tablespoonfuls of pre - powder, is her hand to stop his expostulation. cipitated chalk, one teaspoonful each 't care how you 'came to this of powdered borax and orris root, know is, you're hungry, and that's state, nor anything about it ; all I mixed thoroughly. Rinse the mouth hen:vuegah gfo:odindeinnI7' aro go ing t° with clear water after using. This ie RUSE THAT FAILED. treatment will soon rernove the dis- . .. _,. forming, and improve any set. colorations, prevent tartar from Tom and Flank were the only niaw his pipe , 011 t •,91 1!19 ' mouth, awl itie puyified. - ; - took the breath will be sweetened ' and dog hack where he found it, or give , the mouth with the, same liquid and persuaded little' Torn to ' take the two,f one'l dayToar,the teeth, an. fact they respond to good eld of youngsters ie. the ami y. brought smoking their pipes, not attempting care er of the YerY readily. If a liquid den- home an ugly, repulsive -looking creel - to do the least possible amount oe tifrice is Preferred to the powder, ture, to the great disgust of the n T • x ' wore Whereupon 4° 0 claimed : dissolve a little powdered borax M female portion of the household. , ."Well ! What, is the' meaning ef warm water and use it freely. Rinse At length the oldest ,of his sisters this ? Why are you ' not working ?" .., ,Lazily a big six-foot navvy plibd `:. ' . ''''• ' ' •' ' - 'Have the teeth examined hy :ft flitveaWee'alYttst°for°1111-dse°t1..1;e•O'Unblned. g.C"'e ilini ?'Can't you .see, governor,. it's ten dentist - • t least . . , ,iniiiutes, ;,to , ea‘ irn,-o ,t rim, - /I T • I 4 tT with the cur end. . ,aonce a year, and if om male le o , 191-'' anY',Ca'vitles are found then should returned in half:, an, hour munehn g we're waiting to 'ctop Work ?” e i e , ., en this is done properly tielast•-o , ietaffy ehad . b ill nl. Wh ' i f the h bought it ',greatly, prolongs' their usefulness; with , . ' h the money which his, sister had .JAPANESE 1:3UILDElltne. 'There is no hod -carrying in, Japan. The native builders have a method of traeepoeting. mortar which makes it seem nehr.a play than,work to the onlooker. Tnemortar is mix - hem of Judaea? . ed iaa pile in the street. .rjne•nian- TITE. LESSON OF 'ellE NATXVITY, makes.,this up into.balls Of about On Oct. ,20, 1895, I was brought able to escape the murderous swortl peace shall be with :VIM. six pounds weight, which he tosses •fce• to faee With the true teachings of the bloody ,tyrant, Herod. Weeks 'The things true, honeet- just, to a inane who stands o41 a ladder of the. manger Christ as never be- or perbaps months befdro Jesus was pure, lovely and of geed rePort bad midway between tnie roof and the It W,it$ one of the most over- born the strange star appca,red. in the a1by the grace of God been seen la ground. This 'Man deftly, catches'the ,rth,,,`,"42.ing days of lily life. It hap- far east. That star even then had Paul, so 'that lie 4,1)111,1 1J' sny SS in ,and tosses it up to a man who „gAtnjea, ,in tethlehena of Judaea. I gelded. the Iliree wise num over the chapter lil, 17, -Ye 1* 4) us 'tor an Stands on the roof. 'rills plan would 'was • siiiin -int•kheereek tiniu.ataihs, tiUdi• through' 'ate' :•Ciesinple;,••bUtt' there,,"is”,;ord',5'.•'7Otie• Perk. 'se`ttreelY•:'-`wg.r4. 1-Pr".•1(},ft37:"1.11$>P11•1,1K:,11,.ts.• Church,, which supposed to have arid 0104 the loag,, thirsty des- feet, example. andw ' L ght t are and like many other friends ' they given him. -Well, Tom, what 'have you done .tvith that egly brute ?" "Oave it to Frarik,.!' replied with his mouth full. are .never fully appreciated until we lose ehem. Strong medicines, such as tincture of iron should be taken through a tube, for Many a' good Set of' teeth has .been ruined by ne- glecting to do' so. ' E. J. C. IIINTS 'TO IIOUSEKEEPERSI When steaming custards, cover them, so there won't be any water on top. ' , Wash hair brushes in cold water and without soap: torax is better. Soap and hot water make the bristicsIsoft,- - It is alleged that a handful of salt 11r. Callateight-'`Didn't yon your dog's bark 'MSS., WOr.ia than 14i,ae bite ?'' aliss Tete-a-sl'eten--,Yes,/ Mr, Ca llateiglit,- Th en, ror floss' salce, neep hire Ffe has just I)itten Suitote--"T leer it is a great Pee sunnition or; 111.3 Part, sir, to 0,8Plre, to your daugh ter' s lieep sliop.'", 1-1e1 )...,#.1..ber-•'`Tilt (I0(45/4('t inietter, ,Seeni;n .teene question ts, does ti-* s1t4