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Acetic stemiheal efeLegleatketteetkeftweentelteafileetteeenalss etsreAe-Ar4Or
Men's Bisbop File Coat. SiZe
43,grine1y liear.wear ginaranteed,
was$20 now sir,. A bargain,
1 Man's Brown 1)og Fur Coat,
size 44, wear genuine, was $25
reeee $19. A big cad.
Lady's Astrachan Fur 'Coat,
Gernmn dyed, size 30, Italian
lining and Tinted, sewn with
silk and linen, was $83 now
Best or value,
1 Lady's Astrachan For Cade
German dye, size 38. Sewn with
linen and silk thread, lined with
Italian lining eves $38 now $30.
1 Lady's Asttnehan Fur Coat.
German dye, size 38, eewn with
silk and linen, Italian lining,
was $40 now $82.
1 Brown Fox Ruff 50 in, long.
wa.e $3,25 now
I only Black Lanett Caperine.
was $5 now $4.
1 Grey Paul Black combination
1 Electric Seal Caiperine WaS
$7 now $5.r,o.
1. Black Astracban caperine
Waa SS nroW $0.30.
1 Black Aetrachan Electrio
veal combination Caperbee with
squirrel toilet was. We now $12.
1 Coney Ruff, 45 in. long, 0
tails, for $1.75.
1 Coney Ruff, 45 in. long,
tails, for $2,
1 opossum Ram 40 in bang, 4
tails wil8 $3 now $2.50.
1 Canadian Sable Ruff 59 in,
long, 0 tails, was $7 now
L Lamb and Nutria caps at big cut off reg
War prices. Eztra big sizes in stook.
Wobasomilloiltcd prIvoto tu da for In-
vottrieut upon farm or villoge yroyorty, ot
lowest rotas of Interest.
Ofirliftterfioto., Exeter.
bay° o !Argo amount o1 private funds to
loam on lam ortalvillago properties at lay..
P. W. ar.AnKAN.
Barrister, Main Street Exeter
South haltot Lot a„ In the :nth comvustait tit
ette township ot St btu, citliteres. Applv to
Ssuranin L. Comm;
Eimer etaaorr
Real EAtAte4tu4Insurancti.tgerat
Farms and Otago properties bought and sold on
reasonable tering. Several dwelling houses tor sale.
l'Amils in all parts ot Manitoba and the Nortimvest
ler sale.
SaiTt Reoster.
SATURDAY, ,TAVNUARVIII.-Etral stock, Imple-
ments and barn, the property of Bloomfield and
Maiden, Centralia. Silo at ono o'cloek. John
Fon seta
hOrteresunimproved,in the towdsidp ot Osprey,
county of Oren,lhardwood and other timber, railwav
station seven miles, post office, school, chureh,a mile
and ahalt; would sett or exchange for small
irvedi*opery at Exeter.
Mortatm Hams. Exeter.
The annual meeting of the Stephen & Monte
Brae, Agricultural society will he held In the
Town Ilan, Exeter. on Wednesday, January 14th,
MI, at 2 p.m. for the piirpoce of electing, President.
Viee-Presidentandnirecters tor the ensuing year.
All members and interested parties are cordially In-
vited to attend.
ions Attisos,President, A.G.Drim,Seeyzereas.
„ —
The undersigned is offering for sale that desirable
hotel situated at Devon, on tho London Road. This
hotel is in good condition, and is 2i miles south of
Exeter. This road is largely travelled and for the
t man chances are good for a splendid business.
're is a good stable in connection sisal} acres of
Ian . Possession given immediately. This property
will be sold cheap. For particulars, apply to
Masson & CARLING, Exeter, out.
The undersigned is offering for Sale Lot 11,, South
Boundary, Blanshard, being 108 acres of choice and,
well fenced and drained. There is on the premises
two first-class bank barns, open shed, frame house
" withbrick kitchen, contamg nine large rooms, cellar
ago both; good orchard two good wells; 4 acres
ush-mixed timber -and other conveniences. Per.
fectlyfree from all noxious weeds, such as mustard
and wild oats. LoCated within one and a half miles
from St. Marys. For particulars address
. St. Morn.
WEDDING. -A pretty wedding was
celebrated on New Year's eve at the
residence of Mr. Thos. Tufts, when his
daughter, Miss Martha, one of the most
popular young ladies pf Kirkton, be-
came the bride of Mr George Moon, of
LondesborOugh. The ceremony was
performed by the.Rev. Mr. Anderson
ra the presence of betweetv't sixty and
seventy -guests. The. 'bridal couple
stood under an arch of bunting, trim-
med with myrtle and decorations of
flowers. Misses Alice Moon and Phoebe
Tufts, sisters of the contracting par-
ties, were bridesmaids, while Nr. Nor-
man Tufts, of Manitoba, supported the
room. The little flower girls vete
iss Jessie Ross, of Londesboro, and
Miss Kathaleen Bryans, of Kirktom
The groom's present to the bride was
a gold bracelet. Jitter the ceremony
the guests sat down to a sutinat-
lions repast, The evening was spent
in varias kinds of amusement. The
bride was the recipient of many, hand-
some and costly presents, arn on g them
being a, handsome gold watch from the,
Epworth Leage and clioir "Of the Meth-
odilrurch;•of which she ha S been -a
valtfed meta ber. A niimber of frieuds
gathered' zit the church' on Friday ev-:
wino' and presented. Mrs. Moon with
a han"cleome silver teaSet.. a dessert'
spoon and a knife.' Mr. and Mrs. Moon:
left on Monday- for- their e home 'hi
Londesboro. ' _ They enter upon • the
. voyage of life together with the best
wishes of a host of friends,
Centralia •
DRS. oRmE a oRmg,
hours 9 to le u.m., *08 mai 7 taS p.m.
ToIcpbc.dicconumitinteallan with Allni014417t1 in loran
• BusseIdalc
Mise Bagshaw. of Exeter, spent s
couple of weeks here with friends.
Miss tlr'en. of Woodhull! and Miss
Sample, of Oranson,are visiting Wends
on the 12th. --Mr. and Mrs. D. Mills
mad daughter, Annie, or Exeter, were
guests of Mt...Hanson last week.--Mre
Thos. Hanson had sligbt attack of
typhoid fever, lint the doctor load it
checked and we will be pleased to see
bee out ogain soon. -Mrs. Edmunds,
Miss Tena Francis, of Fingal, and Ur.
Arthur and Miss Nellie Francis, of To-
ronto, spent their vacation at their
Manson, one of our early settlers pass-
ed peacefully away on Tnesdny in his
77th year, after an illness extending
over several months. Deceased was
one of the golk1 seekers to California
in 1840, tand after spending some time
there, returned to New York, where
he was raarried and shortly afterwards
came to Canada, settling down on the
farm be occupied at bis death. Mr.
Manson was a pronounced Liberal in
politics and a faithful adherent to the
Presbyterian church. Ile leaves a
widow and several sons and daughters
to mourn his demise. Thefuneral took
place on Thursday to the Bayileld cem-
Miss G. Mills, of London, was re-
newing acquaintances here a few days
last week. -Mrs, Sohn Lewis, visited
friends at Corbettville last Sunday. -
Miss Englis, of GOderich, has been the
guest of Mrs. Watson for the last few
days. -Miss Ida Hardy is on the sick
list. -Miss Jennie Gilbert has return-
ed home from Parkhill, after spend-
ing the holidays. -Mr. Dale was re-
newing acquaintanceshere last week.
-Mr. Trevethick, sr, is still very ill,
but we hope he will soon recover. -
Mr. and Mrs. Oscae Gilbert spent
New Year's day with Mr. a.nd Mrs.
Milson, at Whalen. -Miss Mary Cor-
bett is recovering from her illness. -
Miss Gertie Lewis entertained a num-
ber of young people one evening last
week. -School started on Monday. -
Miss Mildred Corbett has returned to
her schoor-Mrs. Oscar Gilbert had a
rag bee last Friday afternoon and a
party in the evening at which the
yonng people spent a most enjoyable
time.-McGillivra,y has the honor of
two county councillors, in the persons
of Messrs.' John Bradley and William
Cprbett.-Mr. Bert Kenedy from Lon-
don township; laas been here for a
qouple of days.
DE"ItTEL-2"Iit the Midst" of life we
ate in death." This old proverb hag
&wain been verified in the death of an-
other respected resident, in the per-
son of Mr. janies Dixon, who breath-
ed his last early Monday morning
abont 5 o'clock, at the age of 66 years,
41 months. • Be was ill just a few days
with la grippe; but gradually weaken -
hag passed away quietly, his last
words .being "Blessed Jesus." He
spent the greater part Of his life on
the; farm where he died and was a good
neighbor, a kind friend arid was re-
pected by all who knew him. He
leaves to inonrn his loss a brother and
sister and a large number of sorrow-
ing relatives and, friends. Ile was
converted in the year 1864, under, the
R67. G. Sexsmith, and has been a
member oe the- Mar's Hill Methodist
'church for the last 38 years. We
mourn our loss from the church, but
God -cloth all things Well. His re-
mains were laid to rest in Mar's Hill
cemetery ma Toeeday at two o'clock,
Rev. Mr. S. ICuott, conducting the
funeral service. Much sympathy` is
extended to the bereaved in this their
hoUr of trial.
at 31WiSsooKdillkuldoraNnVeavtliehainwiti.1-8 INlistiitlianrigt '
NiTynn has returned to Stratford after
spending Christm as at horneo-The sick
of our town, we are pleased (o sty, are
all on a fair way, to recovery. -The;
open lodge concert or the L.O.L. will
be held in Albert Hall, on ThtirsdAy,
Jan, 15. -On Friday everiing a number
of friends (assembled at the home of
Mr. Robert, Brooke, who is leaving
Wooahana to take a situation in the
express oflice at St. Marys, and pre-
sented him with a .secretary and a gen-
ellngvnsexiripaniore accompanieil by
Grand Bemt
Miss Rush who spent a week visite
ing friends in Stratfoiel, eeturned
lionae Tuesdiay.-Miss Mary Ulm, who
has been visiting her parents in Sebe.
aingville. returned Saturthav.--11. Eil-
hen M,P.P.. was here Wednesday on
businesa-Mies Femme. who haa been
pending Xulas. at bee liollie in Cinder -
reit returned Saturday. --Mr. Joe Rase
elle, who has tren vieitiog friends in
Seberingvilhe has returned home. -
Mr. Melton ate Shepher a, of Tiiedford.
spent Thursday Ilere..-Atr. Levitt, of
Exeter, spent Mendity here. --Ezra
Brenner spent Buntline in Exeter. -
Miss Mary Revelle, who has been in
Tbedforil the last few months, return.
gal home Monaley. -Mr. Cobleigh. of
Perkhill, spent hionaloy hem -While
out in the weieds chopping last Set -
matey Mr, Teatrean met with a bad
mishap, the axe coming in contact
with his band elIttip5 aserere gosh
whieb will lay him off evork. fora Hume
Thames Road
„,),. very pretty wedding was eelebrat.
ed am New 1.-aea5's eve at Riverside,
Faun. Valeta Mici Vitiketa, eldest
dmielbter of 'Ir. .1'. Reset.% beeeme the
wife ef Mr. John N. Radcliffe. The
ceremony was performed by the Rev.
Relit Fowlie, meek, of the bride, as-
sisted by the Rev. Colin Fletcher. The
bride was beeomingle gowned in a
white silk, trimmed with old point
lace and seed penile and 'wore a veil
and oreinge blossoms. She WaS given
away by her father, and het' bridesmaid
was her sister, Miss Margaret B. Rua -
sell, svho wore a yellow silk. Little
Aume Lang madam pretty flower girL
The grOmn Watt supported lier his broth-
er, Mr. 'Wm. Riuteleffe. The groom's
gift to the beide was a pearl sunburst,
sand to the britlesmakl a gold chain.
The bride's going away dress was it
dark bine with fur trimmings. The
presents received were exceedingly
handsome and tastefully chosen.
DEATH.- The death of James West -
man, an old and much respected eiti-
Zell. took piece on Monday at his how
in the village, where be moved a coup
le of yeaes ago, retiring from active
life. He came from Ireland over forty
years ago and worked at forming for
a while with Sam, Hudson. Then he
married and settled on the farm where
I. Reycroft how is, afterwards mov
ing to one ou the lith con., where be
lived prior to coming to the
His wife. fear sous. and two daughters
survive him.
Mr. O. H. Russell. fourth year man
in tbe University of Toronto, is home
for his bolidays. He has had tbe hon-
or of representing tbe university in
the inter -college course of debates.
We expect to hear from him in more
important places in the future. -Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Eacrett are home from
Washington. They have been away
about five years. Mrs. Swett is a
daughter of the late Wm. Campbell,
of St. Joseph fame. -Mr. Albert Ged-
des has bought the 25 -acre lot forming
the noath quarter of lot 10, con. 3, for
$000. -Mr. Peter Murray, of Rodger-
ville, has bought the Mafahon farm,
comprising fifty acres, being the north
half of lot 8, con, 2, paying the sum of
PRETTY WEDDING. -A very pretty
wedding was celebrated at the home
of Mr. A. Rennie, Babylon Line, on
Thursday last, January 1st, when
his second daughter, Miss Annie, was
united in marriage to Mr. Wm. Rose,
of Mitchell, the ceremony being per-
fortned by the Rev. Yager, of Zurich.
The bride entered the parlor leaning
on the arm of her father, to the strains
of the wedding marc13, played by her
cousin, Miss Rennie, of Zurich, and
took her place beneathan arch of ever-
greens itnd roses. The bridesmaid was
Miss Ettie Rose, of London, while Mr.
Arthur Rennie, brother of the bride,
supported the groom'. Little Miss
Beatrice Rennie, sister of the bride,
beautifully costumed in pink, acted as
flower girl and carried a basket of pink
and 'white carnations, which held the
ring. The presents were numerous
and useful. Mr. and Mrs. Rose will
take up their residence in Mitchell.
• . e •
St. Joseph
The holidays are passed and every
one has settled down to the duties of
another year. -Election day passed off,
very quietly here, only about t Wo
thirds of the number of votes being
polled. It is too bad that the electors
do not take more interest in affairs of
this kind. -Mr. and Mrs.. 0. Bosinett
are at present in Montreal. -The Miss-
es C. and M. Taylor, of Seaforth, spent
New Year's Day under the • parental
robf, -Mr. P. Beaver, who recently re-
moved from here to Holy Road, is re-
newing acquaintances here at present.
George Papineaa has recovered from
his recent attack of inflammation hf
the lungs -Philip DuCharme, of Sea -
forth, is visiting' at his home here. -
Rem mie Jeffery, wife and mother, of
North Dakota, are Visiting relatives
amend here. --Mr. Harry Bossenberry
has purchased a mate for his driving
horse. --Mr. Fred Balenge and Joseph
McMillen, our dock contractors, pro-
pose to go up to Spanish River, where
they have some Government work to
clo.-Dr. Routhier and Mr. Becigneul
spent a few day § in Ottawa on busi-
ness during the week. --A few days ago
while Messrs Nelson, Jr., and August
Masse, were digging a grave they met
with what might have been a fatal ac-
cident. While both men were in the
bdttom working, a monument that
stood at the head of the grave fell over
on .4 tigust's shoulder whe , held it...for
30 seeonds to allbw'Welson to get but.
August is now suffering from a sore
shoulder, but we are pleased to state
that he is recoverin tucel
Ttl Renee -Another old stt1er
o the great beyond on Sato •-•
itt the residence of his smeirelew,
Ur. Harry Domeall. of this plaice, in
the person of Mr. John Iinrie. The de -
Ceased formerly resided in l'irew York
where lie tollosved the variation of a
stone 018$01p. Ile came to this section
some yaws ago anti settled on what is
known as the thire Farm, About i
Sem' ago he came here to reSidtb with
II datnihter. Althl Dungan. He boS
not beeo well for some thin% which
coupled with his great age, nearly 78
yeas. The fawned took place on Toes -
day when a large number followed the
remains to the tomb in McTaggart
. ereameno. it A,. ttorawas Civitico
Stmibursillarremer. Nztari. 8'.-7tve1awtr.
Atcht-e tio 11=-Eseter Oat.
Mrs. DUNA 1.91VIS, Of South River,
is visiting her parentaa. Mr. sand Mt.,
Christopher leditere-Mr. Irrt4 Herr
Nerret fst71.40,41111fltpil triatricts,..,nEduttgatve
wit la ::111,-9
sari, of Clinton. late liven engaged in
the place ef Miss Meealibtain of
Esvtier„ who :'r n-4 her p.1-iithon
Weber to twall,v laceept t
nation in tbe Sttieter Fehool. inning
the time Miss MeC inane tangitt bele
she WOn many friends and toeight bee
pupils whit great netisfaction to the
to trustee% -New Year's Day vase.
ed off quietly in the village. --341r.
bert Zemke% traveller for the McCaw.
-wick Manufacturing Co., of London,
was in the village Sunday. the gnest
of his Wither. Cbarles.-Meest's. 5lose
Heist and !latent% of Sebewaing,
Mich., are here visiting relatiVeS.<-Mr,
Bernard Brown and Mr. John Brown,
of Rilinenagb, Mich tippet the pa*
week vtaiting friends in ilatuitton arid
vicinity. --31r. jno. Goold and son,
George, of Manitoba, are visiting Mr.
and Mrs. John G. Young.-Mte.fiennY
Wind mid Mr. Charles Ewald returned
to Detroit Monday. after spending
their holidays with their _llamas here.
They were necompanied by Master
Charles Wind, who has accepted a sit -
'nation iu the eity.-Mr. Josiah Motz
lost a number of sheep through don's
last Aveek. The dogs bave, been killed
mid the owner of the sheep paid for
tbe damages. -The municipal election
for the township Reeve was held here
Monday, the two polls giving a render-
ity of 00 in favor of S. Sweitzer. -Mr.
Frauk Chambers. of the 8th eonces-
sion, of Stephen, is confined to his bed
evith a severe attack of Bright's dis-
ease. A little over a week ago he cut
his hand with a. saw which turned to
blood poisoning. He had almost re-
covered from its effects when he WAS
stricken with Brigbt's disease and is
now in a critical condition.
STEPHEN Erotarion-Foltowing is
the result of the contest for Reeve in
the Township of Stephen on Monday
last, the vote being a small one, viz:-
y Poll 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 -Total
Willed Henr
74 49 49 60 22115 55 70-184
SweitzerSarnuel 42 85 78 35 77 2383 68-431
Our Clearing Sale of Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and
Shoes, Crockery, Etc. still continues. Every person who
makes a purebase is well pleased. Such values were never
before oftered in Exeter. Have you taken advantage of the
We would again remind you of our bargains n clothing,
We are disposing of allgreat many of Men's and floy's suits
and overcoats at extremely low prices, and still have several
lines to select from. Come at once and make your selection.
Our general stock a Dry Goods is yet complete in as-
sortment and is being eleared at very low prices.
See our Dinner Sets. We have several nic sets a
ill be sold below cast.
We are offering our grocery stock at a facriftee, all fresh
and good. Have your tried. ow teas? They give universal
atisfaction and will 11.-?, sold at cost. Maple Leaf Salmon, 2
cans tor 2:Se,; large tin Pork and Beans. Se.; LonatAard Plums
and Syrup. But the4v no need tc) quote prices, as every-
thing is to be cleared out, in a short time, at bargain prices.
tb. lareniters or the t taqin-
than mid nreW
: m% J. It. Meet -milt:
eounellorn T. A. 'Welk WEI. Read-
Weril and J. ilurnett,--Mr. Orr
Dixon. who bas been attending the
Nornrilat /antilop, bele (accepted aa
ratiole; tteleher near Stratfor-
d. Mr.
litirteln of Yorkton 'Ise.* arrived in
town falontley. He mine east on rue
count °tm. alungerons illness of his
wife. However. Mrs. Burteh, reenv-
ering.-Mr. H. Stewart has sold out
his interest in the Queen's Hotel.-
Mrs. Sprawl, of Ottawa, who has been
on a pleasant month's visit to her son
' here, left em Tuestley for Nernich.
where she will visit her other con.
-A quiet wedding was solemnized on
Wednesday evening, 'lee. 21tb, at the
emotional, Denfleld, by Rev. A. IL
ark, when Mr. Hiram Thompson, of
rtuearl Crossing, was united in mare
e to Miss Lizzie Hutson, daughter
of John Hotson, of the Ittli eon. of
McGillivraty. Mr. and Ws. Thompson
have the best wishes of their many
friends for ;along and happy wedded
Majority for Willed, 53
SUNDAY SCHOOL. -The annual busi
ness meeting of the Evangelical Sun-
day School was held on SiindaY morn-
ing at the close of the service. The
Secretary read a report for the past
year. 12,172 verses were learned by
the scholars, of which Miss Mary Ann
Oestreicher was .the highest. The
school is one of the largest in the coun-
ty, having 21 teachers and 256 seholars.
The following, were appointed officers
for the present year: -President, I. H.
Holtzman; Vice Pres., Sam. Brown;
Treasurer, Bernard Brown; Secretary,
Miss Lydia Finkbeiner; Librarian, Got -
fried Gaiseri Organist, H. K. Eilber:
Ass't organist, .Miss Agnes Fahner.
Mr. Charles Brown, who has been
President of the school the past 45
years, tendered his resignation, which
was accepted with great regret. The
meeting gave Mr. Brown a hearty vote
ofthanks for the able manner in which
he has conducted •the school for to
many years.
SoHOot REPOIM.-The following pu-
pils obtained 60%, or over in the exam,
Mations held during the months of
Noveinber and December. Names in
order of merit: -
Division 'I. -Jr. Part IL --Clifford
Hill, Vera Holtzman, Gertrude Eilber,
narrison Holtzman Maitland WW1'',
Roy Redden. Sr. iart IT.--Eisie
Finkbeiner, A lnieda FInkbein-
er, Everett Heist, Gordon Appleton,
Matilda Oestreicher. Jr. 11. --Clarence
I-Toltztrianh, Charlie Gower, lierbert
Fa h n er, Edwin Fah ner, Erntnery Fa h-
ner, Tillie Brown. '
Division II. -Intermediate II. --Edna
Pack, Lizzie Wolfe, Carrie Wein,
Gladys Hedclen, Hilda Shank, Charlie
Finkbeiner. Sr. II. -AdelineFinkbei-
ner, Lillian Gaiser, Rolany Eilber, El-
vin IVIcMurray. Jr, III. --Bertha Fink-
beiner, Ida Ewald Annie Ewald. Sr.
III. -Laura Heist, gam Rao, Garnet
KATE Mol3EAN, Teacher.
Division III. -Jr. INT.,- Wallie Bill.
1VIadelene Bertrand, Mena Palmer. 8r.
IV. -Louisa Eahner, Joseph Finkbei-
ner, Ettie; clark,zPearl ! Boltzmann,
Myrtle Iiirtzel,Jr. V.1 -Melinda Trick,
Olivia Boltzmann. Sr. V.--Edua Ell -
her, Weida Banes, Willie Brown.
Misses Cook end O'Connell are vis-
iting at Mr. John hIcteregor's.-Mass
Jessie Wright, of Petrone, is visiting
her sister, Mrs. R. S. Aitken, at pres-
ent -Miss Carrie E. Wilson, after
spending the holidays with her par-
ents, returned to London Monday,
where she will resume here studies at
the Conservatory of Iffusie.--Misses
P. IL Tufts and Upshell have return-
ed to their school work again. -Mr.
Willie Brown, accompanied by his
sister, Miss Minnie, attended the wed-
ding of Miss M. Tufts! at Inirkton last
week. -The concert given by Mr.Mack
Vincent of Exeter, under the auspices
of the English church, was well pat-
ronized. -Mr. Vincent proved an able
entertainet-Itir. Sobn Love was ap-
pointed trustee for S. 8. No. 10, Step-
hen, and Mr. E. Mason for S.S. No.14,
McGillivray. -The new S. Section, for-
med a mile and a quarter west of
Greenway, has for its trustees: -
Messrs. W. T. Ulens; 0. H. Wilson
and Wm. Belt. --Mr. Wm. Hayter, at
poll No. 7, held in Mr. W. J. Wilson's
office, discharged his duties in a very
efficient manner.
A Goderich correspondent says: -
The residence of Mr. Geo. Thompson
was the scene of it much joyous festiv-
ity on Christmas Day, his youngest
daughter, Miss Harriett Leolla, being
joined in the holy bonds of -matrimony
to Mr. Walter Hern, merchant, of
Winchelsea. The drawing room was
beautifully decorated with evergreens
andholly, and it was there the bride
entered leaning on the arm of her fath-
er,while Mendelssohn's wedding march
was being played by Miss Hem, sister
of the groom. The marriage ceremony
which took place at 1.30 n. m., was
performed by Rev. A. E. M. Thomp-
son, brother of the bride, assisted by
Rev. Dr. Daniel, the bridal party stand-
ing before it bank of evergreen. The
bride looked beautiful in it very dainty
costume of white organdie, trimmed
with lace and chiffon and carried it
shower bouquet of white carnations,
tied with white satioxibbon. The' lit-
tle nraid of honor, Miss Bessie Thomp-
son, niece of the bride, looked like a
fairy, being attired in a pretty white
organdie, trimmed. with lace and rib-
bon. The groom's present to the maid
of honor was a handsome gold brace-
let. After the, ceremony was perform-
ed and congratula tions over the bridal
party adjourned with their many
guests to the dining room, where the
beautifully arranged table was all pre-
pared to serve the wedding dinner.
The groom's parents and sister and
som e other friends and relatives made
a large party. The officers of the Ep-
worth League presented the bricle,who
was a very active member in church
with a handsome clock. The wedding
gifts were costly, beautiful and num-
erous.The bride will ,be-intich.inissed
in religious and social eireles. Mr. and
Mrs. Hem left on the evening train
for.,their home in Winchelsea, amid
the best wishes of a host of friends.
.111sa Craig.
311 .t1. aiail,.a.r.11,41k s lieen
5 )5111I at Nt"alleerton. has taunted
, one kee menthe 'meth Ma a Ita ;e1a-
home. She wee oecomparaleal hy two
of the lattere gado! wed-
ding eelemnizeil last week at ATI -
mer when Mre. Moortne. af that plaro.
Imesztoue the bride of Mr. O. A. Ellis
our genial pbutographer. It came as
a complete surpriee to his friends mid
neiohbors here. --On Tienday evening
last, the president and seeeetaries Of
the North Middlesex Agricultural So-
ciety met au the home of Miss McKay,
and on behalf of the soeiety, present-
ed Mrs. T.Ray with a half dozen hand-
some silver tea knives and forks. -An
assembly was given by a few of the
young gentlemen of the village in the
village in the sperions rooms above
the stendard baniolast Monday even-
-Dr. Kennedy moved his dented
office on Tuesday to his new residence
on the north side of effain street, -Oa
Wednesday morning, Dee. 81st, John
Eynon, an old and respected resident
of the town, passed away at his home
hereeifter a lingering iliness.-The an-
nual meeting of the Last Williams
Agricultural Society will be held at
the Monro House, this village, at one
o'elock on Wednesday. Jan, 14. -Miss
Jessie Powell spent a few days in Port
Huron during the week. -Miss Edna,
Munro is visiting friends in Wallace -
Jneonav-At St. Joseph. on Dee. 28,
to Mr. and Mrs. Frank jeffrey,a, son.
Snronor-Thaines Road, on Jan. 2nd5
to Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Jeffrey, a, son.
GIIINAN.-In Stephen, on Jan. 1st, to
Mr. and ;Mrs. 3os. Guinan, it daugh-
ter. .
SANDERS -In Exeter, on San. 5th. to
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Sanders, a,
SANDERS. -At Gilbert Plains, Man..
on December 29tb, to Mr. and Mrs.
John Sanders, a daughter.
Ron-RE:ME-In Hay,Babylon Line
on New Year's day, by the Rev.
Yager, of Zurich, Mr. Win. Rose, of
Mitchell, to Miss Annie A., second
daughter of Mr. A. Rennie.
Alex.Hackney, of Farquhar, to Miss
Maggie Robertson, of Ottawa.
Riverside Farm, Thames Road, by
Rev. Robert Powlie, assisted by Rev.
Colin Fletcher, Mr. 3. N. Ratcliffe,
• of Blanshard,toViis Violetta, eldest
daughter of Mr. Thos. Russell. '
MooN-TrIFTS-At the residence of the
bride's parents, on Dec. 31, by the
Rev. S. .A.ndersou, Mr. Geo. Moon,
of Londsboro, to Miss Martha Ellen,
daughter of Mr. Thomas Tufts, of
WESTUAN-At Gran top, on San. 5.
' James Westraan.
LAIRD -In St. Marys, on Jan. 4,-eLy-
.. man Windsor Laird, aged 25 years,
8 Months.
The rpatrons of the
Ecu -
8011 Orphanage at Lowell,
Mass., U.S.A., eyrote they
had a siege of whooping -
cough in their institution.
They said that every case '
was promptly relieved by V a.po-
Crescalc..ne„ Its value in cong-Jas and
colds was so great they always kept
it ready for use, You know how it's
used, don't you? 'Tis heated by a
vaporizer and you inhale, it. Write
us for a book that -tells all about it. 2
• :Vapo•-ere.Olene-is sold by-chuggists evetywherP.
The Vaporizer and Lamp, wloch should lu=it a hfe.
time, and a. bOttle of Cresolene complete,
extra supplies of Cresoleue z5 cents and 5o cent..
Illustrated booklet containing phys:c:au' teu-
nil3oulat?t fr e es tu pips% e Rent LiVg£X-CRLSOLEN.E.Co,