HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-1-1, Page 8HOLIDAY GOODS!
A Roliday Display Different From Any Other Is
Our Aim.
When buying front this etore yon have that pleasant assurance ,
that you are not doplicetiug what anyone else is showing. The best is
none too goad. Our prices are right.
Paint!, .Cinens for j.foliday Presents.
Table Linens, Table NalikillS4 Tray Cloths, Centerpieces, Carving
Clothe, Tea Covers, Searfs, Tamale ete, in varioas sizes and at 1V4i-
Eonable pricee.
This Month in
A large assortment to
select from.
Merchant Taller, Exeter.
Miss Alma Brook has taken a posi- 1.0.n. Meet Officers. Mr* arming& ..
tiou on the Exeter Post office etaff. At the last regelar meeting of Court Good girl wanted at once to assist in
Turkish Scalp Food is the best hair Exeter, L 0.F. .3.tTo. 123. betel Friday kitchen work, Apply at Central Hotel.
I preparation for the hair iu the inarket, "night lastthe followIng ()facers were Dancing Academy.
' Sold by a Lutz, Exeter. 50 cents a eleqed for the ensuing" Year, rize-- Mr. J. AV. 'Wetson wishes to au -
New Yea
bottle. David M1i 0.11I1 0.R.; Dr. J. A. Rol- uounce that tte ivill stert hie dancing
lins,physiciam Mark &titer, 0•Re; Ray acedeiny with a gentlemen's class on
Fansrm, V,C.R.; Geo. V, Aedersou, R. mouday everting, January iith. and
G. Dyer, F.S.; &Martin, Treas.; ladies' elass oat Tuesday evening, jou-
john Sidter, Chap.; Colense Salter, S. uary Oth. Come end regieter en Sate
W.; Jae., TaYler, J. W.; joe. Yellow. S. urday and Monday, at the acudenlY,
Be; E. Maguire, J. B. Fanson's Hall, Es:eter,
Lecture en the Italy
ttsby, Oltetham. will The following appeared in the Loons
don Daily News of Dee. 27, and hos
reference te a former resident of this
place; -"A yerv pleasent event took
place ata o'clock Thursday ;0 the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Sutherlend. 130 Sim -
cog street, the occasion being the mar-
riage of Annie R. Youngest daughter
Miss Lettie. Jones, Exeter North,
• wae mantled at Ilillsgreen„ on Chrlet•
as Day to Me. Gorden Maui* et
'There were no services, be le the
Ttivitt Itlemorial ,chatrat n Sunday
last, the wardens being ututble te pro.
cure a Preacher.
lecture in the Presbyterian choreh, on
If you want to save money order moody evening, jam,. 503, at, 8 0,004.,
your magazines, newspapers or otner Subject will be the floly Land. Ilr,
foreign Periodicals At the -A-ov,9- 13attislay has been an extensive travel -
.taarr,R office. It will pay You- NI, 0 ler in Iu'op and Asia, particularlv in
the Holy nd. Ile le one of the
cleverest preachers in Canada and is
especially noted as traveller UftI leo- of Mr, and Mrs. M. Satherland, to Itr.
torer. Admission for lecture and re- Will. Abbott, of the local Stock Ex"
freslitnents is 15 eta. Come everybody change. The ceremony was perform -
mid bear this popular orator,
'eo 'Me Masters of Exeter- Uluablbeiteovi g)lues.utsc: frAlatis'S a1nlinindie4Holadrg.
Lawns Ann 0..srrLnia1wen-1jiring of Woodstock, was bridesmaid, and,
been placed in Nominatioo and since Miss Isola Dodge and Miss Jean Ross
prevailed upon to allow my name to assisted, Mr. James Fitzgerald acted
, come before the eleetors as Reeve, i aiS bR$t man, and Mre. Sutherland, ss -
hereby ask your aesietance in order ter-inniow of ale brildeilllaYed the wed -
to be elected. Illy record in the cowl, diug Remit. The bride was Inindsome.
cil tor years past is one whieh I may 1Y attired in a brown travelling snit,
feel proud of, and I truet yoti will turn The young couple received mAanfybeithile-
out on Monday next and elect me tifill and useful presents. ter
your Reeve for 1903, and you Ivey lie
eatisfied neytnoet carotid and earnest
attention will he wen to the Connell
liminess ae well as t,o the welfere of
the town generally. I have the hon.
or to remain
yonrs %TWA eincerely,
W. G. Bleanw.
are agents for any of the above pub.
Dix Lung Syrup, Dix Little Liver
pale, Dix Kidney Pills, Dix Cold Cure,
, Din Compound Carbolic Ointment,
i only need to be tried to prove their
value. Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter.
' Dr. Ovens, of London, surgeon, ocu-
list and specialist, diseases eye'ear,
nose and throat, will be at the Coin-
inercial Hetet, Exeter. Tuesday,
Wednesday, Jan.lth, Wed., February
4tb; Wed., Mimela 4tha Wed.,April 1st;
Wed, May Oth; Wed. June3rd 1903.
Glasses properly fitted- Next e-leit
will be Wed.. Jan. 7tb,
A mishap which might have reenit,
ed more seriously happened at the
north end of the town ou Sunday af.
ternoon lest. Mr. Thos. Fitton, ac-
companied by Mr. Samuel Sanders,
was driving A spirited bore and when
' about to torn the corner the home in.
i creased its speed and upset both into
the meld with considerable force. The
horse WilS Stopped but the cutter and
harness was somewhat broken, Luck- BenjeminnIliggins, a the and conees.
a uNT i;ly indi ocenpents eeeaped without In eion of vsrporne, bad a. narrow esFape
A jury. from a p_remature death on Friday
I Among the number nito spent night last. It appeara Mies Higgins
IN THE ' Christmas here with friends we no had been sot -Tering from a sore throat
Me the followingi-Wm. Dingnan, of or toneilitis, for which she Wag taking
on internal medicine and frobbingi on
an intensely strong I ini wept prescribea
by the doctor. All went well till the
night in apiestion when, a use was ad.
nunistered the patient by her mother
from the wog bottle. The mistake
was immediately discovered and the
paor girl suffering agonies of pein eaten
lapsed into uncouszionsneee. Ante-
dotee were libet'ally administered and
every effort was mule to relieve pain
aural assist nature in throwing off the
Close Caw
ziu5.5 BUM Eiggins, daughter of Me,
enuED a. L Coinher; John Snell and family mid
2. Russel Howard StnThoinas; Miss Vera
0 V 11 ion Snell, Salm ia;Bert Howard, Brautford;
Mr. James Elsie; of St. Thomas, and
i i% 1
Mr. Bertjamin Elsie. of Port Colborne,
01 Ganaua were ting their sister, Alm
Anderaon; Miss Jamieson, Blyth, the
---AT guest of Miss Edith Sanders; Mr. W.
J. Vt esteott, wate and faintly end Ross
aaanese Holitand. Sun staff, Seetforth; Owego
EXETBR or CR130,-----,-,. n-ikor, Wintlear; Mr. and Mrs. Jes,
..tilad, Toronto; Dr. C. lleCalluto. Ref.
CV iv -t-:$-•-•-.-CeT;Z:•-,;"-7-274;•rotgiz felo; George Banden wife anti family, idietreesiug effects a the harming, pal. 3UFS LW ('O Of Detri1itl 16 Me
,T 1Q cC), Lnean; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Deer, Ill"4.illat= [Fflati, but the pulee stopped heating Mid gUt'St a 3,15 ,AINHIA Mhlier,
LI( )C NL .Dt)IN 6(
. ..--,. 401( ; . . rAr. .S zAW.. On re,4 ; . kit'Ill A ,a 1 a 1 lie. • E. • • ., . .
ei 1" 1 NV J II 1- I • 111 ' t • l W it st ed th- t - II elle tee fo +be , , -t 11 Mr %lien Mvere,of Detrolt,is spend-
. ca We.;i1, Aar. ;11id MIS.JalileS A. Snueders, 4ltion had fled. liolze. 110WilW4M, after a few weeks at hie home bere.
Aeeetet.oe-ace-a.70..ttar"-a-V•Itl,,tS2-0.0 c; i - al i ni air - t' h - I ' ' — 1 I I a h
ee...- - • --- - - --- , - - - era Jut eta . it and , re. 4 .. a tune egati ,o teen e .111a. i4.1e .e... _et, afire, tanner 15 tba g000t apt mr, Goo
011ie Meta; tighlin, afeesre, friends to lolle foil ward with mune de- tare, aelarew one a seaeoe/h,
dinner was partaken of the happy pair
left for a teip throngli the east. Num-
eroue gneete were p_reeent front Ham.
ilton. Wauidetocke'Exeter, Detroit and
Centralia." •
Russell Froyne, of Lendon, vieit.
ing at his home here.
Me. Jas. Bissett, of Loudon. is hew
spending New Years,
Miss McKay. of Landon, is the gateet
of Miss Ethel Farmer.
Mr. Ed. Crocker. of' Toronto, is TIS-
iting his parents here.
Mr. I. R. Carling spent a kfew days
in London this week,
Mr, Paul Madge was in Loudon
Satiarday on busineas..
Mr. Ed, Pickard, or Toronto, is vis-
iting tat his home here.
Mr, M. Martin, of Toronto, Is
here visitiug his parents.
Ladies' fur eeato in ent 41 NI,t4;i'
etii,t114111 ibti,"X*: 31-41 a fatii I
range of retntlar SZVIV411,1'ti,
Rteel the Sovereign Bank change of
ad. in this iestae.
A moldier from here will attend an
"At Houle" at Mr, D. Shinny's, near
taen torron• t Friday night,
Mr. nind Mrs, J. A. Stewart very
cluirmingly entertained a umnber of
their friends on Tuesday night last.
The Pulaie Selaool opens on Monday,
Jan. 5th. All pupils should make it a
point to be in their pliwes ou that
The Bijon Co. will commenee it
week's engagement in the Opera House
here, on :Monday, Jan. RIM, with a
change of play every night.
Mr. Alfred Alien has purehased the
two frame dwellings and lots owned
by Mr. Jno,Cialmore on limn street,
paying therefore SSW. This is con-
sidered cheap property.
G. W. Wands, Deputy S. C. R. of
L 0. F., paid a fraternal visit to court
Exeter, No. 123, Friday night last and
delivered a very interesting and in-
structive address to the members.
Mr. Wm. Kersktke, of Farquhar,
has moved ie to the residence recently
vacated by Mr. Wm. Hale, on Huron
street. We understand Mr. Kerslake
intends moving West in the spring.
The practice of bicycle riding on the
sidewalks in town became a public
naisance and so likewise is the com-
mon practice of the small boy with
dog and sleigh as well as skating on
the sidewalks. It is about time the
town authorities look in this matter.
Mrs. Wm. Brook, who for a riumber
of years, has conducted the Hay post
office, has resigned the position. Mrs.
Brook has given entire satisfaction
during her public serviee and her many
callers at the office will be sorry to
hear of her retirement.
Mr. J. A. Sanders, of London, for-
merly of Exeter, who has been repre-
senting the Raymond Sewing Machine
and Heintzrnan Piano Companies, has
resigned the position and accepted a
more lucrative one as traveller for the
Sun Oil Refining Co., of Hamilton.
Messrs. M. Vincent and U.:Cunning-
ham very ably and to the delight
of a large audience, assisted in an en-
tertaininent at Boston last evening.
The former as a entertainer has
few equals while the latter, who has
given flinch of his time and attention
of late to theatrical studies, is fast
gaining dramatic fame.
The Rev. J. W. Ten Eyck, writing
from Toronto says: -‘1 regret very
much that I was not able n to get
around and see all my parishoners be-
fore leaving Exeter, but D.V., I hope
to visit the parish again in the near
future and will endeavor then to visit
all whom I missed when leaving."
The Rev. R. M. Perkins, M. A.,
of Lindsay has accepted the invitation
extended him by the Vestry of the
Trivitt IVIernorial church to become
rector of the parish. Mr. Perkins
comes highly recommended as be-
ing a young man of good judgmen nex-
cellent abilities and a good citizen.
Be will assume charge on or before
Feb. 1st.
A teain of horses belonging to Reeve
Levett and driven by Mr. Ed,Harness,
while left standing at the rear of
Messrs. Carling Bros.' store attached
to one of the Queen City oil wagons,
on Monday morning last, started off
and soon -broke into a rat. On reach-
ingthe road they turned south to Ann,
street thence to Main where they were
'captured, none the worse for their run.
The tank was filled with oil, conse-
quently they did not develop a high
rate of speed,. .
Boyer...s. of .Lltaliesb'eoia'biGeetnotestlfvlier
coats will certainlyig big stock
of f
money,as Ste
are all to be cleared out,
Juin), Wm, ana Vreni,aTi4 Killer, Frank I gree of canal deuce to her ra•eovery.
Larne Cann, of London,weent a few
Hang. Mr. ;and Mte. eCtuos Barlow, Mat The palest though irepereeptihle he- 1 , , • i • , I.
a at r. in towtiring t,avpe.
P. B. Dignan. Ittr. itml Mrs. Richard gen to be it and gradually she gave
n a te
llis.sett and dattghten lia. Miss Polly signs of improvement mut eontinned Ilir. Wm. Plig.slPT rdlaned from a
Welsh, and fa'ank. Pickard, Londonso until she is now out of all danger. a vi5it to friends in 1-11''4vnit. rridaY,
1 COTOID* fad which her many friends will be Mr. Alf Davidson, of Maneelona,
' Prof, Dobie „ assisted by Prof. Johnpleased to learn. Atiell., is visiting at his home lima,.
ston, both artists in each of their pate nectar Schein Report Miss Cora Melterson, of London, is
tietilar lines, Wilt iVe an exhibition in The following is the standing of the visiting at her home, Exeter North.
the Opera Home, nere,ou Wednesday. pupils in the public school here for the
Jan. 7tb+ .1dlaission Eie• Don't ,fall morithof Deceniber:-Class 13
to bear them. unreal Carling, D. Dickson, Victoria Miss Bennett, of Toronto, is th
secinet riatico. Miners Class In-Itazel Browning. Noguest of her sister. Mrs, J. A. Stewar .
Siuce last weeks uotice ;appeared on roll 41, average attemlnnce 83, Miss Beatrice Steinbach, or Zurich,
slitting our intentions of1
giving up
business in Exeter there has been er. m. Roberttmo Teetehere. 15 the guest of her cousin Miss Carrie
H. 1.S. Anderson
some changes in our plans which may Sr. IV. -Flossie Taylor, Rose Cud- m G -se
enable 'us to continue our business 4n more, Ida Armstrong, Beattie Martin r. eo. osper, of Toronto,
Exeter. In the tneantime our present the holidays a his home
and Hazel Dignan equal, Elmore Sen. sip,,et,npaing
stock must be reduced to the lowest, ior, Aneo Howard, Horvey Gardiner, ----•
ossible /mint. Big, $4s, imat big Dyer Ilurdon, Ena McPherson. Jr. Mrs. Billings,. of Detroit, is the
iargains will be in order. Vona° and IV -Doth Werry, Chesley Evans, ttnest of ber sister, at the Ceotral
see what we are doing, Hugh Mckay, Edna Bissett No. on if°W•
3. A, SUMMIT. roll 40, liverage 42. Mr. Win. Edwortliv, of Killarney,
council Procceditias. C. Vosper, teacher. Nan., is visiting friends in and around
Council met at eall of Reeve lo Town Sr.III.--Ethel V raIl
osper,No, arton, „
Hall,Monday, December 20. Absent Alande Johns, Jr. IIL-Lois Birnev, Mr. Samuel Buckingliani, who has
Cotincillors Harding and Davis. The Jennie Halton, Hector Marton, Viola beenquite ill for some weeks, is lm -
minutes of the previous meeting Welsh, Agnes Buttner'Albert Lang. proving.
were read and confirmed. Muir- No, on rotl ag, aserage21 Master Fred Walter, of Saul t Ste.
Wood -that the. following accounts M. E. Gill, teacher. Marie is spending a few days ,M bis
he passed and orders drawn on Treas. Sr. II. - W. Amos, K. , . StewartOhome 'here.
over for samet-F. Gillespie, pumping
water, $16, W. J. llissett, charity to Pickard and E.Wood equal, A.Picknrd Mrs. Bohn Barnes, of London, is vis
Mrs. Sutton, $2; Thos. Flynn, labor, V. Sweet. Jr. II. W. Birney, H. Car- iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sohn
$1.25; Peter Bawden, cement, '75 cts.; ling, W. Johnson. No. on roll 43 aver- Evans, here.
goc.-Carried. age 40. H. D. Pringle, teacher.
Geo. Cudinore, labor, Mr. J. 0. Inwood, of London, is
II. -Ida Welsh, May Jewell. Part iting friends in town, the guest of Mrs.
IL -Latimer Grieve, Clarence Hey- o„ sanders.
wood, 'Willie Ford. Eva. Shaddock.
Mid. Part IL -Fred Brock, Reggie Bis- Mr. A. Hoskin and wife of Brant. -
sett. No. on roll 44, average 35. ford, are here spendiug the holidays
S. J. Irwin, teacher. with friends'
Sr. Part IL -Harry Sweet, Willie Miss Edna Davidson, of London, is
Snell, Bella McKay, Eylmore Harness, the giest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Taylor, Young Creech and W. Davidson.
Paul Phippen equal. Slid. Part II.- Mr. N. Creech, of Brantford, is
Elva Ford, Harry Fuke. Jr. Part In- spending the Christmas holidays at
Oliver Hodgert, David Hall, Fred his home here.
Shaddock, Velma Easterbrook. No. on Mr. R. Hannon, of Toronto, is the
roll 41, average 36.
. guest
F. R Carling, teacher, street
poafrshoins apgaer.ents at the James
School Board Minutes. Mr. Jas. Pickard, of Drumbo, is here
Dec. 15th. Meeting held in the spending New Year's with his father,
Town Hall at 8 p.m. with all members Mr. Jas. Pickard.
present. The following is the order Mrs. Wm. Mitchell left Monday for
of business duly submitted and ap- East Nissouri, to visit her father, who
proved. Per Chairman, minutes of continues very ill.
Miss Luella Holmes, of Blyth, is the
guest of her aunt, Mrs. Dr. Rolling.
Wood -Muir -that this Council ad-
journ to meet at call of Reeve.
G. IL Besseaat, Clerk.
A. It Li A. M. Installation.
At the regular meeting of Lebanon
Forest Lodge, No. 133, A.F. &
held on St. John's night, Saturday, the
following officers were duly installed
for the current year,V. Wor. Bro. H.
Spackman, performing the installation
ceremonies in a. very skilful neanneri-
Bro. L. H. Dickson, W. M.; Bros. T.
A. Amos, S.W.; Bro. H. N. Anderson,
3. W.; Bro. G. A. R. McLeod, Chap.;
Bro. B. S. O'Neil, Treas.; Bro. C. H.
Sanders, Seey; Bro. W. C. Huston, S.
D.; Bro. W. J. Heame.n, J. D.; Bro.
Thos. Fisher, I. G.; Bro. S. Sweet, 0.
G.; Bro. W. W. Taman, S.S,; Bro. J.
T. O'Brien, J. S.; Bro. T. B. Carling,
D. of C.; Bros. N. D. Hurdon, E. Chris.
tie and W. H. Levett. Finance Com-
mittee; Bros. L. H. Dickson, T. A.
Amos ank H. N. Anderson, Sick Com.;
Bros. Dr. Rollins and Jos. Senior, Au-
Died Suddenly in the Far Northwest.
The appended notice from the Lan-
donFree Press of Tuesday relates to
the sad death of Minnie Croley,, be-
loved wife of F. A. Peel, well-known
to many here, who will learn with pro-
found regret of her dernise:-A tele-
gram was received in the city yester-
day, from Strathcona„N.W.T., convey-
ing the sad news of the death there of
Mrs. F. A. Peel ,(nee Miss Minnie (Jro-
ley). This was preceded Sunday night
by a message to the mother of the de-
ceased lady (Mrs. T. Croley, 779 Bich -
previous meeting. Per Wood Com.
that 25 cords of wood had been con- Mr. A. Cottle and daughter, Ida,
tracted for at $3.50 per cord, or 3.,75 hare returned from a, visit with
friends in London.
if delivered by wagon. Per H.Huston
and J. Senior that the resignation of Mr. Rich; Penhale, of Stephen, is
spending a few days in Toronto this
Miss Irwin be regretfully accepted by
the Board. Per H. Huston and R. N. week on business.
Rowe that the Inspector's favorable Miss Marie Gregory, of Toronto, is
report be accepted and filed. Per R. spending her vacation at the home of
N. Rowe and W. Trevetlaick that Miss her father Mr Thos Gregory:
Domington, of Thedford, be engaged Mr. (x. E. Anderson, D. D. K C. R ,
I.O.F., together with a number of
Foresters paid a visit to Hensel' court
on Tuesday evening.
as first assistant. Per W. j. Carling
and J. Senior that the following ac-
counts be accepted. -E. Follick, stm-
dries $1.30; S.Handford,sawdust $1.50.
Per J. Senior and R. N. Rowe, that
the books be closed Dec.26th at 6 p.m.;
that all checks required for the cur-
rent year be issued on or before that
date,and that the Principal be author -
mond street), announcing the illness of
Mrs. Peel, and asking her to go up if izecl to close the school for the current
possible. She therefore left :on the Year on Friday at 1 p.m. Per 11.
eight o'clock train yesterday morning Huston and W. Trevethick that testi-
for the Northwest, but on receipt of molly expressive of the Board's regret
yesterday morning's message, she was in losing the services of both Miss
intercepted by friends here near To. Robertson and Miss Irwin be prepared
ronto. The death of Mrs. Peel is par- by the Secretary and signed by the
ticularly sad. About a year ago she left Chairman in its behalf. Per R. N.
London for Strathcona to become- the Rowe and W. Treyethiek that Miss
bride of Mr. Peel, a former well-known E. McCallum be appointed. to the va.
jeweller of this city, and her prospects cnency caused by the resignation of
for a happy wedded life were of the miss Irwin. Pet W. J. Carling, ad',
brightest, so that her sudden taking journment: Dec. 26th. Meeting held
off cannot but be considered untimely. in 'the Town Hall. Absent H. Huston
member of the public school
For a number of years she wasteaching
W. 4. easser,idinugiy. Talipeprfoovielodw. gpeirs
staff, being Connected with theaeetorY Chairman, number of Previous meet -
street school. She was also an active ing. Per R. N. 'Howe ' and J. Senior
worker of St. Andrew's church. She that the following accounts be Accept.
was a bright, winsome woman, whom ed: -J. White So Son, retuote notices,
to know VMS to esteem, and her tlemiSe $6075; F.onialestone & Gardiner, dust
will be keenly regretted by a host Of cloths 60e.; 5. Fanson, epecial service
warm friends in London. A. little Idaltotteeen $1.00. Per J. Senior and
daughter, four days old, as well as the W. Trevetbielt; ,:the •Minitee of this
bereaved husband, survives her, Mr. meeting. Per W. Trevethiek adjourn -
Company, ne. a brotheitef deepased,e ; ' ' fAttOO-;:SeeVer
The Misses Leonard, of Parkhill,
will spend New Years, the guests of
Miss Ethel Farmer. •
Miss Freda Down and Miss Brown,
who have been visiting here, returned returned to their home in Usborne
to London Monday. - this week.
Mrs. .A.. E. Bennett and daughter, „Dr. Gill, wife and family, after a
Greta, of London, are visiting friends visit with relatives in town, returned
and relatives in town. to their home in Gibsonburg Ohio on
Miss Elliott, milliner with R. Pick- Friday jest.
aril & Co., is spending Christmas at Messrs. Garfield Sheere and Mark
her home in Renfrew. Mitchell, after a pleasant visit with
Mr. Chas. Switzer and daughter, of their parents here, returned to Brant-
Iiillmanagh, Mich., are visiting at Mr. ford Tuesday.
Wm. Dearing's, Stephen. Ed. Stewart, after it pleasant visit
Mr. Nelson and Aquilla Sheere, af. here with his grandparents, Mr. and
ter it short visit in town, returned to MTS. JaMes Stewart, returned to Lon -
St. Thomas on Saturday. don Moriday.
Dr. and Mrs. Anderson, after a Dr. and Mrs. 3. Weflaria , of De -
pleasant visit with friends in Dungan- troit, who spent a few days in town
non, retUrned on Saturday. last week, returned, to their 'home
Rev. Chas. Down,of ,Jeannette'sMond6-; g •
Creek, is visiting .his parents, Mr. Miss Ethel Sweet, of Durham, and
and Mrs. Down, Albert street. airs. Glanville, "of London, are the
Mr.', and Mrs. W. H. Verity, after "a gtieSt8 of their mother,Alt's. John
pleasant Visit with relatives- in towe, Sweet, Huron street. ,
retorried to Brantfotd,"Vridai. , , mr, and sewn Ea. Taylor, after a few
Mr. Philip Johnson and little claugh. days'nviiiit Withthe foriner'W parents,
But Co! ell10013
ilul WOOil MOM
Thet ell absorbing topie, the coal situation Is what is bothering the mind o
the public to day It is a momentum's question and while the situation is
grave do you koew it is no good worrying about it, for is it not true that
tronbla you at exnect often never comes. It may be the Saitle in the coal
situetion. Set it aside and listen to our stove talk if you are thinking ot bay-
ing anythlog in the stove line. We carry the following
Affray Waist Aetwths.
A useful helialeypresent. 'We linve the git3.4, Viet ere sate to plea‘re,
nolliiing in town r,..9 gn tt. mad no /Ivo =MN hi This iqjaa-4 wiLia :von
were loorking for, mot wo piewed to t,ittow you, Fivneli C4,1441111.14're,
Frimi4 wittia 4lt1t tarrt, Flk Will Flannels
A large Rod; Of CiPlit^l° fiariii,411101.15 fair tatiniy rade, An elegant
rause of ties and neat etattle. ell the latest. They aro Knotty but they
are MIce.
What is more comfortable. sightly or more generally appreciated
as a gift than a handsome fan. Our stock inclottles ertieles of all kinds,
Fur Coats. Collaretts. Caperinee, Butte, Cape. Gauntlets etc. The
prices are a neat fit for either fat or lean poeket books.
Call in and examine one holiday goods. You will 'remove than de.
lighted. No trouble to show goods.
iar r f the Celebrated W. E. Sandford Ready Made Clothing.
LINIDERTAlcir4.0 13.00IVIS.
Call and inspect our big stock of furniture and lots more
on the way for Xmas trade. We can supply your every
need in that, line,
Room Moulding,
Bedroom Sets,
Parlor Suits,
Fancy Chairs,
Dining Chairs,
Parlor Cabinets,
Centre Tables.
PICTURES FRAMED, also all kinds of repairing
on short notice.
Gldley's Old Stand. Opera House Block,
Miss Lillie Hardy, who has been at-
tending the Toronto Conservatory of
Music, returned Tuesday evening.
Mr. and -Mrs. Fred Brook and child,
after spending it few days in town, re-
turned to their home in St. Thomas,
Miss Laura Gregory, nurse, in the
city hospital, Tolede, is visiting at
the borne of her parents, Mr. and Alt's.
Mr. P. Gowans," wife and family,
who have been visiting in Wingham,
ter of London, wete the: guests of Mr.' Jr and Mrs. Earls, Exeter Noi-it; re-
. , , eq.
and Mrs. Peter Fraynelast week, , turned hoine Monday.
Mr. Wm. Carr, of Sarnia, is visiting
friends in town.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Glanville, of Lon-
don, are spending a few days with
friends in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Shosenburg have re-
turned to their bome in London, after
spending a few days with the latters'
parents itt the Commercial House.
Miss Lillie Froward, daughter of
Mr. Jas. Howard, left Friday for Min-
den City, Mich., where she will make
her future home with her brother,
Frank. ,
Mrs. Lewis Thorne, after a lengthy
visit at the home of her father, Mr.
W. Drew, left Monday morning for
Los Angeles, Cal., where she will in
future reside. .
Mr. Geo. Miners, who has been en-
gaged with Mr. W. S. Heilman for
some time, has accepted a position in
the Verity Works, Brantford and left
for that city Wednesday. '
Rev. J. W. Ten Eyck, who recently
resigned the incumbency of the Triv-
itt Memorial church, left on Friday
for his future home in Ilareilton. The
best wishes of all accompany him' to
hisnevv field of labor.
Mrs. Chas. Lindenfield and daugh-
ter Annie, of Deshwood, spent their 4
Xmas. holidays with Mrs. 0. W.Cann, ,
xanmalaisvf.thotiyhheas.igLe,iolettutfioexidisz• Welloisot4sPtetnot
visit his sister, Mrs. W. W. Tait. 'n
Additional Locals on 1st Page
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