HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-1-1, Page 7•NJiU ;FLOIEA. neighbor, controlling the whole area line" route from east to west, aud from the motherlancj to the furthest 1 Take a quantity or silica oostitg OSAKA EXPrri3ITION. 4144 tclouteine:eeltosf Atvlill'el, Pt;aensillf%r 11-4eacsgse ftrileanc4 twhlettkput;ailicaantd, thse:Iprtiheee a:fps:110ra: odut? tae Atlantic beard. to Yokohama AN OTTA,WA. BAKER AT Otte -fourth the price of oil ; mix it ----. offer prieee'' with the compound Par Trade With aapea 3Way le wharf, arid the Canadian system of hi eac to Maa akill. it h 3-inee. the rolledg t rtilisr ;Et at htieboon4ttlet se otex4Oluistust,hutn)h:p,erirra4eiuzliiilyes ebuunvy 0ucommon dt u e pooujIv1.31 c. geti4.whee:titueyt Greatly E=tentied in, ilIany l'i,`o kingdom on the face of, the articles as butter, theese, freits. andl Soap--Octegon alar --the public buy earth, itt either ancient or modem meats as eafe and as easY as the a pure and Well-roade Soaltt. Sans tintCS Ita$ forged aimed mere rapidly carrying of the rougheet imperisbable 1light Seal/ reduces expense by -than Janda, not, only in eivililatien Ittillber. proleegiethe life of the arti 1 ilk its conintettly aceepted Sease but 'Whatever Japan. requires la the washed, with it, which is Mach mere g indaStrially in the fullest, cominerCial way of importe Cenecla is 'preperee PaOlitable tO the public, that% come fneaninae A qttarter of a r,ellt1117 tl) eupply on the most Mutt/411Y eels laaa aeaPS With "Prizes:a gee. ego Japan teem practically known vantageeue terms ; and when eariado, as lanr iarge mai tautly smell is- conies to the assistance of diyall ellt (.4 atIlet. It* requires greater feree laltda ea the nortneastere co est ef with a, trotherly readiness as has to move a given quantity of water; if (-bine. where eeepie etnelovee their been the ettee, the least that Japan this force ean be applied it win larse an gsaa.Sea ieu. oth47:,.4.% te.ays, ee,“ do is eo e"a, eaeate by aeetowieg, make up for the defeet in the Valves, and Cattly smoroitierifea ailkea gar- her commercial patronage where she The saute PrilielPie hods good irk the t'seats with ga den threads. To -day bas not sought in vain ler fraternal ease of tbe diseased heert; the vela - J as tta in en Voyire worthy of thea anittlewlsdaahlest- ular defect must he made good ueree, cemprieing an Area cif 162,- We /sesta on sale rilda,t, ELIO. requires, "COMPennktioreis the medical term 654 /square masa with a rorndaitan and that, of the yerY best quality. for this procees - by Imre:teed et 44.009.000 of' peeple, a he adoPe aosl .1 aPan will Pow have an oppor- etrength in the heart wades; ....-. teem el %eastern manueas And eus- tunity cif practicelle, manifeeting ber The heart must be Wale not only tors; lko ohelltien ef the feudal apprevietion eat oar generosity ay tei taeet the ordinary. every -lay ea- ts,: atetri uner winch_ tilte ceuntry w es placing ber orders wbere she did not trie strain - this it does automatic- goeeteed by a, few lore's. tee eon,. hesitate te piece her epplicatient ler all?. ein it were. by the tienided efs "/CreSicas of en absolute into a limit- raeore, • forte of nature -- but it. must be ed monarehy as tree result, or lite ; Oealca. the site of the Proposed 'stronger than neessarY• jest as it fa an6:3 revoluticn, and the atteoauestReattetseo. fe ttu active naiiiiiactere lia heelth to meet some eatra. Strain tion in 1e90 of a, popularly elected ing cite', its pritielhel eXports helegaeatt9e4 bY Illness' A nervSyS Kh°C34 l'atilliament,, hate mind the empire tea and silk ; ene it ie the chief .or settle ai2s0hitelY orees,aarY 0,17,er: Ni149n4 from se petey severeignty commercial centre el „leper*. volume, *tiOn. It, is evident, tnereeore, that las WO of the power* of tile lug a popuietion or 4,70,2.71, It ici:'0 diseased heart lat15' la 11.51ra l'ha rld which hoe near to he reekoned what le eounnonly termed .safety el the patienh be strengthen - i in all batten; Of difference lee". A "8110W" CITY. lied beyond the requirelneets oteea f a the Occident and the Orient. its prineleal eighte comprising the /tr„teetaitarg* „„,_ ea lee ; v iipan Ilan a netional debt of castle, the Tennoji temple and pa- ''''' ' "s''''Inv'S'I' 'n VnrignS $257,000,600. :gocia, the a-4ot. the araonal. tht wa.ye, hut twee ie Itetter'for the pure While net more then one-sixth of liengwitall temple. the lIalcku Beim% I)°e than hill c/Intblug or stair #15 aritt is ereblethe poll re or commercial Imemer, tbe theatres, alirebing* the kumer t"r Pii.a51-9U lerie Productive wilier* it. can be and a multiplieite of our shops. errt• 's.t,,i1L- lathtner,l,ftereolie...d,,,,w..c,,,,eatheir.‘. ufilleed at ell. end there it twine The }Takla Buteu will be alien at "'""' '-''''' -"""*". -".....-." .'' Wita every variety of "nit ht. and, condensteg all the aaape taken under the direction of a phee. Tobacco. tea. petateee. Itanlel'illnin4r4 rni5eILUeCP*4114 lone wee. "the ca-ta. won and othe: diocnidaeintinf°wrincilit co(liatItt °eanin..ehl.,Potxrbte.,thelgvb:air; nil facteriee or the town in that ' '• • - * lei ape 1 1. , a eon ions aga ne. a le 1 s OP wl eat are all grown : it aorai ale tele„,TeOr„reel,,Aeer IT146,tr,,h111(?1,a,'“, a obiect, of the exerelett to provide lAnotielli la rich, lietcetiful. end ""*" ''""" ""'" 11`4 '1""Yr'n'.14.41' will be ertilielaily producee. and the eaeied ; but its its theme!: eentee. hiraar is the delight of the relives. ,heart. will be overtexed before it is eat ere for the rouIm st rx, et poor auti It Is the J°:, ot everlr TIsitce to strong enovll te withstand the ex: - qui Dry. Japen hes 2.052 milisti of ,161,1„/Vires,P1.4feerstitree nteaagees, etreithPuta" tra, etrein. privately owned railweys and 708 ;,70,..*.ere're'"e;:e'eree'.' ,-"`„,„`e,"_".:4F 'n, "el; The patient should ken) constan reitte of Gevernmene liece. eti Ankh '""".''' "*".4"'" e"'...7"1 a 'eree'in mind the fact that he ie not 111 Jut year e„ net 1.14.0tit ill the 44t,„„„,..„;:baraar under Government control training to beeeme an athlete or a ga e wee made et g''''here Roods morkell in Pleiaell ifigh,tirea eendidato fer Iftelatteriship in the .li,F Japan possesses an Army et 800 is Itra ;Falli fur a "lee" eanne"Saiath pine club. tint is wort -atm only to oca zee. Ana tee war !Nita (gene Tier* thei useful nod the uteleas. the ,reake his heart a trifle stronger than coo4 about te223.000.1.10,1). oi which TiSeeStitiSS and the imamate of life. ,is necersery for ite tlaile needs. s gS0.009,e00 wSIS reettid hy intiem- 1110 tl.etrest ttrren°°n's, wahines. flint it may bave a seutli reserve to silty. She ban a well quipped navy teidus'' and whatnat enaletalne-Ne draw upon to meet any eeddeie and Irgumed by in.unn num. and het elsewbeee invite the inereetion et eneerected draft. How to Got Motu nerecumile hi worthy of her the vi154°r and tempt a Pareharia it 11702,resS. Only aa a sentertir tvpical or the Ilueine tee litee recall year. Japan 1 lend of the elereenie mamma Tee enroll ted 1q the Unitati eill; fabrics lam and bend eopper, curios, drugs, jute. pea (racy can produce are here Ve be fennel ift gni nianteactured)„ and rityaw Wien -lance. and the tottrist who intaro to am tom° or si.404.704,e WHastot en betel conclueted on the while derivg the vaine relied heel "Rittopeati plan" will dlecever seek froin tbe old raccommodation at Jintere Ovate imeeete vountry clean, arum, carriogee, cotton yarta, 11°1°4 Width Is PleeeantlY dteatad Cotton goods. rrfaeliittery, metals, on an "and' pipe. etre t.hip matehincryand wool_ Osaka is inteet delightfully located. A.ns toadied the valve or eSe340,101. ' and has II" Inaptly been turned /halm tha came peehut canada I "The Venice of Japan," for it roe - exported to Japan only atea.aga fence no fewer than COO bridge% worth of geode, while she Imported 1".°11.lnellY °8"Int was mtillaz7 the efroni ineterials to the %aim of eallital or Japan. and Within its ex,Rao,bus. nut this is in process castle Walls much of its history line of chem. teen made. for therein were Played Four yeare ago the no. Ur. the Cnad "le of the 8heneeele• and Norse, now consewenetimi sae with the surrender of 1808 the Ite- Japan in British North America, store.tion began. with headquarters al. Montreal, w:as W. IT. COARD. Department ot Agriculture, Ottawa. • des; etched to Canada by his Gov- ernment for the purpose of advocat- ing the l'ederal Government disci- 1.IISERABLE =GUTS. lowanto of certain legislation passed by the Province of British Columbia. 0 probibiting the 11d111123232014 et Jaime,. Mat to Do When Baby Is Fretful 0.14'3 Into Canada. lfr. Nestle's sue- and. Sleepless. cessful intervention was followed by the natural desire on the part of his It is wrong to take up a wakeful Government to cultivate internee baby from the cradle and walk it up tional trading relationbetween and &mu the floor all night. It de - Camelia and Japan, and the latest' moralizes the infant and enelaves outtellie r3f his diplomatic mission the parents. Baby devil not cry for bas been the deciSlon of the Do- the fun of the thing ; it °ries be* minion Government to co-operate cause it is not well -generally be - with the Goverement of Japan cause its stomach is sour, its little furthering the success of an iuter-1 bowels congested, its skin bot and Eational Exhibition to he held in 1903 in the kingdom of the Mikado, by the furnishing of a section illus- trative of almost everything grown . or produced in Canada. Mr. William Hutchison, Exhibition Commies:otter of the Canadian tovei nment, will be in Charge, and one of the main features of tbe Canadian exhibits will be the making on, the spot of bread front Canadian flour, by Mr. 'Jameson, an Ottawa expert baker. CANADIA.IsT FLOUR. of the eort that will be eexhibited contains by actual klanalysis about one-tenth more of albureenoids than the best quality of Hungarian flour; and the alblinee- noids or gluten being more tenacious yield a dough which rises better and bolds its position in the baked loaf. Whenthis is seen the demonstration in Japan will be followed as else- wheze by a demand for Canadian -ilotie in that country far in excess of the paltry $8,410 worth exported last year. From Canadian flour bakers can make not only the best quality of bread but likewise the largest quantity per barrel. Three independent tests made by first-class bakers with strong Canadian flour have given the following results. Each using. 1.00 pounds of flour, they the better it was for his heart. This obtained respoctavely 146, 152, and is still true in, respect to certain 151 pounds of bread. Adulteration forms of heart disease -- those due of Canadian floar by Indian corn to actual muscle; but when the dise flaw. or any cheaper inferior. sub-. ease is in the valves, as it is in the stances is entirely unIcnown, and for majority of eases, the modern teach - sweetness, whiterass, and strength ings is that properly regulated ex - this flour is tinsuepassed. erciso is beneficial. -This is founded Ie the matter of the exports of upon the conamon-sense view that the wheat, flour, cheese, butter, armies, heart is like other nanseles in that lumber of all kakis, fish and fish it can be strengthened by exercise to products, carriages, raw and menu- meet increased calls upon it, says factured 'cottons and woollens, Can- the -Youth's. Cempanion. ada is Japan's natural net -door When the valves of a pump DOP111053 4411110S lla curea • ixal etrilrettenr. M the r eanag.roreb eacand pinion of Lac ear. Stare leanly one wee t cure cleefoate cot that 14 by toostitte tionaI remedies. lin l'aveft 4. OM* 4 beat/ mimeo condi len of to Enure -se ileitis et the eateeettert Tepee Wheal ads tube is ite. eamtd eon'finVei nettouleing sound .r IMPer. rem, brewing. andh woa it loi 114 F117 Cinet111 dieresis% is die ma 1, a a4 unloo ilm Mann. 11,41148 0.11i th/ U1 mid III uhe 'Tittered la iis normal contill 33, honingwU bo dv grove, 4 raver; nine aji (I'lh el ten ar, o wed es cforth. IT hkb k hglIbkhg bu.ar4 Ito name,' ceeditiem of Vie muceue n r Wo real elvo OPO littadrcil Ihnlarsfer any rasa 'of liralness Pausal by Ciih net) lbot con a t bo awed by Jun, Cnearth Cure. acne -or circular*. !rte. r,S.CIIENEY &CO., Teltee,o. emabyaremeatr.71ts, steinerazat Pita ere the best The Escurial Palace, in Spain, Is two miles from Madrid. It has 1,- 600 rooms, SO stelrcases, 48 wino - cellars, and eight organs. "TUE PROOF OF Tim PUDDING LIES IN THE EATING." The doctors are dumbfounded, the druggists astonished, and the people excited and joyful over the wonder- ful cures and tremendous sales of the great remedy, St, Jacobs Oil. Every case of Rheumatism -some of many years' standing -has given way to this powerful remedy. Thousands of certificates like the following can be furnished as to its value : George Scleyer, publisher of the Chilton, Wis., "Volksbote," used St. fJacobs Oil for "almost unbearable feverish. Relieve it and it will sleep pins in the back, which had corn- ett night, every night growing pas prostrated him." A few ap- stronger in proportion. Just what plications cured Mtn entirely. mothers need is told in a letter from Mrs. E. J. Flanders, alarbletan, Que., who says :-"I cannot say too much in favor of Baby's Own Tab- lets. They have worked like a charm with my baby, who was very rest - lase at night, but Baby's Own 'Tab - Mrs. ared. Eberle, Bellaire, O., was for a long time severely trou- bled with Rheumatism. St. Jacnbs Oil instantly relieved and entirely cured. her, Rev. Dr. 33. Pick, of Rochester, lets soon brought quiet sleep and N.Y., suffered so intensely from rest. I shall rieVer be without a box Rheumatic pains that ho was unable to preach. Several applications from while I have a baby." baby's Own a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil "relieved Tablets cure all minor aihnentalibtle of him." one, and are guaranteed to P. Redder, Cleveland, Ohio, says ; contain no opiate or harmful drug. -"Two applications of St. Jacobs They are sold at 25 cents a box Oil cured me of great and long -con - by all dealers, or you can get them by mail, post paid, by writing direct tinued pain in nay foot." Messrs. 0: L. Brundage and Son, to the Dr. Williams' Itredieine Co., druggists, Muskegon, Mich., write : Brockville, Ont., or Schenectady, -"St. Jacobs 011 has a wonderful sale. We sold eight bottles at re- tail yesterday. This will give you FOR WEAK HEARTS. some idea of how well it is liked in this section," Moderate Amount of Exercise Is Mr. Louis Hinkel, of East "Poesten, Beneficial. Kill, N.Y., • says :-"I call St Jacobs Oil the best liniment I ever -used. It is not many years ago that the It belief prevailed that a sufferer from cured me of Rheumatism and pain in heart disease was in constant peril the back." Herman Pittner, Manchester, N.H.: whenever he moved, and that the "Ihave tried St. Jacobs Oil, and nearer he a,pproached absolate rest - found it excellent. All those who get " OF-Wl$,Ak ,,,k•IkNq,:.:,1 -OW • War V (tiar 13 That's world,''—in anything fit and finish too, in "the greatest tiling in the that's worn. You get style, —But the one thing we emphasize is their Wearlfrg Quozilt168- "Granby Rubbers wear like iron." ''''',.kenitasmcatingsimmoggoaFezrilrinmf have purchased it speak of it as 'simply incomparable.' Geo. a. Ernie, Palestine, Ill. :-"I was in bed suffering from a swollen leg. I used St. Jacobs Oil,. its ef- fect was wonderful. The following day 1 attended to nay business again." Dr. Otto Fuls, Reading, O., writes i -'The sale of St. Jacobs Oil is constantly increasing ; it is praised by everybody, and never - fails to give entire satisfaction." Old Dr. Grimshaw (to medical student) -- And now, remember that to a phyeician humanity is di- vided into two classes." Student - "And what are they, doctor?" Old Dr. Grimshaw --- "The poor whom he cures and the rich whom he doe - tors." vet care sixty Years. AST OLD AND NVELL411,22D 11E311:5T. Mrs Winslow's Soctiiing,Syrup has been used for over sixty tears by millions of mothers for their children wilt' e leethirry, with perfect cneeci,s. It oothea the child, mitotic, tho gums, allsys„ ail pain, cures 'wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhcea, L pleaiant to tho taste, Sold by druggiAs in evnry or of tho woed, twentrhve cents ;bottle. Its ViLlt/O, is4 calculable. 'Bp 'cure and rit,k for Mrs. Wiuslow's finothing 'Syrup. I4 take no other kind , ' THROUGH Titre BODY. To talk through a human aptly - or a row of hunter* bodies, for the matter of that - is one of the wierdest of the electrician's feats, 11 a, telephone wire be seveeed and the two ends be'lield. by Pereori. one in each hand, hat far apart, it is quite possible for two individuals to carry oa a conversation through the body of A medium as readily axle as distinctly as if the line had been PrOaerly counected. The total number of etnigronte from Fagland in the year of Water, loo was only 2,081. SENSATIul II liEW1?OUNDLAND0 iTOSEPH 3300ZTE, SEVZX A HOPEZLESS IiT- VALID, • CUBED BY DODD'S F„IDNEX ischerge4 Prom Uospital as Ills eurable,Givea up by Doctors IS Now ack t VLis Werk Again. Cotters Cove. Nfld.; Dee. 22, (Specie.1)--4nnerig the Lehner deb- ereaen here the wonderful cure of tioaanit Beene, one of their number, late greeted a, SeliSatiOn. 'they leak on it as approaching the mirattu- ieue. loor eight years, Joseph Boone we a. hopeless invalid. For wen yeere ha was unable to work. Ile was die - charged from the hospital after &wen menthe treatment as ineura- blte Severe' doctors tried in vain to give him relief for thee° terrible pains and aches erising front Kid- ney Complaint The cure of a friend by Docid's Kichaw Pills tempted tint to try them. Ile used three doeeit boxes and tealay he is worltber at lobeter darting and doing es big a dare work as any of Ins itiatee. This in brier is the altOr,y of Jeeeeth Beene, lie bas to tell it often to people who rover asPeeted to are bhn o a. day's work twain and he ways adtle: "I am stifl using Dede's Kidney Pills end 1 fuel a great benefit in very hoe1 use. I can scarcely be- lieve It is tayeelf Is In it at all ot- ter eaten yearn of welt so -Cedric front complicated complaint of tleit Book and V1410a.... REMOVING LAMPBLACK, Instead of using Water for this, try washing the 411100 with 'kerosene and wiping with a dry cloth. Of comae soap and water must he used ulterward to take off the kerosene. CRAS/I LigErx TO OCCUR. Cement le:trivet Said. to Be iA 'Unstable Condition. A remarkable article appeared 15 the issue of December 12th of the Monetary Times on the state or the cement ntarket in Canada and the erash that is likely to follow upon the formation of so meaty now COM, ponies. The Car:Idle:1 production of ce- ment in 1001 was 4415,000 barrels, the imports were in that year 550,- 000, making in all 945,000 barrels. In 1902 the total output in Canada had risen to 815,000 barrele, and the imports 486,000 barrels, a total supply on the market of 1,801,000 barrels. The article then goes on to show that whereas Ole Market is growing at a normal rate, the supply will have risen to an alarming figure. The estimated production for 1903 of the nine factories in operation last year will be 1,515,000 barrels. In addition to this the five new com- panies that are setting up in On- tario Ma estimated to produce 825e 000 barrels. 'Thus the output of On- tario is likely to be well over 2,- 000,Ciri1j barrels, The new factories opening in Quebec and Manitoba bring the Canadian output of cement to about 8,000,000 barrels. As the demand is about 1,200,000 barrels, one can easily imagine that the tre- mendous excess of production over demand is likely to cause a crash in the market that will be fatal and far-reaching. The collapse that has occurred in the German market (where cement Is selling at 20 per cent. below cost price) through tho number of fac- tories rushing into the business, is pointed out AS a warning to Cana- dians to go slowly and be sure of the demand before building costly factories and producing three times In a local paper containing an ac- count af an amateur, concert the fol- lowing was announced: Mrs. S. was unavoidably absent, being kept at home by a bad child." Needless to say that the ad" in child should have been "I.' ' Bickle's An ti-Con;ium ptIve Syrup stands at the head of the list for all diseases of the throat and lunge. It acts like magic in breaking up st cold. A cough it soon subdued, tightness of the chest is relieved, even the worst case f consnmption is re lieved. while in reeent cases it may be said neva.* to fall. It is a medicine pre- pared from 'tlie active principles or virtues of several medicinal herbs, and can be de pended npoa for all pulmonary coin - Hawaii's population is one of the most mixed on earth. Of its 160,- 000 people, 60,000 are Japanese, 30,000 Chinese, and another 15,000 foreigners from Europe and Americas • Monkey Ili•and Soap cleans kitchen utensils, steel, iron and tinware knives and forks, and all kinds of cutlery. The shortestmile in Europe is the Russian verst,,. which is only 1,105 yards. THREE LIIINDRED PROPOSALS. Miss (,:leiStCh J. Miller, of Chicago, has just started an her firth trip round the worid. Sim has visited every eciuntry in the world except Siberia, which she is pow on her way to visit. She always trave's alone, and has Lever missed a train or boat conneCtion, never met with an accident, and kis reitteed 800 proposals of learriege. he'll Another Triumph -lie Thomas $ Smaderlene, writes: "Fer fear 'eel/ years I was afflicted with Pike And requently I was nimble to walk or sic, ind four years ago I was cured by uslog Dr. Mama.' Ecteetrie OA. I bare also been silbject rCI .QniNelsy for aver forty rears, bet Eeleeirat 0 1 la and It rVilti it limo:men cure .itt both easee, 41** It:ether the Piles leer gurney hue troulalt sitiee." During n. voyage from Irtien Alistralia. the Milli is out of eight land for two days only. 111101Ta 111101 tams Ouripi m •Con An voa to Bilious licsulachee-Bilione nese, walell is atiteal l.y exec:leave t,lle m the stem:tele bee a nierketltercet tipeu •heuerves, and °feet manifeere- itself he htiviavlat... Tine et the meet Ireeting headache tatecan have. There ere .headaellee frown cold, from fevea anct front other fetuses, Init the utows. ie.:reel- :nine,. of all is the bitleme heeclachte• -Pea melee's Milo will Mira ite-etire a almost immedietely. 1 wilt. diempear 116 30011 as the Ilan opresati. /'itere le siothlegeurer be thc 1Tqc1111141;4; Ot 1/3,11(111n ofettlitehe. Fish Juliet's le 1 dien't." ata " a seller for Mies prat - "les; bet 1. whartV DIRECT ST1,A118IIIP SERVICE TO MANILA,. The Chicago .S.Nortel-Wetacim Rail- way 4111101311CON that in connection with the daily trateecontinental ter - vice, via that, line trout Chicago to San Francisco. tee steamship linee bum the letter port, have ballet:rat- ed direet saintlier; from San Pratteis- cn to Manila. additional to the see - vire via Ntir,1181114 end hong Kong. Sonia of the fineet steninehips In the Paeille are being tteed for this new direct eerviee. "Artint do yon call Win? Why, there's only one thing he cen itraw properly." "What's that?" "Corks." Trete 2827V0r11"44, tort nsver will at a nniveleal nee wen. ie one railway, for all hie to withal iteir-e lie very name af many curatives being staa that were ae germs of other and differently lantal iliseteas rooted 121 the svstein of the Pelona-want would relieve olio ill, in nth would egeravate the other. We envie lowever, 70 Qs:aline Wine, wbee obtain able in. a sound annilulter.red 28 reilletly for mane end grevtous ills. ily lis gradual acel jnditainte ilea the ft.:Olen esatenit are led late eonvaleseence Will strength. by the loilneuee which Qui - eine eXerts on Nat lire's own restoistt Ira/. It relieves the drooping spirits of those with whom ebrenie mare of morhi..1 rontiency*1e- 821.1 Ludt of ;ems:, in life 14 28 ease, and, by iraueuiliziug tne nerveis disposes to sound am( refreshing sleep - imparts vigor to the nation of the blood which behig stimulated. son rscs through out the veins. streugthemoz the health animal function -4 of the einem, ;here° making activity a necessary result 4trengtbelling she frame and Ovine 1if to the digestive organs. which nasuraily demand mere:to:A substatice-re•mit, moved appethe. Northrop S.: Lyman of Toronto, havegiven to Inc inutile their superior Quinine Witte at the usual rite, anti, 'ittas,eil by the opinion of Sei011tiStct, 51114 Wine approaches uearest perfection af am- in the market. All dr8ggle:4 sell ammotRctn weemploy SChe Wlici 1pett427makiriz mince pies. ff has ebarim of making, all of Lility,s "fibre eat. Ile uses the very slickest mater:als• e Da 1c21.1te nate the T MINCE MEAT Ever sold -end 4i tires. Oct s psckage sit yourgreccereaneiV for tee IAIKV.1411. VUit will never es s enel Idea aeam. aismsa Atha ei ate Wur.d. with se new 41).3.1410 8%11 Inches, seat annvliere for is coos m stamps, hoelriet,“thate ee Molla QOM/ THINGS 705d5i" ltnAlkil Jinn. LIPSY, alcflEILL .6- LIMY, CHICAGO. Johnnie es know "And it . No. mamma. 41 pie in the pau wer to eet it.' 1149 LooIl PaIver."gamma tild." 't. 1 know there but 3. Jutio"t got Mard's Uatet tins *hula, During the three Menths. Jennary, February and March. 20 ou1 of every 1.e0 births tahe place; durieg the next quaeter 20 only. Suffer No Uore.-There are alhoneand who live miserable I, ens beeettse elysneieda dulls the faculties anti shadows esisteiteti with the cloud ef deproesion. One way to datiel the vaptiN thet beset the vietinie 01 this disarder le to °Wier aunts032(540 or iain rehea ee,..enthie mos. which are lunette the hatT Vegetable PIlle known beim: easy to take and aro most efileacien, hi theiraction. 4. trial,of them will prove be. a 'A quarter -inch bar of steel did not break ttll 8.832 pounds were put upon it; but a bar of iron of UM steno diameter bore 4,504 pounds only. eneasnanwanianesalessiaseinisalliaelle Messrs. 0. 0. Richards ai Co. 1,esttemen.-My three children were enagerously low with diphtheria. On the adviee of our priest my wife b- an the use of MINAND'S LINI- MINT. In two hours they wera gteatly relieved, and in live darn they were complete*, y wen, and I; ermly behove your *valuable 'Arlie amet saved the lives of my chil- then. Gratefully yours, A DELB KEIT Lynimuivit littir's Mills, June 100, 1800. - Only one -sixtieth of Argentina's Y rich corn land is cultivated, and she Y could easily•increase ber wheat crop • to 24 times its present propor- tions. IT DEPENDED. "Has Mr. Bilden a geed nieillorel" -"Wells" replied the discreet friend, "I must, say it depends-semewhat en whether he's owning of collecting" IMPERIAL MAPLE SYRUP The quality Ftwdrtni from ocean to ocean. Your "'Alley 1,tAck it net sAthfactorst. ROSE o LAFLAMME, Agents, Molar& _ Mrs. Brown - "Jane,, has Mr. Brown come home yet? I thought I heard him just now." ' June - mum. That was the dog what was growling." MioarTs Liniment Cures Distemper. NEW INFORMATION BUREAUS. George E. Daniels, General Pas- senger Agent of the New York Central, Booming Resorts. To boom pleasure anf health re- eorts along the New York Cemtral and associated lines and thereby in- crease the earnings of his. depart- ment, George IL Daniels, general passenger agent of the Central, • has installed information bureaus throughOut the country. Ile is try- ing this Oen of advertising for the first tine. The function of these bureaus is to convey inforniation concerning the Central and the pleasure resorts, and also to sell tickets to any one who may wish to buy. These bureaus _have been establish- ed in this city, Brooklyn, Syracuse, Rochester, BoiTalo, Niagara Palls, Montreal, Toronto, Cleveland, De- troit, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Louis- ville, St. Louis, Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, San Francisco and ortl and, Ore. -From the New York 11 r Id. . And Fr) guaranteed. Slats eS once to M A. SITH 44, Ss &toren et, Toronto commission is only :fl er POU LT RV WANTED. Present 'prim; for shipmcnts hive or dre..sed. until Der. 2e •rbieteo, Ss lb, docks, tielh. TURKEYS lOo LB. f.o.b. Toronto. We seed tut empty erehantid molt mom t y. ONTARIO FOUL litY 170.52 n.vr Ave., Toronto. 3=1 -s.ciaa= 3P,aniam..m ill:4tra;RAZo. 1C331Jite1c.45grire02rl4, Toren o sub rbs, kulek inv., hooted with h.areter„ recall ators, 8r derrionA operythine compiern, most 44,e1.0. ehe lor 42,540, 1100 ' (limn Pattie lam, A. Futriels, 04 Morse St..; Toronto. IT Turkeys, Ceese, - anka 03111301 ens • If you want best prices ship youz poultry to 115. We want large quanti, ty to meet aeraand we has, e for it EGGS' P"v°can get you Elg riCCSI fThorn.. far fh9 Unman Commission ca., TORONTO, Consignments and Omrespontlen e solicited. la,C CP INGE "14s"'VrCilliaRi2SK. We want the services of number et Souffles ta de ko,itt nit for up et 114.025,who1e or spare time, WO furnish 015 mIchino and Enpply tho sorn froe rayfor Lilo 'work ilk Retain. a)ormoco no 11 minim 47 to 1110 , week made accenting to time docotnd to at tee. Write as one, tor *10551400,,5ADU) re, mulct Tito hImitittion iittzt,taittg Co., Dept. II, '1`013.0O• N0, ON'1", 111 The A"rnott Institute, 13er0in, Ont, Or •W, Arnett, Superintendent. We treat, the cause - not simply the habit% and therefore pro duce t atmal speech. Write for particulars "Well, little cha p,'' said the prices AS TURKEYS wI of all kinds wants 3. Good stranger in the family, picking up wr. one of the children, -what are you • going to be when you are a ' 'Nein ," said the tee 1 d. ing9 Why so?" asked theStrati th °Because," e realtl,' m "1 a 1. 1,?:r g linirrieut. Cures Colds said etc, ,ittie gel • Our