HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-1-1, Page 6UAITSE OF MANY A
BA fl '(7 People aa We eau as long as we
can." -
selected from the book of Proverbs,
Beginning our sermon with a, text
wo w.... end With a spirt inspire&
pieading peroration teem the 'wok
et Eccieeiestes, The two, indireetly
The Grinding Effects of Sinful Depreciation ke
4cti P"'"iTilY•
the' s4nie gre4
to, the Business World.
23; I John IT, 11: 11 001% bcs 14)s.
I'pt, tc
The sinner is not asked to do a
single thing but confess himself a
sinner and accebat whih God
its provitleL
33, lle. 'When he Wei brought them
. into hie house, he set meat before
;tb.eete and !ejoiceed. belieeing in clod
1. nit ethlaa sa,isvectoz. graee,, be at ewe,
begins to work, for we are s.eved in
order to worts, See carefully
ii,„ 8-10 ; Tit. Ili, 5, 8, Ibeving be-
Peele a child of God he begins at
once to cerifess it by baptism end
manifeet it by hieduess. The saale
, hour be washed -their stripes. took i
them into Ide owe, house end PareC
for them. He bevame et once a nieteee
'iber of the church, the body of Christ .
a temple of the Holy Ghost. and.
havieg turned to Ged from idol% lie'
began to eeree the living and true
God and to wait for His $oil from ',1
heaven (I These, i, 0, 10). Pettit
in Christ, receiving Christ, brings
eelvation. mid tben the love of
Christ constrains to good wqrks. li
is at once filled with joy and peace '
in believing Moue ice-. 13). and Teta'
tiee that his household 14 with hin.
in this. God loves to slave hoteetee
holds. Thi nh of Lydia. of Noah. or;
nialleh and their households. PleaiU
those instances with God and troste
lim for your household,
,U ou cty wad ow, e !
IOW men—"Let, es hear the COO^
OlUSiOn Or our duty toward our fel-
low nten-Le t„ us beer the cone
elusion of the whole matter." Wear .r
'Clod avel keep Me counnendleents 5
MO . • •
l'i 4,C144•41,4111zr:MI.:,X:orltr= awl 43,eal, your Mau, away. '11ms For God shall bring every work into
e:13e, eeeeteee:' 04 44.344.t3.10, 04.474 tb*ano 2,C1Q4 nOven dlends• Linebe “) judgment: with eyery eecret thing. `
'tatose who are in their employ. They wueteee it be eoete, or
A despatch e. ,3chronicaily Mad eystentatically growl wbottier
Chicago ewes. , - 0
• ;and tind foult with everybodY awl it be evil." Are we one and g
- ,
Re Vitalitt l'e 1itt Talmage Preeetw Rev„, thine ril,,i, ki, , 4 ,,,, uu., t ready tO obey this inspired in
ft ti in ' i a ' V re; dee' - " '''' "" JIM, ton . Are we ready to conse-
.when an employe le aid of teeing
verbs xx. li. "It is uneeht. it is ,tis• oditiou be will w rii, t ..der Al gto the alaster'a service our
naught, settle the bueer, but wtieul
tl‘f itl I liv th t'f, ,haal 4.1 01 dealings with lemon beings. las
lie 4 gone bie way thee he boost- 711°r° 4 1 4 .. ;:,'It 1r e "lee 'as our direvt. deelings with Christ ? '
etia" litlIngillicItlle deledullrlloleull„‘el "im ler e‘217-; Are we ready to consecrate our whole
Do you see that derusetlem gentle- 1 lives to Christ—not to -morrow or
man weneene his way in and out Now, eveli a course as that is riot xt week or next month, but now— '
aiming the crowded beotlis and fmnest 0r.' jw4- 117.'e 1111,0 tbst5neltd jute. now ? Brother, ter, do you
atoms? ro you rate iosa stop ami ly sass ',eat, every leborer fa worthy }mon, nay tsater, rpolovut to proraiods
pretead to be examining eoule article of 1113 kin°- if 4 Inall 7-'s Pt`" 1-1"':t to live for Jesus than this moment-, "
as 0,110Ogh h.i were nial-eive up las a 0 ought to be paid for doing ia s is now rmay to fly away ? li
'Mind wilether or not to by? He is, ,Nsorn. there Is zeo peed te ear "ewe ode
in treti. etopping to her a con- be 'wag net f•431 us If°01.1 ills)irlis with a
vereattoo e.,lateh is tak.ing ph -ea be- few words of conneernaation es each,
tweoa oo coo osebreoe on.rehant and Me depres,eitig ereete of untwist owe ,
a young man who bee Ilv,.$..l:. SAAVIII:Qt 'senate Ceprecitetion, if tot owe
Perhees trout the lox east, r•ith calm- ,F,44111d11.° and earleeStRy tbat ciao:eel,
es ledete with a, large essortment of lau5t fiddling' has the same edea in ,
extrxmnbre es000s. esoeis ends las, et factory er e, more as the cold. ' Bne7ATIONA-14 X4r.g53911-.
tecree eaoretee te es tee redeeeet et rear ot the eounnendation and c ior t 14 m too whole duty, et mem,
E spipAy scffeo
)o'eng meta to tbo old itietvitant.1 1,,,darti. (21144ilnd Is of lsovereige
'how ece will ;Jou give? 1 14o,Vo ', nave lipon tee floral world, white
Put, every cent into this erterprise. ilvards fkf 4itildoc“,5 diad 41.54irevi4Atiou
raust,SU tbose ehaws eight eieeee tave the eaine inspiretiea won te
IIy creeitors ore tegiranieg to erireel eteredds Of the emPhoio a
me herd. Illy men warit tbeir Innniring strains of the 1.1;1.1 •
egbt away. Thine eboarea are t2-20 MentW i'014005 lied open tee Sespoe
test 1 eritild get in tho met.. They nlra Z'r1r1t5 af tker renCti soWifor
Cost trie $2a.000 1 i'sre, camewbea ti.ey norm: sceiing the „%irl fa
a Ione; distance with .411ml4 and you 1tleu' great, Itellett elet.trtes. Piu
gnrtainlY ottglat to to 0 too eneegb eig the lost cuss of that aewel oe
Teeet of the Leeeere As;eel.
3d, 0914e4 Text, Acte
A -ND QA.W.Q1.1.
e4aiueI Autinathy of the L
62.6"ssos_ mshaorkuyldpiiienciessh of wthoaryk gaot aolnoenv they
Toward the first of the new year is
cll4 HOUSED° paur eood time for the housest.eener to
ch closet And eupboald in or-
•giVe 44414.11"- deIrillsbends are like new beets
.,,,esoloweoroo-eeeteoleelAeoppeo can't tell whether they fio or wile,
Noetstd‘otediAttitWeasPraWar ther they're going to pinch, till it'a
TS0c1:11::V40410;1A1)14P CARInS. tee late to change there'
i*. aniaUaote book in which to
ot people. Paha ig keep a reCOrd Of letters received and
an oeceptebte viand the year rotted. enewered, as well as One ;Or Pails. re,
but with the corning of the holidaY eeived and pdede, will save one maw
egaeett the consumption of these minutes' speculAticht as to Wbether
delecteble ceuivoe,tions so iocreese3 one is debtor or *'editor in these
thee the good housewife is often pet 'metters. and Will 1SSOre a more
te it to supply the dementia of her prompt acknowledgement of the iro
family with something which. Nehiie visitation or peril which ceighe other*
a little out of the ordinory, is yet wise tappet; to be overlooke.d,
le4a harmful in les atter enects than
the time,tioactred fruit cake. The
following reeipee will bp foetid to
fulfill these requirements, sod are
gliaronteed to be '-tried and true,"
checolate Idershetallow Cake—TwO
eari .ntimc.upabeavtItzr,00.1.ucrup3eatecattepsireara
halting powder. AUX Well and stir in
itan !tee!, Up ngsa:43,44dr.n..seth:iml minseetitah $of(et:wel:r;^ouieloriant o!t,:titurl yr bit brlioeti 1947110:i
when c'eld, AZ' to "t leweere"s;‘, ba when you etert your WV er Aa
in solve, loyees. lea wits 114.747,, soon as the water boils and the oat»
mollew froeting, made by seeking 3eleel is added' nave It` to the hack
espo nt.soic g tow_ .of th.e0 stoze,70etad Jet gletittexsralLveeerg!
Nearly everyone knows oatmeal
should he cooked long and slowly,
but. how few take thee to so cook
it in these days of iturrice break-
fasts. in Prder to have It light.
flatly and delickete, ineteed heal?'"
N'Imos worm watcr for b°14r ;lea hoar, hour and a holf. Or enell
%taint over hoe, woter and stir until AIR longer, Put it nwily 1411414114.14ed.
P°11 aud in the morning eimply eget it ott
ilhot the
4/1) w°1"s"°1111 the stow and beet it thoroughly.
e over beaten whites or , •
foTolie tritploaaldr9eirpna.:014:xl:c7orl ee.cm '441rEetibecglilittecoricg.sanuTlintd, "Let water in *the rloot,;4"r" tliaaTret oTt*y"o8er
double boiler. Ali breokinst foods,
vIrronia, seer is eaa al the p000nogA French Calweedreice 4 tableepoons evc° thoee where the directionall
, teeetter against theta, and the mage e
, egg e. imee f bo d he found greatly improve4 cgokod
✓ istrat- • t • hroWn nugato tabiespeon butter. r 'e* ar fel ;mooted onlee, W II
s tide roee facts of viiitural litstoe
y. The rgif
to oloi.st try expia4 tiiss .• Tlo am ',relit. when the Frencit cannon ha
Vaal/ *bragged hie ehoulders, ile if pa to dreesed up by the ropee b.
eaws: "My yourg Waive I do nut len fleDdiers* b:nnaing ttnn.
vete what these shawl* !lace !scot, woke)fl ilcizarerte commentled hi
FOtl. •I'lley ere utterie voitteseee "e 'inntellnalts„ io lieeP on fdaYi141
,eor ore nut litif the awe of the eerie • • - P 11 Y o lie no 4
ee r t oe, 4.,11 heyend teeputo teat' pinch- of milt. And lelack pepper, late
covereandea to beat them. h oven' where the latter owlet irt largeet off tho fogrrillorda together. anti
our last lmsoa in this 1400k, filn outIgricri thee will rapidly difiapeear bOrrod on a greaf-ed aild heats
• h •
al . inesseagern ,of ...Vlore the advaneo Of:the former. • • ed pen. When done (width will bee 114 can WI llarro dllot of gr
:tto Lord rejoieleg in Weer welcome Veers ago. eerilent ebounded, in4in a, :few , Minutes). run knife aeroes, in the house tor the tired eyee to.
".- to tee heme of Lydia, Who bed jest tee, wood- of notinirn mom and in both lengthwiee .1mo ereee,wise. Where rest upon if we take, ,a tome. coaree
egoPened ter he,art to receive the Lord the Province of. eoteeee - Then tete8e0ol they should be quite ceise. lsponge. seam° half dry and sprinkle
Jesus. The plinth; linfesai.n by graceful little red deer. driven nerth C.41._ e—eream de. cup butter, add :lei"' ants" barklr^ gr4S°' and
Q. 1 da not. went them at any 11M03t insineing patriotic pirs. tla
Irrico. 'The moths bave got into ,eineficeierie woos eonarendeteo
eeteo of teem- Frr spy eittelosee some in the care tho woreor
tiley ere reieei.l. that. thoee the notel of etre?teit ripe
era all out of style. They veleta be spirteg ia,u4.e, which NO411 tn;17;i0 the,
44 }Perfect dr -g UNIrs the inacl.n.Let. employee SOW.02.444:05 eVtal kkA
wieh you woald leeve tee slitip„ tleir coo rake ye tete t t tswinre.714
IAMVel a lot tee busioese to attend to. :Edon witteh theie employers bare ete,
otr/ 1 hove no titre to witete." .prcased.
youtig irexperieneed rites TIRE 01.7. 1)NP1bnCIATioN...
bis lip mato the boccia az4eolt
'Rea he thhats ov wife aud sittlo It is ta. soy ne few lame-es:at tiSne
betere. lle tees he is stwring ruin ReFbibk\s, to pey 41$ 1lAtisie 44:9 w
the face. Ile trotwe he umet rnahe VAne t„°, libuf'r who a,r' °°r C°1t141°
Calo right away, elee wig; to,. arse teen to :Tent; tue rest or ou
W ilma Saul of Towers fora beeetne reoese t nil c ilt ' 1 ' 1 I 111-4714Y '.9414"—R441) tftirlSilwr. f Th.t4Illgt'st• r" 4 141111g fit"' Viihtll 11114fW thl
to 8°1,11. and lbo Prinotte'ra "demi them he t:',erei far lIziali.:V yearn pagit. thoug4, butter arid 1 Iti. lino flour. then add JI liegin to turn brown. clip the hall
tou or_ im mum eee e ,, ,o. . e ,, e. rt,O1 no light molasses and roll out ethere will etion be anotber orop of
e ot :levier stir iiie ;Ina watineou country, red liver tutu vcrt, thin. whip° on mops are mon 'IdOesoles,
r f 440a eten 43 the, Lord terget Ilie'mottee are found in large numbers.„' wa-ein:
dietipies white with them Leat the but i,o Caribou. they ehould be roiled around
✓ world would bate them en4 'toy ilwieg largely, it to eeeposee, toi ahglass or rolling phi, to give them
i nitiet. not bet offended if the rfliv„loul the increase in the number of wolvws, 6 egiortera* Cake with Pecan Icing—Mix
d Jewe should put teem mit of tho the tepee of the red deer is probably
getineepie ani kiil them (Aete Ix, emending to ten south and east, anti together 2 CilfJ3 COM meal, 1 cup
o flurcup inolasses. 4 cup butter.
10; John Nee 18; eve, 1, 2.), 'Their we:Omens luxe bi.vit toe' ------------------
Leetisra of herreeli and ier houselield and west by the wolves. gradualleVig 'elowlY 1 cop brown sugar, well "ad vbiver 6.-Ped4 ,teb.tePe.treel.". linApead
ceneee loy in heaven tea spread Into Um home of the caribou. heAtee, eggs„ And f cup water. Sift ' w"er° " gQ"a "° 14'"*"."
aietti Lague zee 7 loo ,Yebee wee ;eel wittie eeasert 01' ttete the tat- together le co
top eauch. for the ;deer -sere ea tat ter h ps our. teaapoon eprinkle it daily. Soon eau will have
- ere each et cinnamon. nutmeg atid a fr4a:`,1 (4 hiCia_g g. reen' where 11°T°
g hpecial WOrk. of 011P,h1Q311 i'2414L'a t4t1 rcd deer Proviutlar hAd, clOve,s tenepoone baking powder,
atm ulere a reu erwer tddisom,
and imprleousuent of lhatil and try of Can,,da. in the neighborhood d ti e in the emu° tvay. Una a. hall
of I eke St, John and St, Miturice. a moderato oven far 11 hours. of """t° whit° bamF'n'alt' 14th
us an 6 r 1N i0 tege er. o „e„
Aud et midnight rood and SI- obeli forinerlY s'APPorted vast herds arid (rout with brown icing, ;[baelitgrotand of clover ilmves. They
•ca and gang preisee unto of dre'r Hints, tee
laugh the fietteeel and the lettere of "leen. and beat thoroughly, Add t cup clt,b,,r way 133 to fill the alioreet8 with
, city. reetiltiel ill the on the other bond the north coun- each oft finely ehepred fige and rain_ wade clover Need. whiele if treated
cvme bauhrupt. eigaili 5a.va. torte in tweeting bow Pewit we 1141,'
"Coal, g,ive SSC ZION'ti4itnir for brnn able to got for little or 10
these einewis?" 'rite old n;erchant 344)!hilq.'„
411.t. s,es uothiaa,.. lhea ane Alettrioseng tepeeciation aunitele
mem: eisus, ytoM4 agat. yo; nez.nt dpving 910mm:tile snit hundreds o
to be in hat‘d latch. I will give you talut*otals Poor men Wanleri as
510.000 If r-nik want Ine to take tee ehiloren into a life of Crime and bit
datteiged goods MY your hands," The a nuinksten 31114V01 to premature
✓ illisniPlo or Oa Lord Jeans. Viraally far Stertil. in t ttaw
! 1 brown fiugar, aux into thesio! evenly rre you wonld the lawn. and
or oil oriel p . 0 ee
Gide Should See a, NAP. Sharpere a
Lead reuell.
Weeding boelleteDon t mere a mat until vim have
litt000n $alt 4 c SOW" and f-1 1 y
''' ks d
stet' an the darlinote and loath- he -where they had not been been
their Pet lit dm in Parte of the countrfi north of Que. • - ---• - -11) --•••-• --- - teen hint ehirren a Iced WN, '01.1 II
:If•01-41CaeSS of the inner prison do not before for more thast a. generetion soda with 11 cups sour cream, and . zer ho .
tell by the way he dors that
-, prate them from, the low of God The Indian and other old hutitere aro ° 6tir an well together. Bane in thren e Of 30 or uo .
e-Ilito. They are filled with prayer f the caribou from this part of the
nor beeak their communion with already foretelling the dierippearAnce glieovueleser I:iv i tah qttudoektoolvioeInv.4tid: BTionict-tioo,--: 9 youri111 e glrakuriozalif tr.eielowinhinotificCutbutliFotir:01:liesnt tia:
ere victors through the preeence of 'There is a theory that the instinct
shirt front is slow and !Ikea to have
ei itil pralee to:cording. to Ps. =Av. 1, entry. where they are at present grther 11 WWI brown "(gar* 1 CUP wards Mut eiel elite) up againet his
' to . i an 4. and i s friends, they ry abundant.
thinneyPiewsilYingrmantinlecouftp letarellambe.ttwileletini ;secrete. Hu Is the thol of man who,
'I Chest 11 1 or the caribou telle them that an In- the lingers. Beat until thick. then 4 when k in k; -t, i k f I
toles began to start from Ole yitene grave. The public is guilty of coca
Titan's eve. lie is too bravo to 'Pliellet in the evil. it not. only en
flow them ne gees to the caenee;tafarcagee the employer in his in
or the street and Viands there Owl adequatet ieteuneretion of his ent,
awhile to While he is there Ployes, but. incites It. Every
the old merehant's eyes Sharply foto ‘Where the universat cry is. Vtlive u
low Ulm. Then, the young man houtothing theite, cheap. cheap
comm. back at. last and nays: "1 cheap and the heads of the large
guess 1 will take your *intr. That actories and storee are daily tryiin
am= must lose au the seeney 4 * meet this demand, and to utt8et t
ever made In my life. That means. e salaries of employes muse it,
I will not only throw away tax cut down. By the lewd of socia
Inontiud hard work, but that now econoudes saine people must be
ara utterly reined. Here L9 a. re- figuratively, shoved to 'tbe wall. I
ceipt for the money. Oleo me the is not the head of the great dry
money and let me go eo my tent and goods emporium who. as a rule, has
tell my wife we are both ruined." to auffer. Oh, no, lie will get hi
Mealy lies the young men left when pereentege of profit no neuter who
Xing Solomon, for he is the listen- COMM MA it is the Medi:111M at
er, sees the old Hebrew merchant be- the beneh, it is the poor 'female
gin, to rub together his hands clerk who receives a salary less that
glee. A broad, sardonic smile over- sho can live on. It is the poor Gew
spreads Ids merciless facc,. Ing girl who has to work all night,
TIM MEANING OP SOLOUON. It is not, as a rule, the capitalist
who has to be crushed and squeezed
by the great crowds which swarm
around the "bargain counters" on a
Monday morning. It is the small
wage earner whose heart, and life are
being trampled under the feet of
men and women who are scouring
the stores to find goods which they
can purchase at little above, or even
less than, cost. It is the poor girl
and the young man who on account
of the awful struggle for a liveli-
hood, which is daily becoming hard-
er, are -throwing themselves into the
t 29. Immeilia.tely all tito doors
.3 were operieti, end every ORO'S hands
were loor.od.
1 Their sage were heard in heaven
t as well as on earth etiKi, thOUglt
they had no influence in tile city.
;see the power they had in heaxen —
9 et quaking earth, foundation walls
t prison doors open, Priselle
Sere' bonds loosed by the Master af
1;11e9,0 Inen who felt all that was
t!done to them as done to Himself
-land part of whose ntiesion was to
give deliverance to captive,* and
opened prisons to those who were
1.)teuncl (Ise. lxi, 1).
voice, saying, Do thytelf no harm,
27, 28. Paul cried with a loud
.for we are all here.
1 While the righteous were suffering
Abe ungodly were in health and
!asleep, but if the ungodly had slept
tinto eterniti• how fearful their con-
dition! See and believe Luke eel,
22, 23; Rev. xiv, 9-11; Job. xxxvi.
1.S. What a. mercy to awaken such
ere it be too late. Tho jailer, in
his blindness, not knowing' of the
hereafter, would have mulls' rusloci.
Wbile this convereat ion takes
place between the deceitful old mer-
chaut and his partner, methinks I
can see a, troubled look come over
the face of the disguised king who
Is standing near by. Methinks I can
hear him soliloquizet "How con-
temptible and despicable is this
wholesale system of swindling de-
preciations! How deceitful and
damning it was for that old raer-'
chant to despoil that young mar-
eharit. I must etnbody among my
proverbs for the benefit of all my
people a, warning against this al-
most universal and sinful habit."
Tbat night, while the great king' is
sitting alone in his palace study, he
takes up his pen and adds another
outstretched arms of temptatiou, and! into it and have found himself in
who are becoming more and more lhopeless despair bad not Paul re -
reconciled to lift their thin, pale
lips for the polluted, poisonous, can-
cerous kiss of sin.
turned good for evil and kindly cried
to him.
29,30. Then he called for a, light
sparkling gem to his casket of stin- Depreciation, when it 3s unjust, is and sprang in and came trembling
tillating jewels of wisdom. I would* and fell down before Paul and Silas
hypocrisy, and it is in a large nice -
interpret the lesson of this text not and brought them out and said, Sirs,
i sure responsible for the d r
only n the merchant s parlance, but ep essec
de. conditions of spiritual life in the
also in reference to the wicked
church as well as in the home and
preciations of every walk in life, no
the store. Some people seem to
matter where the sinful practice may
think that the religion of the Lord
be found.
Jesus Christ has nothing to do with
Now, my friends, as Ear as I can the weekday. 'They act as if they
understand our social life, the great- had a right to leave their piety at
est need of the world to -day is not home on a Monday morning, as they
for a few more gigantic factories to would ta put on or off their Sunday
run night and day for the manufae- clothes. But I want to tell you
tering of scalping knives and swords
that Christ's teachings are utterly
and. daggers and iron tipped clubs
at variance with such hypocritical
or for great kilns, where brickbats
nonsense. If a, man is not a Chris -
cart be hardened out of dirty clay to
throw at our brothers. The great
need of the world is not for a few
microscopes and X ray lenses
for magnifying and exposing our
brother's faults and reminding him.
of his own imperfections. But the
greatest need of the world is for at
least 500,000,000 homes to be turn-
ed into Christlike pharmaceutic es-
tablishments. In those homes every
father and mother, brother and sis-
ter, ought to be busy all the time
trying to compound old fasbioned,
invigorating allopathic doses of gos-
pel encourageneent. They should be
quick to recognize and praise one
another's good points as well as
their faults. They should encourage
each other with words of inspiring
good her as well as caution them
with words of tr6nehant warning
against the quicksands and the hid-
den snares of life. ,
Discouraging depreciation is often
found ie, the dealinge of employers
with bheir employes. Many men
and women who ase at the head of
large establishments do not like to
conuneed their employes They say
if you praise a clerk even a little
that clerk will get too good an opin-
ion of hims,elf and will ask for an in-
crease of selary. Or, if :you prai.99 well as the Sunday we will try '90
en omplaye, some rival firm vele do all the good we can to as Leaa:>•
tian during the weekday, he is not a
Christian on Sunday. If a woman
is not a Christian in her dealings
with her groceryman and butcher,
her baker and servant girl and on
her shopping expeditions, she is not
a Christian when she goes to church.
A falsehood is just as big and black
'when littered over a store counter as
when it is told M. church. It is as
heinous an offense as was that lie
told under the shadow of the up-
lifted liand which the apostle Peter
raised when he was preaching to
Ananias and Sapphire, near the Jeru-
salem temple. And so, my brother,
if you want to consecrate your
churches ;to *ed, you must also
consecrate your Stores and factories,
your advertising columns, your
commercial buyers, Your clerks'
salaries and your draymen's wages.
When some one asked George White-
field whether a certain man was a
Christian or no, the great evangel-
ist answered : "How can I tell ?
I never lived with him." So Cod
will never declare we are his chil-
dren enless we resolve, like John
Wesley, that during the Mouday t ed
Tuesday and V‘iednesday and ThurS-
day and Friday and Saturday as
what must I do to be saved?
• This is the work of the Holy
Spirit whom Jesus sent from tho
Father and of whom he said, When
He is come, no will convince you of
sin, of righteousness and .of judg-
ment (John xvi, 18). The jailer had
never had to do with prisoners like
these nor had he ever met with
kindness in return for such treat-
ment as he had given to these two
men. He saw in theta those who
had power that was not of earth ;
he saw that they were his friends,
Lor men whom he had treated as he
had these might naturally have let
lean take his life and been glad of
it, but they had begged him not to
harm himself. Ile has been power-
fully wrought upon for his soul's
good ; he sees his danger and turns
to those in whom he had seen the
supernatural. See in job xxxiii 18
29, 30, and . the context how much
God does 1,o save a sold and consider
the sorrows of Jesus and what it
Cost 1Tim to save us.
31, 32. And they said, Detieve. on
the Lord Jesus Christ and thou
shalt be saved and thy house, And
they spake unto him the word of the
Lord and to all that were in his
God's way of salvation is, believe,
receive, behold, -take—it is all fully
prepared and provided in Owlet,
and the invitation to all is, Come—
come now, with the assurance that
no one who comes shall ever be
turned away (Isa. i, 18; 1; Matt.
esoe 4; John i, 12, 29 ; vi, 87; By,
4; John i, 12, 29; vi, 37; Bev.
xxii, 17). Without aeythi n g what-
ever on our part but a sense of our
need, He asks us to accept the gift
of eternal life, this life being in His
Son, His unspeakable gift (Rom. vi
vasion of their feedIng greninda by
the deer is due to the purettit of the
latter by wolYee. and that it IS the
horror of these pests which leads
Omni to forsake any territory to
which they mom to know that their
refuge. for chocolete, and 1 cup shredded cocoa -
distasteful tullghbors are fleeing
Vat. Prop onto a well -greased pan, or aby I did it." A woman with n,
There are not walitlur, eareful" ob- and bake In rather a het Oven. jealous dispoeition should look out
servers among Canadian woodsmen Pelee Sponge Cake—Beat separate- for the Man who 6liarreliti his rend.),
Who Attribute to Jealousy el the Ly the whites and yolks of 4 eggs en this manner and shell. him as silo
little Virginian deer', at the aPProack till very $tiff, add et, cup of sugar to would poison.
of the nutting Pinson, the action of i Melt, beating thoreughly. Ille both The man who holds the pencil out
ilia caribou in fleeing with his Mate portions together and beat for five and WhittleS .1.1.W.41 1
add I cup chopped pecans and frost.lthere aro "others," and mem hen
Cocoanut Drop Cakes—One egg" who they are and what he means by
and e cup sugar beaten together, calling on them, will esaume an air
then add 2 heaping teaspoons flour ot exceeding dtgidty and put her off
and 1 teaspoon baking powder. Beat with eomo await° answer which slays
*moth rind add 2 tablespoons gTated quito "Tee. I celled; but
it's liOne Of your business who she is
y. Care (NS 01. re -
milts. is an impublive fellow, JOIlla
good-natured and generous, and the
girl who knows her business eau
pump bim dry of interesting fates
before lie is aware of what he is do-
He who leave's a blunt Nitre is
dull and plodding, and will never
amount to much. He is really a.
, three-quarters cup of milk, add four good-hearted fellow. and hasn't an
8 level tablespoons sugar, one level enemy in the world. llo finds bis
teaspoon salt, one-half yeast cake chief pleasure in the conunonplace
Ione cup cooked oatmeal and about On the other lutnd, he who sharp.
.dissolved in one-quarthr , eep • Milk. 'things of life. - ,
two and a half cups of flour. Flour ons his pencil an inch or so from
varies a little in its thick.ening the point is high-strung and iniagi-
quality and the exact amount can- native, and subject to eXuberant
not always be given for Mixing flights -of faney. He will always be
bread. Let rise and bake in muffin seeking to niount upward, and ace
Parker House Corn Gems—Mix one
cup flour, one cup corn meal, four
level -teas oons bakin ot d r d
from the company and tho country
of his gay little rival. The problem
Is a most interesting one and is en-
gaging tho atteution of many inves-
It is a. rule, to which good lawyers
usually adhere, never to tell more
than ono knows. A newspaper tell
funny story of a lawyer Who car-
ried the reit.) to the extretue.
Ono Of the agents in a,SItitiland Ile-
atision Court in England objected to
a, p o name was on the re-
gister, on the ground that be Wa.S
dead. The revising barrister declin-
ed to accept the assurance, how-
ever, and demanded couclusive testi-
mony on the point.
The agent of the other side rose
and gave corroborative evidence as
to ine deeease of the gentleman in
"But, sir, how do you know the
inan's dead?" demanded the barrio.
"Weil." was the reply, "I don't
know. It's very difficult to prove."
"As I suspeeted," returned the bar-
rister. "You don't know whether
he's dead or not."
The barrister glanced triumphantly
round the court, but his expression
gra.dually underwent a change as the
witness coolie' continued:
"I was saying, sir, that I don't
know whether he is dead or not, but
I do know this: they buried him
about a, month ago on suspicion." .„
Opening the door in response to
an insisthnt knock the'Indy beheld
the figure of one she remembered.
"Oh, it is you, is it?" sbe said,
is me," was the anSWer.
"Your long -lost husband, who has
come to tell you that lie is sorry
be ran away to years ago:"
"Maybe -you are ,sorry you
went," retorted the lowly, "but I
ain't. What did you come back
...NTy.dea rest, I have been to Klon-
dike, and last summer I accumulated
fifty thousand--
.'Fif-ty thou -sand dollars!'' shriek-
ed the loving wife, as she fell on his
minutes. Lightly toss in 1 cup sift-
ed flour, stirring as little as possible,
and bake in a moderate oven for 25
minutes. Frost if desired with either
pink or white icing.
liaised Oatmeal — Scald
' "No; in,osquite bites.
It was only a, moment later that
he fell on his neck. himself.'
"Are' you. eautatingayour son for
,any pa,rtioular calling?" "Yes!'"
"What?" "Well, lie made his own
selection, and as. near es 1 can find
,out 10 educating himself to be the
'husband of an 'heiress
gp ve, an
one-half level teaspoon salt. Cream
one-quarter cup butter, add one-half
cup sugar, add three eggs well beat-
en and one cup of milk. Combine
the mixtures and bake in buttered
gem pans in a quick oven.
Entire Wheat Bread—Scald two
cups of milk, add one-third cup mo-
lasses, one level teaspoon salt, one-
half yeast cake dissolved it one-
quarter cup luice-warm water, one
cup white flour and enough entire
wheat to knead which will be about
five cups. Let rise, over night, in
morning knead, let ride and bake.
Hominy Fritters — Mix one cup
flour, one level teaspoon salt and
two level teaspoons baking powder.
Add two cups cold boiled hominy,
one egg well beaten and milk ))to
make a thick batter. Fry in deep.fet
and drain On paper.
Waffles—Cream one-half cup of
butter, add four egg yolks well
beaten, one-half eevel.spoon salt,
beat well, add two cups flour, four
level teaspoons baking powder, one
cup each of milk and cream and the
beaten whites -of four eggs, , Cook on
hot buttered waffle iron. '
comphsh things in the higher re-
gions of business and arts, and hie
wife's greatest trouble Neill be to
hold bit down to earth and preveet
hits flying off altogether on a tan-
The man who sharpens his pencil
all round smoothly and evenly as
though it were planed off in an au-
tomatic sharpener is systematic and ,
slow to anger. But he Is so very .ges
undeviating from a fixed principle
that be would drive a woman with
a sensitive. temperament to distrac-
tion in less than six months,
He who leaves tbe sharpened wood,
as jagged as saw teeth round tho
top has a nasty temper and will
want to smack the baby on the
slightest provocation, Ther,3 are
certain W0113.011 who ceri`nianag,e that
sort of man beautifully, though, and
if he gets a wife with a calm, per-
suasive eye he will come down from
his high horse in a few minutes and
a.s Meek as a lamb.
The man who doesn't stop to pol-
ish the point of lead once the wood
is cut away -has a streak of coarse -
nese in bis nature, and is apt to
rush right into the middle of things
and make them. hum. .
He who ..,haves 011 the lead till the
point is like a needle. is relined,
delicate, and sensitive.
An oiu-In°::EoLf YMoVvt-BheiriCKILsESw o* rth a, al9171-jpirIiitC1.7nigI, ele'tnalbj">:illTelli•IN:Itje-Ah7T. ur-
PoTahned, torfueDoacrtto/o%f 1n6inory-iesethe art key, according to a new law jest
ofTaottreeniltioiovne• grease
front aileitnpaint- 1 assed, may have only one door,
and that opening On to the street.
ed kitchen floor, serape the spot well cIl.olw-3111-1tbe
sde-ofn:s1ilec2‘Virenetting, l'cih
so that
and rub thormighly with sandpaper.
.The uterisils for blacking the stove stat'Paen113belrAts nctiTtstbehtti
de tal;;Dlg
' . i'li
should be kept in a tin box with a adieance of the amount of ink re-
nd and handle.
Let the ...husband take turns in ,c4Itilailt'°eci.' \Avilicislp‘eveliliinebne snoriPlelecc(lue,b'tYliiLohge
tending' filo baby that the wife lray 1 'pri,ite'l is 1 o be kept, and ri,18t, 1A-.
gosritleleats well
calsi ilidlirug
eeiti too E-,,,Ilcewl t'ol''IionciL)17iintine
f':r.... I)°I; c° in -
Don .