HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1903-1-1, Page 4- emtgr Chas. H. Sanders, Editor and Prop lian,sister of the ,,o'roorn, and the bride's brother George supported the groom. Ttl'URSDAYI JAN 1 1903 • After cougrate ations the company partook of at sueoptuoue repast aind a social evening was spent by all present. The happy pople left the sane even, - tee for their future home in Fatieville. The bride received many handsome ancl costly presents. There were about forty guests pi es,ent. seine of tbem from Michigan and Daltotae--ek pleas- ant event took place at St. Paul's Rec- tory. Hensall. 'Wednesday afternoon, at 4 o'cloek.when Miss Millie Drake, daughter of E. J. Drake, of Staffa. was waited, in marriag,e with Mr. John McDonald, of the same place. The bride was supported by her sister, Miss Lucinda nand the groom by his brother. Hugh. Roe Mr, Doherty performed tideereinotev, after which the wed- ding partookEof a tasty dejeonee at the reetory, and left for the residence of the bride's fether, where scene 25 esits assembled to spend the evening. Blake he young couple will reside in Crone- artFe-Another wedding took place at Idillsgrtien, on Wednesday litst, the contracting parties heing Mr. Gordon Maims, of this phice, to Miss Lettle Jones, of Exeter, We extend to the happy couples every prosperity and happiness through life. Ventral/A DRS. ORME a 010 voatx-44. .‘• 4; bens a t..:910 3.1.14,. 1 t<3' WA 7 foS cobeat; veamayseallon whit -roma (dee la ime who was dressed in ereatn serge car- ' 'ed boutert t of white( lin t' d e ri • e .t • a ions an was sopported by Miss Florence Dig- Ifillsgreen and Mrs. Morris Rife and young- est son, of North Dakota, are hero on a visit to friends and velativee. It is tweoty one 3, -ears since Mr. Rife was here. -Mr. John Parsons, after ant ab.. s.eitee of twenteeeine yeiare, is visiting friends herce-Wre. Gram has pine chateed at flue deiver ftmo David Nic,hol Wan. Stephenson, of , her mother, -,. 3.Viiloy, :•:;;.,c3::^F cris,a.p.-1::. J. 1 1-4.; tn. Mai E.,; attending the Ireg.11.• 11 etilfm',,ge, is home ftor vaoation,,- Mr. Young, of Nile, is visiting his &nigh - ter. l'd,rs. Andrew Love. ---Miss Annie Consit is in Woodstock this week act, lug as bridesiaaid at the wedding of a friend. DEeme, -Once more the hand of 4eath has visited orir midst, this time calling away one of ottr fair young middens. in the jperson kif Miss Sidona lioatz, a this place, who passed away Sunday to the Great Beyond. For some tame past thedeceaeed had been suflering front a lingexiug illness which gradtudly Lapsed int) a more eriti. cal condithdm. All that loving hands 304 *b 11 treatment mold do was done tio relieve the sufferer,n1t i11 was of no al- Ail And she gradually sank lower :nal Itiwer until tile fatal hour amnia:wiled on the above day. Her rentrdns were inferre I in the Bronson emuetery 0,M Tuesday,w hi t leer they were fellowed by a coin:MOW of rela- tives erid friends The family hese tbe deepest sympathy of the entire community in tioe their hour of he. reaventent. Rensall 34ftrs, Elliott Fairbury; and WM. wtio Wive Leen in the West for some tinto.have retnrmed hon 11 of Milec41ton Voltaire: teCeeol, s Thome for lite -T voteution.-W. Hod - gin% hos dimat000l al his he to Phil fiw gt.to4 Cook And wife spent the Viiristmais holldeys with Mes.Coak's wrents at Wroseter. Mr. Hannan spent Christmas with his tallaay near S. Ticonua-:;7,.--Miss Bessie Municipal Nominations, ilifunicipal nominations 'took place :dont:lay. Among. the candidates i field are tho followmge-- L'eboruee-Reeve-Joseple Hawkins, Vouncillorse-John Moir, R. Calm, Geo. Andrews and. James Ballantyne. All by acclamation. f3ayfiel1-Reeve-1)r-Stanbury. Conn. lors..-Jas. Thoutson,Jus.Donaldson, bn Fraset, Geo. Erwin. Thos. Elliott, . A,- Edwards. A. E.Erwin, John Val- efaller, Trustees (by acciamation)- Wm. W. Viddon, John Tippet, James Fowlie. Blyth --Reeve- Sim.MeXally (Sloan) Couneillors-Lindeay, Carter, StePhen ArenflIY "Sinanb Milne, McElroy. Trus- tees -Bradley, 31cE1roy1 Milne, Met- calfe. Salte. St. Marys--Mayoe-F. L. Butcher Kemp et anted Ili taime-day- firn kace1,4 eouncinors.....wm. wehe A. Mietogan. ofter an extended visit watt memila.,, w. ;,,,,T„ Fold, R. sturgeon. ii. Film& thPM-31''BA t4 L who has lend L. Rice. ('.E. 'WhellhaW n. .A. Fisher, citing .. of lin tIonnio''s itaiiiianry eelealle Ite, ceeele. e. L„,rueee re, tee Graham el. h,i,ifif"tat 442,' tho' p3-11 tz t,:ason .101 _for J. Dewey, R. C. Hunter„ T. T. Omit% NIcn-o aroltio in rayail aw-1)44 - r- ..,,,+,1 J. Roberts..T. McLean, R. T, Gilnin, ila rih''' 4143°' ("If L: .4.l 4F. 'Trusters-Notinkb 'Wand, T. D. Stanley, Mr-. Wen. Melt' ie ell,ithilg her dalleth• De. Hothain. J. Laing; eouth %vita W., I,V. Hams, T. B. Bennett; west ward. J. Howatd, R. (ill. W itighium-Mayor, R. Varielow, . fuel ) Tr'e' tnlit!int: kn. UM Seaforth-'dlayor, J. IL Brintilfoot : ..e.(1 v anti in.ty i Ito 'igi tos I ematinleo me.i 4 "4'1'''. /h. 31°14 3; '411'3(14 ro" Stephen- Wove, Henry Willert and ". t ee Et will he -quite, time lw. satntiot swotTooio coenemore.,..wm w Eil lip 41,344* to resmne hiq Andetson, Frpti Wuerth, Wm. Yearly work.- it64. Mr. Melot. who has loom ,tind Stephen Webb, vied.) to Ids st,ter in 1,0Polningtoll, i Immo-Reeve, j. U. McComb Meel.) 'has relvtrotel. t4ie w,is aliumit at the vonneplors-Z:ar. Burnett, Wm. Read, voin; i,i,' (1.0414 tatl a en Illiit0 1lit*4 taken T. A. wpm,. wm. Ward (med. t Ida." atO ii"P";-,. ..11,',' ont'netained f4a* EtddelpL - Reeve, Sato. IL Bodgins liter recovery.. -.qr. twvorp• 1.7.nt.r 1'4 11.- :Ind Jante$ Tooltey. Councillors, F. A. .eavering Amu the effects of his recent Rvan, Thos. Armitage, Jas. Bryan, .1. l'itliMitt. H"sill 4.4421111:0S,V With Mr* At ROM, Stanley, &venial Ungee, Lay. ton PAL 7,.38.s. ct 34se. 348 r.wouto. WoLo was 1U L 11 dar:ng the Week,. lioblitelt, wife and elliltl- von arloloo.d bore ltaft week from. the YotontbInt.wes amine' op town a few evenings ago, when their rig collided vftb one coming the opposite way. "ale rig was upset and the occupants thrown out..George reeeiving a cut on the head. The rig was also damaged. -Miss Alice Petty, who has completed her millitiery SP11151,111 in London, basre- lamed home to spinal the winter. -Mr. john Me-N.1111m is still confined to his bed through 11129. -Miss Afary Gnetz is vieiting her sister iu englers have ideate' the following offi. eers for this year. Hon. -Pres., Genrge Meroven, ILP. -Pres., C. A. MeDone Viet Pres., J. Steacy: Sec., Treas., W. McKay. 'Managing Conn, Elwood, F. Sinalizatennin-, A. Taylor. A.Sertiten Dr. S.dlery.-Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hud- son attended the wedding of the lat- ter's niece, Miss Mary Gill, at, Mitchell, ton Christmas Day. -Holy Communion was administered in St. Paul's church on Thursday morning: last. -A new organ has been Owed in St. Paul's 'ChM ale It is a 'Victorian, and. was man- ufactured bythe Doherty Co.. Clinton. -The following spent the Christmas holidays with friends and relatives here: -Mr. Isaac Buchanan, of Guelph; 'Mrs. Zuefie and children, of Harriston; Mr. James Bell, Jr.,. of Philadelphia D,..ntal College; Mrs. MoMorrin and -40a, Chicago; hfissos Lottie and Edith McEwen, f Toronto and Victoria Co.; S. Bullard, of London; Miss Kate Me - Ewen, of Toronto; Arnold Mae:odium, London; J. K. Wren and wife,Dundas, Mr. and Mrs, Moorehouse and Miss Cook, of Detroit; B. 0. McOloy'For_ est City Business College; Miss Drily,- UM, And. Miss Jen n Dick, Toronto. Blanshardt Fanny B. Oliver, one of PRESENTATION. -Prior to ter depar- where our pioneers, died at the home of her tare from Hensall School, snn, Mr. T. O. Robson on Saturday at has h•en teachiog since the holidays. the advanced age 01 83 years. Along Miss Lucy Stephens was presented bv the popiL; (if bet' mom with 0, wind_..ith her brother from Upper Nesbit,- some it,(!xbutogslure, Scotland, she cattle to souvenir. Miss Stephens has woo the heart of her pupils, v,110 great.- nis country in 1333 and settled here; ly regret, hr dopartore. Deceitted was held in high esteem by a • Dbovrns.--Martin MoTaggart, Sr„ posstld petioefolly away at his home in traborte Tp., on Sunday, Dec .21st, at the advanced oge oi 78•years. Mr. lIrfe- Taggart was a man beloved, by all he canol in contact -with, a devout Metho•- dist mid- a fine farmer. The funeral took place on Toesday to Mammal -Vs coin etory. • A large nowber of friends followed his reunliMs to their last •VehtliSg pia oe. t was a niat t or of sur- prise as well as regoet . to the tnany Itionds of Mrs. Robt. Mole to learn that she hod silently passed awrott to the better land ou Thues(hty. Mrs. moil, had reached the ripe old ;too; of aod (t -I months. The deceased Wool %Don in Nova Scotia and after- walals in 1dto Usborne, till 17 years ago, When she, with her n tow bereaved lid, moved to ilensoll. She Avas a (ptiet woman, highly esteemed by heo etilatives ;old aeouainOinces kk anath 111 1)0 1;.oenly felt heye. The f nr; oral took. dpbkee to the Rodgeoville eTil.Stery on hi or; d y of f; ern Oon and 11,rn,'S IA4VgelY atterleleCl. 11,11PPy even t t 0 olc obice at th'3 residence of lidr. iI LI Riehatolson, Frock -oft Tot. Wednesday evening, Dec.24t1, when da ug,hter, Miss Elhi, was ;loiter], in marriitge to Mr. Ed \void. Dignan, , of the Zurich Road; Hay. The „c -‘,3A:111 On y took,place a t 5 p. to. n oder everg:eon arch. MISCHANCESfeet that No. 5 was 'to meet the extra east freight at Wanstead. The order ' was repeated by the ag,cut at Watford, THE WAINTaTEAD IlitItECK7S ItE- XfAX.R.ABTAD RBAT ORM Around About Us. Goderich tp; Mr. Holland, teacher of S.S. No. Os was presented..Ar bus p - pile with a beautiful fruit diell and a handsome cup and saucer, accompan- ied tei.* 11, well worded address. St. Marys: Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephens have the sympathyof all their friends in the loss of their daughter. Bale Malludn, who died on Friday and WaS buried in the Kirkton cemetery on Monday. St. Marys: On Sunday, Mlle, the little daughter of Geo. Brown, was se- verely liorned. She was standing on a chair near the stove and in some Way slipped and fell with both hands on the hot stove. The wounds are very painfal. Clinton: Elmer Pattison, the ten- year -old -son of Mr. A. O. Pattison; -vas the victim of an air gnu shooting- acci- dent on Monday. The gnu was in the hands of a boy of abate his own :,age' •and the shot struck him in the corner of the eye. The doctor succeeded. in extraeating the shot and it is hoped nothing seriotis will result. St. Marys: Jos. 'Murphy had the misfortune to inflict a painful wound on his leg the other day. He put a gun cartridge on the sidewalk and strock it with a Stone. He immediately ex- perioneed stinging pain in his l000• and on examination it was found that the. Cartridge cap was embedded under the :;kin. Dr. Smith extricated the cap With a pair of forceps. wide circle of friends. Her only sur, viving.relatives are her son end her niece. 01 into 11: O'n Friday Miss Ida Plum- mer breathed her ltigt. She wtis the .seoond yonngest daughter,..of Mr. S. G. Phammer and a lady of most sterling mauve Who enjoyed the respect; and esteem .of all wino knew het% The ill,. inass which, resulted in her death wa$ (1331/13 3ete3 while serving iks t1.11133 s0,„ . at Providence, Rhode I. jand, 314ro, years 35 0 Some time sinee AIiss Plutruner veo.ognizdd that her stay' 3113o31 3) 31111 was of short (1)31 31)1)11 hot she; accept- ed it with true Cheistia 31 resignation. 33 1(13.3 as ready •cylien the [IMO call ORENIN OR THE INQUEST 44 WRONING, DDERATORER IltERE,, AND A C.ARSOINT TESTIEY, Wyoming, Dee. 50. -At the inquest * railroad etory as dramatic and as tragic AS any in the history of railroads was told by in Despatcher Kerr and Statien, Ageot Andrew caraiin„ who gave their dikerent 'Versions of the eanees which. led to the Wanetead her- ror. Their statements are different in no great degree freni those contained in the despatchee' Scat to The Glebe frcnal Lenon MI Sanctity, hut they were to, day made en Oath., and the two ena, Payees both . added details to support Zbe evidence which ell the elle Vital eint et direct reeponeibility for the wreete eontredieted each other. 'rhe teetheeny Of the two teen agreed up to the etetenient 1y Caraen that Kerr heal told hint to "bust." or cancel, the erder inetructiens for the expreee train No. el and the eastbound freight to peee t Wanstead, denied. sending Oil tessane, and his denial /4 eupported by a. olPthe iloenmentery evidenee, whic4 will remain es a reread of the tragedy. Careen lois only in black end Ividte the ords "Bost it," written 911 the order by ithnself, tu support his word. Xhe elirieus chain of reiehaps which led to the di545ter WAS perhape the meet im- preseive feature brouglit out. by the day'e proveediege. (arson. in the first lime, either misunderstood or feiled te ,liver an order or else that ander W.15 properly given. Either of these cir- mstances might have °coned, and a ck been impeesible if the operator at mgecourt bad been at his key, indeed oL as Int probably was, out on the plat- form. There wee e clear four miles be- tween the two stations in whieh to erar time to stop the ex,preee, If the great engine, with its watehful cagi- er, had passed. the Aingscourt danger %nal, and the Wanatead operator had been working in Itis °nice, as he otten do'.- atuight. WOlidil have had Oro woe en route from °Ierento to Duluth, minutes to raise his semaphore, and the has completed the identiditation of all eNpr!fs could not have got by that. cif the liedies taken front the r. ,;k. WIth No. 5 past thesz two stntiens and the remains lain poolialtly Ito taken the agent at w yarning bad a, eilanN to ,tt Dulatb for interim:at, ae there arc. bold the fridgItt. Be was imperve lee!y r,o,o;,1.0. ef thc yo;:ra relatta5 in Ordered to do tide ler the dernieteiler, that eity mi gave the eignal to the rear brake- 11 .1114' inquest svill be continued here num ott the van of the long line of cars. , t day. The bralitmen SaW the lantern wave, trettore, jjec. go.. -.e we citizen and trenemitted the stop signalto the arid 1111SineR1 311(11 of the Town heed of the train. Ile supposed that ol wetelee wise to prote.;,,e, ,Dublin: A. dark -oho -al was cast oVer 1) 0 liltia borg and neighborhood on Sontlay, by Um death of Rev. Father Fogarty,,the sad event oocio•ing stuoto ly after two o'clock in the a f tconoon. Toe Sunda y. 1.,3e3.'10113) he was A pl)A11,011t- 1y 133 the best of health, and took an Interested part: in the blessing of his new ell kitckh bell, whieh was p311toren51.1 1y Bishop M-cAvoy, Srion-aftel he eo-ntracted a severe cold which cleyeh o , '(1. int() plarisy. followed by pneu- monia. Fath er Fogarty was respeoLed and beloved by all 337110 1)31013 biro. A sod circumstance in connedtioa -with his death was that the new:boil blesse'q .8 week ago was tO1 1.8a /T1,,S1111(1 ay 101' 1,13v. 11;11,, Dollerty 'offirjo,tea, The bride, •the firSt tome for his own death, , and ale° at Wyoming, where the extra east freight was waiting, and the order was completed at 9.49 p.m. Some eight ininutes later Wynn -king called London and said, the freight was not getting 01.4, and inquiry at Watford showed that No., 5 a -as coming. Kerr notified the agent at the latter place that he (the despatcher) might "host" the order. aub4equeut1y Kerr gave the freight per- illissiOa to leave Wyoming, but on learning that NR, 5 had left Wetford he again got Wyoming and asked the perator there to hold the freight, "I can't," 3r1S11-ered Wyoining, to which Zerr replied "Yon meet," Kings - court Junction was &led, and when the answer ame, seen minutes after the first call to it, the operator said the express had passed. On e‘eing asked why be let No, 5 go, tlie agent at Wat- ford replied, that Ierr had told him "to bust it," meaning to annul the order. Wanstead called about the thne the Iritnes,.s thought '1,,Zo. 5 •-would arrive there, uotityiug him of the accident anilcalling for Om auxiliary. Mi. Kerr id the Operator at Waristead Was ra- lievell. from duty for Pm day when the despatcher knew that his work Was over, and the agent at Watford had to Tama pne e .og plata ..ienp 10 IqvittaA tie night operater at King -secant had answered the call Mater he believ. ed No, 5 could have been Stepped. The operator at Kingeourt netted why he had net answered the earlier call, and said that he did not hear it. Oft cross. examination, on the question of the company's rules, Mr,. li.err said that if tho order to meet at Wanstead had been "hosted" he would have issued A subsequentorder annulling it, Stich an• order Was not issued. With a direct order for two such trains to meet, the freight train did lot have to he in the sialine, 'five /Matinee befere the arrival of the exprees. Under other cirenue. stenos it would have. The railway authorities are awaiting the verdict, of the Coroner's jury before making an im'estigatien upon their owit behalf. The reaSen for this is that , b'uperintendent Jones evishee te have all of the employees who might be implieate ed in the acts of negligence weigh QM1S. ed the wreck give thew statements upon oath tint. N'ot one of the men directly counceted with the incidents leading up to the wreek were asked by tlie officials fur a detailed expianations but whatever the outcome of the judicial investiga- tion, the superintendent of the diViSiOrt wilt Ideal 'with the ease an behalf uf the railway afterwards. The diszavery of the friends of MISS Teini Paananezi, the yei,ung woman who the e.anduettv lied lrfen left bellied. hitt eeeiliee tile renterk and tniT• fruit the 1' it 44841C' 4112 azhIlwr Ii i 1 elkiternent has been einat- ' tern that C"1711.11S 232oht, sift kited 7itrou di the medium of the press during tb Iast day or two In regard -to the G. T. IL egeut, Mr. Carson. In the statements it was seated that the G. T. It. aide's denied the feet that Mr. Car- son was au overworked servant of the company. It is a well-known fact to ll business men that Mr. enrson is do- ing the work with the assistance of a new student, which formerly required four qualified men nt a time when there was not half the volume of buelueee to attend to at Watford. We think it our duty to correct thee statements, know - lug them to be tatitrue, rind we eonsider that a, gross injustice leis been done to O good citizen and a valuable servant of the G.Zit." This reeolutiou wits passed with the Reeve in the chair. (Signed) Thos. Wiekett, M.D., James Williams. London, Ont., Dee. 29.-(Specialo - The Grand Trunk Itailway audorities are freely extending the privileges of the. toed to friends of those who suffer: ed by the Moisten(' eatastroplie, and of- fer free transportation for both dead and injured. ' The condition of the pall- ents at Victoria. Hospital ie encourag- ing. Sim the report given out at a late hour last night, with one -excep- tion, all have improved and are strong- er and in betterspirits than at any other time since Me reek. Alexander M. Stewart of Wingham is the only one whose 'condition is less satisfying. il•e, is only slightly bruised, but his pulse sank rapidly during the. night. Dr. hlason, one of the house surgeons, said that he thought that it- was, merely .reactibn from shock. by both coniluetor antl front brakeman, so be did not repeat the signal. The IN'yoming agent., content with having his stop signal aeknowledged, walked back in to hie station, not: knowin thet, he had felled to carry out the instruetion, namely, to "stop" the freight. Conduc- tor Graham knew that be bad to paSS the freight rtt Wanstead, and but for a final mishap to his plans ..the expresS would have swept by in safety. Graham knew better than to keep it fast pas- senger train waiting, and, iu his own words, he "didn't went tiny truck, with those big mogul engines," so when the freight was nearing the switeli at Wan - steed he ordered the driver to slacken speed, and the brakeman jumped off and ran ahead to turn tile switeh. This WaS to save the time that would be lost by brineeinee the heavy train of beef ears to it dead standstill and then start again. The ground at the switch was • slippery, with soft snow. and the braktmart's feet went from under him. ...tie failed to throw_ the switch, and the freight en- gine and ears rolled: along the main track past him. Then the train had to be stopped and backed up to the switch. This -took a minute an31 it half, only it little, time., but longer flan would have been required to pull the train into se- curity on the siding. When that littie thne expired the crew were jumping for their lives before the awful rush or No. 6 exierre5si ithearing cif the, evidenee is being proceeded with in a little hall near the VI'yotting station, itself once the shelter of many sufferers from a railway wreok. Dr. Albert E.,. Ball of the •towrt is the presidirig Coroner, and he has drawn his pry from ariong, th: citizens of his own 'tillage, and inoluded among them . four eler*,onen. " The juror's are :Messrs. 'William Cul- bert, itobert Rae, Coghill; Rev. J. ht. Gumi, Pierre Parker, Rev. W. D. Dieltarclson, Q. 11. Smith, Rev. B. J. laffts,•• W.• ST[0,,t,11 Reo, vo,• (4, kit. &rows, Simon Casey, Alphonso C. 0,-. Bartley and John Gibson, Mr. J. W... d tit WA mode foreman. .11r. George C. 011119, Divisional Super- intentlerit .of the railway. was in the vil- lage during the day, but the represen- tatives of the cninpany in the court room -Were. Alr.1- W. CoStello Of.. Lor. - 1133 Assistant Superintendent, and Mr.V7.'i Pope' of liaileeint; who aet-, ed aingral adyiser. hlr. Carso-ot tho aronit'actor-eharoed by hiS mot -dors with rospoosibility for the wrook, hod with blio Mx. W. 1 . Ramie, hi.P,P., of ' The examinatious are +boing eon - ducted Coown' Attortey Rooks of Sarnia. Carson was called ibost, his lawyer _1. '110(1. • Ite said. tha,l; .0(1In have heard exam; Ace dealiog -with •theincidents tradiuo up to CarPores part in it. This being praeLi- rally an intimation that the dew tcher's version should be oivoto first' Mr. 3. ,11Slorr, 1•110 author of the ordor :For the crossing ,of the trainssat ealict to the stood, ' Ho said t hitt -Oh on o. lei't London pn • FridaY aighi• it .bod an order to rota to 1Vatfo3'd. on hour late, arel fa ft min- utek late lrorn there to Sarnia 17.,unne,I• Fifteen rkiinu hes were lost before Stra Toy .;vas' -reached. brit lie was: not•sure, hut t the time, had 1iilhoort lest before ,the express left i,11 301. 1. -was -expented to roa.eit Watford at 10 oIr'rek ond oritodl” 1'1 • 1•1 iakont we; r -n antes The, ,was nik„Mitilered 93 aini it -Was to 'the er- EALII6T-SITTEEIlsTG CASES. - Only One 3'3fan. Tares the. Charge at St. Thomas. St. Thomas, Dec. 80. -The ballot-stuf, ling eases in connection with the referen- . dam vote, eame tip before Judge Bell the Court House yesterday. I -I. A. Dranton was the, onl37 one of the three necur:ed to put; in an appeurance. D. J. Donahue 'for the Crown, d Mr. -Cameron 513 his assistaitt, and J. A. Robinson fot the defeadvats., .were the courksej. The 'hearing swas adjourned tod January 19. . .seseee, so 44,4; 4Til.--;...44411444414::il..41}:r:9011114.11.:1911Crlii:17L:roliji;:tr.11:44:612teturimm0:41181:: '11'.efl'''''''''.4;31.!; Z-: BRITAIN fL_rni ....„fte,,FltiCg dorkt,- • Atmeaft . .!:'-:', ,-.-......... ,.,,....,... -•'-'4.:', Price I Callao; $1.00; Si* Dettlee for $5.00 No remedy covers so large a field 0 useftfineSs as ST. JANUs 1-VAFRS. They are indicated wiremver there is a weal< condition, as they -ton e up the ddiereht organs aud bring strength to the tissues. Palpitation a the heart, poor di, gestion, sleeplessness, weak nerves, amernia, and ehlorosis, are quickly relit vcd by Sr. j.v.huts Wiwrdts ; they oso ropair the waste caused by bard work and fatigue. ST. jx.lar,s WAFERs help stomach, digest food and Send the nutriment through the blood, and this i$ the honest way to get health and strength, Un kind that u.lopa breeds the energy acconve plishes much. "St. JetneaVetere. forniab; most Ro.werftit evidence of the vestlyincreoacd power of Medi, ci444,eAt by egmbbuttioa, of Ina, elcogs p4tokqecgtie prerftra., tt9PS. X. hove vserf ppm wit.4 gPfhi'MACTCSA '07%45 PAtIgnta needed strength:1 claorlea 741vcrpocl1 Aug. ar,,Aitun lrlifoitgve: not a tOret etnoty: Penunteraos!levtOrote. • menctiv titon 1214or tatit414 flit,firt*nuran0413rceggt. qtercdcalersarenoteellientbe vafersolitey ate mailed upour-e, • lot et' wife at the Cautaban branch; 4i, .14141n Mut cr., ntli $t, .Clabodet St., gleaned, L40,,,efoombowiew9 r 4 : gt iiiiewsosibe , • NEW PAPIII:Et in. ii?aymoncli,t.rersTontaine . L 1.21331511311< Tylontretti, i)ee. acnIftfreltpc: Ivaa 110133 here between Eton. Hayti -lona Pre - font :tine --and a ittanhttr of lefthing. 5,11)- 33 1113. rCi couf,r03)330 'Y3IS to take stepS-to-kvarcl, 'establilking 33 r'e-• 1 133(3)1013i.bc-,1 03(1 3) in `rerti as tile 'party, since Alr: Tarte's with- dra kval 110333 the C,c);.",-nmerkt • ;• 'out a tettalar ork„ .3.)(1ee4 ittt; to c[' 1i a neWt pa.per, dand ,s 001131:fl1t-toe -kvas named to knalco ai'rangcnients. Pere:1v,"....arcraette Oft -icor,. Boston, Doc. e rilricting of 1.1)(„. Pere 21.33141te11-e itadiroUtt contpany 113) following' '\vere elect:ad to the ate 3-1'110111333) 33 \\:e'si; of St. :Donis W. K. IiiKby, St. '1101.1is '3') 1)3301 . , Philadelphia ; ew Yolk , f,1„ 1 on J pen bei, Ic,c, PreSiC1Colf and (tenet 9.1 111 na ire). jhe 113' hits passed into' tile bands' ot st;re 3)131,' 33. LEAD TO Consumption THOUSANDSF PERSONS ARE HASTENING TOWARDS THE GRAVES AS A RESULT OF THIS DREAD DISEASE t Ptal.-Mo stands 014)14C•A190 MSC el' any Ober niedicioe ota 0551$talat is tot weevilly. Eat gatal, riourisbivg tro.NA.gret Otaity Ctekilt air and Oznoicori vivrorw, ctual tipv pa! -Mo Gs dire‘ta, if wed as directed will check the pregeeee 11111t atil41t"ge tto Mt. 01.0115 fatal diw.;Iso ivq13 tOw Pul-no .t:Al ed to perfect heall'e, Pe not go to anklIti"t" "t t.R9 Nide* yOa INVideire. Celifereie, Nerdeo or 1116; iwo„"rc!" 3;tYla I'Catts' for IS real% 'efounteine. 114 Main ;"+,t le,traet YVIr "ruarv"t "I; not ;1.474 11441:31°iai ritui how cotarans arolo1 yon ‘4,1 "4'04 11.41111Q v.it be &livered to P41:41o, the eeldevenee.t of ti:r '4V century an ot Inte• 41101E0 i'- an tooREE Au. oHARcr absolute cure for Conseuiptioe, Throlt ow% and Lung Troubles, Coughs, Col& and el. •Addrcia all lettere to Pol•hte Co., To.onto. Ont. other consumptive symptoms. A cure is every sufferer; P MI I) hetflurJ of t 11,1 day 1122 gone past when a 'wise WWII= wla put up with au iniedar cooking apparatus. She has heard of 4* 'DU Ca The Happy Thoht" R.angello Tho Corrugated Oven and, her neighbors tell her what it will do. If by' chance you do not know the merits of The "Rappy Thought” you owe it to yourself to investigate. See the Range, look into the firebox an:Alines, weigh the coverg, note the rittitted dampers, the ventilated, illuminated oven, the corrugated oVeliMaleS, and all the different features that mike this Range so different and sosuperior Yon °don't know true household. tomfort if you don't Irranv The " Happy Thought', Range. Wilte the Manufaciurer; for Ithrstrated Catatogue. Mge The WM. BUCK STOVE CO.,zbatibRoRD, Sold ' • WA KAN Exetsr k by 4 ommemaavers,-.....mmtrammem ,a tp.: eitiitelon, 01 the Oth eon. 1:101. with :i, 8121 111118 11.1i15. I 1138110p thf.Citlior dlly while (iattle. When in the ;Let 13! 1101(121333 1311 inf Livia ted laotst ho,,st tinibled 81141 13-11,, iliitittng with violent force lo) Ills 1..‘5-1. 13311341, (1.31313... 41101.3(.5,, in 011:1' Nsto.',4* 1/1,,•1111.. 1131 1 ing- 113)' 111113;; of 1)15 113(33(1. 15 .3.0115 11101114111 ;it l•St.1.11A 11n11 10V 3 3.,1.,i1, 13,33 his limb, lkut ttkroulgli 1,11,,,cla :1,;11111- (36I131igt10kivkliispit)1;:81:...tn 1311110.3 hilt(kIlered, cm tho ; Girtyirl e(kn. J, t.ht (31 '174ke I,311 pm•flitnieci ko: 1;1 01,3 333) win) ot11e1;11 in ,31k4 (1111 111 5, sviflk 011A55t. it) lf; 1,101:2,35:-\\'yant 111 lie, of pairchnsod 111s. I01 Cat; 111i37 3.11" 1)011' S11(1). ,ittun:‘s l'ioNve, ;twill tre- .1.'1-ntt.i.(d1t,51 1.:-,'11(1!'1 33 ;'1113:1111 1(11 1)11 ;at,: 1111,! lip, Col; 3.011.'0 1fio o,kst or tike rirtvcnt Hold. 5:113' „,11 311 be ed crigi'l 111:.'11 11111 snow El tI 11-11 tlio boy [.-A 51:1t1 Cho way- tsle aeal in clitadtliig,• tiro heavily 'icier; wagon 3)1i11 311111 r. tin ; tliro1711 itt t groom1. nd his foot kkkg ik;tkvcon the 8nt.1 ,,(k r ea 1, th.,it 118.(113, trktelAkt.Pd. -- 131, 113)113. 11133,' 01 N11)1.5). day nigiit. She 1, 1'. retirblg •1':'w diighr; IwIted Sin, nud lo oke tIn; (':11•'In11.: .;"•4 1 01. 1 1111 :R1(4,1 3 ' (33 'kW(' 1111(1 oho V biz: 0 - ed autl suffered ioteoscly; St. Marys: Mr, Bowen, buteher, died on Satin -do y at bis at theago of -12, years: • He thad not been in gond health for sev.eral Years. Nearly two y3)A.1171, 11.2.1) 1.3 0, WAS Obliged, illness, to give up bpsiness idnee that time lie has been ill. Be was a, viol ito of 13right's disease. Tbir- t o ears ago; hir. ilmven et:lite to St. aort foom Laval opened a I lot •:113'IV:iilf;11 V:111011 11.4- et n eted very to. toot' yoais. Be - moo, ;vitt, Ito leaves io 111011113 his (11'11t11 Iwo (1,:ught.i.n. 13431 11-311, itent, t>.witioneo c?to tItc • ''\^;,`1, 151131 111111'110r (led Jan 3(1.1,1, 111(1 :501,...,4: bringlp,g, ilt 1)15103.35)31» '3)41)314: -"WO find that \Vatson loot 11115 deu 1 11 float; gunshot 'wound itt•tlie 1)f11/.1 • NVa'tnon duping a' 110150d .of irrenpintsi- i)tlity, Induced by oxcit;:.35,4‘.:te nervcius ond itiental-feae, bordeoiog fl 01)3 11114, Itze to the kkkaltre:ttroont proviolksi:y in- flicted 11y 1kkkrglark,:, anti the 13eliQf 3,11133, 111e3 \vere. 8,,,Pckikk 10 ,I5o tilijeottid to fully iwitoicirsremaiel:vot(ieleititiyeet (1)/ fe op: t ipep.0113.1,0ci i. tatio1011031,nod believe that le: . poseriiv c inl,NVOS 13 t.)111.$711,1'." \17 3)011 -Was sent np for 1,1.11.11. bect-1,11S0 S110 W:1,4 l'e331'13,13111(3„11( S1.1 OVC*biilli no with sonie• .110y3) co; tlie street at '13of'falo, Mottle Gcoigh, a fif- teen yeao ()Id gill, committed suicble Saturday. She fastened A, 1-'0550 stc.aui pi33e, pin (10(1 3) 11003.1- ,1)01111(1 Ill neck .ind jornpeci 0'1 111e' elmio --vviclowed loot -her' lives i0 St.' Ca Ilia v- ines. 3,7